Final thoughts, first steps

1. Space is definitely an important source of inspiration and creation of ideas. 2. Even when I already believed failure is part of any process in life, now I have a stronger conviction. 3. It is all about understanding human beings, their needs, their expectations, their problems, their dreams, etc. to get great ideas that can meet all of them. 3 Key Takeways

Transcript of Final thoughts, first steps

Page 1: Final thoughts, first steps

1. Space is definitely an important source of inspiration and creation of ideas.

2. Even when I already believed failure is part of any process in life, now I have a stronger conviction.

3. It is all about understanding human beings, their needs, their expectations, their problems, their dreams, etc. to get great ideas that can meet all of them.

3 Key Takeways

Page 2: Final thoughts, first steps

My own process

Page 3: Final thoughts, first steps

Ignorance Expectation

1. Mindset


2. Empathize and define


I wasn’t really sure about what design thinking was about and how it could

fit in my life, but I was eager to know.

It was really starting. We were actually beginning a new process for me. I do lot’s of interviews, but with another

point of view. This time my eyes (and ears) were wide open! Then, I had to focus on one single minded

problem to solve! After all that information!

Let’s start thinking

What problem to


3. Ideate

Wow! 50 ideas? At least? I figured out I normally think of 2 or 3 at the most. I know now, I am not stopping anymore

with obvious solutions that pop up quickly.

Thousands of questions

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Ok, it was already tough!

Let’s face it directly

4.Prototype and test

It was difficult enough to find 50 ideas to approach a problem. Now make

them “real”? Prototyping means creating! Here it was harder! The

challenge went from what I had on my head, to what I could do with my


Then, present the idea…. And be able to listen to feedback, openly and with honesty. It can be hard. One can be

really convinced, and our idea might not be the best…

Even when I have always believed in failure as a formula to grow and develop ourselves, it is sometimes hard. But we have to learn to deal with it in a positive way. We have been taught with several

brilliant examples. So it works!

Let’s see what the results


Facing what was not really


Go back to go forward

5. Take it home

Excited and eager

I really want to start using what I learned as a starting point to really make differences in the ways I do things

in some areas of my life. Also, there are some ideas going around my head, that may sometime become real

projects. I am happy and excited with all what I am taking with me.

Page 5: Final thoughts, first steps

Design thinking in my own context

What I do, has to do with consumer understanding. Now I have new ways to approach this.

I am sure that using this thinking process, results will be richer and more valuable.

First: I have to prepare my place to be a working/inspiring station with different materials that help me write down ideas.

Second: I will share what I learnt with the people I work for (hoping they will be as excited as I am).

Third: I really would like to find something significant to do in my city. The Spark truck got me thinking… and it is a great and inspiring project.