for the revised 2015 Exam FIRST Practice Testsfor the revised 2015 Exam FIRST Practice Tests for the...

Sharon Ashton Rachel Harding FIRST Practice Tests for the revised 2015 Exam 9 Practice Tests for First and First for Schools, with Exam advice and strategies 1

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Page 1: for the revised 2015 Exam FIRST Practice Testsfor the revised 2015 Exam FIRST Practice Tests for the revised 2015 Exam 9 Practice Tests for First and First for Schools, with Exam advice

Sharon Ashton Rachel Harding

FIRST Practice Tests for the revised 2015 Exam

FIRST Practice Tests for the revised 2015 Exam

9 Practice Tests for First and First for Schools, with Exam advice and strategies





FIRST Practice Tests provides nine complete Practice Tests for the Cambridge English: First (Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). It reflects the new specifications for the revised 2015 Exam.





ISBN 978-88-530-1531-0


Volume + 1 CD Mp3-ROM + InClasse + C.D.I. (elementi indivisibili)



ractice Tests Sharon Ashton Rachel Harding

€ 18,50 (prezzo defiscalizzato € 17,78)

C O N F I G U R A Z I O N E D E L L ’ O P E R A



Volume + 1 CD Mp3ROM + InClasse + Contenuti Digitali Integrativi 978-88-530-1531-0

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INCLASSELa nuova piattaforma De Agostini Scuola per studenti e insegnanti. Una classe virtuale per l’apprendimento personalizzato.

Questo volume, sprovvisto del talloncino a lato, è da considerarsi copia di SAGGIO-CAMPIONE GRATUITO, fuori commercio (vendita e altri atti di disposizione vietati: art. 17, c. 2, L. 633/1941). Fuori campo applicazione I.V.A. (D.P.R. 26/10/72, n. 633, art. 2, 3° c., lett. d.)

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Reading and Use of English ■ Part 7

Part 7You are going to read about some young people’s experiences of going on a school trip. For questions 43-52, choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once.

Which person

wasn’t keen on the person they were sharing a room with? 43

would like to do some follow up activities? 44

didn’t learn as much as they had expected to? 45

enjoyed the company of the trainers? 46

would have liked to do more written work on the trip? 47

didn’t enjoy having to perform in front of their classmates? 48

felt homesick for some of the trip? 49

felt they deserved to win a prize? 50

couldn’t believe how far they travelled? 51

felt there was too much specialised equipment required? 52

Strategies � In this part of the test, you need to look for paraphrases of the questions in the texts. Remember that there will also be ‘distraction’ in other texts so you need to make sure that the answer you have chosen is definitely correct.

If we look at the first question:

Which person wasn’t keen on the person they were sharing a room with?

A I made some good friends on the trip, not least the person who I shared a room with.

B We had to share the accommodation with other students and the person who I was paired with talked in his sleep so that wasn’t too good as it kept me awake.

� You can see that there are references to the first question in two of the texts. In A the person actually got on well with their roommate, but notice how the text is worded – ‘not least…’ means that she really got on with this person well, although some students may read this as she didn’t get on well with the roommate because of the use of the word ‘least’. Notice too that the text in question isn’t paraphrased in A and is actually a word spot.

� The answer is B because the roommate ‘talked in his sleep’ and ‘kept me awake’ which suggests that B wasn’t keen.

� Now try the rest of the task. Look for paraphrases of the questions and remember to be careful not to choose the distraction.

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SReading and Use of English ■ Part 7


We went to an activity camp in the forest last winter. When we booked it, it sounded as though all the stuff you needed was included in the price, but then when they sent the information we discovered there was a long list of things we needed to buy, like climbing shoes and a wetsuit. It ended up costing loads more than we thought it would. I did some great stuff though, like kayaking and rock climbing, and I enjoyed it so much that I’ve even been out on some weekend trips with my parents. On the course there was an award for the most adventurous student and I thought I should have got that really because I really pushed myself, but I suppose other students did too. I made some good friends on the trip, not least the person who I shared a room with. We’re planning to write to each other and meet up again soon.


My school took us on a field trip to the coast in the Spring. It was interesting because we stayed in a hostel near the beach so we could easily get out and about and study the wildlife. We had to share the accommodation with other students and the person who I was paired with talked in his sleep so that wasn’t too good as it kept me awake. I learnt lots though. The man who owned the hostel was an expert guide and he was really good at pointing out interesting things for us to study. It’s a shame that there weren’t more tasks and worksheets to do as part of the trip. I think that would have really helped us to remember things. I enjoyed most of the week, but by the end I was starting to miss my family, particularly my mum’s cooking if I’m honest as the food wasn’t that great at the hostel.


I’m doing the Duke of Edinburgh scheme at school and last month we went on our second practice camp for the bronze award. I’ve been doing it for a while so I’ve already got all the stuff I need, like the tent and a rucksack. I don’t know why we had to go to Scotland for this trip though. There’s similar landscape in Wales and that wouldn’t have taken very long to get to. Instead we were stuck on the bus for hours. Actually I don’t feel that I really made much progress on this trip. I hoped to pick up some new skills, but we really only practised the things that we’d already learnt. It was quite relaxing though. One night we had a lovely camp fire and one of our teachers played the guitar. It was great until someone remembered that I was a singer song writer and suggested that I have a go too. I did it, but I was so embarrassed. It’s funny because I wouldn’t have minded singing in front of a load of strangers.


I went on a school trip to a drama centre last year. Although we went with the school, we were taught by professional actors every day. They were really entertaining to be around because they had so many stories to tell about the adventures they’d had on and off the stage. I think my acting improved loads while I was there. We did a show at the end that we’d been practising all week and our audience seemed to really like it. I didn’t really miss my family while I was there, but I was still glad to get home. One thing I’m a bit disappointed about is that we haven’t really done much drama since the trip. I thought the school would be helping us to build on the skills that we’d learnt while on the course but that hasn’t really happened.





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1 hour 20 minutes


Part 1

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

1 In your English class you have been talking about the invention of the car. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

The car is to blame for many of society’s problems.

Do you agree?


Write about:

1 health and fitness

2 pollution

3 ……………………… (your own idea)

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SWriting ■ Part 1

Strategies � Remember to read the information on the question paper carefully. You may want to highlight the key words in the question as this can help you focus on what your essay is about.

The car is to blame for many of society’s problems. Do you agree?

� There are two content points in the question that you have to answer so when you are planning your answer think about what you are going to say about each of these points:

• health and fitness – many people drive their cars everywhere rather than walking these days, this means they get very little exercise and health and fitness levels in many countries are low.

• pollution – cars cause a lot of pollution due to the fumes that they produce

� The third content point in your essay is your own idea. Don’t worry about choosing a ‘correct’ idea. The examiners are not expecting everyone to choose the same point. You can talk about anything as your third point as long as it fits in with the topic. It’s a good idea to brainstorm possible ideas for the third point before you choose one. Look at this list of ideas that a student has written for the third point. Look at each idea and think about what you could say about it. If you find there is nothing that you can write about a certain point then don’t use it for your essay.

Point 3

Congestion in towns and cities Freedom to go anywhereStatus symbolPeople often want a new car – throw-away societyCar sharing

Note: as points 1 and 2 in the question are both negative, you may want to choose a positive point for third point to create more of an argument for the advantages of having a car in your essay.

� Think about the structure of your essay. The way the question is written provides a natural structure for the essay.

Paragraph 1 Introduction Tell the reader what you’re going to write about

Paragraph 2 Point 1 health and fitness

Paragraph 3 Point 2 pollution

Paragraph 4 Point 3 your point – perhaps a positive one so that you can argue about the fact that the car has also made a contribution

Paragraph 5 Conclusion Taking into consideration all the points, what is your opinion about the initial question – is the car to blame?

� Write your essay – remember to try to use linking words and when you have finished check your essay carefully. You may want to correct something you have written or re-word it. As long as it is clear what you have written, it doesn’t matter if you have amended parts of it.

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40 minutes


Part 1 1110

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B or C).

1 You hear a sculptor talking about her work. What makes her work unique?

A It is made of recycled materials.B It features trivial things.C It is displayed in an unusual way.

2 You overhear two students talking about activities they could do for a project about the environment. Which activity do they decide to do first?

A plant a treeB build an insect hotelC count numbers of different birds

Strategies � In this part of the test you are going to listen to eight short conversations. They could be dialogues or monologues.

� You will hear the question read out, but you will not hear the options read out. Use any pauses to look through the question and options and highlight any information that you think is important. You need to find out what each listening is going to be about quickly in this part of the test as the topics are different for each question.

� In Question 1, the word ‘unique’ is very important. In the question, the word ‘unique’ means how the sculptor’s work is different to other sculptors’ work.

� Be aware that when you see an important word in a question or option, that word is unlikely to be used in the recording as it would make the task too easy. Listen to the recording for Question 1. Which word or phrase is used that means ‘unique’?

� Now listen and choose the correct answer for Question 1.

Strategies � In Question 2, a very important word to highlight is the word ‘first’. In some dialogues, all options will be discussed and then the people having the conversation will decide which thing they will do first or which option is a priority. Be aware that you will hear all the options discussed, but only one option is the key.

� Listen to the dialogue for Question 2. Which phrase indicates the activity that the students will do first?

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Listening ■ Part 1

Strategies � In Question 3 you are not sure what the speakers are talking about. Notice that all three machines can be found in a kitchen.

� When you listen to the dialogue, you will notice that many of the things that are said could be said about any of the appliances. Listen for the vocabulary that gives a clue to the answer.

3 You hear a man and a woman talking. What are they talking about?

A a fridgeB a dishwasherC a washing machine

4 You hear a radio interview with a man who has just been around the world.The main reason the man decided not to travel by plane was

A due to his fear of flying. B to be more in touch with the distance he was travelling.C because he was concerned about the environment.

5 You overhear a man and woman discussing why they prefer to the read the news online. Which reason do they both give for reading news online?

A They believe the news is more current. B They can find relevant links to other sources.C They have more faith in the content of the news stories.

6 You hear a woman interviewing a male celebrity. How did the man become famous?

A on a reality show B on a game showC on a talent show

7 You hear an interview with a young person at a museum. He thinks the museum should

A organise more themed events.B improve the educational activities.C increase the number of interactive displays.

8 You hear a man and a woman talking about doing quizzes. Why doesn’t the woman enjoy doing quizzes?

A She isn’t very competitive. B She can’t remember key facts.C She doesn’t have good general knowledge.

Strategies � Before you do the other questions, highlight key words in the question and options and remember that you are likely to hear a reference to all three of the options, but only one is the key.

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