Exercise it isn't about doing what you like


Transcript of Exercise it isn't about doing what you like


Don’t like to run?

Well - your heart does not like working harder than it needs to.

Running will fix that.

Resting Heart Rate


Resistance training not your thing?Fact: Weight bearing exercises

stress bones and connective tissues resulting in increased bone density.

Fact: Resistance training can prevent injuries, fight osteoporosis,

and delay the effects of aging.


Biceps are awesome to show off (when they look good) but biceps strength isn’t going to prevent disease or

decrease your resting heart rate.

Many other exercises incorporate the biceps so spending valuable time curling is a waste of time.


The problem is that curls might be one of the most over rated exercises around.

Fact: The sun provides an abundance of vitamin D which leads to an increase in happiness, enthusiasm and healthy skin tones.

In addition it decreases tension,

depression and fatigue.


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