First Lego League 2012-13 Senior Solutions St Geralds College

First Lego League 2012- 13 Senior Solutions St Geralds College


First Lego League 2012-13 Senior Solutions St Geralds College. Introduction. Everyday things that we often take for granted can sometimes pose problems to the elderly living around us. One thing that poses a massive problem to the elderly is getting up a step outside a building. PROBLEM !!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of First Lego League 2012-13 Senior Solutions St Geralds College

Page 1: First Lego League 2012-13 Senior Solutions St Geralds College

First Lego League 2012-13

Senior Solutions

St Geralds College

Page 2: First Lego League 2012-13 Senior Solutions St Geralds College

Introduction● Everyday things that

we often take for granted can sometimes pose problems to the elderly living around us.

● One thing that poses a massive problem to the elderly is getting up a step outside a building.


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Strength Balance


Lifting the foot

Problems with Getting up Step

Size of Step

Danger of falling

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Analysis of Problem

● Over the next couple of slides the problems associated with getting up a step are going to be investigated.

● Each of the headings on the previous slide are the areas which pose the most problems to the elderly.

● To get a good solution to the problem we must first have a good understanding of the problem itself.

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Research● We found that each of the factors

mentioned in slide three are interlinked with each other.

● What is meant by this is that each factor has a link with the other.

● For instance: a lack of strength could lead to a lack of balance, or a lack of balance could lead to a danger of falling.

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Size of Step● Steps vary in sizes but

are generally to large for most elderly people with movement restrictions to get up.

● This poses a massive problem for the elderly because without help it is a very difficult task.

● The step shown below is the step outside our senior partners house.

● The step is approximately 25 cm high.

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Strength● If the step is too high, it's likely that an elderly

person won't have enough strength to lift their foot above it.

1. Stationary Position

No Danger at this Point

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Lifting the Foot● This links in with the size of the step.● If the step is too high, an elderly person will find it very

difficult to lift their foot over the step.● This could be because of a lack of co-ordination or a

lack of strength.

2. Foot lifting

Not enough strength to clear step.

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Strength● If a person manages to get their first foot onto

the step there is still a problem in pushing themselves upwards onto the step.

● They might not have enough strength to get up.

3. Foot placed On Step

All weight is now placed on left foot

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Balance● If an elderly person was to get into a position

shown below, their balance would be lessened.● Balancing on one foot puts an elderly person

in a dangerous position.● This could lead to a danger of falling.

Big Danger of Falling

4. Both feet elevated off the ground

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●The problem of getting up a step has many different aspects to it . The main problems have been summarised in the past number of slides.

●Using this information we will try to come up with a simple solution to this very simple problem.