Face To Face Project

Face to Face AylaStarr Gower


a presentation of photographs

Transcript of Face To Face Project

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Face  to  Face    

Ayla-­‐Starr  Gower  

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Eve  Arnold  photographed  Marilyn  Monroe  a  lot.  This  photograph  was  in  a  exhibi>on  called  “I  want  to  be  loved”  in  the  year  2004-­‐2005.She  worked  at  her  preference  of  being  photographed  black  and  white.  This  photograph  shows  her  glamorous  side  

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Rankin  Photography  

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Face  To  Face    Photograph’s  

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Photograph  shown  in  exhibi>on  this  image  shows  a  sense  of  sadness  to  add  to  my  mind  map    

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Evalua>on  for  Face  to  Face  

•  The  theme  of  images  was  to  capture  happiness  I  also  used  white  and  black  for  most  of  the  photographs  as  I  thought  it  could  be  a  running  theme  among  the  photographs  I  also  got  inspira>on  from  Rankin.  

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Portrait  in  London  

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The photograph that I have chosen is a portrait of my class mate I chose this photo as it shows emotion. I have this picture in colour as it defines the image. A strength of this photo is the good balance of lighting. I enjoyed taking these photographs as it was fun to take as a result the photo came to a good outcome. A weakness of this image is that it doesn't’t have a lot of features editing wise as I didn't’ have a lot of time to edit but overall I am happy with the outcome.

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