FLOUR~ - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard19120607.pdf ·...

The Purchaser is please(tand will think of coming back for more. He \f1ows w!U4t he is buying and The Lake of the Woods Milling Co. that be gets what he bought. A: - CONFEDEHTION UFE . ASSOCIATION . Jus\ a SUl&1l amount lnqated 1n a perfectly safe place for thft protection of our family or ourselves in old age. DUGALD MUNN. ( GKN'BRAI. AGlr.NT, , Board .of Trade Building, St. JohD'a. . . '

Transcript of FLOUR~ - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard19120607.pdf ·...

The Purchaser is please(tand will ~ think of coming back for more.

He \f1ows w!U4t he is buying and The Lake of the Woods Milling Co. ~tee that be gets what he bought.



Jus\ a SUl&1l amount lnqated 1n a perfectly safe place for thft protection of our family

or ourselves in old age. .·


• , Board .of Trade Building, St. JohD'a. . . '

Our Fatl pd Wiater Stock o­Saitla .... o .. ~coatiap aQd :t'ro1l .aiap of ·all ~gest aD4 best we enr fmPorted-iiOOa ill, •1110111"t them the aew aad fuJI­

. loaabk ~ ahadea.; ~ Carda alld ~tteru ~e4 Oil applicatioa.

to. worii: of all kiadl cata at ·towat prices aad d~

~Y£RY WAY BD!dness lien-elsewhere more than in ·New­

foundland-are increasingly becomi"K 'convinced of · the value of having their name and ousi~s before the Public. •Have something the public antS or wOulcl be the better of. Th~ the mor~' · dely you let such be known the better. .<me of (he JSEST and CHBAPitsT ways of so doidg is through the use Qf your oame and business~· lfusiness paper-Envel-

. :.bpes, Letter or Note Pa r, Bill He;tds. · . '

YOU CAN. LOok, .too, at the savinK of t~"m effected thr~ugb

the use of PRINTERS INK. Five .minutes a day saved through letter headi , etc., means 1500 minutes a year. . Business men · (0. not need -so much to be reminded of this as }b~ weary house­wife. Then, by the- use of printed order books, recei~t books, and other forms, how many more boQ'rS' a year wiU.be saved, not to talk of records of ~tions kept. r- . ~ .

~ . - . M• . @iratt ltudatd.: ...

tlnly$t.~o ·year prepaid · Bill Heads, Letter and No~e Paper Heads, En­

velopes; .Visi;Png Cards, Memorial Cards, Notices or Meeting Cards, Receipt Books, Order ~ooks, Counter Checb, etc. • -

Church, Factories' and Societies' F~ncial Forms ;"' or other requisites. Posters, Dodgers, Circulars, Bags. Tags, Tickets, etc. • . Montre~l Family Herald ,

' ---OR _ -..

~Weekly Witness

$1~50 YEAR . ...


to ~ fro 5J' to 7

A,_n 8 x 10 inch Book of Vi w , wit d cription of to n, &ad van g it offers to the. capitalist,

tou · t, ummer or nent r ident, &c.

tFrom now on a number of l]len will be required for Construction work on Trepassey Branch • . On application to this Com-pany's Agent tickets will be issued, amount to be dt!ducted from their pay.

-A -GooD ~ra. JamU Cod lau to cl1apoee few treea of t~oee loe plllllla tbat k tprizea at the Exhib[Uoa. •

-Mr. uclllra. Datby'a litUe girl Dorotlay, 11 · yean old, ia eomawllat better tbia week. She

at SlJohn'a aome time ago to r~Ye ttethnenl Sheiaauft~n~ from diabetea. ancf tbe family bave Qot aa muc.b reaaoa u tbe commu· oity would d6ire to be buoyed up

-Oll 'Tacaday, Superioteudeot with hopea of reoovery. of Police Grimea of BL .1oho'a ruched bla fortieth year u a pollee· - Mra. Allred~heppard received mao. Ilia record ia a fOOd ooe. We 'Word a few d~ ago of the illueaa ClOII(I'atlll&te b.lm. mother Pretty, at New

~•.rvo.••• and left by Wednesday , -Mra. P. Bycle baa removed mm traiu to nait her. Mra.

her late re.lclence to that bo'* J~uet:t~ru ezpecll to remain al her for~ OCC1lpled by Mr. P. aetuement for a ·couple of o~ K. 't. Jooea'. Sbe ween. nepHac the reataUI'&Dt aa before.

/ -Tile Weateru Stu recorda

death oa Saturday mornlug at the realdeoca of ti1a eon·io·l&.w John Pike of ~e Valley, of Mr. L. 'taylor formerl7 of CaiboJlear • .

-II:ULY Rows or ~tu.Y Ros&­ICra. Cbarle. Aah "f Lady Pond Roa4 aa4.ber aiater Mra. Fred Snow of Nqad Street bad their. rowa of earlJ roee potatoes trellc.b~ on· NOTE O.F: THANKS.

~~ u ~/t!h:S:~~ The ftienda oc the late Mra. R. J. y Keonedy deaire to tliaok,all tbe kind

-Amoupt the ~era by frienda that abowed 10 muc.b aympa· Tb1U"'d~'• apreu ftom / Grand thy with them io.. their aad berea'"e· ll'alla' oar .reapected former ment-, IDcludiJJg·thc.Dl&DJ that aent towaa.alla, -c.,..Bobert S. PanooL wreatha and other Boral offerings Ala famll7 ud other friend• wete for h~ ca.aket. ~ pL~to aee blm lookiog ao- ---..... -Mr. J. B •. P&Jlle, eldeat aon of

the ReY. Geof'l"e Paine, of Hants"s .:..we are gJ"' to bear fiom an· Harbottr, who Ia a proaperoua bard·

Harbor Once lad, M.r. Ken· ware merc.baot iu North Vaacou'"er. netb ·R91ua, that be baa cllmbed waa recentl,J elected Preaident of another atep of the ladder cfiU'for the Britiah Columbia Hardware As· the year at the EleCtric worb at aodalloa. ]oba Ia an old Grammar ' ~optreal.Be Ia promotea to Switch· School boy, and hia former fellow· bol,td laapeetor. · pttpil• and other friends here and

-.. elaawhere will be pleued to learn ~In the obituary notice of the of hie co,nUuued IDCCf"·

death of lira. R. J . . KeAned7, tbe C1tUe of cleath wu given u c»a· aa.mptloa. The doctor'• c:erti&cate abowa heart dlaeaae,· from which we learn the deceased lady eaffered more or 1~ for .JeaTI paat.

-Amoapt tboee a4mltted to- .the Geaera1 UO.pltal at SL J'ollll'a oa Ta.eaclay were ll:cl'!lfU'cf" Corbett of tllia towll aalferiAr from a · caoc:er· oaapwth on the lip. aad W. Caff, of M~veto'!Q,lU of berl:beri­thc aec:oad beri-beri patient admit· ted, we uderataod.

A M~e to the People-Our ,todc of Sprutg and Summer Suit· laga aod Overooatiuga direct from (Bdtiab) maoufacturera ia on ex hi· biUoa at our atore awaiting your in· apec:Uon. tftoclc is larce and .nried abowi,og aeat aad elegant patterns ill all tlie_'leadio( abadea. Ba ve your next Suit and Spriog Overcoat made ia latest New York at11e. "with all tbe American daah' from these gooda. by ua. Special attent ion given MaU Ordera. Write to-day for Samplea and Meaaure Cards.

]. & W. l'd.ADJC.AN, Tbe Expert Tailor8.

-A Burgeo oorrea~adent or the Newa aaya that a foreigner " ~s­iJtg u a priest of tbe- Armentan Cliarc.b a«ma to have decei\"cd Caoon ,. Biahpp who reported tile 111atter to Magietrate Small, and when he came to Burgeo tbe Magis· tiate and oonatable Martin conduct· eel blm to tbe Court Houae.' ' There ,..... a few 'weeka ago, a person here • claimiag lobe a delegate from ~r· meaia .o-r thereabouts, and glv10g the aame auruame aa tbe one here lut year. Be obtained no indorse· ment from aa.J clergyman in liar· &r Grace, we belieYe, tho be held one .from a c:'iergyman in another parlof'tbia Bay. Tbe mao at Bur· geo ii probably the tame man.

Minard's Liniment. .. used by Physicians.
