FastingOlogy Lesson 4 - Part 1 of 2 · FastingOlogy ™ Lesson #4 . Part 1 of 2 . Startup Guide to...

FastingOlogy Lesson #4 Part 1 of 2 Startup Guide to Juice Fasting * The Life-Giving Power of Fruits & Vegetables * 24-Hour Juice Fasting *Motivation to Press On By Robert Dave Johnston Amazing Health Publishing FastingOlogy Health, Life, Freedom

Transcript of FastingOlogy Lesson 4 - Part 1 of 2 · FastingOlogy ™ Lesson #4 . Part 1 of 2 . Startup Guide to...

Page 1: FastingOlogy Lesson 4 - Part 1 of 2 · FastingOlogy ™ Lesson #4 . Part 1 of 2 . Startup Guide to Juice Fasting * The Life-Giving Power of Fruits & Vegetables * 24-Hour Juice Fasting


Lesson #4 Part 1 of 2

Startup Guide to Juice Fasting

* The Life-Giving Power of Fruits & Vegetables * 24-Hour Juice Fasting *Motivation to Press On


Robert Dave Johnston Amazing Health Publishing


Health, Life, Freedom

Page 2: FastingOlogy Lesson 4 - Part 1 of 2 · FastingOlogy ™ Lesson #4 . Part 1 of 2 . Startup Guide to Juice Fasting * The Life-Giving Power of Fruits & Vegetables * 24-Hour Juice Fasting

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

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DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The health-related information and suggestions contained in any of the books or written material mentioned here are based on the research, experience and opinions of the Author and other contributors. Nothing herein should be misinterpreted as actual medical advice, such as one would obtain from a Physician, or as advice for self-diagnosis or as any manner of prescription for self-treatment. Neither is any information herein to be considered a particular or general cure for any ailment, disease or other health issue. The material contained within is offered strictly and solely for the purpose of providing Holistic health education to the general public. Persons with any health condition should consult a medical professional before entering this or any fasting, weight loss, detoxification or health related program. Even if you suffer from no known illness, we recommend that you seek medical advice before starting any fasting, weight loss and/or detoxification program, and before choosing to follow any advice given on Fitness Through Fasting, as well as it’s 9-month course FastingOlogy.™ For any products or services mentioned or suggested on Fitness Through Fasting or FastingOlogy,™ you should read all packaging and instructions, as no substance, natural or drug, can be guaranteed to work in everyone, nor can they be considered absolutely safe. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements, products or services mentioned in Fitness Through Fasting and FastingOlogy™ have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Never disregard or delay in seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on Fitness Through Fasting or FastingOlogy.™ Nothing that you read on Fitness Through Fasting and FastingOlogy™ should be regarded as medical or health advice. If you do anything recommended on Fitness Through Fasting or FastingOlogy, ™ without the supervision of a licensed medical doctor, you do so at your own risk. Not recommended for persons with any health related condition unless supervised by a qualified health practitioner. Because there is always some risk involved in any health-related program, the Author, Publisher and contributors assume no responsibility for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggested preparations or procedures described in any of the books or other written materials associated with this website. The author reserves the right to alter and update his opinions based on new conditions at any time.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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Page 3: FastingOlogy Lesson 4 - Part 1 of 2 · FastingOlogy ™ Lesson #4 . Part 1 of 2 . Startup Guide to Juice Fasting * The Life-Giving Power of Fruits & Vegetables * 24-Hour Juice Fasting

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Foreword Welcome to Lesson #4–Part 1 of the FastingOlogy™ program! This lesson will be the longest of all because it goes into a lot of detail. I suggest that you print it and read it several times, and follow the directions as they are written. Reading it once and bouncing your way through it will not do. Take your time and highlight the lessons! Get to know them! This lesson in particular is one of my favorites because it introduces one of the most powerful and amazing healing sources I’ve ever known, and that is Juice Fasting. Juice fasting can help you lose weight and infuse your system with pure life-giving and healing nutrients. It also is a powerful agent of detoxification for your vital organs and digestive system. Juice Fasting has been known to help the body fight-off severe and chronic illnesses. Of course, I cannot guarantee that you will be healed if you suffer from a life-threatening disease. But, I CAN tell you that juice fasting is one of the best gifts you can give your body. From this point forward, you will be entering the land of miracles. The possibilities for your health and wellness are unlimited. It is my job as your facilitator to make the process clear and to-the-point so that you can rapidly put it into practice.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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Page 4: FastingOlogy Lesson 4 - Part 1 of 2 · FastingOlogy ™ Lesson #4 . Part 1 of 2 . Startup Guide to Juice Fasting * The Life-Giving Power of Fruits & Vegetables * 24-Hour Juice Fasting

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Here’s an overview of what we will cover today:

Lesson #04-Part 1: Quick Startup Guide to Juice Fasting. The Life-Giving Power of Fruits and Vegetables. Executing a

24-hour Juice Fast for the Next Two Weeks. Let me explain how this is going to work. Since there is A LOT of information I want to share with you, Lesson 4 will be divided into two parts. In this 1st part, I will give you a juice fasting recipe with instructions for you to carry out. The 2nd part of the lesson will provide specific nutrient information on fruits and vegetables with charts for you to print out so that you can explore juice fasting on your own. This part will also contain further instructions on what will be your second 24-hour juice fast! Again, this lesson will have to-the-point directions for you to get started with a standard juicing recipe of fruits and vegetables. It is my personal juice fast combination and one that has worked wonders for me over the years. This “standard recipe” in itself is sufficient to carry you the distance and accomplish what we need. You do not have to go any further with juice fasting if you do not want to. I have tried dozens of fruit and vegetable combinations over time. The “trial and error” process has helped me put together a very effective combination and it is outlined here for your convenience. This recipe will give your body a tremendous injection of live nutrients to help it detoxify. However, many members have asked me for charts of fruits and vegetables with nutrient information to use as reference for their own juicing. So, the 2nd lesson presents a wider perspective on the wealth of choices at your disposal if you wish to go deeper into juice fasting. Right now, the aim is to get you going with juicing in the simplest and most straightforward way possible.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

------------------ Note: Most weekly lessons will be 2-5 pages in length (not including cover page, legal page, and foreword) but the first 5 lessons will be a bit longer due to the “setup” details that are necessary in getting your fasting and detox efforts started. Download links for previous lessons will be at the close of each PDF file in case you missed or misplaced an earlier edition. Let’s get started with today’s lesson!

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Introduction How are you feeling? I know, I know … I have asked much from you over the past couple of weeks. If you have followed the instructions as outlined, then – as I also mentioned last week – it is likely that you have been going through a physical and mental battle. We have launched a head-front assault against toxicity and obesity. But these foes do not like to go quietly into the night. They fight back! And you are in the middle of the storm. I am here to tell you that you are exactly where you need to be. That the hurricane winds of hunger and detox symptoms will pass, and the calmness of sanctuary will be closer. Rejoice and realize that your sacrifice will yield a rich harvest

of health and freedom. That is why I am here. To guide you, support you and urge you to never look back. Let the past die … let go completely of the old ways and press forward with the vision of that new you. It is closer than you think. Your dream of health and weight loss is being realized even as we speak. Do not give up, give in or doubt. Press forward with your eyes on the clouds and prepare yourself for the miracle. It is at hand! A Quick Review & Look Ahead Last week I gave you instructions on completing your second 24-hour water fast, and we added a detoxification component with Herbs & Prunes (or Prune Juice) and Cranberry Juice. How did that go? By now you should have started to experience notable bowel movements. That is good. The process of weight loss and detoxification continues. And there is so much more to cover!

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

At the end of the previous lesson your assignment was to return to the modified version of the cleansing diet, which allows you to eat whatever you want with the exception of sugar, bread, bacon, sausage, butter, and whole milk. Go to Page 8 of Lesson 2, Part 2 if you need a refresher. You should be fairly familiar with it by now. Don’t worry, over the next two lessons you will get more leeway in what you can eat. We are going to establish and fixed meal plan for you to carry out for the remainder of this program. This meal plan will be the chief foundation for your new life once you graduate in roughly seven months. Hang in there. Do not become discouraged or impatient. Just follow my lead and allow me to take you the distance. Here’s a note that I want you to remember: This course is designed in a concrete step-by-step manner so that it requires no guessing. All you have to do is

follow the instructions on a weekly basis and carry them out. Period. So stick to the classes as they are outlined! Each lesson builds on the previous one, so whatever doesn’t

seem clear now WILL as you move forward. As I told you when you first started this course, the aim is to give you to-the-point directions, not flood you with pages and pages of information. So I am not going to enter into a huge speech about juice fasting and its many benefits. If you are interested in getting more details on how this discipline works, feel free to read our Juice Fasting series. So let’s get this show on the road and start the process!

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

It is now time to bring out the Juicer and Blender. These were mentioned in Lesson 1 as two of the items you would need to complete this course. If you still have not purchased them, now is the time to do so. You can go to your local discount store and get a juicer for as little as $40 to $50. Believe me; the investment is well worth it. You may already have a blender. If not, they also are very affordable. I have seen some at discount stores for as little as $12.

Now let’s look at the shopping list that you will need to fill so you can carry out this week’s assignment. I will mention each of the fruits and vegetables, the quantity needed, as well as a highlight of the health benefits they provide. This synopsis should definitely motivate you to press forward. The rewards in health and weight loss are substantial!

Note: It is preferable, if you can afford it, that you purchase organic fruits and vegetables. Organic does not have the pesticides that are used to grow most of the

produce in our supermarkets. If this is beyond your current budget, then it is vital that spend some time thoroughly

washing each fruit and vegetable BEFORE starting the juicing process – which I will walk you through in a few


These are the ingredients that you will need: Two packages of Celery, five medium-to-large Tomatoes, one full head of Broccoli, a bag of large Carrots (not the mini ones), a heaping handful of Watercress, a large chunk of Pumpkin, one bag of Apples, a basket of Blueberries, a basket of Strawberries, one bag of Oranges, at least five Lemons and four Bananas. You will also need two large and deep bowls (Tupperware is fine), a half-gallon to one-gallon jar or jug with a tight lid, aluminum foil, a cutting board and a sharp knife to cut and peel.

That’s it! The health-giving power in this simple recipe is amazing.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Now let us take a brief look at the health benefits in each of these fruits and vegetables. Then I will provide you with detailed instruction on how to prepare and juice them so you can get started immediately.


• Celery provides an exceptional source of vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, potassium, calcium, and vitamins B1, B2 and B6. It has phytochemical compounds known as coumarins which are effective in cancer prevention and enhancing white blood cell activity.

Coumarin compounds lower blood pressure, tone the vascular system, and provide relief from migraines. Studies show that celery may help lower cholesterol and prevent cancer by improving body detoxification, which is what we are looking for.

• Tomatoes are jam-packed with nutrition, especially when they

are fully ripe. For example, red tomatoes contain up to four times the amount of beta-carotene as green tomatoes.

Tomatoes provide an excellent source of vitamins C and K, carotenes (especially lycopene), and biotin. They are a good source of vitamin B6, niacin, folic acid, fiber, and pantothenic acid. Studies have shown that the red carotene (lycopene) in tomatoes protects against breast, lung, colon, prostate, and skin cancers. Tomatoes also lower the risk of heart disease, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Amazing!

Broccoli is low in calories and is nutrient-dense. It's an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, folic acid, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and the vitamins B6 and E.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Broccoli has a nutrient called “Indole-3-carbinol” which has been shown to detain the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells, as well help the liver detoxify and decrease the growth of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is directly linked to cervical cancer.

• Carrots have a high amount of antioxidants which help protect

against cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The regular intake of the nutrient “carotene” in carrots has been linked with a 20 percent reduction in postmenopausal breast cancer and up to a 50 percent decrease in cancers of the cervix, bladder, colon, prostate, larynx, and esophagus! Carrots promote good vision, especially night vision. Beta-carotene provides protection against macular degeneration and the development of senile cataracts - which is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly.

• Watercress is a member of the cabbage family along with other greens such as mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and turnip greens.

Watercress is one of the most powerful liver detox and healing leaves that I have ever come across in my personal search for healing. The liver takes a huge amount of punishment from poor eating and obesity.

So this wonderful leaf is a must for your juice fasting efforts. Watercress provides an excellent source of vitamins B6, C, manganese, carotenes, fiber, iron, copper, calcium and vitamins B1, B2, and E. It also is spicy and gives the juice a “tingle” that I find truly remarkable.

• Pumpkins are part of the winter squash group. Also included in this group of amazing vegetables are acorn, butternut, and spaghetti squash.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Winter squash, like other richly colored vegetables, provide excellent sources of carotenes.

Generally, the richer the color, the richer the concentration. Pumpkins offer a very good source of vitamins B1, B6 and C as well as folic acid, pantothenic acid, fiber, potassium and niacin. Studies have shown that, due to their carotene properties, pumpkins and winter squash in general protect us against many cancers, especially lung cancer. Diets rich in carotenes (especially pumpkins) also offer protection from heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.


• Apples are an excellent source of pectin, vitamin C, and fiber.

They are also a good source of potassium. The skin of the apple contains most of this fruit’s important nutrients. Unpeeled apples are a great source of phytochemicals, such as ellagic acid and flavonoids (especially quercetin).

Apple consumption has also been linked to lower risk of asthma. Research found that people who ate at least two apples each week had a 22 to 32% lower risk of developing asthma than those who ate less of the fruit. Apples are very high in Pectin, a soluble fiber that helps reduce cholesterol and improve the intestine’s ability to push waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Apples promote bowel regularity and relieve constipation and diarrhea.

• Blueberries offer an excellent source of flavonoids, especially anthocyanidins. Anthocyanidins are antioxidant compounds that are responsible for the blue, purple, and red pigments of blueberries.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Blueberries are a powerful source of soluble fiber, insoluble fiber (such as pectin), vitamin C, manganese, and riboflavin. The antioxidants in blueberries may also help reduce age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.

Along with soluble and insoluble fiber, blueberries contain tannins. Tannins act as astringents in the digestive system and work to firm up a loose stool. Since blueberries contain the same compounds that are found in cranberries, they are also effective in promoting urinary tract health and reducing water retention.

• Strawberries provide an excellent source of vitamins C, B1 K as well as fiber, iodine and pantothenic acid. They contain flavonoids called “anthocyanidins” which give its red color and help to protect the body against cancer, heart disease and inflammation.

• Oranges provide an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids.

They also offer a good source of fiber, carotenes, pectin, potassium, and B vitamins (including vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic acid, and pantothenic acid).

Oranges are especially beneficial for the immune system, lens of the eye, adrenal glands, connective tissues, the reproductive organs, and help fight viral infections, as well as protect against cancer. Oranges contain a very important flavonoid called hesperidin. Studies have shown that hesperidin lowers cholesterol, high blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory effects. A high concentration of hesperidin is found in the inner part of the peel and in the white pulp of the orange.

• Lemons provide an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, folic acid, potassium, limonene, and flavonoids. Studies have been done on the phytochemical “limonene” which is extracted from lemons.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Findings showed that limonene contains anticancer properties and is effective in dissolving gallstones! The highest concentration of limonene is located in the white spongy inner parts of the lemon.

• Bananas offer an excellent source of potassium and vitamin B6

and C, as well as fiber, magnesium, carbohydrates, riboflavin, and biotin. Since bananas have lower water content than most other fruits, they contain more calories and sugar. Bananas are packed with several nutrients, especially potassium. Potassium is one of the most important electrolytes in the body because it helps to regulate heart function and also fluid balance. Studies have shown that potassium rich foods are very effective in lowering blood pressure and protecting against heart disease and stoke.

Wow! That is truly amazing, don’t you think? You are about to inject

pure life-giving power into your body! Okay, now it is time for you to stop reading and go to the supermarket. Please do it now or, if you cannot (because it is 3:00 am!) then do so over the next 24-hours at the very latest. This juice fasting phase is crucial in your progress through the program, so as I have insisted before – DO NOT PROCRASTINATE OR IMPROVISE! Follow the instructions promptly and as outlined. That is your ongoing suggestion. Hint: the word suggestion is defined as “a subtle form of command.” Seriously, please move forward. There are many exciting things coming up and I want your progress to be notable and ongoing. SO DO IT! For now, do not continue to read today until you are done with the shopping. When you are finished, come back and we will move on to the preparation and execution phase of our lesson.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

PREPARATION Okay, so the shopping is done, right? Or, are you peeking? Are you peeking? Alright, alright … enough of the jokes. Let’s get down to business! How did it go with the shopping? If this is your first time shopping strictly for fruits and vegetables, it may have been a little challenging. But it does get easier and, believe me, what you are doing here has the potential to literally alter the course of your life. Remember: the challenge you are now undergoing is part of the road you have resolved to travel to produce the weight loss and improved health you want in your life. You may be going through some struggle NOW, but the benefits you will

gain LATER will more than outweigh this temporary discomfort.

With all the ingredients at hand, it is now time to prepare ourselves for the juicing process. The Juicer – If you are already experienced using a juicer, then proceed with the preparation instructions below. If not, then let me take a moment to acquaint you.

• Most juicers have a primary pouring spout that releases the juice extracted from the fruits and vegetables. Some more expensive models capture the juice in their own compartment for later pouring. If you have the former, then you will need an 8-to-12-ounce glass to place underneath the spout to capture the liquid as it comes out.

• Moreover, you will need a jug or jar half-a-gallon to one gallon in

size to store and refrigerate the juice. We will also need aluminum foil to wrap the jug and protect the juice from the light in the refrigerator which can prematurely spoil the precious liquid.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Another section of the juicer that I want you to notice is the “waste” compartment where the pulp from the fruits and vegetables is discharged. I recommend that, for easier cleaning and disposal, you place a plastic bag (I use small supermarket bags) inside this partition as one would put in a trash can. That way all you have to do when you are done is remove the bag, close it and discard the leftovers. Vegetable and fruit pulp spoils rapidly and can create a foul odor. There is really nothing “wasteful” about pulp, however. It has huge amounts of fiber and some of it is even tasty. We are actually going to scoop some of the Pulp and mix it with the juice to further incite bowel movements and detoxification! If you are unsure about where the pulp compartment is located in your juicer, refer to the instructions manual of the model that you purchased. Assembly is finalized by snapping in place the top cover over the liquefying blades. This cover normally includes the vertical feed opening to insert the produce. You will then be left with a plastic or wooden “pusher tool” that is used to press the fruit and/or vegetable down the feed and into the grinder for liquefaction. Take a moment and review the parts I have just mentioned. Get acquainted with your juicer. By all means, make sure to read ALL of the instructions that came with your particular hardware. If you just purchased it, make sure to wash each part thoroughly with soap and water prior to assembly. Once the juicer is ready and you have become familiar with how it

works, then it is time to bring out the fruits and vegetables!

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

• Take the fruits and vegetables out of the refrigerator and place them on the kitchen counter. For now, leave them in the containers (or bags) in which you purchased them. Do this as close to the sink as possible.

• Take out the two bowls I mentioned earlier and set them aside.

Tupperware bowls will work fine.

• Also take out the cutting board and sharp knife for dicing and peeling. You don’t want to peel and cut the produce on the bare kitchen counter as you may scratch it. If you have a fruit/vegetable peeler, then use that.

Now we are ready to start prepping the produce for juicing. Let’s take them one by one:

• Celery – Rip four sticks of celery from the stalk and wash them thoroughly with warm water. Celery stalks often contain traces of dirt in them. Once they are clean, place them in one of the bowls.

• Tomatoes – Take two out, wash them and cut them in half.

Place the four halves in the bowl. • Broccoli – Cut off a medium-sized chunk from the head including

the stem. Rinse it in water and place it in the bowl. • Watercress – Rinse a medium hand full and set it on the bowl.

• Carrots – Take three out of the bag. Shred the top layer of skin

from each carrot by holding it diagonally in the sink and running the knife vertically from top to bottom as a scraper or you can use a potato peeler.

Once the carrots have been scraped, wash them thoroughly in warm water and place them in the bowl.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

• Pumpkin – Cut off a medium-sized piece of pumpkin from the

chunk you purchased and use the knife to clean out the seeds and filling in the middle. Peel the skin with the knife or peeler and then place it in the bowl. (I still use a knife for peeling but I recognize that a peeler is probably easier). I guess I’m just set on my ways!

• Apples – Take three out of the bag, wash them very thoroughly

and cut them in half. Remove the seeds from the middle and place them in the bowl. Do not peel away the skin from the apples.

• Blueberries & Strawberries – Wash a handful of blueberries

and four strawberries and place them in the bowl whole. You don’t have to cut the strawberries.

• Orange – Take two oranges, wash, peel and cut them in half.

Place the four halves in the bowl.

• Lemons – Take out one lemon and cut it in half. We are not going to put the lemon in the juicer but rather squeeze them into the jar once all the other fruits and vegetables have been juiced. The reason for this is that juicing the lemon, I have found, often makes the final juice way too acidic which can cause stomachaches. It is better to use lemons like salt and just season it to taste AFTER the juice is done.

• Bananas – Take one-and-a-half bananas, peel them and place

them in a separate cup or bowl. Bananas cannot be juiced. When the time comes, pour a cup of water in the blender along with the bananas and blend away until it liquefies. Then add the banana juice extract directly into the jug or jar with the final juice preparation. This will be the last step.

© 2007-2008 Robert Dave Johnston. All Rights Reserved

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Once you are done with the peeling and cutting, you will have an amazing site in front of you: a bowl overflowing with beautiful fruits and vegetables ready to enter and cleanse your body! Look at the bowl for a minute and ponder at the wonderful benefit that you are about to receive. Let the site fill you with the vision of health and weight loss that you have for your life. I realize that getting to this point required some work. You might never have done anything like this before. You might even have had to overcome apathy, depression and/or discouragement (among others) to get up and actually take the action. Maybe you have been ill. Maybe you have tried many different paths and nothing has worked. Yet you are here. You have shown willingness. Congratulations! Keep it up! I feel so so proud and

honored to have you with me! We are now ready to juice the fruits and vegetables. There really is no order or science as to how you should juice. I juice fruits and vegetables in random order as I grab them from the bowl. The best way to start is with celery which is by far the vegetable with the most juice. From there you can simply continue with whatever fruit or vegetable is in front of you. About the “pusher or guiding tool.” As I mentioned earlier, most juicers come with a plastic or wooden tool that is used to guide the fruits and or vegetables into the feeder. It is very important that you know how to use it properly or you will reduce the yield of juice. We do not want to waste any of this precious juice!

• DO NOT push down on the tool! Once you insert a piece of produce into the feeder, allow it to go down at its own pace. Simply use the tool to “guide” the fruit or vegetable down to the grinder.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

DO NOT FORCE IT DOWN! The MORE TIME each piece of produce takes to make it down the feeder and into the blades, the MORE JUICE you will

get. Use the pushing tool as a guider and do not force it! Always Remember: MORE TIME = MORE JUICE In some cases as with cauliflower stems, you may need to push “LIGHTLY” to ease the stress on the juicer blades. The same can sometimes be the case with oranges, pumpkin and carrots. But, for the most part, you should minimize the pressure you exert on this tool. Allow the fruit or vegetable to make it through the feed on its own as much as possible. Use the guiding tool to follow the produce down the feed, but push down on it only when necessary. So, when you are ready:

• Place the 8-to-10-ounce glass under the juicer spout to collect the liquid. Be sure to place some napkins or paper towels underneath the glass to absorb any spillage. Turn on the juicer and let it warm up for twenty seconds.

• Then, take the first piece of celery and put it into the feeder. It

will start grinding and bouncing around, getting smaller and smaller until it disappears into the blades. Observe the light green juice coming out of the spout and into the glass.

• Now let’s try a chunk of apple. Insert it into the feeder and follow

it with the guiding tool into the blades. You will not get as much juice as you did with the celery, but watch it come out. Get used to the different color liquid that goes with each fruit and vegetable.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

The juice you are seeing come out are fruits and vegetables in their purest form! It is life, weight loss, healing …

optimum health, mental clarity, detoxification, energy … it is, in essence, your own personal fountain of youth.

Let these thoughts enter your mind as you continue the juicing process. At this point simply move on to the next fruit or vegetable in the bowl and repeat the process. As I said, carrots, pumpkin, oranges and broccoli may need a little push down.

For leafy produce like watercress, sprinkle little bunches into the feeder. You will see the little spurts of dark green juice coming out of the spout and into the glass. Whenever you see that the glass is getting full, turn off the juicer and pour the liquid into the jar or jug that I asked you to get earlier.

But, MAKE SURE that you have an empty glass to place under the spout immediately as some juice will continue to ooze out even

after the juicer is turned off. We want to capture that also!

Then turn the juicer back on and continue the process. For blueberries, simply pour a handful into the feeder. Strawberries can be fed whole. Continue emptying the contents of the glass into the jug or jar, always turning off the juicer and putting the “backup” glass under the spout to capture any dripping. Pay close attention and do not allow any of the juice to spill! Inevitably there will always be some spillage, but it should be minor.

DO NOT juice while you are “multitasking” - talking on the phone, watching television, or when otherwise being interrupted or distracted. This is a precious and “sacred” time for you and it should

be treated as such! Focus on what you are doing!

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Once you have completely juiced all of the produce into the bowl, turn off the juicer and observe the “fruits” of your labor. If you used a half-gallon jug, it should be almost full, or halfway if you utilized a gallon container. I never get tired of just looking at the multi-colored liquid as it sits in the container. Now that is pure power! Let the juice breathe uncovered for a few minutes. Unsnap the top of the juicer and direct your attention to the “waste” or pulp compartment. You will see the “pasty” leftovers of the fruits and vegetables. That is far from garbage. It is pure fiber which is great for the belly! Scoop two tablespoons of pulp and dump them into the juice. You may want to eat a few spoonfuls. I love it.

Now, remove the plastic bag from the pulp compartment and zip it closed. I recommend that you DO NOT let this bag sit with your kitchen trash. Take it outside until garbage day. Some persons who enjoy gardening actually use it as fertilizer. I am not a gardener and have never tried this. But I have heard it works very well.

Next, grab the lemons you cut earlier and squeeze their juice into the jug or jar. I do it manually, but if you have an extractor, by all means use it.

Moving along, pour a cup of water into the blender along with the bananas and blend away! Thirty seconds is more than enough. Once finished, pour the liquid into the jug along with the rest of the juice. With a large wooden spoon or other utensil, stir the juice for about 15 seconds. YOU ARE DONE!

Grandma would be proud!

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Now it is time for what probably is the least enjoyable part of the process: cleaning the juicer. Leave the juice uncovered and turn your attention to disassembling the juicer and placing its parts in the sink. Most juicers come with a small brush for cleaning. You can probably rinse most of it off, but it is VERY IMPORTANT that you spend as much time as needed brushing the blades and removing every last trace of pulp. When you are done, the blades should look as though they were never used! Do not cut corners. Dirty blades lose their sharpness quicker, and even small traces of pulp will rot and contaminate any juices you prepare in the future. Wipe down the main juicer, ensuring that all traces of juice have been cleaned. When you are satisfied the cleaning has been thorough, set the juicer parts aside to dry. Finish the cleaning process by wiping down the kitchen counter and grinding any fruit or vegetable skin in your garbage disposal. Follow this system every time you juice. It is best to clean right away while you are giving the juice time to breathe. That way, when the time comes to drink, you can do so in peace without having to worry about doing any cleaning.


Wow! You have done a lot! Now, you may wonder … what do I do with

the juice? Well, that is the best part of it all – you drink it! Fill a glass with the juice and have a taste! Drink it slowly, visualizing the powerful healing nutrients entering your bloodstream and digestive system – cleaning and wiping out toxins in their path! Most persons love the taste of the juice. If you do not, then don’t worry about it. It will grow on you. Now, seal the jug or jar and let’s refrigerate it pending your instructions for this week’s fast.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Do this: * Execute a 24-hour Juice Fast no later than 48 hours after you read this lesson. The juice has a shelf life of no more than 72

hours so we cannot tarry! For now, wrap the entire jug or jar in aluminum foil, making sure that light cannot enter from the top, sides or bottom. As I said, light can prematurely spoil the juice. Once you have securely wrapped the jug or jar, place it in the bottom, rear part of your refrigerator. Here’s a modified version of the 24-hour fasting instructions from Lesson 2, Part 3 to help you complete this week’s assignment.

• Choose a day this week (how about tomorrow? ) and decide that, for that 24-hour cycle, you are going to feed only on the juice that you prepared. Start by eating your last meal at 8PM of the selected day and go to bed. That in itself will kill at least 8 hours of your fast!

• Upon arising, drink at least two 8-ounce glasses of

water to move your bowels. Make yourself a hot cup of non-caffeinated green tea. At your usual breakfast time, fill an eight to 12-ounce glass with the fruit/vegetable juice mixture and sit down for your “meal.” Drink it slowly please. Some persons like to take this time to do their morning prayers and/or devotions.

• Pack another 8 to 12 ounces of juice into a thermos if

you are leaving the house. When you get to the office or place of employment, refrigerate it if possible. Make sure that you take some aluminum foil to wrap it. If you cannot refrigerate it, place it in a cool, dark place where it will not be hit by direct sunlight.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

• Carry on with your daily activities, making it a point to drink at least ONE 8-ounce glass of water every couple of hours. When lunch time comes, pour yourself another full glass of the juice and sit down to “eat.” I am not kidding, this IS food. It is good food. It is pure life.

• Take your time and drink it slowly. If it is too warm,

maybe there is a food establishment nearby where you can go and ask for a few cubes of ice. No more than two cubes of ice please! This is NOT a smoothie!

• When hunger strikes later in the day, drink more water

or make yourself another cup of tea. As we talked about in previous lessons, I personally use seltzer water while I am juice fasting or water fasting to calm the hunger pains.

• But be careful. Too much seltzer can irritate the

stomach for some people. So take it easy and listen to your body. A squeeze of lime or lemon with the seltzer water is fine.

• At dinner time, pour yourself yet another full glass of

the juice and sit down to have your meal. Do not take the juice lightly and drink it walking around or talking as you would a cola or some other type of arbitrary, inconsequent beverage. Have reverence for what you are doing and sit down in solitude – if possible – to drink your juice.

• Drink more water or seltzer for the rest of the evening

whenever hunger strikes. You can actually have one more glass of juice before retiring. But I recommend that you do so at least one hour before going to bed so as not to extend hunger pains.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Some General Tips We Have Mentioned Before:

• During the fasting period, it is best to limit yourself to light physical tasks and to concentrate as much as possible on introspection and spirituality. Use this fasting period constructively.

• Meditate on your favorite spiritual book(s) or read

inspirational materials. In short, spend some time taking stock of where you are in life, and some of the areas that you would like to improve.

• Carry your fasting journal with you at all times and

write down your thoughts and feelings, as well as the diverse symptoms that emerge during the day. In other

words, continue to build up that MOTIVATION pillar!

• Remember: go about your daily activities with an “internal" attitude of meditation and contemplation. The way I accomplish this is by not allowing time to consume my thoughts but, rather, I make it a point to go from moment to moment -- focusing only on what I am doing one second, one minute at a time.

You will be surprised just how often we go about our day-to-day activities thinking only of the future and/or obsessing over the past. This negates the present moment and can keep us in a state of confusion, stress and restlessness. Not to mention that it nearly always increases the hunger pains and makes the day go by very slowly. When you find your mind wondering to negativity or focusing on “how hungry I am,” open your journal and read some of the entries you have made in the past weeks.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

In short, remind yourself exactly why you are doing this, and determine that the discomfort you feel is a small sacrifice in comparison to the benefits you will gain. How important for you is it to reach your health and weight loss goals? Remember?

Re-Incorporation - > Breaking the Fast Benefits of fasting can be truly enjoyed ONLY if you break the fast in the right manner.

• On the morning or evening following the fast, break it by drinking another glass of juice along with a piece of fruit. I usually do it with either an apple or orange. If there is any juice left over, take it with you and drink it throughout the day or share it with your loved ones. Do not just let it sit in the refrigerator and allow it to spoil. This is precious juice and should be consumed in its entirety.

• The rest of the re-incorporation process is the same as

you would after a 24-hour water fast.

• Wait approximately four hours and then have some vegetable soup or light salad with lime. I personally eat lettuce with cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes. Please - NO heavy dressings at this point! Just squeeze some lime in the salad … no more! If you are on the go and do not have time to prepare a soup, grab the microwavable type but water it down to dilute the sodium content! Half and half is the best way to go.

• Four hours after that you can have a light meal of

poultry, salad and steamed vegetables or brown rice. The “boil-in-the-bag” brown rice is amazingly good and is usually done in less than ten minutes.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

The next day resume the modified version of the cleansing diet. Wow, now that is a lot! This is the longest lesson. But we have looked at the process in great detail. In the future, you can always come back to this lesson whenever we go into juice fasting mode. Like I said, the recipe I gave you here is very thorough. But you can experiment as much as you want with juice fasting. That is what next week’s lesson is all about: giving you options to fly as high as you wish! Or, on the other hand, you can stay with this recipe and keep it simple. I will leave that up to you.

Internalize this lesson slowly and read it over several times with a highlighter. Do not try to hurry your way

through it as if you were in a race. As I also said to you before, if you find yourself falling behind with the

lessons, don’t worry about it – so long as you are working on it and not procrastinating.

Some persons need a little “falling and getting back up again” to graduate from one lesson to the other, especially during this early phase when hunger pains and detox symptoms are at their peak. What I can tell you is that the best is yet to come! Hang in there and do not give up your breakthrough! Indeed, it is closer than you think! As usual, I will end with the quotes that by now probably are becoming standard in your train-of-thought during this process. Yes, they are that important! I am repeating them in every lesson this far to motivate you and align your mind with what we have set out to

accomplish. Always remind yourself exactly why you are doing this, and determine that the discomfort you feel is a small sacrifice

in comparison to the benefits you will gain.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

How important for you is it to reach your health and weight loss goals? Remember?

You are walking through the door of a brand new life and it

may seem dark and cold. But, once you walk through the arch, you will find comfort, sunlight and a world of health possibilities that, right now, may seem like nothing more

than a far away dream. The best is yet to come!

Tell the mind and body to shut up and remember that you are doing this for a reason. You have detailed goals for your

future, and traversing through this initial process is part of the huge payoff you will receive later.

The Challenge of Detoxification: If you stumbled and were not able to complete the lessons, please don’t worry. Yes, I know – it’s tough. But it is not impossible. If you carried out the diet menu as outlined (I strongly encourage you to do it exactly as designed), then you now have a very good idea of what cleansing brings. So just because you fell short of the goal and were unable to complete this particular lesson, you should not feel that you failed. This distinction is crucial because it is at this point that many persons give up. They feel that carrying out the program is too hard or impossible. That is simply NOT TRUE! You are continuing to learn and position yourself for breakthrough. This process is challenging but highly rewarding. So do not be discouraged. Progress, not perfection – is the key!

Write, write and write as much as you can! Keep putting your thoughts and feelings on paper. Print out each lesson and read over it several times with a highlighter until you feel that you have absorbed the material. You may need to read/study each lesson several times.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Usually, you will find deeper insight and understanding as you continue to study and meditate on what we are discussing. Note: Do not feel that you have to “keep up” with me as the lessons are delivered. If you can, then that is fine. But if you find yourself lagging behind, don’t worry. Work at your own pace. The incoming lessons will always be there for you as motivation to move forward. I am not saying that you should lag or be lazy. That is not it at all. What I am saying is that, if you truly are committed to change and find yourself struggling, then it is fine to move at your own pace. Your desire / willingness to change (and the FastingOlogy™ course) WILL help you to produce the breakthrough you want if you stick to it. You can do it!

This Week’s Assignment This week’s assignment has a lot of the same steps we take every week with the exception of the Juice Fast, which is new. So, in essence, these tasks should start to become “ongoing” duties for you to carry out during the duration of this course and, hopefully, for years to come!

1) Carry out a 24-hour Juice Fast according to the instructions above. Do another “weigh in” on your scale. Remember to stick to the same scale. In your journal, write down the date and time as well as how much you currently weigh. It is important to weigh yourself at the same time each day.

-> Next to your present weight, write your ideal weight

and, adjacent, place the amount of weight you need to lose to reach it. Also, log how much weight you have lost since you started the program.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

2) Take the Fasting Journal with You and Work On It while you are going through both the fast and 5-day detox process. Log every time the hunger pains or symptoms beckon you to give up. The whole point is for you to constantly “remind” yourself just how important it is for you to see this process all the way through.

Also make note of what you were feeling when the hunger pains hit you-were you bored, depressed or anxious? Sometimes we eat for reasons other than hunger. It is important to be aware of this.

3)Stay Close to AND Communicate with The Person or

Persons You Selected When You Took The DECLARE AND DESIGNATE Steps on Page 9 of Lesson #1. This step is designed to give you ongoing “human” support as you continue the cleansing and detoxification process. This support will prove invaluable as we move forward.

But make sure that whoever your choose is someone who will respect what you are doing and NOT a person who will constantly berate and tell you that you are crazy, as it can often happen when some persons hear that one is “fasting.”

4)After the 24-Hour Juice Fast, Return to the Modified

Version of the Cleansing Diet After completing the fast continue with the cleansing diet as outlined. Next week we will carry out the second Juice Fast and then introduce the “standard menu” of foods that will carry us for the rest of this course.

See You In 7 Days!

All the Best,

eÉuxÜà Wtäx ]É{ÇáàÉÇ - Publisher FastingOlogy

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting:

Coming Up Next ... Lesson #04, Part 2: Second

24-Hour Juice Fast – Nutrient Fruit & Vegetable Guide to Propel Your Efforts to Infinity. The Life-Giving &

Healing Power of Fruits and Vegetables. More Motivation to Press On!

Previous Lessons – Lesson #1 … Click Here to access. Lesson #2- Part I … Click Here to access. Bonus (Twenty Questions) … Click Here to access. Lesson #2- Part II … Click Here to access. Lesson #2–Part III … Click Here to access. Bonus 2 (Intermittent Fasting & Home Enemas)… Click Here to access. Lesson #3 … Click Here to access. PS: Remember to type in the password you received via e-mail at the start of your subscription to

access the lessons.

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