Fireye Service Manual

by Willy Vandermeer WV-01 - SEPTEMBER 8, 2006

Transcript of Fireye Service Manual

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by Willy Vandermeer

WV-01 - SEPTEMBER 8, 2006

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This manual provides the basic principles ofoperation and application of Fireye flamesafeguard controls. It is not intended to improveon, or replace, any of the technical bulletins thatare factory shipped with the controls.Field technicians preparing for a wider base ofknowledge in this field may benefit significantlyfrom this document. Although this manualshould prove beneficial at various levels, it isdirected towards service technicians andoperating personnel which service theequipment described in this manual on a regularbasis.However, this manual presupposes the readerpossesses an adequate background in thefundamentals of burners, heaters and boilersincluding utilization of the various fuels burnedand the control systems associated with thistype of equipment.The content of this manual outlines the Fireye,flame safeguard (FSG) environments as well asthe principles of operation and installation of thevarious flame detector devices and theirassociated control systems.

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Flame Safeguard ............................................ 3History ................................................. 3Types................................................... 4Commercial ......................................... 4Industrial.............................................. 4

Combustion .................................................... 4Burners................................................ 5Fuels.................................................... 6Flame .................................................. 7

Flame Detection ............................................. 7

Flame Rod ...................................................... 7Installation & application ..................... 9

Radiation Properties of Flames .................. 10

Visible Light Flame Detectors..................... 11Application & Installation ................... 11

Ultra Violet flame Detection ........................ 12UV Tube ............................................ 12Non Self-Check ................................. 13Self-Check......................................... 14Wiring UV Scanners.......................... 14

Infrared Flame Detectors............................. 15Flame Flicker..................................... 15IR Cell Saturation .............................. 16Installation Tips ................................. 16Wiring IR Scanners ........................... 16

Trouble Shooting & Testing of Scanners .. 17Flame Signal Measurement .............. 17Hot Refractory Saturation Test ......... 17Hot Refractory Hold-In Test .............. 17Ignition Spark Sensing Test .............. 17Ignition Interference Test .................. 18Pilot Turn-Down Test ........................ 18

Tips For Flame Detector Mounting AndEnclosures .................................................... 19

Flame Rod......................................... 19Optical Detectors............................... 19Infrared Scanners.............................. 19Ultra Violet Scanners ........................ 19Swivel Mounts ................................... 20Sealing Unions .................................. 20Purging/Cooling Air ........................... 20Enclosures ........................................ 21

Common Terms In Flame Safeguard ..........22Prepurge ............................................22PTFI ...................................................22MTFI...................................................22Post Purge .........................................22

Types Of Pilot Burners .................................22Interrupted Pilot..................................22Intermittent Pilot .................................22Standing Pilot.....................................22

Flame Safeguard Controls ...........................22Operating Interlock Circuit .................22Running Interlock Circuit....................22

M Series Flame Safeguard Controls ...........23

UVM & TFM Controls.........................23M Series II Controls ...........................24Micro M Series Controls ....................26M Series Wiring Schematics..............28M Series 100 Control Sequence........32M Series 200 Control Sequence........33M Series 500 Control Sequence........34Trouble Shooting M Series ................35M Series Typical Application..............37M Series Typical Application..............38

D Series Flame Safeguard Controls............39Assembly ...........................................40Before Installing the Control ..............40LED Indicator Lights ..........................41Flame Signal Strength .......................41Run Check Switch..............................41D Series Wiring Schematics ..............42D10/20 Series Control Sequence ......43D30 Series Control Sequence ...........44Trouble Shooting D Series.................45D Series Specifications......................46

Flame Monitor ...............................................47Specifications.....................................47Amplifier Modules ..............................48Programmer Modules ........................49Dipswitch Settings..............................50Wiring Schematics .............................52Supply Voltage Tolerance..................553 - P Circuit Tolerance .......................55Grounding Methods ...........................56Display Module ..................................58EPD Style Programmers....................59Flame Monitor Messages ..................60Logic Flow Diagrams .........................62Trouble Shooting Flame Monitor .......65

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The control of fuel fired equipment can bedivided into two categories; “Flame SafeguardControl” and “Combustion control”. FlameSafeguard Control provides operation andmonitoring for safety in meeting fuel-handlingand equipment design limitations. CombustionControl provides operation and monitoring for aburner’s capacity by varying its output based onprocess demand.


By definition, the term Flame Safeguard (FSG)covers all aspects of “safety” in operation of fuelfired equipment. This includes the flamedetection device used to sense the presence offlame, the fuel safety shut-off valves, fuel safetylimits, auxiliary safety limits, sequencing andtiming relays and any other controls used inconjunction with the burner safety controlsystem.The main functions performed by a flamesafeguard system are:1.Safely starting and stopping of the burner

either, manually, semi-automatically, orautomatically.

2.Enforcing proper event-sequencing duringstarting and stopping.

3.Performing flame supervision via sensing andreacting to presence or absence of flame.

4.Guarding the system against conditionsoutside of the equipment’s design limitations.


Around the turn of the 20th century, FSG waslimited to mechanically shutting off the fuel in theevent of a flame failure. There was no way ofdetecting flame, so the weight of the unburnedfuel, such as fuel oil, was used as a means ofdetection. The fuel oil, when the flame went outended up being collected in the furnace area, oroverflowed into an exterior container, where itsweight was used to cause a lever to close thefuel supply valve.As electricity began to play a role in the industry,around the 1930’s, giving rise to electricallycontrolled valves, electromechanical ways ofdetection were also developed. Bimetal andthermocouple type instruments were developedwhich reacted to the temperature in flue gasesor to direct radiation from the flame and many ofthese are still in use today.The bimetal and thermocouple method, althoughsuitable for low capacity applications, proved tooslow for high fuel input type applications and the

Fig. 1 Fireye “P” Series control.Model: 26RJ8

search continued for faster means of flamefailure detection.It was found that a gas flame envelope couldcarry a small electrical current. Thischaracteristic led to the development of a newand electronic type of flame detection. A rod(flame rod) was inserted into the flame and theconductivity of the flame, if present, could bemeasured. Although this system eliminatedreaction time issues, it proved unreliable. Anyhigh resistance short in the sensing circuit couldalso simulate flame. This was later overcome bythe introduction of the “flame rectification” circuitwhereby the alternating current (AC) has to berectified to direct current (DC) in order to beaccepted as flame signal. This system is stillwidely in use today. Both the bimetal orthermocouple and flame rod systems requiredirect contact with either the flue gases or flameenvelope and it was not until the mid 1940’s thatoptical flame detection became a reality. Thefirst optical detector was a photocell to sensevisible light in oil burners, followed by infra reddetectors in the 1950’s and ultra violet detectorsin the 1960’s. Ongoing developments continue

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to fine-tune these sensors to meet the ever-increasing demands for safety in the industry.


There are many types of flame safeguardcontrols designed for use in residential,commercial and industrial applications.Residential FSG controls generally rely on athermocouple inserted into the pilot flame. Theheat in the thermocouple generates just enoughvoltage to hold in a magnetic coil, which holds ina spring-loaded plunger inside the automatic gasvalve allowing gas flow to the burner. Theplunger is manually pushed in and the pilot lit,followed by a short period of time for thethermocouple to start generating enough currentto hold in the plunger. This system requires thatthe pilot flame is on at all times whether theburner is on or off. As this wastes fuel, moremodern residential equipment utilize anautomatic pilot light on-demand via sparkignition combined with flame-rod flamedetection.

Fig 2 Burner control panel with Fireye FlameMonitor and “First-out” expansion module.

Commercial FSG controls are divided into“Primary” and “Programming” controls. Thedistinction between primary and programming isthat primary controls have a minimum inoperating parameter logic, such as safe startcheck, trial for ignition, flame failure responsetime and lock-out functions. This makes themideally suitable for appliances such as smalldirect light-off (no pilot burner) burners andburners for make-up air heaters, direct orindirect fired.Programming controls operate with manyadditional functions such as pre-purge, proof of

purge, low fire start, check fuel-valve closed,post-purge and other functions.Both residential and commercial FSG productsare designed with single burner appliances suchas furnaces and boilers in mind. Theseappliances require that the flame safeguardcontrol properly sequences the operation of theburner system: energizing the combustion airblower motor, purging the combustion chamberof any combustibles, opening pilot fuel valve andenergizing ignition, establishing main flame andmonitoring flame for failure. All componentsmust be energized in the proper sequence toprevent unburned fuel from accumulating in theequipment where it could cause a hazardouscondition. It continuously senses presence orabsence of flame while controlling the operationand sequence of all components on the burnerin the proper order.

Industrial FSG controls generally operate in amulti burner environment. This environmentplaces different demands on flame safeguardcontrols, the most important of which is theability of the flame detection system todiscriminate between its targeted flame andother flames sharing the combustion chamber.Programming and sequencing logic in a multiburner appliance generally resides in a burnermanagement system (BMS) which may be in theform of a programmable logic controller (PLC) ora relay logic panel, or a combination of both. Aseparate Fireye bulletin “Flame SafeguardControls in Multi Burner Environments”,publication WV-96, deals with this subject indetail.


Combustion or burning, is a rapid combination ofoxygen with fuel, resulting in release of heat.The oxygen comes from air. Air is about 21%oxygen and 78% nitrogen by volume. Most fuelscontain carbon, hydrogen, and sometimessulfur. A simplification of combustion could belisted in the following three processes:carbon + oxygen = carbon dioxide + heathydrogen + oxygen = water vapor + heatsulfur + oxygen = sulfur dioxide + heat

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The above three products of combustion arechemical compounds. They are made up ofmolecules in which elements are combined incertain fixed proportions. As per the law ofscience, matter is neither created nor destroyedin the process of combustion, and the heat givenoff in any combustion process is merely excessenergy which the molecules are forced toliberate because of their internal make-up.Stoichiometric combustion is obtained when nofuel or air goes unused during the combustionprocess. Mixing and burning exactly the rightproportions of fuel and oxygen so nothing is leftover does this. Combustion with too much(excess) air is said to be lean or oxidizing. Theexcess air or oxygen plays no part in thecombustion process. In fact it reduces theefficiency. The visual effect is a short and clearflame. Combustion with too much fuel is saidto be rich or reducing, producing incompletecombustion. The visual effect is a long andsometimes smoky flame. The oxygen supplyfor combustion generally comes from theambient air. Because air contains primarily(78%) nitrogen, the required volume of air isgenerally much larger then the required volumeof fuel. Primary air is air that is mixed with thefuel before or within the burner's fuel deliverysystem. Secondary air is usually brought inaround the burner's fuel delivery system andspun through a diffuser or turning vane systemin order to optimize air-fuel mixing. Tertiary air isair brought in downstream of the secondary airand is sometimes used to control the shape ofthe flame envelope, and/or to control flametemperature on low-NOx burners.


Burners are a simple device to convert fossilfuels into useable heat energy. The primaryfunctions of burners are:a) Controlled fuel delivery.b) Controlled combustion-air deliveryc) Controlled fuel and air mixing.d) Controlled and reliable ignition.e) Evacuation of products of combustion.f) Controlled emissions.

Regardless of fuels fired, burners must reliablyperform all functions. Choices of fuels burnedand type of burner affect the difficulties in

achieving optimum results in any of thesefunctions. The following lists some variations ofburner types found:

a) Gaseous fuel fired:a) Natural draft burnerb) Inspirating burnerc) Balanced draft burnerd) Induced draft burnere) Forced draft burner

Liquid fuel fired: (forced or balanced draft)a) Mechanically atomized.b) Air atomizedc) Steam atomized

Final fuel delivery and combustion-air & fuelmixing varies dependent on the burner types asper the following examples:a) Gun type (gas or oil)b) Cane (spud) type (gas)c) Ring type (gas)d) Rotary cup type (oil)

Fig. 3 Principle parts of a forced draft burner.

Fig. 4 Forced draft burner.

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A burner must be equipped with a monitoringand control system to assure safe and reliableoperation throughout its intended use.Complexity of this system is in relation tocomplexity of the process at hand and can varyfrom a single burner firing a single fuel, to a multiburner environment where many burners areoperating into a common combustion chamberand a multiple choice of fuels are burned. Thelarger the burner input, or heat release of aburner, does not necessarily mean the morecomplex the monitoring and control systemneeds to be.

Conditions effecting complexity of controlsystems for burners are generally stipulated by:a) Type of process.b) Type of burner.c) Multi or single burner environment.d) Multi or single fuel operation.e) Safety hazard of fuel burnedf) Local codes and standards.g) Redundancy and reliability factors.h) Continuous or intermittent burner operation.

Technological advances in recent years inparticular microprocessor based hardware, hasmade it important that only qualified techniciansare employed in the application ofinstrumentation hardware used in today's burneroperating and safety systems. Componentsmaking up the system for monitoring and controlof burners are subject to standards set by localauthorities.


Most fuels are mixtures of chemical compoundscalled hydrocarbons. When burning these fuels,the final products contain carbon dioxide andwater vapor unless a shortage of oxygen existsin which case the products of combustion maycontain carbon monoxide, hydrogen, unburnedhydrocarbons and free carbon. Heat availablefrom fuels is measured in Btu/lb or Kcal/kg(Btu/gal or Kcal/l for fuel-oil). Natural gas fuel isthe most straightforward fuel to use. It requiresno special handling in filtering, drying, heating,etc. On the other hand, the efficiency inutilization of fuel oils depends to a large extentupon the ability of the burner system to atomizethe oil and mix it with combustion-air in thecorrect proportions. Heavy fuel oils are usuallypre-heated with steam. Tank heaters may raiseheavy fuel-oil temperatures sufficiently to reduce

its viscosity in order to facilitate pumping andstraining.



BurnedGross Net Gross Net


1,179 1,079 665 599

Coke ovengas

18,595 16,634 10,331 9,242


21,830 19,695 12,129 10,943


21,573 19,886 11,986 11,049

Oil #2 18,993(137,080)




Oil #6 18,126(153,120)




Coal 14,030 12,900 3,500 3,100

Table 1 Comparative heating values for typicalfuels.

In order to burn a liquid fuel, most burnersatomize the liquid. Atomization is the formationof the smallest possible droplets. This isrequired in order to expose as much surfacearea of the fuel as possible within the flameenvelope. Steam atomization can beaccomplished by projecting steam tangentiallyacross jets of oil at the oil nozzle, resulting in aconical spray of finely divided oil after themixture leaves the nozzle. Air atomization isaccomplished by using air as an atomizing agentin an arrangement such as a proportioninginside-mixing-type oil burner using low-pressureair as an atomizing agent. Large capacity oilburners use two steps to get the oil combustible:atomization and vaporization. Vaporizationconverts oil from the liquid to the Vapor State byapplication of heat at the flame-front. By firstatomizing the oil into millions of tiny droplets, theexposed surface area is increased many timesand the oil can vaporize at its highest rate. Forgood atomization and vaporization, a largevolume of air must be initially mixed with the oilparticles. Mechanical atomization - atomizationwithout the use of either air or steam - issynonymous with pressure atomizing. Thenozzle used in mechanical atomizing consists of

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a system of slots tangential to a small inner whirlchamber followed by a small orifice. In passingthrough the slots, the liquid volume is increased.The high velocity prevailing in the whirl chamberin a tangential direction imparts a centrifugaleffect that forces the oil against the walls of thenozzle. It then passes through the orifices in thenozzle tip and into the combustion chamber,fanning out into a cone shaped spray of verysmall particles.


A flame is merely a zone within which thecombustion reaction takes place at a rate thatproduces visible radiation. A flame-front is thecontour along which the combustion starts (thedividing line between the fuel-air mixture and thecombustion process). In stable flames, theflame front appears to be stationary. The flameis actually moving towards the burner-nozzle(s)at the same speed that the fuel-air mixture isleaving the burner. Wide ranges of feed rangesexist in a wide range of burner designs. In orderto select the most suitable flame detectionhardware, it is necessary to know the basiccharacteristics of flames. The combustionprocess actually is surprisingly complicated, yetit is only required to understand a few of thegeneral characteristics of flames to assist you inselecting the best detector for the job. Commonflame characteristics are:a) Production of heat energy.b) Expansion of gases.c) By-product production.d) Radiation emission.e) Ionization within the flame envelope.

Fig 5 Flame envelop


Heat energy from a flame has not been found tobe suitable for flame detection. Sensors used todetect the presence or absence of heat given offby the flame do not respond fast enough.Additionally, the need to directly insert a sensingdevice into the flame to detect the targetedflames' heat energy would make such a systemsubject to high maintenance.Expansion of gases as a fuel-air mixture burnscan be detected and used as flame detection. Itis not a useful system for main burner flamedetection. In a multi-burner environment it issometimes seen in igniter-flame detection. Asthis system requires the detection of relativelyminute changes in pressures at the burnernozzle, it deals with tubing which run from theburner nozzle back to delicate pressuremeasuring devices, these systems also aresubject to high maintenance to keep themoperative.Production of by-products, chemically is areliable source to detect whether or notcombustion is taking place. But, as with heatenergy, response time would be too slow, andthe detection of an individual flame in a multi-burner furnace extremely unlikely.Emission of radiation by the flame, andionization within the flame-envelope are the twomost commonly used flame characteristics usedin FSG flame detection hardware. In industrialFSG systems, emission of radiation is used formain flame detection by means of optical flamedetectors. Ionization, by means of a flame rod, isgenerally used for detectionof a gas-igniter flame. Commercial and lightindustrial FSG systems may at times apply asingle detector to detect both main and igniterflames.


Flame Ionization is the process of heat in theflame causing the molecules in and around theflame envelope to collide with one another withsufficient force to free some of the outerelectrons of the atoms that make up themolecules. In this way, free electrons andpositive ions have been created. Thisionization process allows a very small current tobe conducted through the flame. Flameconductivity is low. Resistance can vary from100,000 to 100,000,000 ohms. Currentconducted through the flame (flame current) isgenerally in the range of 2 - 4 micro-amps. If two

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electrodes were placed in a flame and a voltagewas applied, a current would be conductedbetween the two rods (flame rods). Naturally thepositively charged ions would flow to thenegatively charged rod. In order to use thisprocess to determine presence of flame and toprevent the potential hazard of a high resistanceshort to ground effectively simulating flamesignal, the flame current is rectified.

Fig. 6 Electron flow through ionization withinthe flame envelop.

Generally referred to as a Flame RectificationSystem, it is achieved by placing a groundingelectrode in the flame that is several times(generally 4 times) larger than the flame rod orelectrode. An AC supply voltage is appliedacross the electrodes. During half of the ACcycle the flame rod is positive and the groundrod is negative. The positively charged ions willflow to the negatively charged grounding area.As the grounding area is larger, its capacity tohold electrons is increased, resulting in a relativehigh flame current flowing through the flameduring this first half cycle. During the secondhalf cycle, the reverse process will take place.However, the capacity of the flame rod to holdelectrons is less than the grounding area andthe resulting flame current is smaller. Thegreater the ratio of grounding area to flame rodarea, the greater the rectified current. The onlyaccepted type of current by the system is thisrectified flame current. Any high resistance typeshort circuit will result in an AC type flamecurrent, which is rejected by its FSG control.

The large grounding electrode generally formspart of the burner’s fuel-nozzle, helping tostabilize and hold the flame firmly in place.Flame rods are simply small diameter metal rodssupported by an insulator in order to be able tomount it such that the tip-end of the rod canproject into the flame. Flame rods typically aremade of a material called Kanthal, a hightemperature alloy capable of operating intemperatures of up to 2400 degree F. or 1300-degree C. Other materials for even highertemperature ratings such as Globar, a ceramicmaterial, are also available.

Requirements for successful flame rodapplications are:a) Stable flame. (no movement from flame rod)b) Gas burners only, premixed were possible.c) Adequate flame-rod-to-grounding area

proportioning. (4 to 1 minimum).d) Proper placement of flame rod in flames

(short as possible, yet adequate contact).e) Proper rectifying flame current and

associated circuitry.

Fig. 7 Typical pilot burner assembly withflame-rod flame detection.

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Fig. 8 Flame-rod system operational diagram.

Advantages of flame rod applications:a) Location sensitive. Flame rod detectors

prove the flame with extreme locationsensitivity. The flame must be where therelative small rod can be in contact with it.This is most useful in controlling forexample, that a pilot flame is detected onlywhen it is at the optimum location to reliablyignite the main burner. Flexibility in placingthe rod can assure this. Also, this locationsensitivity will detect flame lift-off and assuch can be used to prevent unstable flameconditions for both pilot and main flames.

b) Fast response time. The relative low costflame rod system has been put to usereplacing many, and sometimes working asan auxiliary to, slow responding bi-metal andthermocouple based systems.

c) Fail-safe system. Using electronics, thissystem responds safely to abnormalconditions such as open or short circuits,leakage to ground, all causing the system tofail-safe.

Ideally, the flame rod is mounted verticallyalongside its vertical burner nozzle with only thetip bent in to make contact with the flameenvelope. When installing a flame rod on ahorizontally orientated burner assembly, caremust be given to favor installing the rod on eitherone of the sides of the burner or directly below,with the tip bent up to make contact. Installing

the rod directly above the burner assembly isleast favored as this may allow it to prove a lazyupward bending inadequate flame.

Some atmospheric burner assemblies use arunner type pilot, a pilot that is used to light offmore than one burner. It may consist out of atube with holes drilled along its side throughwhich fuel gas is burned. An assembly such asthis requires it to be proven at its ignition sourceand also at the extreme end of the runner pilot.A thermocouple may be used to prove the pilotat the ignition source and a flame rod may beused to prove it at its extreme, with the flame rodsystem in charge of main fuel.

On some direct fired air handling units burnersare installed which are of significant lengthrequiring the main flame to be detected at theend farthest away from the ignition source. Thisalso has proven to be an ideal job for flame rodsystems.


The Fireye part number 69ND1 flame rod is aspark plug type unit consisting of ½” NPT mount,a Kanthal flame rod, a glazed porcelaininsulating rod holder and a spark plug connectorfor making the electrical connection. The 69ND1is available in 12”, 18” or 24” lengths.

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The flame rod may be located to monitor onlythe gas pilot flame or both the gas pilot and maingas flames. It is mounted on a ½” NPT coupling.

The following installation instructions should beobserved:1. Keep flame rod as short as possible.2. Keep flame rod at least ½” from any

refractory.3. Flame rod should enter the pilot flame from

the side so as to safely prove an adequatepilot flame under all draft conditions.

4. If the flame is nonluminous as with premixedburners, the flame rod tip should extend atleast ½” into the flame, but not more thanhalf way through.

5. If the flame is partly luminous, the flame rodtip should extend only to the edge of theflame. It is not necessary to maintainabsolutely uninterrupted contact with theflame.

6. It is preferable to angle the rod downward tominimize the effect of sagging and toprevent it from coming into contact with anyobject.

7. An adequate grounding surface for the flamemust be provided. The grounding surface inactual contact with the flame must be atleast four times greater than the area of theportion of the flame rod in contact with theflame. It is essential to adjust the flame rodand ground area ratio to provide maximumflame signal reading.

8. Interference from the ignition spark can alterthe true flame signal reading by adding to, orsubtracting from it. Interchanging theprimary wiring (line voltage) to the ignitiontransformer sometimes may reverse thistrend. This interference can also bereduced by the addition of groundedshielding between the flame rod and ignitionspark.

9. Proven types of flame grounding adaptersmay be used to provide adequate groundingsurface. High temperature stainless steelshould be used to minimize the effect ofmetal oxidation. This assembly may welddirectly over the pilot or main burner nozzle.

10. Use the proper wire and wiring techniques.No. 14 wire, rated at 90 C or higher isrecommended for control to flame rod.Actual wire size is not critical. Increasedresistance that occurs with smaller wire sizewill not be of significance. Type of insulationis important. Use wire with the highestleakage resistance to ground. In practice

wire runs can be up to 200 feet long. Do notshare the flame rod wire with ignition wiresin same conduit.


Emission of radiation from within a flame is themost widely used media for flame detection. Theradiation properties of the flame are utilized tooperate electronic optical flame sensing devices.Electronic sensing is required to achieve thequick flame-failure-response-time (FFRT)demanded by larger input appliances.Depending on type of fuel burned and ratedinput capacities, FFRT is generally from one (1)second to four (4) seconds. Flames emitradiation along a wide band of the flame’selectromagnetic spectrum, which is called theflame spectrum. The flame spectrum is made upof ultra violet, visible, and infra red radiation.Ultra violet and infra red radiation are at theopposite extremes of the flame spectrum withonly wavelengths of 400 to 800 nanometersvisible to the human eye. The blue visible lightis towards the ultra violet, and the red visiblelight is towards the infra red portion of thespectrum. Flame detectors are designedsensitive within either ultra violet, visible or infrared radiation. Various aspects determine theproper selection of flame detector type. Ultraviolet, (at about one percent) is the leastavailable of the three types of radiation from aflame. Generally, the first 1/3 of a burner flameis the main source of ultra violet radiation. Hightemperature flames give of high amounts of UVradiation. Both oil and gas flames radiatesufficient UV for detection. Visible radiationamounts to ten percent of total radiation and isdetectable by the human eye in the variouscolors: blue with orange yellow for gas flamesand bright yellow for oil and powdered coalflames. Infrared is emitted at about ninetypercent of total radiation emitted by burnerflames and is found mostly in the last 2/3 of theflame. Hot furnace parts such as refractoriesemit IR radiation when above 1000 F.

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Fig 9 Radiation characteristics for commonfuels.


Detection of flame by seeing its visible light isthe way man detected flame since it was firstobserved. There are two standard detectorsused for sensing flame in the visible region; aphoto-emissive cell (photocell) and a cadmiumsulfide cell (cadcell). A photocell device is aglass-enclosed structure (tube) which has beencompletely evacuated. There are two elementswithin the tube, a thin metal plate that acts asthe cathode and a collector wire assembly,which acts as the anode. When light strikes thecathode, electrons are emitted which are drawnto the anode. The current in this type of tube isvery small and requires considerableamplification before it can operate a relay.Photocells are of the rectification detector type,where AC voltage is applied, but the operation ofthe electronic system depends on DC voltage. Itis the job of the photocell to allow current flowand to convert alternating current to directcurrent when sensing flame. A cadcell device isa small device that is constructed from an

insulating plate covered with a deposit ofcadmium sulfide that is mounted in a protectiveenclosure covered by a glass window. Thisdevice acts like a resistor, which is sensitive tolight. When the cell is in the dark, the resistanceof the element will be high (>50K ohms). Whenexposed to light (from a flame) the resistancewill drop to a few thousand ohms, and enoughcurrent will flow to pull in a relay without furtheramplification. Flame detectors that operate inthe visible region will also operate from otherlight-sources such as daylight or light fromlamps. It is therefore necessary to make surethat they are used only in locations where theycannot be exposed to other sources of light.Visible light from hot refractory may also activatethese sensors.


Visible light flame detectors are used primarily incommercial and/or industrial oil-fired burners.Generally, they are not applied to gas burningequipment as a well-adjusted gas flame gives off

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insufficient visible light for detection. In applyingthese detectors, special attention must be givento:1) As with all optical detectors, the cell must

have full view of the flame monitored.2) Care should be given to protect it from

possible visible light emitted by hotrefractory or other sources.

3) The detector must be protected fromambient temperatures in excess of 165 F(74 C).

4) Proper wire must be used to connect thedetector. Temperatures above 125 F (52 C)may require specially protected wiring.


Flame scanners operating in the UV wavelengthmay utilize an ultra violet detection tube. In thistype of system, when UV radiation is detected,the flame is considered present. Differentiationor discrimination between the targeted flameand neighboring flames or background isachieved by means of discriminatory scannersighting. This means seeing as little as possibleof the background, combined with signalsensitivity adjustment or threshold settings totune out unwanted signal at the detector'scontroller. UV detection tubes should besensitive only in the far UV wavelength range,200 to 300 nanometers to be considered solarblind. Solar blindness is important in preventionof the detector picking up stray light fromsources other than the flame spectrum.UV detection tubes are made of quartz, the tubeis sealed and filled with gas. It contains twoelectrodes connected to a source of AC voltage.When ultra violet radiation of sufficient strengthfalls upon the electrodes, electrons are releasedand the gas within the tube becomes conductivethrough ionization resulting in an electric currentflow from one electrode to the other (cathode toanode). A relative high AC voltage (400 to 1200VAC) is applied to the electrodes, resulting inthe tube producing an arc between theelectrodes when sufficient UV radiation ispresent to produce the required ionization of theinter-electrode gas. The tube is said to be"Firing". By design, this "arc" wanders back andforth along the electrodes, never staying in oneplace, thus preventing damage to the electrodesby over-heating. A quartz lens is needed tofocus the UV radiation directly on the detector

tube electrodes. Generally the voltage suppliedto the tube is AC. (DC voltage may also be usedalong with a square pulse generator). Voltageacross the electrodes will go to zero for eachhalf cycle of AC, allowing the tube to restoreitself to a non-ionized or quenched state. On thenext voltage half cycle the current is re-established across the electrodes in order to fireif UV radiation is present.

Fig. 10 UV radiation detection tube. Fireye partno: 4-320

The amount of firings during each cycle isknown as the count. The maximum counts offirings during one second is the number ofcounts during one half cycle, times twice thefrequency of the supply voltage. (See figure 12)When flame is present and UV radiation entersthe tube, the system begins to count. When theflame disappears, UV radiation stops and thesystem stops counting. A flame relay is part ofthe system. An electronic circuitry receiving thecount signal from the detector pulls in the flamerelay, which remains in as long as its pre-setthreshold is satisfied.The count is directly related to the intensity ofthe UV radiation; a very intense source of UVradiation may produce several thousand countsper second. As such, the count is a measure offlame intensity. Upon disappearance of flame,

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the detectors' count goes to zero except for veryinfrequent firings, inherent in this type of design,to which the system does not respond. UVflame detectors are designed to respond to UVsources in a flame, however it is possible for thedetector to respond to other sources of UVradiation such as: Hot refractory well above3000 degree F, also spark-ignition, welding arcs,halogen light, etc. Care should be taken toavoid picking up unwanted signal from any ofthese sources at, or near the burner-front. Ultraviolet detection tubes can deteriorate due todegeneration of the special gas inside the tube.The cause of this could be over-heating thetube, subjecting the tube to excessive voltagesor subjecting the tube to excessive UV radiationfor long periods of time. Tubes deteriorated inthis way can operate in a random failure mode;sometimes firing continuously after havingstarted and failing to quench, or sometimes firinginconsistently causing nuisance shutdowns.

Fig. 11 UV Flame scanner, non self check.Fireye part no. UV1A

Tubes can also fail in a way that it causes thetube to fire as soon as the normal operatingcurrent is applied regardless of presence of UVradiation. Any flame safeguard system will pick-up a faulty UV detection tube during start up andno flame or signal should be present. Thesystem will perform a “Safe Start Check” as firstpart of its sequence. A system lockout will occurif a bad tube is detected during safe start check.If a tube fails during normal operating flame-onconditions, the bad tube may not be recognizeduntil a system re-start, when a safe start checkis initiated. It is for this reason that scanner self-check systems were developed. A self-checksystem for an UV, tube type flame detectorconsists of an optical shutter device placeddirectly in the path of the tube's UV radiation.

The shutter opens and closes continuously,effectively blocking the UV radiation for a briefperiod (0.25 to 0.75 sec. depending on design,but less than the FFRT). The FSG systemdrives the scanner self-check shuttermechanism and checks for the scanner's pulsecount to stop during the shutter-closed period.Scanner pulse counts detected during theshutter closed time causes the system to reactto scanner self-check failure; by shutting off fueland going to lockout. When using UV tube-typeflame detectors, a scanner with self-checkfeature is mandatory for burners or appliancesthat are designed for continuous operation.

Fig. 12 UV tube detector, AC current operationprinciple.

Continuous operation is defined as 24 hours ofcontinuous use. In addition, UV self-checkingscanners are mandatory in some locations,regardless of continuous operation. Ultra violetaccounts only for about one percent of availableradiation in the flame spectrum. UV also isrelatively weak and is easily blocked byunburned fuel, products of combustion, smoke,water vapor, and other common substancesfound in and around flames. Accordingly, adetector close to the root of the flame picks upUV most easily, and UV radiation frombackground or adjacent flames tends to be amuch weaker signal. With proper scannersighting and set-up of associated controls, UVflame scanners remain a simple, well-trustedand acceptable option in today’s FSG systems.

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Fig. 13 UV self check scanner.Fireye part no. 45UV5


Where possible, obtain the burnermanufacturer’s instructions for mounting thescanner. This information is available for moststandard burners. The scanner mounting shouldcomply with the following general instructions:

1. Reliable pilot signal2. Reliable main flame signal.3. A pilot too small or in the wrong position to

ignite the main flame reliably, must not bedetected.

4. The scanner must have an unobstructedview of flame being monitored.

5. Monitored flame must completely cover thescanner’s field of view.

6. Position the scanner within the closestdistance from the flame to be monitored(within 72 inches is recommended).

7. Select a location that will remain within theambient temperature limits of the scanner.For UV scanners model 45UV5 this is max.140 F (60 C) and for model UV1A maximumtemperature is 200 F (94 C). Minimum tempis –40 F/C.

8. If cooling is required, you can use aninsulating coupling, Fireye # 35-69 for UV1Ascanners and Fireye # 35-127-1 for 45UV5scanners, to reduce conducted heat.Cooling air can be added to reduce sight-pipe temperatures.

9. UV1A and 45UV5 scanners are notdesigned to seal off any sight-pipepressures. To seal off positive furnacepressures in access of 12 “ WC, use Fireye# 60-1257, ½” NPT quartz window

arrangement for UV1A scanners. For45UV5 scanners use Fireye # 60-1199, 1”NPT quartz window arrangement.

10. When possible, install the scanner on astandard NPT pipe (1/2” NPT for UV1A and1” NPT for 45UV5) whose position is rigidlyfixed. If the sight-pipe sights throughrefractory, do not extend it more thanhalfway through. Swivel type mounts areavailable if desired: Fireye # 60-302 forUV1A and Fireye # 60-1664-3 for 45UV5scanners.

11. The sight-pipe must permit an unobstructedview of the pilot and/or main flame. Bothpilot and main flame must completely coverthe scanners’ field of view.

12. Smoke or unburned combustion gasesabsorb UV energy. On installations withnegative pressure combustion chambers, asmall hole drilled in the sight-pipe may assistin keeping the pipe free from smoke. Forpositive pressure furnaces, provide cleanpurge-air to pressurize the sight-pipe ifnecessary.

13. A quartz lens can be used to increasescanner sensitivity, or to allow location of thescanner at twice the normal recommendeddistance.


Fireye UV1A scanners are supplied with 36” or72” long flexible armored cable. The two leadsconnect to S1 and S2 terminals located in thecontrol’s wiring base. Fireye 45UV5 scannersare supplied with four lead wires, each 72” long.These are to be installed in a suitable length offlexible armored cable. A conduit connector issupplied with this scanner. Connect the two redleads (signal) to terminals S1 and S2 and thetwo black leads (shutter) to terminals L1 and L2located in the control’s wiring base.If necessary to extend the scanner wiring, thefollowing instructions apply:1. For extended wiring up to 500 feet; for eachindividual scanner wire of an UV1A, and eachred wire of an 45UV5 scanner use shielded wire(Belden 8254-RG62 coaxial cable, or equal).The ends of the shielding must be taped and notgrounded.2. Avoid the use of asbestos wire.3. Multiconductor cable is not recommended.4. Keep any high voltage or ignition wiring awayfrom all scanner wiring.

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Flame scanners operating in the visible and infrared spectrum utilize a lens, photo-detector and asolid-state frequency tuning circuit.

Fig. 14 Infrared scanner with heat insulatingmounting nipple. Fireye part no’s. 48PT2 and35-69.

In itself, IR and visible light, (400 nanometerswavelength and upwards) is not overly useful indetecting presence or absence of flame. Afurnace area of a boiler with hot, glowingrefractory contains both visible and IR radiationin great abundance and simply detecting thepresence or absence of it, would not give anycertainty of the on, or off condition of thetargeted flame. In order to identify the targetedflame an IR scanner monitors the modulatingfrequency (flicker) of the radiation it receives. IRis radiated from a flame in a multitude offrequencies, called Flame Flicker. The burningprocess consists of a large number of smallexplosions as molecules of fuel unites andignites with oxygen. Each of these explosionsemits light and other radiation, giving the flamean appearance of relative steady shape andglow. When a high-speed film of a flame isplayed back, it reveals that the flame isconstantly on the move changing shape andchanging in brightness. It is the photo-detector'sability to monitor flame flicker, through the abilityto alter its resistance in harmony, which makesthe flame detector useable to distinguishbetween flame and other sources of radiation.The photo-detector most commonly used is thePbS (lead sulfide) photo resistor. The PbS celllowers its electrical resistance in relation toamplitude of radiation >400 NM. (visible infra-red) region on the cell. The cell responds in a

modulating fashion, harmonized with thevariations in radiation amplitudes given off bythe combustion process. Not only do flamesflicker in this way, the flicker frequency isactually different within the zones of the flame.If we look back at figure 8 for a moment, it wouldbe the ultra-violet region of the flame, nearestthe nozzle, the ignition-zone, which has the leastamplitude but the highest flame flickerfrequency. The opposite end, farthest from theburner nozzle produces the most amplitude ofradiation but of the lowest flicker frequency.Thus a flame scanner mounted on the burner-front looking parallel with fuel flow would havethe best possible view to pick up as much aspossible of the ignition zone of its targetedflame. Should its targeted flame disappear, itwould likely pick up radiation of lower frequencyfrom hot surfaces such as refractory. If thedetector's circuitry is designed in a way that itcan be selective in the frequency it accepts asflame signal, then discrimination betweentargeted flame and background can beachieved.Flame flicker frequency is noted in Hertz.Flicker frequencies in flames can be found from5 upward to well over 200 Hz. Variations inhigher or lower frequencies found in flames arerelated to a variety of functions in burner designand fuel burned. Burner designs such as gun-type or ring-type produce flames with a widerange of frequencies, where as spud-type (gas)and low-NOx burners do not.

Fig. 15 IR cell response to IR (DC) radiationand flame flicker.

Fuel oils and coal produce wide ranges offrequencies, where as fuel-gas, particularly lowNOx or sub-Stoichiometric combustion does not.

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This ability of the flame scanner to pick up flameflicker frequency can be adversely affected byover-powering low frequency radiation fromfurnace background.

Fig. 16 IR cell saturation effect from abundant,low frequency infrared radiation.

Strong sources of this low frequency radiationwill have a saturation effect. Also calledWashout, saturation inhibits the cell's ability tomaintain a high enough electrical resistancevalue, rendering it unable to monitor flameflicker. Imagine that in figure 16 the symbolicflashlight represents the low frequency IR-visiblelight radiation from furnace background and thatthe symbolic flame represents the ignition zoneof the targeted flame. We see that the furnacebackground radiation focused on our detectordrastically reduces its electrical resistance,leaving almost no room for the cell to respond toflame flicker modulation. To minimize thissaturation effect it is desirable to sight thedetector such that radiation from the ignitionzone is maximized while radiation from furnacebackground is minimized. A task not alwaysmade possible within burner design. A laterchapter dedicated to scanner sighting andpositioning, deals with this issue in more detail.Lets look at frequencies of flame flicker asrelated to fuel being fired. Back in figure 9 weobserved that oil and coal flames have strongradiation in the visible wavelength, and gasflames do not. Anyone having seen oil and coalflames through a burner's sight-glass will confirmthe relative brightness of these fuels whileburning, whereas gas flames tend to be moretransparent or dim. All fuels however, radiateprofusely in the infra red region of the flame

spectrum. Where the detector is sighted at theignition zone of the targeted flame, it is notuncommon to find that the lowest frequenciesincrease dramatically in a "flame off" condition.This is due to the ignition zone of the targetedflame "masking" the bright background lowfrequency radiation while the targeted flame ison. Upon disappearance of the targeted flamethis background radiation comes into full view.


Where possible, obtain the burnermanufacturer’s instructions for mounting thescanner. If a single scanner is used to detectboth pilot and main flames, the sight pipe mustbe aimed so that the scanner sights a point atthe intersection of pilot and main flame. Properscanner positioning must assure the following:1) Reliable pilot signal.2) Reliable main flame signal.3) A pilot too small or in the wrong position to

ignite the main flame reliably, must not bedetected.

4) The scanner must have an unobstructedview of flame being monitored.

5) Monitored flame must completely cover thescanner’s field of view.

6) Avoid sighting hot refractory.7) Maintain scanner temperature as cool as

possible (below 125 F (50 C))8) Use 6” to 8” length of pipe between scanner

and hot furnace plate.9) Use Fireye P/N 35-69, heat insulator on the

end of sight-pipe.10) Sight-pipe should not extend more than half

way through refractory wall.


Attach the cable supplied with scanner to ajunction box. Splice the cable wires to a pair ofwires not smaller than #18 gauge wire. Installthe complete run in separate conduit to thecontrol. Do not pass scanner wiring through anyjunction box containing other wires. Do not runother wires through scanner conduit.Continuous conduit bonding between scannerand control is important. The scanner may belocated up to 100 feet (30 M) from control.

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Any flame detector system must be thoroughlyinspected and tested prior to putting the systeminto permanent service. The following is asuggested listing of tests used to assure a safesystem of flame detection:1. Flame signal measurement (required for all

types of flame detectors).2. Hot refractory saturation test (required for

infrared flame detectors).3. Hot refractory hold-in test (required for

visible light and infrared flame detectors).4. Ignition spark sensing test (required for

ultraviolet flame detectors).5. Ignition interference test (required for flame

rod type detectors).6. Pilot turndown test (required for all flame

detector types, when used to detect pilotflame).

Fig. 17 Infrared scanner P/N: 48PT2 contains;Cell P/N: 4-263-1 and Lens P/N: 61-436


A steady flame signal of at least recommendedminimum strength must be maintainedthroughout the operation of the burner. Theminimum acceptable signal strength is listed inthe technical bulletin of the control used. Theflame signal can be checked via “test-jacks”provided (located on flame amplifier module), orvia its control display readout. Unstablereadouts may be caused by:1. Unstable flame conditions.2. Incorrect supply voltage.3. Defective detector wiring.4. Electrical noise on detector wiring.5. Dirty viewing lens.

6. Faulty detector rod (flame rod), cell(infrared) or tube (UV).

7. Excessive detector temperatures.8. Detector location.


Performed to insure that hot refractory does notblind or saturate the detector, preventing it fromsighting radiation from the targeted flame.a) Start burner.b) Monitor flame while heating refractory.c) Note if any decline in flame signal as

refractory heats.d) If signal declines, detector likely sights

refractory. Try re-sighting scanner to seelittle or no refractory. If not possible tryplacing an orifice in front of scanner lens toreduce field of vision. Alternately, changingto a UV scanner may resolve this problem.


This test is done for infrared detectors todetermine whether there is enough hotrefractory sighted, combined with “shimmer”inside the combustion chamber, which couldduplicate false flame signal.a) Start burner.b) Monitor flame while heating refractory.c) With refractory at maximum temperature,

close manual fuel valve(s).d) With flame now out, take note of the time it

takes for the FSG control to drop out itsflame relay (close electric fuel valves).

e) If d) is not within the flame failure responsetime (FFRT) of the FSG control, the systemis experiencing hot refractory hold-in.Corrective measures must be taken. Try re-sighting scanner to see little or no refractory.If not possible try placing an orifice in front ofscanner lens to reduce field of vision.Alternately, changing to an adjustablefrequency range type infrared scanner, or toa UV scanner may resolve this problem.


This test is required on UV type detectors,proving that the detector is not picking up UVradiation from the ignition spark, creating a falseflame sensing condition.a) Shut off pilot and main manual fuel valves.b) Start burner.

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c) Monitor for any flame signal during ignitionspark period.

d) There should be no signal what so ever.e) If any signal, take corrective action: Either

re-sight the detector, or shield the detectorfrom the spark via a metal shield at ignitionelectrode.


The ignition interference test is done on anyflame rod system. It serves to determinewhether or not ignition interference is creating afalse flame signal from electrical noise, createdby the ignition and superimposed on the flamerod system. Note that this can be either additiveor subtractive to the flame signal.a) Start normal burner cycle.b) Monitor flame signal during, and after spark

ignition.c) If a noticeable difference is observed,

ignition interference is experienced and thefollowing may help to alleviate

a) � Check for proper grounding area.b) � Maintain maximum distance between

ignition electrode and flame rod.c) � Check ignition electrode(s) spacing (1/16”

to 3/32”)d) � Replace deteriorated ignition / flame rod



Required on any type of flame detection system,this test should be performed on:a) Any new installation.b) Following any changes to the detector’s

location or viewing angle.c) Following replacement of the flame detector.

This test serves to assure that the detector ispositioned such that it will not detect a pilot,which is insufficient to reliably light off its mainburner. The minimum pilot is the smallestpossible pilot flame that a flame detector willsight to hold in the flame relay on its FSGcontrol:a) Shut manual fuel valve to main burner (test

firing valve).b) Start burner.c) Monitor flame signal during pilot trial for

ignition (PTFI). (Some systems; FireyeFlame Monitor and Fireye MP560, have a“run-check” switch to stop and hold programduring PTFI for this purpose)

d) Reduce fuel supply to the pilot burner untilflame signal is at its minimum (see technicalbulletin of FSG control for this information).This is the minimum pilot detectable.

e) Light off main fuel and insure that the mainflame lights off promptly and smoothly(within 1 second).

f) If light off appears to be delayed, re-sightdetector so that a larger minimum pilot flameis required.

g) Repeat test until main lights smoothly withminimum pilot.

h) After completion of test, restore pilot flameto its normal capacity.

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Flame rod applications allow for pin-pointaccuracy in location of a pilot flame. Particularattention should be given to the ability of thepilot flame to light off the main flame reliably andunder all conditions.

Fig. 18 Importance of flame rod placement.

As is shown in Fig. 18, it is important that theflame rod enters the pilot flame from the side soas to safely prove an adequate pilot flame underall draft conditions.Note the rectangular plates attached to the pilotburner assembly to provide a large groundingsurface. Proven types of flame groundingadapters as shown may be used to provideadequate grounding. High temperaturestainless steel should be used to minimize theeffect of metal oxidation and these assembliesmay be welded directly to the pilot burnernozzle.When the pilot burner assembly includes a sparkigniter, care should be given to place it oppositethe flame rod. Also, interference form theignition spark can alter the true signal by addingto, or subtracting from it. Interchanging theprimary wires (line voltage) to the ignitiontransformer sometimes may reverse this trend.The addition of grounded shielding betweenflame rod and ignition spark may also reducethis interference.

Fig. 19 Scanner sight-tube must provideunobstructed view of flame.

Optical flame detectors need to be mountedon a sight-tube. Care should be given that thesight-tube permits an unobstructed view of thepilot and/or main flame. Both pilot and mainflame must completely cover the scanner’s fieldof view.

Preference should be given to an angular (about5 to 25 degrees) on-axis view, perpendicularwith the fuel nozzle.

Fig. 20 Scanner sighting

Infrared scanners must not sight hot refractoryas this may cause unwanted signal or detectorsaturation. If at all possible aim infraredscanners away from refractory as shown in Fig.20. Alternately, extending the length of the sight-tube, or place scanner orifices inside the sight-tube arrangement in order to minimize refractorysighting. In any event, a “hot refractory hold-intest” should be performed.

Ultra Violet scanners should be aimed at thefirst one-third of the flame. This is the areawhere the maximum UV signal from a flame isfound.

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Swivel mounts are used to simplify scannersighting. They are available for ½” and 1” NPTscanner mountings and are bolted to the burnerfront. The scanner sight-tube is threaded into theswivel mount, with the scanner mounted at theother end. When satisfactory aiming is achieved,the swivel mount’s locking bolts are tightened.

Fig. 21 48PT2 or UV1A scanner mounting usingswivel mount and heat insulating nipple.

Sealing unions are provided with either a Pyrex(for infrared) or quartz (for UV) window and areused to protect the scanner against excessivefurnace pressures. It is good practice to installthese along with a ball valve for servicing.

Fig. 22 UV self check scanner installed in highfurnace pressure application.

Purging air is used to prevent the sight tubefrom becoming obstructed by dust or dirt andalso serves to keep the scanner cool.For large multi burner furnace installationsscanner cooling air fan assemblies may beused. These fans provide ambient air at a fewinches of water column above furnace pressureand this air is distributed to all scanners viacooling air piping. On smaller installationsinstrument-air is often used. Scanners need very

little of this purge/cooling air; 4 SCFM or113L/min is recommended.Fireye self check scanners are provided with a3/8 “ NPT purge air opening. Infrared, 48PT2and UV, UV1A scanners need to have fittingsinstalled on the sight tube arrangement to suit.

Fig. 23 Purge/cooling air details.

In extremely high temperature applications itmay be required to cool the sight tube withcooling water. Figure 24 shows how, by using anassortment of standard copper fittings, a water-cooled sight tube may be made.

Fig. 24 Water-cooled sight tube for ½ inchmount scanners.

The copper tees need the end-stops locatedinside the female ½ inch connections removedin order to allow a ½ inch copper tube to rununinterrupted from the sight tube end to scannerend. This arrangement can easily be adjusted tobe used with 1 inch mount scanners also.

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Enclosures for Fireye standard scanner types45UV5, UV1A and 48PT2 do not have listedNEMA ratings. By design, these scanners aresuitable for use both indoor and outdoorapplication and their enclosures provideprotection against wind-blown dust and weatherhazards such as rain, sleet or snow.

Fig. 25 Weather proofing a 48PT2 scanner.

For applications with a 48PT2 infrared scanner,where that extra bit of protection is required, youmay consider the assembly described in figure25. Here the heat insulator P/N: 35-69 (suppliedwith all 48PT2 scanners) is used backwards.The scanner has its lock-nut and ring removedand is inserted into the female threaded end ofthe 35-69. It will seat on the ridge where thefemale threads end, and threading in aweatherproof flexible conduit connectorcompletes the assembly. Finally, insert the malethreaded portion of the 35-69 into the sealingunion P/N: 60-801 and mount it on the sight-tube.

To meet specified NEMA ratings, the detectorneeds to housed in an enclosure which iscertified to the desired rating. For the relativesmall UV1A and 48PT2 scanners, various typesof enclosures are available ranging from junctionboxes to instrument enclosures.Industrial type thermocouple heads are readilyavailable in NEMA ratings varying from thelowest to the highest. See figure 26.

Fig. 26 Enclosure rated for Class 1 & 2, DIV. 1,Groups B, C, D, E, F, & G, and NEMA 4, forUV1A or 48PT2 scanner. For NEMA 4X, thishousing must be epoxy coated.

For the larger, self check type 45UV5 scannerswhen used in areas requiring hazardous areaclassification, these can be ordered with specialenclosures. Figure 27 shows the Europeanstyle, CENELEC approved housing rated at IP-66. This enclosure is also available for scannersusing fiber optics.

Fig. 27 Cut-away view of flame detectormounted in Cenelec approved hazardous areaenclosure rated IP-66 (NEMA 4X).

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Flame failure response time (FFRT) is the timefrom loss of flame, to the closure of fuel valve(s).This may vary from 4 seconds (maximum) toless than 1 second. The control may respondby recycling or re-lighting the burner, or by goinginto a safety lockout requiring manual reset.

Prepurge is required to provide a complete airchange to the combustion chamber. A prepurgetime is a period of time after the combustion airfan has been started and proven, (sometimesthe combustion air damper is driven and provento the high purge position) during which thecombustion chamber and flue gas passages areprovided with minimum of four complete airchanges.

Pilot Trial For Ignition time (PTFI) is themaximum time allotted for the system toestablish and detect the pilot flame during startup. Failure to establish the pilot flame within theselected PTFI will cause the flame safeguardsystem to lockout on safety, requiring a manualreset.

Main Trial For Ignition time (MTFI) is themaximum time during which both the pilot andmain fuel safety valve(s) are permitted to beopen before the pilot valve is de-energized andthe flame safeguard system is to supervise themain flame alone.

Post Purge time is a short period of time (10 –15 sec.) after the a burner cycle during whichthe combustion air fan continues to operate,evacuating products of combustion from thefurnace area.


Interrupted Pilot: is a pilot that is ignited duringeach burner cycle and withdrawn afterestablishing main flame, at the end of MTFI.

Intermittent Pilot: is a pilot that is ignited witheach cycle and remains on throughout the entirerunning cycle and is terminated the same timeas the main flame at the completion of eachcycle. In order to have an MTFI period, theburner must utilize an interrupted pilot, unlesstwo separate flame detectors are used; one forpilot and one for main.

Standing Pilot, or continuous pilot, is a pilot thatburns regardless of whether the burner is firingor not. Generally these pilots are used inatmospheric burner systems and most oftenneed to be manually lit. In any event, a standingpilot must be monitored by a flame detectionsystem.


A flame Safeguard system consists of a flamesafeguard control, also called flame relay, and aflame detector. The primary functions of a flamesafeguard control is to:1. Properly sequence the burner’s operation

through its start up, running cycle and itsshutdown.

2. Provide flame supervision, de-energizing thefuel supply valves within the flame failureresponse time if flame is no longer detected.

3. Monitor the safety interlocks before andduring the operation of the burner.

4. Provide “safe start check”, during which thecontrol prevents a burner start up if flamesignal is present prior to its next cycle.


The operating interlock circuit, when closed,cycles the burner on and off. Burner cycling, oroperation, i.e. call for heat, or call for steam, isprovided by the Controller. The controller is thedevice which cycles the burner, for example: Anaquastat for hot water systems, an areathermostat for commercial heating systems, or apressure sensor for steam boilers. Thecontroller is wired into the operating interlockcircuit. Other devices such as a low water cut-off, or remote setpoint control, are sometimesalso wired into the operating interlock circuit,preventing the burner from operating unless thedevice allows it, and recycling the burner whenthe condition is met.


The running interlock circuit, when closed,insures the operating limits of all safety deviceswired into it are met. The term “running interlockcircuit” refers to the fact that some of the safetydevices being checked are not into play until theflame safeguard control has started its cycle. Forexample, the combustion air fan is first turned onby the control and then its proper operation isverified via an “air-proving device”.

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Some examples of running interlocks:• High temperature or pressure limits.• High and low fuel pressure limits.• High and low water cutoff• Proof of closure switch on fuel valve(s).• Combustion airflow limit.

The above mentioned operating and runninginterlock circuits, along with the flame detectorcircuitry, are inputs to the system. A flamesafeguard system also needs to control andoperate various equipment found on a burner viaits’ outputs. For example:• Combustion-Air fan• Ignition transformer.• Pilot fuel valve.• Main fuel valve.• Modulation motor.

Flame safeguard controls can be classified inthree main groups:1. Non programming controls2. Programming controls3. Flame switches


A Fireye M series type flame safeguard controlprovides the minimum basic functions to safelyoperate a burner. It monitors the inputs from theoperating control, interlocks limits and flamedetector and translates these into controloutputs to the combustion air-fan motor, ignitiontransformer, pilot fuel valve and main fuel valve.Fireye M series controls are used for supervisionof small and moderate size burners, firing gasand light fuel oil.

Fig. 28 M Series, model TFM1 control.


Fireye UVM and TFM controls (discontinued in1999 and replaced by the Fireye M Series IIcontrol) provide five basic styles of function:1. M1: Relight2. M2: Recycle with prepurge3. M3: Non recycle with prepurge4. M3H: Non recycle with prepurge and pilot

stabilization period.5. M5: Non recycle with prepurge, pilot

stabilization period and interrupted pilot.

The UVM and TFM controls monitor both pilotand main flames and with pilot ignited burnersprevent the main fuel valve from beingenergized until the pliot flame is proved. Withspark ignited burners the trial for ignition issafely limited to 10 seconds, with 4 secondsavailable in models M2, M3, M3H and M5.Plug in purge timer cards for use with M2, M3,M3H and M5 provide selectable 7 or 30 or 60 or90 second prepurge. A running interlock circuitis provided for an airflow switch and other limitsand is monitored throughout the operating cycle.In the event of PTFI failure, or following a safetyshutdown, the lockout switch trips, activating analarm circuit.UVM and TFM controls incorporate a safe startcheck circuit that is operative on each start. Ifflame, real or simulated, is detected prior to astart or during prepurge, the unit will perform asafety shutdown.

Below are the M Series models:UVM1D: UV, FFRT: 0.8 sec., RelightUVM1F: UV, FFRT: 4.0 sec., RelightUVM2: UV, FFRT: 4.0 sec., RecycleUVM3: UV, FFRT: 4.0 sec., Non RecycleUVM3H: UV, FFRT: 4.0 sec., Non RecycleTFM1D: FL. Rod, FFRT: 0.8 sec., RelightTFM1F: FL. Rod, FFRT: 4.0 sec., RelightTFM2: FL. Rod, FFRT: 4.0 sec., RecycleTFM3: FL. Rod, FFRT: 4.0 sec., Non RecycleTFM3H: FL. Rod, FFRT: 4.0 sec., Non Recycle

Purge timing Cards for M2, M3 or M5Card Prepurge PTFIMT55 5 sec. 5 sec.MT74 7 sec. 4 sec.MT304 30 sec. 4 sec.MT710 7 sec. 10 sec.MT904 90 sec. 4 sec.MT3010 30 sec. 10 sec.MT6010 60 sec. 10 sec.MT9010 90 sec. 10 sec.

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Fireye, Modular M Series II controls are of solidstate design and provide a multitude in basicstyles of functions. The M Series II is acompact, modular design flame safeguardcontrol, designed to provide automatic ignitionand flame monitoring for commercial heatingand process burners. Interchangeableprogrammer and flame amplifier modules allowfor versatility in selection of control functions,timing, and flame detector types. Theprogrammer module determines controlfunctions. Detector type and flame failureresponse time (FFRT) are determined by theamplifier module.

Fig. 29 M Series II: Control with cover,chassis with modules, amplifier and programmermodule.

Programmer modules may be equipped withdipswitches to select Purge timing, Pilot Trial forIgnition (PTFI) timing, and Recycle or Non-Recycle operation. The M Series II has a clearplastic window covering all dipswitches, whichmust be in the closed and permanently lockedposition in order for the programmer to beoperational. Programmer modules are alsoprovided with LED indicator lights characterizingthe operating status of the control.

The following components are required for acomplete system.1. Control Chassis2. Amplifier Module3. Programmer Module4. Wiring Base5. Flame detector

The Control Chassis for the Modular M SeriesII control are designed to receive the flameamplifier and programmer module, which insertinto their respective slot. The following modelsare available when selecting the chassis:

MC120 120vac, 50/60 Hz.MC120R 120vac, 50/60 Hz. Remote resetMC120P 120vac, 50/60 Hz. Post purgeMC230 230vac, 50/60 Hz.MC230R 230vac, 50/60 Hz. Remote reset

Fuse Jumper

Fig. 30 Programmer module. Showinglocation of jumper and replaceable fuse. Fuseprotects control outputs. Jumper is on 100 seriesprogrammers only and is clipped when used on“standing pilot burners” with flame rod detection.

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Programmer Modules are the heart of thesystem and are selected based on functionsrequired. The following models are available:

MP100 Relight operation. Control will relighton flame failure during main flame on.Locks out if pilot fails to be detected.

MP102 Non-relight. 5 sec. PTFIMP230 Selectable prepurge and PTFI timing,

recycle/non recycle operation.MP230H Same as MP230, with pilot

stabilization period.MP560 Same as MP230H, with 10 sec. MTFI.

Includes run-check switch.MP561 Same as MP560, with lockout on

flame fail and running interlock.

Amplifier Modules are selected based on typeof flame detector and required FFRT. Thefollowing flame amplifier modules are available:

MAUV1 UV Detector, 2-4 sec. FFRT.MAUV1T UV Detector, 0.8 sec. FFRT.MART1 Flame Rod Detector, 2-4 sec. FFRT.MART1T Flame Rod, Detector, 0.8 sec. FFRT.

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Fireye, Micro M Series controls are ofmicroprocessor based design and, as with the MSeries II, are a modular burner managementsystem designed to provide automatic ignitionand continuous flame monitoring for commercialsizes of heating and process equipment firingany type of fuel. The Micro M design isbackward compatible to the wiring base ofexisting UVM, TFM and M Series II controls. TheMicro M incorporates smart diagnostic LED’scausing the programmer’s LED’s to illuminate ina coded sequence identifying the reason for thelockout.

Fig. 31 Micro M series: Control with cover,chassis with modules, programmer and amplifiermodule.

This remains true even if power was removedand later restored during a lockout condition.Lockout codes are described in detail in theMicro M technical bulletin MC-5000.There is also provision for “Smart Reset”, inwhere the control’s remote reset terminals ofmultiple units can be wired parallel to a commonpush button. Useful in a multi burner systemwhere the controls are mounted in a commonpanel. The Smart Reset function allows, whenthe remote reset push button is energized forbetween 3 and 5 seconds, to reset only thosecontrols which are in lockout condition, withoutaffecting those which are in normal operation.The Micro M control is also compatible with theFireye alpha numeric display module, part no.ED510, which can be remote-mounted forpermanent use via a remote mount kit part no.129-145, or can be used hand-held as a servicetool to retrieve important service relatedinformation.Serial communications are available via either aModbus driver, or a Fireye E500communications interface.The Micro M series control provides for greaterflexibility in flame detector selection. In additionto the standard UV1A non self-check UV, andFlame Rod applications, this control is alsocompatible with 45UV5-1009 self-check UVscanners, 48PT2 Infra Red scanners, andCadmium Sulfide detectors.Amplifier modules are selected based on type offlame detector and required flame failureresponse time (FFRT).Programmer modules are equipped with smartLED’s and may be equipped with dipswitches toselect Purge timing. Pilot Trial for Ignition (PTFI)timing, and Recycle or Non Recycle operation.A “Burn-in Time” , at which the dipswitch settingbecome permanently stored, occurs after 8hours of continuous operation of the control.

The following components are required for acomplete system:1. Control Chassis2. Amplifier Module3. Programmer Module4. Wiring Base5. Flame Detector

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The control Chassis for the Micro M seriescontrol is designed to receive the flame amplifierand programmer module, which insert into itsrespective slot. When selecting a controlchassis, the following modules are available:

MEC120 120vac, 50/60 Hz.MEC120R 120vac, 50/60 Hz. Remote ResetMEC120D 120vac, 50/60 Hz. Display OutputMEC120C 120vac, 50/60 Hz. CommunicationsMEC120RC120vac, 50/60 Hz. With R and CMEC230 230vac, 50/60 Hz. With R, D and C

Programmer Modules are the heart of thesystem and are selected based on functionsrequired. The following models are available:

MEP100 Relight operation, 10 sec. PTFIMEP101 Same as MEP100 but allows flame

signal during “off cycle”MEP102 Same as MEP100 with 10 sec. PTFIMEP103 Fixed 10 sec. PTFI, 10 sec. MTFI

and Post purge. Will retry once onpilot failure.

MEP104 Non recycle on flame fail, 10 sec.PTFI

MEP105 Non recycle on flame fail, lockout onlimit failure, 10 sec. PTFI

MEP100P Same as MEP100 with 15 sec. Postpurge.

MEP230 Selectable: PTFI, Pre-purge timing,Recycle or Non Recycle, Provelimits open on start.

MEP230H Same as MEP230 with 8 sec. Pilotstabilization period.

MEP234 Selectable: PTFI, Pre-purge timing,Prove limits open on start, 10 sec.Pilot proving, MTFI, Post-purge,Non Recycle on flame fail.

MEP235 Same as MEP230 with lockout onlimits open 10 sec. after start, NonRecycle on limits or loss of flame.

MEP236 Same as MEP230 with 3 sec.additional ignition on with main fuel.For use with intermittent pilot only.

MEP290 Same as MEP230H with 90 secondpost purge.

MEP560 Same as MEP230H with 10 sec.MTFI, Run-Check switch.

MEP561 Same as MEP560 without pilotstabilization period.

MEP562 Same as MEP560 with lockout onloss of flame and limit circuit open.

Daughter board Fuse

Fig. 32 Remote reset, communications, anddisplay output are all features located on the“daughter board. Picture shows board withdisplay output only. Note: Micro M has fuselocated on chassis.

Amplifier Modules are selected based on thetype of flame detector and the required FFRT.The following amplifier modules are available:

MEUV1 UV non self check 0.8 sec. FFRTMEUV4 UV non self check 3 sec. FFRTMEUVS1 UV self check 0.8 sec. FFRTMEUVS4 UV self check 3 sec. FFRTMERT1 Flame Rod 0.8 sec FFRTMERT4 Flame Rod 3 sec FFRTMEIR1 Infrared 0.8 sec. FFRTMEIR4 Infrared 3 sec. FFRTMECD1 Cadmium Sulfide 0.8 sec. FFRTMECD4 Cadmium Sulfide 3 sec. FFRT

Fig. 33 Measuring flame signal.

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Fig. 34 Typical wiring arrangement for pilotignited burner using M series 100 and 200programmer. Note: For Micro M wire limitsbetween 7 and 6 (not 8 and 6).

Fig. 35 Typical wiring arrangement for directspark ignited burner using M series 100 and 200programmer. Note: For Micro M wire limitsbetween 7 and 6 (not 8 and 6).

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Fig. 36 Typical wiring arrangement for pilotignited burner using M series 500 programmer.Note: For Micro M wire limits between 7 and 6(not 8 and 6).

Fig. 37 Typical wiring arrangement for directspark ignited burner using M series 500programmer. Note: For Micro M wire limitsbetween 7 and 6 (not 8 and 6).

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Fig. 38 M series control wired for operatorto start up each time the burner is fired.

Fig. 39 M series control wired as flameswitch only.

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Fig. 40 M series controls in cascadingsequence for multi burner system.

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Fig. 41 Control sequence diagram for M seriescontrol with 100 series programmer. Voltage atterminals can be measured as shown whencontrol’s cover is removed.

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Fig. 42 Control sequence diagram for M seriescontrol with 200 series programmer. Voltage atterminals can be measured as shown whencontrol’s cover is removed.

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Fig. 43 Control sequence diagram for M seriescontrol with 500 series programmer. Voltage atterminals can be measured as shown whencontrol’s cover is removed.

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No voltage at term. L1 – L2• Electrical supply switched off.• Blown fuse or tripped breaker.• Bent Tab on bottom of control.• Loose connection.• Wiring error.

Improper voltage at term. L1 – L2• Min. operating voltage 102vac• Max. operating voltage 132vac

No voltage at term. 7• Burner on/off switch off.• Operating or limit control open.• Loose connection.• Wiring error.

Voltage at term. 7 but not term. 8• Control is in lockout.(Alarm LED on)• False flame signal detected (Flame LED is

on). Check for false flame being detected, orpossibly incorrect scanner wiring causingelectrical noise.

• Defective UV tube giving false flame signal.• Defective control chassis.

Voltage at term. 7 but not term. 6• Interlock(s) wired between term. 8 and 6

open. (Airflow LED remains off)• Wiring error.

Control locks out before prepurge begins.• Prove Airflow (Term. 8 – 6) open on start is

selected “enabled” via its dipswitch.

It seems prepurge is too long.• Check dipswitch settings on programmer


PTFI starts, PTFI LED on programmermodule lights, but no power on term. 3 & 4.• Fuse is blown (Inside program module for

MC120, on chassis for MEC120 typecontrol).

Pilot fails to establish, PTFI LED on for 10seconds, followed by lockout. No visualpresence of flame.• Fuel supply shut off.• Air in fuel line (needs purging)• Defective pilot valve.• Incorrect fuel pressure (check pilot reg.)

• Defective ignition transf. (Check for spark).• Incorrect spark-gap at igniter assembly.• Incorrect location of spark electrode tips in

relation to pilot burner.• Incorrect wiring of pilot components.

Pilot fails to be detected, PTFI LED on for 10seconds, followed by lockout. Yet visualpresence of flame.• Flame detector not detecting flame.• Inadequate pilot flame.• Improper amplifier module installed.• Flame rod not making contact with flame.• Defective flame rod. (porcelain)• Grounding surface of pilot assembly too

small (corroded). Replace pilot burner. Seepage 8

• Incorrect detector wiring.• (Flame rod system). No ground-path from

pilot burner to FSG control. Provide groundwire from control chassis to pilot assembly.Provide ground to terminal S1.

• Flame detector dirty.• Incorrect line of sight for flame detector.• Unstable pilot flame.• Defective flame detector or amplifier


It takes seconds before the pilot flame isdetected after pilot valve and ignitiontransformer are energized.• Incorrect location of spark electrode tips in

relation to pilot burner.• Incorrect (too high) fuel pressure.• Incorrect primary air adjustment on pilot


Main flame fails to establish after PTFI• Run check switch in “check” (500 series

programmer modules only)• Main, manual shut off valve closed.• Defective main safety shutoff fuel valve.• Improper fuel pressure.• Main valve opening causes fuel pressure

limits (high or low) to trip.• Wiring error to main fuel valve.

Main flame lights, but goes out when pilotflame is shut off (500 series programmodules only)• Main burns off-ratio. Main fuel pressure too

high.• Main burner improperly adjusted.• Scanner does not detect main flame.

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Flame Signal diminishes with time after mainburner lights.• Main burns off-ratio. Main fuel pressure too

high.• Main burner improperly adjusted.• Infrared detector saturates. (see page 16)• Bad UV tube in ultraviolet flame detector.• Steam atomization blocks flame signal. (UV

detector on steam atomized oil burner).Reposition detector for more angular view ifpossible.

• Pilot burner “pulled away” from flame rod bymain burner firing. (Flame rod systems onnatural draft burners).

• Excessive scanner temperatures.

Burner locks out on Flame Failure duringmain flame firing.• Main burns off-ratio. Main fuel pressure too

high.• Main burner improperly adjusted.• Infrared detector saturates. (see page 16)• Bad UV tube in ultraviolet flame detector.• Steam atomization blocks flame signal. (UV

detector on steam atomized oil burner).Reposition detector for more angular view ifpossible.

• Pilot burner “pulled away” from flame rod bymain burner firing. (Flame rod systems onnatural draft burners).

• Power spike, unnoticed by FSG but closingfuel solenoid valves.

• Operating, or running interlock limit “weak”causing short drop in voltage, unnoticed byFSG but closing fuel solenoid valves.

• Insufficient grounding to control wiring basewhen using Micro M control.

• Flame detector wiring in common conduit.Should be in separate conduit.

• Interference by x-rays or extreme sources ofelectrical noise.

• Defective main safety shutoff valve.• Defective main gas regulator.

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Fig. 44 Typical application for M seriescontrol in a direct fired make up air unit.

Figure 44 is an example of a control wiringarrangement for an air make up unit. Air makeup units are generally mounted on the roof of thebuilding and are provided with a remote controlpanel which is located inside the building forease of operating the equipment. All otherequipment shown is located on the unit.Fused, 3 phase power is run to a disconnect,which generally is attached to the outside of theunit. From the disconnect, the 3 phase powerwires are run to the motor starter/overloads, andon to the blower motor. A step-downtransformer provides 120vac control-voltage; L1(hot) and L2 (neutral). From the transformer, L1is run through a fuse and connected to the fanswitch located in the remote control panel.To operate, close the fan switch. The inletdamper motor opens and exhaust interlocks, arechecked.

When the dampers are fully open, the damperend-switch closes and will provide voltage to themotor starter coil, starting the blower motor.Outside air is now forced into the building.To heat the make up air, close the heat switch.This will energize the flame safeguard control bypowering its terminal 7 and 1, and a controlsequence will begin as described in figure 41Temperature control is achieved via a directacting control valve having a capillary tube in thedischarge duct.Prepurge is not required in air make upequipment, as large amounts of air are movedacross the burner area at all times.

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Fig. 45 Typical application for M seriescontrol on a 3 pass low pressure steam boilerwith interrupted pilot and 2 stage firing valve.

Figure 45 is an example of a control wiringarrangement for a small power burner mountedon a steam boiler. Fused control voltage (L1) iswired to terminal 1 from where it is run to theboiler on/off switch. From the switch a wire isrun to the boiler operating control andterminated at terminal 7, completing L1 to 7.Running interlocks are shown wired betweenterminals 8 and 6, some of these such as lowwater cut-off may be found wired in series withthe operating control between terminals 1 and 7.To operate, close the on/off switch. On a call forsteam and with other limits wired into the 1 to 7circuit satisfied, terminal 8 will becomeenergized, starting the combustion air blower.

All limits wired between terminals 8 and 6 mustbe satisfied and a control sequence will begin asdescribed in figure 43Two stage firing control is achieved via separatecontroller (not shown).

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D series flame safeguard controls, in addition tothe standard functions of M series flamesafeguard control, provide those functionsrequired for fully modulating burners of unlimitedcapacity. Some of these functions are:1. Firing rate motor positioning for purge, light-

off and run/auto position.2. Air damper fully open position supervision

during purge.3. Low-fire start-position supervision.4. Proof of fuel valves closed supervision.5. Early ignition spark termination.6. Post purge timings

Fireye D series solid-state programming FSGcontrols (replaced by E Series, Flame Monitormicroprocessor based controls) are comprisedof a Chassis, a Programmer, an Amplifier and aWiring Base. The following is a listing of DSeries part numbers and descriptions:

Fig. 46 D Series control chassis with programmodule and amplifier installed.

D Series Chassis• 70D10 Non recycling

With modulation terminals• 70D20 Recycling

With modulation terminalsNo high purge position super-vision.

• 70D30 RecyclingNo modulation terminalsNo high purge position super-vision.

D Series Programmers• 71D60 30 sec. purge, 10/15 sec. MTFI

Use with 70D10 and 70D20• 71D61 30 sec. purge, 10/30 sec. MTFI

Use with 70D10 and 70D20• 71D70 30 sec. purge, 10 sec. MTFI

Use with 70D10 and 70D20Early spark cut-off

• 71D80 30 sec. purge, 5/10 sec. MTFIRecycles, Use with 70D30

• 71D81 15 sec. purge, 5/10 sec. MTFIRecycles, Use with 70D30

• 71D90 90 sec. purge, 5/10 sec. MTFIRecycles, Use with 70D30

D Series Amplifiers• 72D1R1 Infrared, 2-4 sec. FFRT• 72D1R1T Infrared, 1 sec. FFRT• 72D1R3 Infrared, 2-4 sec. FFRT for solid

fuel only.• 72D1R3T Infrared, 1 sec. FFRT for solid

fuel only.• 72DRT1 Flame Rod, 2-4 sec. FFRT• 72DRT1T Flame Rod, 1 sec. FFRT• 72DUV1 UV, 2-4 sec. FFRT• 72DUVS4 UV Self-Check, 2-4 sec. FFRT• 72DUVS1T UV Self-Check, 1 sec. FFRT

D Series Wiring Base

• 60-1386-2 Closed wiring base for surfacemounting.

• 60-1466-2 Open wiring base for cabinetmounting.

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To assemble a control and its plug-in modules,remove the two module retainer hold-downscrews and remove the module retainer.Note; this retainer cannot be removed while thecontrol is mounted in its wiring base.Insert the amplifier module in the slot at the leftside of the control and gently push into position.Insert the programmer module into the right sideof the control and gently push into position.To mount the unit into its wiring base, themodule retainer must be installed.

Fig. 47 D Series chassis, module retainerremoved, showing insertion of amplifier module.


Before installing the chassis into its wiring base,it is good practice to first do a voltage and shortcircuit check. First verify that the supply voltage,terminals L1 and L2 is within the specified rating;120vac 50/60 Hz (132vac max., 102vac min.)Follow this by a short circuit check. Use a voltmeter set on ohms reading lowest scale. Makesure line voltage power supply to control isoff. Remove the neutral wire from the terminal(L2). If a step-down transformer supplies thecontrol voltage, remove its ground wire from thesecondary side neutral also. Clip one meter testlead to the ground terminal located in the wiringbase. (The wiring base ground terminal musthave a ground wire connected to an earth-ground). With the other test lead make contactwith each terminal in the wiring base. At no timeshould the meter read other than infinity.

Now reconnect the neutral to terminal L2 andremove the test lead from the ground terminaland reconnect this lead to neutral, terminal L2.Again make contact with the other probe oneach terminal in the wiring base. Some terminalsmay provide resistance readings (coils,transformers, lamps, etc.) these readings shouldnot exceed 5 ohms. A reading of zero ohms onany terminal would indicate a short circuit andmust be rectified before installing the control intothe wiring base.Before installing the control into the wiring base,check the electrical tabs on the bottom of thechassis. If they are bent out of position,reposition them with your fingers. The control isshipped with a red tag which has the properangle marked on it. If the red tag is not availableuse your own judgment in order to line up eachtab uniformly with respect to its neighbor. Seefigure 48.

Fig. 48 Tabs on bottom of wiring base of Dseries and Flame Monitor series control.

With the unit complete, module retainer in placeand screwed down, insert the chassis into thewiring base and tighten retaining screw.Having assured yourself that all interlocks andvalves are properly wired and that the sequenceof operation is correct, close the manual fuelvalves and proceed with checking all safetyinterlocks for proper shut down of the burner.Cautiously proceed through a burner light offprocess.

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Test Jacks Reset ButtonLED Indicators

Fig. 49


A 70D30 control chassis is equipped with threeLED indicator lights each of which are labeled:1. Airflow – Lights when running interlock limits

are made (Terminals 3 –P)2. TFI – Lights during trail for ignition.3. Fireye – Lights when flame is detected.

A 70D10 and 70D20 control chassis is equippedwith five LED indicator lights each of which arelabeled:1. Blower – Lights when blower circuit is

energized (Terminal M).

2. Purge – Lights when firing rate motor isdriven to high fire (prepurge) position(Terminals 10 – X).

3. TFI – Lights during trail for ignition4. Fireye – Lights when flame is detected.5. Auto – Lights when firing rate motor is

released to modulate (Terminals 10 – 11).


Test Jacks are provided on the front of theamplifier module to accommodate measuringthe flame signal strength using a 1,000 ohm/volt(or greater) DC voltmeter, or a digital meter withan input impedance of 500K ohms or greater.Normal flame signal strength reads 18 – 25vdcFlame Relay drop-out is approximately 5vdc


A run check switch is located on the side of theprogrammer module. A small tool such as ascrewdriver is required to operate it.Putting the switch into the Check positionprevents the control from proceeding beyondpilot trial for ignition (PTFI), in fact maintainingpilot until the switch is again placed in the Runposition. This allows for adjustment of the pilotflame such as a “Pilot Turn-Down Test” asdescribed on page 18.

Terminal Test-Points Run Check SwitchFig. 50

For trouble shooting the control there arevoltage test-point for each terminal. These areidentified and located on the edge of the chassisboard, see figure 50.

When trouble shooting be sure that:

1. Wiring is accordance with instructions2. Contact tabs on bottom of chassis are not

bent out of position.3. Chassis is firmly secured in wiring base.4. The Run-Check switch is in the desired

position.5. The correct amplifier module is installed for

the flame detector used.6. The flame detector is clean.7. The lock-out switch is reset.

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Fig. 51 Wiring schematic for 70D10 and 70D20.

Fig. 52 Wiring schematic for 70D30

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Fig. 53 Control Sequence Diagram for 70D10and 70D20 control

Note: In order to measure voltages at wiringterminals, remove the control’s cover andmeasure at access point as shown above.

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Fig. 54 Control Sequence Diagram for 70D30control

Note: In order to measure voltages at wiringterminals, remove the control’s cover andmeasure at access point as shown above.

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No voltage at term. L1 – L2(All LED’s off)• Electrical supply switched off.• Blown fuse or tripped breaker.• Bent tab on bottom of control.• Loose connection.• Wiring error.

Improper voltage at term. L1 – L2• Min. operating voltage 102vac• Max. operating voltage 132vac

No voltage at term. 13• Burner on/off switch off.• Operating or limit control open.• Loose connection.• Wiring error.

No voltage at term. 3(All LED’s off)• Fuel valve’s “proof of closure” switch open.• System has no POC switch and no jumper

installed at terminals 3 – 13• Bent tab on bottom of control.

Blower motor does not start.(Blower and Purge LED’s on)• Control is in lockout.• Motor three-phase power off.• Defective motor or contactor.• Bent tab on bottom of control.• Defective control chassis.• If no voltage at term. M, replace chassis.

Blower runs, but control locks out beforeend of purge.(Blower, Airflow and Fireye LED’s on).• False flame is detected.• Check for actual flame being detected.• Check for incorrect scanner wiring causing

electrical noise, causing false signal.• Defective UV tube giving false flame signal.• Defective amplifier module.•

Blower runs, purge is not initiated, 70D10locks out, 70D20 does not.(Airflow LED remains off)• Interlock(s) wired between term. 3 and P

open.• Wiring error.• Bent tab on bottom of control.

70D10 only: Modulator driven to high, but nofurther progress in program sequence.(Blower and Purge LED’s on).• High fire purge interlock end-switch not

made. Terminals D - 8

Modulator driven to low, but no furtherprogress in program sequence.(Blower LED on).• Low fire end-switch not made.

Terminals M - D

PTFI starts, TFI LED on programmer modulelights, but no power on term. 5 & 6, Controllocks out.• Replace 70D control chassis.

Pilot fails to establish, Blower and TFI LED’son for 10 seconds, followed by lockout. Novisual presence of flame.• Fuel supply shut off.• Air in fuel line (needs purging)• Defective pilot valve.• Incorrect fuel pressure (check pilot reg.)• Defective ignition transf. (Check for spark).• Incorrect spark-gap at igniter assembly.• Incorrect location of spark electrode tips in

relation to pilot burner.• Incorrect wiring of pilot components.

Pilot fails to be detected, Blower and TFILED’s on for 10 seconds, followed bylockout. Yet visual presence of flame.• Flame detector not detecting flame.• Inadequate pilot flame.• Improper amplifier module installed.• Flame rod not making contact with flame.• Defective flame rod. (porcelain)• Grounding surface of pilot assembly too

small (corroded). Replace pilot burner. Seepage 8

• Incorrect detector wiring.• (Flame rod system). No ground-path from

pilot burner to FSG control. Provide groundwire from control chassis to pilot assembly.Provide ground to terminal S2.

• Flame detector dirty.• Incorrect line of sight for flame detector.• Unstable pilot flame.• Defective flame detector or amplifier


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It takes seconds before the pilot flame isdetected after pilot valve and ignitiontransformer are energized.• Incorrect location of spark electrode tips in

relation to pilot burner.• Incorrect (too high) fuel pressure.• Incorrect primary air adjustment on pilot


Main flame fails to establish after PTFI(Blower, TFI and Fireye LED’s on)• Run check switch in “check” (located in

programmer modules )• Main, manual shut off valve closed.• Defective main ESD fuel valve.• Improper fuel pressure.• Main valve opening causes fuel pressure

limits (high or low) to trip.• Wiring error to main fuel valve.

Main flame lights, but goes out when pilotflame is shut off.(Blower LED on)• Main burns off-ratio. Main fuel pressure too

high.• Main burner improperly adjusted.• Scanner does not detect main flame.•Flame Signal diminishes with time after mainburner lights.• Main burns off-ratio. Main fuel pressure too

high.• Main burner improperly adjusted.• Infrared detector saturates. (see page 16)• Bad UV tube in ultraviolet flame detector.• Steam atomization blocks flame signal. (UV

detector on steam atomized oil burner).Reposition detector for more angular view ifpossible.

• Pilot burner “pulled away” from flame rod bymain burner firing. (Flame rod systems onnatural draft burners).

• Excessive scanner temperatures.

Burner locks out on Flame Failure duringmain flame firing.• Main burns off-ratio. Main fuel pressure too

high.• Main burner improperly adjusted.• Infrared detector saturates. (see page 16)• Bad UV tube in ultraviolet flame detector.• Steam atomization blocks flame signal. (UV

detector on steam atomized oil burner).

Reposition detector for more angular view ifpossible.

• Pilot burner “pulled away” from flame rod bymain burner firing. (Flame rod systems onnatural draft burners).

• Power spike, unnoticed by FSG but closingfuel solenoid valves.

• Operating, or running interlock limit “weak”causing short drop in voltage, unnoticed byFSG but closing fuel solenoid valves.

• Insufficient grounding to control wiring base.• Flame detector wiring in common conduit.

Should be in separate conduit.• Interference by x-rays or extreme sources of

electrical noise.• Defective main safety shutoff valve.• Defective main gas regulator.


Supply Voltage: 120vac (max. 132, Min.102vac)

Pwr Consumption: 20VA operatingMax. connected load: 2000VATemp. Rating: Max. 125 F, Min. –40 FMax. load ratings for:• Term. 5 & 6 (ind. or combined) 550Va• Term. 7: 250Va (Pilot duty)• Term. M: 9.8 F.L.A. 58.8 L.R.A.• Term. 10-11-12-X: 125Va Pilot duty• Term. A: 50Va pilot duty

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Fig. 55 Flame Monitor

The E110, Flame Monitor is a microprocessorbased burner management system. It isdesigned to provide the proper burnersequencing, ignition and flame monitoringprotection on automatically ignited oil, gas, andcombination fuel burners.Field inputs are wired into the control’s operatingand running interlock circuits, and in conjunctionwith these, the control programs the burner’scombustion-air blower-motor, ignition and fuelvalves to provide for proper and safe operationof the burner.One of the strengths of the Flame Monitorsystem is its ability to display the currentoperating status plus lockout information in theevent of a safety shutdown. The manner inwhich the information is displayed depends onthe type of programmer selected.

The Flame Monitor System is of modular designallowing flexibility in adaptation to variousapplications. The system consists of a wiringbase, control chassis, amplifier module,programmer module, display module and dustcover. The interchangeable aspect of thesecomponents provides for complete versatility inselection of control function, timing, and flamescanner means.Functions such as pre-purge, recycle or not oninterlocks, proving of high damper position

during pre-purge and trial for ignition timings aredetermined by the choice of programmermodule. Amplifier modules are selected basedon flame detector used.

Main features and benefits of the Flame Monitorinclude:• A non-volatile memory, allowing the control

to remember its history and present positioneven when power has been interrupted.

• A constant flame signal readout via displaymodule, or 0 –10 VDC output on the EPDprogrammer modules.

• Read out of main fuel operational hours andcomplete cycles via display module.

• Modbus communications via RS485 multidrop link.

• Selectable pre-purge timings, via dipswitchsettings.

• A service (Run-Check) switch, allowing theoperator to stop the program sequence inany of the three events; Pre-purge, PTFI, orAuto.

• Ability to mount its display module remotely.

SPECIFICATIONSSupply voltage: 120 VAC (+10%, -15%)

50/60HzConsumption: 25 VATemp. Limits: -40 –to + 125 F

(Display: 32 to 125 F)Humidity: 85% R.H. max. non condensing

Terminal load ratings:• Term. 5 & 6: 550 VA, pilot duty• Term. 7: 250 VA, pilot duty• Term. M: 9.8 F.L.A, . 58.8 L.R.A.• Term. 10,11, 12, X: 125 VA, pilot duty• Term. A 50 VA, pilot duty

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Fig. 56 Amplifier Module

Amplifier modules used in conjunction with theFlame Monitor System are selected based onthe type of flame detector.The amplifier module is installed in the third setof guide channels found in the Flame MonitorChassis, where it is clearly marked “AmplifierModule”.There is a total selection of six amplifiermodules. The following table assists in clarifyingthe specifics of each.

Fireye PartNumber

Description Use withScanner

EUV1UV non self



EUVS4UV selfcheck






E1R2(See note 1)


For specialapplications.



E1R3(See note 2)


Without oilfog rejection



amplifier 45CM1


Note 1:The E1R2 has increased sensitivity,which may result in unsafe operation ifnot properly applied. Increasedsensitivity implies that far less infraredradiation intensity is required asreceived from the flame envelope to beaccepted as flame on. Only specialapplications can operate safely with thisamplifier. Consult factory before using.

Note 2:The E1R3 does not provide oil sprayrejection protection, which may result inunsafe operation if not properly applied.Oil Spray Rejection implies that thesystem responds to any significantchange in level of flame-brightness,such as a flame out condition where oilcontinues to be sprayed in front ofbright, hot refractory. Consult factorybefore using.

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Fig. 57 Flame Monitor Programmerselection chart


The programming module is the hearth of thesystem. Figure 57 represents a chart of themost common programmers and lists theprogramming sequence.Note that programming functions in thesequence may be selectable via dipswitcheslocated on the module.

Programmers for the Flame Monitor system aredesignated with prefix “EP” or “EPD”.

EP programmers are designed to receive theED510 display module “snapped into the face ofthe module.EPD programmers are designed with an integralLED display and are compatible to be used withan additional remotely mounted ED510 displaymodule.

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Fig 58 Description of programmerdipswitch functions. Upper chart is for EP100and EP200 series, lower chart is for EP300series.

Fig 59 Dipswitch location

Figure 58 shows dipswitch functions for allprogrammer modules.

Figure 59 shows the location of the dipswitcheson the programmer.Note that indications “DN” and “UP” in figure 58relates to DOWN and UP for the switches asshown in figure 59

A further detailed description of the usage of thedipswitches can be found on the next page.



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Several operational characteristics of theEP160, Ep161, EP165, EP166 and EP17oprogrammer modules are determined by sixdipswitches located on the side of theprogrammer. These characteristics includepurge timing (dipswitches 3, 4, 5). Thedipswitches are also used to select the option ofproving the 3 - P running interlock open at thestart of the each operating cycle, which includesthat the high purge interlock (D – 8) and low firestart interlock (M – D) are switching open andclosed at the appropriate times (dipswitch 6).

Note: All dipswitch functions becomePERMANENT after the control has beenpowered for more than eight (8) hours. Afterthis “Burn-In” period changing the positionof any dipswitch will not have any effect onthe operation of the programmer module.

Figures 58 and 59 show dipswitch location andfunctions.

Dipswitches 1 and 2 are inactive on EP100and 200 series programmers.

The EP300 series programmer utilizesdipswitch 1 to determine if the programmer willrecycle, or not, when the running interlock circuit(terminals 3 – P) opens during the firing cycle.The programmers are shipped with the switch inthe “Recycle” (switch down) position.

The EP300 series programmer utilizesdipswitch 2 to select “Intermittent orInterrupted” operation of terminal 6 (Pilot or firststage valve). When selected for intermittentoperation, terminal 6 remains energizedthroughout the firing period. When selected forinterrupted operation, terminal 6 is energized for10 seconds during PTFI and 15 seconds duringMTFI before de-energizing. Theseprogrammers are shipped with dipswitch 2 in thedown position (Intermittent operation).


Dipswitches 3, 4 and 5 are for pre-purgetimings.

Purge timings are selectable as per the chartsshown in figure 58.

Note that (only) on the EP100 seriesprogrammers the selected purge timing is notinitiated until the firing-rate motor is driven to(terminals 10 – X made), and proven at(terminals D – 8 closed), the high purgeposition.At the end of the pre-purge timing (EP100 and200 series only), the firing rate motor is driven tothe low fire (light-off) position (10 – 12 made).EP100 and 200 series programmers will add aminimum 30 seconds (maximum 10 minutes) tothe pre-purge timing, waiting for low fire startswitch to be proven closed.EP300 series programmers do not have firingrate motor circuit control. These programmersdo not prove high fire purge position and do nothave a minimum wait period for low fire startswitch to close (PTFI is initiated immediatelyafter selected prepurge period is completed andlow fire end switch is made).


Dipswitch 6 provides the option to prove therunning interlock circuit (terminals 3 – P) open atthe start of the each operating cycle, which alsoincludes that the high purge interlock (D – 8)and low fire start interlock (M – D) areswitching open and closed at the appropriatetimes.1. (All series programmers) If this option is

enabled (Switch 6 is up), the runninginterlock circuit (terminals 3 – P) must beopen at the start of each operating cycle(terminals L1 – 13 closing). If the 3 - P circuitis closed at the start of a new operatingcycle, the control will “hold” for 1 minute,waiting for this circuit to open, If, within 1minute, the circuit 3 – P does not open, thecontrol will lockout. If circuit 3 – P is provenopen, the control will start its cycle: Theblower motor will energize (terminal M) andthe control will wait 10 seconds for circuit 3 –P to be proven closed. If not proven closedwithin 10 seconds, a lockout will occur.

2. (EP100 series programmers only). If thisoption is enabled (Switch 6 is up), terminalsD – 8 (high fire purge) and terminals M – D(low fire start) interlocks, are also monitoredfor open and closed during the programmingsequence. If these circuits are proven“closed” at inappropriate periods during theprepurge and light-off sequence, the controlwill “hold” for 10 seconds, then lockout.

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Fig. 60 Wiring schematic for EP100 and200 series programmer.

Fig. 61 Wiring schematic for EP300 seriesprogrammer.

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WIRINGFigures 60 and 61 show generic wiringschematics for flame monitor. Needless to say,each application has its peculiarity and style. Butthese diagrams, in conjunction with the flamemonitor “control sequence diagram”, give a clearindication of the function of each terminal atspecific periods in the control sequence. Usethese schematics in conjunction with theequipment’s wiring diagram.


Fig. 62 Firing rate motor switching wiringwhen using “Slide wire Potentiometer”

EP100 and 200 series programmers utilizeterminals 10, 11, 12 and X to control the firingrate motor during the pre-purge and light-offperiod:• The control needs to drive the motor to the

high fire position and maintain it there duringthe pre-purge period. (Relay RH; Terminals10 - X)

• The control drives the firing rate motor to thelow fire position and maintains it there forboth PTFI and MTFI. (Relay RH, Terminals10 - 12)

• The control releases the motor to themodulating controller upon completion ofsuccessfully establishing main flame and thewithdrawal of the plot flame. (Relay RA1,Terminals 10 - 11)

Figure 62 shows the wiring for a proportioningcontroller with slide wire (135 ohm)potentiometer system. A potentiometer, orvariable resistor, consists of a fine wire woundaround a core (term. W – B). A wiper rests onthis assembly and moves along the windings.The wiper is connected to terminal R. As thewiper moves back and forth (as determinedmechanically by the process demand), theresistance between R and W, and between Rand B changes. If the wiper moves toward W,the resistance between R and B increases, andthe reverse is true, in that if the wiper movestoward B, the resistance between R and Wincreases. The modulating motor has a similarfeed back potentiometer, which works inconjunction with a balancing relay. The unequalcurrents flowing through each side of thebalancing relay will cause the relay to pivot ,engaging the appropriate motor windings.Increasing resistance in the B wire of the motorcircuit will cause the motor to drive to the low, orclosed position. Increasing the resistance to theW wire of the motor circuit will cause the motorto drive to the high or open position. As is clearfrom figure 62, resistance between R and B, orR and W are manipulated by the FlameMonitor’s firing rate motor switching circuit,causing the desired effect during the controlsequence.

Figure 63 shows the wiring when using a 4 – 20mA control system

Fig. 63 Firing rate motor switching wiringwhen using 4 – 20 mA damper motor.

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Fig. 64 Wiring arrangement for “spark cut-off” feature, EP170 programmer only.

When using an EP100 series programmer andthe ignition spark needs to be terminated prior tomain trial for ignition, use an EP170 module andwire as shown in figure 64

Fig. 65 Wiring arrangement for spark ignitedoil burner.

Direct light-off oil burners may be wired as perfigure 65.This arrangement may cause the control tolockout on the first light-off attempt and show themessage “Fuel valve state change”. This isbecause the control does not expect voltage atterminal 7 during PTFI. Resetting the control willcause it to accept it. When the jumper between6 and 7 is removed, it will again lockoutdisplaying this message, requiring a reset toaccept and continue.

Fig. 66 Combination fuel burner wiring withrelay for jumpering terminals 6 – 7

When changing fuels on combination burnerswhere “Direct Spark” is used on oil, it is normalto jumper terminals 6 – 7. To assure that burneroperation is not interrupted immediatelyfollowing the change-over as described above(see figure 65), one of two things must be done:1. Interrupt power to L1/L2 momentarily when

changing fuels, just before the initial cycleon the new fuel.

2. Install a relay contact between terminals 6and 7, with the relay energized by terminal7. This will jumper 6 to 7 only after PTFI iscomplete and will be accepted byprogrammer.

Fig. 67 Extending the prepurge for EPDprogrammer modules.

With EPD programmers there are no dipswitchselectable pre-purge timings. Prepurge islimited to 30 seconds. Figure 67 shows howprepurge may be extended using a timer.Maximum time delay setting should not exceed10 minutes (see page 51).

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Fig. 68 Suggested wiring for power switch-over systems


The Fireye Flame Monitor is designed for aninput voltage of 120vac – 50/60Hz, withtolerance of + 10% and -15%At a voltage drop to approximately 85vac thecontrol will shut down and perform an internalreset. Restoration of input voltage to within thespecified parameters will render the FlameMonitor operational again.Sometimes a power brownout, or a switchoverto a UPS systems may cause problems to theinput voltage. Brown outs cause voltage dropsand switchovers may cause very short(Microsecond) power interruptions to thecontrol’s input voltage. Both of these may attimes actually go unnoticed by the FlameSafeguard control, but their effect may be justenough to cause the fuel valves to close. Whenthis happens, the FSG control will interpret it asa flame failure, not a power problem. Inapplications where this occurrence may besuspected, figure 68 shows a way to helpalleviate this problem. The assumption is (andthe time delay relay should be selected as such)that the relay coil would trip along with the fuelvalves. Setting the DAE (Delay After Energize)at about two seconds will assure the control willrecycle after any brownout or switch-over event,not lockout.


On this note, it is important to remember thatcircuit 3 to P, the running interlock circuit, carriesthe complete electrical load of whatever isconnected to terminals 5, 6 and 7It is therefore important to take into account thateach device, the sum of all devices and thelength of wiring runs in the running interlockcircuit 3 – P, needs to be taken into accountwhen designing and trouble shooting thesystem. The same phenomenon as describedabove in supply voltage tolerance, applies to thiscircuit as well. A weak device or excessive wireruns in 3 – P may be the cause of voltage dropsor micro-power interruptions, not noticed by theFlame Monitor but causing the fuel valve(s) toclose, simulating a flame failure.In extreme cases it may be required to look intoisolating the running interlock circuit via the useof a control relay such as shown in figure 68Abelow.

Fig. 68A Control relay in running interlockcircuit.

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The following are extensive and very helpful tipsfor wiring issues with regard to Flame Monitorapplications. They are contained in “ServiceNote #100” provided and released by Fireye in1998.For clarity, the entire service note is includedbelow. Copies of this excellent service note canbe obtained at your Fireye distributor, or atFireye’s web page;


DefinitionThe primary function of electrical groundingrequired by the National Electrical Code (NEC)is to provide safety for equipment and personnelfrom abnormal electrical conditions.The grounding also provides a path fordissipation of the high-energy electricaldischarges caused by lightning, as well asprevents build-up of static charges on equipmentand materials. In addition, the groundestablishes an equipotential or zero-voltage(reference) for the electrical system.A good ground system should be provided tominimize the effects of AC quality problems. Aproperly designed ground system meeting all thesafety requirements will ensure that any ACvoltage quality problems, such as spikes, surgesand impulses have a low impedance path toground. A low impedance path to ground isrequired to ensure that large currents involvedwith any surge voltages will follow the desiredpath in preference to alternative paths, whereextensive damage may occur to equipment.

General RulesThe Flame-Monitor system, beingmicroprocessor based, requires a groundsystem that provides a zero-voltage reference.Fireye bulletin E1101 specifies, with the Flame-Monitor removed, the voltage measured from L2to all other terminals except L1 should be 0volts.1. The most effective ground is to run the

ground wire in the same raceway as the hotand neutral from the main distributionservice panel (not intermediate subpanels)to the burner control panel and insure thatthis ground wire is well bonded to the controlpanel.

2. The wiring base of the Flame-Monitor musthave earth ground providing a connectionbetween the sub-base and the control panelor the burner.

3. The earth ground wire must be capable ofconducting the current to blow the 20A fusein event of an internal short circuit. Anumber 14 copper conductor is adequate,wide straps or brackets are preferred ratherthan lead wires.

4. The ground path needs to be low impedance(less than 1 ohm) to the equipment frame,which in turn needs a low impedance toearth ground. For a ground path to be lowimpedance at RF frequencies, theconnection must be made with minimumlength conductors having maximum surfaceareas.

5. All connections should be free of non-conducting coatings and protected againstrust.

6. Utilizing conduit as a means of providing aground must be avoided.

7. Installing ground rods at the burner controlpanel defeats the purpose of a single pointground as described above and could alsopresent a safety hazard.

Upgrade or RetrofitIt is recommended to change the existing P-Series chassis to a new Flame-Monitor subbase(60-1386-2 or 60-1466-2),If the installation is an upgrade, particularlyusing a P-FM adapter, this means the wiring hasbeen in place for a number of years andprobably, over time, has had other wires addedto the system. All wiring and terminalconnections should be inspected for tightness.Long wires should be shortened and routeddirectly point to point instead of lengthenedusing wire nuts. If the existing frame is used, theframe of the P-Series chassis should be wellbonded to the panel and the adapter securelyscrewed into the chassis. Often, C-Seriesand/or D-Series subbases are not properlygrounded so the same rules for the P-Seriesshould apply. The subbases for the C and DSeries were factory painted and not plated.Good bonding screws with star washers shouldbe utilized. Refer to General Rules above.

InstallationDoes not run high voltage ignition transformerwires in the same conduit that contain flamedetection wiring. Do not run scanner wires in aconduit with line voltage circuits.

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Ensure the frame of the ignition transformer issecurely connected to control panel frame or theburner frame.The Flame-Monitor chassis (E100/E110)contains a transient-suppressing deviceconnected internally across hot and neutral andthen to the internal bracket. For this to beeffective the chassis must be screwed securelyinto the wiring subbase so that the spot face onthe bracket located in the E100/E110 chassiscomes in contact with the locking nut located inthe subbase.

Remote DisplayWhen the ED510 is to be remotely mounted onthe front of the control panel, the ED580 cablemust contain a ferrite core, currently supplied byFireye with the ED580 cable. High frequencycurrents flow more to the surface of theconductor. The 60 Hz ground system, properlydesigned, has sufficient low-impedance at 60 Hzto maintain all metal surfaces at the sameground reference. But, this same system isunable to provide this at higher frequenciesbecause of the increased impedance caused bythe ‘skin effect’. The purpose of the ferrite coreis to provide a low-impedance at these higherfrequencies and absorb this unwanted energy.Care must be taken not to route the ED580cable in close proximity to any starter motorcontactor located in the control panel or acrossany high voltage ignition wires.Refer to Fireye bulletin E-8002 for properinstallation.

CommunicationsWhen interfacing Fireye controls to acommunication system, be it an E500, PLC orother microprocessor based device, ferrite coresshould also be utilized. Fireye supplied ED512cables provide the ferrite cores attached to thecables. For longer runs beyond the lengths ofED512, proper twisted shielded pair cable mustbe utilized. In a multi-drop system, the shieldsshould be tied together within a cabinet and notto any ground point. The shield at the sourceend of the cable of the multi-drop connectioncan then be terminated to ground. Source end isdefined as the originating end of thecommunication system Care must be taken notto route communication cables in close proximityto any starter motor contactor located in thecontrol panel or across any high voltage ignitionwires.Refer to Fireye bulletin E-8002 for properinstallation.

Expansion ModuleFor connection to an E300 expansion module,the Fireye E350 cable must be utilized with thegreen grounding wire being connected to thegreen screw at the Flame-Monitor end. Caremust be taken not to route the expansionmodule cable in close proximity to any startermotor contactor located in the control panel oracross any high voltage ignition wires. It is notgood practice to route the E350 cable in thesame race way as the high voltage control wires.

ScannersThe armored cable supplied with the Ultra-Violetand Infrared scanners should be connected toequipment by means of a good mechanicalconnection such as a conduit fitting. It may benecessary to utilize heat insulator (35-69) toisolate the sensing end of the scanner fromboiler ground. Care must be taken not to routethe scanner cable across the high voltageignition cable. The high-energy ignition cableshould be checked periodically for cracking,connections and aging.In applications using flame rod units and theERT1 amplifier, it may be beneficial to route aseparate return wire for the S2 terminal to theflame rod assembly. This will minimize theeffects of transient currents flowing into theFlame-Monitor.In all cases, scanner wires should be routed inseparate conduit and not joined with any highvoltage AC or ignition cables.

MaintenancePeriodically, the spark electrode should beinspected for proper gapping and crackedceramics. At ignition time, the high energy fromthe ignition transformer will attempt to conduct tothe point of least resistance and with animproper spark gap, where the conduction takesplace will no longer be controlled. The VA ratingof the control transformer must be sized tohandle the inrush currents of the pilot solenoidand ignition transformer at PTFI and the then theinrush currents of the main fuel valve assemblyat MTFI time. Inspect neatness of wiring injunction boxes and cabinets. It is best to haveconnections short and direct and also not havingwires bunched up and tied off. Also connectionsshould be periodically inspected for tightnessand corrosion.

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Fig. 69 Flame Monitor Display Module, part no.ED510 with connector cable part no. ED580-1

A key feature of the Flame Monitor system is itsdiagnostics capabilities. Current operatingstatus and safety lockout information aredisplayed on the alphanumeric display module,part no. ED510, shown in figure 69.

The display module is designed to operate withthe EP and EPD style programmer modules, aswell as the Micro-M control series. (Operationwith EPD style modules requires remote mount).The display module provides the followingfeatures and capabilities:• Two line, each 16 character, LCD backlit

display.• Continuous display of current burner

operating status, including burner, safetylockout information.

• Three key, tactile dome keypad allowingaccess to display functions, such as last sixlockout conditions complete with burnercycle and burner hour time stamp

• Mounts directly onto the front face of EPstyle programmer modules.

• Module connects to EP, EPD style modules,or Micro M control, via standard RJ styleconnector (see figure 69).

• Designed for use with EP style programmermodules, but can be used with EPD styleprogrammer, or Micro M control, when usingremote mount kit utilizing standard DINsized panel door opening (92 mm X 92mm).

• The display module can mounted 8 feetaway from the control when using ED580-(length) cable, or hundreds of feet awaywhen using belden cable plus the ED610adapter board. When mounting the displaymodule not within sight and sound of theburner, it may be desirable, and required, todisable the Reset function. A jumper locatedon the ED610 adapter board, disables thereset function when moved from position 1-2to position 2-3 (see bulletin E-8002).

Fig. 70 ED510 display module mounted onprogrammer, complete with ED580-1 cable

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There are three tactile pads to choose fromlocated on the front of the display module:SCRL (Scroll), RESET and MODE

SCRL• Used to advance through and display

operational information associated with thecontrol, including various sub-menus. Treatit like a “NEXT” key. Where ever you are ina menu, pressing this key will “scroll” you tothe next item.

RESET• Press to reset the control after a lockout

condition has occurred. The control willreset, and if conditions allow, the nextoperating cycle will start. Sub-menus alsomake use of this key for things like unit(Communication) address, and customizedmessages.

MODE• Use this key to change mode, from standard

menu to a sub-menu. Any time a small rightpointing arrow appears at the end of a menuitem i.e. “LOCKOUT HISTORY”, you canpress the MODE key to enter this sub-menu,or to exit back to the standard menu.


Fig. 71 EPD style programmer module

Fig.72 EPD programmer module LED indicatorlights. Shown here with description added aboveeach.

EPD style programmers are provided with aseries of seven LED indicator lights toannunciate the current operating status. Figure72 shows the symbols of each LED with adescription above.Alarm: lights when unit is in lockoutFan: Lights when blower motor is energized.Open Damper: Blinks when damper is driven tohigh purge position, lights constant when highpurge limit is made (Term. D – 8).Close Damper: Blinks when damper is driven tolow fire position, lights constant when high purgelimit is made (Term. M - D).Ignition: Blinks during PTFI, Lights constantduring MTFIAuto: Lights when MTFI complete and controlreleases to automatic (Terminals 10 – 11 made),blinks when RUN/CHECK switch is in Checkmode during Run period.Flame: Lights whenever flame is detected.

While the burner is off (L1 – 13 open), the LED’sblink every 60 seconds to indicate the “off”condition. Pressing the Reset button alsocauses the LED’s to blink in succession.

The LED’s also are used to provide informationon the reason for the last lockout. The resetbutton must be pressed twice to reset anylockout. During any lockout, pressing the resetbutton once will cause the LED’s to light upaccording to a code, indicating the reason forthe lockout condition. These codes are availablein the technical bulletin provided with eachprogrammer.

The ED510 display module can be used on anyEPD style programmer, either mounted remote,for permanent use or hand held for service useonly.

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As previously mentioned, a key feature of theFlame Monitor is its diagnostic capabilities.Below is a listing of all known and availablemessages at the time of writing. These havebeen arranged in alphabetic order for ease oflocating each.


PRESSURE: This is an E300 message and refers to

a limit in circuit 3 - P


: This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P


: This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P

3 - P LOW WATER : This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P


: The POC switch wired betweenterminals 3 - 13 opened before MTFI


: This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P


: This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P

3 - P AUX #4 OPEN : This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P

3 - P AUX #5 OPEN : This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P

3 - P AUX #6 OPEN : This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P


: This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P


: This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P


: This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P

3 - P HIGH WATER : This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P

3 - P INTLK OPEN : Circuit 3 - P has failed to close withinfirst 10 seconds of purge. Or hasopened during operating cycle.


: This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit 3 - P

3 -P INTLK CLOSED : Dipswitch #6 is enabled. Check for 3-Pcircuit open on start has not passed.Unit will hold for 60 second for 3 - P toopen followed by lockout. (Se page51)

AC POWER FAIL : Power interruption caused the controlto lockout. EP165 and 166 only.

AIR FLOW OPEN : This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P


: Amplifier module failure. Replaceamplifier module


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

BNR CYCLES : Number of hours operating control (L1- 13) has been closed

BNR HOURS : Number of hours terminal 7 has beenenergized

BNR LOCKOUTS : Number of control safety lockouts

CHECK AMPLIFIER : High electrical noise. Check phase onL1/L2 is the same as on the control'sinterlock circuits. Defective amplifier ?.Defective IR scanner cell ?. See page56

CHECK CHASSIS : Voltage on terminal 7 at impropertime? Defective Chassis ? Defectiveprogrammer ?


: Expansion module part no. E300failed. Replace E300


: Voltage on terminals 5, 6 at impropertime ? Defective Chassis ? Defectiveprogrammer ?

CHECK SCANNER : UV scanner "Self-Check" failure.Defective UV tube ? Defective shutterassembly ? Electrical noise onscanner wiring ?


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

CYCLE COMPLETE : Operator open (L1 - 13) unit in postpurge

D - 8 HIGH LIMIT : Run-Check switch placed in Check,modulator driven to high position.

D - 8 LIMIT CLOSED : Dipswitch #6 is enabled. Check for D -8 circuit open on start has not passed.Unit will hold for 30 second for D - 8 toopen followed by lockout. (Se page51)

D - 8 LIMIT OPEN : Waiting for terminals D - 8 to close.Maximum wait is 10 minutes followedby lockout.


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

E300 MSG SELECT : From here press MODE key to accessthe pre-programmed lockoutmessages stored in memory,associated with the E300 expansionmodule.

E340 OP CNTL OPEN : This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

F.D. FAN INTLK : This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

FALSE FLAME : Flame has been detected at an in-appropriate time

FLAME FAIL : Control did not have, or lost flamesignal

FLAME SIGNAL : Flame proven, signal strength shown inupper right hand corner0 – 9 Not acceptable10 Minimum acceptable20 - 80 Normal


: During PTFI, the voltage sensed haschanged from the previous cycle. Seepage 54, figures 65 and 66

HIGH FIRE PURGE : Modulator motor send high (10 - Xmade)


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

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HIGH OIL PRESSURE : This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

HIGH PRESSURE : This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

HIGH WATER : This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

I.D. FAN INTLK : This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

IGNITION TIMING : PTFI Started Flame not yet provenL1 - 13 AUX. #1

OPEN: This is an E300 message and refers to

a limit in circuit L1 - 13

L1 - 13 AUX. #2OPEN

: This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit L1 - 13

L1 - 13 AUX. #3OPEN

: This is an E300 message and refers toa limit in circuit L1 - 13

L1 - 13 OPEN : Operating control open (L1 - 13)LINE FREQUENCYNOISE DETECTED

: Electrical noise detected on L1 and L2.Refer to page 56

LOCKOUT HISTORY : From here press MODE key to accessinformation on the last 6 lockoutsstored in memory.


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

LOW FIRE PURGE : Modulator motor send low (10 - 12made)

LOW FIRE SIGNAL : Run-Check switch placed in Check,modulator driven to low position.Flame signal strength is displayed


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

LOW OIL PRESSURE : This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

LOW WATER : This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

LOW WATER : This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

M - D LIMIT CLOSED : Dipswitch #6 is enabled. Check for M -D circuit open on start has not passed.Unit will hold for 30 second for M - Dto open followed by lockout. (Se page51)

M - D LIMIT OPEN : Waiting for terminals M - D to close.Maximum wait is 10 minutes followedby lockout.

M - D LOW LIMIT : Run-Check switch placed in Check,modulator driven to low position.


: This is a message selected from theE300 message menu and refers to alimit in either circuit L1 - 13, or 3 - P

PROGRAM SETUP : From here press MODE key to displaydetails on operating parameters ofprogrammer and amplifier module.

SCANNER NOISE : Electrical noise on scanner wiring.Seepage 57 "Scanners"


: Short circuit, or excessive currentdetected on terminals 5, 6 or 7. Seepage 40 "Before installing the control"

SYS HOURS : Number of hours the control has beenpowered (L1 / L2)

SYSTEM ERROR : Programmer module failure. Replaceprogrammer module

SYSTEM INFO : From here press MODE key to displaydetails on operating parameters of thecontrol.

UNIT ADDRESS : Run-Check switch placed in Check, L1- 13 (operating control is open), pressreset button here for one secondintervals to increase unit address

WAITING FOR DATA : Communication between control anddisplay module is disrupted and needstime to correct. Plugging in the ED510display while control is powered maycause this. Running ED580 cable withother power wiring also causes this.See page 57 "Remote display"Removing and restoring power whileED510 is connected will recoverproper operation.

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Fig. 73 Logic flow diagram for EP 100series programmers

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Fig. 74 Logic flow diagram for EP 200series programmers

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Fig. 75 Logic flow diagram for EP 300series programmers

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No voltage at term. L1 – L2(All LED’s off on EPD programmer, nothingon display on EP programmer )• Electrical supply switched off.• Blown fuse or tripped breaker.• Bent tab on bottom of control.• Loose connection.• Wiring error.

Improper voltage at term. L1 – L2• Min. operating voltage 102vac• Max. operating voltage 132vac

No voltage at term. 13(Standby, L1 – 13 Open)• Burner on/off switch off.• Operating or limit control open.• Loose connection.• Wiring error.• Check for bad tabs (see Fig. 48)

No voltage at term. 3(Lockout Fuel Valve End Switch)• Fuel valve’s “proof of closure” switch open.• System has no POC switch and no jumper

installed at terminals 3 – 13• Check for bad tabs (see Fig. 48)

Blower motor does not start.• Control is in lockout.• Motor three-phase power off.• Defective motor or contactor.• Check for bad tabs (see Fig. 48)• If no voltage at term. M, replace chassis.

Control locks out on False Flame• Flame is detected at inappropriate time.• Check for actual flame being detected.• Check for incorrect scanner wiring causing

electrical noise, causing false signal. Seepage 57.

• Defective UV tube giving false flame signal.See page 13

• Defective amplifier module.

Blower runs, purge is not initiated. (EP200and 300 series)(Hold Purge 3 - P INTLK Open)• One of the interlocks wired between term. 3

and P is open.• Wiring error.• Check for bad tabs (see Fig. 48)

Modulator is driven to high, but no furtherprogress in program sequence. (EP100series)(Hold Purge D – 8 Limit Open).• High fire purge interlock end-switch not

made. Terminals D – 8• If the application does not use a high fire

end switch to prove high purge position, D –8 should be jumpered when using an EP100series programmer.

Modulator driven to low, but no furtherprogress in program sequence.(Hold Purge M - D Limit Open).• Low fire end-switch not made.

Terminals M – D• If the application does not use a low fire start

switch to prove a safe light-off position, M –D should be jumpered regardless of whichseries programmer.

PTFI starts, Control locks out.(Fuel Valve State Change * )• Control sees that voltage at terminal 7, when

terminal 6 is energized, is not the same aswith last cycle. See page 54 for more detail.

• Control is reading feed-back on terminals 5,6, or 7 from PLC or DCS input wiring. Installisolation relays.

PTFI starts, Control locks out.(Short Circuit Term. 5,6, 7)(Check Chassis)• Short circuit or excessive current detected at

terminal 5, 6 or 7. Do test described on page40, heading; “Before Installing The Control”.

• Wiring error• Wiring base not grounded• Control panel not grounded• Step-down transformer, primary side neutral

not grounded• Ignition transformer not grounded

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Pilot fails to establish, Display reads PTFI for10 seconds, followed by lockout. No visualpresence of flame.(Lockout PTFI Flame Fail)• (Pilot) Fuel supply shut off.• Air in fuel line (needs purging)• Defective pilot valve.• Incorrect fuel pressure (check pilot reg.)• Defective ignition transf. (Check for spark).• Incorrect spark-gap at igniter assembly.• Incorrect location of spark electrode tips in

relation to pilot burner.• Incorrect wiring of pilot components.• Check for correct voltage at term. 5 or 6

during PTFI . If none, check for dirty or benttab at bottom of control chassis. See figure48. Also check wiring base tabs.

Pilot fails to be detected, Display reads PTFIfor 10 seconds, followed by lockout. Yetvisual presence of flame.(Lockout PTFI Flame Fail)• Flame detector not detecting flame.• Inadequate pilot flame.• Improper amplifier module installed.• Flame rod not making contact with flame.• Defective flame rod. (porcelain)• Grounding surface of pilot assembly (Flame

Rod) too small (corroded). Replace pilotburner. See page 8

• Incorrect detector wiring. See page 57• (Flame rod system). No ground-path from

pilot burner to FSG control. Provide groundwire from control chassis, terminal S2, topilot assembly.

• Flame detector dirty.• Incorrect line of sight for flame detector.• Unstable pilot flame.• Incompatible flame detector for fuel used.• Defective flame detector or amplifier


It takes seconds before the pilot flame isdetected after terminal 5 and 6 are energized.• Unstable pilot flame.• Incorrect location of spark electrode tips in

relation to pilot burner.• Defective, weak, ignition transformer.• No ground-path, ignition transformer-to-

burner-front.• Incorrect (too high) fuel pressure.• Incorrect primary air adjustment on pilot


• Bad pilot burner assembly. Pilot shouldremain stable when spark ignition is turnedoff.

Main flame fails to establish after PTFI(Lockout MTFI Flame Fail)• Main, manual shut off valve closed.• Defective main ESD fuel valve.• Wiring error to main fuel valve.• Improper fuel pressure(s).• Oil not atomized properly.• Oil nozzle (plugged) troubles.• Main valve opening causes fuel pressure

limits (high or low) to trip.• Main valve opening causing pilot to bow out.• Main burner needs pilot burner. Goes out

when pilot interrupted. Needs air, fuel, or air-fuel ratio adjustment at light-off position.

• Furnace pressure incorrect.• Scanner detects pilot flame, but does not

detect main flame.

Flame Signal diminishes with time after mainburner lights.• Main burner burns off-ratio.• Main burner improperly adjusted.• Infrared detector saturates. (see page 16)• Flame reduces flame flicker as flame

temperatures increase (Applies to infrareddetection only).

• Bad cell in infrared detector.• Bad UV tube in ultraviolet flame detector.• Steam atomization blocks flame signal. (UV

detector on steam atomized oil burner).Reposition detector for more angular view ifpossible.

• Pilot burner “pulled away” from flame rod bymain burner firing. (Flame rod systems onnatural draft burners).

• Excessive scanner temperatures. Providecooling air to scanner.

• Electrical noise on scanner wiring.

Burner locks out on Flame Failure duringmain flame firing.(Lockout Auto Flame Fail)• Main burns off-ratio. Main fuel pressure too

high.• Main burner improperly adjusted.• Infrared detector saturates. (see page 16)• Bad UV tube in ultraviolet flame detector.• Steam atomization blocks flame signal. (UV

detector on steam atomized oil burner).

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Reposition detector for more angular view ifpossible.

• Pilot burner “pulled away” from flame rod bymain burner firing. (Flame rod systems onnatural draft burners).

• Power spike, unnoticed by FSG but closingfuel solenoid valves. See page 55.

• Operating, or running interlock limit “weak”causing short drop in voltage, unnoticed byFSG but closing fuel solenoid valves. Notethat each device and the sum of all devicesneed to carry the electrical load capacity ofterminals 5, 6 and 7. See page 55.

• Insufficient grounding to control wiring base.• Flame detector wiring in common conduit.

Should be in separate conduit.• Interference by x-rays or extreme sources of

electrical noise.• Defective main safety shutoff valve.• Defective main gas regulator.

WV-01, SEPTEMBER 8, 2006