Fit facebook slides

SIGNING-UP FOR As presented by: Tyler Gudmundsson

Transcript of Fit facebook slides

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As presented by: Tyler Gudmundsson

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Where to Begin?

Well, Its as simple as they make it seem. Just plug in the information and your on your way.

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Just like this.

Now click Sign up.

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You may get something like this.

This is just to help deter spammers. No worries your still on the right track!

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Fill it in

Take note that there are two word. Separated by a space, forgetting to enter the space is a common mistake. Now just click Sign up and your ready to make friends!

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Finding Friends

This is where you have the first opportunity to see which friends are already on Facebook. It checks your e-mail contacts for matching members. Once you enter your information click Find Friends. Or just click Skip this step.

Skip Button

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Some E-mails aren’t compatible

If this is the case, there’s no need to worry Facebook has provided a few alternate solutions!

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Name Search

No e-mail? No problem just type in two of your friends names in the space provided on this step.

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Name Search(W/ Names)

Now Just click Find Friends and your in business. Or Skip this step to avoid this business.

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Here you can just start typing your school/employers name and it give you suggestions that others have already used. Once your done click Save & Continue or Skip this step.

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Pick and Choose

By clicking on Add as friend next to anyone that you recognize they get sent a friend request and can choose to accept or ignore your request. Once your find everyone click Save & Continue Also the prized skip button is still around.

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Let’s See That Smiling Face

Now it’s time to pick your profile picture. This the first thing people see on you page, or next to any posts you may and probably will put up. Take a new photo on the spot if you have a web cam. Or upload your favorite one of you doing that awesome trick. Click Save & Continue once you dedide. Again you can also choose to skip and do this later.

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You are now a proud member of the Facebook community. Enjoy your stay and hope you make lots of friends!