Finding Errors in Multithreaded GUI Applicationsmernst/pubs/gui-thread-issta2012-slides.pdfA GUI...

Finding Errors in Multithreaded GUI Applications Sai Zhang University of Washington Joint work with: Hao Lu, Michael D. Ernst

Transcript of Finding Errors in Multithreaded GUI Applicationsmernst/pubs/gui-thread-issta2012-slides.pdfA GUI...

Page 1: Finding Errors in Multithreaded GUI Applicationsmernst/pubs/gui-thread-issta2012-slides.pdfA GUI Application Static Analyses -Automated: no need for a test harness -General: instantiated

Finding Errors in Multithreaded GUI


Sai Zhang

University of Washington

Joint work with: Hao Lu, Michael D. Ernst

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GUIs are everywhere in modern software


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Multithreading in GUI applications


A GUI Application

UI event 1

UI event 2

UI thread

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The Single-GUI-Thread Rule

• Required by:


All GUI objects must be exclusively

accessed by the UI thread

A GUI Application UI thread

UI event 1

This non-UI thread must not access any GUI objects

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Violation of the Single-GUI-Thread rule

• Triggers an “Invalid Thread Access Error”

• May abort the whole application


SWT / Eclipse plugin



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public void setText(String) {




An Example Violation


Finished Run Task

public void runTask() {

Runnable r = new Runnable() {

public void run() {

… //do some lengthy computation button.setText(“Finished”);



new thread(r).start();


button’s event handler:

Create a new, non-UI thread

Access the button object to set text

Trigger an invalid-thread-access-error

//GUI framework code

Do some computation,

and update the UI.

UI thread


a non-UI thread



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Invalid Thread Access Errors in practice

• Pervasive

– One of the top 3 bug categories in SWT [Shanmugam 2010]

– A Google search returns 11800+ entries (bug reports, FAQs, etc.)

– In Eclipse

• 2732 bug reports

• 156 confirmed bugs in 20+ projects, 40+ components

• Severe

– Often aborts the whole application

• Hard to debug

– Non-trivial effort to fix (e.g., 2 years to resolve one bug in Eclipse)


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Why the Single-GUI-Thread Rule?

• Simpler programming

– No datarace nor deadlock on GUI objects

• Less overhead

– No locking when accessing GUI objects

• A single event queue can dispatch UI events

– Easy event processing, program comprehension, and testing


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Our Error Detection Technique

1. Call graph construction

2. Error detection

3. Error filtering







Static Analyses

-Automated: no need for a test harness

-General: instantiated it for 4 GUI frameworks:

-Scalable: evaluated on 9 applications, over 1.4 M LOC with lib code

-Practical: found 10 bugs with 10 false positives

9 applications

from 4 supported

GUI frameworks

Less than 5 mins

per application

5 hours human


10 false positives

10 bugs

20 warnings

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Existing Solutions for this Problem

• Testing

– Misses many corner cases in practice

• Stylized programming rules

public void runTask() {

Runnable r = new Runnable() {

public void run() {

… //do some lengthy computation




new thread(r).start();


Display.asyncExec(new Runnable(){

public void run() {




Requiring Wrappers

- Unnecessary: if already on

the UI thread

- Dangerous: may introduce

new concurrency errors

#Warnings #Bugs

Requiring Wrappers 6393 ?

Our technique 20 10

Results on 9 evaluation programs

UI thread


a non-UI thread



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• Problem

• Error detection technique

• Implementation

• Experiments

• Related work

• Conclusion and future work


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• UI thread:

a single special thread to handle UI events

• Non-UI thread: other threads

• UI-accessing method:

a method whose execution may read or write a GUI object

• Safe UI method:

message-passing methods to execute code on the UI thread


A GUI Application UI-thread

Non-UI thread


Safe UI method void runTask() {




UI-accessing method

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• Single UI thread

• Thread spawning:

– Every non-UI thread is (transitively) spawned by the UI thread


A GUI Application UI-thread

Non-UI thread

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Problem formulation: call graph reachability

• An invalid thread access error occurs when:

a non-UI thread invokes a UI-accessing method

without going through a Safe UI method

• A reachability problem

– Source: non-UI thread spawning

– Sink: UI-accessing method


Non-UI thread spawning (source)

UI-accessing method (sink)

Safe UI method

Other method






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Error detection algorithm

1. Construct a call graph for the tested program

2. Find paths from Thread.start() to UI-accessing methods

without going through a safe UI method


Non-UI thread spawning

UI-accessing method

Safe UI method

Other method

A method-call chain as error report

(i.e., Thread.start())


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Reflection in Constructing Call Graphs



<Button android:id="@+id/button_id" android:text="A Button" />



Button button = (Button) findViewById(“button_id”);

button.setText(“This is a button”);


Android Application:

• findViewById does not explicitly construct a button object

• A call graph construction algorithm may: - fail to conclude the variable button points to a concrete object

- exclude a setText edge to the call graph (that should exist)

- miss 1 bug in our experiments

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Reflection-aware call graph construction

• Program transformation: replace reflection calls with explicit

object creation expressions

• Use an off-the-shelf call graph construction algorithm on the

transformed program 17


<Button android:id="@+id/button_id" android:text="A Button" />


Button button = (Button) findViewById(“button_id”);

button.setText(“This is a button”);

Android Application:

Button button = new Button(null);

button.setText(“This is a button”);

After transformation:

Before transformation:

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Annotation support for native methods

• Relationships between native methods and Java methods

@CalledByNativeMethods(callers = {“init”})

public void addTypeItem(int id, String label) { …}

- Manually specified

- addTypeItem(int, String) may be called by native method “init”

- Our technique will miss 1 bug without such annotations


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Filtering the error reports

• A static analysis may report:

– false positives

– redundant warnings with the same error root cause

• A set of error filters to remove likely invalid reports

– 2 sound filters

– 3 heuristic filters


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2 sound error report filters

– Filter 1: remove syntactically subsumed reports a() b() thread.start() d()

b() thread.start() d()

– Filter 2: remove reports containing user-annotated, project-specific methods


util.runOnUIMethod(Runnable r)

• Checks whether the current thread is UI thread or not

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3 heuristic error report filters

– Filter 3: remove reports containing specific library calls

e.g., Runtime.shutDown

– Filter 4: remove longer reports with the same “entry node Thread.start()”

head nodes

a() b() Thread.start() c() d() e()

a() b() Thread.start() c() f()

– Filter 5: remove longer reports with the same “thread.start() ui-accessing

node” tail nodes

a() b() Thread.start() c() d() e()

f() Thread.start() c() d() e()


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• Problem

• Error detection technique

• Implementation

• Experiments

• Related work

• Conclusion and future work


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Instantiation for different frameworks

• Need to customize

– program entry points

– UI-accessing methods

– Safe UI methods










Non-UI thread spawning

(i.e., Thread.start()))

UI-accessing method

Safe UI method

Other method



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Instantiation details for 4 GUI frameworks


Frameworks Entry node UI-accessing


Safe UI method

SWT main() checkWidget /


asyncExec /




all overridden SWT UI

event handlers

checkWidget /


asyncExec /


Swing All overridden Swing UI

event handlers

All methods in GUI

class with 3 exceptions

invokeLater /


Android methods in class Activity

+ all overridden Android

UI event handlers

checkThread post /


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• Problem

• Error detection technique

• Implementation

• Experiments

• Related work

• Conclusion and future work


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Subject programs


Programs Line of Code

SWT desktop applications

FileBunker 14,237

ArecaBackup 23,226

Eclipse plugins

EclipseRunner 3,101

HundsonEclipse 11,077

Swing applications

S3dropbox 2,353

Sudoku Solver 3,555

Android applications

SGTPuzzler 2,220

Mozilla Firefox 8,577

MyTracks 20,297

Total: 89, 273

Framework size:

1.4 MLOC

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Experimental Procedural

• Run the error detection algorithm on each application

– 3 call graph construction algorithms

– 2 configurations for Android applications

• with / without call graph enhancement

(handle reflection + annotations for native methods)




• Tool performance

– Less than 5 minutes per application

• Manual result inspection

– Spent 5 hours in total to check the output validity

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Experimental Results

• More precise call graph more bugs found

– 1-CFA found the most


Call graph algorithm # Warnings #Bugs

RTA with enhancement 250 4

0-CFA with enhancement 136 6

1-CFA with enhancement 20 10

Call graph algorithm # Warnings #Bugs

1-CFA 19 8

1-CFA with enhancement 20 10

• Call graph enhancement are useful (2 more bugs)

• Output 20 warnings, in which 10 are bugs (5 are new)

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Comparing graph search strategies

• Our technique uses BFS, compare it with alternatives


Strategies #Warnings #Bugs

BFS 20 10

Multi-source BFS 20 8

DFS 19 9

Exhaustive search 0

(explored 5,100,000,000+

non-cyclic paths in an hour)


• Observations from our subject programs

– Multi-source BFS omits bugs

– DFS searches deeper, and returns longer paths

(more likely to be invalid, due to the conservative call graph)

– Exhaustive search is sound but infeasible in practice

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Evaluating error filters



40440 39753 37414

110 20 0







70000#Warnings Sound Filters:

F1: remove lexically subsumed


F2: remove annotated reports

Heuristic Filters:

F3: remove specific library calls

F4: merge common heads

F5: merge common tails

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Experimental conclusion

• Our technique:

– Finds real invalid-thread-access errors

– Detects more errors as the call graph precision increases

– Uses BFS to find more errors than other search strategies

– Reduces likely invalid reports via 5 error filters


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• Problem

• Error detection technique

• Implementation

• Experiments

• Related work

• Conclusion and future work


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Related Work

• Analyzing and testing GUI applications

Guitar [Memon „00], Stabilizer [Michail „05], Julia [Payet „11] …

Focus on test generation, error predication, and code verification; but

does not support finding invalid thread access errors

• Finding bugs in multithreaded programs

Eraser [Savage „97], Chord [Naik „05], Goldilocks [Elmas „07],

FastTrack [Flanagan „09] …

Different goals (dataraces + deadlocks), algorithms, and, abstractions

• Call graph construction algorithms

RTA [Bacon „97], k-CFA [Might „10], TamiFlex [Bodden „11] …

Does not support reflection, or need dynamic information


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• Problem

• Error detection technique

• Implementation

• Experiments

• Related work

• Conclusion and future work


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Future Work

• Incorporate dynamic and symbolic analysis

– Filter out infeasible paths

– Identify more entry points

• Automatically fix the invalid-thread-access errors

– Counterexample-guided reasoning

– Heuristic reasoning

• Unit testing of multithreaded GUI applications

– Test abstraction

– Event simulation


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• A general technique to find invalid thread access errors

– Formulate error detection as a call graph reachability problem

• A tool implementation supporting 4 GUI frameworks

– Available at:

• An evaluation on 9 subjects shows its usefulness