Fall 2 – Data Population Staff Data & Course Enrollments Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05,...

Fall 2 – Data Population Staff Data & Course Enrollments Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Transcript of Fall 2 – Data Population Staff Data & Course Enrollments Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05,...

Fall 2 – Data Population

Staff Data & Course Enrollments

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Who’s Supposed to Be Here

Individuals assigned toCALPADS maintenance

Supervisor of staffassigned to CALPADS

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Courtesy Guidelines

Mute yourself


Name & LEAconversation

at a time



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Pleasedo not


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015



Training Sequence

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Essential 1:Data Coordinator Orientation

Essential 2:Interface & Administration

Essential 3:Data Submission

Fall 1

Fall 2 Data Population

Fall 2 Reporting

and CertificationEnd of

Year 1 & 4

End of

Year 2 & 3

Essential 4: Anomalies



Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015


Highly QualifiedStatus


English LearnerServices





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Information Reported in Fall 2

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Course Enrollment

Course sections of students enrolled on Census Day

Highly Qualified Status

Percentage of course sections taught by highly qualified teachers

Staff Assignments

Teachers, administrators and pupil service staff

English Learner (EL) Services

Classroom services provided to English Learners


Schools Types Which Need To Report

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

School Type  Crs Staff CTE

Traditional (non-educational options schools) Y Y Y

District Level Programs (Independent Study and Home Hospital Programs)


County Community Y Y Y

District Community Day Y Y Y

Youth Authority Schools (currently called Division of Juvenile Justice)


Juvenile Court Schools Y Y Y

Continuation High Schools Y Y Y

Opportunity Y Y Y

Alternative Schools of Choice Y Y Y

State Special Schools Y Y N

Home and Hospital Schools Y Y Y

Special Education Consortium Y Y Y

Special Education Y Y Y

Non-Public School Group (0000001) N N N


Y= Expected to submit dataN= NOT allowed to submit dataP= Permitted but not expected to submit data


Grade Levels Which Need To Report

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Grade Level Crs Staff EL

Infants - IN N N N

Toddlers - TD N N N

Prekindergarten - PS N N N

Kindergarten - KN Y Y Y

First Grade - 01 Y Y Y

Second Grade – 02 Y Y Y

Third Grade – 03 Y Y Y

Fourth Grade – 04 Y Y Y

Fifth Grade – 05 Y Y Y

Sixth Grade – 06 Y Y Y

Seventh Grade – 07 Y Y Y

Eighth Grade – 08 Y Y Y

Ninth Grade – 09 Y Y Y

Tenth Grade – 10 Y Y Y

Eleventh Grade – 11 Y Y Y

Twelfth Grade – 12 Y Y Y

Ungraded Elementary – UE Y Y Y

Ungraded Secondary – US Y Y Y

Adult – AD N N N

Y= Expected to submit dataN= NOT allowed to submit dataP= Permitted but not expected to submit data


What Record Types to Enter or Update

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

U= UpdateR=Required

Online Batch ActionSSID Enrollment SENR UStudent Information SINF UStudent Program SPRG UStudent English Language Acquisition SELA UStaff Demographics SDEM RStaff Assignments SASS* RCourse Section CRSE* RStudent Course Section SCSE* R

* Full replacement files


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Relationships


Course Section ID


Staff Demographics

Staff Assignments

Course Section


SSID Enrollment

Student Information

Student Course Section

Records above others must be posted before those below them or you may get rejected records

Student Program


Student English

Language Acquisition

Program Types to Submit

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Name Code

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) 127

Title 1 Part C Migrant 135

Special Education 144

Free Meal Program 181

Reduced-Price Meal Program 182

Program data is not required for Fall 2. However, it is very important that students in the above groups are reported accurately. Updating the program records is necessary to be able to use the associated report filters.


NCLB Accountability

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

NCLB Populations

Migrant EdSocio-Economically DisadvantagedSpecial EdGATE


Review the certification reports to confirm that NCLB populations are accurately reported. Use the report filters to isolate the students in each group.

Aggregate Reports2.4, 2.6, and 2.11

Student List2.7

Important Dates for Fall 2

Census Day*

October 1

Certification deadline

Amendment window

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

* Schools not in session on Census Day should report as of the next day they are in session (up to 30 days past Census Day)

CALPADS Calendar:http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/rptcalendar.asp


2014-2015 Fall 2 Changes

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Implemented Functionality Description

7/28/2014 Code Set A large number of codes were added, retired, or had their code name or definitions updated in the Course Group State and Career Technical Education Pathway code sets. See Revision History tab of the CALPADS Code Sets v6.0.1 for more detail.

7/28/2014 Code Set Student Offense code names and definitions were updated to be consistent with Ed code

7/28/2014 Code Set Changed the code name for FIN code in the Career Technical Education Industry Sector code set



2014-2015 Changes

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Functionality Description

Report Reports with EL counts - will use data from new data source (SELA Records)

Fall 2 Snapshot Logic modified to exclude Staff Demographic with Support Assignment = 6018 (Employee On Leave) on related reports

Validation Rule GERR0001 (Required Field Missing) now also checks State Course Code (9.07)

Validation Rule CRSE0127 (Invalid NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code) now triggers as a warning

Validation Rule CRSE0126 (Missing CRS-State Course Code) has been disabled

Validation Rule CERT063 (EL Student Reported for Whom No Services are Indicated) now triggers a warning

* Detailed information about these changes is available in the “CALPADS 2014-15 Changes” training presentation:



Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Code Mapping


If your SIS does not use state codes, check with your student system vendor to determine if code mapping is needed




SPN ??? ??01

Primary Language Code

??? ??KN

Grade Level Code


Human Resources (HR)

Staff demographics (including SEIDs)Staff assignmentsHQT StatusNon-Standard instructional level

Special Ed

Instructional LevelInstructional StrategiesServices

HR, Curriculum & School Site Staff

State Course Code for coursesUC/CSU approved coursesCareer Tech Ed coursesCalifornia Partnership Academy-funded courses

English Learner support

English Language Acquisition StatusEducation ServicesInstructional StrategiesLanguage of Instruction

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 201519

Local Data Collection

Students Staff


English Learner support

English Language Acquisition StatusEducation ServicesInstructional StrategiesLanguage of Instruction

Human Resources (HR)

Staff demographics (including SEIDs)Staff assignmentsHQT StatusNon-Standard instructional level

HR, Curriculum & School Site Staff

State Course Code for coursesNCLB Core coursesUC/CSU approved coursesCalifornia Partnership Academy-funded coursesIndependent Study and Distance learning courses

Special Ed

Instructional LevelInstructional StrategiesServices


Staff Assignments

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 201520

Staff Assignment Types

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015



Pupil Service


Data Required to Report Staff Assignment

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Staff Demographics Staff Assignments

Non-classroom based assignment(s)


Staff Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes


Reporting LEAEffective Start Date

Effective End Date Leave blank

Academic Year ID

SEID Staff demographics can not be reported without a valid SEID

Local Staff IDStaff Legal First NameStaff Legal Last NameStaff Birth DateStaff Gender Code

Staff Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator Required if Staff Ethnicity Missing Indicator is blank

Staff Ethnicity Missing Indicator Required if Staff Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator is blank

See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements

All Staff


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Obtaining Statewide Educator IDs (SEIDs)


* See Resources slide near the end of the presentation for links to the CIG and the CALPADS Data Guide, which has more information on SEIDs

County Credential Analyst

CTC Credential Information Guide (CIG)


Staff Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes


Staff Race 1 Code Required if Staff Race Missing Indicator is blank

Staff Race Missing Indicator Required if Staff Race 1 Code is blank

Staff Highest Degree CodeStaff Employment Status CodeStaff Employment Start Date

Staff Employment End Date Required if staff no longer employed at LEA

Staff Service Years LEAStaff Service Years Total

Need to be updated every year if staff member is still working for LEA


Reporting LEASchool of AssignmentAcademic Year IDSEIDLocal Staff IDStaff Legal First NameStaff Legal Last NameStaff Birth DateStaff Gender CodeStaff Job Classification CodeStaff Job Classification FTE Percentage

All Staff


Staff Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes


Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 1Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 2Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 3Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 4Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 5Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 6Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 7

Required if Staff Job Classification Code = 10, 11 or 25

All Staff


Staff Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes

SASS Staff Job Classification Code 12, 26 or 27


AdministratorsRecord Element(s) Values and/or Notes

SASSNon Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 1

Staff Job Classification Code 10 or 25

Pupil ServiceRecord Element(s) Values and/or Notes


Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 1

Staff Job Classification Code 11


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Teacher Assignment Examples

Staff Member


ID SEID Local AssignmentHire Date



Yrs ofSvc


Yrs ofSvc

- EducJob

Class FTE Assignment

1 Hayes 1416 7458166487High School Government Teacher

19881026 V 1 22 29 12 100

2Gerwer 5762 9715436254 Elementary Music Teacher 19860815 C 1 24 24 27 50

Gerwer 5762 9715436254 Elementary Music Teacher 19860815 C 1 24 24 27 50

3 Stephenson 3895 7125426876 Resource Teacher 19980701 C 1 12 12 27 50 6017

4 DiPirro 9567 No SEID Part-time PE teacher Cannot report without SEID

5 Timmerman 4689 1746128946Middle School Science Teacher with Extra Period

20010910 A 1 12 15 12 120


1 Hayes is a full time (FTE = 100) teacher (job class = 12).

2 Gerwer is a teacher with assignments at two schools (job class = 27) that works half time at each site (FTE = 50 for each assignment).

3 Stephenson is a part-time (FTE = 50) resource teacher (job class = 27) with a non-teaching assignment (assignment = 6017).

4 DiPirro is a part-time teacher that has not yet been assigned a SEID. Demographic and assignment data cannot be reported without a SEID. Course-section assignments should be reported in course-section using a “999999999” for the SEID.

5 Timmerman is a teacher (job class = 12) with extra teaching assignment (FTE = 120).


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Team Teaching/Job Sharing Examples



ID SEID Local AssignmentHireDate



Yrs ofSvc –LEA

Yrs ofSvc –Educ

JobClass FTE Assignment

6Gordon 4215 7554968153 1st Grade Teacher 20030625 M 1 7 9 12 50

Seaborn 6581 6542152813 1st Grade Teacher 20080701 C 2 2 15 12 50

7Robinson 1416 9745841837 6th Grade Teacher 19881026 V 1 22 29 12 100

Mills 5762 9787458417 6th Grade Teacher 19860815 C 1 24 24 12 100


6 Gordon and Seaborn are 1st grade teachers (job class = 12) sharing an assignment (FTE = 50).

7 Robinson and Mills are both full-time (FTE = 100) teachers (job class = 12) team teaching 6th grade.


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Non-teaching and Support Assignment Examples



ID SEID Local Assignment Hire DateHighestDegree


Yrs ofSvc –LEA

Yrs ofSvc –Educ

JobClass FTE Assignment

11 Logan 4675 4513697459 School Psychologist 20080701 V 3 2 24 11 100 0202

12 Higgins 5643 9756844856 Superintendent 20010317 B 4 9 9 10 100 0100

13 Saunders 0645 9877531597Curriculum Administrator

19840520 V 1 26 26 10 100 0105

14 Jones 5643 9713168446Chief Business Official, Deputy Superintendent 20010317 B 4 9 9 25 100 0102

15 Langtry 7451 7546981344 Social worker 20000416 V 1 15 25 11 100 6018


11 Logan is a pupil services staff member (job class = 11) who serves as a school psychologist (assignment = 0202).

12 Higgins is an administrator (job class = 10) who serves as Superintendent (assignment = 0100).

13 Saunders is an administrator (job class = 10) who serves as a Curriculum Administrator (assignment = 0105).

14 Jones is a non-certificated administrator (job class = 25) who serves as Deputy Superintendent (assignment = 0102).

15 Langtry is a staff member on leave (assignment = 6018).





Local AssignmentHireDate



Yrs ofSvc –LEA

Yrs ofSvc –Educ

JobClass FTE Assignment

8 Cheong 8043 6859552419School Psychologist and Counselor

20100701 D 2 2 2 11 1000202


9 Friedrich 1027 3254974548High School English Teacher and ½ GATE Coordinator

19950815 D 1 16 1612 50

10 50 0157


Ahmed 3589 7468459243

Middle School Science Teacher and Department Chair

20070815 V 1 4 10 12 120 6099

Isbell 7863 9874654651Middle School Math Teacher, Coach and Department Chair 20010901 C 1 10 10 12 140 6099

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Multiple Assignment Examples


8 Cheong is a full-time (FTE = 100) pupil services staff member (job class = 11) who splits his time as a school psychologist (assignment = 0202) and a speech therapist (assignment = 0400). Both assignments are submitted in one record.

9 Friedrich is a full-time employee with job responsibilities split between administrative (job class = 10) and teaching (job class = 12) assignments that each take half of the day (FTE = 50 for each). Her administrative work is as a GATE admin (assignment = 0157). A staff assignment record should be submitted for each job class.

10 Ahmed and Isbell are teachers (job class = 12), with additional assignments (assignment = 6099) that exceed a normal work day (FTE = 120 and 140).


Staff Data Reminders

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Two types of data are reported for certificated staff: Demographics and Assignments

Increment staff service years

Certificated staff must have an

SEID to be reported

Check with your vendor to verify how the effective dates will be extracted to avoid certification errors


Course Enrollment

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 201533

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 201534


A unique instance of a course taught by one or

more teachers, in a specific location, at a particular time


Record indicating a student is enrolled in a specific course section

Course Terms






Single subject

3rd Grade

Multiple subjects

Course Content Reported

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Self-contained Departmentalized


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Course Content by School Type


School Type Departmentalized Self-contained





Course Records Included

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Student Course Section Enrollment

Course Section Enrollment Student Course Section Enrollment


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Student Course Section Enrollment Data Expected


Enrollment Status Course EnrollmentPrimary (10) RequiredSecondary (20) OptionalShort-term (30) OptionalSpecialized Services (40) Do not submit


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Course Data Included


Do Not Submit


Before/after school child care programs

Study hall

Student aide courses Homeroom

Summer school ROP/C or college courses


Course Record Relationships

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015


Course (Spanish 1)

Class (room 10)

Section SP1-01

Class (room 20)

Section SP1-02

Class (room 30)

Section SP1-03

Course (English 2) Course (Geometry)











Student Student

Student Student

Course, class, and course section IDs must be unique within a given school and year.


Course Section Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes


Reporting LEASchool of Course DeliveryAcademic Year IDCRS-State Course Code

CRS-Local Course ID Unique ID up to 10 characters

CRS-Course Name

CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code If course is NCLB core, regardless of grade level, use E if course requires a multiple subject credential or S if it requires a single subject credential

CRS-UC CSU Approved Indicator

Course Section ID Unique ID for each course section, usually a combination of local course ID and additional indicator such as: K-AM-1, 1st-1, Alg1-02

Academic Term Code

All Course Sections


Course Section Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes


SEID Staff demographic record for SEID must exist in CALPADS.

LEAs should report a long or short-term substitute teacher in the course section record if they were teaching on Census Day and there is a permanent teacher who is expected to return by October 31. If the permanent teacher is not expected to return until after October 31, the substitute teacher’s SEID should be reported.

Local Staff IDClass ID

All Course Sections


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 201543

Courses Taught By A Teacher Without An SEID

Use SEID of “9999999999”

ROC/P Instructor

Non-certificated Charter School teacher teaching non-core class

New teacher without SEID from CTC

College professor

Distance learning teacher

Teacher not employed by LEA (e.g. COE Special Ed, private contractor)


Course Section Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

All Course SectionsRecord Element(s) Values and/or Notes


Independent Study IndicatorDistance Learning Indicator

CTE Course Section Provider Code Required if Course Content Code = 154 or a CTE State Course Code is populated (i.e., 4010-5955)

HQT Competency Code Indicates if a course section is being taught by a highly qualified teacher. Required for NCLB course courses (NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code = E or S).


Reporting LEASchool of Course DeliveryAcademic Year IDSSIDLocal Student IDStudent Legal First NameStudent Legal Last NameStudent Birth DateStudent Gender CodeLocal Course IDCourse Section IDAcademic Term Code

* No student enrollments (student course section) required for Pull-out/Itinerant instruction – unless EL services are being offered that the LEA wants recognized


Course Section Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes

CRSE CRS-State Course Code 1000


DepartmentalizedRecord Element(s) Values and/or Notes

CRSE CRS-State Course Code Anything other than 1000

English Learner ClassesRecord Element(s) Values and/or Notes


Education Service Code Instructional approach a teacher can provide based on their credential or authorizations (e.g., ELD, SDAIE)

Instructional Strategy Code 400, 500, 600, or 650

Language of Instruction Code

Language used to provide primary language instruction for EL students. Required if Education Service Code = 1 or Instructional Strategy = 600.


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 201546

Instructional Strategy Hierarchy

Special Ed (700)

Home/Hospital (300)

English Leaner (400-650)

* Alternatively, you can submit a different course section for each instructional strategy


Course Section Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes

CRSE Instructional Strategy Code 700

Special Ed (e.g., special day class)

Home and HospitalRecord Element(s) Values and/or Notes

CRSE Instructional Strategy Code 300

Independent StudyRecord Element(s) Values and/or Notes

CRSE Independent Study Indicator Y

Distance LearningRecord Element(s) Values and/or Notes

CRSE Distance Learning Indicator Y


Course Section Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes

CRSEMultiple Teacher Code 1

Class ID

Team Teaching*

Job Sharing*Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes

CRSEMultiple Teacher Code 2

Class ID

* There should be a course section record for each teacher. The Multiple Teacher Code should each be the same in both records. Likewise for Class ID.


Course Section Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes


CRS-State Course Code 4010-5955: required if CRS-Course Content Code does not equal 154

CRS-Course Content Code Required if CRS-State Course Code does not equal a code within 4010-5955

CTE Course Section Provider Code Use 2 – District if section is not part of a CTE pathway

CRS-CTE Technical Preparation Course Indicator Must be Y for a CTE Technical Preparation Course

Career Technical Education (CTE)

CTE course section counts from Fall 2 are not used by the CDE but related validations for these course sections are still enforced


Course Section Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes

CRSE Education Program Funding Source Code 113

California Partnership Academy

Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes

CRSE CRS-State Course Code 3020

Pull-out/Push-in* (support)

* Course section enrollment (i.e., student enrollment) does not need to be reported for pull-out/push-in teaching assignments


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

10th Grade English Local Crs ID: 312 Crs Group: 2131 Term: FY NCLB: S UC/CSU: B

Period: 4Teacher: GradyCrs-Section: 312-15Class ID: 312-15HQT: BEducation Service Code: 3Instructional Strategy: 500

Period: 2Teacher: ChenCrs-Section: 312-07Class ID: 312-07HQT: C

Period: 1Teacher: FriedrichCrs-Section: 312-01Class ID: 312-01HQT: C

Algebra 1Local Crs ID: 204Crs Group: 2403Term: FYNCLB: SUC/CSU: C

Period: 3Teacher: AngelCrs-Section: 204-03Class ID: 204-03HQT: C

Period: 5Teacher: AglianoCrs-Section: 204-04Class ID: 204-04HQT: C

Period: 2Teacher: AglianoCrs-Section: 204-02Class ID: 204-02HQT: B

2nd Grade Local Crs ID: 1002 Crs Group: 1000 Term: FY NCLB: E UC/CSU:

Teacher: SampsonCrs-Section: 1002-04Class ID: 1002-04HQT: C

Teacher: MillsCrs-Section: 1002-19Class ID: 1002-19HQT: BMultiple Teacher Code: 1

Teacher: RobinsonCrs-Section: 1002-19Class ID: 1002-19HQT: CMultiple Teacher Code: 1

French 3 Local Crs ID: 721 Crs Group: 2204 Term: FY NCLB: S UC/CSU: F

Period: 6Teacher: BrawnCrs-Section: 721-07Class ID: 721-07HQT: C

Period: 2Teacher: BrawnCrs-Section: 721-03Class ID: 721-03HQT: C

SSID: 3114167025

Schedule:2nd Grade: 1002-04

Courses Course Sections Student Course Sections

SSID: 2113199025

Schedule:Period 1: 312-01Period 2: 721-03Period 3: 204-03

Data Submission – Course Section


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Basic Course Data Example



1 Agliano, Ratty, and Brawn are all teaching regular, scheduled course sections that are associated with a teacher by the SEID. Each has a State Course Code based on its content, a unique Course Section ID and Class ID. The UC/CSU field indicates which requirement the student has met.


2 All self-contained courses use the same State Course Code (State Course Code = 1000).

* Room is not a CALPADS element, only used for reference

Local Course Information CALPADS Data Elements

Scenario CourseTeacherName

SEID RoomLocal






Section IDClass ID


Beginning algebra Agliano 4152469748 125 204 2403 Algebra 1 S B C 204-04 204-04

Economics CP Ratty 9754426143 41 612 2701 Economics S A A 612-01 612-01

French 1 Brawn 7452165447 19 721 2204 French 1 S C F 721-01 721-01



Lewis 7461542894 2 1015 1000 Kg AM E B 1015-2 1015-2A

1st Grade Jin 3541298745 4 1001 1000 1st Grade E B 1001-4 1001-4

4th Grade Kumar 3452169872 12 1004 1000 4th Grade E A 1004-12 1004-12


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Team Teaching/Job Sharing Example

Local Course Information CALPADS Data Elements

Scenario Course Teacher Room







ID Class ID



3Beginning algebra Agliano 41 204 2403 Algebra 1 S B C 204-03 204-03 1

Beginning algebra Angel 41 204 2403 Algebra 1 S C C 204-03 204-03 1

4Communications Ranasinghe 75 917 5751 Comm 1 S D   917-01 917-01 2

Communications Gordon 75 917 5751 Comm 1 S E   917-01 917-01 2

51st Grade Gordon 8 1001 1000 1st Grade E B 1001-8 1001-8 21st Grade Seaborn 8 1001 1000 1st Grade E B 1001-8 1001-8 2

66th Grade Robinson 19 1006 1000 6th Grade E F 1006-19 1006-19 1

6th Grade Mills 19 1006 1000 6th Grade E E 1006-19 1006-19 1



3 Agliano and Angel are team teaching (Multiple Teacher Code = 1) Beginning algebra.

4 Ranasinghe and Gordon are job sharing (Multiple Teacher Code = 2) Communications.


5 Gordon and Seaborn are job sharing (Multiple Teacher Code = 2) 1st grade in room 8, each course-section (class) is reported with the same Course Section ID, and the same Class ID (they have the same students in the same classroom at the same time).

6 Robinson and Mills are team teaching (Multiple Teacher Code = 1) 6th grade in room 19; each is reported with the same Course Section ID, and the same Class ID.


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Course Data Expected for District Level Programs


If teacher job classification is code 27 (Itinerant/Pull-in Push-out) submission of Student Course Section is optional

Students must only be enrolled at the district level

Report with the district CDS number

Home/Hospital or Independent Study


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Special Education/Home and Hospital Example

Local Course Information CALPADS Data Elements

ScenarioScheduledCourses Teacher









Code Notes

15 Life Skills Conway 901 2537 Life Skills S A   901-01 901-01 700

16 Home and Hospital Sampson 951 1000 Home/Hospital S N    951-01 951-01 300

17District Level Home and Hospital

Mishima   952 1000  Home/Hospital S N    HH01 HH01 300

Use county- district

code for school



15 Life Skills is a class for special education students (Instructional Strategy Code = 700).


16 Sampson is providing self-contained (State Course Code = 1000) home/hospital instruction (Instructional Strategy Code = 300) in multiple subjects. Refer to slide 62 Independent Study scenarios for another example.

17 Mishima provides self-contained (State Course Code = 1000) instruction to students in home and hospital settings (Instructional Strategy Code = 300) throughout the district. Courses should be reported using the county-district (CD) code for the school of delivery. Students must also be enrolled at the district level rather than the school.


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Elementary Itinerant Teachers (Push in/Pull out) Example

Local Course Information CALPADS Data Elements

Scenario Course Teacher Local





HQT CourseSection

ID Class ID




7 Reading Dickinson 2010 2100 Reading E B 2010-1 2010-1 2 500

8 Resource Phanthavong 6010 3020 Resource E A 3020-1 3020-1   700


7 Dickinson is providing ELD Instruction and Structured English Immersion and/or English Learner Mainstreaming (Education Service Code =2 and Instructional Strategy Code = 500). Even though reporting student course data is optional for itinerant assignments, if EL students are only receiving services from an itinerant teacher, reporting course data is recommended.

8 Phanthavong is a resource teacher providing services to special education students (Instructional Strategy Code = 700).

Itinerant assignments can be at the same school


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Multiple Course Content

Multiple Course Content Example

Local Course Information CALPADS Data Elements

Scenario Course Teacher







ID Class




9French 3 Brawn 723 2205 French 3 S C F 723-01 723-01  

French 4 Brawn 724 2205 French 4 S C F 724-01 723-01  

10English Literature Saunders 312 2106 English Literature S A B 312-04 312-04  

US History Sullivan 613 2709 US History S B A 613-04 613-04  

11English Literature Guido 312 2106 English Literature S A B 312-05 999-08 1

US History Sullivan 613 2709 US History S B A 613-05 999-08 1


9 Brawn is teaching French 3 and French 4 during the same period in one classroom. The course content is different so there is a Course Section ID for each course, but the Class ID is the same for both.

10 Saunders and Sullivan are using the same classroom space to deliver English Lit. and US History. Saunders delivers instruction in English Lit to 20 of those students. Sullivan delivers instruction in US History to the other 20 students. A unique Course Section ID and a unique Class ID is reported for each of the two courses (English Lit., US History) with two different SEIDs.

11 Guido and Sullivan are team teaching (Multiple Teacher Code = 1) a "core" English Lit./US History course during a two period block to one group of students. Guido delivers instruction in English Lit during the first hour; and Sullivan delivers instruction in US History during the second hour. All the students in this block are receiving both courses. One Course-Section record with the Course Section ID for English Lit, and one Course-Section record with the Course Section ID for the US History course. Both records should be reported with the same Class ID.


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Career Technical Education Example

Local Course Information CALPADS Data Elements

ScenarioScheduledCourses Teacher











12 Business Math Angel 216 2401 Business Math S C   216-01 216-01 154    

13Fashion Merch Gunn 925 4410 Fashion Merch N  N   925-02 925-02   2 Y

Textile Design Stephenson 840 4411 Textiles S  A G 840-04 840-04   2 Y

14 Interior Design Stephenson 832 4430 Interior Design S  N   832-02 832-02   1  


12 Business Math is part of the Entertainment Career Tech Education (CTE) pathway (Course Content Code = 154) even though it is not a CTE course (State Course Code = 2401).

13 Both Fashion Merchandising and Textile Design are provided by the district (CTE Course Section Provider Code = 2). Fashion Merchandising and Textile Design are part of a Tech Prep sequence (Tech Prep = Y).

14 Textile Design and Interior Design are offered at the Regional Occupation Center (CTE Course Section Provider Code = 1).


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Other Scenarios Example

Local Course Information CALPADS Data Elements

ScenarioScheduledCourses Teacher







ID Class ID DistanceLearning SEID

18 AP EuropeanHistory

Sullivan 665 2774 AP European History

S B A 665-01 665-01 Y  5146784296

19 Calculus CommunityCollege

271 2415 Calculus S   271-00 271-00   9999999999


18 Sullivan is the certificated classroom monitor for AP European History, which is a distance learning course. To report the course-section, use Sullivan’s SEID, and indicate that the course is distance learning.

19 Calculus is offered at the local community college. Since the instructor is not a district employee, use “9999999999” as the SEID.


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Course Data For Educational Options Schools


One self-contained course section per grade level (similar to elementary)

Minimal Reporting

Departmentalized sections

Preferred Reporting

* Reporting student course section records is optional for Educational Options schools


Highly Qualified Status

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Highly Qualified Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

NCLB Core Course SectionsRecord Element(s) Values and/or Notes


CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code

Indicates whether the course is considered NCLB core.

HQT Competency Code Indicates if a course section is being taught by a highly qualified teacher. Required for NCLB course courses (NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code = E or S).

Make sure to review your passed CRSE records for CRSE0127 warnings. These warnings highlight courses reported with a CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code that the state expects to be used for an NCLB core course, but have been reported as non-core. The CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code values are critical for accurate HQT reporting. See report 3.4 for core course counts.

The Course Group Master Combos tab of the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document listed on the Resources slide can tell you whether a course is expected to be NCLB core.


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Non-Highly Qualified Course Data Examples


Local Course Information CALPADS Data Elements

Scenario Course TeacherName

SEID LocalCourse





HQT UC/ CSU CourseSection



1 Study Skills Ratty 2453614875 105 6001 Study Skills N 105-01 105-01

2 French 2 9999999999 722 2204 French 2 S N F 722-01 722-01

3 5th Grade 9999999999 1005 1000 5th Grade E N 1005-15 1005-15


1 Non-core course sections (CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code = N) do not require an HQT Competency Code or UC/CSU Admission Requirement Code.

2 An NCLB core class (NCLB Core = E or S) taught by a teacher without a SEID should be reported with a special SEID (SEID = 9999999999) and must be reported as not being taught by a highly qualified teacher (HQT = N).


3 5th grade is considered elementary core (NCLB Core = E), however a course section taught by a teacher without an SEID must be reported as not taught by a highly qualified teacher (HQT = N). Courses taught by a teacher without an SEID should be reported with a special SEID (SEID = 9999999999).


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Independent Study Examples


Course IDScheduledCourses Teacher




CourseSection ID Class ID


Code4 MAT3731 Integrated Math S1 Chen 2425 Integrated Math S G MAT3731-2IS IS999-02 700

MAT3931 Algebra S1 Chen 2403 Algebra S G C MAT3931-4IS IS999-02 700

MAT3911 Geometry Essentials 1

Chen 2413Geometry

S G C MAT3911-2IS IS999-02 700

SCI5361 CP Biology Chen 2603 CP Biology S G D SCI5361-2IS IS999-02 700

ENG1251 English 7 Chen 2133 English 7 S G ENG1251-2IS IS999-02 700



S G ENG1811-2IS IS999-02 700

SOC5722 World History S2 Chen 2711 World History S G A SOC5722-1IS IS999-02 700

5 ISTOPICS Independent Study Chen 1000 Ind Study S G A ISTOPICS-1IS IS999-02 700


4 Chen is an Independent Study teacher with many students taking multiple course-sections in multiple subject areas. Chen is teaching in a setting to help students with special needs (Instructional Strategy Code = 700) and has demonstrated subject matter competence in mathematics, science, social science, and/or English through the Verification Process for Special Settings (VPSS) (HQT Competency Code = G).


5 Same scenario as example 1, but reported as a single self-contained course section. The HQT status can still be reported as Verification Process for Special Settings (VPSS) (HQT Competency Code = G) because the teacher has demonstrated competence in all subject areas he is teaching for that course section.


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Continuation Class Examples


Course ID Scheduled Courses Teacher Per

StateCourseCode Course Name



Course Section ID Class ID


MAT3931 Algebra S1 Grady 6 2403 Algebra S A C MAT3931-6C CS999-06

MAT3911 Geometry Essentials 1 Grady 6 2413 Geometry Essentials S A C MAT3911-6C CS999-06 ENG1161 CP English 5 Grady 6 2131 English 5 S B B ENG1161-6C CS999-06

7 CSTOPICS Cont Subjects Grady 6 1000 Cont Subjects S C CSTOPICS-6C CS999-06


Math/Science Burns 3 1000 Math S B MATSCIC-1CCS555-03

Departmentalized (multiple subject areas, highly qualified in all)

6 Grady is a continuation school teacher with students taking multiple course-sections in multiple subject areas during the same period. He is highly qualified in math through the exam option (HQT Competency Code = A) and language arts through coursework (HQT Competency Code = B).

Self-contained (multiple subject areas, highly qualified in all)

7 Grady provides instruction in multiple course-sections in multiple subject areas and is highly competent in all content areas through National Board Certification (HQT Competency Code = C).

8 Burns is a continuation school teacher with students taking multiple course-sections in multiple subject areas the same period. The students are scheduled into a generic course-section and are awarded units once they complete coursework in any of the subjects. He has been deemed highly competent in all subjects through coursework (HQT Competency Code = B). The course-section is reported as a self-contained class (CRS-State Course Code = 1000).


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Continuation Class Examples


Course IDScheduledCourses Teacher Per




CourseSection ID Class ID


ENG1811 Lang Arts CAHSEE Droker 1LA CAHSEE

S B ENG1811-1C CS888-01

ENG1171 English 5 Droker 1 2131 English 5 S B B ENG1171-1C CS888-01

ENG1091 CP English 3 Droker 1 2131 English 3 S B B ENG1091-1C CS888-01

SOC5722 World History S2 Droker 1 2711World History

S N A SOC5722-IC CS888-01

10 CSTOPICS Cont Subjects Droker 1 1000Cont Subjects


Departmentalized (multiple subject areas, not highly qualified in all)

9 Droker is a continuation school teacher with students taking multiple course-sections in multiple subject areas the same period. She has been deemed highly competent in language arts through coursework (HQT Competency Code = B), and not highly competent in social science (HQT Competency Code = N).

Self-contained (multiple subject areas, not highly qualified in all)

10 Same scenario as example 7, but reported as a single self-contained course section. The HQT status must be reported as Not Highly Qualified (HQT Competency Code = N) because the teacher is not highly qualified in all content areas she is teaching for that course section.


English Learner Services

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 201567

Course Section Required Fields

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

English Learner ServicesRecord Element(s) Values and/or Notes


Education Service Code Required if Instructional Strategy = 400, 500, 600 or 650

Instructional Strategy Code 400, 500, 600, or 650

Language of Instruction Code

Required if Education Service Code = 1 or Instructional Strategy = 600


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Services to English Learners Example


Local Course Information CALPADS Data Elements

Scenario Course Teacher














Adv algebra (SDAIE)

Angel 206 2404Algebra 2 (Shelt)

S C 206-01 206-01 3 500

English 1 (ELD) Timmerman 315  2130 English 1 S B 315-05 315-05 2 500

Economics CP Ratty 612 2701 Economics S A 612-01 612-01 4 650

2 US History Seaborn 613  2709 US Hist (Bil) S B 1 600 01

1 Angel, Grady and Ratty have classes with English Learners who are receiving English Learner services. Education Services and Instructional Strategy codes should be reported.

2 Seaborn has English Learners in US History. The students in the class have approved “Parental Exception Waivers” and are in a bilingual setting (Instructional Strategy Code = 600) with at least some core content instruction in their primary language (Education Service Code = 1). The primary language used for that instruction is Spanish (Primary Language = 01).

If instructional strategy 400, 500, 600 or 650 are reported for a course-section, the education service must be reported

If education service codes 1, 2, 3 or 4 are reported, instructional strategy must also be reported.


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

Course Section Reminders


Course Section must first be submitted and posted in CALPADS before the Student Course Section is submitted

EL services are reported in the

course section record

Non-academic courses such as

lunch, free period and student

aide are not reported

Course Section ID and Class ID are both assigned by the LEA; Class ID can be used to tie multiple course-sections to the same class


Wrap Up

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015



Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

 Fall - 2 Suggested Milestones

By 11/3 Complete Fall 2 data population in local SIS

Post SDEM, SASS, CRSE, SCSE files12/15 – 1/9

Resolve certification errors, review certification reports and update records if necessary1/12 – 2/20

Certify Fall-2 (level 1 & level 2)3/2 – 3/5

11/3 – 11/28 Upload SDEM, SASS, CRSE, SCSE files. Review

validation errors and reconcile as needed

Send reports to site leaders for approval2/23 - 3/2


Fall 2 Steps


2. Submit and post data

Fix fatal errors Review warnings

3. Resolve errors and review reports

Level 1 (Fall 2 Data Collection Certifier) Level 2 (Superintendent Certifier)

4. Certify

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

SIS Roles

1. Setup


System Documentation




Document Description Sections

CALPADS File Specifications (Forms)

File layout and requirements for batch submission

SSID Enrollment, Staff Demographics, Staff Assignment, Course Section and Student Course Section tabs

CALPADS Code Sets List of state defined codes

See Code Set column in CFS (Forms) for each field reported

CALPADS Valid Code Combinations

Codes allowed to be used together

NonClassSuppAsgn - Job Class, Course Group Master Combos, NonClassSuppAsgn – Content Area

CALPADS Error List Detailed error message descriptions

SSID Enrollment, Staff Demographics, Staff Assignment, Course Section, Student Course Section and Fall 2 Certification tabs

CALPADS Data Guide Detailed requirements Sections 2.2 and 2.3

CALPADS Calendar


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 201574



Self-paced Trainings


Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 2015

CTC Credential Information Guide (CIG)


Restricted to CIG users. Obtain the login information by contacting the Commission at: [email protected]



Web: http://www2.cde.ca.gov/calpadshelp/default.aspx

Phone: 916-325-9210

E-mail: [email protected]

Listserv: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/listservs.asp

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 201576

Training Evaluation

Please complete our survey

Fall 2 Data Population v1.40, January 05, 201577