First ppt which i made in PU : President university student services

President University Student Services Created by : Group 4


that is my campus. Enjoy watching :-)

Transcript of First ppt which i made in PU : President university student services

  • 1. MEMBERS

2. It was built at 2003 and established by Adam Kurniawan,one of industrial founder at Jababeka and contributed his money, some books and its Services : interior. Open Monday-Friday from 08.00 am 09.00 pm. Allowed to borrow 3 books. Internet provided .How to be a member Assign your dataGet your card*Student should paid penalty if they loss or break the book. 3. President University Clinic*ID card needed to get the service. 4. Conclusion The facilities are provided to support the students mobilities. ID card needed to acces the facilities.However, its a must for all student to obey the rule.