EXECUTIVE BOARD OPEN AGENDA - SOAS University of London · 2019. 9. 23. · EXECUTIVE BOARD . OPEN...

EXECUTIVE BOARD OPEN AGENDA Monday 8 th June 2015 (Room 115) I Minutes To approve: minutes of the meeting held on 1 st June 2015 [Attached] II Action Points [Oral Updates] III Matters Arising/Matters for Report [Oral Updates] IV School Promotions Panel To approve: A paper from the Secretary [Appendix A] V Committee memberships To approve: A paper from the Registrar [Appendix B] VI Monitoring of Recruitment to Newly-approved Programmes To approve: A paper from the Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities [Appendix C] VII Circulars received To note [Appendix D]

Transcript of EXECUTIVE BOARD OPEN AGENDA - SOAS University of London · 2019. 9. 23. · EXECUTIVE BOARD . OPEN...



    Monday 8th June 2015 (Room 115)

    I Minutes

    To approve: minutes of the meeting held on 1st June 2015 [Attached]

    II Action Points

    [Oral Updates]

    III Matters Arising/Matters for Report

    [Oral Updates]

    IV School Promotions Panel

    To approve: A paper from the Secretary [Appendix A]

    V Committee memberships

    To approve: A paper from the Registrar [Appendix B]

    VI Monitoring of Recruitment to Newly-approved Programmes

    To approve: A paper from the Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities [Appendix C]

    VII Circulars received

    To note

    [Appendix D]

  • Executive Board Open Minutes 1.6 15_Draft

    These minutes are for information only. Any corrections to the minutes will be recorded in the minutes of the subsequent meeting of the committee.



    Monday 1st June 2015


    Members: Professor Paul Webley (Chair) Mr Graeme Appleby Professor Richard Black Ms Dalia Dasgupta Ms Laura Gibbs Professor Anne Pauwels Professor Gurharpal Singh Professor Nirmala Rao

    In attendance: Dr Chris Ince (Minutes) Apologies: Professor Matt Craven 217. Minutes The minutes of the meeting on 18th May 2015 were approved. 218. Action Points (i) MIN202 – NSS results The Secretary reported that the final data on the NSS response rates would be circulated as soon as possible. 219. Matters Arising/Matters for Report (i) Student Residences EB noted that a further meeting had taken place between the residents and Sanctuary. The Registrar would report back at the next meeting on the outcome. (ii) National pay offer EB noted that both UCU and UNISON would be putting the employers’ final 1% offer to consultative ballots of their members. The outcomes would be known on 26 June. (iii) Director of Academic Services The Registrar reported that an appointment had not been made to the post. Interim cover was being put in place and the post re-advertised later in the year. (iv) CASE Europe Award EB recorded its congratulations to the Director on receiving the CASE Europe Leadership Award. A presentation event would take place later in the week.

  • - 2 -

    220. Governing Body Open Agenda for 6 July 2015 [Appendix A] EB noted the draft agenda for the Governing Body meeting on 6 July. In addition to approval of the budget and financial forecasts the meeting would consider a number of papers on governance matters, the draft Strategic Plan, the revised Estates Strategy and reports on the latest league tables. EB noted that the recent discussions from the Governing Body informal meeting on sustainability at SOAS would be reported at Resources & Planning and included as an annex to the Financial Forecasts. 221. Circulars Received [Appendix B] EB noted the recent circulars.

  • - 3 -

    EXECUTIVE BOARD: Action Points 2014/15

    Minute Item Action 2014/15 Deadline for report to EB


    37 EB Away Day Provide model and shape scenarios for Strategic Plan

    TBC GA

    219(i) Student Residences

    Update on meeting between Sanctuary and residents

    8/6/15 LG

  • Appendix A Executive Board – 8.06.2015

    School Promotions Panel 2015/16

    Executive Board is asked to agree membership of the School Promotions Panel for the 2015/16 session.

    Executive Summary Professor Almut Hintze is likely to be on research leave for the whole of the 2015/16 session, and will therefore be unable to continue as a member of the School Promotion Panel. Executive Board is asked to nominate a replacement. Information about those who are going to be on research leave in 2015/16 is given below. Members of the School Promotions Panel (2 from each Faculty) would normally have experience of Promotion Panel membership (School or Faculty), although do not have to be current members of a Faculty Promotions Panel, and must not be Heads of Departments or senior office holders. The panel must contain both male and female members. The remainder of the members will continue: To be confirmed (A&H) Professor WG Clarence-Smith (A&H) Professor M Hockx (L&C) Professor M Hutt (L&C) Professor J Harrigan (L&SS) Professor S Hopgood (L&SS)

    Recommendations Executive Board nominates a replacement for Professor Hintze.

    Financial Impact N/A

    Risks N/A

    Equality implications The School Promotion Panel should include at least one member from each gender.

  • 2

    Research Leave for 2015/16

    Applicant Department Leave

    Arts & Humanities Faculty

    Batabyal, Somnath Media Terms 1 & 2

    Branfoot, Crispin A & A Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Charney, Michael History Terms 1 & 2

    Dolce, Lucia Religions Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Duran, Lucy Music Term 1

    Fischel, Roy History Terms 1 & 2

    Fortna, Ben History Term 1

    Gerteis, Christopher History Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Harris, Rachel Music Term 2

    Hintze, Almut Religions Term 1, 2 & 3

    Horlyck, Charlotte A & A Term 1

    Hughes, Stephen Anthropology Term 2

    Janson, Marloes Anthropology Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Klein, Jacob Anthropology Term 3

    Osella, Caroline Anthropology Terms 2 & 3

    Pierson, Stacy A & A Term 1

    Raman, Parvathi Anthropology Term 2

    Simpson, Ed Anthropology Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Stewart, Sarah Religions Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Thompson, Ashley A & A Term 2

    Vom Brook, Gabi Anthropology Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Languages & Cultures Faculty

    Caron, James SAS Terms 1 & 2

    Harrison, Rachel SEA Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Healy, Dana SEA Term 1

    Iwasaki, Noriko Linguistics Term 2

    Miller, Owen JAK Term 2

    Ouyang, Wen-chin NME Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Pauwels, Anne Linguistics Terms 1, 2 & 3

  • 3

    Law & Social Sciences Faculty

    Achcar, Gilbert Dev Studies Term 2

    Adamson, Fiona Politics Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Ashiagbor, Diamond Law Term 2

    Baderin, Mashood Law Term 2

    Bajpa, Rochana Politics Term 1

    Bo, Hong DeFiMS Term 2

    Caldwell, Ernest Law Terms 1 & 2

    Chan, Stephen Politics Term 2

    Chang, Dae-oup Dev Studies Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Clark, Phil Politics Term 2

    Drew, Catriona Law/CISD Term 1

    Goodhand, Jonathan Dev Studies Term 1

    Grady, Kate Law Term 2

    Han, Enze Politics Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Heubaum, Harald CISD Terms 2 & 3

    Huan, Zuo DeFiMs Term 1

    Ismail, Salwa Politics Terms 1 & 2

    Jennings, Michael Dev Studies Terms 1 & 2

    Khalili, Laleh Politics Terms 1, 2 & 3

    Kobayashi, Yuka Politics Term 1 or Terms 2 &


    Laffey, Mark Politics Term 1

    Lo, Dic Economics Term 1

    Marois, Thomas Dev Studies Terms 2 & 3

    Otomo, Yoriko Law Terms 1 & 2

    Oya, Carlos Dev Studies Term 2

    Qin, Duo Economics Term 1

    Rao, Rahul Politics Term 1, 2 & 3

    Rizzo, Matteo Dev Studies


    Terms 1 & 2

    Rofe, Simon CISD Term 2

    Salih, Ruba CGS Term 1

    Surak, Kirstin Politics Terms 1, 2 & 3

  • Appendix B Executive Board – 8.06.2015

    Amendments to committee memberships from 2015/16

    Executive Board is asked to

    a) consider amendments to committee memberships in light of the removal of the posts of Director of Student & Registry Services, Director of External Relations & Development and the Director of Academic Development from the School establishment, and

    b) recommend them to Governing Body for approval.

    Executive Summary The posts of Director of Student & Registry Services, Director of External Relations & Development and the Director of Academic Development are no longer part of the School establishment. All of the posts were listed as ex-officio members of a number of School committees, and alternative arrangements now need to be put in place. Executive Board is asked to approve the attached proposals for recommendation to Governing Body. The approval of Governing Body is needed as any such changes require amendments to Standing Orders.

    Recommendations The recommendations set out in the attached document.

    Financial Impact N/A

    Risks N/A

    Equality implications N/A

    Dr Chris Ince 1 June 2015

  • 2

    Amendments to Committee Memberships: DAD, DSRS and DERD 1. Academic Board Current: Director of Academic Development and Director of Student & Register Services are in attendance. Proposal: Director of Academic Services to be in attendance. 2. Academic Development Committee Chair:

    An academic member of Executive Board nominated by Executive Board (normally the Pro-Director (Learning & Teaching))

    Ex-officio Members: Pro-Director (Learning & Teaching) (normally the Chair) Pro-Director (Research & Enterprise) Three Deans Head of Doctoral School Director of Academic Development Director of External Relations & Development Director of Student & Registry Services Director of Academic Services Director of Marketing & Communications Head of IFCELS Head of Planning Other Members: 1 member of academic staff nominated by each Faculty 1 member of academic staff from each Faculty, nominated by the Chair 2 full members of the Students' Union appointed by the Students' Union Executive

    Committee. The Director of Academic Services will be Secretary to this committee. 3. Equality & Diversity Committee Chair: An academic member of Executive Board nominated by Executive Board Ex-officio Members: Secretary Director of Academic Development Director of Human Resources Diversity Advisor Student Disability Advisor Other Members: 1 lay member appointed by Governing Body 1 Dean nominated by the Director 1 member of academic staff nominated by each Faculty 2 full members of the Students' Union appointed by the Students' Union Executive

    Committee 2 members nominated by the Trade Unions recognised by the School (one each from

    UCU/Unison), with a named substitute entitled to attend in a member's absence

  • 3

    As there are already 2 Directors of Professional Services on the Committee, it is not propose to replace the Director of Academic Development at this time. 4. External Relations & Communications Committee Chair: Registrar Ex-officio Members: Director of Development, Alumni & External Engagement Director of External Relations & Development Director of Library & Information Services Director of Student & Registry Services Director of Marketing & Communications Head of Careers Exhibitions Manager Other Members: 1 lay member of Governing Body appointed by Governing Body A Pro-Director 1 Dean nominated by the Pro-Director who is a member of the committee 1 member of academic staff nominated by each Faculty 1 further academic nominated by the Pro-Director who is a member of the committee 1 full member of the Students' Union nominated by the Students' Union Executive

    Committee The Director of Marketing & Communications will be Secretary to this committee. It is not propose to replace the Director of Student & Registry Services at this time. 5. Information Strategy Committee Chair: A Pro-Director Ex-officio Members: Director of Academic Development Director of External Relations & Development Director of Academic Services Director of Library & Information Services Director of Marketing & Communications Head of Planning Other Members: 1 Dean nominated by the Chair 1 member of academic staff nominated by each Faculty

    1 full member of the Students' Union nominated by the Students' Union Executive Committee

    6. Learning & Teaching Quality Committee Chair: A Dean Ex-officio Members: Associate Deans (Learning & Teaching) (or equivalent) Director of Academic Development Director of Student & Registry Services Director of Academic Services Head of IFCELS Head of Registry Other Members:

  • 4

    3 members of academic staff nominated by the Chair, 1 of whom should be the Chair of the Periodic Review Panels

    2 full members of the Students' Union nominated by the Students' Union Executive Committee

    7. Research & Enterprise Committee Chair: An academic member of Executive Board nominated by Executive Board (normally the Pro- Director (Research & Enterprise)) Ex-officio Members: Pro-Director (Research & Enterprise) (normally the Chair) Pro-Director (Learning & Teaching) Deans Head of Doctoral School Director of Academic Development Director of Library & Information Services Director of Research & Enterprise Other Members: 1 Associate Dean (or equivalent) nominated by each Faculty 1 member of academic staff nominated by each Faculty 2 research students nominated by the Students' Union Executive Committee It is not proposed to replace the Director of Academic Development at this time. 8. Student Experience Committee Chair: A Dean Ex-officio Members: Director of Academic Development Director of Academic Services Director of Estates & Facilities Director of Library & Information Services Director of Student & Registry Services Students' Union General Manager Other Members: 1 member of academic staff nominated by each Faculty 2 members of professional services/support staff nominated by the Registrar

    2 full members of the Students' Union nominated by the Students' Union Executive Committee

    The Director of Academic Services will take over as Secretary to this committee. Executive Board is asked to approve these proposals and to recommend them to Governing Body.


    Monitoring of Recruitment to Newly-approved Programmes

    EB is asked to consider the attached report and recommendation on the monitoring of


    Executive Summary Executive Board is asked to consider LTQC's response to the request that it consider the continuation or withdrawal of programmes recruiting below their predicted numbers. Gurharpal Singh

    Recommendations That the review of monitoring of recruitment to new programmes be undertaken annually at the Faculty level involving the relevant budget holders a) the Deans; b) Planning and c) Marketing and Student Recruitment. That the Academic Development Committee is the more appropriate School-wide committee for considering this issue.

    Financial Impact Positive if reviews are undertaken and implemented.

    Risks A serious proliferation of a large number of under recruiting programmes.

    Equality implications None

  • Monitoring of recruitment to newly-approved programmes

    At the request of EB, LTQC received recruitment figures for programmes which have been

    running for three years, and considered statements from convenors concerning their plans

    for the future of programmes which have recruited below target. These have been referred

    back to FMGs as the appropriate body for reconsidering the viability of programmes, and

    taking decisions about their inclusion in Faculty portfolios as part of the annual planning


    It has been proposed that LTQC should take an on-going role in this process, but the view of

    the Committee is that it is not the appropriate part of the deliberative structures to make

    these decisions. The Committee's remit is to focus on issues of learning, teaching and

    quality assurance, and its membership reflects that. Discussions about the size and shape of

    SOAS, the viability in financial terms of programmes, and the need to either close

    programmes (with implications for staff workloads) or adapt their content or marketing

    strategies to improve recruitment (with implications for resourcing) need the involvement of a)

    the relevant budget holders, e.g. the Deans; b) Planning and c) Marketing and Student


    LTQC therefore suggests that Academic Development Committee (at which all three of

    these sections are represented) is the more appropriate body for consideration of these

    issues. LTQC will of course be involved at a subsequent stage as the committee with the

    delegated authority to approve the withdrawal or amendment of programmes, and will do so

    with due regard to the School's quality assurance procedures and its obligations to incoming

    and continuing students.

    Gurharpal Singh

    June 2015

  • Appendix D

    Circulars Received 28.05.15 - 03.06.15

    Type (UUK, UCEA




    Title/Subject Attachments Can I obtain in another format? SOAS action required Who by Deadline

    AHRC Update 28/05/2015 May 2015 News Update N/A available as pdf from Directorate


    N/A For information N/A

    UCEA UPDATE 15:041 28/05/2015 Clinical academic salaries for Wales

    with effect from 1 April 2015

    Yes - 2015 clinical

    academic salary

    scales (Wales); Welsh


    Department of Health

    and Social Science

    Pay Letter

    available as pdf from Directorate


    N/A For information N/A

    UCEA UPDATE 15:042 28/05/2015 New JNCHES pay negotiations 2015-

    16 - UCU response

    N/A available as pdf from Directorate


    N/A HR Director N/A



    29/05/2015 ILR funding and monitoring data

    (FAMD) 2013-14: Funding data

    reconciliation exercise

    Yes - Annex A:

    Selection criteria

    available as pdf from Directorate


    For information - for further

    education and sixth forma colleges

    For information N/A

    Circulars with upcoming deadlines

    Type (UUK, UCEA


    Date Received Title/Subject Attachments Can obtain in another format? SOAS action required Who by Deadline

    20150608 EB - Open agenda20150601 EB - Open Minutes_Draft20150608 EB - Appendix A (School promotions panel)20150608 EB - Appendix B (Committee memberships)20150608 EB - Appendix C (LTQC report)20150608 EB - Appendix D (Circulars)