Example of an Exam

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Example of an exam

Example of an exam

1. Imagine you are a consultant, and you have been asked by the organizer of a local Film Festival to find out more about customers expectations concerning the festival. The customers in this case are the end consumers, i.e. the ones who pay to watch various films. The organizer likes to know more about the customers and their expectations as they know that expectations are critical to evaluation of service.

Discuss different levels of expectations related to the festival.

Which main factors do you think influence the expectations to the festival?

The next question concerns customer relationships in this festival context.

Suggest relevant relationship strategies and discuss if loyal customers can be developed.

Discrepancies between what the customers experience during the film festival and external communication can have a strong effect on customer perceptions of the festival quality. Integrated services marketing communication, which is well planned in co-operation with other actors, can minimize these discrepancies.

Discuss general strategies for achieving integrated services marketing communication and point out which would be most critical for both the festival and the city.

2. The following questions concern the servicescape.

Describe and give an example of how servicescapes play each of the following strategic roles: package, facilitator, socializer, and differentiator.

Explain how the physical environment (the servicescape) in a hotel can impact on the behaviour of customers and employees. 3. Assume you manage a theme park. Explain the underlying pattern of demand fluctuation likely to occur at your theme park. Explain how you might use both demand-oriented and capacity-oriented strategies to smooth the peaks and valleys of demand during peak and slow periods.