For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of...

Henri Monfort Pranic nourishment Another path to spiritual life

Transcript of For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of...

Page 1: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:

Henri Monfort

Pranic nourishmentAnother path to spiritual life

For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of the Realm of pranic Nourishment and this book testifies this. It seeks neither to prove nor to convince. Today, on this Earth, thousands of people live by feeding only on the energy of Prana, which is the energy of Life that composes all things: infinite, universal energy. It provides a concrete response to the major problems Humanity faces or is yet to face: food-related diseases, obesity and overweight, abuse of animals, plants and the Earth as a whole in the uncontrolled thirst to feed ever more people; the pollution of the air, water and the Earth etc...Today, some pioneers are developing a new body calling for new criteria in preparation for a “leap” in evolution as predicted by Sri Aurobindo and Satprem during the last century.I offer my infinite recognition to Dana Hájková for her work and her own testimony, as well as to all those who have contributed their accounts to this book and in general to all my brothers and sisters of Light.

Henri MONFORT was born in 1953 in Brittany on the Pointe du Raz, in the far west of France. It is in this magical world of the Grand Large, the Ocean and wild winds that he made contact with the Forces of Nature. A shaman and a therapist, he now lives in Nantes where he began the experience of “Pranic nourishment” on 23rd November, 2002. He also actively helps people through energy reharmonization, gives lectures and courses and runs his own website on pranic nourishment.


i Mon







Page 2: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:
Page 3: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:


On November 23rd 2002, I decided to feed exclusively on prana, without eating any solid food.

I have construed this book as if it were a tree. Trees are sacred for Shamans… Native American Indians call trees “standing brothers”. In the Celtic tradition, trees are honored and worshiped... The Celts never destroyed the trees. In Brittany, the forest at the time of the druids was so dense that even Caesar’s troops were unable to penetrate the country.

This book was constructed in honor of trees, to reproduce their structure: The first part is like the trunk and the roots, and stresses the process of installing pranic nourishment (see the book by Jasmuheen, Living on Light), through a daily diary like a logbook: the process seen from the inside, so to speak.The second part resembles the foliage: each leaf is different and yet connected to the whole via the sap, and so each paragraph is united into a whole by the common experience of prana. Finally, the third part deals with the fruits of this tree: what broader perspectives can we learn from this experience, assuming that it would proliferate in humanity?


Page 4: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:


not feel any joint or back pain. My hair is growing back though I had advanced baldness. My skin, which was very dry (called “snake skin”), with plaques and subject to urticaria and psoriasis, has become soft and clear, smooth and youthful. I now know a state of energy that allows intense and prolonged physical exertion, such as driving eighteen hours without sleeping... But the most extraordinary thing is the permanent feeling of living surrounded by love. The Love that the Universe has for us; to feel protected and strong: I can no longer imagine falling ill because I know that my cells are bright and young... now ready to lead us to the perfect health spoken of by the Rishis of the Vedas.


It is a beautiful dream... This is what I have been doing since November 23, 2002, and

I wish to continue as long as the Great Spirit lends me life... But I am obliged, in the introduction, to warn readers not to embark

on their own experience unless they prepare at length and seriously through fasting for a period of at least a year or two... Going into this experience unprepared would be pure unawareness...

I remain available to explain and support anyone looking to live this experience, in sympathy, listening to oneself and using discrimination to achieve autonomy and self-reference. Freedom. These are the initial conditions to set out on this Path...


Page 5: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:


Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita

Lyon and a revelation: Jasmuheen’s book: Living from Light and the idea that I have felt for a while: feeding on prana and abandoning all solid food...

I use prana daily to heal... Also the idea of living only on prana has forged its path and then... I came across this book. I am well placed as a shaman to know that the Guides act in secret to prepare our being. I think soon I will be ready to launch myself into this great adventure.

After my birthday in early December 2002, I am going to try this great journey of twenty-one days, and do without solid food and let God nourish me. I already feel him in me... He and I are one... He’ll take care of my being and allow me to stimulate this high vibratory rate. I’m going to fast and prepare for this journey, and maybe even start ahead of the planned date.

WAKAN TANKA, I am your little instrument that you polish to make it an effective tool... Oh, how I love you...

O MITAKUYE OYASIN(“We Are All Related” in Lakota Sioux)


Page 6: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:


Day one: November 23rd 2002

What is amazing is the feeling of lightness... Purification of the intestines...

Heightened senses... No pain...

Day two: November 24th 2002

Contacts with the Guides of Light. It is not necessary for me to stop drinking, because thanks to the care I have given myself over the years and my twenty years of meditation, the energy channels and the chakra circuit and the Kundalini are nice and open.

I noticed that spontaneously I drink less... About two glasses of water a day... I want to continue my life as if nothing has happened, even my healing activities.

My days are already focusing on spiritual activities in respect of the body and in listening to how it works.

No pain...


The experience, compared to conventional fasting, which is ceasing to nourish oneself, is totally different. One does not cease to nourish oneself, because pranic nourishment is abundant, almost unlimited; it is all around us in abundance. Pranic nourishment is merely a question of changing the way we eat and especially changing our beliefs.

I feel nothing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual lacking. The idea that to keep myself alive I do not need to take the life of anything, or for anything to exist (animal or vegetable) is quite revolutionary, right?


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It is a new country opening up to me, like the first fish on Earth that came out of the water.


Day three: November 25th 2002

Birthday date and a good night’s sleep. No pain... I meditate when hunger strikes. I call this: Alignment.

I let the prana invade my whole body. Last night I talked to my cells so that they would take all the elements they need from prana. I feel good and light. My decision is to keep up all my activities and not talk to anyone at the moment. There is only one witness of my progress: The Great Spirit.

Day four: November 26th 2002

Peaceful night... No physical suffering. Last night, I really felt that my body had understood... The perspective of feeding on prana is so extraordinary. Yogis say that the control of prana and sexual energy allow full control of the body (changing matter and form, perfect health and a path towards immortality). It’s so fantastic.

I want to continue this process, this journey, alone, without witnesses or assistance. I want to be alone with my God! Let him seep into the heart of my cells. I have put myself completely in his hands: He will take care of me... forever... I’ve got a one-way ticket... with no return... Yesterday, I had the feeling of having crossed a threshold, and today I know I have moved to another functioning. This morning, I had a vision of a fetus in the sack of the placenta and I realized that my aura was the placenta that nourished me, that through the chakras, I took everything I needed in this aura... Happiness, Peace, and Joy are inside me... No more joint or muscle


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diets, and of the other things related to food... For many people, eating is a comfort and an opportunity to create

relationships... I am aware that in our society this is essential, and I do not know what attitude my own children and my friends will have when I tell them at forthcoming dinners that I no longer eat solid food... We’ll see...


Day twenty: Thursday December 12th 2002

Two more days and I’ll have finished the twenty-one day process. I have begun to talk about my experience and explain the process to a few friends. I realize it is difficult for people to think that it is accessible to everyone. The holiday season emphasizes the idea of food a thousand times... So, let’s wait for the holidays to pass; they’ll believe me when they suffer a gallbladder attack...

No! Just kidding... Today, three healing sessions...

Day twenty-one: Friday December 13th 2002

The process ends tonight and it is just the beginning… It’s clear to me... My decision is to continue just to nourish myself with water and prana despite the coming festivities, from which I feel disconnected, especially in terms of the food.

I did not start out on this journey to prove anything to anyone. I’ve done it for myself because I have felt for a long time using prana to heal that it should be possible to go further by putting total trust in Life to feed me at all levels...

I feel so wonderfully well, and above all wonderfully free, especially grateful to the Great Spirit and Jasmuheen.


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Page 11: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:


Continuation of the Journey into Terra Incognita

December 14th 2002

I feel very strongly about what I saw a few days ago when I went into the store and stood before the food on display, especially the meat and fish: DEATH. And I do not know if this is due to the refinement of my perceptions and the development of my intuition, but this display of death (even processed food) really disgusted me and I said to myself that it is hardly surprising that the body degenerates as a result of the ingestion of these dead elements: decay, disease, allergy, etc.

To feed on prana is to feed on pure energy, inexhaustible energy, the basis of the process of Life, infinite energy.

At the start, the pleasure of eating is the gratification of the senses. If people only knew the incomparable pleasure of the refinement of the senses; no longer an ordinary, passing pleasure, but a subtle, refined, pure, unadulterated source of Bliss...

December 15th 2002

I have crossed the river and reached the other side: the side of freedom and of another landscape of the body and of matter.

Now, I introduce another functioning in the alignment of the body,


Page 12: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:
Page 13: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:



It has now been ten years since I started the Path of Light to pranic nourishment. The boundaries of the Ancient World and mental restrictions are for me truly distant today. I have established my life in this way...

This is, of course, my choice and I am not in any way asking anyone to embark on this process...

However, after the many testimonies and messages I have received from around the world, it seemed to me appropriate to add a chapter in the form of an epilogue to the original text of my first book to create a handbook for people who are attracted by the idea of introducing pranic nourishment to their lives...

Here I shall endeavor to explain the preparation, the 21-day process, and the installation of pranic nourishment after that process. In this way, I will try to fulfill my role as a pioneer and, of course, I shall only speak from my own experience: it is the only one I know...

For five years, I have assisted many people, either in groups or individually through the Internet: what follows derives from this experience, and it is not intended to initiate a movement, any structure of any kind, a teaching, or a new church.

Each individual experiments at his or her own level, and I do not claim to have absolute and total knowledge: the possibilities of Life are endless...


Page 14: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:


Henri Monfort embraces an ancient linden tree. He says that there is such a great force

that we can no longer work with it, just bow down to it and thank it.

Henri Monfort has great affection for the Atlantic coast in Brittany.

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Henri Monfort; Brittany, France, 2013

Henri Monfort – resting and meditating outdoors during his tour; Brno, Czech Republic, 2013

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Offering up and paying tribute to the spirits with white sage.


Page 17: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:


Energy and Shamanic Cleansing of Living Spaces

Due to their abilities from birth (the abilities to see the Spirits and to feel the Energies in their body) Shamans have always been responsible for the cleansing and protection of living spaces.

In the early tribes, it is they who, following the telluric currents, determined the path to follow, or the “good red road” as the Great Plains Indians called it. Tribes that migrated and explored the Earth felt it was essential to always remain connected to the Earth and Heaven to maintain Harmony, Energy, and Health, to be protected from natural disasters, and to find Places of Force where the Spirit blows for seasonal rituals, etc.

Later, man settled in locations chosen by the Shamans to establish communities, hamlets, villages, and towns... and there he had to stay for the long term. So we did not build just anywhere, any time, and anyhow. Where, when, and how was determined by the vision of the Shamans in places of telluric confluence, in agreement with the Spirits. At that time, man was not as arrogant as he is today; he was humble and aware of his extreme fragility, of his vulnerability, and of everything he owed to generous Nature to simply stay alive from one day to another. He felt the importance of ensuring a safe place for himself and his descendants to live in peace and harmony


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Page 19: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:


Prana, Support on the Way to Self-Discovery and Self-Healing


When Henri Monfort asked me to share my life story in his book, I pretended to be invisible and deaf, as if I could not understand what he meant. I did not feel like doing it at all.

To bring into the open my secrets, my taboos, things I have kept to myself all my life?

After hearing all my experiences, what will everyone I know say? And my daughters? And my parents?

Talking about something I call my life? What do I have to do with that? It was a test of how much energy I was still willing to put into the old way of being and how long I was going to make up excuses as to why I could not share my life story.

In my mind, I worked out a few things to say about myself during the talks which I was asked to hold after my return from France. I can’t express how surprised, even alarmed, I was when I found out that the subject of abused women, violence, and alcohol is so common that it concerned every other person at the talks. I listened compassionately to the women who were still scared to confront their aggressive fathers, husbands, and lovers, and I swallowed my


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the computer, oh just like 21 days, a coincidence? It’s the number of initiation, just like in tarot cards.

Arrival – Day zero – The Fool. The message of the fool is: be open to the leap into the unknown, do not let anything confuse you, follow the call of your heart with courage and a clear mind. Ignore the skeptical views of others. Do not listen to the cowardly whispers of your own worries; trust fully and only in your inner guidance. The aim of the 21-day course was to process this message. This is my right place; anyway I am considered crazy. I am looking forward to all the crazy things that will be on offer to me. I have feelings of peace and joy being here. The place in the mountains is amazing and full of clear energy, and I can see prana everywhere. There are five mineral mountain springs of crystal-clear water. One of them is supposed to have miraculous effects, just like the water from Lourdes. The trees have such beautiful auras, they shine like the sun.

My answer to the question of why I came is: I do not know. I really do not know. I just knew I was supposed to be here. I don’t expect anything, nor do I have any wishes. I am not afraid; I feel well just because I am here, and somewhere inside me I know it is good


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for me. Will I become pranic or not? I do not know how to answer. I feel I am pranic even if I occasionally eat some ordinary food. Will I be like Henri Monfort? That is not why I am here. It is close to my heart but it is not my aim or objective. I do not know. I am guided by the Guides of Light to the place where my soul, body, and spirit are okay, and where it is good for my health, happiness, and joy of LIFE. I perceive that prana is my helper on the way to self-healing and self-discovery. It is nourishing me, and I am open to the fact that it can nourish me completely if I open myself to it fully and choose it. That day an unusual storm struck. It was raining and raining, large bolts of lightning striking the ground. I could see the trees majestically standing despite the storm and the branches were playing with the raindrops. In the morning Henri told us that it hardly ever rains here, but every cleansing process starts with the purification of the place. It is ready to work for us and with us.

People came from all four corners of the world: from the Czech Republic, China, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland… beautiful people, ready to make an effort and build their lives on a stable foundation. So that we can be strong but flexible and light at every moment of our lives, just like the trees and their branches.

Day one – The Magician. Do not hold anything back. That is symptomatic as well. According the program, hour after hour I started to open to the reception of supramental power. To do so, I had to switch off my head and heart and listen to my body without opposing anything. During the first week, my body experienced purification, with the elimination of cell memories, stress, and tension. I had already had this experience during my prana attacks in the last two years when my body was my best friend, and I had lived in a state of purification in my physical body so I personally did not have any painful manifestations; in fact, it was the other way round.


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accompanied me in the woods for such a long time before I could hear it. The birds were around, and on the ground ahead of us were their feathers, confirming that we were taking the course up the river called Life.

The bird is a symbol of the future for shamans. Take off. Air. Being high up, they can see a long way.

We had a chat with passing dogs and cats. The cat, the symbol of the present, as the elements of water and

fire, has crystal clear perception. In front of us in the leaves, little snakes were crawling, symbols

of the past in the light of truth, symbols of the flexible power of magnetism. We danced together with them, a dance full of energy, wisdom, and the present, a Dance of Unity. A dance of three simultaneous states of being: the past fully in the present heading to the future – in this, according to Henri, sacred green valley of the city of Nantes.

These “miracles” – GIFTS were given to me by the Great Spirit and beings from the universe throughout my stay.

I got rid of all the remaining doubts and brought my self-consciousness to life.

Thank you.

I dare say I have been living in the time of kairos for two years ☺. I let myself be guided. I have no plans. In June, I treated myself to fire walking for my 51st birthday, the transition into “the second half” of my free life of joy and love. In August, I confirmed my rebirth through the 21-day process. So far I have been enjoying life in my cured healthy being.


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Everything is important for me.

And the most important thing in life is me. If I do not exist, there will not be anything for me, and I will not be there to help everything and everybody. And I mean self-love, self-esteem, self-care; basically I want to take care of myself so as to be full – almost bursting – with light and love, and love will be spilling forth and this stream will flow into the river of essential dynamic energy of mutual help, at the service of the spiritual light, which shows itself in other beings.

Thus, what the Toltecs said will come true: You are my other self. WE are all related.


Page 24: For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of … · 25 Logbook of a Journey into Terra Incognita Lyon and a revelation:

Henri Monfort

Pranic nourishmentAnother path to spiritual life

For 12 years, I have surveyed the “UNCHARTED LANDS” of the Realm of pranic Nourishment and this book testifies this. It seeks neither to prove nor to convince. Today, on this Earth, thousands of people live by feeding only on the energy of Prana, which is the energy of Life that composes all things: infinite, universal energy. It provides a concrete response to the major problems Humanity faces or is yet to face: food-related diseases, obesity and overweight, abuse of animals, plants and the Earth as a whole in the uncontrolled thirst to feed ever more people; the pollution of the air, water and the Earth etc...Today, some pioneers are developing a new body calling for new criteria in preparation for a “leap” in evolution as predicted by Sri Aurobindo and Satprem during the last century.I offer my infinite recognition to Dana Hájková for her work and her own testimony, as well as to all those who have contributed their accounts to this book and in general to all my brothers and sisters of Light.

Henri MONFORT was born in 1953 in Brittany on the Pointe du Raz, in the far west of France. It is in this magical world of the Grand Large, the Ocean and wild winds that he made contact with the Forces of Nature. A shaman and a therapist, he now lives in Nantes where he began the experience of “Pranic nourishment” on 23rd November, 2002. He also actively helps people through energy reharmonization, gives lectures and courses and runs his own website on pranic nourishment.


i Mon





