FOW - War of Flames FPS

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Transcript of FOW - War of Flames FPS

  • 7/30/2019 FOW - War of Flames FPS


    Spawn point

    Once you have selected your class, you must now choose anySpawn Point that matches your teams aliation, and placeyour Warrior on that Spawn Point (you can choose a dier-

    ent Spawn Point later). You are now in the game!

    im Shot!

    I your Warrior is Hit as a result o shooting, roll a die oreach hit:

    I the result 3+, your Warrior ignores the hit.

    On any other roll, your Warrior is Destroyed.

    Bulletproof Cover

    I your Warrior is hiding behind Bulletproo Cover, like astone wall or inside a building, ignore the Im Shot! rule.Instead, your opponent must roll another die.

    I the result is equal to or greater than the Firepowerrating o the weapon they used, they Destroy your


    On any other result, your Warrior is sae rom thehit.

    AssAult Action

    I you choose an Assault Action, you must move your Warriorup to 4/10cm so that it makes contact with an opposing

    Warrior (or vehicle, see below). Immediately roll a die:

    I the result 4+, you hit the enemy Warrior and it isimmediately Destroyed in hand-to-hand combat.

    Otherwise you ail and you must move 2/5cmdirectly away rom your opponents Warrior.

    No matter what the result o your Assault Action, your turnimmediately ends.

    Every Warrior receives one ree Action. Once that action iscompleted, you can try and get another. Roll a die:

    i the result 4+, you may take a second Action

    otherwise your turn immediately ends.

    typeSof aCtionS

    Tere are three types o Actions: Move, Shoot, and Assault.You can choose any o these or your action and they do nothave to be in any particular order.

    With the exception o Move Actions, you cannot choose thesame Action twice in the same turn.

    Move Action

    I you chose a Move Action, you may move your Warrior upto 6/15cm in any direction. I you gain a second Action,you may take another Move Action.

    shoot Action

    I you choose a Shoot Action, declare a target within line osight o your Warrior. Select one o your Warriors weaponsand roll one die or each point o ROF (Rate o Fire):

    Each result o 3+, hits your target and it must makean Im Shot! roll (see below).

    Each ailed roll is a miss!

    Add +1 to the result needed i your target is in cover.

    I your Warrior is Destroyed (by shooting or as a result o an Assault), you may Respawn at any o your teams Spawn Pointsat the start o your next turn.

    orderof play

    Players are assigned a number when they join the game. Playalways ollows the order o the player numbers. Te personrunning the game will call out your number and when it is

    your turn your warrior may move about and shoot on thetable using Actions. Once you have completed your Actions,play moves to the next player, and so on.

    Your Warrior is your avatar on the battleeld. Beore entering the game you must choose one o ve the Warrior Classes (seepage 2).

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    Beore entering the game you must choose one o ve the Warrior Classes. Tese include: Scout, Assault, Anti-tank, Medic,and Engineer. Your Warrior Class determines your weapon load out and special rules.

    A Warrior with a Scout Class hastwo special rules:

    One Shot, One Kill: A Warriorwith a Scout Class may re-roll aailed result to hit a target Warrior

    with its Rife.

    Fire on that Hill: I a Warrior with a Scout Class hits atarget with its Binoculars, place a Ranged In token nextto the hit Warrior. Te hit has no other eect.

    weaponSTeam Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

    Rife 16/40cm 1 2 5+

    Pistol 4/10cm 2 1 6

    Binoculars 40/100cm 1 - -

    Notes: Tank Assault 2

    A Warrior with an Assault Class

    has one special rule:Grenade Spam: A Warrior witha Assault Class may take a secondShooting Action as long as it is usedto shoot with Assault Grenades.


    Team Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

    Assault Rife 8/20cm 3 2 6

    Assault Grenades 8/20cm 1 3 4+

    Notes: Tank Assault 2

    A Warrior with an Anti-tank Classhas one special rule:

    Home Wrecker: A Warrior withan Anti-tank Class may re-roll aailed result to hit a target Vehicle

    with its Bazooka.


    Team Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

    Bazooka 8/20cm 1 10 5+

    Pistol 4/10cm 2 1 6

    Notes: Tank Assault 4

    A Warrior with a Medic Class hasone special rule:

    Triage: I a riendly Warrior (notincluding this Medic) within2/5cm ails a Save, roll a die:

    On a result o 4+, that Warriorignores the hit.

    On any other roll, that Warrioris Destroyed.

    weaponSTeam Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

    SMG 4/10cm 3 1 6

    Notes: Tank Assault 2

    A Warrior with an Anti-tank Classhas one special rule:

    Monkey Wrench: I a riendly

    Armoured vehicle, (not includingone this Engineer is in) within2/5cm is hit, add +1 to its armourvalue. Tis eect is not cumulative

    with additional Engineers.


    Team Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

    Pistol 4/10cm 2 1 6

    Flame-thrower 4/10cm 1 - -

    Notes: ank Assault 4. Warriors, Guns, and Unarmoured vehicleshit by a Flame-thrower are immediately Destroyed! Armouredvehicles ignore all hits by Flame-throwers








    TI -TANK









  • 7/30/2019 FOW - War of Flames FPS


    Vehicles are available on each map. Tese range betweentanks, transports, sel-propelled artillery, and aircrat. Tereare also guns, such as heavy machine-guns, anti-tank guns,and anti-aircrat guns. Your warrior can crew these vehicles

    and guns to use their greater repower.


    Like Warrior Classes, each vehicle and gun has its owncard that describes its characteristics and weaponry. Whenmounted in a vehicle or gun, use this cards inormationinstead o your own Warriors card.

    mounting up

    You may board a vehicle or gun (i it has enough empty seats)by using a ull Move Action. You cannot actually move your

    Warrior as a part o this Move Action, so you must eitherbegin your turn already adjacent to the vehicle, or use asecond Move Action.

    take yourSeat

    Some vehicles have multiple seats to occupy (as dened onthe vehicle card). When you mount up, you may occupy anyempty seat.

    Te seats in each vehicle give you control over dierent partso the vehicle. For example, you might occupy the driversseat, which also gives you access to a machine-gun. You mayuse both o these abilities while mounted in that seat.

    Changing SeatS

    You may spend a Movement Action to change into a seat thatis not currently occupied or to swap with a team mate.


    You may use a ull Move Action to dismount rom a vehicle.

    You cannot actually move your Warrior as a part o this MoveAction, simply place your Warrior adjacent to the vehicle.

    Vehicles and Guns have at least one Seat or Warriors tooccupy. Each seat gives players one or more ways o usingthe vehicle.

    Each seat has one or more positions that your Warrior canman while in the vehicle. Te our basic positions include:Passenger, Driver, Gunner, and Machine-gunner.


    A Warrior occupying a Driver Seat moves the vehicle as apart o the Warriors normal Move Action or assaults with thevehicle as a part o the Warriors normal Assault Action.


    A Warrior dismounting a vehicle rom a Passenger Seat maydo so without spending a Move Action.


    A Warrior occupying a Gunner Seat may turn the turret (iapplicable) and shoot the vehicles (or guns) main gun as apart o the Warriors normal Shoot Action.


    A Warrior occupying a Machine-gunner Seat may shoot thepositions machine-gun as a part o the Warriors normalShoot Action.


    A Warrior in Seat 1 may move the Medium ank, shoot itsmain gun, and shoot its Co-ax MG.

    A Warrior in Seat 2 may shoot its .50 cal AA MG anddismount without spending an Move Action to do so.

    Seat 1

    Driver, Gunner, Machine-gunner (Co-ax MG)

    Seat 2

    Passenger, Machine-gunner (.50 cal AA MG)

    You can also fy aircrat in War o Flames. Simply mount upin the pilots seat you are airborne!

    pilot Seat

    A Warrior occupying a Pilot Seat may operate any one o theaircrats weapons as a part o the Warriors normal Shoot

    Action, and may move the aircrat as a part o the Warriorsnormal Move Action.

    airCraftand aSSaultS

    A Warrior occupying a Pilot Seat may never take an AssaultAction.

    Shootingat airCraft

    Only weapons with Anti-aircrat in the notes may shoot ataircrat.

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    Some vehicles have special abilities, such as Artillery andbeing Unarmoured or Armoured.


    A vehicle or gun classed as Artillery may re bombardments.A Warrior in the Gunner Seat o an Artillery vehicle or gunmay re a bombardment as a Shooting Action instead oshooting normally.

    o re a bombardment use the ollowing procedure:

    Step 1: Pick a target Warrior that is within Line o Sight oyour Warriors vehicle or gun.

    Step 2: Roll one die to range in your gun:

    I the result is 3+ you have successullyranged in your gun (Add +1 to the result

    needed i your target is in cover).Otherwise you ail to range in and your

    bombardment is over.

    Step 3: I you have ranged in successully, place a 6 x 6(15cm x 15cm) template, square to the table, over the target

    Warrior and roll one die or each and every warrior (riendlyand enemy) caught under any part o the template:

    Each result o 4+, hits the Warrior it is Destroyed.

    Each ailed roll is a near miss!

    Observers: Artillery may also choose to re their bom-bardment at any Ranged In token that has been placed bya riendly Scout. In this case they skip straight to step 3,placing their template over the Ranged In token.

    gun SaveS

    Warriors manning Guns always use the Bulletproo Coverrules when hit. I the result is equal to or greater than theFirepower rating o the weapon the opposing Warrior used,the gun, and all Warriors mounted inside are Destroyed

    unarmoured vehiCleSand gunS

    When an Unarmoured Vehicle is hit, roll a die or each hit:

    I the result 5+, the vehicle or gun ignores the hit.

    On any other roll, the vehicle, and all Warriorsmounted inside are Destroyed.

    armoured vehiCleS

    When an Armoured Vehicle is hit in shooting or assault, rolla die or each hit and add the vehicles armour rating:

    I the result is greater than the shooting weaponsanti-tank, the vehicle ignores the hit.

    I the result is equal or less than the shooting weaponsanti-tank, the vehicle, and all Warriors mounted insideare Destroyed.

    getting hitin aSSaultS

    I an Unarmoured vehicle or gun is hit in an Assault,the vehicle or gun, and all Warriors mounted inside are


    I an Armoured vehicle is hit, and the assaulting Warriorsank Assault rating is greater than the vehicles op Armourrating, the vehicle and all Warriors mounted inside areDestroyed. Otherwise, it is sae rom harm.

    aSSaultingwith vehiCleS

    Warriors in Vehicles cannot make an Assault Action unlessthey are occupying the Drivers Seat.

    Vehicles cannot assault other vehicles.

    Aircrat cannot assault or be assaulted under anycircumstances.


    Armoured vehicles are well protected. Tey have special savesagainst enemy shooting, and unlike all other teams, they are

    not immediately Destroyed i they are hit in an Assault.


    Unarmoured vehicles oer no additional protection, butoer excellent speed and mobility in return.

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    Scout Assault Anti-tank Medic Engineer

    Tis is a very tongue-in-cheek sort o game. Its goal is tobring the un o a First Person Shooter computer game tothe table top with a sort o ironic and un twist. As theperson running the game, you can be as strict or as silly as

    youd like with your game. You can add or create your ownvehicles, guns, or even classes. Tis set o rules is meant to bea starting point and how ar you want to go beyond this iscompletely up to you and your resources.


    A game o War o Flames requires the ollowing materials:

    At least one fgure or each player

    Class okens

    Scoring Sheet

    Te Map (or table)

    At least three Spawn Points

    Dice, measuring devices, etc.

    Optional supplies include:


    Guns (and Artillery emplates i needed)

    In most game modes, youll need to keep score as the personrunning the game. Add points to a players score card or:

    Qualifcation Points Earned

    Destroying an Enemy Warrior 1 point

    Saving a Friendly Warrior (Medics) 1 point

    Adding a Control Marker 1 point

    Returning the Flag 1 point


    In some game modes, youll also need to keep track o howmany times a players Warrior is Destroyed. Add one pointto the players otal Deaths score each time their Warrior isDestroyed.

    CuStom pointSand aChievementS

    You may also want to add points or other heroic actions inthe game, like knocking out anks or Guns, etc. Tese arecompletely up to you as the organiser. For example, you may

    want to keep track o how many ank kills a player racks upso that you can award an Achievement to a player (perhapscalled ank Buster) or destroying the highest number o


    One o the great things about War o Flames is the act thatyou can get everything you need to play using a only ewgures rom your collection. In our games we have used

    normal Flames O Wargures based on small 3/4 (20mm)round bases.

    Its a very good idea to plan out how many gures you aregoing to need or the game. A good War o Flames game usesabout 10 miniatures, ve on each side. You can, o courseexpand upon this i youve got more players, but be mindulo your table space! Its too easy to think that you can run10-15 gures per side, but when you think about it, thats30 players! O course one option to help with that is to haveplayers run multiple Warriors each.

    Vehicles and guns are also easy to gather as they are usually

    ound on the battleeld as a single team.

    When a player enters the game, give them a Player oken.Tese have a number on them that corresponds with theturn order. When their number is up, its their turn.

    Sometimes youll get one o those players that takes too longdeciding what to do. Tis could be intentional or uninten-tional, but the act remains that they are stealing time romyour game and their ellow players.

    As the game organiser, i you suspect that a player is takingtoo long with their turn, tell them that they are lagging. Teyimmediately lose their turn and play moves on. I a playerlags three times, they are booted rom the game.

    ClaSS tokenS

    You can try and have gures armed with the right weapons asthe class a player is using, but this might require a very largenumber o gures. It might also be dicult to gure out aplayers class at a glance.

    Each player should place a Class oken next to their gure toremind players what that Warriors class is currently.

    Player 7 (Allied team)Player 4 (Axis team)

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    AxisSpawn Point

    AlliedSpawn Point

    UnclaimedSpawn Point

    UnclaimedSpawn Point

    Spawn Points are what the players are ghting over. Tey arethe size o a standard Flames O War Objective Marker.

    Tere are three types o Spawn Points:

    allied Spawn pointS

    Only Allied Warriors may spawn here.

    axiS Spawn pointS

    Only Axis Warriors may spawn here.

    unClaimed Spawn pointS

    No Warriors may spawn here.

    Claiming Spawn pointS

    When a players Warrior begins its turn within 4/10cm oan Unclaimed or enemy Spawn Point and there are no enemyteams within 4/10cm, that Warrior adds a Control Markeron top o the Spawn Point (remember, that player scores onepoint on their Score Card).

    When a Spawn Point has three Control Markers on it, it isclaimed by that team and all Control Markers are removedrom that Spawn Point.

    It is possible to have one or two Control Markers placedon a Spawn Point without having any enemy nearby (theenemy might have been destroyed or moved away). I thishappens, the Control Markers remain on the Spawn Point.So long as there is at least one enemy Control Marker on aSpawn Point, it cannot be used to spawn Warriors by theother team.

    returningthe flag

    When a players Warrior begins its turn within 4/10cmo a riendly or Unclaimed Spawn Point and there are noenemy teams within 4/10cm, that Warrior clears all enemyControl Markers on top o that Spawn Point (remember,

    that player scores one point on their Score Card). A playerwho is Returning Te Flag doesnt place a Control Marker otheir own this turn.

    Setting up Spawn pointS

    When you set up your table it is a good idea to have at leastthree Spawn Points. Adding more will draw more action totowards them, so it is also a good idea to make sure thatadditional Spawn Points help drive the action to make ull

    use o the table.Also consider where those Spawn Points are located in termso each other. You dont want to make it too easy or a singleteam to grab the majority o the Spawn Points straight way.

    reSpawning vehiCleS

    Like Warriors, vehicles and guns can respawn into the gameater they have been destroyed. Tey are placed by the gamesorganiser anywhere within 4/10cm o an appropriate SpawnPoint. Tere are a ew ways that you, as the games lead, canspawn vehicles into the game.

    Te rst is to spawn it into the game when you eel it is theright time. Tis gives you complete control over the use othe vehicle. Tis will help you balance the game one way orthe other. Obviously, it only works i you are an impartialparticipant!

    Te other way is to agree beore the game begins witheveryone on a rolling mechanism. For example, you mayagree that ater all players have had a turn, roll a die and ona 5+ the destroyed vehicle or gun returns to play. O courseyou can adjust this up or down depending on how requentyou want that specic vehicle or gun to respawn.

    invinCiBle Spawn pointSAs the Organiser, you can declare that a Spawn Point isunable to be captured. Use this sparingly i you want toensure that a side isnt overrun.

    warof flameS


    Use vehicles to tip thebalance o power, or addexcitement to the game.

    Unclaimed Spawn Pointsdraw the action into thecorners o the map and makethe game dynamic.

    Make sure the Spawn Pointsare accessible by all players,and that they dont avour aparticular team.

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    With the above tools, you should be able to create yourown map and gaming mode. Tat could be as simple asSudden Death, where no one gets to respawn and the lastman standing is the winner. Or it could be complex, suchas a Normandy beach assault with lots o gures and specialrules. It is up to your imagination what youd like to do.

    Here are a ew Game Modes that we have created or War oFlames. Feel ree to make urther modications to suit yourevent, or play them as they are. Also, i you have created aun Gaming Mode and would like to share it, post it upin our Forums at and well add thepopular modes to the ollowing list.

    Death Match games are the most basic gamemode or War o Flames. Its all about a playersKill-to-Death ratio at the end o a designatedperiod o time.


    Tere are no teams in Death Matchits everyWarrior or themselves!

    Spawn pointS

    Tere are ve Invincible Spawn Points in atypical Death Match. Tese are placed roughlyas they appear on the map to the right.

    All Spawn Points are considered to be control-led by all players. Tis means that players canrespawn at any Spawn Point when they jointhe game so long as there are no enemy teams

    within 2/5cm.

    endingthe game

    Te game ends when:

    a predetermined time limit is reached

    keeping SCore

    Te only score that needs to be kept is each players Kills andDeaths. You can add other scores i you wish to track certainin-game achievements.

    When the game ends, subtract each players Death scorerom their Kill score. Te result is their nal Match Score.

    winningthe game

    Te player with the highest Match Score wins the match. Feel ree to expand on this game mode. Here are some sug-gestions to do just that:

    One variation on Death Match might be to introducesmall teams o players, perhaps 3-5 players per team.

    Sudden death deCiSion

    I there is a tie or the highest Match Score, place all o thetied players Warriors on the map within 12/30cm o thecentrepoint. Continue playing until there is one last remain-ing Warrior let on the table. In a Sudden Death Decision,there are no respawns allowed!




  • 7/30/2019 FOW - War of Flames FPS


    Capture Te Flag expands on the basic DeathMatch by allowing players to capture newSpawn Points, changing the ace o the bat-tleeld as they go.


    Tere are two teams in Capture the Flag: anAxis team and an Allied team. A game organ-iser may need to balance the teams as players


    Spawn pointS

    Tere are at least ve Spawn Points in a typicalCapture the Flag. Te game begins with oneclaimed Spawn Point or each side.

    Exactly where the Spawn Points are deployedand which ones begin the game claimed and

    unclaimed is up to the games organiser.Choosing two that are close to each other willget the action started straight away. On theother hand, choosing two distant ones mightslow the game down as player ocus more oncapturing Unclaimed Spawn Points beoreengaging the opposite side.

    endingthe game

    Te game ends when either:

    a predetermined time limit is reached

    one side controls all o the maps Spawn Points and no

    opposing Warriors are in play.

    keeping SCore

    Te only score that needs to be kept is each players Kills andDeaths. You can add other scores i you wish to track certainin-game achievements.

    When the game ends, subtract each players Death scorerom their Kill score. Te result is their nal match score.

    winningthe game

    Add all o a sides Match Scores together. Te team with the

    highest Match Score wins the match.

    Feel ree to expand on this game mode. Here are some sug-gestions to do just that:

    Capture the Flag is a great opportunity to play a largegame o War o Flames. Expand the table an additional2 (60cm) on one end to add more room or additionalplayers. Add some extra Spawn Points too.

    Add a story to your game. Feel ree to add some triggered

    events. For example, when a team captures a certain SpawnPoint, a vehicle instantly appears there, or perhaps it opensup a second unclaimed or claimed Spawn Point. Playerswill have un as they deal with your surprises along theway!

    Sudden death deCiSion

    I there is a tie between the teams Match Scores, nd thehighest scoring player rom each team and place their

    Warrior on the map within 12/30cm o the centrepoint.Continue playing until there is one last remaining Warrior

    let on the table. In a Sudden Death Decision, there are norespawns allowed!




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  • 7/30/2019 FOW - War of Flames FPS


    Game Scenario

    HealSVeHicle KillS

    Player name KillS


    SPecial Score SPecial Score

    HealSVeHicle KillS

    Player name KillS


    SPecial Score SPecial Score

    HealSVeHicle KillS

    Player name KillS


    SPecial Score SPecial Score

    HealSVeHicle KillS

    Player name KillS


    SPecial Score SPecial Score

    HealSVeHicle KillS

    Player name KillS


    SPecial Score SPecial Score

    HealSVeHicle KillS

    Player name KillS


    SPecial Score SPecial Score

    HealSVeHicle KillS

    Player name KillS


    SPecial Score SPecial Score

    HealSVeHicle KillS

    Player name KillS


    SPecial Score SPecial Score

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    Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes

    75mm gun 32/80cm 2 10 3+Co-ax MG 16/40cm 3 2 6.50 cal AA MG 16/40cm 3 4 5+ Anti-


    MediuM Tank

    Seat 1

    Driver, Gunner, Machine-gunner (Co-ax MG)

    Seat 2

    Passenger, Machine-gunner (.50 cal AA MG) Movement








    Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes

    88mm gun 40/100cm 2 13 3+Co-ax MG 16/40cm 3 2 6

    Heavy Tank

    Seat 1

    Driver, Gunner, Machine-gunner (Co-ax MG)









    Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes105mm gun 24/60cm 1 9 2+Firingbombardments 72/180cm - 4 4+

    Self-propelled arTillery

    Seat 1

    Driver, Gunner.



    Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes

    Machine-guns 16/40cm 4 2 6 Anti-aircraft

    Bomb 2/5cm 1 5 1+

    figHTer BoMBer

    Seat 1


    Weapon Range ROF AT FP NotesNone - - - -

    Jeep or MoTorcycle

    Seat 1

    Driver, Passenger

    Seat 2







    Bulletproo Cover

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    Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes

    .50 cal AA MG 16/40cm 3 4 5+ Anti-



    Seat 3


    Seat 5

    Passenger, Machine-gunner (.50 cal AA MG)

    Seat 1


    Seat 2


    Seat 4


    Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes

    HMG 24/60cm 6 2 6

    Heavy MacHine-gun

    Seat 1





    Bulletproo Cover

    Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes

    75mm Gun 32/80cm 2 12 3+

    anTi-Tank gun



    Seat 1



    Bulletproo Cover

    Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes

    20mm Gun 24/60cm 4 5 5+ Anti-aircraft

    anTi-aircrafT gun



    Seat 1


    Bulletproo Cover


    Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes

    105mm gun 24/60cm 1 9 2+Firingbombardments 72/180cm - 4 4+



    Seat 1



    Bulletproo Cover



    Weapon Range ROF AT FP Notes

    AA MG 16/40cm 3 2 6 Anti-aircraft

    landing crafT

    Seat 2


    Seat 1

    Machine-gunner ( AA MG)

    Seats 4,5, and 6


    Seat 3

    Machine-gunner ( AA MG)


    Bulletproo Cover