FASD Online Reporting System Training Document · 2015-11-23 · Alberta Human Services FASD Online...

Alberta Human Services FASD Online Reporting System Training Document Caseworkers 9/23/2015 Version1.0

Transcript of FASD Online Reporting System Training Document · 2015-11-23 · Alberta Human Services FASD Online...

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Alberta Human Services

FASD Online Reporting System Training Document Caseworkers

9/23/2015 Version1.0

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Table of Contents GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................................................ 3

SIGNING INTO FASD-ORS .............................................................................................................................. 4

ADDING CLIENT RECORDS ............................................................................................................................. 5

MANAGING CLIENTS ................................................................................................................................. 5

ADDING A NEW CLIENT ............................................................................................................................. 6

SEARCHING FOR EXISTING CLIENTS .......................................................................................................... 6

NEW CLIENT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 7

RETURNING CLIENTS ................................................................................................................................. 8

CLIENT PERSONAL DETAILS ....................................................................................................................... 9

CLIENT TYPES ........................................................................................................................................... 10

DEPENDENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 12

DEPENDENT DETAILS .............................................................................................................................. 13

DEPENDENT SAVED PAGE ....................................................................................................................... 14

ASSESSMENT CURRENT STATUS ............................................................................................................. 15

ASSESSMENT CURRENT STATUS – 10 DOMAINS .................................................................................... 16

DIAGNOSIS – CURRENT STATUS .............................................................................................................. 17

SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS/COMORBIDITY ................................................................................................ 18

PRESENTING ISSUES ................................................................................................................................ 19

INDIVIDUAL PRESENTING ISSUES ............................................................................................................ 20

CAREGIVER PRESENTING ISSUES ............................................................................................................. 21

CAREGIVER DEPENDENTS PRESENTING ISSUES ...................................................................................... 22

PRESENTING ISSUES OUTCOME MEASURE ............................................................................................. 23

INDIVIDUAL PRESENTING ISSUES STATUS .............................................................................................. 25

ADDING SERVICE RECORDS ......................................................................................................................... 26

ADD NEW SERVICE .................................................................................................................................. 26

SERVICE TYPES AND AGENCY PROGRAM ................................................................................................ 27

SERVICE TYPE – PREVENTION SERVICES .................................................................................................. 28

SERVICE STATUS – PREVENTION SERVICES ............................................................................................. 29

SERVICE STATUS – PREVENTION SERVICES - (If Waiting for Services) .................................................... 30

SERVICE STATUS – PREVENTION SERVICES - (If Receiving Services) ....................................................... 31

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PREVENTION SUPPORT OUTCOME ......................................................................................................... 32

COMPLETE CLIENT RECORD .................................................................................................................... 34

SERVICE TYPE – ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS ...................................................................................... 35

SERVICE STATUS – ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS .................................................................................. 36

SERVICE STATUS – ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS - (If Waiting for Services) ......................................... 37

SERVICE STATUS – ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS - (If Receiving Services) ............................................ 38

ASSESSMENT/DIAGNOSIS OUTCOME ..................................................................................................... 39

ASSESSMENT/DIAGNOSIS RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................... 41

COMPLETE CLIENT RECORD .................................................................................................................... 43

SERVICE TYPE – SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUALS .......................................................................................... 44

SERVICE STATUS – SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUALS ..................................................................................... 45

SERVICE STATUS – SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUALS – (If Waiting for Services) ............................................ 46

SERVICE STATUS – SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUALS – (If Receiving Services) ............................................... 47

SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUALS (SERVICES RECEIVED/REFERRED) .............................................................. 48

SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUAL TYPE ............................................................................................................. 49

COMPLETE CLIENT RECORD .................................................................................................................... 50

SERVICE TYPE – SUPPORT FOR CAREGIVERS ........................................................................................... 51

SERVICE STATUS – SUPPORT FOR CAREGIVERS ...................................................................................... 52

SERVICE STATUS – SUPPORT FOR CAREGIVERS – (If Waiting for Services) ............................................. 53

SERVICE STATUS – SUPPORT FOR CAREGIVERS – (If Receiving Services) ................................................ 54

SUPPORT FOR CAREGIVER TYPES ............................................................................................................ 55

COMPLETE CLIENT RECORD .................................................................................................................... 56

A COMPLETED CLIENT SERVICE RECORD SCREEN ....................................................................................... 57

A COMPLETED CLIENT RECORD SCREEN ..................................................................................................... 59

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Training environment login https://trnfasd-reporting.humanservices.alberta.ca/hs-fasd-ors-reporting/ Password Reset login https://extaccount.alberta.ca/SNEEXT/psf.exe?&LANG=en-US


1. FASD-ORS works best in certain web browsers. The best option is to access FASD-ORS in Google Chrome. If Chrome is not available, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer will work.

2. If you make an error while entering your password the first time you come to the login screen, you will need to close your web browser completely and load to the login screen again. If you do not do this, you may not be successful in logging in.

3. Not Applicable and another option cannot be selected together on one screen. Where user selects a Not Applicable as an option, no other option can be selected from the available list. If user selects any other options, then Not Applicable cannot be selected.

4. Mandatory fields are marked with a *. These must be completed before you can click SAVE/NEXT.

5. Where there are main bullets and sub-bullets, selections must be made in both in order for the user to be able to move forward to the next screen.

6. All screens in ORS are mandatory. If the options provided do not apply to a client, the user must select Not Applicable in other to be able to move forward to the next screen.

7. Information entered on a page/screen is only saved when the NEXT button is clicked; otherwise, the entry will be lost for that page/screen.

8. Where there is the SAVE button, information entered for page or section will only be saved when the SAVE button is clicked.

9. Any client/service record whose status is shown as Draft is not saved and can be deleted. The only records that can be deleted from the ORS are records whose statuses are shown as “DRAFT”.

10. E-mail messages will be sent in all occasions when reports are either submitted to the agency manager or un-submitted by the agency manager to the caseworker notifying the recipient that reports have been submitted or un-submitted to them.

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SIGNING INTO FASD-ORS 1. Enter your user name and password. The following provides an example of both.

Username: john.bull Password: Daukass45 (Note: Password content will be concealed for security purposes)

2. Click the LOGIN button on the screen or hit the ENTER button on your keyboard.

NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive. You must have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and a number.



Enter user name and case-sensitive password here.

Click this button, or hit enter on your keyboard.

Click on this sign to view questions and answers provided for the particular screen. This will appear on any screen that has some additional explanation relating to it.

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MANAGING CLIENTS 1. The Main Menu screen displays the list of agencies assigned to a user within a Network. To select

the agency you want to enter data for, click the drop-down arrow to select the appropriate agency.

NOTE: If you are assigned to more than one agency with a Network, all agencies will show up in this list. This field defaults to the user agency if the user is only assigned to one agency with the network.

2. Click on MANGE CLIENT LIST to open a new page for adding new clients or modifying current clients.

Select the agency you want to enter data for from this drop-down menu.

Click here to open a new page for adding new clients or modifying current clients.

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ADDING A NEW CLIENT To add a new client: 1. Click ADD NEW CLIENT button will populate the top of the New Client Information page.. 2. Enter the client’s First Name, Last Name, Birth Date and Gender. The system only allows the birth

date to be entered using the included calendar. 3. Client ID (identification number) is auto-generated after client record is saved. The ID generated is

used to uniquely identify each client in the program. No two clients share the same ID in ORS. 4. Save or Cancel entered client information using the SAVE or CANCEL buttons. See New Client

Information page.

SEARCHING FOR EXISTING CLIENTS To search for an existing client: 1. Enter any or all client details including FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, GENDER, or BIRTH DATE or enter

on the CLIENT ID on the client ID field if available. 2. Hit enter on your keyboard or click SEARCH to look for the client. To clear all fields, click RESET.

NOTE: The more fields you enter before searching, the more specific the result will be that ORS generates. This is important especially if your client has a common last name. The use of client ID in search provides the result for a particular client

Use these fields when adding a new client or searching for an existing client. Birth date must be entered using the included calendar. Click here

to add a new client to the system.

Click SEARCH to look for an existing client, or RESET to clear all fields.


Click “HELP” to access FASD-ORS training manuals and other related ORS documents. This will appear on all of the user screens.

Click here to exit the system.

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NEW CLIENT INFORMATION 1. Enter the client’s First Name, Last Name, Gender, and Birth Date. The system only allows the birth

date to be entered using the included calendar.

2. Client ID (identification number) is auto-generated after client record is saved. The ID generated is used to uniquely identify each client in the program. No two clients share the same ID in ORS.

3. Click SAVE button to save or CANCEL to go back.

4. After clicking the SAVE button, if the client is a: a) New client (not a returning client), the Client Personal Details page will be opened-up for

caseworker to enter details. b) Returning client (ORS finds a user with the same information as entered in the new client

information page) a page asking for caseworker confirmation that the client is a returning client is presented to the caseworker (see next page).

NOTE: A client could either be a new client (not a returning client) or a returning client, defined as: ­ Not a Returning Client: This is a client who has not previously been a registered client of the agency

and/or a client whose record could not be trace by the ORS in its data base. ­ Returning Client: A returning client is someone who has been to the same agency and received

services in the past, but who is not on the current active client list. For a client to be a returning client, the ORS must be able to trace the client closed record in the data base (i.e., a client whose file/services has been closed in the past but coming to receive further assistance in the agency).

Enter data for these mandatory fields. Birth date must be entered using the included calendar.

This number will generate automatically when you click SAVE.

Click SAVE to proceed once mandatory fields are entered. This button will not be active until mandatory fields are complete.

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RETURNING CLIENTS 1. If the names, date of birth and gender you enter for a client already exists in the system, you will be

faced with the screen below. On this screen, you have two options: a) Click YES if client is a returning client. This will take the user to the Client Personal Details page

(see next page). b) Click NO if client is not a returning client. This will take the user back to the New Client

Information page (see previous page). Please see the following note for information on how to enter a client in this case.

NOTE: Occasions may arise where two clients share the same name, date of birth and gender, resulting in an assumed duplicate entry. In this case, the user will need to indicate that this is not a returning client by answering “NO”. The user will then need to add an initial to the client name on the New Client Information page so that the system will generate a new unique ID for the new client.

Click if this is a returning client. This will take the user to the previously saved Client Personal Details page.

Click if this is not a returning client. This will take the user back to the New Client Information page.

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NOTE: First name, last name, birth date and gender are copied over to this screen after client details are saved.

1. Enter client data for: ­ Location: Choose from drop down menu including Rural, Urban, Remote, On Reserve, and

On Metis Settlement. ­ Metis Settlement Type: Complete only if Metis Settlement was chosen for Location. Choose

from drop down menu including Rural or Remote. ­ Racial Origin: Choose from drop down menu including Immigrant/Refugee > 3 Years in Canada,

Immigrant Refugee <= 3 Years in Canada, First Nations, Metis, Inuit, or All Others.

2. Click PREVIOUS to go back to the previous screen or NEXT to go Client Type page.

NOTE: Racial Origin will be shared by all users across caseworkers for a single client where a client is being served by multiple caseworkers in different service areas. Racial Origin can only be modified by the user who completed and save a client record first. All other caseworkers are to use it as is or request that the original caseworker or agency manager modify it and then click NEXT.

Select the appropriate items from the drop down menus. Metis Settlement Type only needs to be completed if On Metis Settlement is chosen for Location.

Copied to this screen from previous screen. No new data to enter for these items.

Click to go backwards or proceed to Client Type screen.

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CLIENT TYPES 1. Choose the appropriate class of client type for your client, which include:

­ Level 3 Prevention (PCAP) ­ Level 4 Prevention (PCAP) ­ Level 3 and 4 Prevention (Non-PCAP) ­ Individual with or suspected of having FASD ­ Young Person in Care ­ Caregiver of Person with FASD

NOTE: The client type to be selected by a caseworker will be determined by the service that the client has come to receive in the agency or network. Please refer to the table below to know how client type and service type are related and which should be chosen. Every service need of a client must have a client type. Clients may have more than one client type in an agency.

Choose Client Type… IF Service Type is… 1 Level 3 Prevention (PCAP) Level 3 Prevention (PCAP)

2 Level 4 Prevention (PCAP) Level 4 Prevention (PCAP)

3 Level 3 and 4 Prevention (non-PCAP) Level 3 and 4 Prevention (non-PCAP)

4 Individual with or suspected of having FASD i) Assessment and Diagnosis ii) Support for Individuals

5 Young person in care i) Assessment and Diagnosis ii) Support for Individuals

6 Caregiver of person with FASD Support for Caregiver

NOTE: Caseworkers/users must not select more than one client type at a time. Client record entry must be completed for a client type before selecting another client type for the client.

2. If client type is Caregiver of Person with FASD, it is mandatory that users select the Caregiver Type

from the drop-down menu below. If Caregiver Type selected is Other, “other” must be specified.

3. Click PREVIOUS to go back to the previous page or NEXT to go to the Dependents screen.

NOTE: The client type selected will determine the presenting issues screen that will be displayed for caseworker. ­ Individual Presenting Issues will be displayed when client types 1 – 5 above are selected. ­ Caregiver Presenting Issues will be displayed when client type 6 above is selected.

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Select client type based on table above.

Click to go backwards or move forward to Dependents screen.

If Caregiver is chosen as client type, you must choose the caregiver type from the drop-down menu.

If “Other” is chosen under the Caregiver selection, you must specify the “Other Type” on this field.

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DEPENDENTS 1. Enter client data for “Does client have dependents”? and “No of Dependents”:

­ Select Unknown if the client cannot confirm whether they have dependents or not. If Unknown is selected, No. of Dependents will automatically be marked as Unknown.

­ Select No if the client does not have dependents. If No is selected, No. of Dependents will automatically be marked as No.

­ Select Yes if the client has dependents. If Yes is selected, No. of Dependents becomes a mandatory field. The user must enter the dependents the client has, or click the PREVIOUS button to go back if Yes was chosen in error.

2. Caseworker will choose to proceed or go back to the previous page using the following options: ­ If Unknown or No is chosen, either click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to go to the Assessment

Current Status page. ­ If yes is chosen, Click ADD DEPENDENT to go to the Dependent Details screen in order to add

the dependents. Click PREVIOUS to go back if Yes was selected in error. Or change the YES to either NO or UNKNOWN in other to enable the NEXT button for selection/use.

3. User must click the ADD DEPENDENT button for each dependent that is going to be added for a client.

Choose from drop own menu (Yes, No or Unknown).

Mandatory if Yes is chosen above. Will fill automatically if No or Unknown is chosen.

Click to move backwards or proceed to Assessment Current Status or Dependent Details page.

Click if Yes is chosen to proceed to Dependent Details page. Add details for all dependents.

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DEPENDENT DETAILS 1. Enter client data for:

­ Age of Dependents: Choose the appropriate age group for the dependent. ­ FASD Status: Choose the FASD status of the dependent from drop-down menu. ­ FASD Services Used: Choose from drop-down menu to indicate whether or not the dependent is

currently using any of the FASD services or has used any FASD services in the past.. ­ Client Dependent ID#: This optional field is only enabled if caseworker/user selects Dependent

has accessed network-funded services in the FASD Service Use drop down list. The ID# entered here must be an ID# that was generated for the dependent in ORS. If this ID# is not available to the caseworker, the field should be left blank even if the option was selected.

2. Click SAVE once all information is entered, or CANCEL to go back at any time.

NOTE: User must click the ADD DEPENDENT button for each client dependent that is going to be added. Repeat the above steps/process for all dependents for this client and save after each entry.

Select the appropriate items from the drop down menus.

Complete if dependent has accessed Network funded services. This is an optional field.

Click SAVE after completing entry, or CANCEL to go back. If there is more than one dependent, this page will need to be completed for each dependent.

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DEPENDENT SAVED PAGE 1. When a user gets to this page, there are three options:

­ Maintain: Click maintain button to modify existing dependent information. ­ Delete: Click the delete button to remove/delete the dependent information. ­ Add Dependent: Click add dependent to add another dependent in cases where a client have

more than one dependent.

NOTES: ­ If a user selects Dependent has accessed network-funded services, the optional field Client

Dependent ID# will be enabled for user to enter the client dependent unique ORS ID#, if available. ­ If Confirmed FASD Diagnosis or Suspected is selected in FASD Status above, users will not be allowed

to select N/A- FASD not suspected from the options in FASD Service Use. ­ If Unknown is selected in FASD Status above, users will not be allowed to select the option

Dependent has accessed network-funded services from the available options in FASD Service Use.

2. Click the PREVIOUS button to go back or NEXT to go to Assessment Current Status screen.

Used to modify (maintain) or remove (delete) existing entries for dependent(s).

Click to add additional dependents and complete Dependent Details page.

Click to go back or to proceed to Assessment Current Status page.

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ASSESSMENT CURRENT STATUS 1. Select the appropriate option from the section Has client had an FASD diagnostic assessment?

NOTE: If Yes, obtained both an assessment and diagnosis this reporting quarter or Yes, obtained a diagnosis this reporting quarter is selected from the Assessment Current Status list, caseworkers will be made to complete the Diagnosis – Current Status page displayed in page 17. The “Diagnosis – Current Status screen displayed in page 17 will not displayed if caseworker selects any other option from the “Assessment Current Status”.

2. If Assessment is deferred is the selected option, the reason for the deference must be selected under the section If assessment is deferred, the please select…. Where Other is the selected option it is mandatory that the reason be specified in the box provided.

3. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to the Assessment Current Status – 10 domain screen.

NOTE: This page enables caseworkers to enter the client FASD assessment status result at intake only and will be shared by all caseworkers working with the client within the agency. This result can only be modified by the caseworker who originally entered the assessment status or the caseworker who receives the client record through re-assignment in the quarter of intake and cannot be modified once the quarter has closed. This section is mandatory.

Select appropriate option for client assessment status.

Complete if Assessment is deferred is chosen in previous section. If other is chosen, specify reason in box provided.

Click to navigate backwards or move to Assessment Current Status – 10 Domains screen.

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ASSESSMENT CURRENT STATUS – 10 DOMAINS 1. Check the domains that apply to the client. If Not Applicable is selected, you cannot choose any

other option.

2. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to the Diagnosis – Current Status screen.

NOTE: This section enables caseworkers to enter the domain(s) that were used for the client assessment at intake only and will be shared by all caseworkers working with the client within the agency. This result can only be modified by the caseworker who originally entered the result or the caseworker who receives the client record through re-assignment in the quarter of intake and cannot be modified once the quarter has closed. This section is mandatory.

Select domains from this list. If Not Applicable is chosen, no other boxes can be checked.

Click to navigate backwards or move forward to Diagnosis – Current Status screen.

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NOTE: Complete this page if Yes, obtained both an assessment and diagnosis this reporting quarter or Yes, obtained a diagnosis this reporting quarter was selected from the Assessment Current Status checklist. This page will not be displayed if caseworker selects other options on the previous page.

1. Choose the appropriate diagnosis status from the checklist for Diagnostic Outcome.

2. If FASD with sentinel facial features or FASD without sentinel facial features is selected, Date of Diagnosis must be entered using the included calendar.

3. If No diagnosis of FASD but other diagnosis is selected, Other Diagnosis, if not FASD becomes a mandatory field. Caseworker must select from options below.

4. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to Secondary Diagnosis/Comorbidity screen.

NOTE: This section enables caseworkers to capture the client diagnosis results based on the selection from the Assessment Current Status screen page. This result is entered once at intake only and will be shared by all caseworkers working with the client within the agency. This result can only be modified by the caseworker who entered the result or the caseworker who receives the record through re-assignment in the quarter of intake and cannot be modified once the quarter has closed.

Select appropriate diagnostic outcome from assessment.

If No diagnosis of FASD but other diagnosis is selected, Other Diagnosis, if not FASD becomes a mandatory field.

Click to navigate backwards or forwards once information is entered.

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NOTE: Caseworkers can enter the secondary diagnosis/comorbidities that were identified during the client assessment. This section is completed at intake only, can only be modified by the caseworker who entered the result or the caseworker who receives the record through re-assignment in the quarter of intake and cannot be modified once the quarter has closed. This section is mandatory.

1. Select the appropriate option(s) for the client. If Other is selected, it is mandatory to specify the secondary diagnosis/comorbidity. If a bullet is chosen that has sub-bullets, at least one sub-bullet must be chosen before the caseworker can move on.

2. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to Presenting Issues screen.

Select appropriate option for client. If Other is selected, it is mandatory to specify what other is in the box provided.

Click to navigate backwards or move forward to Presenting Issues screen.

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PRESENTING ISSUES There are two types of presenting issues, each of which is described in more detail on the following pages. The two types of presenting issues are:

1. Individual Presenting Issues

2. Caregivers Presenting Issues, which includes: a) Caregiver Presenting Issues b) Caregiver Dependent Presenting Issues

Presenting issues will be collected twice in the course of a client engagement in a program. These instances are:

1. Presenting Issue at Intake: This represents the issues as presented by the client when they first come to the agency for a service. Where a client is being served by more than one caseworker in an agency, all the presenting issues entered for the client by all caseworkers are aggregated by the system at the close of quarter for the client.

NOTE: ­ Intake presenting issues can only be modified in the quarter of intake. ­ Every caseworker can only modify their portion of the presenting issues. ­ Intake presenting issues cannot be modified during another quarter. ­ Intake presenting becomes permanent for a client until the client record is closed. ­ Intake presenting issues cannot be RESOLVED at intake. ­ The aggregated Intake presenting issues will be assessable in view mode only to all caseworkers

working with the client during the next quarter.

2. Presenting Issue for/during the quarter: This represent the presenting issues as modified for the client by the caseworker(s) in the quarter following the quarter of intake (i.e., next quarter).

NOTE: ­ A caseworker will be presented with the client presenting issues as enter during quarter of intake. ­ Caseworkers can add to the list of presenting issues for the client during the quarter. ­ A client presenting issues that is rolled over from other quarters can only be removed from the

client presenting issues record by selecting the RESOLVED button on the presenting issues grading screen.

­ Caseworker can resolve presenting issues entered during the quarter in same quarter.

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NOTE: This presenting issues screen will be presented to caseworkers whose choice of client types is from 1 – 5 in the client type screen discussed earlier. This are issues as presented by the person with FASD. This section is mandatory.

1. Please select the appropriate presenting issue(s) or choose Not Applicable if the client has no presenting issues at this time. You are able to choose more than option on this screen at a time (excluding if Not Applicable is chosen).

2. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to Caregiver Presenting Issues screen (if applicable) or Presenting Issues Outcome Measures screen.

Select appropriate option(s) for client. If Not Applicable is selected, then no other options can be chosen.

Click to navigate backwards or forwards once information is entered.

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NOTE: This presenting issues screen will be presented to a caseworker that selects client type 6 in the client type screen discussed earlier. These are presenting issues as they relate to the caregivers of the person with FASD. Please note these issues have no relationship with the person with FASD; the focus of this screen is only on issues that affect their caregivers. This section is mandatory.

1. Please select the appropriate presenting issue(s) or choose Not Applicable if the client has no presenting issues at this time. You are able to choose more than option on this screen at a time (excluding if Not Applicable is chosen).

2. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to Caregiver Dependent Presenting Issues screen.

Select appropriate option(s) for client. If Not Applicable is selected, then no other options can be chosen.

Click to navigate backwards or forwards once information is entered.

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NOTE: This presenting issues screen will be presented to a caseworker that selects client type 6 in the client type screen discussed earlier. These are presenting issues as they relate to the dependents of caregivers of the person with FASD. Please note these issues do not have relationship with the person with FASD nor with the caregiver. They relate to issues that affect the caregivers’ dependents. This section is mandatory.

1. Please select the appropriate presenting issue(s) or choose Not Applicable if the client has no presenting issues at this time. You are able to choose more than option on this screen at a time (excluding if Not Applicable is chosen).

2. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to Presenting Issues Outcome Measures screen.

Select appropriate option(s) for client. If Not Applicable is selected, then no other options can be chosen.

Click to navigate backwards or forwards once information is entered.

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NOTE: Every presenting issue selected for a client has its unique outcome measures assigned to it. These outcome measures help the stakeholders to determine the state of affairs of every client with the program. The outcome measure screen is further divided into two parts: ­ The four point scale used in the grading of clients presenting issues ­ Client outcome statements identifying client relationship with the level of service received with

regard to the presenting issues

The four point scale and client outcome statements are described below. This section is mandatory.

1. The four point scale (0 – 4) is standard across all presenting issues and must be entered for all client or caregiver presenting issues. “0” is the highest in the scale while “3” is the lowest. Choose the appropriate level on the four point scale for the issue. “0” cannot be selected during the intake quarter for a new client.

2. The outcome statements vary by which presenting issue the screen is referring to. No two presenting issues have the same outcome measures. The outcome statements are also arranged in order of importance/value from the least rated statement at the bottom of option to the top-most statement with the highest rated value. Choose the appropriate outcome statement for the presenting issue.

NOTE: In both the four point scale and the outcome statement, the lower the client is on the scale the lower the value of success attained by the caseworker on the client. The higher the client is on the scale, the higher the level of success being attained in the client management.

3. At the end of the presenting issues and the presenting issues outcome measure screens, Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to Individual/caregiver/caregiver dependent Presenting Issues Status screen.

NOTE: The attached screen shot below is a sample of the outcome measure screen representing “Adaptive Abilities/Life Skills supports”.

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Click to navigate backwards or move forward to other Outcome screens or Presenting Issues Status screen.

There will be a screen for each presenting issue selected on the previous screens (individual and caregiver).

Select level of intensity of each presenting issue.

Select one outcome statement that applies to this issue for the reporting period.

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NOTE: Caseworkers will be required to complete the No. of Contacts and No. of weeks receiving services for every presenting issues recorded for a client. This section is mandatory.

1. In the box provided under No. of Contacts, enter the number of times a client was contacted during the course of the quarter. Contacting a client could be by physical contact, telephone or any other manner that may be most convenient to both parties.

2. In the box provided under No of Weeks Receiving Services, caseworkers records the number of weeks the client has been receiving service with regard to this presenting issues.

3. On completion of the screen, click anywhere on the screen/page to enable the NEXT button.

4. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to Add New Service screen.

Enter number of times client was contacted during a quarter (any type of contact).

Enter number of weeks clients has been receiving services for this issue.

Click anywhere on screen to enable

NEXT button. Click to navigate backwards or move forward to Add New Service screen.

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ADD NEW SERVICE 1. Click on the ADD NEW SERVICE button. A new screen Service Type and Agency Program screen will

be opened up for user.

Click to navigate. Click here to add new service for the client.

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NOTE: This screen allows caseworkers to select the types of service a client has come to receive and the program under which that service is to be provided. Each support type is closely related the client type discussed earlier. Caseworker can only access programs to which they are assigned. This section is mandatory.

There are six services available in ORS:

1. Level 3 Prevention (PCAP) 2. Level 4 Prevention (PCAP) 3. Level 3 and 4 Prevention (non-PCAP) 4. Assessment and Diagnosis 5. Support for Individuals 6. Support for Caregivers

Services available in ORS

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NOTE: Prevention programs are divided into three categories as listed on item 1 – 3 on the preceding page. The screens to be completed by caseworkers for all three categories of prevention are identical and will therefore be treated as one screen in the course of this document. Both sections of the screen are mandatory.

1. Click on appropriate client Prevention service under Service Type: ­ Level 3 Prevention (PCAP) ­ Level 4 Prevention (PCAP) ­ Level 3 and 4 Prevention (non-PCAP)

2. In the Agency Program section, select the appropriate program related to this services type from the drop-down menu. Caseworker must be assigned to a program in other to be able to work in it.

NOTE: A caseworker may be created for several programs in an agency. It is important for caseworkers to select the appropriate program that is related to a client service type where the caseworker working in more than one program area in the agency.

3. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to Prevention Support Service Status screen.

Click on appropriate prevention service from these choices.

Select appropriate program for the services type from the drop-down menu.

Click to navigate backwards or forwards once information is entered.

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NOTE: This screen helps users distinguish between clients that are waiting for services and those that are receiving services from a program. All sections of the screen are mandatory.

1. Choose the appropriate service status from the drop down menu, including Waiting for Service or Receiving Service.

2. If Waiting for Service is chosen, specify the date client started waiting for the service. This date is mandatory and will be activated when “Waiting for Service” Is chosen.

NOTE: When the service become available at a later date, the status should be change to Receiving Service and complete all other necessary steps as will be discussed in Receiving Services section of this document. A client service status cannot be changed from receiving service to waiting for service.

NOTE: The COMPLETE button on this screen only completes the service record section and not the entire client record. A click on the COMPLETE button will take you forward to the Complete Client Record screen.

3. If Waiting for Service is chosen and date is complete, click COMPLETE button to move forward to the Complete Client Record screen, or backwards to previous screen.

Choose Waiting for Service or Receiving Service from this menu.

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4. If Receiving Service is chosen, specify the date client was referred to the program and specify the date of client intake into the program. Both dates are mandatory and can be the same. Enter both using the included calendar.

NOTE: A client whose service status is saved as receiving service cannot be reverted / changed to waiting for service at a later date. Caseworker can only delete such a record if its status is on “DRAFT”. Otherwise, “No Service” the record and create a new client record in the next quarter.

Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to the Prevention Support Outcome screen.

Enter date “On wait list since” using included calendar.

Click here to go to Complete Client Record screen, or go backwards.

If waiting for service

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Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to the Prevention Support Outcome screen.

Enter date of referral and intake. These can be the same.

Click here to go backwards or move to Prevention Support Outcome screen.

If receiving service

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NOTE: All sections of the screen are mandatory.

1. Select appropriate responses for each of the following sections ­ Pregnancy: Select the appropriate pregnancy status for the client. ­ Pregnancy Outcome: This section is mandatory if No Longer Pregnant is selected in Pregnancy

section above. ­ Family Planning: Select the appropriate option for client family planning. ­ Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Select the appropriate option. Choose Unknown if there is no

confirmation or denial of use. ­ Alcohol Exposure:

If Yes is selected in Prenatal Alcohol Exposure section, the system will be defaulted to Yes in this section. Caseworkers are only allowed to select one of the Yes… options.

If No is selected in Prenatal Alcohol Exposure section, the system will be defaulted to No, alcohol use was eliminated in this section and caseworker are only allowed to select this option.

If Unknown is selected in Prenatal Alcohol Exposure section, the system will be defaulted to Alcohol use is unknown in this section and caseworkers are only allowed to select this option.

­ Prenatal Drug Exposure: Select the appropriate option. ­ Drug Exposure:

If Yes is selected in Prenatal Drug Exposure section, the system will be defaulted to Yes in this section and caseworkers are only allowed to select one of the Yes… options.

If No is selected in Prenatal Drug Exposure section, the system will be defaulted to No, drug use was eliminated in this section and caseworkers are only allowed to select this option.

If Unknown is selected in Prenatal Drug Exposure section, the system will be defaulted to Drug use is unknown in this section and caseworkers are only allowed to select this option.

2. Click PREVIOUS to go back or COMPLETE SERVICE to move forward to Client Service Record Completion screen.

NOTE: The COMPLETE button on this screen only completes the client service record section and not the entire client record. A click on the COMPLETE SERVICE button will take you forward to the Complete Client Record screen.

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Mandatory if No longer pregnant selected under Pregnancy.

Answer may be automatically provided based on response to Prenatal Alcohol Exposure.

Click here to go backwards or move to Client Service Record Completion screen.

Answer may be automatically provided based on response to Prenatal Drug Exposure.

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1. There are two options when presented with this screen:

­ Click the COMPLETE CLIENT button to complete the client record. ­ Click ADD NEW SERVICE button if client is receiving another service that needs to be added and

repeat the previous steps. ­ Caseworker can also click the MAIN MENU button to go back to the Manage Client List screen

or click LOGOUT to exit the system.

If need to add another service click ADD NEW SERVICE. If service record is complete, click COMPLETE CLIENT.

Return to Manage Client List screen.

Exit system.

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NOTE: Both sections of the screen are mandatory.

1. To proceed with entering information related to Assessment and Diagnosis services for a client, click

on Assessment and Diagnosis in the Service Type section.

2. Select the appropriate program related to this service type from the Agency Program drop-down menu.

NOTE: A caseworker may be created for several programs in an agency. It is important for caseworkers to select the appropriate program that is created for the client service type where the caseworker working in more than one program area in the agency.

3. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to the Assessment and Diagnosis - Service Status screen.

Click on Assessment and Diagnosis

Select appropriate program for the services type from the drop-down menu.

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NOTE: The Service Status screen helps users distinguish between clients that are waiting for services and those that are receiving services from a program.

1. Choose the appropriate service status from the drop down menu, including Waiting for Service or

Receiving Service.

2. If Waiting for Service is chosen, specify the date the client started waiting for the service. This date is mandatory and will be activated when Waiting for Service is chosen.

NOTE: When the service become available at a later date, the status should be changed to Receiving Service and complete all other necessary steps as discussed in Receiving Services section.

NOTE: The COMPLETE button on this screen only completes the service record section and not the entire client record. A click on the COMPLETE button will take you forward to the Complete Client Record screen.

3. If Waiting for Service is selected and date is complete, click COMPLETE button to move forward to the Complete Client Record screen, or backwards to the previous screen.

Choose Waiting for Service or Receiving Service from this menu.

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1. If Receiving Service is chosen, there are several sections that can be completed, based on the option that best applies this reporting period. If a date is required, use the included calendar function. ­ Date of Referral: Specify the date client was referred to the program. ­ Intake Started:

Waiting for Result Date: Specify the date client started waiting for results. Waiting for Clinic Date: Specify the date client started waiting to get clinic date.

­ Diagnosis Obtained this Reporting Period: Date of Diagnosis: Specify the date of the diagnosis if diagnosis result is available. Deferred Date: If diagnosis was deferred, specify the date. Reason for Deferral: Specify the reason for the deferral. This is mandatory if deferred

date is entered. Others: This is mandatory if “Other” is selected in Reason for Deferral.

Click here to go to Complete Client Record screen, or go backwards.

Enter date “On wait list since” using included calendar.

If waiting for service.

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NOTE: A client whose service status is saved as Receiving Service cannot be reverted / changed to Waiting for Service at a later date. Caseworker can only delete such a record if its status is on “DRAFT”. Otherwise, “No Service” the record and create a new client record in the next quarter.

Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to Assessment/Diagnosis Outcome screen.


Complete fields based on options that best apply this reporting period. Use included calendar. Certain fields are mandatory if others have dates entered.

Click here to go backwards or move to Assessment/Diagnosis Outcome screen.

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NOTE: All sections of this screen are mandatory.

1. Select appropriate responses for each of the following sections: ­ Diagnostic Outcome: Select the appropriate option for your client. ­ Non FASD Diagnosis: This section is mandatory if No Diagnosis of FASD but other Diagnosis is

selected in the Diagnostic Outcome section. This section allows you to select multiple options. ­ Secondary Diagnosis/Comorbidities: Select all that apply in this section. Main category and sub-

category must be selected together. If “Other” is selected, other must be specified. ­ Assessment Domains: Select all that apply.

2. Click PREVIOUS to go back or FORWARD for Assessment/Diagnosis Recommendation screen.

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Click here to go backwards or move to Assessment/Diagnosis Recommendation screen.

Select the appropriate option for your client.

This section is mandatory if No Diagnosis of FASD but other diagnosis is selected above.

Select appropriate secondary diagnosis/comorbidity. If a selection with sub-headings is selected, at least one sub-heading must be selected before you can proceed to the next screen. If “Other” is selected, you must specify “other” in the box below. “Not Applicable” cannot be selected with any other options.

Select options that apply this reporting period. More than one domain may be chosen. “Not Applicable” cannot be selected with any other options

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ASSESSMENT/DIAGNOSIS RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Select all applicable recommendations for your client

NOTE: If a recommendation is chosen that has sub-headings (e.g. Health Supports, sub-heading include Dental Referral, Vision Assessment, etc.), then at least one sub-heading must be chosen within that category.

2. Click PREVIOUS button to go back or COMPLETE SERVICE to move to the Complete Client Record screen.

NOTE: The COMPLETE button on this screen only completes the client service record section and not the entire client record. A click on the COMPLETE SERVICE button will take you forward to the Complete Client Record screen.

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Click here to go backwards or move to Complete Client Record screen.

Select appropriate recommendations. If a recommendation with sub-bullets is selected, at least one sub-bullet must be selected before you can proceed to the next screen. If “Other” is selected, you must specify “other” in the box provided. “Not Applicable” cannot be selected with any other options.

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COMPLETE CLIENT RECORD There are two options when presented with this screen:

­ Click the COMPLETE CLIENT button to complete the client record. ­ Click ADD NEW SERVICE button if client is receiving another service that needs to be added and

repeat the previous steps. ­ The caseworker can also click the MAIN MENU button to go back to the Manage Client List

screen or click LOGOUT to exit the system.

If need to add another service click ADD NEW SERVICE. If service record is complete, click COMPLETE CLIENT.

Return to Manage Client List screen.

Exit system.

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SERVICE TYPE – SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUALS 1. To proceed with entering information related to support services provided for individuals with FASD,

click on Support for Individuals in the Service Type section.

2. Select the appropriate program related to this service type from the Agency Program drop-down menu.

NOTE: A caseworker may be created for several programs in an agency. It is important for caseworkers to select the appropriate program that is created for the client service type where the caseworker is working in more than one program area in the agency.

3. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to the Support for Individuals - Service Status screen.

Click on Support for Individuals

Select appropriate program for the services type from the drop-down menu.

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NOTE: This Service Status screen helps users distinguish between clients that are waiting for services and those that are receiving services from a program. All sections of the screen are mandatory.

1. Choose the appropriate service status from the drop-down menu, including Waiting for Service of Receiving Service.

2. If Waiting for Service is chosen, specify the date client started waiting for the service. This date is mandatory and will be activated when Waiting for Service is chosen.

NOTE: When the service becomes available at a later date, the status should be changed to Receiving Service and complete all other necessary steps as will be discussed in Receiving Services section of this document.

NOTE: The COMPLETE SERVICE button on this screen only completes the service record section and not the entire client record. A click on the COMPLETE SERVICE button will take you forward to the Complete Client Record screen.

3. If Waiting for Service is selected and date is complete, click COMPLETE button to move forward to

the Complete Client Record screen.

Choose the Waiting for Service or Receiving Service from this menu.

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4. If Receiving Service is chosen, specify the date the client was referred to the program and specify the date of client intake into the program. Both dates are mandatory and can be the same. Enter both using the included calendar.

NOTE: A client whose service status is saved as Receiving Service cannot be reverted / changed to Waiting for Service at a later date. Caseworker can only delete such a record if its status is on “DRAFT”. Otherwise, “No Service” the record and create a new client record in the next quarter.

Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to the Support for Individuals (Services Received/Referred) screen.

Enter date “On wait list since” using included calendar.

Click here to go to Complete Client Record screen, or go backwards.

If waiting for service.

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Enter date of referral and intake. These can be the same.

Click here to go backwards or move to the Support for Individuals (Services Received/Referred) screen.

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SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUALS (SERVICES RECEIVED/REFERRED) 1. Select all services that the client was either referred to or accessed this period. If there are sub-

bullets under a service area, at least one sub-bullet must be chosen before proceeding.

2. Click PREVIOUS to go back of NEXT to move forward to the Support for Individual Type screen.

Click here to go backwards or move to Support for Individual Type screen.

Select all services that the client was either referred to or accessed this period. If there are sub-bullets under a service area, at least one sub-bullet must be chosen before proceeding. “Not Applicable” cannot be selected with any other options.

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SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUAL TYPE 1. Select all support types applicable to the client. More than one can be chosen; however, if “Other” is

chosen, “Other” must be specified.

2. Click PREVIOUS button to go back or COMPLETE SERVICE to complete the client service record.

NOTE: The COMPLETE button on this screen only completes the client service record section and not the entire client record. A click on the COMPLETE SERVICE button will take you forward to the Complete Client Record screen.

Choose support type. More than one can be chosen and “Other” must be specified if “Other” is selected.

Click here to go to Complete Client Record screen, or go backwards.

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COMPLETE CLIENT RECORD 1. There are two options when presented with this screen:

­ Click the COMPLETE CLIENT button to complete the client record. ­ Click ADD NEW SERVICE button if client is receiving another service that needs to be added and

repeat the previous steps. ­ The caseworker can also click the MAIN MENU button to go back to the Manage Client List

screen or click LOGOUT to exit the system.

If need to add another service click ADD NEW SERVICE. If service record is complete, click COMPLETE CLIENT.

Return to Manage Client List screen.

Exit system.

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SERVICE TYPE – SUPPORT FOR CAREGIVERS 1. To proceed with entering information related to support provided to the caregivers of persons with

FASD, click on Support for Individuals in the Service Type section.

2. Select the appropriate program related to this services type from the Agency Program drop-down menu.

NOTE: A caseworker may be created for several programs in an agency. It is important for caseworkers to select the appropriate program that is created for the client service type where the caseworker is working in more than one program area in the agency.

3. Click PREVIOUS to go back or NEXT to move forward to the Support for Caregivers - Service Status screen.

Click on Support for Caregivers

Select appropriate program for the services type from the drop-down menu.

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NOTE: This Service Status screen helps users distinguish between clients that are waiting for services and those that are receiving services from a program. All sections of the screen are mandatory.

1. Choose the appropriate service status from the drop-down menu, including Waiting for Service or Receiving Service.

2. If Waiting for Service is chosen, specify the date the client started waiting for the service. This date is mandatory and will be activated when Waiting for Service is chosen.

NOTE: When the service become available at a later date, the status should be changed to Receiving Service and complete all other necessary steps as will be discussed in Receiving Services section of this document.

NOTE: The COMPLETE button on this screen only completes the service record section and not the entire client record. A click on the COMPLETE button will take you forward to the Complete Client Record screen.

3. If Waiting for Service is selected and date complete, click COMPLETE button to move forward to the Complete Client Record screen, or backwards to the previous screen.

Choose the Waiting for Service or Receiving Service from this menu.

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4. If Receiving Service is chosen, specify the date client was referred to the program and specify the date of client intake into the program. Both dates are mandatory and can be the same. Enter both using the included calendar.

NOTE: A client whose service status is saved as receiving service cannot be reverted / changed to waiting for service at a later date. Caseworker can only delete such a record if its status is on “DRAFT”. Otherwise, “No Service” the record and create a new client record in the next quarter.

Click PREVIOUS to go back of NEXT to move forward to Support for Caregiver Types screen.

Enter date “On wait list since” using included calendar.

Click here to go to Complete Client Record screen, or go backwards.

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Enter date of referral and intake. These can be the same.

Click here to go backwards or move to Support for Caregiver Types screen.

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SUPPORT FOR CAREGIVER TYPES 1. Select all support types applicable to the caregiver. More than one can be chosen; however, if

“Other” is chosen, “other” must be specified.

2. Click PREVIOUS to go back or COMPLETE SERVICE to complete the client service record.

NOTE: The COMPLETE button on this screen only completes the client service record section and not the entire client record. A click on the COMPLETE SERVICE button will take you forward to the Complete Client Record screen.

Choose support type. More than one can be chosen and other must be specified.

Click here to go to Complete Client Record screen, or go backwards.

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COMPLETE CLIENT RECORD 1. There are two options when presented with this screen:

­ Click the COMPLETE CLIENT button to complete the client record. ­ Click ADD NEW SERVICE button if client is receiving another service that needs to be added and

repeat the previous steps. ­ The caseworker can also click the MAIN MENU button to go back to the Manage Client List

screen or click LOGOUT to exit the system.

If need to add another service click ADD NEW SERVICE. If service record is complete, click COMPLETE CLIENT.

Return to Manage Client List screen.

Exit system.

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The following screen shot is a sample of a completed client service record for a caseworker in an agency. This screen can be accessed when a caseworker clicks on the Manage Services link on the Manage Client List page.

The following options are provided on this page: ­ Maintain Service: Allows users access to manage client service record i.e. for edit or view

purpose. ­ No Service: Allows users to indicate that a client record that did not receive any service during

the quarter. ­ Complete Client: Gives user the opportunity to complete a client record. All Completed status

must be “Y” before caseworker can complete a client.

­ Add New Service: Allows users to add a new service to a client record.

NOTE: When a service is No Service for a quarter, the service cannot be re-entered for that client until the following quarter. When all the services of a client are No Service the client record is also No Service. If all six services available in ORS are No Service in the quarter for a client, the client can only be re-entered during the next quarter.

NOTE: The “complete” column shows the status of each client in the caseworker caseload. ­ “Y” means that the client record including the service record has been completed and saved. ­ “N” means the client record has not been updated for the new quarter. ­ “Draft” means that a new client record has not been completed and could still be deleted. No ID# is

created for any client record that with status on “DRAFT”.

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All these must be “Y” before clicking COMPLETE CLIENT button.

Activated once completed status is “Y” for all client services. Clicking this will bring caseworker to Client Record screen.

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The following screen shot is a sample of a completed client record for a caseworker. This screen will be accessed when a caseworker clicks on the Manage Client List link on the Main Menu page.

The following options are provided on this page: ­ Add New Client: Allows users to add new clients to their caseloads. ­ Search: Allows users to search for specific clients in their caseload with an agency. ­ Reset: Allows users to clear information entered on the search area. ­ Maintain Client: Enables users’ access to a client record for edit or view purpose. ­ Maintain Services: Enables users’ access to a client service screen/page. ­ Complete Client: Gives user the access to complete a client record. ­ Submit Client Service List: Allows users submit client’s caseload to the supervisors at the close

of quarter.

NOTE: To submit client service list at the close of a quarter, the Completed status for all a caseworkers clients must be “Y”. Only then will the SUBMIT CLIENT SERVICE LIST button be activated.

NOTE: The “complete” column shows the status of each client in the caseworker caseload. ­ “Y” means that the client record including the service record has been completed and saved. ­ “N” means the client record has not been updated for the new quarter. ­ “DRAFT” means that a new client record has not been completed and could still be deleted. No ID#

is created for any client record that with status on “DRAFT”.

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Activated once completed status is “Y” for all clients. Clicking this will submit the client service list to their Agency Manager.