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PUB QUIZ 1: Beliefs Christianity, Judaism, both or neither? 1) One God 2) One God in three parts 3) One God known as Allah 4) The Bible revealed by God to prophets 5) God made a covenant with Abraham and Moses 6) God intervenes in history 7) The soul will be reincarnated after bodily death 8) The messiah has come to earth in the form of Jesus 9) God’s spirit or presence can be known 10) The Messianic Age is yet to come 2: Practices Christianity, Judaism, both or neither? 1) Glass crushed at a wedding 2) Holy book must not be touched during reading at place of worship 3) A day of rest symbolises God’s rest after creation 4) Holy book placed on a high shelf, wrapped in silk 5) Young adults welcomed into the community in a special ceremony 6) Bread and wine taken during worship 7) Ram’s horn blown on most solemn festival 8) Meat given to the poor at the end of the pilgrimage 9) Washing others’ feet 10) Visiting Jerusalem on pilgrimage 3: Text What does this passage mean? 1) ‘All who live by the sword will die by the sword’ (Matt 26: 52) a) Christians should be soldiers b) Violence breeds violence and is best avoided c) Supports the death penalty 2) What does the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats tell Christians? a) They will be judged for their treatment of others b) They should be sheep rather than goats c) They will be judged for their faith in God 1) Both 2) Christianity 3) Neither (Islam) 4) Both 5) Both 6) Both 7) Neither (Hinduism) 8) Christianity 1) Judaism 2) Judaism 3) Both 4) Neither (Islam) 5) Both 6) Christianit y 7) Judaism

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Page 1: fluencycontent2-schoolwebsite.netdna-ssl.comfluencycontent2-schoolwebsite.netdna-ssl.com/.../PUB-QUIZ.docx  · Web viewWhat does this word or phrase mean? Milchemet. mitzvah. Optional


1: Beliefs

Christianity, Judaism, both or neither?

1) One God2) One God in three parts3) One God known as Allah4) The Bible revealed by God to prophets5) God made a covenant with Abraham and Moses6) God intervenes in history7) The soul will be reincarnated after bodily death8) The messiah has come to earth in the form of Jesus9) God’s spirit or presence can be known10) The Messianic Age is yet to come

2: Practices

Christianity, Judaism, both or neither?

1) Glass crushed at a wedding2) Holy book must not be touched during reading at place of worship3) A day of rest symbolises God’s rest after creation4) Holy book placed on a high shelf, wrapped in silk5) Young adults welcomed into the community in a special ceremony6) Bread and wine taken during worship7) Ram’s horn blown on most solemn festival8) Meat given to the poor at the end of the pilgrimage9) Washing others’ feet10) Visiting Jerusalem on pilgrimage

3: Text

What does this passage mean?

1) ‘All who live by the sword will die by the sword’ (Matt 26: 52) a) Christians should be soldiersb) Violence breeds violence and is best avoidedc) Supports the death penalty

2) What does the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats tell Christians?a) They will be judged for their treatment of othersb) They should be sheep rather than goatsc) They will be judged for their faith in God

3) Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy’ (Proverbs 31:9)a) The poor and needy need defendingb) Do not be silentc) Be ready to stand up for justice

1) Both2) Christianity3) Neither (Islam)4) Both5) Both6) Both7) Neither (Hinduism)8) Christianity9) Both10) Judaism

1) Judaism2) Judaism3) Both4) Neither (Islam)5) Both6) Christianity7) Judaism8) Neither (Islam)9) Christianity10) Both

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4) ‘Wives, submit to your husbands as you do to the Lord’ (Ephesians 5:22-3)a) Women are inferior to menb) Women obey their husbands as men obey Godc) Men have total control over their wives

5) ‘For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb’ (Psalm 139:13)a) The source of all life is ultimately Godb) God does not support abortionc) If a baby dies, God wants it to

4: Keywords

What does this word or phrase mean?

1) Milchemet mitzvaha) Optional war: expanding the territory of Israelb) Hypothetical war: considering whether war is justifiablec) Compulsory war: defending the land of Israel

2) Reconciliationa) Saying sorryb) Being punishedc) Restoring a relationship

3) Sanctity of Lifea) Life is a giftb) Life is to be preserved at all costsc) Life is sacred and should not be destroyed

4) Retributiona) The purpose of punishment is to make someone suffer for their crimeb) The purpose of punishment is to help criminals turn their lives aroundc) The purpose of punishment is to put others off committing a crime

5) Nuclear Familya) Grandparents, cousins and wider relativesb) Married father and mother with childrenc) When a woman comes to live with her new husband’s family

1) B2) A3) C4) B5) A

1) C2) C3) C4) A5) B

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5: Artefacts: Judaism

What are these images of?

1) C2) A3) B4) A5) C

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6: Artefacts: Christianity

What are these images of?

1)a) Havdalahb) Star of Davidc) Menorah

2)A) bat MitzvahB) bar MitzvahC) baptism

3)a) Tallit and mezuzahb) Tallit and tefellinc) Tefellin and robes

4)a) Ner Tamid b) Menorahc) Torah

5) a) Yad Vashemb) Kabbalahc) Yad

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1)a) Baptism or confirmationb) Mass or eucharistc) Prayer or meditation

2)a) Example of a bible in

Englishb) Example of a Gospelc) Example of liturgical


3)a) Good Fridayb) Maundy Thursdayc) Palm Sunday

4)a) St Paul baptising

Jesusb) John the Baptist

baptising Paulc) John the Baptist

baptising Jesus

5)a) A symbol of

impermanence b) A symbol of Jesus’ victory

over deathc) A symbol of the Bible

7: Mix and Match

Attach the beginning to the ends of these sentences:

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1) The death penalty is A … when action is taken to deliberately end someone’s life

2) Active euthanasia is B … when the state executes a convicted criminal

3) Abortion could be permitted when

C…they kill indiscriminately

4) The extended family is D… all peaceful methods have failed, it can result in peace

5) Extempore worship is E …protect innocent members of the public

6) War is ‘holy’ if F … grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.

7) War is ‘just’ if G …now legal in the UK8) Weapons of mass

destruction are avoided because

H …the mother’s life is in danger

9) One purpose of punishment could be to

I …God orders it

10) Same-sex marriage is J …free worship, not following a set pattern

8: General knowledge

1) Name the current Pope2) Name the current Chief Rabbi3) Name the current Archbishop of Canterbury 4) Does the Church of England allow women bishops?5) What is another name for the Haredi or Hasidic Jewish population in the UK?6) Which branches of Judaism have female Rabbis?7) Who is the head of the Church of England?8) Which are the world’s first and second biggest religions?9) Can you be prosecuted for blasphemy in Britain?10) What Jewish festival occurs around the Christian Easter festival?

1) Francis I2) Ephraim Mirvis3) Justin Welby4) Yes (since 2014)5) Ultra-Orthodox6) Liberal and Reform7) Queen Elizabeth II8) Christianity, Islam 9) No (since 2008)10) Passover/ Pesach