Financing investments in the shipping sector

1 Financing investments in the shipping sector 03/11/2022 1 European Investment Bank Group Shipping and the Law, Naples 3 October 2013


Financing investments in the shipping sector. Shipping and the Law, Naples 3 October 2013. 1. The European Investment Bank at a glance. Providing finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects Natural financing partner of the EU institutions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Financing investments in the shipping sector

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Financing investments in the shipping sector

19/04/2023 1European Investment Bank Group

Shipping and the Law, Naples 3 October 2013

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The European Investment Bank at a glance

• Providing finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects

• Natural financing partner of the EU institutions• Shareholders: 28 EU Member States• Largest multilateral lender and borrower in the world

• Raises funds on the international capital markets• Passes on favourable borrowing conditions to clients

• More than 400 projects each year in over 160 countries• Headquarters in Luxembourg and some 30 local offices• Around 2 000 staff:

• Not only finance professionals, but also engineers, sector economists and socio-environmental experts

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The EIB: Supporting EU policy goals

• Sustainable growth and jobs in Europe• Innovation and skills• Trans-European Networks• Sustainable, competitive and secure energy• Financing smaller businesses

• Economic and social cohesion• Special support for economically weaker regions• Helping regions absorb EU funds

• Environmental sustainability• Climate action• Sustainable transport

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The EIB: loans signed and disbursed from 2008 to 2012

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EIB Lending to transport sector

2012: EUR 14.5 billion

Roads, Motorways







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Transport lending guidelines

Strategic Transport Projects (incl. Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T))

• develop Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN ports) and major transport axes in Neighbouring Countries

Sustainable transport

Foster modal shift from road to maritime/inland waterway/railway transport by:• allowing maritime cargo to come closer to the final destination, thus

reducing cargo onward journey by land transport modes• facilitating the provision of a maritime alternative to road based-freight

transport (motorways of the sea/ short-sea shipping)• facilitating the connection between maritime and rail/waterway hinterland

transport (multimodal terminals)


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Transport lending guidelines

Regional Development

Support projects located in ‘Convergence’ regions

Knowledge Economy (i2i)

Support R&D projects which feature a technological process or product innovation.


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Eligibility (i)

TENS (Motorways of the Seas):• Essential for the achievement of an efficient and cohesive Community-

wide transport system• Often shipping provides the only vehicle for imports and exports to and

from some European islands and peripheral maritime regions.• Specialised vessels, such as tugs and pilot vessels are essential for the

operation of the Trans-European Ports Network under adequate safety conditions

EU regional development:• Shipping ensures the security of supply of energy, food and commodities

and is indispensable for passenger transport and tourism in many regions

• Maritime industries are an important source of employment and income for the EU economy


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Eligibility (ii)

Sustainable transport: • Short sea shipping and inland waterway transport solutions constitute

sustainable alternatives to road transport corridors and have the potential to solve road congestion problems

• Focus on supporting the development of clean technology, and increased fuel efficiency as well as more concentrated effort in the safe and environmentally efficient methods of phasing out older and less fuel efficient vessels

Investment in RDI: • For the reasons explained above, but also • To maintain the lead that EU has in world maritime equipment,

components and specialist vessel industry


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Motorways of the Sea projects (infrastructure and vessel components) –full support• Vessels and port facilities on routes part of the Motorways of the Sea network

New vessels• In the EU: vessels with EU flag to be operated on « eligible routes », originating

or ending on a EU country, during the loan life.

• Short sea shipping: vessels operating on routes aimed at modal shift from road to maritime transport.

• Convergence: vessel operations solely aimed at developing region assistance.

• Remote community support where no viable alternate to shipping is available (EU island community support).

• Replacement of older less energy efficient vessels.

N.B. The Bank pays special attention that the ships it finances use best available technologies and that Borrowers use sound environmental management practices.


Maritime transport projects Examples of projects EIB could finance

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EIB funded vessel projects in the EU

• Ro-ro vessels (Baltic Sea and Western Europe Motorways of the Sea)• Ro-pax vessels (Spain-Italy & Italy-Greece Motorways of the Sea)• Feeder Containers linking EU ports with Africa• Car carriers linking EU, West Africa and South America• Offshore wind turbine installation vessels• Ro-pax vessels incorporating LNG technology• LNG Engine retrofitting• Cruise ships

EIB funded vessel projects outside the EU

• Istanbul Urban Transport, Turkey (ferries for the Bosphorus)• Ro-Pax ferry – Linking Dakar with Ziganchor in Sénégal


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Maritime transport projects

Examples of projects EIB could finance

Vessel R&D

R&D to enhance ship environmental performance and energy efficiency (ship hull, propulsion, power plants, waste treatment, etc).


Development of safe and environmentally sound ship decommissioning facilities.


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Electric motors - thrusters with increased efficiency and reduction of fuel consumption

Dynamic Positioning Systems for vessels, and Automation systems for marine propulsion applications

Heat Exchangers for Fresh water generation on board ships, high speed separators for onboard bilge water cleaning systems, marine sludge dewatering system and oil mist separation

Sealing solutions for use in Offshore applications such as buoyancy offshore applications, rubber offshore products and sub sea solutions / deep water drilling applications

Improvement of marine engines in order to comply with increasingly strict exhaust regulations

Generators and electric power distribution systems for ships


EIB funded marine R&D activities

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Vessel acquisition requirements

All shipping financed by EIB under EU eligibility should have an EU flag to ensure compliance with European safety, operating and environmental norms. Furthermore, under an EU eligibility, Bank financed vessels are to operate to or from an EU port.

As a strict minimum, all shipping projects will adhere to all EU and IMO safety and environmental rules and regulations with regard to the construction and operation of vessels.

For projects involving the expansion of the deep-sea fleet, the project implementation will result in an overall improvement of the shipping line environmental performance.


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Procurement guidelines

As a general rule the Bank will require the borrower to consult at least five companies from at least three different countries. Should there not be enough shipyards with the technical capabilities to uphold these conditions, the Bank will ensure that the result of the tendering process is in accord with the project’s best interests, and respects the principles of economy, fairness and transparency.

The Bank will, on the basis of the available information, take steps to confirm that project vessel prices are in line with market prices and, in co-operation with the EU Commission (under Article 19), will check the existence of any outstanding issues concerning Intellectual Property Rights, potential breaches of trade agreements and, as far as possible the risk of distortions caused by anti-competitive practices (including, inter alia, state aid, direct subsidisation, injurious or below-cost pricing, or subsequent public rescue of bankrupt companies) in the producer country or in the shipyard concerned.


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Financing Facilities

2 main facilities

Direct Loans

Large-scale projects (investment cost > EUR 25m)

Intermediated Loans (investment cost < EUR 25m)• Small and medium-scale projects (particularly to

SMEs) via national and regional intermediary banks• Lending decision remains with the financial


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Project Requirements

Projects must: Meet at least one of the EIB’s objectives Be technically sound Be financially viable Show an acceptable economic return Comply with environmental protection and

procurement regulations

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The EIB project cycle

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19/04/2023 19European Investment Bank Group