
33 Copyright@2011 All rights reserved BEAUTYBEING.COM Fashion Collection 1 Want to know the 15 secrets supermodels and makeup artists are trying to keep to themselves? Discover their best secrets here.


Hot Celeb Party Styles On A Budget

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Want to know the 15 secrets supermodels and makeup artists are trying to keep to

themselves? Discover

their best secrets here.

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Contents Beauty Without Cruelty High Gloss Nailcolor Review ......................................................................... 3

Kelp For Nail Growth ........................................................................................................................... 5

7 Nailpolish Tips Of The Pros ............................................................................................................... 6

Ingrown Toenail Treatment ................................................................................................................. 7

Natural & Non-Toxic Nail Polish .......................................................................................................... 9

How To Grow Longer Nails ................................................................................................................ 11

Coping With Holiday Stress ............................................................................................................... 13

Hot Celeb Party Styles On A Budget .................................................................................................. 15

Best Dresses to Hide Belly Fat ........................................................................................................... 17

Common Household Remedies That Won’t Break the Bank ............................................................ 19

Breaking Out of Your Style Rut .......................................................................................................... 21

That Delectable Piece of Fine Chocolate ........................................................................................... 23

Acne Sufferers – Look Into Kefir & Kombucha .................................................................................. 24

Bruising and Swelling After Rhinoplasty ........................................................................................... 26

Finding A Good Rhinoplasty Doctor .................................................................................................. 28

Does Mederma Really Work? ............................................................................................................ 30

How To Take Care Of Body Piercings & Side Effect Warnings .......................................................... 32

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Beauty Without Cruelty High Gloss Nailcolor Review by Jayna Davis

Okay, so I haven’t used nailpolish in a while, but I miss looking at prettily painted toes! I’ve kind of been avoiding it because typically nailpolishes just stink so bad.

I decided to try a natural brand (as I understand it they don’t have formaldehyde) instead of the usual stuff, hoping that it wouldn’t be completel crap! lol

I ordered the Beauty Without Cruelty High Gloss Nailcolor in Raspberry from here. The color looks as pretty in person as it does on the computer screen. Also it has a tiny bit of nailpolish smell, but definitely not strong like regular nailpolish.

I applied only one coat with no base or top coat. Just this nail color (I don’t have base or top coat). Here are the results.

DAY ONE (click to enlarge):

DAY THREE (click to enlarge):

DAY SEVEN (click to enlarge):

DAY FIFTEEN (click to enlarge):

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I’m happy with it. Sure I wish it would last longer (or is that normal for not applying a base & top coat?) but it’s not a big deal to just apply another coat twice a month.

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Kelp For Nail Growth by Jayna Davis

When I was younger my nails were always long, pretty & fairly strong. Ever since ending high school the condition of my nails has gone downhill. I think this may be due to pregnancies & the damage those wacky hormones can cause.

My thumbnails are bent into a weird wave (which always makes my boyfriend laugh when he sees it) and the break very easily. My other nails look much more normal, but they’re on the thin side and once they reach about 1/4 centimeter in length, many of them will invariably break close to the edge of my finger, meaning I lose pretty much the whole tip of my nail & have to start over!

This is only a minor annoyance to me. I never looked for a solution because it just didn’t matter much to me.

However, I did find something that’s working pretty well. I started taking kelp tablets for increased energy and found that my nails are now longer and stronger. They feel a tiny bit thicker, too.

I think I’ll definitely see less breakage based on my results so far. So, there you go folks – use kelp to strengthen your nails if you have the same kind of problem as I used to.

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7 Nailpolish Tips Of The Pros

by Jayna Davis

Nailpolish is just nailpolish, right? Slap it on and suddenly your fingers and toes have some color!

Well, if you want the longest lasting nailpolish that looks flawless, you have to put a little more effort into it than that. Here are our top 7 nailpolish tips that the pros use day in and day out on themselves!

1. Do not use a fan to dry your nails! Doing so can cause tiny bubbles to form in the still wet polish,

plus there’s no proof it actually speeds drying time.

2. Use THIN coats, never thick ones. Thick coats are sloppy and runny. Rarely do they look good. Thin coats of nailpolish are always best.

3. You don’t have to use two coats. Many of the pros feel that one coat of polish lasts longer than two coats. Of course, the color is more intense with two coats, so that’s perfectly fine if you want to use two, just know that most people find it doesn’t last as long because the thickness of the laquer means it chips off easier.

4. If you’re using two coats of color, let it dry for a full minute in between coats to ensure it dries quickly. This makes for a smoother finish that doesn’t smudge as easily.

5. Never shake a nailpolish bottle! Roll it between your palms to mix it instead. Rolling doesn’t encourage air to mix in so violently like shaking does, which can lead to bubbles and an unsmooth finish on your nails.

6. Always use a base coat. It can be tempting to skip the base coat in order to save time, but the base coat is important for evening out the surface of your nail. When you have a smooth surface to work with, the polish appears significantly shinier!

7. Buff it out, baby! On that same note, you should also buff your nails once a month or so to really smooth out the surface of your nails. This too, makes the end product shinier. Don’t overdo it though, you don’t want your nails to be too thin or they could wear right through to the meat (ouch!).

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Ingrown Toenail Treatment by Jayna Davis

Ingrown toenails smell funny and they hurt. The fact that they hurt isn’t surprising as an ingrown toenail occurs when your toenail actually decides to start digging into the skin around it. You can spot the problem through the aforementioned pain, which is accompanied by some inflammation. If you just leave it alone, a whole host of bad things can come to pass, from a simple infection to a good old abscess that would require you to head for minor surgery.

Needless to say, it is best to nip the rogue nail before it causes enough trouble to warrant a visit to the ER. Luckily, ingrown toenail treatment is fairly simple.

What Causes Ingrown Toenails?

Well, there are a variety of reasons for your toenails to start rebelling. If you’re the kind of person who just loves tight and snug shoes or high heeled ones, the compression inside the shoe could actually make the nail grow abnormally and into your toe. Improper toenail care can also provoke some rebellious behavior from your toenails.

Ingrown Toenail Treatment

You don’t need a nail care expert to take care of your ingrown toenail; you just need some tools like an ingrown toenail file and the knowhow to use it, especially if you catch the little bugger early in its conquest. Surprisingly, a simple ingrown toenail treatment method is to simply soak your feet in warm water four times a day. You don’t even need to add anything special to the water.

Make sure to wash toes, too, twice a day at the very least, with good old soap and water and make sure to keep it dry the rest of the day. If at all possible, wear sandals to give your toes room to breathe and if you really need to wear shoes, at least make sure that these shoes aren’t choking the life out of your feet.

The most painful part of ingrown toenail treatment at home is also the most important part. It involves rolling gauze or cotton into a sort of wick and placing it between the errant nail and the skin involved, lifting it out of the way of trouble. It’s a lot more painful than it sounds or maybe even looks. After you soak your feet, try to push the gauze in even further it to lift the nail higher up. Make sure to change out the roll every day. This method can take up to two weeks to work out.

If it doesn’t work, it might be time to visit a doctor.

Footing the Issue

Whether you’re attacking the problem with an ingrown toenail file or with a visit to the doctor, you should be aware that the problem is avoidable and if it does happen, it’s something that can easily be remedied. It hurts, sure, but ingrown toenails can be treated with the viewpoint of someone looking at a toothache – it’s an awkward and annoying part of life

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and one that it easily remedied with some home treatments or a quick visit to a healthcare professional.

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Natural & Non-Toxic Nail Polish by Jayna Davis

Did you know that many brands of nail polish use harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and phthalates in their formulations? That stuff is nasty, and they can kill you or at least make you feel very sick.

A lot of nail polish makers and removers have back off on the production of these kinds of nail polish and nail polish removers. Speaking of which, natural nail polish and natural nail polish remover have begun to proliferate. Finding a non-toxic nail polish isn’t that hard to do anymore.

Nail polish can come in a lot of different colors and can range from completely matte, to blindingly shimmery, but even though there’s a lot of variety to today’s most common nail care component, finding a totally chemical-free variety of nail polish can be a real test.

Parents with kids who want to play around with nail polish may be dismayed to hear this, especially since the chemicals found in most nail polish can potentially cause some very serious health problems.

The bright spot in this little dilemma can be found in water-based or “peel-off” natural nail polish varieties. Even though these brands of nail polish are almost always phthalate free and use all natural ingredients, it’s still not a good idea at all to maintain a nail-biting habit after getting a manicure.

Something meant to dry out quickly into a hard, tough covering that goes over your nails can’t be completely poison-free, and even if the product claims to be organic or all-natural, it’s never a good idea to tempt fate.

As far as finding a natural nail polish remover is concerned, unless the nail polish you’re using comes out with water, you’ll probably have a really hard time finding nail polish remover that doesn’t have poisonous acetone as its base.

Ethyl acetate is an alternative, and relatively less toxic, nail polish remover solvent to acetone-based ones. This particular compound is pretty much just ordinary alcohol, and small amounts of it can actually be found in wine as well as in perfumes. On the other hand though, this so-called natural nail polish remover has also been used in insect collecting “killing jars”, to choke insects to death without damaging their bodies.

Not very encouraging at all.

Still, if you’re looking for a toxicity-free way to get rid of conventional kinds of nail polish that don’t involve scraping them off or simply waiting around and clipping away at the colored edge of your nail as it grew, something with ethyl acetate is your best bet. This substance occurs naturally, and is about as natural as any natural nail polish remover can get.

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Non-toxic nail polish is also still a bit of a while away, but natural nail polish, created with organic ingredients and completely free from poisons offer kinder alternatives to the phthalate and toluene-filled crud often found lining the shelves. They can be a little hard to find offline, but by keying in a few keywords, you will find these product can be ridiculously easy to find.

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How To Grow Longer Nails

by Jayna Davis

If you want to grow longer nails, try to remember that doing so can come at a price, especially if you want to grow your nails really long. The longer your nails are, the harder it can be to do ordinary things like play the guitar, type, or even button up a shirt.

A set of nice, long, healthy and well groomed nails can look really great though, and as long as you don’t go overboard, the touch of glamour it can lend an overall look can be well worth the cost.

One thing to remember is that in order to grow healthy nails, you have to take good care of them. Growing longer nails isn’t just a matter of not clipping them; you’ll also have to watch out that they don’t break. The enemy long nails, is nail breakage.

Unless you really are genetically inclined towards weak nails, there are ways to make sure that your fingernails are strong enough to withstand growing to the length you want them to be.

The first step in order to grow longer nails is to keep them clean. A lot of crud and other nasty stuff can get caught under a set of long fingernails, and with all that grossness, can come germs and the potential for infection. Keeping your hands clean is a great habit to have in general, and it can be really useful if you want to grow longer nails.

A really bad having to have if you want to grow longer nails is nail biting. Other than the fact that it’s a pretty gross habit to have in general, it can cause a lot of damage, not just to the nail itself, but to the nailbed as well, which is the skin underneath the nail. If you’re having trouble keeping your teeth away from your nails, try to make sure that your mouth and hands are occupied whenever you feel the urge. Keeping a pack of gum or a pen and paper handy for when the Nibbles hit.

Even if they can sometimes be a hassle to apply, a little bit of nail polish can protect your nails from the elements; as well as offer a little bit of reinforcement to prevent them from breaking.

Before you break out the nail polish though, it’s a really good idea to file your nails regularly and frequently. Nail growth is naturally uneven, and if left unchecked, you’d be much more likely to get hangnails.

Smoothing down the rough edges of your fingernails can not only keep the hangnails and the sharp edges at bay, but they also give your nails an even appearance that is absolutely necessary for a nice, polished look.

Along with keeping them clean, even, and protected, you’ll also have to make sure that you keep your nails from getting too dry by avoiding nail products with harmful chemicals, like toluene and DBP.

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Corollary to that, making sure that your cuticles –the skin that protects the area where nails are produced- are trimmed and moisturized is very important. Overgrown cuticles can actually suffocate your nails and their growth, but it’s also important that the skin around your nails is healthy.

Keeping these tips in mind will not only help you get the long nails you’ve been longing for, but they practically guarantee healthy nails as well. All in all though, the way to grow longer nails is pretty much a matter of good nail maintenance, and patience.

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Coping With Holiday Stress

by Jayna Davis

Holiday stress is as predictable as candy canes and mistletoe. Shopping for the perfect presents, cooking and baking and visiting relatives, when added to our already busy lives, can push many of us to the breaking point. However, realizing that stress goes with the holiday season and planning a strategy to cope with it can help to keep us sane between late November and early January.

Define Your Priorities

The first step toward managing holiday stress is defining your priorities. Start by making a list entitled “What is Important to Me About the Holiday Season”. Then, list the traditions that define the season for you. Is it the annual extended family gift exchange? Is it attending a Messiah sing-a-long as a family or getting up at 4 a.m. to shop on Black Friday with your sisters-in-law? Once you’ve established what traditions are truly important to you about the holidays, you can decide which invitations to accept, which activities to attend, which gifts to buy, and more importantly, those that you won’t. Being intentional about the holidays can help you separate the essential from the non-essential, thus keeping you from becoming overextended, which is the source of most holiday stress.

Live in the Moment

Once you’ve established what traditions and activities you’ll be participating in, live them. Be there, in the moment. Pay attention to what is going on and who you are with. Don’t be thinking about the next thing you’ve got to do or the items that you still haven’t crossed off your Christmas list. The holidays are meant to be enjoyed. They provide a needed change from our mundane lives, but you’ll miss those enjoyable moments if you’re not present in them. So, enjoy those moments with your family and friends, celebrating not only the season, but your relationships with each other.

Keep it Simple and Know Your Limits

Next, keep it simple. You have to set realistic expectations and know your limits. Perhaps this year, you just aren’t as flush with cash as in previous years. You may only be able to buy one present for your child instead of five. Overspending will only increase your holiday stress, both during and after the holidays, as you struggle to pay off your credit card bills. You have to decide what is just enough and not go over your limits. This may necessitate a heart-to-heart talk with your children, as you explain to them that you won’t be able to indulge all their wishes as you have in the past. Most of the people in your life aren’t nearly as concerned about what they’re getting from you as you are anxious about what you are able to give. Keep it simple. One simple, thoughtful gift, given in love, can be better than multiple presents given by stressed, overwrought people who are clinging to sanity, and financial solvency, by a thin thread.

Take Care of Yourself

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Finally, take care of yourself. If you are frazzled, you won’t be much fun to be around during the holidays. Get enough sleep. Buy yourself some bath salts and take a long, relaxing soak in the tub. Mix yourself some eggnog and enjoy a classic Christmas movie in front of the fire with your significant other. By taking time for yourself, you’ll be refreshed and relaxed for the activities you’ve got planned. You’ll be able to respond graciously when your sister-in-law makes a catty remark, or when her toddler pulls the dog’s tail again. The holidays aren’t just about what you do for others; they are about you, too. You deserve to enjoy this special season.

The added responsibilities of the holiday season, when added to our already busy lives, threaten to send us over the edge. However, there are also the attendant joys: the pleasure of finding the perfect gift for a special someone, the stirring of emotion we feel when we hear the old, familiar carols, the gathering of the family around the table for the annual Christmas feast. By being intentional about the holidays, living in the moment, keeping it simple, and taking care of ourselves, we can make this holiday season memorable and stress-free.

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Hot Celeb Party Styles On A Budget

by Jayna Davis

You don’t have to spend hours flipping through magazines to see what celebrities are wearing to their latest galas, unless you want to see what every single one is choosing. Even if such celeb surfing is your favorite sport, you can save a lot of time by figuring out which fashion touches you can actually imitate. That is, you need a core range of choices that will have you looking like a star at a price that does not negate meeting your mortgage this month.

Here are four fashion choices that lots of celebs make to dazzle the crowd outside the club or inside their cast party for their latest movie:

1) White tuxedo jacket

This jacket goes with lots of items and makes all of them look classier and sexier. You can wear a white tux jacket with jeans or a skirt, depending on how formal your function is. The best news is that they can be had for a song. You don’t even have to go four digits to get a white tux jacket; in fact, you can get some models for less than $50.

2) A bright skirt

When you buy a bright skirt, you find a piece that draws everyone’s eyes, as well as an item that can multiply your choices for up top. You can go wild up there or more low-key, to offset your skirt’s vivid appeal. A plain white top looks much better when paired with a bright blue skirt, for instance. Be sure to pick a color that you like and a color that you look good in. Hot pink is a current fave and you can find many super-bright colors for under $50. The impact will be exponentially greater than that small amount paid out.

3) A sparkly top

Do you love to wear pants? A sparkly top gives that look all sorts of pizzazz. Check out how many celebs pair pants with a sparkly top. They know that they need something to amaze the paparazzi. A sparkly top will elevate all other elements of your outfit, and you can have one for under $50.

4) A one-shoulder dress

Oh boy, do these send the masses in a frenzy?! One-shoulder dresses can work no matter what body type you have. Bare shoulders tend to make men melt, and one-shoulder dresses can work in ways that strapless ones don’t. If you do choose a one-shoulder number, be sure to match it with big earrings and/or a fashionable purse. You can go solid color, sparkles or lace, among other choices, all for under $100. And, you can join in the vintage craze, too. Many vintage stores and sites will have one-shoulder dresses in their inventories.

If you did the math, you can see that all four of these celeb party favorites can be yours for around $200. That’s not much of an outlay for a purchase that could transform your entire wardrobe and have you looking more like your favorite celebrity and less like your 9-to-5 persona.

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Keep your eyes open for these four options the next time you are out browsing. If a bright skirt catches your eye and you look fantastic in that color, grab it. If you happen upon a white tuxedo jacket that is sturdy and affordable, snatch it. If you see a sparkly top while flipping through the discounted rack, pull it off and try it on. If you see a one-shoulder dress at a reasonable price, don’t immediately conclude that you won’t look good in it. Try it on, give it a whirl and surprise yourself with how sexy you look and feel.

You don’t have to earn a 7-figure income to look like a celebrity. These four pieces (all favored by celebrities) will make you look like the proverbial million bucks as well.

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Best Dresses to Hide Belly Fat by Jayna Davis

We might call it by a cute little name—muffin top—but many women feel that those rolls around their midsection are anything but cute. Those of us who carry a few extra pounds around our midsections are constantly searching for clothes that will conceal, or at least not accentuate, our belly fat. We often end up wearing uncomfortable Spandex undergarments or clothes that are a bit too large in our effort to camouflage the excess weight around our middles.

In this post, we’re going to look particularly at which dresses are the best for hiding belly fat. By knowing how to choose the right dress, you can make a thicker waistline look thinner and seemingly shave pounds off of your body. Consider the following tips when buying your next dress and see how much slimmer you can look.

It’s All in the Waistline

Most women are narrowest in the area right under their breasts, just below the rib cage and before the belly fat begins. One of the best dresses to camouflage belly fat is one with a banded, ruched waistline which sits on this area of the body, slightly higher than the natural waistline. The fabric gathering effectively creates the illusion of a thin waist.

The Wrap

Another great dress which will make your waistline look thinner is one with a deep V neckline. You draw the eye from the waist and toward the face by revealing some skin in the chest and neck areas. Wrap dresses are great for this because they tie at the waist and have a V neckline. A statement necklace or a colorful scarf are two handy accessories that also serve to draw the eye away from the waistline.

The A-line

Another great dress to minimize your middle is an A-line dress. An A-line dress is narrower at the top and waist and wider at the bottom. The extra material flowing from the narrower waist creates the illusion of a smaller waistline and makes you look slimmer.

The Empire Waist

A dress with an empire-style waist is another of the best dresses to hide belly fat. The empire dress has a raised waist line, often right under the bust, and the rest of the dress falls loosely over the stomach and hips. This draws the eye line towards the face while hiding the waistline from view


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While the proper style of dress is important, another crucial factor in concealing belly fat is the dress’s pattern and material. In general, women with a few extra rolls around their waistlines should look for dresses with vertical, rather than horizontal patterns. One-color dresses in a darker color tend to be the most slimming.


Women with thicker waistlines should also choose dresses made from non-clinging materials, which only accentuate those rolls of belly fat that we want desperately to hide. By choosing material that doesn’t cling to the body, such as matte jersey, your dress will skim over your body, keeping any belly bulge out of sight.


Another important tip to remember is to choose dresses that fit. This may seem obvious, but many women believe that dresses which are a bit too large will hide their belly fat. In fact, just the opposite is true. Too much material just adds unnecessary bulk. However, don’t make the opposite mistake and choose a dress that is too small. This will only accentuate your stomach area. Buy a dress in your true size, selecting one of the styles above. You will be amazed how the proper cut and fabric will minimize your midsection.

So, get out from under those confining Spanx and breathe a little. You can look slimmer, more elegant, and most of all, more comfortable in the right dress for your shape.

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Common Household Remedies That Won’t Break the Bank by Jayna Davis

How Did Grandma Do It?

I don’t know if it’s because I recently moved into an old row house that was built in the 1920s or because of all the news about the rotten economy, but lately I’ve been wondering about how our grandmothers

solved their beauty problems without access to all the expensive products we have today. I mean, anytime you go to the beauty products aisle in a department store, you are faced with an array of choices for moisturizing, exfoliating, and brightening your complexion. From facial cleansers to body scrubs to tightening masks, you can literally spend a small fortune on products that may or may not work. However, women throughout the ages have faced the same problems, without the department store products. How did they manage?

Well, many turned to common household products in their fight against age spots, dark circles, and dry skin. If you find yourself not flush with cash and wanting to try more natural remedies that our grandmothers used, try some of the following home remedies for common beauty problems.

Vaseline—The Best Moisturizer Our face, body, and hair all need moisture from time to time. One of the cheapest and most effective ways to moisturize the skin on the body and hands is with Vaseline, a product that has been around since our grandmother’s time (1872 to be exact). You can apply Vaseline to lips during winter months and it is more effective than waxy lip balms for chapped lips. When you have a cold and your nose gets red and raw from too much blowing, Vaseline applied to those nasty nostrils will calm their chafing and burning. Vaseline is also one of the best moisturizers for hands and can keep them softer and younger looking. Simply apply Vaseline to your hands, and if you wish to do it overnight, you can put on white gloves. Your hands will be much softer and smoother in the morning. Vaseline has been keeping women moisturized for almost 150 years. If it was good enough for Grandma, it’s good enough for us.

The Eyes Have It

The best remedies for reducing under-eye puffiness and dark circles may be found in your kitchen, not in the beauty product aisle of your local pharmacy or supermarket. One great remedy for reducing puffiness is to apply cold, used tea bags to your eyes for 10 minutes. This will also reduce dark circles. The same goes for slices of cold cucumbers—it will reduce the swelling under your eyes. Another home remedy is a cotton ball dipped in milk. Look around your kitchen before you trot off to the department store for a pricey cream. You can find much less expensive alternatives that are just as effective at home.

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Exfoliate with Baking Soda

Another common household ingredient that many of us have lying around the house is baking soda. What we don’t know is that it can be used to make a facial cleanser or a body scrub for pennies. For a good exfoliator, mix one tablespoon of baking soda into your regular cleanser. Massage your face for two minutes to get rid of all of those dead skin cells that clog your pores, and then rinse. For a body scrub, try the following recipe, made with ingredients that you probably already have laying around the house. Mix one tablespoon each of sugar, kosher salt, baking soda mixed with one teaspoon each of olive oil, honey, and water. Apply the mixture all over your body, particularly on dry areas like elbows and knees.

These household remedies are just an example of the many alternatives to commercial products that can drain your budget if you are not careful. Grandma maintained her beauty before the famous cosmetic brands hit the market, and she used many of the techniques described above. You can, too, for a fraction of the price that you might otherwise spend.

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Breaking Out of Your Style Rut by Jayna Davis

Do you have a “go-to” look? Is that comfortable outfit you always reach for starting to look like a uniform? Do you look as if you’ve been caught in a time warp? If you’ve looked very similar day after day, you may be guilty of falling into a style rut. If you’re bored with the same old routine when it comes to your personal fashion, here are a few tips for getting out of your comfort zone and changing up your look.

Weeding Out Your Closet and Taking Stock

Your first step should be getting rid of the dated stuff in your closet. Toss or donate anything that is unflattering or out-of-style, then assess what’s left. What can you wear in a new way? How can you get more use out of what you’ve got? That dress that you bought for your friend’s wedding, the one you’ve only worn once? You can pair it with a blazer and tights and wear it to work! Try to see your clothes in a new light, mixed and matched differently or combined with new pieces. This will stretch your existing wardrobe and help you break out of your style rut.

Spice it Up

Many women find themselves wearing the same colors all the time. They may think that black makes them look thinner or cooler, or they may feel they only look good in a limited color palette. The way to break out of this type of style rut is simple–add color. Color adds a vibrant, youthful, glamorous look. When was the last time you bought a red dress? Many women are afraid to add color because they don’t want to call attention to themselves or they don’t see themselves as sexy. Address your fears about color, and the next time you go shopping, pick something that will add a pop of color to your boring browns, grays, and blues.

Play with Accessories

One of the most inexpensive ways to jazz up your everyday look is with accessories. Play with new jewelry. Add colorful earrings or a chunky bracelet to what you normally wear.

Go Shopping with a Friend

When you go shopping, you tend to pick out the same stuff. That’s why you need to take a friend with you. Friends encourage us to take risks and to try on clothes we might not normally buy. Have fun with it. If you look hideous, laugh and move on to the next outfit, but

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you may be pleasantly surprised. It’s always great to have someone to give us an honest assessment of how we look in something. However, you need to be careful to not buy something just because your friend likes it. That’s a sure-fire way to guarantee that something will simply hang in your closet and never be worn. Make sure you like it, too.

Try a New Haircut

Sometimes, the inspiration you need to overhaul your look may reside on top of your head. When you change one thing about you, it’s often easier to change another. You don’t have to make a drastic change. Go for a trim, or add some swingy layers, or try a new color. Your new haircut will become the inspiration for becoming more fashion forward.

Many women reach for what is comfortable or familiar, but when they do this repeatedly over a long stretch of time, they end up in a fashion rut. It’s important to remember that you can be both comfortable and elegant. It can be nerve-wracking to change your go-to look, or you may feel too busy or scared to change. By applying these tips, you can break out of your fashion rut and have fun doing it.

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That Delectable Piece of Fine Chocolate

by Jayna Davis

I have a box of French Truffles beside me as I write.

Chocolates have a bad rep for being categorized as junk food and fatty. It is seen as a type of candy loaded with sugar, preservatives, artificial flavor, and food coloring. Why is this so? Five words: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Chances are that more 3 out of five women avoid eating chocolates with the thought that it is unhealthy. On the contrary, studies have shown that chocolate does have a relatively higher amount of antioxidants than other food. Among products that contain chocolate, cocoa powder has been proven to contain the biggest amount of antioxidants. In fact, dark chocolate may very well be the healthier choice for chocolate lovers. This is because it contains about eight times the number of polyphenol antioxidants found in strawberries. These antioxidants come from flavonoids, plant pigments that counteract cellular damage that leads to cancer

and heart-related illnesses.

Chocolate is also capable of elevating our mood better than any shopping spree. It contains phenylethylamine which is

known to elevate mood. Think of it as a more decadent version of amphetamine. Other chemicals that chocolate is responsible for are endorphins, serotonin and dopamine- neurotransmitters that make one feel calm, happy, and elated.

The healthiest kind of chocolate there is are dark chocolates. These have the least amount of alteration in substance-there is no milk, sugar and preservatives, to name a few. Milk, the most common additive in chocolate alters the chemical component thereby undoing the healthy benefits of this sweet nibble.

Armed with this information, will you still hesitate reaching for that delectable piece of fine chocolate? I guess not anymore. Take your chance with chocolates. As Forrest Gump popularly states, “Life is a box of chocolates. You’ll never know what you’re gonna get.”

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Acne Sufferers – Look Into Kefir & Kombucha by Jayna Davis

Dear fellow acne sufferers,

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could clear your acne up overnight? Wouldn’t it be nice if you found some magic cream that would leave you with beautiful skin? Of course it would! I myself would love to find a bottle of “specially formulated” acne potion that would leave me with clear, smooth, acne free skin.

Whether its microdermabrasion, toners, lotions, harsh creams, acids, or dermatologist recommended, we have all seem the amazing claims that these companies will make about how their formula is the one that works. I can assure you that these products will not work for 85% + of acne sufferers. You may have even tried some of these products hoping for a miracle. So have I… I purchased so many acne products I can’t even name them all. Time after time, I got suckered into buying some lame acne product because the price was right, or they showed testimonials, etc. They were all marketing schemes that big companies designed to take our money! After so many disappointments, I got angry. I got really angry and I decided I was going to find the answer to cure my acne, once and for all!

First I conducted numerous surveys to see what worked for other people. I discovered that there was nothing that really worked for most of the people I surveyed. Their results using typical acne products showed minimal improvement at best. A lot of them even got worse or showed no difference in their skin. These people, just like me, were still looking for the “magic cream” that would truly make a difference.

Then I personally tested almost 50 of so-called acne treatments. While on these treatments, I frequently suffered:

• Skin irritation • Redness • Peeling • New breakouts • Itchiness • Raw skin • Burn-like effects • Dryness • Scaly skin • Heavy oil production & shine 3 hours after washing

I finally realized that most topical acne treatments you see on TV or in the drugstore DO NOT WORK! Not just for me, but for many others as well.

After much more experimenting and months of research I finally found a few products that work! I was thrilled with the difference in my skin. I felt like I had waited a lifetime for smooth skin and I finally had it. My friends and family were stunned. I shared with them my finds and the ones who followed the same system as me saw amazing results as well.


1. Kefir (fermented milk) 2. Kombucha (fermented tea drink)

Both of these drinks are Symbiotic Colonies Of Yeast & Bacteria – or SCOBY for short. These are full of “friendly bacteria” that keep the bad bacteria (like thee ones that cause acne)

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in check. Plus they’re full of nutrients and alkalize the body (which is good for many health conditions, one of which is acne).

Check with your local health food store, on Craigslist or Ebay for Kefir GRAINS (lasts longer than starters) or Kombucha MUSHROOMS (actually a scoby).

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Bruising and Swelling After Rhinoplasty by Jayna Davis

It’s pretty much common knowledge by now – rhinoplasty has nothing do to with a rhino and everything to do with your nose and making it look the way you want it to. Done by a plastic surgeon, this procedure is among the most commonly asked for and it is one wherein only the positive effects are highlighted.

Like any surgery, there’s going to be a level of injury immediately thereafter. Bruising after rhinoplasty is fairly common; swelling after rhinoplasty is just as common. Your face just took enormous trauma after all. It would be strange not to expect your nose and face to need some time to truly recover.

Kinds of Rhinoplasty

Before you even think about bruising after rhinoplasty, you should probably know what you can do with your nose exactly. When you go under for a nose job, you’re either augmenting it or reducing it. Both do exactly what you’ll expect. Augmenting a nose through a rhinoplasty means making it bigger in one way or another and reducing it makes it smaller. Reshaping it is naturally a part of the process. The specifics of the entire process is best left entirely to the professionals.

Recovering After Surgery

You should expect some bruising and swelling immediately after this procedure and that means that you should find ways to prepare to handle it. The biggest factor in determining how severe the swelling and bruising would be and how long it’ll take to recover is definitely how much work is being done. A little adjustment can leave you with swelling for two weeks to a month while a more severe work can leave your nose swollen up to three months afterwards.

There are variables, such as your age and your health and what you put in your body that can change how long it takes to recover from surgery. While you can’t control your age, you can definitely exert some influence over your health. Some of these are actually counterintuitive; reducing swelling after rhinoplasty isn’t something you can do with blind instinct.

An example of a counterintuitive way of reducing bruising after rhinoplasty is by avoiding teas and multivitamins and the like that have a high concentration of vitamin E, ginko and ginseng. These things can cause you to bleed more freely than you normally would. Blood thinners, naturally, are things you should definitely avoid a couple of weeks before the surgery, as thin blood impacts bruising after rhinoplasty negatively.

Like any bruise or swell on your body, you should apply ice to your injured and battered nose while in the first forty eight hours or two days after the surgery. It works wonders on swollen hands and it works wonders on a nose.

Hitting It On the Nose

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Bruising or swelling after rhinoplasty is temporary – that new nose you’ve got is permanent. It can be a little scary to look in the mirror and look like you just went for a boxing round with mighty Thor, but just remember that the bruising is temporary. That new nose of yours? Forever.

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Finding A Good Rhinoplasty Doctor by Jayna Davis

All of us are born looking a certain way. Some of us are genetically blessed with the facial symmetry of Botticelli cherubs, some of us are not so lucky. Of course, just because a person doesn’t quite have a perfect face doesn’t necessarily mean that they can’t be happy with their looks.

I’m certainly no vision of beauty myself, but I like my face just fine. In fact, I love my face. It’s mine, and I wouldn’t change a single part of it for the world. …alright, I’m lying. I hate my nose. It’s too bumpy, and if I had the guts, I’d change it in a heartbeat.

I’ve been thinking about getting rhinoplasty, and I’ve been trying to find a good rhinoplasty specialist. Finding one who knows what they’re doing isn’t that hard, but if you want a rhinoplasty doctor who understands what you want –one whom you can agree with- a little more research is sometimes in order.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Plastic surgery is any surgical procedure that involves changing the way a person looks. There are specific kinds of procedures for the different parts of the body; even the face.

Rhinoplasty is plastic surgery performed to reshape a person’s nose, and is usually meant to change the way a person’s nose looks, for aesthetic reasons. Also called a “nose job” or “nose reshaping,” this particular plastic surgery procedure is usually a pretty safe and simple one; most of the time, a rhinoplasty doctor will allow their patient to go home and simply take a few pain meds and antibiotics right after their operation.

Alternatively, there’s also non-surgical rhinoplasty, which doesn’t involve going under the knife at all. Like Botox injections, this little procedure involves needles, not knives.

Fillers are injected to change the shape and appearance of a person’s nose. It’s a much less invasive –and often cheaper- procedure than its surgical counterpart, but more often than not, the results are temporary. Depending on the kind of filler being used, most non-surgical rhinoplasty results last five months to a year, and only one kind of permanent filler has, thus far, been approved by the FDA.

Sometimes, rhinoplasty isn’t just a cosmetic procedure; it can be done by a rhinoplasty specialist when a person has a birth defect or has problems with breathing because of the shape of their nose. When this is the case, some health insurance plans will actually cover for all or part of the cost of the procedure.

If it’s just to change the way a person’s nose looks though, it’s really likely that health plans won’t pay for a nose job. This means that a Rhinoplasty can actually set you back by anywhere from one thousand US Dollars, to ten thousand. Ouch.

How do I pick a good rhinoplasty doctor?

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Sometimes, finding a rhinoplasty specialist that’s right for you can be as simple as getting referrals from doctors or previous rhinoplasty patients. –Especially if this particular rhinoplasty doctor has come highly recommended by a number of people.

Of course, most of the time, a little additional research is still needed. This is especially true if you’ve found your possible rhinoplasty specialist by plugging in a few keywords on your search engine.

If you’ve already narrowed down your list of candidates, try to find out if they have proof that they had completed their training in surgery and plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty doctors who are members of medical associations, like the ASPS or American Society of Plastic Surgeons, are usually safe choices, since most of these groups have screening procedures for admission, and standards that a surgeon must maintain.

Another tip for finding a rhinoplasty specialist who’s right for you is to try and see if anyone else online has anything to say about them. Forums and blog entries can be pretty enlightening, if you know what you’re looking for.

Of course, we all know that the internet isn’t exactly the most reliable source of information out there, so one of the most reliable ways to find out if a particular plastic surgeon is right for you and your rhinoplasty is to meet them. Try and set up a meeting or book an appointment with them before sealing the deal, to ascertain whether or not you’d actually want to work with them.

Should I get rhinoplasty?

Sure, you might have already invested a good bit of money and effort into finding the right kind of rhinoplasty specialist, but if you find yourself having doubts, stop a moment and think about whether or not it’d work out well for you if you really do go through with the surgery.

And yes, unless it’s the filler injection-type procedure, it IS surgery; complete with the anesthetic and the scalpel. That can be a pretty big deal, because no matter how skilled your rhinoplasty doctor might be, there’s still the very real possibility that things can go wrong.

If you should decide that rhinoplasty is right for you though, don’t forget to make sure that you find a specialist that you feel you can trust.

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Does Mederma Really Work?

by Jayna Davis

Mederma is a product meant to soothe scars and make them less noticeable. Created by a company called Merz Pharmaceuticals, this topical gel’s active ingredient is called Allium cepa, which is basically onion extract. In this entry, I’ll try to answer questions like, “How does Mederma work?” “Does Mederma Really Work?” And “Does Mederma work on old scars?”

What is Scar Tissue?

Scar tissue is body tissue that replaces normal skin tissue when the area is injured; it is the result of the body’s healing process, and unless it’s really minor, all wounds will scar over to some degree.

The biggest problem most people have with scarring is that it’s obvious and usually unsightly. This is why there are a lot of different products available that aim to prevent scar tissue from forming in the first place, as well as encourage actual skin cell regeneration.

Mederma is one such product. In this entry, I hope to answer questions people might have about it. I’ll go on a question by question basis, so that the answers will be easier to find and all the bases will be sure to get covered.

How Does Mederma Work?

Allium cepa (which is basically onion extract), is Mederma’s active ingredient. It is both anti-inflammatory and can improve collagen organization. This active ingredient is supposedly what makes Mederma special. The anti-inflammatory property of allium cepa means that if an area of the skin is swollen, it can keep the swelling down and could help the collagen that keeps skin plump and supple so that unsightly, depressed scars are less pronounced or less likely to form.

Does Mederma Really Work?

Of course, now that we know what Mederma does, the next question would be whether or not it’s actually effective.

It seems there are a bunch of people who think so, and a bunch of people who don’t…

Some people say the product apparently doesn’t do much for scar tissue except maybe make it feel slightly softer to the touch. These reviewers say that to get the same effect, it would be better to use cheaper, more readily available products, like vegetable oil.

There are some people who claim that Mederma does work though; as long as it’s applied daily and three to four times a day, over a period of two months for new scars, and three to six months for old scars.

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Whether you’re in the “don’t bother” camp or the “buy it now!” camp though, be forewarned that like any other topical scar-relief product Mederma can be a bit pricey. For example, online, a tiny 0.7 oz tube of the product can set you back by as much as $13.40 USD. If it works for you, it’s actually a bargain, though.

Does Mederma Work on Old Scars?

Mederma proponents do say that it works on old scars though; it just takes a lot longer to take effect. The people who say it doesn’t work at all, though, would say otherwise…

“How does Mederma work?” “Does Mederma really work?” and “Does Mederma work on old scars?” are all valid questions to ask, and in this entry, I hope that I’ve answered them adequately.

One thing that you should definitely keep in mind though; is that even though Mederma’s meant to be used on wounds that have already healed and closed up, you should never apply it to fresh, open wounds. It hurts. A lot.

If you want to give it a go, it would be in your best interest to buy enough tubes so that you can follow their recommended instructions about how much and for how long to use it, so you can give it a fair chance to work it’s magic. I found the best price for a 3 pack of Mederma, which you can see here.

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How To Take Care Of Body Piercings & Side Effect Warnings by Jayna Davis

There are a lot of different ways for people to express themselves. Of course, not everybody has the time and resources to create a giant marble statue or write a series of novels. For most people, self-expression can be a matter as simple as putting on a particular kind of shirt, or wearing an interesting hat. For some people, self-assertion can go a little further than simply accessorizing and can be a little more… permanent.

Part of the appeal of body art like tattoos and body piercings, is that they can declare a person’s sense of identity and point of view, even when they’re going au natural. Between these two forms of body art, more people tend to do body piercing than tattoos though; especially since piercings are usually easy to do than tattoos.

As far as the question of how to take care of body piercing is concerned, barring infections or any other kinds of problems, it’s usually pretty easy. The body piercing side effects, on the other hand, can range from completely negligible, to excruciatingly painful. Of course, these depend on where the piercing will be located.

If you’re willing to take the pain that can come with piercing and the subsequent healing process, you can have piercings just about anywhere in the body. You can even have your genitals pierced; if that’s the way you want to express yourself.

Not very many people in Westernized societies are inclined to do this, but those who do often claim that the pierced erm… areas enjoy enhanced sensitivity and that the sexual experience is improved.

Uh. OK.

It might be worth it for some people, but for a lot of others, the unbelievable pain that, say, a Prince Albert or an Isabella might involve, simply doesn’t have enough of a payoff to make up for the horror of having your sensitive bits get stabbed through with a needle or a piercing gun. And that doesn’t even take into account the recovery periods that these piercings require.

On the issue of how to take care of body piercings in these places, a Prince Albert, which is a piercing through the head of a man’s… man-bits, has a healing period of two to four weeks. The Isabella piercing, which goes through the shaft of a woman’s clitoris, has one that is two to three months long.

Of course, there are a lot of other, less sensitive places to get piercings.

The most common and socially acceptable places for people –women in particular- to get piercings are on the lower lobes of the ears. These spots are pretty easy to take care of, and since ear lobes are mostly fatty tissue with hardly any nerve endings anyway, they hardly hurt at all, once the deed has been done. Other common places to get body piercings are on the nostril, the lip, belly button, and eyebrows.

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Regardless of where you want to puncture that hole in your anatomy, once the deed is done, you will have to watch out for body piercing side effects, like the swelling that might initially happen during the healing process.

When you get pierced, usually, to make sure that the hole created by the needle or gun keeps, a piece of jewelry is placed there to make sure that the piercing keeps. This piece of jewelry is normally a stud or a barbell, which you may have to get replaced every now and then, especially if the area around the piercing swells too much.

Once your piercing starts healing, a white or yellowish discharge might show up on your jewelry. If there isn’t too much pain or swelling, you don’t have to worry; this is a normal part of the healing process. If there’s a lot of pain, and the area swells up a lot though, you might have an infection on your hands, and when this happens, it’s a good idea to get it checked by a doctor.

To keep infections and other problems, like blood-transmitted diseases, from happening, make sure that you get pierced by a professional who uses sterile instruments and practices good hygiene. You’ll also want to make sure that your piercing heals properly by keeping it clean with soap and water (never alcohol or hydrogen peroxide; these may kill germs, but they dry out the skin and slow down the healing process, too) and taking zinc and iron supplements, which will help your body heal more quickly.

Wherever you get your piercing; be it as innocuous as pierced ear lobes to something as radical as an Isabella, you will still always have to be careful so that you won’t have to suffer through body piercing side effects like infection, excessive swelling, or allergic reactions. You will have to learn how to take care of body piercings.

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