Feedback and marking autumn 2014

Worsbrough Common Primary School & Rising Stars Children’s Centre Reviewed September 2014 Feedback and marking is monitored as part of planning, work scrutiny and learning enquiries. This involves looking for visible signs of progress as a result of feedback and marking.



Transcript of Feedback and marking autumn 2014

Page 1: Feedback and marking autumn 2014

Worsbrough Common Primary School & Rising Stars Children’s Centre

Reviewed September 2014

Feedback and marking is monitored as part of planning, work scrutiny and learning enquiries. This involves looking for visible signs of progress as a result of feedback and marking.

Page 2: Feedback and marking autumn 2014

Feedback and Marking

“Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement”John Hattie & Helen Timperley

Why do we do it? (the principles underpinning feedback & marking at WCPS)1. So learners can make progress and move on in their learning because they understand what they have done well and they are clear about how they can improve.2. To build motivate and build confidence in learning through praising effort and successes3. To inform teacher planning so we know that what we deliver is precisely matched to learners needs.

Methods used to give feedbackWe give feedback on all learning and, although we know that some pieces of work will need greater depth of feedback than others, we expect to see some evidence of feedback on all leaners work. We use the following range of methods to give feedback and mark work:

Verbal Feedback (VF) – this happens all the time! When giving verbal feedback on written tasks an

Feedback and marking is monitored as part of planning, work scrutiny and learning enquiries. This involves looking for visible signs of progress as a result of feedback and marking.

Page 3: Feedback and marking autumn 2014

adult might record VF alongside learners work with a brief annotation of the focus of the feedback e.g. VF – adjectives

Marking symbols - when used effectively these are placed next to thing done well so Learners know exactly what it refers to. You can add comments next to it/later to explain further.

Coloured highlighters – Used in written feedback from Y1 – Y6Green – indicates success, something done wellOrange – indicates an opportunity to improve e.g. a sentence to improve.

Moving Learning OnNext Steps - we give learners next steps so they know how to improve and move on. We teach learners how to review and improve their work and make sure they are given opportunities to reflect on feedback and act on next steps in order to make our feedback effective

Hattie’s research tells us that the type of feedback is very important and the most effective feedback tells learners where they need to go next.

We use this model to think about the type of guidance learners may need in order to achieve their next steps and move on towards their goal.

Feedback and marking is monitored as part of planning, work scrutiny and learning enquiries. This involves looking for visible signs of progress as a result of feedback and marking.