Fashion Basics - · The croqui looks stupid with skin tight clothing. • Use...

1/17/18 1 My Philosophy of Fashion EVERYONE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL! Fashion Basics Protection Provides physical safeguards to the body Prevents harm from climate and environment Maintains body temperature Keeps you safe from harm or injury Ex. Football Players wear helmets, when you go boating, you wear a life vest Safety clothing is required in some occupations Firefighters, policemen, medical workers Modesty Covering the body according to the code of decency established by society Modesty standards are different in other cultures. Muslim women must cover their bodies and faces completely. Only their eyes can show Guides in clothing choices. You want to feel like you belong Adornment Using individual wardrobe to add decoration or ornamentation (Make-up, clothes, accessories, etc.) In some cultures, adornment is used to show traditions or devotion to their religion. Other cultures use it as a way to enhance their appearance.

Transcript of Fashion Basics - · The croqui looks stupid with skin tight clothing. • Use...



My Philosophy of Fashion EVERYONE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL!

Fashion Basics


• Provides physical safeguards to the body • Prevents harm from climate and environment • Maintains body temperature • Keeps you safe from harm or injury •  Ex. Football Players wear helmets, when you go boating, you

wear a life vest • Safety clothing is required in some occupations –  Firefighters, policemen, medical workers


• Covering the body according to the code of decency established by society •  Modesty standards are different in other cultures. Muslim

women must cover their bodies and faces completely. Only their eyes can show

• Guides in clothing choices. You want to feel like you belong


• Using individual wardrobe to add decoration or ornamentation (Make-up, clothes, accessories, etc.)

•  In some cultures, adornment is used to show traditions or devotion to their religion. Other cultures use it as a way to enhance their appearance.




• Establishing one’s position or rank in comparison to others – Example: Military uniforms, designer clothing, etc.


• Clothing that establishes who someone is, what they do, or to which group they belong. – Police officers, sports teams, nurses/doctors

Why People Select Certain Clothes

•  Values: the ideas, beliefs, and things that are important to an individual –  Underlying reasons for a basis for a person’s

decisions, lifestyle and code of ethics – Motivations for a persons actions – Where a person puts their money show their value – Advertising can influence values –  Values and clothing selection can be influenced by age

• Attitudes: formed from values –  Reactions to people, things, or ideas

Why People Wear Certain Clothes

•  Conformity: obeying or agreeing with some given standard or authority – We learn early in life what others expect us to wear –  Gives a sense of belonging –  Too much conformity can mean a loss of personal

individuality •  Individuality: self-expression –  Distinguishes one person from another – When we choose styles different from our friends,

we are expressing our individuality

Why People Wear Certain Clothes

• Personality: Total characteristics that distinguish an individual, especially his or her behavioral tendencies – Certain ways of dressing give clues about

personality traits (ex: people who wear very decorative things are usually very sociable)

Yin and Yang •  Chinese concept used to describe how apparently

opposites are actually complementary to each other •  In fashion, it’s using opposite looking pieces to create

an attractive and appealing look.



Aspects of Personal Appearance

• Yin and Yang can describe your personal appearance.

• No person is exclusively yin or yang. Just like the symbol, most people are a combination of both.


• Sturdy • Straight lines • Angular shapes • Larger scale items/patterns • More structure • Design: buttons & pleats.


• Delicate • Curved lines • Round shapes • Smaller scale items/patterns • Design: bows & ruffles

Yin and Yang of Patterns

Jacket Styles The Combo

• Combining both to create a complementary outfit



Portfolio Expectations

Portfolio Expectations

•  Background must be on white cardstock •  Boarders must be1/4” on black cardstock and

they must have STRAIGHT edges. •  Sketches must be outlined with a black fine point

sharpie and colored. • A title must be included. •  Descriptions must be typed! You must use basic

design details in your descriptions of the outfit. Be sure to explain WHERE on the design you created the concept you are assessing and underline the concept.



•  Use pencil on rough drafts… and PRACTICE!! •  Use the croqui forms I provided you with or draw your

own. •  Draw hair. The croqui looks stupid without hair. •  Do NOT draw a face. The croqui looks stupid with a

face. •  Think about how clothing sits on the human form. It is

not skin tight. The croqui looks stupid with skin tight clothing.

•  Use the sheet protectors to put designs in. •  Be patient, have fun and DON’T PROCRASTINATE!

Portfolio Assignments

• Each assignment will be worth 20 points –  2 points for Title –  3 points for Description –  5 points for mounting –  10 points for completing assignment with required





• First, practice your sketching! • Then, design a sketch that incorporates at

least one yang item and one yin item. • Make sure to point them out in your
