Exploring the human reproductive sytem

the male and the female reproductive organ THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGA N

Transcript of Exploring the human reproductive sytem

Page 1: Exploring the human reproductive sytem

The structure of the male and the

female reproductive organTHE MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGA



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What are some physical changes in our

body?Puberty-changes for the males

puberty-changes for females

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Ways to take care of our sexual organs

Eat healthy foodExerciseGet a regular check-upTaking a bath daily

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The importance of protecting our sensitive parts

It is important to protect our sensitive parts for us to be free from disease like AIDS and HIV. Taking a bath daily and eating nutritious foods will keep your reproductive organs free from any

harmful diseases.

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What are the parts of the male reproductive organ?

Vas DeferensUrethraPenisEpididymisTestisScrotumProstate Gland

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The structure of the female reproductive system

What are the parts of the female reproductive organ?

Fallopian tubeOvaryUterusUrethraCervixVagina

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The vas deferens is a part of our male body where in it

carries semen during our ejaculation period

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The urethra is a tube that carries our urine

and semen for us boys or female ejaculate in girls from inside our

body to the outside

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Penis is our external organs as males, in

addition it serves as the external organ of


The penis is the male organ for sexual intercourse. It has three

parts: The root, which attaches to the wall of the abdomen; the body, or shaft, and the glans penis which

is the cone shaped end of the penis. The penis also contains a

number of sensitive nerve endings. The penis is considered an external reproductive organ.

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Epididymis is a part of our male reproductive organ . It

is a narrow tightly-coiled tube connecting the

efferent ducts from the rear of each testicle to its vas


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Testis is a pair of organs and it’s plural is testes. It is a part

of our male reproductive organ. They are the site of

sperm production and are also the major producer of the

male hormone Testosterone. Some people call these

organs Testicles – which may have something to do with the

fact that they hang down outside the body in a sack

(scrotum) just as an icicle in a freezer does. Commonly they

are just known as "balls" which is a fair description of their shape, although they tend to be more oval than


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Scrotum- The scrotum is the loose pouch like sac of skin that hangs behind the penis. It

contains the testes as well as many nerves & blood vessels. The scrotum has a protective function and acts as a climate control for the

testes.Special muscles in the wall of the scrotum allow it to contract and relax, moving the testes closer to the body for warmth and farther away

to cool the temperature. The scrotum is considered an external reproductive organ.

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Prostate gland- The prostate gland is a walnut sized structure that is located below the urinary bladder in front of the rectum. The prostate gland contributes additional fluid to the ejaculate. Prostate fluids also help to nourish the sperm. The urethra,

which carries the ejaculate to be expelled during orgasm, runs through the center of

the prostate gland.

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Fallopian tubes: These are narrow tubes that are attached to the upper part of the uterus and serve as tunnels for the ova (egg cells) to travel from the ovaries to the uterus. Conception, the fertilization of an egg by a sperm, normally occurs in the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg then moves to the uterus, where it implants into the lining of the uterine wall. 

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ovaries: are oval-shaped. These are located beside the uterus.

The ovaries produces egg cells to form human beings

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Uterus (womb) The uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped

organ that is the home to a developing fetus. The uterus is divided into two parts: the

cervix, which is the lower part that opens into the

vagina, and the main body of the uterus, called the corpus.

The corpus can easily expand to hold a developing baby. A channel through the cervix allows sperm to enter and menstrual blood to exit.

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The urethra is a tube that carries the urine and semen of the

boys and female ejaculate for us girls from

inside our body to the outside

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Cervix is the lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of

the vagina. It is cylindrical or conical in shape and

protrudes through the upper anterior vaginal wall.

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Vagina: The vagina is a canal that joins the cervix (the lower part of uterus) to the outside of the body. It also is known as the birth canal. It is the outer portion

of our organ.

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Physical changes for malesGenitalia and Pubic HairGrowing!

Possible Breast DevelopmentVoice Change

Body HairAcne

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Physical changes for males

Puberty event age at which it happensGrowth of testicles and scrotal sac 10-13 Growth of pubic hair 10-15Body growth 10-16Growth of penis 11-14 Change in voice 11-14 Facial and underarm hair 15Acne 15

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Genitalia and pubic hair

In the early stages of puberty, the scrotum grows

larger and you might experience some reddening of the skin and notice texture change in the scrotal skin. Pubic

hair might start appearing at the base of your penis. While the scrotum grows, the penis increases in length and has a smaller increase in width. About a year after

your penis starts growing, most boys have their first ejaculation. This is at times scary or worrisome to boys,

but it is perfectly natural and a part of the pubertal process.

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Puberty can also cause you to go through a growth spurt, which results in an average

growth of about 4.1 inches a year. Your head, hands, and feet are the first things to grow. Then you grow in your arms and legs, and

finally your torso and shoulders catch up with the rest of your body.

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Possible Breast Development

During puberty, some boys do experience slight breast growth, but this is usually temporary and disappears after a while.

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Voice Change

Your voice deepens, and while the process is gradual, you might experience your voice breaking at times. This is normal and natural, so don't worry about it.

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Body Hair

Facial hair first appears at the corners of your upper lip and then spreads across the upper lip, to the upper parts of the cheek, below the bottom lip, and finally to the sides of your face and your chin. Underarm hair is also growing at this time as well.

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Accompanying underarm hair growth, your sweat and oil producing glands also start developing, which eventually results in acne when these glands are clogged. In order to avoid breakouts, you should wash your face twice daily.

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Physical changes in femalesbreasts

pubic hairgrowing


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Physical changes in females

Puberty Event Age at which it happens 

  Growth of breasts ----------- 7-13 Growth of pubic hair -------- 7-14 Body Growth ---------------- 9 1/2-14 ½ First menstrual period ----- 10-16 ½

Underarm Hair -------------- 2 years after pubic hair


Acne --------------------------- the same time as

underarm hair grows

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Breast development begins between 7 years of age and 13 years of age and continues through puberty. Breast development starts with the flat area around the nipple (areola) becoming enlarged and some breast tissue forming under the nipple. When breast development is complete, each breast is distinct and the areola no longer appears swollen.

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Pubic Hair

Pubic hair starts along the vaginal lips, the outer opening of your private parts. The hair becomes darker and coarser and grows like an inverted triangle. Sometimes, the hair spreads to the insides of thighs, as well.

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Puberty also causes you to go through a growth spurt, which results in an

average growth of about 3.5 inches a year. Your head, hands, and feet are the

first things to grow. Then you grow in your arms and legs, and finally your

torso and

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Finally underarm hair begins to grow, and your sweat and oil producing glands also start developing, which eventually results in acne when these glands are clogged. In order to avoid breakouts, you should

wash your face twice daily.