FOREIG FURNITURE - Del Amitri · Where no advance. It doesn't matter If you're ternble and In fact,...

FEBRUARY 2, 1985 "511 WEEKLY ~-~--~~~---~ .... ,.._ ..... __:, .... :..:_., Is this the hottest new twang of '85l Morrissey and Lloyd Cole already think so. The rise of the Del boys: centre pages ., At/Ill' . . I ;~.rr II / a. ". - .. -- '. '1' HE ADVENTURES , THE RAMONES 1 l FOR EI G 1 NER ' t -,· FURN ITURE KIR : ~:.::( . :t,,~ -:,,),t;' .. ,.

Transcript of FOREIG FURNITURE - Del Amitri · Where no advance. It doesn't matter If you're ternble and In fact,...

Page 1: FOREIG FURNITURE - Del Amitri · Where no advance. It doesn't matter If you're ternble and In fact, they still prefer to play the discr..,t. • ""th I"-l>(rlc;. '1n I wav ,.., ,,,._

FEBRUARY 2, 1985 "511 WEEKLY ~-~--~~~---~....,.._.....__:,....:..:_.,

Is this the hottest new twang of '85l

Morrissey and Lloyd Cole already think so.

The rise of the Del boys: centre pages

., At/Ill' . . I ;~.rr II / a. ". - .. --


l FOREIG1NER 't -,· FURNITURE KIR: ~ ~:.::( . :t,,~-:,,),t;' .. ,.

Page 2: FOREIG FURNITURE - Del Amitri · Where no advance. It doesn't matter If you're ternble and In fact, they still prefer to play the discr..,t. • ""th I"-l>(rlc;. '1n I wav ,.., ,,,._

With Orange Ju·Ice • "Really,wewere1ustloolong forpeopleto • slow-b\Jrnmgapp8'llth11..,dolncomplate • rt>Umo:lor>t...,,~- ........ - ... . e mole ti>• "t' noLtft," Paul explo,ned F,ttmg e add ct10n, wh,lo Juotin Corne'• lvna ire e of - .,,.., drc,pp1J1Q 1lle "''"" ..,,.,. no more and James. :is:~muc more1mport1ntthananythlng • ~=~""tl>orresbng,ma,ieundY'tgln •• ~~-'=~~'w~~~= : • 'Yu, nobody really -med to catch the Del • It's an approach they've honod by \Olt,ng K • c:lasslc "11 • IC,ndo f n!'y•

Kl. ng st·I11 shoot·, ng • Amit.n ap,rit except them.- adds Ju,t•n •·n • tll8lf time, noalt<ing thtttr strengths and • ·w, orly did ti- ..... -_ ..,,t e d•dn t mattttr If they oould play gu,tar well or • weaknesses too • have ....,..,,,. to ~ty tte k ""1 ot w. yo,, -

h b • not . . . wh,ch .. just u well because th<'( '-We wm much more self-coe8Cl()US ., to ueo "°""'in. -13'1Q """'' ' club, ~r• f e a r the hot CO);Jldn'tl • first.- Jusbo recalls, ... wee b,t twee. Wo Wl'OIO • ,..., who II bine<ly o,pp0Wd"' In-;' \...'>(! r I • Aren I you going to ask us what point> deal e all th- songs about P-pe and Ned - e cove~ et • "We ~"' r>IIV • Nill ho<.if _.

money's On DEL e we·ve gotr· Bryan sud.denly blurt> out. "All • w,ie characters. But - k nda got ove< that We • 11 luncl-• !T>4 and cr,e •"" l\r! t.,,.,rs •I ~· •

our record company lnends In Glasgow are used to lhow slidu of all o.u• scllool friends • We d C0'1"I on .and P~ s..,... Sid-. """ always talking about pomts deals I [The e behind us when wa played All our friends tt,ey'd bl .. .,,. ;,g to ~- 8'1ly ~ 1-

AM ITRI to boldly go e i;:cerrtage a g roup gets from record sales.) e would coma down and cheer 'f:"uStt tt,"'I could e Al>el Amltri IOntl ...,,, 11""' "'l:ht,,e

• ou're a rea l hero if you get an enormous • see theor foces. Pattietlc!' • ~c. wry n,11(:h I IQtet 1 tt,K, Incl ~

• advance. It doesn't matter If you're ternble and In fact, they still prefer to play the discr..,t. • ""th I"- l>(rlc;. '1n I wav ,.., ,,,._ td:s i,,.

Where no vou' II ne\'er go anywhere. as long as you've e intimate venues that .first launched them onto that the word• , tioukl be.r-~M Jvlt e got a good deal" . • the local scene. Rather than chO<>Se a place • AaJ<.d about the•r onnuencN 1¥er,body

GI . • Which II one way of aay1ng tha t Del Amitrl that would attract a larger aud,l'flce ""th the • r.m01ns vague until e,y.,, cooc:ed,os tllat .k~ osweg1an hos have finally found . contract, with Geoff • inev,tabla loss of contact, •"-v stock to tho kind • K m,ght conce,vat-'y h . .... .,...,...,,,,. ..._ .. e Travis' Big Star label, a kind of ersal? ind,e set- e of venues that permit a genuine level of '' 0,ffe<ant grO<li- .nffaeace d,rt,,,..,,-. gone be•ore • up within Chrysalis. a nd that also they' re • commun,cat,on. . • of the baod, hul ._.,, sag••t· · J n,ean 10 t

I ' • • certainly not tn It for the money. They reel off • "We still think ti's important thot people like • hsten to flO¥I 1$ Steely Dan • !Th• rfll ol tl\t a_ list of Glasgow group5 who've signed for us in Gl"sgow." Justin comments. ;,Last year gr01Jp scream wrn Laughter l

Chosl·ng on the • ndiculous adva nces and never done a thing. • we d t.d thts residency ,n 8 cafe, the • "A~ and ,t fU<I< 11' • ...,, ... , , .. ,. J"11 1'> • The trick is. if you know you're never going to e Warzoka, for four weeks It was brilliant!" • 'W~ you liie Bob 0,,,.,, w~·•t al\ go< ""

• make e d eceot record, go for the big advance • Bryan "The re was no disco before you • probte<,\s " oounters r..,;,

heels Of Lloyd Cole because 1t can never become a debt {see the come on so people we,a there just to h.l..,. fuo "Wherl have I 8Vllr w<1tt,in a 90"9 trat e Mcl.llron schoo l of rip-off scams). e end listen to the group. You got s,ck of playing e oound$ lik• Bob Dy•en?'

d Th S "f h • e On the other hand, 11 you are goiQg to sell • these nightclubs Where you're surrouoded by e Well a<;t......,_ , ..,,n,ure ""1re II ll~ on e m I s m • records, a smaller advance means you pey • people with incredibly e)<pent,ve haircuts ,.ho • t-ncy to cram I wt,ola sr-1,rg ~ the money faster - and Del Am1tr1 are Just w•~IN disco b•ck •"d yo" off pt,ra..,. """,._ ..,_, ;.,s 1., t.:o t

'\\ '\\ P\ g t • Q9VI0\1111y cont,dent lhey can sMI an album or • Asid~ fiem their ooeas1onal gigs, J>"'f'•Po • OOtP1fb,t e Ole on en • two • • twoamonthonaveraga. DelAm1tnm-an • "Och,th<ll's ·causa - .. nc ¥9IV

• "We got £25,000 for the first yeer which ls • early stab at promotion with an onc,e .. ogle, • We only .. ,.ta a IO"IJ av.-, n-.o or

R'·c1cenbeclcers w,·11 really sman compared to a lot of advances," ''Sense S1ckn8Ss" , on the now dnfunct aomethm9 so I ve qot lM\ t~ "'~ ¥ 'i e Justin notes "That ba•lcolly pays us £60 a • Glasgow label No Strings . the outfit thol 11,o e arouod 10 1 1ust pul IMrn ell m t.,. one 1

II k th e week wages and buys us £5,000 worth of • brought the world the enigmatic Sued• e · So th31' s VOlff secret e!,r" B,yp, t;rr.-frave Sta es e • equ,pment. Yes, th,s ,s the b,g 1,mel · he says Crocodiles. • " And I etwo~ tnought , ou -..~

I glancing a t the mould-stained carpet fixed to e They paid for tho recording and pre .. ,ng so methmg No, b~I the ~ 1 11t

D I h t f '85 e the walls as cheap sound-proofing e themselves. Influenced mostly by Josef ll •~• • lhe moro11111 are Van Mor, sor, •nd M e s ore O or 1 • But ISt>"t a ll this talk of money 1umping the • s;ngle featured swathes of layered VO<:dl$, • 1 don t thrr·k - 194l)v IOUnd , e to.m •

gun7 What about Iha name for a start. Funny • manic guitar waws and an itchy hook hne • malt« wt do1'

Here We go how people stat want to know about names. From a thousand they sold about hall. • • • • Everybody says. "OP.I Amitri, what the hell • "We were shitting it when the guy who ran e

• does that mean?" • the studio wrote out the boll," Bryao = • lls. e

DEL Amitri rehearse in the depths of some dark mausoleum hidden

• 'It's a message from God," says J ustin "We thought one more nought and that's us • OUR!NG t1>eir rfllde1'<y at I~\\ ,\a C•1•

looking heavenwards. e finished. It took ell ou1 savings and part of the g roup rNd>e • Po O\t vi olC! \19 .. ""'''V • e Justin'• grant to get that far In tho end rt cost e tld-ell\ as po,,si'bla fa< "-< 51,,t tn tl>e John

• • C201 - we had five pounds loft ,n the bank, e P9el roed sho .. In 1h """"' ttwv 901 t••

But "Sense Sickness" didn't r .. p the kind of • reotpt,on thof,l b.,en hoP<n<J fO< too ,.,..., in the shadows beneath one of e e attention they'd hoped for. tt was a down 111., n t11•t. a-•- ta, Peel • •-4 o lhOw Glasgow's more ruthless flyovers. e e period fo r the group. one or ve ry f,w t rough• e In a dav ttt,,,, r"'-~"° •cu,M ll\ Ti,e

For months a t·1n~ room in this _ • In a career that seems constantly bouyed up e W"-"tf aid"',• s,...1,ng l.lrnd"' tllld ~-~'" by a M1nsa of humour that mHns w1ckl!dll/ • Y0<11ael1 Ho lgnoranl ~ l JoM r..,

freezing old buil ing has been their e sending up everything tha t movaa. declared th,m ""'11- 10$l t t-i.~~ .,,a U.. second home. A small electric fire e Perhaps their optom11m was founded on th• e gnoatest thing and at tut them~ 19CD<J is the only source of heat; in this • strength of their matotlal Afte r the f111t •• : ~M·a:\t~~~: ¥..: t~/i!: ~ lS

place you have to play, if only to e f\l\lr-album ~ a"'1 a slngt.. thtl br 1 , keep warm. • e W•• H.,. · sched led for,_._ ,n -..

• Febn>ery"'"rl¥ Ma ll\111119 - • dvl"'1181V Ye! thore must be thousands of 11roups • 1~~11ll,,.":'t ~1<nlltt t. "" w» the

plotting away in similarly unforg1v1ng • Sconish "~pop i.ig 8111 a. 6Mn dons aH over the country, tinge~ numb • 11-!<!)la neJ. ·we ...,. 1.a!l) IQo , ..,,. "' be wtlh cold, minds kept burning w,th the pQrt of that 11e11~e. we,. gu11tntlj0<1 dreern of breaking out. Even as w e settle ·'-'"'=-- • Imm these band&. w o c)r1'1Qe J :-,a -• •t down on some old crates to talk, because e '""'' ptat. 0g1 Amt _. 11.'.f u :iv in•

for Oel Amiln the horizon is at last e e b.N,,.;..~ _, .,Jwev, ked _,8

t,,, beginning 10 glow. anolher group starts • • wrol• ~, you p1 1 r" up somewhere In Iha bowels of th ,s -·• 0 1Jl<tm aba ndo ned mazec • " No 1t'1 part of an anagram of one of thd e = ~ ;;"' "" _..., Y'>'i

0 h will lu;t"" to thet lot, sneen; • guys in Mad Max, one o~ the production. • 1.-0 weW:.:J ~Y ,

Brye~. ~ne or:;:, group'~ 11u•}~~!:"" '.they e •5!::~,~ ~!':!t~~~~-1o1~liJ~!\:~d:i~~~::.ill'/ e !"- ,---,. T~ 10und h•11 Big Count,y r' °or The Pops' la$l." • fil..., bri!rlly durrng h is fleet1n~ app,•a<,1nce at •• ~ ~,.,. t

1~ ~":'0: : ,} ~':»e ~~. Di" Straits than e Glasgow Univtltt'Y~ 11 ""'" 'C:~~1g::S~~0:;,<18 of ~ IOtll'd

anybody else r!":t;~0a\1,g~ ':;';w~~!0,;!:'ir •• ~~1"°" t'. ~~~, t,.~;~'1';'.:'.;1cd by ~mebO<JV •: ;E:"~

ttt• I r&f()(Tle lly tlllO e.xl,tenco four c,lled O,,m1tu GQnzol . Wt thou~ht Yeah ...... Doi ~llrt 11<t ua s:C::: two SLhool fr end! • let'• have • fore1gn n1rne like th•~ ON ,1111 OIOINd • Vo•" • iJ01 ~-•~~ bfs, layct Jus ~n Curria e would 91ve 110 idea what 11,, mu•lc wn • NIO c,., alngtlf, v ...... a f. the abOut · "'-'

and orumtn0< Paul TvaQI w<1 yeaft igo e These d4va Doi Amltrl'• ma$1C ts aa lntuil/v9 Dtl Q•OUP neo<IV folderl. • nd JuttJI\ at 1- • was e and pure u u • pQUlbte to bo. Obv•Oll&IV c:onvmced ,t .. ~, • 11 otlllr 11 • • gurtan torm thl mo•n a•ts QI thetr soun<I but

Wnen ''"' other, Jen f thoupht th~: ;Tn·t' • un1,k, so mlH'ly Clasga"' groups uefore !hem ho s.,;·s emoted al 11 a l:1'llfl nn1vety. t thay ha•t no lnlatuatiOo w,1~ eother Amor C4 th,nk you got a 1eco,,d ct,a nc• 1 ihO"II~ you e or lhe v,1"91 Underground tnstet<l tt,ev pl•v

1,, 1 ,wd one group and ttoe/~~"!;:st:ontd • ,n • uniquely pet!IMII Stv'•• pick 'II 0utl_he In rretd o1 two g u•lar ~If "Q' ' h ' ' " tlte l nd of clun t1owtn11 ,1n,ctura tllat ma.,.,

,ospoctt by plturie all(!, f IQW "t c I boltl • y011nq Marble c;..,011110 ralr1<1hm9. kxof n,fe. Brvan To «and anrl L•"':, whO e 1~oir mel(ldt.,, n •vJnced bv IIOl'Q• I ~tt .,. •~hlt~ft t UJderoU, wan, thO on,.,. 011 • ~11,mmer1ng Hearl' and C~asef" ti.,e a rtfl\CJllllV pa,se,1 11<e au11.uJc 1

Page 3: FOREIG FURNITURE - Del Amitri · Where no advance. It doesn't matter If you're ternble and In fact, they still prefer to play the discr..,t. • ""th I"-l>(rlc;. '1n I wav ,.., ,,,._

• • •

e aentunent o, lllllldle. • "Well I lhlnl, _.,. bNr111a e

• uyaPaulwlllloulallci.rd .......

"Och, - e Ill. - - ...,.,, "Wh• e ,o_l company lmmed11taly

lhe IN d singer w11 las d have pl1yed no,;e H-hedllNd

• Juatln All !he - .,. W1i111n fro

• ,_....... experience. r,~..,... •

a-.nlnal group ,n the r,go,aualy ocrut,n111ed by

about going down lite In the e wl1II the radio on - ....-, • . NCllall tlY

. --- g ·=-- -: "I think Wf/ "Och, wh "I'm spea

onother-,ea •

~°:!~":" . - ballc:.!,'t huft •

,; .!:'!.,':,. ~ ~~ • raometh ng e • mcm frustrating e W:~r~ "':"~~=ti11ng •

, stop one pan,cular pan • We know the anawer II e

I bu:t~o"m":: ~I~:.' II • ,...., -u• havo an eppoal •

iC1t -'-without oxplo11,ng e

off you

lhfflh-.:'o.t"'-:!l:iam:::..: ~ gu': opt mlam Ihle u--"'

''YNh 1h11 I lrua Pa ao,..a 'No 111 more of ■ cyn eel oplln111nt

Justin "No we ra not cyn1c1I either uy■ Bryan.

Wo can be optJn11111c bul It I not thll ■Jell pu1hy opllm am that tendo t get you lo the

_oeylr,g,,._ ll4I and hell So mJ htbobell I heoouy ~

1 ""'v got on w

Jus11n w atwave wn I t b?o tour '1\-'e .. ~ .. ,,,.., Ind attractlng the • -• really p ned off wh"" "" got dnmk roloved mo

Mor quit• ~ed time for a. ll!ll'M The i-,Moot 1110 uey

ATAtme-fl llo

when • The

tono Ppected t~ loll th-by means