Cleansing and Fasting Guide For...

The Cleansing and Fasting Solution To Your Heartburn Cleansing and Fasting Guide For Heartburn By Tom and Isabelle Lane

Transcript of Cleansing and Fasting Guide For...

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The Cleansing and Fasting Solution To Your


Cleansing and Fasting Guide For HeartburnBy Tom and Isabelle

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Copyright © 2012 by Tom and Isabelle Lane

First Edition 2010Revised Edition 2012

All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication of this material in any form is strictly prohibited. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the author/publisher.

DisclaimerThe author, publisher, and distributor of this product assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of this product, or for any injury, damage and/or financial loss sustained to persons or property as a result of using this report.

While every effort has been made to ensure reliability of the information within, the liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use, misuse or abuse of the operation of any methods, strategies, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein is the sole responsibility of the reader. The reader is encouraged to seek competent, professional medical advice before using any tips and strategies shared in this publication.

No medical benefits are either claimed or implied. There can be both relative and absolute contraindications to the use of our products. Nothing in this offer is a substitute for proper health care. Whereas many health care professionals use our programs as a take home care modality for support purposes, this is not to be confused with health care per ser. If you have a serious physical or mental condition, see your health care provider before ordering any of our programs. We are in the business of helping people help themselves.

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Chapter Titles Page Numbers

Cleansing and Fasting Guide For Heartburn 1

Cleansing Your Internal System 3

Why should you cleanse your system? 3

The Basics of Fasting 4

Benefits of Fasting 5

Organs of Detoxification 6

Colon 6

Liver 6

Lungs 7

Skin 7

Kidneys 8

Different Fasting Styles 9

Juice Cleansing and Mono Diets 9

Water Fasting 10

Choosing the Ideal Timing and Venue 10


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Chapter Titles Page Numbers

Foods to Eat Before Fasting 11

Fast Breaking Diet 12

What You Should Eat 12

Listen To Your Body 12

Important Things to Remember 13

Tips for an Effective Fast 14

Juice Cleansing 15

Phytochemicals 15

Mechanism and Benefits 17

Tips for Effective Juice Cleansing 18

Reduce Foods With High Sugar Content 18

While Preparing the Juice 18

Go Organic 18

Ingredients at room temperature 18

Do it Yourself 18


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Chapter Titles Page Numbers

Introduce Fiber 19

Proper Cleaning of Fruits and Vegetables 20

Vitamins and Minerals to Take During the Fast


Symptoms to Look Out For 21

Important Reminder 21

Physical Activities 22

Keeping a Journal 23

Juice Cleansing Recipes 24

Selecting a Juicer 24

Centrifugal Juicer 24

Masticating (Single Auger) Juicer 25

Triturating (Twin-Gear) Juicer 25

Vegetable Blends 25

Fruity Blends 27

Apple Cider Vinegar 27


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Chapter Titles Page Numbers

Nut Milks 28

Herb Teas 28

Bentonite/ Psyllium/ Flaxseed Shake 29

Water 29

Intestinal Health to Clear Toxins 30

Enemas 30

Special Enemas 31

Coffee Enema 31

How To Administer the Enema 31

Caution for Electrolytes 32

Replacing Your Intestinal Bacteria 32

How To Replace Good Bacteria 33

Building a Candida Free Environment 34

Eradicate Parasites 34

Candida Loves Sugar 34


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Chapter Titles Page Numbers

Water Fasting 35

Things to Eat 35

Anti-Candida Supplements 36

Code #1 - Caprylic acid 36

Code #2 - Oregano Oil and Olive Leaf Extract


Warning 37

Points to Remember 37

How To Kill Candida 38

Step 1 38

Remember 38

Step 2 38

Step 3 39

Step 4 39

Cleansing the Liver and the Gallbladder 40

Why Perform Liver Flush? 40


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Chapter Titles Page Numbers

Liver Flush and Heartburn 41

Caution 41

Primary Steps 42

1. Get rid of metal and bacteria in your mouth.


2. Complete a parasite cleanse. 43

Black walnut hull tincture 43

Wormwood 43

Cloves 43

3. Three-day Apple Juice Cleanse 44

One-Day Liver and Gallbladder Cleansing 44

What to use 44

What to do 45

Conclusion 46


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IntroductionHonestly, when most people hear about the word ‘fasting’, the image of a hunger-stricken, food-deprived individual comes to the mind. You may also feel turn off at not being able to enjoy your favorite foods for a few days, and sometimes even up to a week.

Despite the cravings and temptations, why is it necessary to perform cleansing and fasting periodically? During this period of restricted food intake, you are giving your body an opportunity to go into down-time mode. Instead of pumping in energy and resources to digest incoming food, the body dedicates it to the removal of waste from the body. This is a very effective and natural healing method and it can even help to overcome chronic conditions.

How does it relate to heartburn? The growth of parasites, Candida and other waste matter that has accumulated and stuck on the walls of our gut all have a deliberating effect on the digestive system. When the digestive system malfunctions, it gives rise to many issues like bloatedness, fatigue, and even acid reflux. So, it’s important to remove these waste materials from our body regularly to ensure that the body is in top condition. People who perform cleansing regularly see an improvement in their digestive health, and feel much more energetic and happier after the cleanse.

If you are new to cleansing, the tip is not to rush into it. You also have to be mentally prepared to transition into the “cleanse” stage. This is because the body is already full of toxins and the initial days of fasting results in the body purging a huge amount of toxins. During the detoxication process, it is normal to experience some discomfort like fatigue. Only stop when you feel really uncomfortable.

The Heartburn Solution Cleansing and Fasting


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Remember, as with any program, before starting on the cleanse, you should always consult your physician. Also remember to use fresh ingredients as you don’t want to compromise on the quality of your cleanse. You’ll see your heartburn and other chronic conditions go away in no time!

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Through cleansing your internal system and regenerating your kidneys and intestines, you will be able to keep your

internal environment free of acid reflux and eliminate Candida.

Why should you cleanse your system? A properly executed cleansing procedure will give you different benefits. For one, it can help decrease symptoms of many diseases including heartburn, chronic pain, skin disorders, and hair loss. In addition, it will enhance your thinking processes and set you free from any negative emotions or thoughts.

Your digestive system will end up being less productive and less efficient when it becomes too lethargic and full of waste. Depending on which organ with which the wastes are deposited, the organs will give up different warning signals. In order to totally eradicate ailments such as acid reflux, the body should be free of wastes and toxins.

With the use of a thorough cleansing program, toxins will be eliminated from the lymphatic system, liver, and kidneys The liver, along with other important organs responsible for elimination will become strong and more functional, especially when the cleansing program is followed by a liver purge. This leads to a more harmonized, balanced, and successful internal system that has the ability to heal itself and handle health conditions including GERD.

Cleansing Your Internal System

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The simplest and least costly way to cleanse the lymphatic system, colon, and blood is through the continual use of juice cleansing together with other techniques that stimulate detoxification. This will be achieved with the use of items that remove toxins such as consuming herb teas and having enemas, and undergoing a liver and gallbladder cleanse regularly, and they will be discussed later on.

The Basics of Fasting

It is a known truth that the body has the great ability to heal and repair itself. When we eat, the body busily starts to digest, process, analyze, and assimilate. While engaging in physical activities or when stressed, the body becomes incapable of releasing toxins that have accumulated in the body overtime. Fasting is an easy procedure where a person shuns away from eating any particular food types for a certain time period, which gives the body a special opportunity to heal itself and in time, recover. As we do fasting, the body will automatically focus its energy on getting rid of poisons and wastes and keeping our system clean. In other words, it will be given the chance to heal and repair itself so that different ailments and diseases will be eradicated.

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The principle is easy to understand: by resisting food, we allow the body to heal and revitalize itself.

Benefits of Fasting

Toxic materials and pollutants can affect our health negatively as they get absorbed by blood that circulates in our entire system. Despite its ill effects, the ability of the body to eradicate and get rid of large deposits of foreign items and toxic chemicals that enter the body through the air we breathe and food we eat, or formed as a response to anxiety and stress, is limited.These wastes and toxins create undue stress and burden on different organs of elimination like kidneys, liver, and intestines. As a matter of fact, the moment these toxins gain entrance to our system, our body is already in an unhealthy condition. When deposits of toxins in a particular organ become too much that the body cannot handle them anymore, we eventually get sick. Due to the presence of a large build up of various kinds of toxins like diverse metal kinds (mercury, lead, arsenic, etc), metabolic end products, acidic waste, and medications, the body looks for easy ways to release these poisons. Usually, the particular organ with which the wastes are released are burdened with symptoms of ailments when the process of release is ‘stuck’. Simply put, if the body eliminates toxins through the lungs, you will likely have colds. If it releases poisons through the digestion system, you will likely get diarrhea or pass gas. When the body eliminate toxins through the skin, eczema and other skin allergies will surface. Other symptoms of toxic deposits are allergies, headaches,stuffy nose, athlete’s foot, and heartburn. Overtime, the toxins accumulate into a huge reserve. Chronic diseases afflict the body once it becomes extremely intoxicated. In this case, organs may either be partially or totally damaged. Fasting is a brilliant solution that helps eliminate deposits of toxins. It also lets the body strengthen, repair, and secure itself. Little by little, the fast will keep the bloodstream, internal organs, cells, and tissues clean. In other words, the body will then be prepared to a tremendous healing process.

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Organs of Detoxification

The different organs in your body all play a role in the elimination of toxins.

Colon Getting rid of waste is the primary function of the colon. Deposits of toxins are still present in the colon pocket during the fast. When they are released, they have different acids and toxins. If not expelled, the colon will reabsorb them. This will lead to manifestations such as headaches and allergic reactions. With the proper use of flaxseed and bentonite shakes and enema, the colon will be able to get rid to the toxins that it contains. Cascara sagrada and mandrake are considered effective when it comes to flushing out toxins.

On the other hand, peppermint and wheatgrass help heal the colon. Carrots and apples also provide juices that are effective laxatives.

Deep breathing exercises will also help control toxin elimination and allow the colon to heal.

Liver When your gut becomes toxic, your liver will not be able to function well as your blood also gets intoxicated.As the toxins weaken the liver, handling toxic and excessively acidic overload becomes too much for it to handle, so it tends to give off toxins to the brain, heart, kidneys, lymph, skin, and other body parts. Since plenty of toxins are released through the liver, it is considered a vital detoxifier.

Fasting will help to neutralize and filter the liver’s own toxins along with wastes from different body parts. During this period, it does not have to

process foods that have just been digested. Therefore, this is the best time to let it have a break

and purify itself.

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You can also choose to go to your massage therapist and let him stimulate your liver physically by pumping it in a slow and gentle manner. Doing this will detoxify that liver and help release toxins.

To rouse the gall bladder to flush out bile, you can combine squeezed lemon juice to one tablespoon of olive oil, and then add juices such as dandelion, wheatgrass, grapefruit, and parsley. Some excellent cold compresses for both the liver and the gallbladder are black cohos and cara sagrada. Lungs The large amount of toxins and wastes from the air you breathe,are taken in and expelled by the lungs. Breathing deeply will help the lungs release pollutants in an effective way. In yoga, the emphasis is on breathing techniques like nostril breathing where the air goes deep down into the diaphragm, causing your entire cells to be oxygenated. Alacampange intake as well as comfrey herb teas intake complemented with mild aerobic activities can also bring about favorable results.

According to Traditional Chinese medicine, consuming foods that are white in color, for example, chinese pear, white fungus, radish, winter melon and almonds have anti-bacterial properties that helps to expel toxins from the lungs.

Skin Acne, pimples and skin irritation are one of the biggest woes of modern people, giving rise to flourishing dermatology business and skincare products to pamper and correct flaws in the skin. Being the biggest organ in the body, different toxins are usually released through the skin. During the fast, it is recommended that you pamper your skin by cleaning, brushing, or scrubbing it with natural cleaning materials in order to help the skin release toxins effectively.

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During the fast, avoid synthetic clothes to allow your skin to breathe. Wear natural blends like cotton or bamboo for better ventilation. Try to avoid clothes that have a high percentage of polyester mix.

It is also advisable for you to take detoxifying baths for a short time period or go to a sauna but you have to make sure that you don’t burn your skin. Epsom salt baths and steam baths, when taken daily, will facilitate faster toxin expulsion. To avoid dryness, apply aloe vera and vitamin E cream to your skin for additional hydration.

Kidneys Keeping the blood clean, maintaining chemical balance in the body, and getting rid of liquid waste are the significant functions of the kidneys. Waste materials are sent to the kidney where a chemical reaction takes place and transports the remaining waste to the urinary system. The waste is passed out from the bladder as urine. During the fast, the kidneys will greatly benefit from consuming loads of purified water as water helps to filter waste materials from the blood.

Gravel root and parsley are some examples of herbs that can help cleanse the kidneys and eliminate kidney stones. Some other kidney cleansers include grapes, wheatgrass, cranberry, asparagus,dandelion, ginger and cucumber. Vitamin C intake can also help eliminate infections of the kidneys.

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To many people, fasting is just a fad diet that has been labelled as a ‘fast’, but they simply cannot be considered as forms of fasting. Instead, they are mono-diets or diets

that involve eating only a single kind of food for a certain period of time. These fad diets mislead the true meaning

behind fasting which is to simply resist any food types. Juice cleansing which combines a variety of cleansing fruits and vegetables like apple or cucumber can be

considered as fasts.

Juice Cleansing and Mono Diets

Cleansing with juice gives more health benefits compared to celery fast and other fasting techniques that involve only one kind of fruit or vegetable. By drinking juice, toxin deposits will be released and the body will be able to rest. Furthermore, juicing promotes a more thorough way of cleansing our system, and at the same time, it provides the body with different kinds of nutrients that are necessary for bodily processes to function.

On the other hand, mono-diets do not allow the digestive system to rest in the same way that liquid fasts do and only supply a limited amount of nutrients from the certain fruit or vegetable chosen. That’s why juice cleansing is absolutely better than mono-diets.

Different Fasting Styles

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There are short fasts that only last for less than a week. Doing a 1-day fast every week can help boost the immune system and give you energy and vitality. More so, with 3-day fasts, the body gets a special chance to really “get to work” to cleanse the toxins and conduct general changes in the detoxification and cleansing process.With the 3-day fast, the body will be appreciative of the time that it is granted to meticulously purify itself and get rid of toxic waste that has been deposited for a long time period.

Water Fasting When treating severe or chronic illnesses, water fasting can be considered very useful and effective. However, it is only recommended for people who have already experienced fasting. It is advised to begin with a plan that involves juice fast and then ‘slip’ into a water fast. This way, the cleansing process and the reactions of the body will be less drastic as the body would have gotten its nutrients from the fruits and vegetables during the juicing fast earlier on.

Choosing the Ideal Timing and Venue Fasting should be preferably performed when you are not pressured or stressed and can relax. They key is for you to reduce the need to exert too much energy. For this reason, a vacation or a long leave is undoubtedly a great time to perform fasting. Remember that your body will not heal if you perform fasting during a period when you are mentally or emotionally pressured. Also, fasting should also be done in a place where there are little to zero interruption. Another important factor to consider is the weather. The best time for fasting is during warm seasons during the summer holidays. Fasting during the cold season is not ideal because burning more calories to keep the body warm decreases the body temperature so it becomes easier to get cold.

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Foods to Eat Before Fasting Fasting is not an easy task as your body experience intense change from having to consume solid foods to only taking in liquids. You should be mentally prepared for such a change and give your body time to adapt.

Type of Fast When? What to Eat

Type 1: Pre-Juice Fast

At least 3 days before the fast Drink plenty of water, combined with fruits, Juices, Salads. Do not eat processed carbohydrates, dairy products, bread, fish and other types of meat.

At least 3 days before the fast Drink plenty of water, combined with fruits, Juices, Salads. Do not eat processed carbohydrates, dairy products, bread, fish and other types of meat.

Type 1: Pre-Juice Fast

Day 1raw salad, juices, and fruits, together with cooked vegetables.Type 1: Pre-Juice


Day 2drink plenty of juices and eat only raw fruits and raw salads.

Type 1: Pre-Juice Fast

Day 3 take in only juices and fruits

Type 2: Mono diets

Rotate amongst cleansing fruits and vegetables. E.g. apples, grapes, berries and sprouts. Rotate amongst cleansing fruits and vegetables. E.g. apples, grapes, berries and sprouts.

Type 2: Mono dietsDay 1 e.g. eat strictly apples

Type 2: Mono diets

Day 2 e.g. eat strictly sprouts

Type 2: Mono diets

Day 3 e.g. eat strictly grapes

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Fast Breaking Diet

What You Should Eat Only consume foods that contain plenty of water like tomatoes, oranges, cucumbers, watermelons, and grapes when you stop fasting. After that, you can make a transition into drinking protein nut milks. It’s better to make your own nut milks after soaking the nuts in pure water for a few hours. You can also opt to include plenty of sprouts like sprouts soups or juices. If you want, you can also make smoothies out of the fruits that I have just mentioned. However, you should stay away from bananas because they have low water content.

Listen To Your Body

Tremendously powerful, we have a hunger instinct that can sometimes be deceiving. Most of the time, our body does not send a signal to the brain asking for food when it needs minerals and nutrients. More often than not it is because our body is used to the intake of food whenever it is stressed, or simply bored. These are not real indications of nutritional uptake.

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An important rule to remember is to listen to your body as well as your needs. Make an effort to know when you are really hungry and you have to eat, as opposed to false hunger. To differentiate between the two, you will know that you are truly hungry when the feeling slowly builds up and you crave for healthy foods, not just any junk or sugary food.

On the other hand, false hunger is more comparable to momentary panic attack. Remember that it is far from being really hungry, and your mind is just playing tricks on you. Recall the times when you are so swarmed with work that you delayed lunch: what usually happens is that after the whirlwind you no longer felt as hungry as before, sometimes to the extent of not even wanting food completely. That’s an example of how often our body sends misleading signals to us.

Usually, regular craving for food may come as occasional instances of wanting to eat and having an interest with topics related to food, among others. If it happens that it is your first time fasting, it is advisable for you to break the fast at that point. As time goes by and you get more familiar with fasting, you will be able to break the fast in time, particularly if it lasts more than three days.

It is of the essence to be aware of the ideal and most perfect time to stop the fast as it will also be difficult to do guess-work. The quality of food intake determines how successful the fast is, and these changes if you consume any form of junk food. However tempting it may be, consuming junk during a time when your heart, liver, kidneys, and colon are in a vulnerable condition can cause undue stress that may sometimes cause death. You also shouldn’t prolong fasting past what your body can handle. The key is to know when to stop.

Important Things to Remember

Eat slowly and only in small servings. Improve the function of your digestive glands by including spices like clover, raw honey, apple cider vinegar, and celery to your diet.Include more choices to your menu by including green leaf salads and sesame seed dressing (Tahini) or and add healthy fats like avocado.

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Consume only small amounts of nuts.You should only add more choices to your diet after two or three days. The foods that you can add are whole grains and cooked vegetables like beans, potatoes, and broccoli.

Tips for an Effective Fast

Perform an Epsom salt bath .Take time to meditate and spend time with yourself. That means you should avoid watching TV and surfing the net extensively.Turn off your mobile phone to minimize disruptions to the ‘zen’ state. Minimize the time you spend chatting with other people to avoid temptations.Get enough uninterrupted sleep.

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A liquid diet that is composed of fruit juice, vegetables, water, and other liquids is called a juice cleanse. The fluid that can be derived from raw vegetables and fruits is full of alkaline elements, phytochemicals, minerals, vitamins,

natural sugars, and enzymes which can easily be assimilated by the blood so that it exerts less stress on

the digestive system .


It is estimated that there are over five thousand phytochemicals discovered with many more not yet identified, and these phytochemicals give fruits and vegetables their bright colors.

Juice Cleansing

Phytochemicals Color Food Note

LycopeneDeep Red and Pink

Pink GrapefruitsTomatoWatermelon

Lycopene is fat soluble, so it must be eaten along with fats

Alpha and Beta-carotene/ Flavonoids

Orange and Yellow

CarrotCantaloupe melonMangoOrangePumpkinSweet potato

Converted by the body to Vitamin A.

Citrus fruits contain Vitamin C.

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Phytochemicals Color Food Note

Lutein / ZeaxanthinGreen

AvocadoCollard GreensKaleKiwifruitRomaine lettuceSpinach

Reduce risk of muscle degeneration

Indoles Green

Cruciferous vegetables:

BroccoliBrussels SproutsCabbageCauliflower

Reduce risk of breast cancer and prostrate cancer


Blue and Purple

BlueberryBlackberryEggplantGrape (Red and Black)PlumPrune

Slow down aging by improve neural communication; reduce risk of heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Allyl Sulfides - Allicin


Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, reduce risk of heart attacks,

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The key is to ‘rainbow’ your meals, especially so during cleansing so your body receives the antioxidants and phytochemicals from different colored foods. Juice cleansing clearly demonstrate the supremacy of combining various nutritious vegetables and fruits including celery, carrots, green peppers, parsley, berries, lemons, among others into a glass of yummy juice. With this, you give your digestive system the opportunity to easily absorb the goodness that embodies the fruits and vegetables.

Thus, juice cleansing is considered much easier to do and also safer to perform compared to water fasting since it detoxifies the body while supplying it with vitamins and minerals that in turn supply energy and vigor.This allows the body to completely focus on recovery. Once you have already cleansed toxic deposits that have accumulated for years, you can bring it to the next level and begin a water fast that is more thorough than juice cleansing.

Mechanism and Benefits The mechanism of juice level works on two phases.

1) it eradicates wastes from your system2) it provides nutrients needed to give you enough strength.

With enough calories and nutrients, juice cleansing provides you with sufficient energy to perform daily activities. Do not burden your regular routine while cleansing and remember to rest and resist doing strenuous physical activities . Changes in metabolism and large amounts of toxins are expelled from the blood, lymph, kidneys, intestines, liver, skin, bladder, and lungs happen during the cleansing process. People with different kinds of ailments as well as chronic disorders like arthritis, leukemia, high blood pressure, high cancer, skin infections, kidney and liver diseases, and GERD, see an improvement in their illness by juice cleansing.

By Day 3 of the cleanse, you will lose your appetite. Due to this, your GI tract will be able to rest and get rid of toxic deposits that may cause sicknesses.

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Tips for Effective Juice Cleansing

Reduce Foods With High Sugar Content It is safe to say that you do not have to limit your juice intake since your body is adjusting to the drastic decrease in food. If you encounter difficulties while performing the 3-day juice cleansing for the first time, you may add bits of bananas and avocado in your juice as they are more ‘filling’.

However, doing this will make the recovery process slower, especially for banana, as it contains most of the bulk of sugar. You should try to lessen fruit juices with high sugar levels and are acidic. Sugary foods put undue stress on the pancreas and make them produce excessive insulin, and also nourish the growth Candida that will in turn worsen GERD.

While Preparing the Juice

Go OrganicMake an effort to purchase fruits and vegetables that are organic. Regular vegetables, particularly the leafy ones have excessive amounts of pesticides that may be taken in by your system.

Ingredients at room temperatureRemember that “chewing” your drink to let it warm inside your mouth will help its temperature adjust to your body temperature. For this reason, remove the fruits and vegetables needed for juicing from the fridge 30 minutes before you start juicing them to prepare the enzymes for better digestion of food.

Do it YourselfAlso, try to prepare the juices yourself. Yes, this means waking up earlier in the morning to make the juices before going to work. Do not substitute bottled juices or pasteurized juice for freshly made juices or you’ll defeat the purpose of cleansing by flooding your body with sugar.

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Introduce FiberFiber rouses the digestive system to be active; therefore, it can make the healing process slow. During your fast, taking in juice without fiber will let your system relax and the process of healing can go on undisturbed.

Even though fiber may not be desirable, in the absence of fiber that brushes off toxins from the body, deposits of toxins will not be properly flushed out of your colon and may even be reabsorbed by the blood. Therefore, you should introduce bentonite, flaxseeds, and psyllium shakes as they are examples of great colon cleansers. Deposits of food materials that had been lodged inside your colon will be eliminated with the help of colon cleansers.

As they pass through the intestines, they will add bulk to the waste, take in and remove food items from is obstructed pathway. When taken with a large amount of water, they make the bulk softer.

This is important because a hard bulk will have difficulties moving along the colon.Thus, flaxseeds and bentonite clay cleanse the colon thoroughly by acting like laxatives. The mechanism works this way; through passing through the digestive tract, it absorbs toxins and waste materials into a gel-like mush and carry it off the colon. Refer to the next section for more recipes.

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Proper Cleaning of Fruits and Vegetables What are some of the things found in fruits and vegetables grown using conventional farming methods? Bacteria? Parasites? Pesticides? Herbicides? All of these components are present in high amounts, but you can make a choice to stay away from such harmful components. Chemicals used in agriculture are difficult to remove by washing. However, with an appropriate washing procedure, most parasites and chemicals can be eliminated.

Here’s a tip: Add 4 teaspoons of salt with lemon juice to a container full of cold water. Soak and rinse the vegetables, taking care to rub any soil or insects off the vegetables. Another option is to place it in boiling water to kill microorganisms. A flip side from cooking it under high heat is killing much of the nutrients and phytochemicals, especially so for fragile vegetables like lettuce.

There are some kinds of fruits and vegetables that are easily available in their organic forms. For example, organic carrots are a lot easier to find in health food shops or supermarkets compared to the organic pineapple. As a rule of thumb, always try to buy berries, leafy vegetables, oranges, apples in their organic form.

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Vitamins and Minerals to Take During the Fast

Most supplements are solid in nature, or contains solid substances to bind them into a tablet/capsule form. Therefore, consuming them will violate the fast. Since you are taking juices that contain high amounts of nutrients, you would not need extra supplements.

The fragile chemistry balance of your body will also be affected by vitamin intake. Vitamin C and other water-soluble vitamins are the only supplements that you are permitted to take in. But really, there is no need for them as fresh vegetables and fruits are richly abundant in water-soluble vitamins.

Symptoms to Look Out For

Every living cell in your body will be dedicated to the purging of toxins and rejuvenating itself to a healthy state, but there are always exceptions whereby it reacts negatively to the cleanse. Thus, be alert and look out for symptoms of allergic reactions. Muscle aches, asthma, fever, bronchitis, and fatigue are healing symptoms that you may encounter during the cleanse. These symptoms are the same as the signs of flu.

Remember that those manifestations are your body’s response to the large amounts of toxins that are present in the blood before your system eliminates them. The symptoms that you will experience will depend upon the organ with which the toxins will pass. This means that you will have asthma if they pass through the lungs; you will get skin irritation, pimples, or rashes if they get eliminated through the skin. There’s no need to worry because these symptoms do not last long; and the more drastic the symptoms are, the more toxins are being cleanse from your body.

Important Reminder:

If the symptoms that you experience are too extreme, like for instance, you have a high-grade fever, it is advisable to stop the fast immediately. Through eating solid or semi-solid food, toxins in your blood will be diluted and you will feel more comfortable.

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Physical Activities During the juice cleansing process, you should engage in exercise and physical activities as it supplies enough oxygen to skin cells. Also, by increasing blood flow to the skin, the skin’s healing process quickens because it is cleansed from the inside. Exercising also helps to open up our skin pores and remove toxins through sweat.

Brisk walking, biking, and swimming and are some examples of aerobic activities that are recommended because they do not stress the respiratory system and do not require much effort. Another form of exercise that can effectively eliminate toxins is yoga. It also allows blood oxygenation and alleviates tension.

With exercise, your lung capacity increases and this helps to release toxins. You breathe more deeply and more oxygen is supplied to the cells. The lymph glands are also responsible for getting rid of wastes.

Do not engage in strenuous physical activities like weightlifting, and running as there is a risk you may experience nausea and fatigue.

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Keeping a Journal

In the absence of eating and digesting, it is recommended for you to examine your thoughts and emotions. Through your journal, you will be able to release and discover your deepest thoughts. Many people have rediscovered themselves during the fast by further understanding their thoughts and behavior. Also, you will get to monitor attitude changes, and observe instances where your resolve weakened, and how you can prevent future succumb to temptations.

At any point during the cleanse, write down any instance where your appetite or interest for food has perked. You can also write down your anger regarding the absence of a “real full meal”. This will also help you distinguish real hunger from mental stimulations such as boredom and temptation. Having angry thoughts is in indication that you need to break the fast.

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Selecting a Juicer

Aside from considering important factors like quality and cost, when buying a juicer, there is another point you should consider. To avoid damaging the juice, you must purchase a juicer that can operate on low speeds. Juicers that do not have low speeds can potentially harm your juice with excessive oxygen, increase the temperature of the juice, and reduce the number of the nutrients that it contains.

There are mainly three types of juicer: the centrifugal juicer, the masticating juicer, and the triturating juicer.

Centrifugal Juicer

Centrifugal juicer is probably your best choice if you have a tight budget. The cheapest amongst the three, it can serve most of your basic juicing needs but is unable to break the fibers of some grasses and other lea fy vegetables like spinach and fresh herbs.Thus the juice extracted may not be 100% of what you put in the juicer.

Centrifugal juicer works by breaking the fruits and vegetables into smaller pieces and create a pulp. The blades used for cutting, as well as the strainer, spins at high speeds, and the centrifugal force created separates the juice from the pulp. A disadvantage of this high speed spinning is the introduction of oxygen into the juice,

Follow these juice cleansing recipes to clear your body of toxins. You will also experience a more energetic,

revitalized body after drinking the different juice blends. As much as possible, buy fruits and vegetables that are organic and wash them carefully before blending into


Juice Cleansing Recipes

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causing important nutrients to oxidize very quickly. Spinning also creates heat, killing enzymes in the process.

Masticating (Single Auger) Juicer

Masticating juicer is a mid-end product, better than centrifugal juicer but not comparable to twin-gear juicer. It ’s much stronger than centrifugal juicer as it can extract more juice and separate the juice from the pulp more effectively to give a dryer pulp.

How it works is to rotate the inputs in a cylindrical shaped cutter which helps to cut foods effectively. As the operate at much lower speeds than centrifugal juicer, less oxygen s introduced and the equipment is kept at a lower heat, which helps to retain the enzymes and nutrients. They are a better option as extracting juices from spinach, and wheatgrass are not a problem for them.

Triturating (Twin-Gear) JuicerThe most expensive juicer in the market, triturating juicers give you the juice that has the least fiber, yet packed full of nutrients. Fruits and vegetables are fed and pressed between the twin interlocking gears, and the pulp is trapped so the extracted juice can flow to a catchment area. What’s most amazing is the low-speed motors

used, retaining the essential enzymes and nutrients in the juice.

Juicers typically operate on high speeds (1,000-24,000 rounds per minute). The good thing about low rpm speeds is that they can preserve the nutritional value of the juice while leaving the innate flavor of the vegetable or fruit.

A juicer can be used for other tasks aside from juicing. They are also not hard to clean. When considering a juicer, particular fruits or vegetables s h o u l d a l s o b e t a k e n i n t o consideration.

Vegetable Blends

One of the popular and cheaply available vegetables for making juices is carrot. Besides giving your juice a rich orange hue, carrot provides great flavor and is easy to prepare.

Combine carrots with beets , cabbage, celery, spinach, kale, mango, apple, alfalfa, green pepper, radish.

You can also add herbs like cilantro, garlic, parsley, ginger.

Here’s some popular blends:• Carrot, beet, green pepper, parsley

• Carrot, celery, cilantro, garlic

• Carrot, celery stick, radish, beet

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• Carrot, parsley, cucumber, radish

• Carrot, spinach, kale, red pepper• Carrot, apple, ginger

Another blend that is high in ch lorophy l l i s g reen b l ends . Combinations of green vegetables are great for cleansing and detoxifying blood as well as boosting our mental health. Include at least 1 green blend in your juice cleansing diet daily. There is no limit on the amount of green juices you can consume since they are highly beneficial to your body.

Celery, spinach, lettuce and tomato are ideal to use for green blends and they have great detoxifying qualities. Celery contains a high amount of sodium and complements cucumber very well. Spinach, on the other hand, is great at cleansing the blood. Even though tomato is not technically a ‘green’ vegetable (in fact, tomato is a fruit), it adds a zesty and sweet flavor to the green juice. Here are some popular blends,

• Celery, fennel (anise), cucumber

• Celery, spinach, tomato, cabbage

• Lettuce, cabbage, celery, lemon• Lettuce, spinach, cucumber

• Lemon, radish, beet, celery, sweet


• Tomato, cabbage,cucumber

Tips: Add herbs and spices to push the flavor to the next level. Examples are cayenne, ginger, parsley and dill.

Caution: Beet is an extremely powerful blood cleanser, do not consume beet juice on its own as you may feel dizzy. Always combine it with other fruits and/or vegetables. Remember, variety is the key!

The King of Greens: Wheatgrass

Without a doubt, wheatgrass’s popularity has grown exponentially for the past years, and it is not without its reason. Chlorophyll, the green coloring in plants which is also known as the blood of plants, is richly supplied by wheatgrass. Besides containing chlorophyl l , wheatgrass is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E. Wheatgrass also has an excellent healing power. For instance, it can promote alkalinity in the blood, heal broken tissues, cleanse the intestines, flush out toxins from the liver, and increase the enzyme activity..

Drink approximately half a glass of wheatgrass daily, but similar to beet juice, consuming excessive amounts may lead to hyper-detoxification which may lead to nausea.

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Fruity Blends

An emphasis is placed on apples, berries for their cleansing properties, and watermelon. All of these fruits give a delicious shade of crimson red, or have reddish skin. Fruity blends oxidize very quickly, especially if it contains apples, so add a spoon of lemon juice to retain its beautiful color.

With Apple

• Apples and berries (blackberry,

blueberry, cranberry, strawberry)• Apples and grapes

• Apples and pears

• Apples and watermelon

With Watermelon

• Watermelon and grapefruit

• Watermelon and lemon• Watermelon and papaya

Tropical shake

• Sweet potato, papaya and pineapple

Reminder: People who suffer from heartburn should minimize intake of fruit juices, and limit to a maximum of 1 serving daily. This is because the high levels of fruit sugars and the connection between Candida and heartburn.

Tips:If you suffer from constipation, include more bowel moving fruits like papaya, figs, and pineapple in your blend.

Apple Cider Vinegar

In the main book, the potent antibiotic and antiseptic properties of apple cider vinegar have already been highlighted. Remember to choose only the kind that is raw and unfiltered and derived from organic apples.

By drinking apple cider vinegar, the body will be provided with a potent cleanser and the pH balance in the intestines will be kept at an ideal level. Drink a glass of water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach.

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Nut Milks

Excellent in satiating craving, nut milks are ideal for fasts that last longer than 2 weeks or as a pre-fast diet, especially when your appetite is growing. Sesame and almond milks can help lessen a person’s craving for protein. Once you start craving for something ‘solid’ to eat while you are on juice cleansing, simply process these nuts with a cup of water and a teaspoon of honey. Do not drink nut milks too often during cleansing - only once every 2 days. With high protein and fat content, nut milks are very healthy. Stay away from cashew nuts because their fat content makes the ongoing process of detoxification sluggish, and the cashew puree left violates the no ‘solids’ rule in fasting.

Reminder: Some great sources of protein are foods like cheese and meat; however, protein sources are not limited to meat or dairy sources as protein can also be found in plants. Some excellent sources of protein are nut milks and wheatgrass. They can be taken sparingly during the period of fasting.

Also, during the detox process, there is no need for protein. You will be okay without protein for a long period of

time. Once you start having an appetite for foods that are rich in protein, it means that it is high time to break the fast.

Herb Teas

Freshly cut dried herbs have high medicinal values to help improve our health. From them, we can derive therapeutic herb teas that have zero caffeine content. During the fast, you can take herb teas as much as you want to. Some of the herbs can help to to manage your appetite , cure headaches, soothe stuffiness due to cold, and alleviate nausea.

Cloves, parsley, alfalfa, peppermint, chamomile, capsicum, rose hips, and comfrey are some herb teas that are therapeutic and have high nutritional va lues , prov id ing you with an abundance of vitamins and minerals. .

It’s advisable to include herbs that stimulate the digestive processes in your juices. You can sprinkle some cinnamon, clove, or nutmeg, or add cascara sagrada along with licorice to rouse the colon. Liver cleansing can be done using herbs like burdock, dandelion, and yellow dock root.

High magnesium content: Basil, caraway, cardamom, cloves, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel seed, oregano, sage, parsley, garlic

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High vitamin C content: Coriander, thyme, parsley, dil, cloves, saffron, sage, peppermint, cayenne, rosemary, basil, oregano, and rose hips

High in calcium: Stinging nettle, dill, dried thyme, basil, dandelion, chamomile

Bentonite/ Psyllium/ Flaxseed ShakePrepare this shake after you wake up every morning. In a glass of water, add 1 tablespoon of ground psyllium or flaxseed and 1 tablespoons of liquid bentonite. Drink the shake right after making it as it will turn into gel if you do not drink it at once.


No matter what you do, always remember to drink water. It has the ability to wash away toxins from the kidneys, bladder, and digestive tracts. Drinking water also refreshes your body.

It is extremely vital to take in only pure water. This means that tap water, distilled water, and spring water should not be used as they may either be contaminated, unclean or contains no ‘live’ substances. Alternatively, you can drink filtered or mineral water.

When you add lemon juice to water, it adds a laxative effect which enhances the digestive system’s ability to detox. Drink a glass of warm water with the juice of a half lemon and drink it right after getting up in the morning. Do this prior to taking in the flaxseed shake and bentonite clay.

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Keeping your intestines healthy is akin to servicing your air-conditioner regularly. Sweeping out debris from your

rectum and large intestines will help to relieve constipation and serve as an effective way of detox. You

have to ensure the regular ‘servicing’ of your colon to ensure that the toxins do not get re-absorbed by the



In the duration of the fast, you must aid your body in eradicating the buildup of waste that it cannot get rid of by itself due to the absence of food bulk, and this is where enemas come in. Enemas wash or rinse your intestines with the use of water. They are also not invasive. Aside from being inexpensive, you can perform them under your own roof.

In all honesty, enemas may sound gross and off-putting. Despite the negative things that you think of whenever you see the word “enema”, remember that having an enema daily while fasting enhances the cleansing effect. as it gives your internal organs the much needed rest that they deserve. Also, it can help you to relax and you may even enjoy doing it.

Intestinal Health to Clear Toxins

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To prepare your stool for enema, you go through a pre-fast with raw vegetarian food as it helps to soften your stool and gives it fiber, making it much easier to wash out with water. Special EnemasWhatever the purpose may be, you can put in many other mixtures into the enema water. The other more common enemas are wheatgrass, coffee, mineral oil, yogurt (inclusion of acidophilus to allow the growth of friendly bacteria), and sodium phosphate to or in place of water. This can rouse the liver to empty itself and it can also promote alkalinity in the colon. You can also maintain a proper pH balance in the colon by including vinegar in the enema mixture. Among the many kinds of enemas, the water bag enema is what I will recommend. Coffee EnemaA popular type of enema used to evacuate the bowels, mixing 2 tablespoons of organic coffee to water, can drastically increase the speed of detoxification. Besides cleansing the liver, it also flushes toxins from the gall bladder.

How To Administer the Enema Note: Do not administer enema without the guidance of your doctor if it is your first time performing the enema.

Thoroughly wash an enema bag, and fill it with lukewarm purified water. For a stronger effect, you can add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and sea salt to the mixture.

Your position, using the bladder as a marker, should be at about 3 feet higher than the ground, which is the height that provides the best water pressure to flush out the toxins. You can comfortably lie on your left side, buttocks up, with your right knees bent, or just adjust your position on the bathroom floor. To lubricate both the anus and enema tip, use a lubricant gel. Some people prefer to use soap suds but the alkalinity may hurt the skin, so use a lubricant gel.

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Relax and insert the enema nozzle fully into the anus using your right hand. It may be a little uncomfortable at first but it shouldn’t be overly painful. Allow a secure water flow into your rectum. Try to squeeze the enema fully, but at moderate pace, to allow the entire enema liquid to flow into the rectum. Slight cramps are normally felt; however, if you are not comfortable, stop for a while, and try again. Repeat the process till the enema is empty. Massaging the abdomen during the enema is advisable as it helps the fluid to go deeper into the colon, allowing for a more thorough cleanse.

Caution for ElectrolytesA substance that transmits electric charges is called an electrolyte - it is anything that contains free ions that are mobile. Electrolyte are typically an ionic solution. Our blood is also a large reserve of electrolyte. The ions inside the blood are made up of bases, acids and salts, which are found in the food you eat. For example, calcium, chlorine, potassium, sodium and magnesium. With the help of electrolytes in our bodily fluids, our nervous system is able to perform its usual task.

Just like friendly bacteria, it is of the essence to make sure that you have balanced electrolytes before and after performing the enema or liver flush. Do not allow your electrolyte reserves to deplete drastically as it is dangerous for you health. With this, it is important for you to reinstate electrolytes after conducting a liver flush or enema. You can do this by drinking a glass of water with sea salt added to it.

Replacing Your Intestinal Bacteria

The level of friendly bacteria in the colon are affected by antibiotics, hormones, drugs, and other kinds of toxins. Good bacteria are responsible for helping the body in its fight to eradicate Candida and acid reflux, taking in important nutrients, eliminating toxin deposits caused by constipation, and maintaining a healthy pH balance in the digestive tract. During the enema, many toxins, including those that help friendly bacteria to flourish, are flushed out. In other words, using enema also lessens the number of friendly bacteria.

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How To Replace Good Bacteria

With this said, during a fast replenishing the number of good bacteria is a must. Doing this is easy. Simply take 1 tablespoon of goat milk yogurt along with 2 capsules of bifidus and acidophilus. If bifidus or acidophilus is not available take the goat’s milk yogurt on its own, and combine them with one half cup of warm water. This solution should be added in the enema kit. Try to let the solution sit inside the colon for 10 minutes.

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Building a Candida Free Environment

As a fungal organism that is known for being stubborn, Candida grows and nourishes itself in different ways, and they get a great amount of help from western fast food, processed foods, modern city life, and pollution. Because drugs, contraceptives and hormones pills, and antibiotics kill friendly bacteria, yeast becomes free to grow.

In the previous chapter, we have discussed juice cleansing as an effective way to clear toxins. However, a juice cleanse is considered a partial solution to eradicate Candida if even if you limit your diet to alkaline vegetables that have low sugar and starch content like garlic, green leafy vegetables, ginger root, peppers, onion, and parsley. It can enhance the performance of the immune system and make Candida stay inactive.

Eradicate Parasites

Cleansing procedures are incomplete if you do not make an effort to eradicate parasites in your system. Parasites are tiny organisms that eat, reproduce, and excrete toxins in your blood, residing happily for a long period of time without being noticed. Even though they are tiny, some species can grow up to 15 inches long. They feed on nourishment supplied to them, particularly on sugar.

Candida Loves Sugar

When food is not properly chewed or you consume the wrong combination of foods, undigested particles enter the colon, and it so happens that yeast grows on them. Refined sugars and foods with high starch or carbohydrate content are the ones which specifically nourish Candida. This tells us why most people crave for sweets or bread that almost amount to the cravings that they have for liquor.

In the presence of sugar, these parasites multiply and feed on minerals such as calcium. They also consume vital protein and injure your lungs, liver, nervous system, and joints. Over time, this situation leads to ailments like anemia, severe allergic reactions, arthritis, and even problems with the digestive system like GERD. Allergy reaction can appear as skin irritation, for example, eczema and hives. Parasites also secrete ammonia, a potent toxin that can make you sick.

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An acidic environment which is not provided with enough alkaline foods that are essential in balancing pH levels is where yeast ideally grows. But diet is not all to be blamed. Stress is also capable of inhibiting the function of the immune system, and this is also favorable for the growth of yeast.

Water Fasting

With water fasting, you are able to cut sugar and other materials that nourish Candida. This makes Candida inactive for a short period of time. During the period of water fasting, the immune system gets rejuvenated and has the ability to kill Candida.

However, quick and short water fasts that last for only 3 days or shorter are not enough because killing Candida is a long process, and is applicable especially for severe cases of Candida overgrowth.

Things to Eat

The most successful and natural method to eliminate parasites is through intake of garlic, wormwood, black walnut, oregano oil, olive leaf and cloves every day for an entire week. It’s best to take these herbs, especially garlic, raw. Doing this will end the life of most parasites. But remember not to stuff yourself with garlic as it

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may weaken your LES and worsen heartburn. Raw pumpkin seeds is also a good alternative as they contain fatty acids that aid in eliminating parasites.

If you aren’t too keen on the idea of raw food, you can add coconut oil to your cuisine as it’s great for killing parasites in your body.

Anti-Candida Supplements

Code #1 - Caprylic acid

Another potent agent that fights Candida and fungus is Caprylic acid which is also known as calcium-magnesium caprylate. It is advisable for you to take it gradually and slowly while making trials with the dose in order to prevent the die-off effect.

For a period of 7 days, you can take up to 500mg safely each day. Try monitoring your body’s responses to the dose. You can raise your dosage up to 1 gram per day if all is well within 7 days of initial intake. Continue doing this for 3 weeks until you have increased the dose to 3 grams a day.

Code #2 - Oregano Oil and Olive Leaf Extract

The use of oregano oil and olive leaf extract is highlighted in this code. They are complemented with garlic and ginger root. All these are potent agents that can fight fungus. If taken religiously, they can completely eradicate Candida.

Aside from killing Candida, olive leaf extract is also capable of eliminating residual bacteria including parasites that you may have in your colon. As Candida thrives on elevated blood sugar levels, taking olive leaf extract regulates your blood sugar levels, and it is also a powerful antioxidant.

A good guide is to consume1000-2000mg of olive leaf extract on an empty stomach.

One of the most effective Candida-fighting supplements, oregano oil can also eradicate all kinds of fungi, yeasts, and bacteria. Combine 1 part oregano oil to 5 parts olive oil. You only need a few drops of oregano oil as it is very potent. You can also use oregano oil in salads.

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When it comes to the doses of oregano oil, you should conduct trials so that your body can slowly adapt to the oil. With a severe Candida overgrowth, starting with a small does is encouraged. Otherwise, there is a chance that you might experience the effect of the death of Candida and parasites (also known as the die-off effect) which is manifested by flu-like symptoms, nausea and fever.

Points to Remember

Olive oil extract and oregano oil are both very powerful and they should only be consumed after the second cleansing protocol. Also, intake of these supplements should not exceed 2-3 weeks in a row each. There is a reason why you should only take anti-yeast supplements for 3 weeks only. This is because these herbs work in cycles. They cease working after 2-3 weeks.

The safe dose for olive leaf extract is between 1000mg – 2000mg daily. Pure oregano oil is more powerful. To balance it, you can add olive oil or any other type of oil. Typically, the mixture is 1 part oregano oil to 5 parts olive and take only a few drops daily.

A safe rule to follow is to make trials with the doses at the start. Do not take the plunge into higher doses as your body is not familiar with the herbs.

It is advisable to take oregano oil for 2-3 weeks. Give it a rest for 2 weeks. After that, you can take olive leaf extract in a period of 2 weeks. Take a rest for 2 weeks or more. Make sure that when you do this, it will not exceed 8 weeks in total.

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How To Kill Candida

Killing Candida is a method that starts by altering the internal environment of the Candida by:

Step 1

Modify your blood pH from acidic to alkaline and temporarily lessen sweets or any types of sugar from your diet as you consume foods that promote alkalinity in your blood like wheatgrass juice and low-sugar veggies. This will render Candida inactive for the time being.

If your Candida infection is moderate to severe, you will have to completely remove all gluten grains and refined carbohydrates from your diet. This include foods like white rice and bread.

Eat non gluten grains like amaranth and quinoa in moderation. You should also stay away or minimize consumption of all preserved and canned foods, red meat, yeasty foods, moldy veggies and vinegar (except apple cider vinegar) dairy (specifically the ones derived from cow’s milk and goat’s milk; sheep’s milk can be eaten sparingly), caffeine, liquor, and egg whites.

RememberThe best tip that we can give you about fruits is to minimize them in your diet by eating only 1 portion every morning. Remove moldy fruits like bananas and extremely sugary fruits from your diet.

Here are some fruits that you should avoid: frozen fruit juice, canned and dried fruit.

If your Candida infection is severe, sugary vegetables like carrots and beets, as well as fruits are not allowed during the initial phase.

Step 2

Continue cleansing your system with the juicing procedure.

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Step 3

The next step is all about including supplements that help eliminate Candida and enhance the functions of the immune system. These supplements are garlic wormwood, black walnut, oregano oil, cloves, and olive leaf.

Step 4

Letting friendly bacteria that protects the body from Candida overgrowth to be nurtured back on the colon is the last step. In this step, you can consume probiotics ( unsweetened yogurt made from goat’s milk, that has not been heated up) and prebiotics.

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The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, namely for converting toxic substances into non-toxic form and eliminating them from the body. A liver

that is unable to perform its tasks could give way to problems in digestion, a compromised immune system,

deposits of toxins and wastes, abnormalities in the levels of hormones, growth of Candida albicans, and GERD.

Why Perform Liver Flush?

The motivation behind a liver flush is a significant positive changes in digestion, which is the foundation of your general well-being. How does the liver flush help you to achieve this? By performing a liver flush, the liver is cleansed and it is also a natural method to eliminate liver stones and gallstones.

Different problems like rashes, allergies, acne, and headache will be resolved. Your energy and vitality will be enhanced, and you will enjoy a drastic change in your general health.You will be able to relieve your liver and gallbladder from most debris, cholesterol crystals and stones that limit your body’s detoxification and healing processes by way of having a liver flush along with a fasting routine.

Cleansing the Liver and the Gallbladder

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Liver Flush and Heartburn

As compared to gallbladder surgery which can be avoided, a liver flush is a painless and fast method that can be safely performed at home. It is convenient because it uses only cheap ingredients, and it does not bring about any side effects.

Many people who suffer the life-long effects of psoriasis, as well as higher back and shoulder pains, have noted an intense positive change in their health after their initial liver cleansing. When it comes to problems in digestion such as acid reflux, a liver flush can bring about wonderful effects with no side effects in most people. In addition, it also improves skin condition and make the hair shinier.

This is because it is not limited to just cleansing the liver, it also enhances its functionality. Blood circulation, as well as digestion which is one of the secondary reasons that lead to acid reflux, are improved in significant ways after performing a liver flush.


Ideally, liver cleansing should be done every six months.If you are carrying a child or lactating, or if you are aware that you have gallstones, polyps, or a weakened liver or gallbladder, do not try this liver flush. Before trying the liver flush below, inform your doctor first. Failure to do this means that you are risking your own health.

Be certain that you can tolerate Magnesium Sulfate or Epsom Salt before you try to take in 4 tablespoons. You should do this because if you cannot tolerate Magnesium Sulfate, you will experience extreme discomfort in your body.

This cleansing procedure should only be done after performing a bowel cleanse and an Antiparasitic Regimen. If these mentioned steps are neglected, the liver cleanse can cause a bad experience and may be unproductive. This is because the amount of waste produced through the cleansing process can damage the kidney if they are full of toxins. Also, parasites may disrupt the flow of bile, which can cause painful pressure build-up in the gall bladder.

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If you follow the procedures closely, you will not encounter pain during the flush. This is true even for those who are into their 80's, as told by Dr. Hulda Clark, the author of “The Cure for All Diseases”, who has examined 500 cases of liver flush. On the surface, liver cleansing may sound difficult and unpleasant but it is quite easy.

Ideally, you should expect some ‘by-products’ to arise from the flush. A multitude of what appears like pellets of lard that contain crystals such as salt will be produced by the flush. They are crystals but they are referred to as “stones”. They are enclosed in fat, cholesterol, and olive oil.

Bigger stones will also be wrapped in these substance and should not cause pain when moved through the bowel. More so, the Epsom salt will open the valves of the bile duct for the bigger stones to pass through. For this reason, you will not feel anything as a train of stones will pass along them like marbles.

Primary Steps

1.Get rid of metal and bacteria in your mouth.

Prior to starting the program, you must be definite that you have eradicated all your dental problems. It is also highly advisable that you substitute any mercury fillings you possibly have, so your mouth is free of metal. A mouth that is full of toxins can cause undue stress to the liver, particularly after it has been cleansed optimally.

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2.Complete a parasite cleanse.

Dr. Hulda Clark recommends that a successful liver flush cannot be done when there is a possibility that there are parasites in your body. This means that prior to attempting a liver flush, you must eliminate the parasites that are present in your body. If you fail to do this, you will eradicate only a limited number of stones. Just follow the 7-day parasite elimination plan (for eliminating Candida) that is in the earlier chapters. To summarize, the ingredients required for the parasite cleanse are wormwood, cloves and black walnut hulls.

Use the three herbs together in a single cleanse. Wormwood and black walnut hull kills adult forms of parasites and the cloves will kill the eggs. So the use of all 3 herbs in combination kills all the parasites at one go.

Black walnut hull tincture

Dissolve 1 drop in half a cup of water, and sip on an empty stomach before your meals. Increase the dose by 1 drop each day. By Day 6, you should increase the concentration by combining 2 teaspoon of black walnut hull with ¼ cup of water. Do not gulp it all at one go, and the slight alcoholic content in the tincture may make you uncomfortable and dizzy so do not drive or operate any machinery at that time. Also do not increase the dose to 2 teaspoons immediately as its effect may be too strong for your body to handle.


This can be found in health store, typically in the 200-300 mg capsule form. From Day 1 to Day 2, take 1 capsule with water at night, preferably before supper. From Day 3 to Day 4, increase the dosage to 2 capsules. By Day 7, you should be consuming 4 capsules. If your stomach is sensitive to the capsule, you can stay longer on a smaller dose.

ClovesIf you are not able to find cloves supplement in the local health store, grind fresh cloves and fill them into empty vegetarian capsules. For the first day, take 1 capsule 3 times daily. For the second day, take 2 capsules 3 times daily. And from Day 3 to Day 7, you can take 3 capsules daily.

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3.Three-day Apple Juice Cleanse

Before performing the flush, an ideal practice is to allow the stones in the gallbladder and liver to soften and dissolve to ensure easy exit. A three-day apple juice cleanse should be able to bring about this result. It can also cleanse your kidneys which should also be free of toxins as you perform the flush.

Apples contain pectin, and it is responsible for softening the stones and aiding their smooth exit through the bile ducts. By performing the apple fast, the intestines are also opened and emptied, which aids the smooth exit of stones.

Basically, the 3-day apple juice fast is a 3-day juicing fast only. Apple juice is used and regular juice fast guidelines should be followed. This assists the organs of elimination to expel toxins.

The intention of performing the apple juice fast is more than just softening the stones in the liver and gallbladder. Enemas done every day (or ideally colonic hydrotherapy) will keep the colon cleansed. This will prevent the toxins from the liver from being trapped in a congested colon.

Remember: If you think that a 3-day apple juice fast is too difficult for you, you can opt to try a 3-day mono-diet as a replacement. You can do this by consuming only raw apples or cucumbers in a duration of 3 days.

One-Day Liver and Gallbladder Cleansing

After going through the primary steps you are ready for the one day liver and gallbladder cleansing program.

What to use

4 tbsp Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate)3 lemons or fresh pink grapefruit½ cup extra virgin olive oil (cold-pressed)3 cups of waterOrnithine, to help you in sleeping (optional)

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What to do

The flush is preferably conducted on a day (Saturday) when you do not have work on the next day. This will give you the chance to rest.

Break the apple juice fast by consuming a 100% raw vegetable and fruit meal in the morning. Make sure that you do not consume food that contains fat and try to buy organic produce, if possible.

For lunch, eat the same kind of meal which includes only raw fruits and vegetables. You can put in some salt if you like, for the purpose of putting pressure in the liver. Remember not to eat after 2 p.m. or you may feel unwell after that.

2:00 p.m. Combine the Epsom salts in 3 cups of water, and transfer the mixture in a jar. Put it in a refrigerator as it taste better when it’s cool. This Epsom salt solution is for 4 servings.

6:00 p.m. Consume ¾ cup from the mixture, and take 2 cups of water afterwards. You can rinse your mouth after consuming the mixture if you do not like the aftertaste.

8:00 p.m. Drink another ¾ cup from the mixture.

9:45 p.m. Extract the juice of the 3 lemons (or grapefruits) and combine it with a half cup of olive oil. Place it in a refrigerator after shaking it well to cool the mixture for better taste. Complete your tasks for the evening, go to the bathroom, and prepare yourself for bed.

10:00 p.m. Stand beside your bed. Then, drink the entire olive oil mixture that you have made earlier (at 9.45 p.m.). Take in the mixture slowly for a duration of 5-15 minutes and lie flat on your back with your head up. Stay in this position for 20 minutes. You may feel the stones moving from your liver and gallbladder without any pain.

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Lie on your left side when you sleep and pull your right hand up to your chest. If you do not lie down, the stones may not move. If you have trouble falling asleep, you may consume 4 capsules of Ornithine before taking the mixture.

7:00 a.m. When you wake up (not before 6am), drink a third dose of the Epsom salt mixture. At that phase, you should not be surprised when you experience diarrhea. Observe for some greenish stones in your stool. Gallstones tend to float because they have cholesterol. You may also see some brownish floating crystals that are not circular in form. These crystals came from the bile ducts.

9:00 a.m. Consume your final dose of Epsom salt mixture and go back to bed.

11:00 a.m. You may now eat fresh fruits and vegetables. It is recommended that you begin consuming only fresh juices and not solid fruits or vegetables. At least 2 hours after eating fresh fruits and vegetables, you can now go back to eating regular foods again. However, remember to do this slowly and do not feast on anything that’s difficult on the stomach.

Source: "The Cure for all Diseases",1995 by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. 

ConclusionYou have now cleansed your liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts. You have also been successful in getting rid of a drastic amount of stones and residue.

It is highly advisable that after performing each flush, the colon must be cleansed to make sure that there are no gallstones or liver stones that cannot exit. Usually, most people will perform 1 or 2 enema routines after every flush just to be certain that there are no residues left.

Repeat this procedure every six months. In addition, consume 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil every morning to boost the performance of the liver.

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