existing buildings digital marketing strategy -...

existing buildings digital marketing strategy

Transcript of existing buildings digital marketing strategy -...

existing buildings digital marketing strategy

business description & brand brief

business description company overview

Norman Disney & Young (NDY) is an Engineering Consultancy committed to excellence in sustainability and energy efficiency for the built environment.

With offices across Australia, New Zealand & the UK our reach is as broad as our service offerings.

A new strategic focus for NDY is Existing Buildings; facilities already in operation.

Upgrade work and optimization can return increased capital value, reduced operational costs and better tenancy rates to facilities.

brand brief minimum viable personality

How can NDY change my customer’s life?

Providing innovation that delivers best solutions, not just the required outcomes.

What does NDY stand for?

Efficiency Overstepping the boundaries of function and finding optimal operation.

What does NDY hate?

Waste Wasted energy, wasted resources and wasted opportunity to improve upon solutions.

brand brief values


Everything can be improved upon


We take pride in our role


Delivering quality

brand brief mission

At NDY we believe in more efficient built environments. Through efficiency we are able to provide skylines that take less and

return more to the community, tenants and stakeholders.

NDY collaborates in the built environment to deliver projects that don’t just meet requirements but set new standards. We do this through technical excellence

in engineering and a thorough pursuit of best possible solutions.

brand brief existing buildings

Existing Buildings can be broken down in to 3 segments:

Major Upgrades

Buildings existing in their current state for 15+ years that have energy ratings below 3 stars

Minor upgrades

Buildings existing in their current state for 7+ years for which minor upgrades could deliver significant benefits

Facility Optimisation

Buildings that have been in operation for over 2 years

brand brief existing buildings

This Digital Marketing Strategy will focus on:

Facility Optimisation

Facility Optimisation can provide inside leads and feed Major and Minor Upgrade work.

lean canvas facility optimisation

Problems » Tenant Retention

» Tenant complaints

» Putting out spot fires.

» Operational costs

» Upgrade costs

Alternatives » BMS providers

» Commission based add-ons

Solutions » Upkeep reduces upgrade/

maintenance frequency

» Optimisation treats facility big picture freeing FMs up to focus on day-to-day

» Optimisation savings can extend BMS life and provide savings towards eventual upgrade

Value Proposition » For Facility Managers who

manage a high functioning facility, NDY has BMS experts that can tune your facility to reduce operational costs. Unlike BMS providers NDY’s expert are independent, providing unbiased advice.

High level proposition » Mercedes service centre for


Unfair Advantage » One of Australia’s biggest

users of NABERS and Green Star rating tools, NDY a leader in work with Energy Efficient buildings.

Customers » Facility Owners

» Property Managers

» Facility Managers

Key Metric » Operational savings

Channels » EDM

» Social Media: Linkedin, Twitter

» Native/Affiliate

» Retargeting

» Web Advertising

Cost Structures » Fee based

For consideration: » Subscription based services

» Portfolio packaging

Revenue Streams: » Consultancy Work

» Internal consulting

Possible: » Major & Minor Upgrade work leads (commission)

customer personas facility owner

Jeff Brooks is part of a consortium that owns several commercial buildings in Melbourne. These properties are viewed solely as investments and as a group they will not spend money on any of the buildings they don’t have to unless it makes business sense. Jeff and the consortium rely on their property manager to provide them with recommendations for expenditures, but mostly they will only make them when they see a strong business case that could make them money or save them money in the long term.

Key motivator: Money

Influences: Peers, Publications (Financial Review), Advisors (Property Manager).

Pains: Financial loss, costly decision making, economic activity

Gains: Trusted advice, high tenancy rates, increased capital value

customer personas property manager

Mike Jenkins is a Property Manager who has an extensive portfolio, each being looked after by a Facility Manager. Each of these Facility Managers reports to him and any cases where significant expenditure is required he must present this to the facility owners. Mike is managing many facilities, his time is stretched thinly and answers to many people. Mike values trust, as anyone he employs that can deliver to him with minimal management is of great value.

Key motivator: Time & Trust

Influencers: Facility Owners, Facility Managers, Peers.

Pains: Complications, people who need constant management, time poor.

Gains: Solutions he does not need to oversee, highly capable employees, keeping costs/expenditure down.

customer personas facility manager

Barry Pinter is a Facility Manager for a 10 year old, 20 story building in Melbourne’s CBD. His day starts as early as 5.30am to ensure there are no complications, he is constantly on call and it is not uncommon for him to have to be out on site during late hours to attend to issues. His responsibilities are many and on any given day a number of service technicians can be on site running inspections and audits.

Key Motivator: Resolving issues

Influencers: Property Manager, Tenants, Publications (FM mag)

Pains: Tenant complaints, time poor, sticking to schedule.

Gains: Time saving, preventative and predictive solutions, assistance (someone on their side, not another they need to keep tabs on).

marketing strategy KPIs

marketing strategy customer journey

Awareness Consideration Purchase Retention Advocacy

» Online advertising » Email » Linkedin Groups » Social Media » SEO

predominantly paid & earned media

» Linkedin Advertising » Affiliate Marketing » EDMs » Information Sessions » Articles » Retargeting

predominantly earned & owned media

» Website enquiries » Direct contact » ROI reporting

» Case Studies » White Papers » Exclusive Events » Videos

predominantly owned media

» Social Media » Newsletter » Blog » Case Study

(own projects) » Event +1

marketing strategy objectives

Primary Objective

Obtain one building optimisation project from each of the top 5 major Property Management Firms’ portfolios in 2 years

(Lend Lease, Knight Frank, JLL etc.)

Secondary Objective

Build awareness of the NDY brand as an independent advisor in the Existing Building space.

Book out 5 information sessions (10-20 attendees each) Obtain email signups of 100 Facility Managers and 20 Property Managers

Create Linkedin Group with 500 followers within 1 year

marketing strategy strategic initiatives

Primary Objective: Obtain project from top 5

Initiative 1: PM Information Session

Initiative 2: Free ROI reporting

Tactic 1.1 Email Marketing

Tactic 2.1 Email Marketing

Tactic 1.2 Social Media

Tactic 2.2 Retargeting

marketing strategy strategic initiatives

Secondary Objective: Brand Awareness

Initiative 3: FM Breakfast seminars

Initiative 4: Owned/Earned Content

Tactic 3.1 Email Marketing

Tactic 4.1 Native Marketing

Tactic 3.2 Social Media

Tactic 4.2 Blog engagement

marketing strategy tactic 1.1 customer journey

Awareness Consideration Purchase Retention Advocacy

EDM Infographic/Article on topic of Facility Optimisation Metrics: Open/Click rate, time on page, contact KPIs: Contact/registration

Exclusive Email Invite Metrics: Open/Click rate KPIs: Enquiries/registration

Information Session Metrics: Attendance KPIs: Leads

Newsletter Metrics: Opens/clicks KPIs: Enquiries

Direct contact from leads. Metrics: Number of facilities KPIs: Fees

From reporting create a case study of project

Metrics: Views, time on page, SM metrics

KPIs: Shares/backlinks

marketing strategy tactic 1.1


EDM Infographic/Article on topic of Facility Optimisation Metrics: Open/Click rate, time on page, contact KPIs: Contact/registration


Confirmation email

TestingA/B Testing

KPIs 35% open rate 10% click rate

KPIs 2min time on page 5% click through

KPIs 3% conversion rate


SESSION IS BOOKEDNDY will be in touch with you shortly

to confirm your booking







Talk to NDY’s BMS expert Bryce Andersonfor independent and unbiased adviceabout optimising your building management system.

T 03 9862 6849 M 0450 021 674E [email protected] www.ndy.com



Do you know what your service technician is doing each visit?Direct your technician to focus on maintenance that saves money.


Is any system truly open?


In some cases ‘new technology’ doesn’t actually do anything your existing system can’t already do itself, knowing your BMS’sown capabilities can save you time andmoney on unnecessary technologies.


Sometimes the expense of an upgrade does not translate to energy savings. Audit your system to determine whether upgrades are necessary or if tuning and optimisation can convert to more energy saved and less money spent.


OPTIMISATIONIs your BMS evolving and improving each year? By auditing and optimising your control system you can turn �ve years energy savings into cash towards a new system or future projects.

© NDY Group 2015

marketing strategy tactic 1.1

TestingA/B Testing A/B Testing


Exclusive Email Invite Metrics: Open/Click rate KPIs: Enquiries/registration

Information Session Metrics: Attendance KPIs: Leads

KPIs 45% open rate 20% click rate

KPIs 45% open rate

20% conversion

KPIs 100% open rate 25% click rate

3 left

marketing strategy tactic 1.1

A/B Testing


Newsletter Metrics: Opens/clicks KPIs: Enquiries


KPIs 20% open rate 5% click rate

marketing strategy tactic 1.1

A/B Testing



From reporting create a case study of project

Metrics: Views, time on page, SM metrics

KPIs: Shares/backlinks

Case studies to tell a story of corporate

responsibility and forward thinking by the client and

project management/facility management.

Shareable content.

KPIs 40% open rate 20% click rate

marketing strategy content marketing plan

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

FM Hint/tips


PM Case Study

FM Insights

PM Optimisation


FM Fortnightly Newsletter

PM Monthly


Shared Content

Shared Content

Shared Content

Shared Content

Start Group Discussion


*All Facility Manager related workday posts to be posted at 5am, before their day starts.

marketing strategy key marketing findings

KeywordsEnergy Efficiency

$6.20 ($2.58 Melb)

Building Management System $5.85

Building Efficiency $4.95

Most of these keyword searches have an average of 10 - 200 searches per month. A limitted budget would

be set for testing.

Native Advertising

FM Magazine

Affiliate Marketing

Facility Management Blog http://www.facilitymanagementblog.com.au/

Facility Executive http://facilityexecutive.com/facilityblog/

Facility Dude http://facilitydude.com/blog/

Linkedin Groups

thank you for your time & efficiency