Fire Safe Brochure

FIRESAFE leo steel construction company Fire protection and safety product information and catalogue LEO STEEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY | PO BOX 13765 | DOHA, QATAR | LEOSTEEL.NET


Leo Steel Construction Company

Transcript of Fire Safe Brochure

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F I R E S A F E l e o s t e e l c o n s t r u c t i o n c o m p a n y Fire protection and safety product information and catalogue


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F I R E S A F EF i r e S a f e i s a d i v i s i o n o f L e o S t e e l C o n s t r u c t i o n C o m p a n y f o c u s e d o n p rov i d i n g p ro d u c t s f o r f i r e p ro t e c t i o n a n d s a f e t yLeo Steel Construction Company W.L.L. was founded in 1990 as a strucural engeinnering company and has since expanded into other areas of construction including fire protection and safety. Currently located in the Industrial Area of Qatar, employing over a hundred employees, the company has successfully completed a long list of prestigious and complex projects. Leo Steel deals with several suppliers from every corner of the world to bring quality products to its clients in the local market.



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Leo Steel Construction Company has been providing passive fire protection products for over two decades to many reputable and respected firms in Qatar.

The products we market have been ap-proved by the Qatar Civil Defence and are internationally certified.

We are constantly approaching inter-national firms and are always looking to expand our portfolio of products to offer the local market.

We would like to thank you for your interest in our company and welcome you to browse through our catalogue of currently offered fire protection and safety products, and be sure to visit us online at

The goal of Leo Steel Construction Company’s FireSafe division is to market and deliver quality products, installation and service expertise to our existing and potential clients in order to address their fire protection and safety needs. Through the dedication to our clients we provide safe environments for their projects, customers, clients and tenants.



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F I R E D O O R SF i r e ra t e d d o o r s a n d f ra m e s p l ay a v i t a l ro l e i n ke e p i n g p e o p l e s a f e a n d m i n i m i z i n g p ro p e r t y d a m a g e d u r i n g a f i r e . T h ey a r e a n e s s e n t i a l p a r t o f a n y p a s s i ve f i r e p ro t e c t i o n s y s t e m w h i c h r e d u c e t h e s p e e d i n w h i c h f i r e a n d s m o ke c a n s p r e a d a n d e f f e c t i ve l y a l l ows o c c u p a n t s t o s a f e l y e x i t a b u i l d i n g .

H o l l ow m e t a l d o o r s a r e e x c e l l e n t a t l i m i t i n g t h e d a n g e r a n d d a m a g e o f f i r e s . I n f a c t , h o l l ow m e t a l i s t h e o n l y m a t e r i a l w i d e l y ava i l a b l e w i t h a 3 - h o u r ra t i n g .

We s h ow c a s e f i r e d o o r s f ro m t wo r e p u t a b l e i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o m p a n i e s , A B C F i r e D o o r a n d V i s i o n H o l l ow M e t a l L i m i t e d

ABC Fire Door has been specializing in the manufacturing of hollow metal doors and frames for over 40 years. They carry a large selection of stock hollow metal 18 and 20 gauge doors, as well as hollow and solid core wood doors. In addition to standard sized doors and frames they are able to manufacture custom frames and windows to meet our clients’ needs.

Vision Hollow Metal is a leading edge manufacturer of high quality steel doors and frames for commercial industrial and institutional markets. They supply a full line of custom and standard products for all new and retrofit construction.



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KALAMEIN DOORSBuilt of 26 gauge galvanized coated steel, the steel is perfectly sealed over white pine cores. The doors can be built to our client’s specifications, with spe-cial coverings if desired. Fire rated up to 1.5 hours.

HOLLOW METAL DOORSManufactured with a rust resistant wipe coat gal-vanized steel. Door faces display flatness and are virtually free of weld marks due to the elimination of steel stiffeners. 20, 18, 16 GA, fire rated to 3 hours.

TIN CLAD DOORS Providing maximum protection against fire, made from 30 GA galvanized sheet steel with two or three-ply white pine cores. Fire rated up to 3 hours.

LS SERIES LOCKSEAM (1 ¾” THICK)Designed for standard and heavy duty applications, these doors are made to provide years of mainte-nance free performance. Available in 20, 18, and 16 GA and can be fire rated up to 3 hours.

CW SERIES CONTINUOUSLY WELDED (1 ¾” THICK)Constructed with the purpose of providing the ulti-mate in strength and durability. The perfect solution for high security or traffic areas such as schools. Available in 16, 14 GA, fire rated up to 3 hours.

EP SERIES EMBOSSED 6-PANEL (1 ¾” THICK)Provides a combination of strength and durability with beauty and elegance. Ideal for commercial offices or applications such as apartment buildings. Available in 20, 18 GA fire rated up to 3 hours.












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R O L L I N G D O O R SA ro l l i n g d o o r i s a d o o r t h a t m ove s u p a n d d ow n o r f ro m s i d e t o s i d e by m e a n s o f w h e e l s m ov i n g a l o n g a t ra c k .

A ro l l i n g d o o r s t y l e d i f f e r s f ro m t h e u s u a l f o l d i n g d o o r s u s e d i n m o s t h o m e g a ra g e s . T h e s e ro l l i n g s t e e l d o o r s a r e t y p i c a l l y f o u n d i n c o m m e rc i a l , i n d u s t r i a l a n d i n s t i t u t i o n a l s p a c e s . A ro l l i n g d o o r i s s t ro n g a n d u s u a l l y i n o n e p i e c e , u n l i ke m u l t i - p a n e l e d f o l d i n g g a ra g e d o o r s t h a t a r e m u c h l e s s s t u r d y. R o l l i n g d o o r s a r e e x t r e m e l y d u ra b l e a n d l o n g l a s t i n g . T h ey c a n b e ava i l a b l e i n f i r e ra t i n g o f u p t o 4 h o u r s .

We a r e t h e e x c l u s i ve a g e n t f o r d o o r s f ro m t h e C o o k s o n D o o r C o m p a n y, S e r v i c e D o o r I n d u s t r i e s a n d D o o r E n g i n e e r i n g & M a n u f a c t u r i n g p rov i d i n g ro l l i n g d o o r s o f e x c e p t i o n a l q u a l i t y.

The Cookson Company, Inc. is committed to the commercial rolling door industry by providing high quality, innovative products of value. Rolling doors are their entire business and because of this uncompromised commitment to quality and cost-effective reliability, Cookson products are still specified by more architects than any other rolling door manufacturer.

Service Door Industries (SDI) is a provider of a complete line of door and gate automation products to Canada and in select markets around the world including Qatar through Leo Steel. SDI manufactures many products such as rolling steel doors, fire doors, sectional doors and high-speed fabric doors. Some of these doors are developed specifically for customers that have unique applications.

Door Engineering and Manufacturing has been providing customized industrial, commercial, fire rated, aviation and specialty door solutions for over 40 years. Our experienced team will ensure superior engineering and design as well as quick and seamless installation.



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SERVICE FIRE DOORS Fully automatic resetting fire door. Built-in battery pre-vents door closing during power failure unless there is an alarm activation. Governing system limits clos-ing speed to 9” per second. Cookson’s Auto-Test™ Fire Door Products Systems have been specifically designed for smoke detector or building alarm actua-tion. Available for 4 hour, 3 hour, 1-1/2 hour and 3/4 hour ratings. Approved for all wall types (concrete, masonry, structural steel)

INSULATED SERVICE FIRE DOORSThe Cookson Insulated Fire Door is used when an opening in a fire wall requires a door that will reduce energy costs as well as serve as a normal fire door. Cookson insulated fire doors have a 4 hour, 3 hour, 1 ½ hour and ¾ hour rating and can be mounted on concrete, masonry, structural steel and structural steel and gypsum board walls.

COUNTER FIRE DOORS Known for its contemporary styling and reliable performance, Cookson’s rolling counter fire doors provide the same degree of fire protection as the full-sized rolling service fire door. As with Cookson standard counter doors, counter fire doors are engi-neered with properly sized components and trim. Also available are units with Sill and Trim which simplifies installation requirements and the need for additional trim to finish the opening is eliminated.

SMOKE CONTROL DOORSThe compact Cookson Smoke Control Door is de-signed to obstruct the spread of smoke from one area of a building to another. Smoke control doors used in concert with Cookson’s Fire Door Product Systems provide the ultimate in the control of smoke in public spaces.

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Both our Fire Service Door and our FSF Stay Open Fire Door are made in Canada. They feature ease of installation and resetting, years of trouble-free opera-tion, and the best value for the price. Constructed with G90 Galvanized curtain and hood they require no painting though they are also available as a primed product ready for paint.


Rugged 2” curved slats. G90 Galvanized finish that needs no further painting. Structural Angle Guides and Bottom Bar are prime painted. Fluid governor for smooth and quiet operation. Steel Plate Brackets are more durable than stamped steel bracket plates.Available up to 4 hours fire rated.

The stay open fire door is used as an economical alternative when a fire door is required to close only during testing or in the event of a fire.

COUNTER FIRE SHUTTER DOORS SDI offers a wide selection of fire counter shutters to suit any type of installation. Our fire shutters and fire doors are designed to withstand frequent testing with-out subjecting any parts to impact. They are designed to withstand the effects of our Canadian conditions providing years of trouble free protection. Our FD10 Series Counter Fire Doors meet today’s architectural demands for beauty, reliable performance, and fire safety. L

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FOUR-FOLD AND FOUR-FOLD XT™ The advanced design and construction of the Four-Fold door enables it to function under high cycle and other severe conditions, which create chronic service and maintenance problems for the conven-

tional alternatives. For limited space applications, he Four-Fold XT™ operator is interior mounted while the door panels fold to the exterior. These systems are perfect for use in police/fire-stations and other similar applications.

FEATURES Extremely fast, the four-fold door opens in less than 7 seconds making it perfect for speedy opening requirements as in police/fire-stations. The doors open horizontallly allowing the driver to know the

precise second the doorway is clear to exit. This allows apparatus to move quickly and safely. The doors feature full-perimeter seals for weather con-trol, have a manual release mechanism included require low maintenance.

BOTTOM ROLLING FIRE DOORSDoor Engineering’s Bottom Rolling fire rated door systems are UL Listed and Factory Mutual Approved for up to 4 hours and can be designed to meet a 450 degree temperature rise in 30 minute rating.

Bottom rolling, commercial fire doors can be manu-factured for sizes up to 40’W x 40’H. Closing sys-tems are offered in Fusible link and UL Listed con-trolled speed cable reel.


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S L I D I N G d o o r sA s l i d i n g d o o r i s a t y p e o f d o o r w h i c h o p e n s h o r i zo n t a l l y by s l i d i n g , w h e r e by t h e d o o r i s e i t h e r m o u n t e d o n o r s u s p e n d e d f ro m a t ra c k .

We o f f e r s eve ra l f i r e - ra t e d s l i d i n g d o o r s o l u t i o n s f ro m s t a n d a r d t o c u s t o m i z a b l e f ro m D o o r E n g i n e e r i n g , A m e r i c a n M e t a l D o o r a n d A B C F i r e d o o r.

Door Engineering, introduced earlier provides several types of Fire-rated sliding door and are able to create customizable solutions.

American Metal Door, a division of Door Engineering, offers pre-engineered and standard sized Fire-rated metal doors.

ABC Firedoor offers a variety of sliding door models basicng their designs on their classic hinged-based fire-rated doors.



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AMERICAN METAL DOOR 3700 SERIESHorizontal sliding, temperature rise-rated fire door systems are Underwriters Laboratories Listed and Factory Mutual Approved. The door systems are

available with classification labels up to four hours. With no exposed fasteners and the wireless safety edges that eliminate wiring across the panel(s), the doors have a clean look.

ABC FIREDOOR SLIDING DOORS(LEVEL, GRAVITY, KALAMEIN) ABC offers a few types of fire-rated sliding door; the Level Sliding, Gravity Sliding and Kalamein sliding

doors of which the first two are 30 GA galvanized steel sections with two to three-ply white pine cores, and the Kalamein door is built of 24 GA satin coat sheet steel sealed over solid white pine cores.

TOP-HUNG SLIDING DOORDoor Engineering’s fire rated door systems are UL Listed and Factory Mutual Approved for up to 4 hours. These Top Hung Sliding doors can be manu-

factured for sizes up to 40’ W x 20’ H. Fire rated steel doors are sheeted with cold-rolled, galvan-nealed or stainless steel skins. Multiple configura-tions (bi-parting, teleslide, single slide) available.

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F I R E R AT E D G L A S SF i r e - ra t e d g l a s s , m u c h l i ke f i r e ra t e d d o o r s , p rov i d e s a n a d d i t i o n a l f o r m o f p a s s i ve p ro t e c t i o n f ro m t h e e f f e c t s o f f i r e t h ro u g h e n h a n c e d i n t e g r i t y a n d i n s u l a t i o n .

We e x c l u s i ve l y o f f e r p ro d u c t s f ro m G l a s s o p o l i s f ro m g l a s s t o v i s i o n l i t e k i t s a n d sw i t c h a b l e p r i va cy g l a s sGlassopolis has been distributing clear fire-rated glazing products in North America for more than 20 years, and have become one of the largest distributors of transparent glass-ceramics in the world. Most glass contractors and builders appreciate having a choice. Glassopolis works for you to provide you with these options. Glassopolis carries only fire-rated products that are fully tested and certified to international standards. Glassopolis is a UL certified cutting and labeling station and guarantee that each piece of fire-rated glass is properly labeled and ready for inspection by the building code official before it leaves our dock.



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FIRESWISS™ FIRE-RESISTIVE GLASSMade by Glass Trösch, this leading European product is UL tested and meets all standards. It is a high quality multi-laminate product.

SCHOTT PYRAN ® PLATINUMThis is a high quality fire-rated glass-ceramic. Where other fire-rated glass-ceramics are yellow-brown and need to be polished, this product looks almost exactly like regular-glass

PROTECT3™ SAFETY GLASS This glass provides FIRE, SAFETY and SECURITY protection all in one. It’s an attractive glazing solu-tion for high traffic areas requiring fire-rated glazing. Great for hospitals, commercial projects, etc.

VISION LITE KITSGlassopolis offers fire-rated vision lite kits to go with our award winning fire-rated glass. These metal frames are designed to make it easy to put vision lites into fire-rated doors.

FIRE-RATED UL DECORATIVE OPTIONS Fire-rated glass is now available with UL approved decorative options. Now you dont have to compro-mise your fire-ratings to achieve a designer look as all these finishes are UL approved.

SECURITY GLASSA full range of bullet and blast resistant glass and unique combinations with additional protection such as fire-rated protection.




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o t h e r p r o d u c t s & S e r v i c e sL e o S t e e l o f f e r s s eve ra l p ro d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e s i n a d d i t i o n t o o u r F i r e - ra t e d i t e m s .

We o f f e r E n g i n e e r i n g , Fa b r i c a t i o n , E r e c t i o n , a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S e r v i c e s ; N o n F i r e - ra t e d d o o r s ( b e l ow ) , R a i l i n g , B a l u s t ra d e s a n d S t o ra g e S h e l t e r s .

S e c t i o n a l O ve r h e a d D o o r sSERVICE DOOR INDUSTRIESSteel sectional doors from SDI are an attractive solution where strength and insulation are required. Integral horizontal reinforcing ribbing and ship lap section seals are only two of the standard features that set them apart from other doors available on the market today.

B i - Fo l d D o o r sRENLITA DOORSRenlita Doors specializes in custom design and fabrication of vertical and horizontal operating doors. Their doors include counterweight lifted doors (liftaway single panel doors, floataway single panel doors, hingeaway dual panel doors, and foldaway dual panel doors), vertical opening doors, frameless glass doors, and Illusion doors.



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LOCATIONS MAIN OFFICE Doha, QatarStreet 38, Gate 52, Industrial Area.GPS Co-ordinates 25.176321,51.439276

MAIN FACTORY / FACILITY ShahaniyaGPS Co-ordinates 25.339042,51.242364


Mailing Address PO Box 13765 Phone +974 44503167 Fax +974 44503127E-mail [email protected]

The Leo Steel Construction Company is committed to deliver and install products of the highest quality standards which exceed customer expectations. We are ISO 9001:2008 certified ensuring that we have the

processes, resources, systems, and skills to deliver high-quality services in a timely manner.

We are dedicated to providing the best experience, and to meet our clients’ needs. We look forward to working with you on your next project!

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Fire Safe |© Leo Steel Construction Company 2013 |