ffffl9SRM£«ft 'NmB'*zm,,wr -...

ffffl9SRM£«ft 'NmB'*zm,,wr f . fJ ,^„ i^JiitL»iA..«j. ffitfJfLa !>" f I hill «* M *< ll »* *t it ft »» 'ii \ t mWjfe ITONR, * * U * r * m * *lrw|»f|«tO»V) H , •, }(• ;.>,• •••> " ' I > / . : '• (.>•'•..'> •• ' 'I ' ' ' • S '.•»_ *f V t u I1 y—"THI aniATMT aooi> OF tin OUR.VTMT NUMDear-.B o u i it n ui. SATtJKPAY MOBBING, SEPTEMBER 6,1856. lM31tM8»Two DoUurt A Veitp. NUMBER 10. t»MJnM*t*n» tyi»* ; iX'tw»B\v> »w*mN((iv At ' •" »H*»t}*aft> t&ttf*»irtswirwr* tfiw vow*, ' pl^»*wtwM«tf w*yams* • • *• f * Wrti m WW* * ^Wkki •» •» > •» iy«Wv,^" , ..*»»*»aW»lWh, i ««MmnVS«*V.,>, 10 S» ttli» WW . 4«t iv*wi#»w>ta'A 1 *>u.-,.. , .fc^ttfAJii^im ..... ,,-, ,..,....„.. (|«>ttto».* t & i i t ^ l * *>*«in»«l torn *#«('*** fcy.taMiWtwnto W, "**•• •awe* St, WINS* t»t«lto*»* «**»t iNtatttawi** fttwtet MtWimttAfc, ». R O W N I N O , ftrcrjfrieto*, Ry «llA>* II* lOM!*,' few*** JWatAMwf «mtt €J»w* iiws^s^^sw'te mowsmm,& ¥•. ^Mtfl*** to wiiYfromtot•ftsataysfr tea ftwtMiwga. l^fWHr»%-*»»'-fi^fcS»%Mt . aftMfl*^ ' ~'" " ~- " t»t,ATT8III HOIt It MONTHEAL «VMM&H AllHANQftMBKT. •*P3 . .dtt*W ittneHdM with III* Oj^t«Hib«iiritK TmlM Itof th» W»t »MU ItnlVD »t Mftfttfttl M » A. ttv ^ A FlHMtHt M«| A«6iMlkiUMl).tl«M ttttH )(i«M WitUbttc* h »t lit M, t ea»»*6HHt »t M«H>«m J»»fe- tittrt WUhlh«8ftrt 0|Hl«Mbtt»fhlNt)H Wttltv' &•> »KfcO*b 't»Am l«ftVtM W»UlbWt|h Mtt.49*i M>, , tttuKt t*x»*> fewtttR ttitatti* Mm M«mt»in.i g*e*>ti) t u x j s l»»v»» ttOKlmt MB *> M> »»J with it*»»«if fet South mv<V***t . S> ft* tRICB, ©'/Itefe.%»** iWii BltViTk* ' ' lUMWj^ X«lkiteri IM C«iftMton, » » r i « A, AW f» * r I « E, •Atiwittmv--Aim mvmmm AV *AW * WAMte«, •*•** k »,«, femtt * ©*^, »w* winta^>«* f^5k»>« ***** totwipt***, *t **i**t VMIW^ %M^!f(«*^ty > ^VH*Xk1tlfMiiM«f 1 tl^t«Nl«^ YAttVAJOtB I.AND8 AND UBAL ESTATE T Hft Amlfft««»»fltKWYf¥ltitOI)»A«l> OtttiC )0t«> With »U ft»t»««l, t u ^ t , > « . ) MWStMKty tor th«TOwttetatteiitotIwftt »UwnC«a w lh« »*»- »»«!>, , ' ' u i>»%lto>n»4UMl fcot »f ^'MtM (rfUwib ant ttdttVe »w,\fc,*ot»r )«»«»«% Of l»*iJ-*U»M»a «Mr »ty«i€l -tw* «td W*t*t ^dwtr* M » w Wit ft*»twu<ttdirft%m»»if»r»«!v 8 Ow*»i»fc H<O*«*I> n fitot«Mtt «*tm wil4i nil 1 tti« »t t4»)*) *«;•.>. **wt<»U* tat th* tmim«r*«!M> fiftf of tavatot i »iU»int on tit* «nr*M« Rtv*t, i*«l»dk JJii-aoV) *wd eoi«Vigtt4>«* ta <th* i>l»»ik W »sc-«* of l*wi*> mmttf ***<««• *ttUiv»Viw»» with»^0(>.tHttv»»ft Wi"*WMrfi«> »» th*l?U»k »*> *«lh!* oMtHMt «M »»•. •?> Y»«*t M M WlllK » * H m) Acute*ItttNtt, V0, W»«k WnwV, tSl)%'C**»ldtl S » , I S , 4W «U*k ItaMlU 6% rw** tot S'6. %.% in S»MW*«!> ttm )«vl Nn>. Si7) 4ft Jteftig** t«»*tv l*i6 »feit** M S o , 1t3> M S»*»v»yl*t **M*v SO » * W * l o t «0>•.&> fc,<Vi**»t^»l P i t t r t t , *V«VHt*x\ w w ¥fe»*tevia«, *i«nrly »u «!*»»*<» <Mt'd grnvd tei- {tttt«mt« ^ ^ £80 *>«*%* i*tot^Att^kMVAollonowvM^t- ty iwdis* o«UlV4<tio» %wd *e«wiW« to» » t-avw,, wit>ii|y*tWi»itiio*iit, itw lvnv«lHi»iitkwl»ttuwM«1llonow> with wv«va Mt*iot kM4 <kO|k><»ikc» witti eotfreftteftt l^tM •Wit »»»**». »**«** *t towrt M*ute» l**ii, *»»t tlt)« or * **m or IAWA, with tooA novo* «wd S t m on U atoov* tk* Hotlow i*i &t*m«! k l t » * 6 H » oriVliKftl) **»* W»t '»«*>«»§«*»'*«!» with gwA Wo*«* wvd Bkm> witor tooA M»t« or ^tivfctioti, VrtW*w»* *&>*»*« V*n Or*tii on ttv «*) *'ew» lot No. J3> i* »»r»»i*t. «W»0«(*»0»llo 4 W ** ' »m«6mlot«o,«ia ** *»*«** t»t So, 8». « aa»**miot»».a» «* , . lkv o«t tuneful ivtmty i* **iot* lot« we »*«««l*» to *rtHt w*«;Wk**M t »wtl »* lli* toiAmMt « t * * m t » OWI Of «MVtftf (WlWttVUlt* «tt* Ot 1*1* *M**, »«*.. *»t«*to A>a,«tt\vtrt l>l»'tia , wi*8*i > M»wsli a*, im. ; , . . , tf;. C». '»» Wttoua^M: m mwmmm tmipmfm^ <bf > '• #m*i» enr, WMMWS, *«.. 1W MVfill^tlllittt', tKOYj »> ¥ , W«^inh«»U**ttoftor<JNitttortw«<)«o«iMi«ii*n to o-it Mr«* WHA ~««11 *M**te<r wwyKwont <*t Cno»MW > *o>W*t'i»y oT t*», ©••*«*, MtiwA, It^lwwtt/yoteKeao^ wltrt»<Mft* > «Mloyw!yBttiW' «rllCVB WG89VM7 TO VOVI|n*«B ^IMfUOfV W O K y wtiwti >w« «KH- to UM ttwto <s% t*» «ko*t N»M> «M* t*mi*. JH?*tr*!!!*. NIGHOUS ^ LYNDF. PiUtT -iiwfrtiiii * itotwww, *" »'•" A M » ' « U b SWUrWi"**' ' •!ft..^'JS»<5IIK>i^" • -i" • . -.dr^J^iBBte. ,'''.•• >-*•* MM #»— ' '••-••>WttttMUKvMKiL : - j-nyttiiinniii^Apttnw, we». «r- ; <imt^«* m^*^MH»« c«o* Mo'oiK ! !t|il|f||MKi« «^t(rtitr WW»'liwit '*>*"'» '«»*'» «. «%0»(*«l»%»*f HOITHIMT EA1LR0AD, H, Y. Mnmmor^ArrnHtttemcMti Md »«*«; W«tftM«»y» !«»• ith, \m> _ . ^«n«Mt*r VrftlMi will run w folloV*», t\»ily, twM)»y»tte«pt«U . UOtNU KA«t. ft!Ul , r»AlN 1 "L»»y»»ttg*t»Mbtt«h»ttOA, W»» »» kwlnl ot !>%«• OnUrio tttatutr*, m\ OinrroM Ott»w»-4li«» »t M*lott«-urlvinit »t H»«io>i 'Point it » > » , P» M» wMrt |>Mi«ngtr» S MoewHl wiMmtt rfiMy ky VtHnont »n0 CM»»II» ttlrotd. unit l^ikt eMmylilKllwiNN tat bw> ; t«wi »»a « » * V*»k, «na IntwrmtUtftt* |»Utm», a«n»bttt*h lit It M.» on wrlv»l or B*i»RW§* »t*»MfeMrKimH»t»ilton »nd K!»)««» Moppikir MMsukW, t>ot*a»w, »i»w<*ne*7 , M»lon« ) '6h»" tw.«t»y mtl Moo»t» JuneUon, eOmuMting «t Ko>t««H I'oint »* »bo»». __ WR8* TRAt»,~L»»v«i R0tt««>» Pokt »t> i A, M M on knlvtl or Cktir IWHR Mootrut, mil bkkt ch»»|>l*i" Itwmen* wlvihir »t Ogtt«n«> k-iwh «l»W) 1\M»,ttOftfttottHtwith th« »pl«n- «liU8t»»Hi«raorttm Awiwioui »nUOr*»t w**tern R*tlro»tt B»m-*w lUnot fop Nl»«*»» lUwilton. TotONtOiRtkiMO, »wt the writ* RBBONO <TRAIN.-I.MV*! Rou»>i Point »t lt>*te, y, Mv, on wrrirtl or C*r» rtom IloMon »nJ N»w York, >t» Vtv »ntt Ctw*it* R»tln>»il, »rr)v> tn| *t Oitit«Wi\»ttriH »t «.«W> P. HI., mroek*tl w»h» o»i d*t»y to Aw*tl«wi Lin* or W*»M«»I tor Klnfttontfetekttti IIWOOT, 0«w«to» Roehe«t«r, toronto ttoMUton, (*!»»*«, nn«t M W«»t. * All ttfttaft oonntet »t Moomt Jnnetton wi tli «»n for PUttiburgn, v»A South, «nt) tor Mo»tw»l »ntl Qtt*b«o» •p- 'th* %tt«ntton or Ikmtllek movtnf \V«»t I* oniloil to tht» ront«« »«helnf tit* t»te.^*» Oti*te* Awl«»««»»» >N»totl w»rtlewl»w »** Ag*nt'» hunk) :W»j_ Jtt^M^y*^**** 1 *^- I860 l-AKi; CHAM PI. A IN, X85G § iMaBHP>S'»Mftv»sUte*» *km V«*, Ctt*t»n towty *», I Bj itirtft!) i^MVWlttiHi iMtHtt Wt«T thtt 8*tfl»Wo ttrt«rth»»»t»«rS»» Visk, t«)*»*««Wi»ft4 MiW^Ji ftHMt th*»M** *V*l *h»tt«tft) Hl«t* -»W (RiftfcWijfttt, W»l I1*W*W*(|>1 tn th» «»»*» »wit fctkto »tos»#nVit, t tun* fevisst, *^^, WltWrit^.ttAVW Alftll* figllt, tUtd MY(t IllWWlSt X<tlte)l Hw *ii.t ifMMh R, l*rtim W t w Vtiftl*hfc.*th AAV »Mwly 1SW, t**t »yiv *W)» 't)i»w*n**, 'of, ih*sa totli«itolWins.*<>wirttal K«*t Wtatt* «wA »W*rtt»*) 'to %»l i 'Mltk»t«tt*»^ 1 li!(«)« ^Wct titt»fti) tiHwite, tjift'*** 1 ! kiotaStih VM-VO'WM«t"ltntt»it«iK^i w«it>«oovit» v* HStoum. *«*• t«4*e«)ttti«i %»\«nte*i» tot* txawxttoSwlHrtitet it. *ws<*t-' **«, waWttto «Hs tat*, »wA aisttelttwi fc* Wo Wttfto (ot, IViSrlnWlttff'it thtowSftV^tWMwvtif ttifetetw^wtelw^lw,, ft)*)W«) wMt wi* «1flil« AWS ttitrt^thim M»ksi *wit w* -tVi'»( t ftV »t'i«i^ttiMM*njiii^hwt4w<iWri«ii -»ait'AttyWWh*.ttwsv«!*w»t <*»*» *wi ttiii'ty •»>>«* »wl «H» ttiiM tiWMk <« ttw vli'i-e *>» "bflgiawnfr > toutaiwivg 'on* ttrt «t UwA. t* the worno wow -MtmiW Hi»t ***'Ui« v * * «* tM**t .*ri.wi*Hv»te, tytnig *w* tsitaa t«W(iW%l)W«t> »*(«**« fcWAMngjwirt'of tW lti«lv« •»•(!» 5f»«*tl l)lt*tX •«**«!* W A-. <C. M<«'N|) -(M ©OTWeTi* »tW*t, lOMlt W WlYlt WclijotSViW* t«0 tWlttd* kMMtktMAV »*.t *l»)lMt*it »« te1l6%'» i tteriftwlHg to tt* ««KI» of l*V4i$«it» **(*»*,'»«1»M| WftfhjWIliiitSfiWiW,**** «)f 'At*X*Wte SoYWSJ»t>* tot *>W*0i1s T U G r«B»ife M>MB« w»a .M*wafa<*mirvg 13mt-- |WMT l H 0 O i # m t « 4 oy tW* tut* or Wwr y «r«ty, M f lnff «*et*A ««twMrtt% y»*rtt» in i w - *wy tSu^ w t , w » t l w M « r i i | , trow tk*or*» WMt* «MI «**«t*4»ww! tiklntt otviycklw ^nrii^ iM^tt-^ «i*^<^l»t«lnO»K*> , ^' , *^ fc y*** 1 »l* 0 ****> »i* w*w»nt** wot to kkvmn tn tS* n*fm »** *r* owriHWintityoinwJl * « t i w « * * * « i M * of Anwri- IVttM'lotolAwttwAo, 'rtyor .fw>w> )«otl>o* *A»«tm A « ^ t W , « o . !b-|@ortl«n 71*. "GO.H, Vi'ulfiWipnnr ttiDB h n*r*t>y .wivni weewrAnv to lnw, .to _ . «M tiwnem Inmnt <ttaiHn*. ngnMtt AiMOk J»*w Vortrv********, JAM tW«y wro. **«**i*4 »o «xk>MtVnO'«kHi«.'>itmin«VMiotim to ttr«t«%riwrfl^«ttorMl<>(«e«ln«<^ Mwk>*4*««tlM>mnA>yorywMwy 4 l«S7. «k«. : WWiAA JMtPAH, A'JhntnWtwikkr. ttwvid^Vitrts'of tl«ilt«itc5'lte)Ybsteftil*iw wiL ttewe* «K»t WfcmlWi-to'jfttftSeiHWfcWawBrtJitootov*oi'i*i%ott«t>t)>«o*r todgnifttftj 'i 'covitwim'ng 'owo ^wicrte »? M* »CVO 'o'f tail »OIKI TOloss, watijtftt t'o»'iMal?Ayott'o *te«6't>. AltaialTtilwftM,ite* «»<$Mt«b1«f MI-tilMN) tftf»»ttep- ibwgli.vito* wiit i» tawsi »*.tot tmiAm tin tit vitl*tt>» 'W4 'oftt t>y .* t>. ^VooVlwi*^ tRWUJtd'it WktoWoH*;:lH*iftwiiwg 'OWtilYisWorthttwoiof \WHi(*\%lWft l t * n i i » WottJi.-«*iiit ^totttW «»t* YiWfiW* ids*, wo*«o WdWtftg wo*h*ity tt***iitHi<« •«* AVVffihYfi Vi*<*H. wstS'-Ms.tefi't tlvottco^stertyih »t»» wortJi. ttwi'otlot'nviwi'bof $sto%owit,!fi«(! •otttelfed.l'iot'toi *o, Wilteit,ttiowt'o*ofttt«srlyii*it,Vo ssfttViwo viftW ftswitteVtet *iXly-*'i*tee , t%0 1 ttfl!W(«'ttl«W , t «0W0V<i>t>t ilYlWltftt (dVb te ! t)lio jilnwi'ot 'Wgiwivittg, ')<* <&fdtrtya& hf tea 1* Jioxi*feJi)H»- Wot'lS>i»,V(it 1 ; i'fti, %*jiftJ'V**%6teS* JiM-t 'otittv'cMstedVitti to'otM»»iWS*. ^ .AtKo^ltwutwttiriiii'ottef^e-co «* IMVWA «Stawit*itot*. tyiftgittawngSnCtatei «?ivmt* mA 'itfucriteit 'nsfettw**? Iwo *ojw*A wtti iwAWhtoil tmWwtAt wftWbw w, t^n-ttte t^te*iV«*U^'l«g'«w<!li»*Afa» , »«d*ix't}' «w, WvwAi, -Ato^«t**iWi>hM'*i^^tAimn«t*oWnM»1^4 «'ft)'»tt^ teSO'iit*i|it«i l t*ii tatftfeh t3o*»ty, 'AtM> tti«(ctt«* jyio« 'ot »M«*1 «t t**l '(itht : '*«»(*i't*.t *'« M- lo*ft': Uei«« VUe isiiiSWilm *i*tf •<* M -Xo. 44, t)«ni»c iV- IUftt,«WSlO0!MJNl*<(A'MS6,4fii,tM«ftffnbl «tXt*«MM WO* * ! » , W»4 t*M»S «* *^**t.tc,t ktU'ci' 1 ^WW^tWktloM *«J «K*- WyoAfcy Js-mbi^iloy iiYi.t Vifo to aciAloyR. ^h»tWM> «t«6(Ml'tlKlkt«)Jltk>th ^itfeo't* idct-ifotiotfciWit*tt«»t*, tjtifjt «nJ feeth'tihi ttft teirti ><* Ch«**, *o*»t* «* ^ShY***,*^ >«iw» >otS>». '»'A?t)lM>l>twittiMil>k«Mit, **<i.'oW*y*ati* tWb*rttt «!li,'ttitfb<fillto1BcMA>|d)r%t. Sn«M«taM*'^r«o«!a«l*taAA»l&,l«». 'ttrt»»At*«'So*«tiL'bdJiip : '«w* W t«rt)i; te-wii, 5*o«. *s »w«, -*&^*N*H^t*t*hti»»*ihei^"«*»*tc^ ; ^^ ttjci'fot'tfcoifdtno.'eiviintojokn Wt) '<*V»i« tenttuJAy «T AwA*to*«t'h'(i , t'o^'liietititeB»'i*j(i(tcot 'of IffwS Witot*, lly- HwtWKaWiWgitatihWVfltKgO *TVlMlNJt«M%tl •'Krtft "JtOHCrtWil** tellomjto^Wt^JW^'ltoescx'ontwtit'otiiWtH'i'it^Sii^ ft, '*r»«>iW!ft, <o»1Wl t!h% tiity tot*, »wS ii* 'SistSwgfttefcea iny t*i» Jin'me'of Hot nwnWt ititrtoc'ft, »-™t ik t>o'HTiiV<l »* *o)W,», te *'it3 JDeginwing M VHe Wottlh^nt wmcr v* tot (ittte Mm, nm-ning «rt»n«* wmlfc ttttttn «Mitn* 'MA Titt}- li»V» to *-»'tnV*, H>I«K* *»*t<owe i M t n w t A tktity-ftiw* **»**« 'OTT«- ttint'rf n'l'irft^ttMKMt'mm&t *-l*n { M M Wt* (tfty Unto, fhikt»*heMMS) i<if txighniixg, tJrifooiwWg (owiWi** (oritamJl. *otft*'rtft«f*,!im>>lot»to wi« »K«rtg«ge «iv«**i> 8Hktft»th«. W»ic*tit'of twohWi^ml 'Aotlw*, «*d*M»)K(iot!l«of Wwrtmg* •yoc*!**^ to Bo»1J«yR.'ffl.tftwirti % ttle jpM% <ot t>.« lint A*« -»1»o Itttiitortiiitii'oWK*!*** <*t»*At« i*»1W*TKti, tWtMtAMMfi'^tftrtWttottow*, •owiti Being <»»«• 1* !»»•<* OntWb*^ tn Wotrnm, want)- •M^iSust'ltimiA, 'iS9lt*'mi>«r «Mi wwiiteMi t«t*>il 'out ty 9«*ttwwl6t «. t*to«ftwiiwni r %*'lifti««IMnA % *t>wwmM«lf)ot «»»i'»wi- ten MolWHiHi'bOliliiloitMi'otki*-*:: t)of»Miit* »t ttt* wnrttiJOnrft '(Tftyii»iV», < t'hOiiO(!*»» , t 'sttfet'hwlA WMy^hT**WnSweetMrt tfMtk, fhonM >nflrt>i«vo'n'(**iiiii*-nfl'llft5-ltnV«. , t , h«itc'»-i)s't |<w<^1nHl^rty-Xta«*tiJ'OWe-t^(l\hiV*^t>ieiHii«!'otti«gi»1- tiMfc«Mtaft>ihig l owe'*et*'o r titeii4,i(«rt**'t, ihoii'oyt*, to **» ««*irMJ|* 'oy«-**«il tiy W* ipM't}' t* fflrbttI'M i»vt to the 'wwo toiwiwrttittey^i^BtmJiiwittiSWtBVTlte. ._ ' t o ^ f t i o t ^(ti'Wn««JI')rtHMit*JrVh« tHWoilitKm&ii'l* KnA wp «*©i4«Win, write* ****>>y «tv«n to «M tine w*iWi»yk%t • • * * * Woiit*, w * ot »*r», C1WM» ! " 'IwiiiMl. t»|****nt tW*ir otoiWk, My >n^tt*vow*i*w tlnot**^ to t**wn- ' Kt«««tov<bVth«.«nMy»«liw WolWM _ _ m v T n %m -winPMirwnr *P* nn w m ^n »*», .: ..iMaAo^Tte, was. '«. E, W K L I 3 , EkoMMor, W3Bi*lti*prt)y #iv«», MMr#ni(r totnw, to ^M'lpMwBMI VMnVHM^ *wWllHI'' V^hnMW VNHHlW'Ml 1M**ir«»MMn, dMnM Own*r, » , V, 4Mn4:A^«, ."6^»M«Wtt*, A^A«nUB8, r*io, . A>A«i«*tM*ow„ Moh»ln^Vi(ti*«'oti|'1ii!t l l»>,i 1t«>i,in't»Ki «oon(y *nil stntc 4fmw.ni«, •**nSiitwr»*y *hea»* <JUy '<* -An^nt 'Mixft, * t *«n •o'oloik itn !(he (f«w«<K»ii''<*Jt1i»t 'Sny, tm- «mAi, VMOrififtg to Wi* tDkte««!t tllWt&btftg'h «b'it ISth 'ilk* 'dt ,l(flj- Ifitt. Mit at\*£**lilS, Shorf* J. I). "WiiWrt*, tMletSSherfIt. *u 23 'fbeij»il**i*^tW'tWws'cWietiit** Jir«n*rty to ticrAy n«mA> lp((ii^it'<itilib!«l'Kit«oii'6li'«l«y'<S*)c'to'b«''Ho\^ tJhdn t o i b e n o M »'t ! ill(iihont'liti(l;rpli«c : l>'bm'« W«*ntitfln*<l. Jlm'toatllklt'tiJWiiflthjAwgtKitaS, ISSft. to* tJiliOtfniBBLlX ^iKH'ifr. IB»*. t). TWWiiW, OnilWiSWrtlr. 'dot* I»n4 mwlIin««i«iiOtto« SAWK<R«, *AW1S'K?, 'OR Mffin! A. *Mk^,W»S<*n?lttiiiwr Moib.1ii«vli«?:»'nfdslTT, Vhxt ia0tiVW^Htn*ttlk0V.«. 'Ommmnni, «'* iK»*o ttWlt'ot^m* |««i«^!«Sten!loillote'oMh;E'»ttaj'(!»l»i«.So. ''S!:Sl»!t(!iS't. 4<» : kikWbotfcet»i.(lShis,A ; n«4- > '»^KS If-X^XS *g>m i m U » W V N « 'SMJBIKilS _ Ih<to*~^iolm<eaii*!tJ)^ *1io WAtS- (* WIS, '^IHwfaiitowittftMiKtb' Widtf •iSvttrfteW! t(y •enirting w'4lM>w»*ir*tgn««,*t WiSOrte-^t,, fKwMlkeiibooworlBimning) Alb***., " ' AnJhtft.nriBirt^, JohniRonrtc, joi«^*M*m, TJrmTiWixton, %iliiKtn >»»fllH>, ikrtb* *Vee, VHK H*W AND kl>l>KHDIt> DTF.AMtf^* ' AMEltlOA, t»i«t. w* iivi,.vii« t 0 A K A . D A , Js, P ivtt)Av») mrrm. STATES^ ^w* *«*««., Il«ve emnm*ne«<l ,}htU 'W>ir*inih«'tt«tl »nttl ftinlwr m>t(e« will uin »»(»lli)wn, nmkDi« Tw«i Drnly Tiiim tm\\ w»* («un*l«y» tse8jti«u>) tn-iwwn mmws N)im>>wt> mitTJiiMhr* .Motntng.^tiotwJ Sowi«> l«»ve ttwin^n l»l«wt »t Tl A, M»on'thtnumuU)!' »Ut> Mwntoa 'Xwift ft*)»n M<t»(roitK vl« eh»m'ftl»l« »t«l St. Uwreweii Kwll ».»t„MM A. -M., cionneetititt lantl mnl DttrUngtoft \\«V »«»t Wlij^hwll xuwtthmi ttondy, Wti»* »t l\iw«i)|Mon »t with.tlie '}>»\ft «f the Tolland ROM r«>ri9i»«th iintl Kt\»(, «««! tTwimiig « u i n itwni iniillinuiv \i« me ««'W mm w Montt«Ml mtiit Pl»tt»bumh «• Mrtttimil Hint R*vn»l, unjurrivem Hurln<st»>i\wi IOiA> M,, i»tim« tor tlio Rntlttntl #• BncKngMin Ti»in 8»»»B, 8ow«> ?nU VA*U *t«il A)*» eo««*et with (Iw Uout s«>»!! Simtli to *Vh««ltaU* 15v«j>ms : WhitthaU. , ithj,—jOotso So«tw>'te»ve ft ^IVM^onnifrtynVofthoytarttjiiwn^^ts.liw^^nee lUnis*!^ I\tkt nt PI;i«*b\«,jtJ< »#d \V**ti>«st N»irth ... v- „,„ ,„. the rattetrtiifth ^ Monii«»t ll»it Uo»ii> will fehawjm »<wt*«t lU«t)i«g»o(i Uiiu two,* Bom will be m I'rain t'iotn MommO, m*\ Og0em)>u(«h TwSii tVbni ©attoMlwahLmWe w ria«*bu««h « t » j l \ M», eoo> «i»ting x»ith the Platwb»ni>h & M««no»l-Twin iVom Montml, t*Ml vk fori K*»»,»rriv« *\t l)wlfnstort.»t y\ IK Mi, A«U WMIBIMII «t 6jftt?*tmoniinR, timo »«• tr»i«* *oi«3 South »nd We»t, P«*iie«gets bv tfttenm wflla^t-ivot«4if«w Yiirk, vm llodsoii Rivw R*it ttowt/otl l», M.,iWd «U»l»lo, Ntaaw* fttll* and S\i*|wii*ion Itfktj?* th« »;mvc evvntn^ Motnlngi^G©tw» No*«r, kave Whitehall'*! 10. 15A. M.,on«niv*l«f Kl«>r«i«8 Train* ftumTtoy, Albany nn«l SchtneetMty, atttvo nt Unihngton «t 8 P. *1„ tonnwuioa with the Train or thfefttitlsmtlte linvlittUton Hail l\m r A from the South ami liast; thenee dirdetly to Ronse^ IVintv ^»»l at-rtv* *>« yj l\ M., in •time itet the y»w v\a Ch;>mt>l*tin & St. towtoneoRsM Roa«l,whioh<itnvoinMonttoitUiimv *vonina> l»it»wnaet4 desiring to so to Pott Kent, "'"'*''• ' "*- ' "• ? " oF:Platt*l»ntsh,»in " •' -' oil roaniinottlot that Mnwow,ami fMMvugers wishing m go to ISonttonl ot Ojga«oti«hnrjjlv wtiV atiivo at cither nlitotat the **tne time vt by the other route, and at the *»me V«re. Evening.-—Glow«» Sonvit, leaw Whitoliallat l»J P. M>v on arrival of ©a» Irom South <i«u West, arrive at IjttrlinstnM at I ne.\t hiormne anil via Pott Rent arrive «t lSaii*bnigh at 8 j A . M „ in time for first twin North and Wcat, and at RoiisseNi Point at T.J A M, caonettlnB both at Plattaborgh and ltott*e , * INVitit with die T^ins on either ftoad, which arrive in Montreal at 10 A. M» iwe »sw <xf(n BtwtwwtWi stftXMisn MOSTTZiXIAIi, Willi befinUhod 1 in a short time, and will be jmt on the route between Burlineton and 1 Platt»but%h,«o aa to make the eonneotvona between the Boats and all the Railftoada as i*rfeet a* noaaible. The above atraniwoM is intended to make con- neettona w'i'li nil too Passenger Trains ol the Kut- 1»nd &ft«rlt«atonttwlRoad, the Pkttsbnrgh & Montreal Rail Uoad.the Qhani^lain*; St.-Lawrence ItailR'oad, tho Nottliem t;OBden«ibureli> ftail Rwad, and the Vermont & Canada and Vermont Central lUitl Roads to Wiliwellivei Junction and the White Mountains. Biirhnston,M«y 1, '-VSSfi. l»Ar BOAT F O B A K W YOHK I pmU th* Pier, toot or Hamilton Mr**t, Al> } tony, landing MCoxaaeki*, H«d*o*,Gat»kill, Rrlatot, Klngaton Pt. Po»vghk*!«jv»tc, Ncwburth, Weat Point, Or»**«y Point nnxl Nyaett. ltroak&at awcl Dinn*r on ltoarxt. TA« Sow nod Elegant Stoanier ARMKNtA, G*j»t. SMITH, will, on and nltw W*dn**d*y, MnyTin, I K M n r t th« Pier, toot or Hamilton street, *very Tneaday, Thwra> dayaniV8*tuMUy,*t7o ; eloek,A, M. A ft, R,—A Jtoggnf* Matter neeomr«nict the Boat each way to Cheek ftaxtng* FRKK. *V>r rvawiajf* aonly to the Captain on board, or to J KUMltSDORF, Agent, Mo, SS8 Brondway, DAY BOAT WQWt NEW YORK. T Alt mWO at Oosawhie, Itwteon, Catskilt, JL* Rrlatol, Kington Point, P**»hk**p*ie, Mil- ton, Wewbnrrit, Gornwatt and W*»t l»oint, SmnMnat and Dinner on Board. The taW and ravoritc«te«M«rAUDA,Car4. 8. J. Rorc, wit), on and alter IVlday, Inn* 13th, comment* her ttfotar trlpn trw* the Pier Foot or Hamilton atre*t, Albany, every Monday, Wedneantay and JtrWay, 4t r o t l o e k , A. M, Wir Pa*»»e*ar)tily to the Captain on board, or to J. ELMKSDORr, Af*nt, No.as2 Broadway. Spring ^rrangementt. GRE.iT WmSTBRJV AND •ICHIQAK CEFTEAL RAILROADS'. 1866 THK ©iVty ROW!! la Sitfirt Ftllt *H ^tfCWiM Bri|g« TO HlnKr«|ihl«al Jtloiiuilr or AM ASA J. IVARKIMl. 11 I* both iiilOiv«Uiig nml iiwlruullvu to rwul UiO l.)li)Bf»i)liiw of tliysy wln> liuvo, by tliulr own vnorglon, ucliiijviHl HUCCCIW lit iliu wotltl; »p|wul- Ing) its Uiey tlo, ta tlio IIO[HS) ntul nsplrittlOtisi «>r tli« li\mttt(i liourt, nml toacliii^ tlio wtty imtl mntlltm , Uii'ougli wliiw Hint HIIUUO^ Itttu l^on m>- sttrwli Wow nmhyi slrttggltit^ itlutiff nil mlvcruu with, luivt) (H*II fottsotl nml blicettKl to msw «r- m\\» by ilto uxtimpltt wit l^for^ i\\m l.ti such lives, mm who lmytt't\\ciwwlv(M nUuinwl ismimviicu lit Iciii'iiing how it; liftit hodii tilltiiiiuil heforo llioni. 'I'lte inoiitettts m»y botowor ovnwdod, vivkl ov ©Uiewl*! j still, if thoy rocor^ UiO triumplt u( toleitli ntv<l vtt'luo, tlwy itro of gi-enl valuu, unvl shottld be sought niter mill Htmliwl. 1'Vw memoirs -will, wo nfmrclientl nW>rtl more Interflst MKI hmUftieUoii t 'Utiiu Uini of Uw tniltteiit jttrtel yylioBC limno lieikila this nflielot Altlmtigli tins Stuto of Now Vork ehiiuvs liitn with prtdo, ns her ellteon, ho wns born in •Con- i«H!Vie«t» til Slutroti) in the |«trislt of MllBwortli, Mill county of liitehliehli Tlw region of his hirUi'iilaco lit Bccliutel ft-om tlio busy wpyM, a spot of ttto'llo litlNKlot) ami siotiy vallnys, but ttotirishliig ft mco ofittctii Iritinwl livhnblttt of in- ilttslry, titnl full of tho energy and iwrsvivcrnttco which never Hail to titttko wny through Urn diill- eultteil of Ule. Mttny tiro Uio distinguished men wliielt Wlohltokl comity 1ms jimluebtl) men who hnro trod Iho |mth to cmketieo with u lirm slen nml courageous lietirt. The fttteestors of Jmlgo Pitrker wcro of Uio old Pttritnn blooil of New JSngluml, n\id ro^Mcitta in the western part of Cotinisetleiit for sueeostvo guiierttUous, Atiuisa I'nrkcr, nml Thomas L'emi, his ptttcrnnl nml mnlcrnul jmuwllathena, were ssol- tliers of the tovolntion, turn witlely re«i»oto»l for Wife sterling virtues of their chnrntttcr; the latter Hilling w i ^ u s ollletB of jmblie trust, Jlc was for Uiirty-eight successive sessions a member of Uio State Legislature. Both were residents, Uirottrii- ottt their lives, of the county of Litchlioltl, in the abovu State. The «tit\]ect of our memoir was Urn cltle4 son, of tlvo tev. Daniel I'nrker who wus pastor for almost twenty years of Uio Congregational church of ISllsworlli. Coimeeticut. lie was n gradate of Vale C^loge; ituwrieil it una, the daughter of tins above tneiilioiiisl Thomas Fenn ^ ai^d tlttriiig the time ho lived at -.Ellsworth, cstab- Hslied and took charge of an academy which ett- joyed, II bi&h reimlation and where many men who subsequently became distinguished, were edueatcil. In W$ ho removed to <6|roeiiviJle, (Jrcene county, New York, and tho academy there was placed in bis charge," It was tnider him that the subject of our sketch, then only nine years of ago, commenced the shidy of Jiatin, con- tinuing in the academy two years, lie then went to the Hudson Academy for-the same pe- riod, and afterwards iu the city of Now i'wk passed tlirce years. Eagtr tor iiiformatioit, Ike son received from Uio father the most devoted educational atten- tion. Ho obtained for him the best instructors in the country ; and it was thus thattlie first foundations of that fine classical learning and tasto for Mk$4<.nm, that, indepcudciilly of his professional attinmeiits, distingnisli Judge Par Iter, were laid. Such wn» hit diligence, tlwt at the age of si&tecn he had completed ilie usual course of collegiate study. At the same inmia- ture age, vit's in May, 1S2S, he was made the Hrincipal of Uie Hudson Academy, and continued in that c*|>acity tour years. ITrnkr his wi|>ervisioii, Uio academy was placed in a most prosperous condition, and attained a wide reputation; and such waflria youth that many el Ins pupils, since distinguished, were older than liimscll, lie was not, up to that time, a collegiate graduate ^ but in conscoeucc olf a rival academy Bkkluelng this n» an objection to tire young principal, he, in July 1SS5, caused himself to be examined at Union College for the entire collegiate course. He pasted the ordeal trkmpliiuitly, graduated with the senior class, and obtained his degree of Bachelor of Arts; and afterwards, in due course, received the degree of oT Master of Arts. After graduating^ he resumed his duty at the academy; and, duruw the latter portion of his career here, be (entered the office of the present Judge John W. Bdmomls, then of Hudson, to prosecute the study of law. In the spring ot 1827 be resigned his trust as principal of the Hudson Acadenry, and at the age ol twenty, removed, to Delhi,m the county; ©I Delaware, where his uncle, Col. Arnasa Fatker, a lawyer ot distinction, was practising his pro- fession. He cutcrcd -tbe office irf his uncle, finish- ed his studies and in 1S2«, at tho age. of twenty- one, was admitted to the bar. He then became a juartwar of his nwclc, and lorflrtccn'yearsnwry Iw^C iwaetice engaged the attention of the linn. The protessiotial business of these two gentle men is said to have been tho most extensive coun- try practice in the State, and the most system- atically conducted. Col. Amasa Parker was a kwyer' ojt t^'prou.di ^ayliTjg,ton^exr«rienec, awl provcrbm! integriiy. I|c pretored,' however, to toave his partner to discharge tin* duty of trying and argning causes, l l i e division of labor covin not fail to jgtve to the wbject at this memoir IIIKII order \ ami upon tho formor imbjont, whieli WHS of n very tntnunlo kind, Ida effort ^nlled out Dm pnttae of both partita, nS most tniuitci'ly, nml m shotltllog tho cloiwQjit light, upon it, In I Silt) Iw was mmdnnlnjl by llio Democrntio purly us Senator In the Third Seuatoi'lnl District of this Stale. Gwnl, tstellomcbt prevailed, as a, 8(iC608sw» in Nnllijitiiel \\ Tuflmnclgo i^t tho Bon- nie of the tfmtcil Blales wu« (o bp clioecn by tlm ciisuttijr r*n;isltiltil'0. About fifty •lliousimd votes wow CIIBI', Jn t'onsoqiieneo of the unwonted ex- ortitmu UHCHI, tho Whig candidate, (Ion Koot, pre- vailed, although by n ninjorll.y of only a lew voles. The live yours that; rollowed were employed by Mr, I'urkor in the enorpollo anil. Inborloiw-prac- tice of bis profossloti, At the mid' of that time, in March, J8M-, ho was iippointed Oiroiiit Jttdgo of tho Third Olwulli wlwn be removed to Al- bany, where he baa continued to reside to the pre- sent time, The dutlM of litis d^thiguinlied postworo most anlnotts, comblttlui?, as ;lioy did, those of ii Jndgo of Uio Cirenit at«l Vice Cmmet'llur of the Court of Kqnily. To ilicm ho tlovolwl, tnitiringly tho bos) eiior^ies of his mind, uml tttet lit nn imuiltev- ing iiwiti\»br his great iisponslbi'lltiei The snmo promptness uml system which distin- guished him as a lawyer, clinvuotorlwcd liim as » judge, nml enabled him to dispose of iin aliuoisi incredible ttmottnt of business. l'\i 18-lf))hc held the Delevytire CJireuit, nml no, greater responsibility \vn?i oyer cast upon a judge than fell to the lot. of Judge Fiivlier, m holding thai court. Tlieeottnty had been declarcil by the (Sovernor in. a state of insurrection in conse- quence of tho violent resisVetico made to the exe- cution of the laws. Assemblages, minibeving two or three hundred poisons, armed anil disguis- ed as Indians, had appeared in dtlVerent parts o( the country, ntvdscithe law and itsomeersat deliance. .Sheriff Steele had beeu shot down while engaged in Uio faithful tfeeliarge of his du- ty. Tbo Uovernor had therefbix! found it neces- sary to call into serviee a military force, which hs«l been maintained nt the county sent for sev- eral weeks, by wlie-so aid arrests had bceti made, and public' ordoY liiaintained. Tito Jail oft •Jw>rihWln(;m!, 'SMlWirit, •Jlnhli Xcknrt, i-AdlMiA, •Jmnod tChotoflROtti, Jwii|ih mmior, •thomtit'OlHilj, wHtfiiMi ilKifeiin., iioiii'fiii'tcii, .J|fi(«i»liSI(Hiri», . . •JlAKftBlfA'SSXS. Ik^'llicMfjlwfl'WifliWritjtifimnWlfortenflWlxtir'wrt^;: 8'*na Wtimnm" iKi«HttMAnflMrttnUe. ItttUnVMlM iwii^ht'imfl *oWI. JIibe*'tl«g^W'Wh'l*l|ltBwttMy[|v'tilt)iii|tto. wfraWW IRlufTdn, •JnweiiiCjaidlyi, K .Bolinwiiidiiloti, JoUliWliofc, Wnflttiroiii*, 'eh'lWtVKnMOOt, 'tfliMtik*teiik), t o iJaVlaWMMllia'Vr, IS naa*n*nt'tJr taaiVBge*fl»'cr ttHtjaate^ ajw •iratt « k M » « *«ro* AWion, tad* «ff .tSknmrtatn,! '"-' «wMty <*t Ctantnn *V '•"i*ti*ftiit A'aJll :M »inw^r«*t» *rK llt,tM''WMlta«rr«>< „ iirnWiom of'** MM WMaMt*, In, —^i^aWr 'WBWWflTB '••«•••• WWJwWIam] lw»,'nit *Jhe *mm*»* «ito« «n «Nn **Wnge <«ff| *«9k«>Mi'«ay'««tMNhWI#fl>-S 'wVi ^f^n^^n^u v - ~-- imi;ll<MI .1MWRMR, m. w 'now'OT'«ceoni^_5nwwnaajeanManan vtv. ^w mw annate, wiiwam* i^^^y^^^w ^^^w ^^^^ •— •• - ~ *- ain—yi '*. IlUB • . !».. t V.v % ^ M *••• DAWAyApanJt, JAMBK Ci)BBA», 9IrrelMBBit Tailor* ig| m^2r a go \To a tt|a*tn|r itvoetn^a^^.ife^ani^.^ainnynaaenPt <o«' (#»&, < CellHMiWt! < *!•*•» r«!SfI'a^S, WMM '**' |*aa»»Ji *• ««l^'tk««« t« lilt Irtwdt wtttma* jta.TwMantr'iMi * * * * * * * tarn nam* H t n e ^ u n r l n t tttWn t ^ l M t j S S f r nrlM b * martt An WnwrWwnt '*t Fc»1r»«trrwnOooi>l'oon»t»nt- •AlntL KnUnn^ On***, trtorma*, «•. ^anwmmijf. AtAtAMT MEW VOmK*' '' iftT-A ma* **«* *# W.irtetie» atifl J*w*»ry, nminntiXnmginT Wwaiwy » a t crater,'OontMn* Detroit, CKioaro, Galena, Mllwankee. Bnrliat- |«w»* vs$ena#* U* various eonrts. It is said _ ... .. _ - . „„ »_ . IM. ....... i^e |Md-turtci1'«>are totvsBcs sn>it tthe «Si«wIt.8 ttlvavn w^y I yonog man of'his age in the «talc,' at the time 'of j his elcvaitaion to tlheT)enclu'' " j WcTccollectseeing lira in attcntlan^c atone ©f ®& Ulstor Circuits, whero he was' engaged as j .coAWJsd in ev<a-y cause tried, the court Hiistxiig two j wccW I l l s ©u»oac!Dilt tlirougho'ait was thai \etc-: ran %f tfec'toar'ilTMn Pox^keepsi^.tjieii. Swift.— 11K tarc»)l« $ V'ster were then Uc\l by Jud'go Haggles,'now ari>cnibcrcJf the Court of Appeals; nud fw years U seemed a maUcr of course; if one y emjiloyod ae counsel nttlhat circuit cither Parker or tSen. SwiSt, tkaother of the two ftonyftaek lalamil. .Bmbnau*., St. Panl, Si- LOnia, Ga3w>, and all point* in tne Weak ami Swath. Twin* loav* •>**p*n*io* RrW«* at toltows, «nnKlay» **cinito<l-« . t , '" ' Mfmn-iwir Kxrre»», ?,'W A. M. r.^nttitng; Kurr***, U-l* A. M. Arcommwdation, i-iO P. M. JSveniwg Rxtprc**, 11,'20 P. M, Cminecting at D*t«»it wltti MMhlfan Ccnta-al fcaitreawt, aa*l at take Sultan wRn tn* "«Cnt tW|-?>torSt, Loa'i*- Rook' Inland, .Peoria,. Ac., mv»*f Mitek' Travel nWtt OottnafiuaWjing Time, »«4 Kxjn****,) ami at Cnica«o mitk all the t>in«« W*st anrt «otrtb ! O - THROUGH TTGKEtS *a*o* rmrcn*«ed of fh* Gomivany>» Asent' 5 M. «. HAII.K, Plattsibn^, at t*i* Kxiiren* <OAe*. Ju^.trrs MOVIIJS, General A^ent, Baiklo. .fconftnT AM.KW, Travtltoe Agent for Worth- * m N « w V'Qitt- Ajwil U. '1.856 STEAM FERRV W, ALIAJIS AID FLATTSIQiaH, NORTH A W I T H fSI.AXDS. t'nc »tm Aits «*J«nrwi nrtAtiKK ftt Twrt n,vnraiKn) CAPTAIll •AKtt'Hlt, ytlMylwi *»tniter Mtanttny, May*, fM. tun i nBt- a i a a w l w ' - , , ^ - - the county, and two jails erected for the occasion, had been filled with' prisoners' charged with every grade of crime, from murder down to misdemeanor. It was under such a 'stale of things, ntul in the midst ol nti e„veile<) commu- nity divided in opinion as to the causes which liaa led to the commission of sncli' crimes, that Judge Parker opened llie Court of Oyer and Ter- miner, * He announced that he should continue tins court until every indictment was tried, and llie jails all cleared. Tito Attorney Ucncral, aid- ed by Samuel Sherwood, Esq., assisted tho Dis- trict Attorney on,tlw> part of the Popple, and the prisoners were defended by other dislingnish- ed counsel. Tito trials progressed one by one with untiring perseverance: and at the end of the third week, the jails were cleared j every case having been disposed of Ijy conviction of other wise, Two were sentenced to death, about fif- teen to imprisonment in the stnle prison,, soma tor life, atid others for a loss period ; and for Clio lighter offences, lines were in manv cases imposed. The course pursued by Judge Parker met with genera) approbation. \Vhilo the anii-renters| who bad openly violated tliclow«, felt that tins hand of justice had fallen heavily upon them, ami were satisfied that tlio law cOuld no longer be re- sisted with impunity, the more intelligent among them were also ready frankly to acknowledge. that justice had been tempered with mercy. JVfter the at^oitranicnt'of the court, the mili- tary force was discharged, peace was restored, and ill no instance has resistance to process siucu occurred in that country. 1)! the summer of 3BJ6, Geiieva College cou- ferred the degree of I*I». D. upon him* a disiinc- tAoit emwaattiy due to his well-known attainments as a scliolaf and jurist In tlajwme j^Sir^liis term of oKce ended wit)» lite Uien constitiitioii, and under the pneacnt'ono adopted at that time, he was elected n Justice of | the Supreme Court of the State of New York. It wa$ conferred upon him by Uie votes of not only his own party, but of n large number upon the opposite side, the suffrages being given as n token of the confidence and respect entertained tor him in the TLjr«| JudictaHlialtict, fronj whkji he waselciteJ. "' It has been frequently remarked of htm, thai he has never, aincc his- *• -cession to the btMeh, either of Circuit or Supreme Court Judge, failed to he present to open court at the precise minute appointed. Not a moment cf time tbus lost, tl«5 ntembcrs of the bar, and all others attending court being expected, and thus*by example, soon learned to practice similiar pronipttiess. A wri- ter, in describing one of his circuits, says " he accomplislics an infinity of business with the pre- cision o,f i|)npliinc}' l y. i ' ! ' Such is the career of one who received no pa- trimony bat his'education, and bad no aid* but Ins own energies and talents. How ha baa suc- ceeded, this "plain unvarnished" memoir relates. It furnishes the loftiest evidence of the mighty force of uidnstry, perseverance and integrity, in dc\»titig those Who pjACticc those severe bnt be- nign virtp*?. Aa a puWicspcakcT, J^d^e Parker is of ctipc- rior cxocllenoe. Hw vuiccfemelodious and ym\ cnlthatwl, his tearing is di^nined, his tangnago IkKntand well chosen, and his ideas are clear and abundant. In extemjwraneous speaking, he has lew equals in the Slate. A l W ? ready to uiect an occasion, his offhand powers''of addrcsninf: nil assentbliigc arc remarkable. In ctrcnmstanccs, wlten he rnight well have been in fault, anrround- ed wMi the lowest and i«ostdigi«ii<\iinUie land, with celebrated statosinetii and oiattors, wehav^ ;.wcre imtnediately engaged on the opposite side. Judge P, w*S always »35stinguj»od for tlic. en- ergy nf Iris character, awd pretnitUHnde <of bis business habits. It was a rate of bw office tliat nobusi^tocrdjonlilTcinaia on tic talJe un- answered WOT * liagk retaru wail. He 3i:ul l^:a*4a«Wtm^W^ 1 *«*H«a^t*W!nkk- 'catamj fWanyattirnnt^. rablc system adopted . . . floe,-the anrcrarit of business transacted was as large n* H was v*«oa» in character. It WW mot only as m hiiyw, however, that Jndgt Parker Wamo. known to the public. He was caAed ntto the pol ilicaJ .'arena, (a the fall df 1«3S, be was elected a democratic, metnber ot Whs Stale .Ltgiifelnre, and wan pmced oat the Committee of Wayi npl ¥<•**, and in other iproi?3ay«it aUaatkiia, dnruig the cnsniinj'sesiiOB. lathcwbiie<piCBtjmr, butigthcn twesty-seve*) years eM, be was elected by the. .LegmlatWR a ttngent of the Uwversity; the ycnia%uit man ever W4*rccr«i>c« that tism saaak sneabcr of I M MnajanaViihiiiT]: ^ ^ ' ' At twca*yntoe, be Was dcctcA withont «ffo- 'shion, •»- C^njp<Dn,'ih<Mi the cowntaw of .Broome anra a^m^Hm. aamn mvmamj n> ^inpeprammpm a*m v .^net* .Enjrtnsj Mi .ssnn M-e|^M'-^|Bmi.i| 9AOM Uma^M iSAtte lamili eml tbn ^ W e S y RWmVVvVml •> MBJ VtVBMHmlOT Wm *»W gfaStmi <*uk, AH his iftosebci w*ie of • known him caJteil jmt* without a'jnemcntl! eotiep to. 'anldress. ti«.coppany, .and 'b^vc witnessed the triumph of his etotinewcc. His speech in Hunkirk, at the celebration of tbe New York and Erie BaiirenMl comi'iletion', witb President Filluwrc, $kr- Webster, llj. Crit tenilcn, and otlicrs of the Cabinet, a boat of Jig- nntarics and genttemen from all parts of the igtate, anawd him,- iand his renrarks at the tVeb- «tcr 'dinner in Afoar.y^ in Jnae. and at the Latch fickl Central Celebration in Aarast, lS51,cxW bitcd concliisivcly his powers in this respect As a main And* ciUavn, Jndge Parker baa won, thewaVesn eml reapect of all who kaow binv— His temper is singularly c*)*abieaiid smuaMe, bit heart kiiVlly and capacious, bis di^ceitkm Irank, msTily and generons. His person is digrdkVd; histwintiPTjaace beaming withaietnile; nml bit 'r^otmbei i n t b t b e t t afkaety, am easy', bmnd and coawteont. Such is'Jndg* l^arker; M sneb, boner hbat dar,a^d wedclkhttbnsiar«xlen« , _. Tbrtmgbowt tbeStaic it be tatimabry kaiewn. [la a M *unlnr, 1&&, Jaabje P, wnt re^emi ^m tg m"~k ^^^—j^^^^^^Ja^ s4i^«W a^^^HMaflm^msk'mima ^ ^^>^H^^^^nBV^, •s ^nn^'.mnnM.ivvKiB'pp-jp «*PB miwt^nnnmm 'pmVV^ -mmfemm mmAw IVmm^mMmmmfmm.- mmmmll ImWmfjRmmmm Bm I* ~ iim'imtmMSSmm^ ^t Knew Silbbninmi twefit Gkee MsmaCmlM

Transcript of ffffl9SRM£«ft 'NmB'*zm,,wr -...

Page 1: ffffl9SRM£«ft 'NmB'*zm,,wr - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1856-09-06/ed-1/seq-1.pdfW »sc-«* of l*wi*> mmttf ***

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lvnv«lHi»iitkwl»ttuwM«1llonow> with wv«va Mt*iot kM4 <kO|k><»iikc» witti eotfreftteftt l^tM •Wit »»»**».

»**«** *t towrt M*ute» l**ii, *»»t tlt)« or * * * m or IAWA, with tooA novo* «wd S t m on

U atoov* tk* Hotlow i*i &t*m«!k

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«*) *'ew» lot No. J3> i* »»r»»i*t. «W»0«(*»0»llo4W ** ' »m«6mlot«o,«ia ** *»*«** t»t So, 8». «

aa»**miot»».a» «* , . l k v o«t tuneful ivtmty i* * * i o t * lo t« we i» »*«««l*» to *rtHt w*«;Wk**M t »wtl »* l l i * toiAmMt « t * * m t » OWI Of «MVtftf (WlWttVUlt* « t t * Ot 1*1* *M**, »«*. .

*»t«*to A>a,«tt\vtrt l>l»'tia,wi*8*i> M»wsli a*, i m . ; , . . , tf;.

C». '»» Wttoua^M:

m mwmmm tmipmfm^ <bf >

'• #m*i» enr, WMMWS, *«.. 1W MVfill^tlllittt', tKOYj »> ¥ ,

W« inh«»U**ttoftor<JNitttortw«<)«o«iMi«ii*n to o-it Mr«* WHA ~««11 *M**te<r wwyKwont <*t Cno»MW>*o>W*t'i»y oT t * » , ©••*«*, MtiwA, It^lwwtt/yoteKeao^ wltrt»<Mft*>«Mloyw!yBttiW' «rllCVB W G 8 9 V M 7 TO VOVI|n*«B • ^IMfUOfV W O K y wtiwti >w« «KH- to UM ttwto <s% t*» «ko*t N » M > «M* t*mi*. JH?*tr*!!!*.


PiUtT -iiwfrtiiii * itotwww, • *" »'•" A M » ' « U b SWUrWi"**' • '

•!ft.. 'JS»<5IIK>i " • - i " • . -.dr^J^iBBte.

, ' ' ' . • • > - * • * M M # » — '

'••-••>WttttMUKvMKiL :

- j-nyttiiinniii^Apttnw, we». • «r-;

<imt^«* m^*^MH»« c«o* Mo'oiK

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Mnmmor^ArrnHtttemcMti Md »«*«; W«tftM«»y» !«»• i th, \m>

_ . ^«n«Mt*r VrftlMi will run w folloV*», t\»ily, twM)»y»tte«pt«U .

UOtNU KA«t. ft!Ul ,r»AlN1"L»»y»»ttg*t»Mbtt«h»ttOA,

W»» »» k w l n l ot !>%«• OnUrio tttatutr*, m\ OinrroM Ott»w»-4li«» »t M*lott«-urlvinit »t H»«io>i 'Point i t »>», P» M» wMrt |>Mi«ngtr»

SMoewHl wiMmtt rfiMy ky VtHnont »n0 CM»»II» ttlrotd. unit l^ikt eMmyl i lKl lwiNN tat bw>

; t«wi »»a « » * V*»k, «na IntwrmtUtftt* |»Utm», a«n»bttt*h lit It M.» on wrlv»l or B*i»RW§* »t*»MfeMrKimH»t»ilton »nd K!»)««» Moppikir MMsukW, t>ot*a»w, »i»w<*ne*7,M»lon«)'6h»" tw.«t»y mtl Moo»t» JuneUon, eOmuMting «t Ko>t««H I'oint »* »bo»». __

WR8* TRAt»,~L»»v«i R0tt««>» Pokt »t> i A, MM on knlvtl or Cktir IWHR Mootrut, mil bkkt ch»»|>l*i" Itwmen* wlvihir »t Ogtt«n«> k-iwh «l»W) 1\M», ttOftfttottHt with th« »pl«n-«liU8t»»Hi«raorttm Awiwioui »nUOr*»t w**tern R*tlro»tt B»m-*w lUnot fop Nl»«*»» lUwilton. TotONtOiRtkiMO, »wt the writ*

RBBONO <TRAIN.-I.MV*! Rou»>i Point »t lt>*te, y , Mv, on wrrirtl or C*r» rtom IloMon »nJ N»w York, >t» Vtv »ntt Ctw*it* R»tln>»il, »rr)v> tn| *t Oitit«Wi\»ttriH »t «.«W> P. HI., mroek*tl w»h» o»i d*t»y to Aw*tl«wi Lin* or W*»M«»I tor Klnfttontfetekttti IIWOOT, 0«w«to» Roehe«t«r, toronto ttoMUton, (*!»»*«, nn«t M W«»t. *

All ttfttaft oonntet »t Moomt Jnnetton wi tli «»n for PUttiburgn, v»A South, «nt) tor Mo»tw»l »ntl Qtt*b«o»

•p- 'th* %tt«ntton or Ikmtllek movtnf \V«»t I* oniloil to tht» ront«« »«helnf tit* t»te. *» Oti*te* Awl«»««»»» >N»totl w»rtlewl»w »** Ag*nt'» hunk) :W»j_ J t t ^ M ^ y * ^ * * * * 1 * ^ -

I860 l -AKi ; CHAM P I . A IN,


§iMaBHP>S'»Mftv»sUte*» *km V « * , Ctt*t»n towty *», I B j itirtft!) i ^ M V W l t t i H i iMtHtt Wt«T thtt 8*tfl»Wo ttrt«rth»»»t»«rS»» Visk, t « ) * » * « « W i » f t 4 M i W ^ J i

f t H M t th*»M** *V*l *h»tt«tft) Hl«t* -»W (RiftfcWijfttt, W»l

I1*W*W*(|>1 tn th» « » » * » »wit fctkto »tos»#nVit, t tun* fevisst, * ^ ^ , WltWrit^.ttAVW Alftll* figllt, tUtd MY(t IllWWlSt X<tlte)l Hw *ii.t ifMMh R, l*rtim W t w Vtiftl*hfc.*th AAV »Mwly 1SW, t * * t »yiv *W)» 't)i»w*n**, 'of, i h * s a totli«itolWins.*<>wirttal K«*t Wtatt* «wA »W*rtt»*) 'to %»l i

'Ml tk»t« t t*»^ 1 l i ! (« )« ^ W c t titt»fti) tiHwite, tjift'***1! kiotaStih VM-VO'WM«t"ltntt»it«iK^i w«it>«oovit» v* HStoum. *«*• t«4*e«)ttti«i %»\«nte*i» tot* txawxttoSwlHrtitet i t . *ws<*t-' * * « , w a W t t t o «Hs tat*, »wA t» a i s t t e l t t w i fc* Wo Wttfto (ot,

IViSrlnWlttff'it thtowSftV^tWMwvtif t t i fetetw^wtelw^lw, ,

ft)*)W«) wMt wi* «1flil« AWS tt itrt^thim M»ksi *wit w * -tVi'»(t ftV »t'i«i^ttiMM*njiii^hwt4w<iWri«ii -»ait'AttyWWh*.ttwsv«!*w»t W» <*»*» *wi ttiii'ty •»>>«* »wl «H» ttiiM tiWMk <« ttw vli'i-e *>» "bflgiawnfr > toutaiwivg 'on* t t r t «t UwA. t * the worno w o w

-MtmiW Hi»t ***'Ui« v * * «* tM**t .*ri.wi*Hv»te, tytnig *w* tsitaa t«W(iW%l)W«t> » * ( « * * « fcWAMngjwirt'of tW lti«lv« •»•(!» 5f»«*tl l)lt*tX •«**«!* W A-. <C. M<«'N|) -(M ©OTWeTi* »tW*t, lOMlt W WlYlt WclijotSViW* t«0 tWlttd* kMMtktMAV »*.t *l»)lMt*it »« te1l6%'» i tteriftwlHg to t t * « « K I » of l*V4i$«it» **(*»*,'»«1»M| WftfhjWIliiitSfiWiW,**** «)f 'At*X*Wte SoYWSJ»t>* tot *>W*0i1s

TU G r«B»i fe M > M B « w»a .M*wafa<*mirvg 13mt--|WMT l H 0 O i # m t « 4 o y tW* t u t * o r W w r

y « r « t y , M f lnff « * e t * A ««twMrtt% y»*rtt» i n i w -*wy tSu^ w t , w » t l w M « r i i | , trow tk*or*» WMt* «MI «**«t*4»ww! tiklntt otviycklw ^nrii^


«i*^<^l»t«lnO»K*> ,^' ,*^ fcy***1»l*0****> »i* w*w»nt** wot to kkvmn tn tS* n*fm »** *r* owriHWintityoinwJl *«t iw«***«iM* of Anwri-

IVttM'lotolAwttwAo, 'rtyor .fw>w> )«otl>o*

* A » « t m A « ^ t W , «o. !b-|@ortl«n

71*. "GO.H, Vi'ulfiWipnnr

ttiDB h n*r*t>y .wivni weewrAnv to lnw, .to _ . «M tiwnem Inmnt <ttaiHn*. ngnMtt AiMOk

J»*w Vortrv********, JAM tW«y wro. **«**i*4 »o «xk>MtVnO'«kHi«.'>itmin«VMiotim to ttr«t«%riwrfl^«ttorMl<>(«e«ln«<^ Mwk>*4*««tlM>mnA>yorywMwy4l«S7.

«k«. : WWiAA JMtPAH, A'JhntnWtwikkr.

ttwvid^Vitrts'of tl«ilt«itc5'lte)Ybsteftil*iw wiL ttewe* «K»t WfcmlWi-to'jfttftSeiHWfcWawBrtJi too tov*oi'i*i%o tt«t>t)>«o*r todgnifttftj 'i 'covitwim'ng 'owo ^wicrte »? M* »CVO 'o'f tail »OIKI TOloss, watijtftt t'o»'iMal?Ayott'o *te«6't>.

AltaialTtilwftM,ite* «»<$Mt«b1«f MI-tilMN) tftf»»ttep-ibwgli.vito* wiit i» tawsi »*.tot tmiAm tin tit v it l*tt>» 'W4 'oftt t>y .* t>. VooVlwi* tRWUJtd'it Wk toWoH*;: lH*iftwiiwg 'OWtilYisWorthttwoiof \WHi(*\%lWftlt *nii» WottJi.-«*iiit totttW « » t * YiWfiW* ids*, wo*«o WdWtftg wo*h*ity i» tt* **iitHi<« •«* AVVffihYfi Vi*<*H. wstS'-Ms.tefi't tlvottco^stertyih »t»» wortJi. ttwi'otlot'nviwi'bof $sto%owit,!fi«(! •otttelfed.l'iot'toi *o, Wilteit,ttiowt'o*ofttt«srlyii*it,Vo ssfttViwo viftW ftswitteVtet *iXly-*'i*tee,t%01ttfl!W(«'ttl«W,t «0W0V<i>t>t ilYlWltftt (dVb te !t)lio jilnwi'ot 'Wgiwivittg, ')<* <&fdtrtya& hf tea 1* Jioxi* fe Ji)H»-Wot'lS>i»,V(it1t»;i'fti, %*jiftJ'V**%6teS* JiM-t 'otittv'cMstedVitti to'otM»»iWS*. ^

.AtKo^ltwutwttiriiii'ottef^e-co «* IMVWA «S tawit *itot*. tyiftgittawngSnCtatei «?ivmt* mA 'itfucriteit 'nsfettw**? Iwo *ojw*A wtti iwAWhtoil tmWwtAt wftWbw w , t^n-ttte t^te*iV«*U^'l«g'«w<!li»*Afa»,»«d*ix't}' « w , WvwAi,

-Ato^«t**iWi>hM'*i^^tAimn«t*oWnM»1^4 «'ft)'»tt^ teSO'iit*i|it«ilt*ii tatftfeh t3o*»ty,

'AtM> tt i«(ctt«* jyio« 'ot » M « * 1 «t t * * l '(itht:'*«»(*i't*.t *'« M -lo*ft': Uei«« VUe isiiiSWilm *i*tf •<* M -Xo. 44, t ) « n i » c iV-IUftt,«WSlO0!MJNl*<(A'MS6,4fii,tM«ftffnbl « t X t * « M M WO* * ! » , W»4 t*M»S « * *^**t.tc,t ktU'ci'1^WW^tWktloM *«J «K*-WyoAfcy Js-mbi^i loy iiYi.t Vifo to aciAloyR. ^h»tWM>

«t«6(Ml'tlKlkt«)Jltk>th ^itfeo't* idct-ifotiot fciWit *tt«»t*, tjtifjt «nJ feeth'tihi ttft teirti ><* Ch«**, *o*»t* «* ShY***,*^ >«iw» >otS>». '»'A?t)lM>l>twittiMil>k«Mit, **<i.'oW*y*ati* tWb*rttt «!li,'ttitfb<fillto1BcMA>|d)r%t. Sn«M«taM*'^r«o«!a«l*taAA»l&,l«».

'ttrt»»At*«'So*«tiL'bdJiip:'«w* W t«rt)i; te-wii, 5*o«. * s »w«, - * & ^ * N * H ^ t * t * h t i » » * i h e i ^ " « * » * t c ^ ; ^ ^ ttjci'fot'tfcoifdtno.'eiviintojokn W t ) '<*V»i« tenttuJAy «T

AwA*to*«t'h'(i,t'o^'liietititeB»'i*j(i(tcot 'of IffwS Witot*, lly-HwtWKaWiWgitatihWVfltKgO *TVlMlNJt«M%tl •'Krtft "JtOHCrtWil** tellomjto^Wt^JW^'ltoescx'ontwtit'otiiWtH'i'it^Sii^ ft, '*r»«>iW!ft, <o»1Wl t!h% tiity tot*, »wS ii* 'SistSwgfttefcea iny t*i» Jin'me'of Hot nwnWt ititrtoc'ft, »-™t ik t>o'HTiiV<l »* *o)W,», te *'it3 JDeginwing M VHe Wottlh^nt w m c r v* tot ( i t t t e M m , nm-ning «rt»n«* wmlfc ttttttn «Mitn* 'MA Titt}- li»V» t o *-»'tnV*, H>I«K* *»*t<owe iMtnwtA tktity-ftiw* * * » * * « 'OTT«-ttint'rf n'l'irft ttMKMt' mm&t * - l*n { M M Wt* (tfty Unto,

fhikt»*heMMS) i<if txighniixg, tJrifooiwWg (owiWi** (oritamJl. *otft*'rtft«f*,!im>>lot»to wi« »K«rtg«ge «iv«**i> 8Hktf t»th« . W»ic*tit'of twohWi^ml 'Aotlw*, «*d*M»)K(iot!l«of Wwrtmg* •yoc*!**^ to Bo»1J«yR.'ffl.tftwirti % ttle jpM% <ot t>.« l i n t

A*« -»1»o Itttiitortiiitii'oWK*!*** <*t»*At« i*»1W*TKti, tWtMtAMMfi'^tftrtWttottow*, • o w i t i Being < » » « • 1 * !»»•<* O n t W b * ^ tn Wotrnm, want)- •M^iSust'ltimiA, 'iS9lt*'mi>«r «Mi wwii teMi t « t * > i l 'out t y 9«*ttwwl6t « .

t*to«ftwiiwnir%*'lifti««IMnA % *t>wwmM«lf)ot «»»i'»wi- ten MolWHiHi'bOliliiloitMi'otki*-*:: t)of»Miit* » t ttt* wnrttiJOnrft

'(Tftyii»iV»,<t'hOiiO(!*»»,t 'sttfet'hwlA WMy^hT**WnSweetMrt tfMtk, fhonM >nflrt>i«vo'n'(**iiiii*-nfl'llft5-ltnV«.,t,h«itc'»-i)s't |<w<^1nHl^rty-Xta«*tiJ'OWe-t^(l\hiV*^t>ieiHii«!'otti«gi»1-tiMfc«Mtaft>ihig lowe'*et*'ortiteii4,i(«rt**'t, ihoii'oyt*, to **» ««*irMJ|* 'oy«-**«il tiy W* ipM't}' t * fflrb tt I'M i»vt to the 'wwo toiwiwrttittey^i^BtmJiiwittiSWtBVTlte. ._

' to^ft iot ^(ti'Wn««JI')rtHMit*JrVh« tHWoilitKm&ii'l* KnA wp

«*©i4«Win, write* t» ****>>y «tv«n to «M tine w*iWi»yk%t • • * * * Woiit*, w * ot »*r», C1WM» !

" 'IwiiiMl. t»|****nt tW*ir otoiWk, M y > n ^ t t * v o w * i * w tlnot**^ to t**wn-' Kt«««tov<bVth«.«nMy»«liw WolWM

_ _ mvTn %m -winPMirwnr *P* n n w m ^n

»*», .: ..iMaAo^Tte, was. '«. E , WKLI3, EkoMMor,

W3Bi*lti*prt)y #iv«», MMr#ni(r totnw, to ^M'lpMwBMI VMnVHM^ *wWllHI'' V^hnMW VNHHlW'Ml

1M**ir«»MMn, d M n M Own*r, » , V,

4Mn4:A^«, . " 6 ^ » M « W t t * , A^A«nUB8,

r*io, . A>A«i«*tM*ow„

Moh»ln^Vi(ti*«'oti|'1ii!tll»>,i1t«>i,in't»Ki «oon(y *nil stntc 4fmw.ni«, •**nSiitwr»*y *hea»* <JUy '<* -An^nt 'Mixft, * t *«n •o'oloik itn !(he (f«w«<K»ii''<*Jt1i»t 'Sny, tm- «mAi, VMOrififtg to Wi*

tDkte««!t tllWt&btftg'h «b'it ISth 'ilk* 'dt ,l(flj- Ifitt . M i t a t \ * £ * * l i l S , Shorf*

J. I). "WiiWrt*, tMletSSherf It. *u 23 'fbeij»il**i*^tW'tWws'cWietiit** Jir«n*rty to t icrAy n«mA>

lp((ii^it'<itilib!«l'Kit«oii'6li'«l«y'<S*)c'to'b«''Ho\^ tJhdn toibenoM »'t!ill(iihont'liti(l;rpli«c:l>'bm'« W«*ntitfln*<l.

Jlm'toatllklt'tiJWiiflthjAwgtKitaS, ISSft. to* tJiliOtfniBBLlX iKH'ifr.

IB»*. t). TWWiiW, OnilWiSWrtlr. 'dot*

I»n4 mwlIin««i«iiOtto« SAWK<R«, *AW1S'K?, 'OR Mffin!

A . *Mk^,W»S<*n?lttiiiwr Moib.1ii«vli«?:»'nf dslTT, Vhxt ia0tiVW^Htn*ttlk0V.«. 'Ommmnni, « '* iK»*o ttWlt'ot^m* |««i«^!«Sten!loillote'oMh;E'»ttaj'(!»l»i«.So. ''S!:Sl»!t(!iS't. 4<»:kikWbotfcet»i.(lShis,A;n«4- > '»^KS If-X^XS * g > m i m U » W V N « 'SMJBIKilS

_ Ih<to*~^iolm<eaii*!tJ)^ *1io WAtS-( * WIS, '^IHwfaiitowittftMiKtb' Widtf •iSvttrfteW! t(y •enirting w'4lM>w»*ir*tgn««,*t WiSOrte-^t,, fKwMlkeiibooworlBimning) Alb***., " ' AnJhtft.nriBirt^,

JohniRonrtc, j o i « ^ * M * m ,

TJrmTiWixton, %iliiKtn >»»fllH>,

ikrtb* *Vee, VHK H * W AND kl>l>KHDIt> DTF.AMtf^* '

A M E l t l O A , t»i«t. w* iivi,.vii«t

• 0AKA.DA, Js,Pivtt)Av»)

mrrm. STATES w* *«*««., Il«ve emnm*ne«<l ,}htU 'W>ir*inih«'tt«tl »nttl ftinlwr m>t(e« will uin »»(»lli)wn, nmkDi« Tw«i Drnly Tiiim tm\\ w»* («un*l«y» tse8jti«u>) tn-iwwn

mmws N)im>>wt> mitTJiiMhr* .Motntng.^tiotwJ Sowi«> l«»ve ttwin^n l»l«wt »t

Tl A, M » o n ' t h t n u m u U ) ! ' »Ut> Mwntoa 'Xwift ft*)»n M<t»(roitK vl« eh»m'ftl»l« »t«l St . Uwreweii Kwll

».»t„MM A. -M., cionneetititt lantl mnl DttrUngtoft \\«V »«»t Wlij^hwll xuwtthmi

ttondy, Wti»* »t l\iw«i)|Mon »t with.tlie '}>»\ft «f the Tolland R O M r«>ri9i»«th iintl Kt\»(, «««!

tTwimiig « u i n itwni iniillinuiv \ i« me ««'W m m w Montt«Ml mtiit Pl»tt»bumh «• Mrtttimil Hint R*vn»l, unjurrivem Hurln<st»>i\wi IOiA> M,, i»tim« tor tlio Rntlttntl #• BncKngMin Ti»in 8»»»B, 8ow«> ?nU VA*U *t«il A)*» eo««*et with (Iw Uout s«>»!! Simtli to *Vh««ltaU*

15v«j>ms: WhitthaU. ,

ithj,—jOotso So«tw>'te»ve ft ^IVM^onnifrtynVofthoytarttjiiwn^^ts.liw^^nee

lUnis*! I\tkt nt

PI;i«*b\«,jtJ< »#d \V**ti>«st N»irth ... v- „,„ ,„. the rattetrtiifth Monii«»t ll»it Uo»ii> will fehawjm »<wt*«t lU«t)i«g»o(i w» Uiiu two,* Bom will be m

I'rain t'iotn MommO, m*\ Og0em)>u(«h TwSii tVbni ©attoMlwahLmWe w ria«*bu««h «t»jl \ M», eoo> «i»ting x»ith the Platwb»ni>h & M««no»l-Twin iVom Montml, t*Ml vk fori K*»»,»rriv« *\t l)wlfnstort.»t y\ IK Mi, A«U WMIBIMII «t 6j ftt?*t moniinR, i« timo »«• tr»i«* *oi«3 South »nd We»t, P«*iie«gets bv tfttenm wflla^t-ivot«4if«w Yiirk, vm llodsoii Rivw R*it ttowt/otl l», M.,iWd «U»l»lo, Ntaaw* fttll* and S\i*|wii*ion Itfktj?* th« »;mvc evvntn^

Motnlngi^G©tw» No*«r, kave Whitehall'*! 10. 15A. M.,on«niv*l«f Kl«>r«i«8 Train* ftumTtoy, Albany nn«l SchtneetMty, atttvo nt Unihngton «t 8 P. *1„ tonnwuioa with the Train or thfe fttitlsmtl te linvlittUton Hail l\mrA from the South ami liast; thenee dirdetly to Ronse^ IVintv »»l at-rtv* *>« yj l \ M., in •time itet the y»w v\a Ch;>mt>l*tin & St. towtoneoRsM Roa«l,whioh<itnvoinMonttoitUiimv *vonina> l»it»wnaet4 desiring to so to Pott Kent, " ' " ' * ' ' • ' " * - ' " • ? " oF:Platt*l»ntsh,»in

" • •' - ' oil

roaniinottlot that Mnwow,ami fMMvugers wishing m g o to ISonttonl ot Ojga«oti«hnrjjlv wtiV atiivo at cither nlitotat the **tne time vt by the other route, and at the *»me V«re.

Evening.-—Glow«» Sonv i t , l e a w Whitoliallat l»J P. M>v on arrival of © a » Irom South <i«u West , arrive at IjttrlinstnM at I ne.\t hiormne anil via Pott Rent arrive «t lSaii*bnigh at 8 j A . M „ in time for first t w i n North and Wcat, and at RoiisseNi Point at T.J A M , caonettlnB both at Plattaborgh and ltott*e ,* INVitit with die T ^ i n s on either ftoad, which arrive in Montreal at 10 A. M»

iwe » s w <xf(n BtwtwwtWi stftXMisn

M O S T T Z i X I A I i , Willi be finUhod1 in a short time, and will be jmt on the route between Burlineton and1 Platt»but%h,«o aa to make the eonneotvona between the Boats and all the Railftoada as i*rfeet a* noaaible.

The above atraniwoM is intended to make con-neettona w'i'li nil too Passenger Trains ol the Kut-1»nd & ft«rlt«aton ttwl Road, the Pkttsbnrgh & Montreal Rail Uoad.the Qhani lain*; St.-Lawrence ItailR'oad, tho Nottliem t;OBden«ibureli> ftail Rwad, and the Vermont & Canada and Vermont Central lUitl Roads to Wiliwellivei Junction and the White Mountains. Biirhnston,M«y 1, '-VSSfi.

l » A r B O A T F O B A K W YOHK

I pmU th* Pier, toot or Hamilton Mr**t, Al> } tony, landing MCoxaaeki*, H«d*o*,Gat»kill,

Rrlatot, Klngaton Pt. Po»vghk*!«jv»tc, Ncwburth, Weat Point, Or»**«y Point nnxl Nyaett. ltroak&at awcl Dinn*r on ltoarxt. TA« Sow nod Elegant Stoanier ARMKNtA, G*j»t. SMITH, will, on and nltw W*dn**d*y, MnyTin, I K M n r t th« Pier, toot or Hamilton street, *very Tneaday, Thwra> dayaniV8*tuMUy,*t7o;eloek,A, M. A

ft, R,—A Jtoggnf* Matter neeomr«nict the Boat each way to Cheek ftaxtng* FRKK.

*V>r rvawiajf* aonly to the Captain on board, or to J KUMltSDORF, Agent, Mo, SS8 Brondway,

D A Y B O A T WQWt N E W Y O R K .

T Alt mWO at Oosawhie, Itwteon, Catskilt, JL* Rrlatol, Kington Point, P**»hk**p*ie, Mil­ton, Wewbnrrit, Gornwatt and W*»t l»oint, SmnMnat and Dinner on Board. The taW and ravoritc«te«M«rAUDA,Car4. 8. J. Rorc, wit), on and alter IVlday, Inn* 13th, comment* her ttfotar trlpn trw* the Pier Foot or Hamilton atre*t, Albany, every Monday, Wedneantay and JtrWay, 4t rotloek, A. M,

Wir Pa*»»e*ar)tily to the Captain on board, or to J. ELMKSDORr, Af*nt, No.as2 Broadway.

Spring ^rrangementt .




THK ©iVty ROW!!

l a Sitfirt Ftllt *H ^tfCWiM Bri|g« T O

HlnKr«|ihl«al Jtloiiuilr or

A M A S A J . I V A R K I M l . 11 I* both iiilOiv«Uiig nml iiwlruullvu to rwul

UiO l.)li)Bf»i)liiw of tliysy wln> liuvo, by tliulr own vnorglon, ucliiijviHl HUCCCIW lit iliu wotltl; »p|wul-Ing) its Uiey tlo, ta tlio IIO[HS) ntul nsplrittlOtisi «>r tli« li\mttt(i liourt, nml toacliii^ tlio wtty imtl mntlltm, Uii'ougli wliiw Hint HIIUUO^ Itttu l^on m>-sttrwli Wow nmhyi slrttggltit^ itlutiff nil mlvcruu with, luivt) (H*II fottsotl nml blicettKl to msw «r-m\\» by ilto uxtimpltt wit l^for^ i\\m l.ti such lives, mm who lmytt't\\ciwwlv(M nUuinwl ismimviicu lit Iciii'iiing how it; liftit hodii tilltiiiiuil heforo llioni. 'I'lte inoiitettts m»y bo tow or ovnwdod, vivkl ov ©Uiewl*! j still, if thoy rocor^ UiO triumplt u( toleitli ntv<l vtt'luo, tlwy itro of gi-enl valuu, unvl shottld be sought niter mill Htmliwl.

1'Vw memoirs -will, wo nfmrclientl nW>rtl more Interflst MKI hmUftieUoiit'Utiiu Uini of Uw tniltteiit jttrtel yylioBC limno lieikila this nflielot

Altlmtigli tins Stuto of Now Vork ehiiuvs liitn with prtdo, ns her ellteon, ho wns born in •Con-i«H!Vie«t» til Slutroti) in the |«trislt of MllBwortli, Mill county of liitehliehli Tlw region of his hirUi'iilaco lit Bccliutel ft-om tlio busy wpyM, a spot of ttto'llo litlNKlot) ami siotiy vallnys, but ttotirishliig ft mco ofittctii Iritinwl livhnblttt of in-ilttslry, titnl full of tho energy and iwrsvivcrnttco which never Hail to titttko wny through Urn diill-eultteil of Ule. Mttny tiro Uio distinguished men wliielt Wlohltokl comity 1ms jimluebtl) men who hnro trod Iho |mth to cmketieo with u lirm slen nml courageous lietirt.

The fttteestors of Jmlgo Pitrker wcro of Uio old Pttritnn blooil of New JSngluml, n\id ro^Mcitta in the western part of Cotinisetleiit for sueeostvo guiierttUous, Atiuisa I'nrkcr, nml Thomas L'emi, his ptttcrnnl nml mnlcrnul jmuwllathena, were ssol-tliers of the tovolntion, turn witlely re«i»oto»l for Wife sterling virtues of their chnrntttcr; the latter Hilling w i ^ u s ollletB of jmblie trust, Jlc was for Uiirty-eight successive sessions a member of Uio State Legislature. Both were residents, Uirottrii-ottt their lives, of the county of Litchlioltl, in the abovu State.

The «tit\]ect of our memoir was Urn cltle4 son, of tlvo tev. Daniel I'nrker who wus pastor for almost twenty years of Uio Congregational church of ISllsworlli. Coimeeticut. l i e was n gradate of Vale C^loge; ituwrieil i t una, the daughter of tins above tneiilioiiisl Thomas Fenn ^ ai d tlttriiig the time ho lived at -.Ellsworth, cstab-Hslied and took charge of an academy which ett-joyed, II bi&h reimlation and where many men who subsequently became distinguished, were edueatcil. In W$ ho removed to <6|roeiiviJle, (Jrcene county, New York, and tho academy there was placed in bis charge," It was tnider him that the subject of our sketch, then only nine years of ago, commenced the shidy of Jiatin, con­tinuing in the academy two years, l i e then went to the Hudson Academy for-the same pe­riod, and afterwards iu the city of Now i'wk passed tlirce years.

Eagtr tor iiiformatioit, Ike son received from Uio father the most devoted educational atten­tion. Ho obtained for him the best instructors in the country ; and it was thus thattlie first foundations of that fine classical learning and tasto for Mk$4<.nm, that, indepcudciilly of his professional attinmeiits, distingnisli Judge P a r Iter, were laid. Such wn» hit diligence, tlwt at the age of si&tecn he had completed ilie usual course of collegiate study. A t the same inmia-ture age, vit's in May, 1S2S, he was made the Hrincipal of Uie Hudson Academy, and continued in that c*|>acity tour years.

ITrnkr his wi|>ervisioii, Uio academy was placed in a most prosperous condition, and attained a wide reputation; and such waflria youth that many el Ins pupils, since distinguished, were older than liimscll, l i e was not, up to that time, a collegiate graduate ^ but in conscoeucc olf a rival academy Bkkluelng this n» an objection to tire young principal, he, in July 1SS5, caused himself to be examined at Union College for the entire collegiate course. He pasted the ordeal trkmpliiuitly, graduated with the senior class, and obtained his degree of Bachelor of Arts; and afterwards, in due course, received the degree of oT Master of Arts.

After graduating^ he resumed his duty at the academy; and, duruw the latter portion of his career here, be (entered the office of the present Judge John W. Bdmomls, then of Hudson, to prosecute the study of law.

In the spring ot 1827 be resigned his trust as principal of the Hudson Acadenry, and at the age ol twenty, removed, to Delhi,m the county; ©I Delaware, where his uncle, Col. Arnasa Fatker, a lawyer ot distinction, was practising his pro­fession. He cutcrcd -tbe office irf his uncle, finish­ed his studies and in 1S2«, at tho age. of twenty-one, was admitted to the bar. He then became a juartwar of his nwclc, and lor flrtccn'yearsn wry Iw^C iwaetice engaged the attention of the linn.

The protessiotial business of these two gentle men is said to have been tho most extensive coun­try practice in the State, and the most system­atically conducted. Col. Amasa Parker was a kwyer' ojt t^'prou.di ^ayliTjg, ton^ exr«rienec, awl provcrbm! integriiy. I |c pretored,' however, to toave his partner to discharge tin* duty of trying and argning causes, l l i e division of labor covin not fail to jgtve to the wbject at this memoir

IIIKII order \ ami upon tho formor imbjont, whieli WHS of n very tntnunlo kind, Ida effort ^nlled out Dm pnttae of both partita, nS most tniuitci'ly, nml m shotltllog tho cloiwQjit light, upon it,

In I Silt) Iw was mmdnnlnjl by llio Democrntio purly us Senator In the Third Seuatoi'lnl District of this Stale. Gwnl, tstellomcbt prevailed, as a, 8(iC608sw» in Nnllijitiiel \ \ Tuflmnclgo i t tho Bon­nie of the tfmtcil Blales wu« (o bp clioecn by tlm ciisuttijr r*n;isltiltil'0. About fifty •lliousimd votes wow CIIBI', Jn t'onsoqiieneo of the unwonted ex-ortitmu UHCHI, tho Whig candidate, (Ion Koot, pre­vailed, although by n ninjorll.y of only a lew voles.

The live yours that; rollowed were employed by Mr, I'urkor in the enorpollo anil. Inborloiw-prac­tice of bis profossloti, A t the mid' of that time, in March, J8M-, ho was iippointed Oiroiiit Jttdgo of tho Third Olwulli wlwn be removed to Al­bany, where he baa continued to reside to the pre­sent time,

The dutlM of litis d^thiguinlied postworo most anlnotts, comblttlui?, as ;lioy did, those of ii Jndgo of Uio Cirenit at«l Vice Cmmet'llur of the Court of Kqnily. To ilicm ho tlovolwl, tnitiringly tho bos) eiior^ies of his mind, uml tttet lit nn imuiltev-ing iiwiti\»br his great iisponslbi'lltiei

The snmo promptness uml system which distin­guished him as a lawyer, clinvuotorlwcd liim as » judge, nml enabled him to dispose of iin aliuoisi incredible ttmottnt of business.

l'\i 18-lf))hc held the Delevytire CJireuit, nml no, greater responsibility \vn?i oyer cast upon a judge than fell to the lot. of Judge Fiivlier, m holding thai court. Tlieeottnty had been declarcil by the (Sovernor in. a state of insurrection in conse­quence of tho violent resisVetico made to the exe­cution of the laws. Assemblages, minibeving two or three hundred poisons, armed anil disguis­ed as Indians, had appeared in dtlVerent parts o( the country, ntvdscithe law and itsomeersat deliance. .Sheriff Steele had beeu shot down while engaged in Uio faithful tfeeliarge of his du­ty. Tbo Uovernor had therefbix! found it neces­sary to call into serviee a military force, which hs«l been maintained nt the county sent for sev­eral weeks, by wlie-so aid arrests had bceti made, and public' ordoY liiaintained.

Tito Jail o f t

•Jw>rihWln(;m!, 'SMlWirit,

•Jlnhli Xcknrt, i-AdlMiA, •Jmnod

tChotoflROtti, Jwii | ih mmior, •thomtit'OlHilj, wHtfiiMi ilKifeiin., iioiii'fiii'tcii,


. . •JlAKftBlfA'SSXS. Ik^'llicMfjlwfl'WifliWritjtifimnWlfortenflWlxtir'wrt^;: 8'*na

Wtimnm" iKi«HttMAn flMr ttnUe. ItttUnVMlM iwii^ht'imfl *oWI. JIibe*'tl«g^W'Wh'l*l|ltBwttMy[|v'tilt)iii|tto.

wfraWW IRlufTdn, •JnweiiiCjaidlyi, K

.Bolinwiiidiiloti, JoUliWliofc,

Wnflttiroiii*, 'eh'lWtVKnMOOt, 'tfliMtik*teiik),

t o iJaVlaWMMllia'Vr,

IS naa*n*nt'tJr taaiVBge*fl»'cr t t H t j a a t e ^ ajw •iratt « k M » « * « r o * A W i o n , tad* «ff .tSknmrtatn,!

'"-' « w M t y <*t Ctantnn *V '•"i*ti*ftiit A'aJll : M

»inw^r«*t» * r K llt,tM''WMlta«rr«><

„ i irnWiom o f ' * * M M WMaMt*, In , —^i^aWr 'WBWWflTB ' • • « • • • • WWJwWIam]

lw»,'nit *Jhe *mm*»* «ito« «n «Nn **Wnge <«ff| *«9k«>Mi'«ay'««tMNhWI#fl>-S


^f^n^^n^u v - ~--imi;ll<MI .1MWRMR,

m. w 'now'OT'«ceoni^_5nwwnaajeanManan v tv . ^w mw annate, wiiwam* i ^ y ^^w ^ w ^ ^ ^ ^

•— •• - ~ *- a i n — y i '*. I lUB • . !».. t

V.v % ^ M • *••• DAWAyApanJt,

JAMBK C i ) B B A » ,

9IrrelMBBit Tailor* • ig| m ^ 2 r a g o \Toa

tt|a*tn|r itvoetn^a^^.ife^ani^.^ainnynaaenPt <o«'

(#»&, < CellHMiWt! < *!•*•» r«!SfI'a^S, WMM '**' |*aa»»Ji * • ««l^'tk««« t« lilt Irtwdt wtttma* jta.TwMantr'iMi * * * * * * * tarn nam* Htne^unrlnt tttWn t ^ l M t j S S f r nrlM b * martt

An WnwrWwnt '*t Fc»1r»«trrwnOooi>l'oon»t»nt-

•AlntL KnUnn^ On***, trtorma*, « • .

^anwmmijf. AtAtAMT MEW VOmK*' ''

iftT-A ma* * * « * *# W.irtetie» atifl J*w*»ry, nminntiXnmginT Wwaiwy » a t crater,'OontMn*

Detroit, CKioaro, Galena, Mllwankee. Bnrliat- |«w»* vs$ena#* M» U* various eonrts. I t is said _ . . . .. _ - . „„ »_ . IM. ....... • i e |Md-turtci1'«>are totvsBcs sn>it tthe «Si«wIt.8 ttlvavn w^y I

yonog man of'his age in the «talc,' at the time 'of j his elcvaitaion to tlheT)enclu'' " j

WcTccollectseeing lira in attcntlan^c atone ©f ®& Ulstor Circuits, whero he was' engaged as j .coAWJsd in ev<a-y cause tried, the court Hiistxiig two j wccW Ills ©u»oac!Dilt tlirougho'ait was thai \etc-: ran %f tfec'toar'ilTMn Pox^keepsi^.tjieii. Swift.— 1 1 K tarc»)l« $ V'ster were then Uc\l by Jud'go Haggles,'now ari>cnibcrcJf the Court of Appeals; nud fw years U seemed a maUcr of course; if one

y emjiloyod ae counsel nttlhat circuit cither Parker or tSen. SwiSt, tkaother of the two

ftonyftaek lalamil. .Bmbnau*., St. Panl, Si- LOnia, Ga3w>, and all point* in tne Weak ami Swath.

Twin* loav* •>**p*n*io* RrW«* at toltows, «nnKlay» **cinito<l-« . t , '"

' Mfmn-iwir Kxrre»», ?,'W A. M. r.^nttitng; Kurr***, U-l* A. M. Arcommwdation, i-iO P. M. JSveniwg Rxtprc**, 11,'20 P. M,

Cminecting at D*t«»it wltti MMhlfan Ccnta-al fcaitreawt, aa*l at take Sultan wRn tn* "«Cnt tW|-?> tor St, Loa'i*- Rook' Inland, .Peoria,. Ac., mv»*f *» Mitek' Travel nWtt OottnafiuaWjing Time, »«4 Kxjn****,) ami at Cnica«o mitk all the t>in«« W*st anrt «otrtb !

O - THROUGH TTGKEtS *a*o* rmrcn*«ed of fh* Gomivany>» Asent' 5

M. « . HAII.K, Plattsibn^, at t*i* Kxiiren* <OAe*.

Ju^.trrs MOVIIJS, General A^ent, Baiklo. .fconftnT AM.KW, Travtltoe Agent for Worth-

*mN«w V'Qitt- Ajwil U.



NORTH A W I T H fSI.AXDS. t'nc »tm Aits «*J«nrwi nrtAtiKK

ftt Twrt n,vnraiKn) C A P T A I l l • A K t t ' H l t ,

ytlMylwi *»tniter Mtanttny, May*, fM.

tun i nBt- a i a a w l w ' • - , , ^ - - •

the county, and two jails erected for the occasion, had been filled with' prisoners' charged with every grade of crime, from murder down to misdemeanor. It was under such a 'stale of things, ntul in the midst ol nti e„veile<) commu­nity divided in opinion as to the causes which liaa led to the commission of sncli' crimes, that Judge Parker opened llie Court of Oyer and Ter­miner, * He announced that he should continue tins court until every indictment was tried, and llie jails all cleared. Tito Attorney Ucncral, aid­ed by Samuel Sherwood, Esq., assisted tho Dis­trict Attorney on,tlw> part of the Popple, and the prisoners were defended by other dislingnish-ed counsel. Tito trials progressed one by one with untiring perseverance: and at the end of the third week, the jails were cleared j every case having been disposed of Ijy conviction of other wise, Two were sentenced to death, about fif­teen to imprisonment in the stnle prison,, soma tor life, atid others for a loss period ; and for Clio lighter offences, lines were in manv cases imposed.

The course pursued by Judge Parker met with genera) approbation. \Vhilo the anii-renters| who bad openly violated tliclow«, felt that tins hand of justice had fallen heavily upon them, ami were satisfied that tlio law cOuld no longer be re­sisted with impunity, the more intelligent among them were also ready frankly to acknowledge. that justice had been tempered with mercy.

JVfter the at^oitranicnt'of the court, the mili­tary force was discharged, peace was restored, and ill no instance has resistance to process siucu occurred in that country.

1)! the summer of 3BJ6, Geiieva College cou-ferred the degree of I*I». D. upon him* a disiinc-tAoit emwaattiy due to his well-known attainments as a scliolaf and jurist

In tlajwme j Sir liis term of oKce ended wit)» lite Uien constitiitioii, and under the pneacnt'ono adopted at that time, he was elected n Justice of

| the Supreme Court of the State of New York. It wa$ conferred upon him by Uie votes of not only his own party, but of n large number upon the opposite side, the suffrages being given as n token of the confidence and respect entertained tor him in the TLjr«| JudictaHlialtict, fronj whkji he waselciteJ. "'

It has been frequently remarked of htm, thai he has never, aincc his- *• -cession to the btMeh, either of Circuit or Supreme Court Judge, failed to he present to open court at the precise minute appointed. Not a moment cf time i» tbus lost, tl«5 ntembcrs of the bar, and all others attending court being expected, and thus*by example, soon learned to practice similiar pronipttiess. A wri-ter, in describing one of his circuits, says " he accomplislics an infinity of business with the pre­cision o,f i|)npliinc}'ly.i'! '

Such is the career of one who received no pa­trimony bat his'education, and bad no aid* but Ins own energies and talents. How ha baa suc­ceeded, this "plain unvarnished" memoir relates. It furnishes the loftiest evidence of the mighty force of uidnstry, perseverance and integrity, in dc\»titig those Who pjACticc those severe bnt be­nign virtp*?.

Aa a puWicspcakcT, J^d^e Parker is of ctipc-rior cxocllenoe. Hw vuicc fe melodious and ym\ cnlthatwl, his tearing is di nined, his tangnago IkKntand well chosen, and his ideas are clear and abundant. In extemjwraneous speaking, he has lew equals in the Slate. A lW? ready to uiect an occasion, his offhand powers''of addrcsninf: nil assentbliigc arc remarkable. In ctrcnmstanccs, wlten he rnight well have been in fault, anrround-ed wMi the lowest and i«ostdigi«ii<\iinUie land, with celebrated statosinetii and oiattors, wehav^

;.wcre imtnediately engaged on the opposite side. Judge P, w*S always »35stinguj»od for tlic. en­

ergy nf Iris character, awd pretnitUHnde <of bis business habits. It was a rate of bw office tliat nobusi^tocrdjonlilTcinaia on tic talJe un­answered WOT * liagk retaru wail. He 3i:ul

l^:a*4a«Wtm^W^ 1*«*H«a^t*W!nkk-'catamj fWanyattirnnt .

rablc system adopted . . . floe,-the anrcrarit of business transacted was as large n* H was v*«oa» in character.

It WW mot only as m hiiyw, however, that Jndgt Parker Wamo. known to the public. He was caAed ntto the pol ilicaJ .'arena, (a the fall df 1«3S, be was elected a democratic, metnber ot Whs Stale .Ltgiifelnre, and wan pmced oat the Committee of Wayi npl ¥<•**, and in other iproi?3ay«it aUaatkiia, dnruig the cnsniinj'sesiiOB. lathcwbiie<piCBtjmr, butigthcn twesty-seve*) years eM, be was elected by the. .LegmlatWR a ttngent of the Uwversity; the ycnia%uit man ever W4*rccr«i>c« that tism saaak • sneabcr of IM MnajanaViihiiiT]: ^ ^ ' '

At twca*yntoe, be Was dcctcA withont «ffo-'shion, •»- C njp<Dn,'ih<Mi the cowntaw of .Broome anra a^m^Hm. aamn mvmamj n> inpeprammpm a*mv

. net* .Enjrtnsj Mi .ssnn M-e| M'- |Bmi.i|

9 A O M Uma^M iSAtte lamili eml tbn ^ W e S y RWmVVvVml • > MBJ VtVBMHmlOT Wm * » W

gfaStmi <*uk, AH his iftosebci w*ie of •

known him caJteil jmt* without a'jnemcntl! eotiep to. 'anldress. ti«.coppany, .and 'b^vc witnessed the triumph of his etotinewcc.

His speech in Hunkirk, at the celebration of tbe New York and Erie BaiirenMl comi'iletion', witb President Filluwrc, $kr- Webster, l l j . Crit tenilcn, and otlicrs of the Cabinet, a boat of Jig-nntarics and genttemen from all parts of the igtate, anawd him,- iand his renrarks at the tVeb-«tcr 'dinner in Afoar.y^ in Jnae. and at the Latch fickl Central Celebration in Aarast, lS51,cxW bitcd concliisivcly his powers in this respect

As a main And* ciUavn, Jndge Parker baa won, thewaVesn eml reapect of all who kaow binv— His temper is singularly c*)*abieaiid smuaMe, bit heart kiiVlly and capacious, bis di^ceitkm Irank, msTily and generons. His person is digrdkVd; histwintiPTjaace beaming withaietnile; nml bit

'r^otmbei intbtbet t afkaety, am easy', bmnd and coawteont.

Such is'Jndg* l^arker; M sneb, boner hbat dar,a^d wedc lkht tbns iar«x len« , _. Tbrtmgbowt tbeStaic it be tatimabry kaiewn.

[ l a aM*unlnr, 1&&, Jaabje P, wnt re^emi ^m tg m"~k ^ ^ ^ — j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J a ^ s4i «W a^^^HMaflm^msk'mima ^ ^^>^ H ^^^^nBV^,

• s ^nn^'.mnnM.ivvKiB'pp-jp «*PB miwt^nnnmm 'pmVV^ -mmfemm m m A w IVmm^mMmmmfmm.- mmmmll ImWmfjRmmmm B m I * ~

iim'imtmMSSmm^ ^t Knew Silbbninmi twefit Gkee
