Fatkulin presentation

Real World Experience Running GoldenGate on Exadata January 20, 2013 Presented by: Alex Fatkulin Senior Consultant

Transcript of Fatkulin presentation

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Real World Experience Running

GoldenGate on Exadata

January 20, 2013

Presented by: Alex FatkulinSenior Consultant

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Who am I ?

Senior Technical Consultant at Enkitec

11 years using Oracle

Clustered and HA solutions

Database Development and Design

Technical Reviewer

Blog at http://afatkulin.blogspot.com


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My Replication Experience

Materialized View Replication – since 8i

Oracle Streams – since 9iR2

Oracle GoldenGate – since 10.4 (2009)


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GoldenGate + Exadata

Gaining a lot of market momentum

Common scenariosZero Downtime Migrations and UpgradesETL Data FeedsData Replication

Solution effectiveness depends on in-depth technical knowledge

Standard documentation is often not enough


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General configuration

Tips & TricksManagerExtractDataPumpReplicat


Grid Infrastructure Integration


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General Configuration


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General Configuration

GoldenGate binaries local on each compute node

DBFSTrail filesParameter filesCheckpoint filesBounded recovery filesReport files (optional)

DB accountsGGEXT – ExtractGGREP – Replicat, GGSCHEMA


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PURGEOLDEXTRACTS to delete old trail files purgeoldextracts ./dridat/aa, usecheckpoints, minkeephours 8,

maxkeephours 8

PURGEDDLHISTORY to cleanup DDL history tables purgeddlhistory minkeepdays 7, maxkeepdays 7

PURGEMARKERHISTORY to cleanup Marker Table purgemarkerhistory minkeepdays 7, maxkeepdays 7

Start other processes when Manager starts AUTOSTART ER * Required if using Oracle’s Grid Infrastructure integration scripts


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Redo Access

Redo is located on ASM

Archived logs usually located on ASM

Extract redo access optionsASM InstanceDBLOGREADER Integrated Capture


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Redo Access - ASM Instance


Works through ASM instance callsdbms_diskgroup.getfileattrdbms_diskgroup.opendbms_diskgroup.read

Not very efficient



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Works through OCI callsOCIPOGGRedoLogOpenOCIPOGGRedoLogReadOCIPOGGRedoLogClose

Select Any Transaction privilege required

Available since GoldenGate 11.1 and Oracle


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Redo Access - Integrated Capture

Oracle Streams Capture front end

Extract becomes an XStreams clientReceives LCRs and transforms these to trail filesOracle Streams Complexity is hidden by ggsci

Allows access to all Oracle Streams Capture features

Available since GoldenGate 11.2

Latest BP recommended (Streams Capture bugs)


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Extract – SCN token

Capture SCN for every operation in the trail file table user1.*, tokens(SCN=@getenv("oratransaction","scn"));


Logdump 10 >open ./dirdat/aa000002Current LogTrail is /u01/app/oracle/dbfs_mount/dbfs/ggs/dirdat/aa000002Logdump 11 >usertoken detailLogdump 12 >ggstoken detailLogdump 15 >n

2013/01/26 15:00:18.000.000 Insert Len 9 RBA 1092Name: SRC1.TAfter Image: Partition 4 GU s 0000 0005 0000 0001 32 | ........2

User tokens: 12 bytesSCN : 9352124

GGS tokens:TokenID x52 'R' ORAROWID Info x00 Length 20 4141 414f 7261 4141 4641 4144 4141 5441 4142 0001 | AAAOraAAFAADAATAAB..TokenID x4c 'L' LOGCSN Info x00 Length 7 3933 3532 3132 34 | 9352124TokenID x36 '6' TRANID Info x00 Length 8 3130 2e36 2e37 3639 | 10.6.769

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Extract – Compressed Tables

Extract will ABEND if not using Integrated Capture


ERROR OGG-01028 Object with object number 60573 is compressed. Table compression is not supported.

Space Advisor is often the causeDBMS_TABCOMP_TEMP_CMP

Table may no longer exist (dropped)Looking up in DBA_OBJECTS will produce zero rows

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Extract – Compressed Tables


SQL> select owner, object_name from dba_objects where object_id=60573;

no rows selected

SQL> select objectowner, objectname, optime from ggrep.ggs_ddl_hist where objectid = 60573 and fragmentno=1;

OBJECTOWNER OBJECTNAME OPTIME--------------- --------------- -------------------SRC1 COMP_TABLE 2013-01-26 16:09:43

SQL> begin 2 dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr( 3 startTime => to_date('2013-01-26 16:09:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), 4 endTime => to_date('2013-01-26 16:10:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), 5 Options => dbms_logmnr.DICT_FROM_ONLINE_CATALOG+dbms_logmnr.CONTINUOUS_MINE 6 ); 7 end; 8 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

SQL> select seg_owner, seg_name, to_char(timestamp, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') dt from v$logmnr_contents where data_obj#=60573 and operation='DDL' and rownum=1;

SEG_OWNER SEG_NAME DT--------------- --------------- -------------------SRC1 COMP_TABLE 2013-01-26 16:09:45

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Extract – Down Instances

Down Instances may prevent Extract from starting Instances kept offline in the cluster Instances that crashed

Extract checks for the latest SEQUENCE# lower than Extract’s begin time in V$LOG

If ARCHIVED = ‘YES’ it will lookup that SEQUENCE# in V$ARCHIVED_LOG

If archived log has been deleted Extract will ABENDCommonly happens if instance has been down for a

long time18

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Extract – Down Instances


SELECT sequence#, DECODE(archived, 'YES', 1, 0) sequence#=34, archived=‘YES’ FROM v$log WHERE thread# = 2 AND sequence# = (select max(sequence#) from v$log where first_time < TO_DATE('2013-01-26 20:56:05', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AND thread# = 2);

SELECT name no rows! FROM v$archived_log WHERE sequence# = 34 AND thread# = 2 AND resetlogs_id = 786746958 AND archived = 'YES' AND deleted = 'NO' AND standby_dest = 'NO' order by name DESC

ERROR OGG-00446 Could not find archived log for sequence 34 thread 2 under default destinations

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Extract – Down Instances


create or replace view ggext.v$log as select group#, thread#, sequence#, bytes, blocksize, members, case thread# when 2 then 'NO' else archived end archived, status, first_change#, first_time, next_change#, next_time from sys.v_$log;

Temporary workaround (hack)

Extract will no longer try to lookup archived log and will be able to start

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Extract – Cache Manager


CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)CACHESIZE: 64GCACHEPAGEOUTSIZE (normal): 8MPROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min): 128GCACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk): 96G

Defaults might be set too high

Large transactions will cause Extract to consume up to CACHESIZEMight result in excessive swapping and memory

usage on the compute nodes

Adjust using CACHEMGR CACHESIZE 4G (example) Insufficient cache will impact large transactions

performance due to excessive page out

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Extract – Bounded Recovery


Allows Extract to save in-flight transactions state

Located in GGS_HOME/BR directory

Done every 4 hours by defaultPerform now: SEND <GROUP> BR BRCHECKPOINT


Make these available to each node in case of a failover

If bounded recovery files got corrupted Extract can still be started with BRRESET

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Extract – Bounded Recovery


info EXA_EXT, showch... Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in the data source): Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 84 RBA: 62266896 Timestamp: 2013-01-27 12:32:58.000000 SCN: 0.10578483 (10578483) Redo File: +DATA/dbm/onlinelog/group_2.258.786746973... BR Begin Recovery Checkpoint: Thread #: 2 Sequence #: 49 RBA: 340992 Timestamp: 2013-01-27 12:50:01.000000 SCN: 0.10600667 (10600667) Redo File:

Check bounded recovery info

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DataPump – General Config

Use PASSTHRU to skip data dictionary lookups

Specify GoldenGate VIP in RMTHOST If using Grid Infrastructure Integration

Use TCPFLUSHBYTES to allow larger writes on the Collector side

Use different names for source and destination trailsAvoids trail file purge bugs


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DataPump – Network Compression

Trail files generally compress wellEverything passed as stringsFully qualified object names for each row changed

Use COMPRESS option (RMTHOST) to compress trails sent over the network


GGSCI (exa1.test.com) 37> send exa_dp tcpstats...Data compression is enabledCompress CPU Time 0:00:00.000000Compress time 0:00:00.581401, Threshold 1000Uncompressed bytes 77449138Compressed bytes 6291347, 133211222 bytes/second

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DataPump – Trail not Available

Process will get stuck on positioning if trail [sequence] is not available


GGSCI (exa1.test.com) 4> add extract exa_dp, exttrailsource ./dirdat/aaEXTRACT added.GGSCI (exa1.test.com) 2> info EXA_DP

EXTRACT EXA_DP Last Started 2013-01-26 19:51 Status RUNNINGCheckpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:03 ago)Log Read Checkpoint File ./dirdat/aa000000 First Record RBA 0

...open("./dirdat/aa000000", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)nanosleep({1, 0}, NULL) = 0open("./dirdat/aa000000", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)nanosleep({1, 0}, NULL) = 0...

GGSCI (exa1.test.com) 7> alter EXA_DP, extseqno 2EXTRACT altered.

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Replicat – General Configuration

Use BATCHSQL where appropriate

Capturing SCNs as tokens on Extract side greatly helps in troubleshooting

Use multiple Replicat and Service Names to direct the workloadSegregate workload by instance affinity if you can


srvctl add service -d dbm -s ogg_rep1 -r dbm1 -a dbm2,dbm3,dbm4 ...srvctl add service -d dbm -s ogg_rep2 -r dbm2 -a dbm1,dbm3,dbm4 ......

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Replicat - Sequences

Not very efficient sequence replication algorithmNo bind variables in replicateSequence calls

Larger sequence cache on source helps somewhat


BEGIN ggext .replicateSequence (TO_NUMBER(2), TO_NUMBER(20), TO_NUMBER(1), 'REP1', TO_NUMBER(0), 'S1', UPPER('ggrep'), TO_NUMBER(1), TO_NUMBER (0), ''); END;

Sequence values increment one-by-one and in nocache modeSYS.SEQ$ might become point of contention

Can result in a significant drag on highly active DBs

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Replicat – Transient PK Updates

In the past transient PK updates were problematic


SQL> select * from src1.t; N V-- - 1 a 2 a 3 a

SQL> update src1.t set n=n+1; 3 rows updated

SQL> commit; Commit complete

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Replicat – Transient PK Updates

Handled transparently since


SQL> update src1.t set n=2 where n=1; update src1.t set n=2 where n=1 ORA-00001: unique constraint (SRC1.SYS_C004692) violated

SQL> exec dbms_xstream_gg.enable_tdup_workspace; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed SQL> update src1.t set n=2 where n=1; 1 row updated ... SQL> exec dbms_xstream_gg.disable_tdup_workspace; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed SQL> commit; Commit complete

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Replicat – GGS_STICK table

Temporary table used by DDLREPLICATION package

Any session which performed DDL will hold a TO enqueue on GGS_STICKTemporary Table Object Enqueue

Will prevent GGSCHEMA user drop


SQL> drop table ggrep.ggs_stick; drop table ggrep.ggs_stick ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

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Create non-partitioned file system

Mount on all nodes

Use Oracle Grid Infrastructure to control where GoldenGate is runningAvoids accidental trail corruption


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DBFS Performance

Understanding I/O profileExtract

4KB writes into the trail

DataPump 1MB reads from the trail

Collector 24KB (and smaller) writes into the trail (default) Use DataPump’s RMTHOST TCPFLUSHBYTES to tune

Replicat 1MB reads from the trail

AIO not utilized by GoldenGate


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DBFS Performance

All IO ends up in a SecureFile segment inside a DBRelatively long code pathFavors throughput vs latency

Set SecureFiles segments to cachealter table dbfs.t_dbfs modify lob (filedata) (cache)

Put segments into recycle pool (if configured)alter table dbfs.t_dbfs modify lob (filedata) (storage

(buffer_pool recycle))


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Grid Infrastructure Integration


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Grid Infrastructure Integration

Note 1313703.1 Oracle GoldenGate high availability using Oracle ClusterwareRelies on Manager process to control everything elseGoldenGate checkpoint files manipulations


Use Oracle Grid Infrastructure Bundled AgentsRelies on Manager process as well

Write your own scripts


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Grid Infrastructure Bundle Agents

Download from Oracle Clusterware web pagehttp://oracle.com/goto/Clusterware

Unzip into temporary location and install


./xagsetup.sh --install --directory /u01/app/oracle/xag --nodes exa2,exa3,exa4

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Grid Infrastructure Bundle Agents

Make sure CRS_HOME environment variable is setScript relies on CRS_HOME to find crsctl executable


./agctl.pl add goldengate ogg1 \--gg_home /u01/app/oracle/ggs \--instance_type both \--oracle_home /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 \--db_services dbm.ogg_rep1 \--databases dbm \--monitor_extracts exa_ext \--monitor_replicats exa_rep \--vip_name ora.dbm1.vip

[oracle@exa1 ~]$ crsctl status res xag.ogg1.goldengateNAME=xag.ogg1.goldengateTYPE=xag.goldengate.typeTARGET=OFFLINESTATE=OFFLINE

[oracle@exa1 ~]$ crsctl start res xag.ogg1.goldengateCRS-2672: Attempting to start 'xag.ogg1.goldengate' on ‘exa1'CRS-2676: Start of 'xag.ogg1.goldengate' on ‘exa1' succeeded

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Write your own scripts

Not as hard as you can imagine

Create separate resource scriptsManagerExtractReplicatDataPump

Add resource example


crsctl add resource $RESNAME \ -type local_resource \ -attr "ACTION_SCRIPT=$ACTION_SCRIPT,\ CHECK_INTERVAL=30,RESTART_ATTEMPTS=10,\START_DEPENDENCIES='hard(ora.dbm.db,dbfs_mount,intermediate:ora.dbm1.vip)pullup(ora.dbm.db,dbfs_mount,intermediate:ora.dbm1.vip)',\ STOP_DEPENDENCIES='hard(ora.dbm.db,dbfs_mount,intermediate:ora.dbm1.vip)',\ SCRIPT_TIMEOUT=300"

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Q & A

Email: [email protected]

Blog: http://afatkulin.blogspot.com