Evidence that Demands Change Luke 5.1-11

“Evidence That Demands Change” Luke 5:1-11

Transcript of Evidence that Demands Change Luke 5.1-11

Page 1: Evidence that Demands Change   Luke 5.1-11

“Evidence That Demands Change”

Luke 5:1-11

Page 2: Evidence that Demands Change   Luke 5.1-11

I left the university and traveled throughout the United Sates and Europe to gather evidence to prove that Christianity is a sham. … One day while sitting in a library in London, England, I sensed a voice within me saying, “Josh, you don’t have a leg to stand on.” … The more I researched, the more I heard this voice.

… I couldn’t sleep at night. I would go to bed … and lie awake until four in the morning, trying to refute the overwhelming evidence I was accumulating that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. Josh McDowell

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1. There is overwhelming evidence people still need to hear the Word of God there just isn’t much of a desire.

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Luke 5:1&3 (NLT) One day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, great crowds pressed in on him to listen to the word of God. … 3 Stepping into one of the boats, Jesus asked Simon, its owner, to push it out into the water. So he sat in the boat and taught the crowds from there.

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2. A major reason people have no desire to hear God’s Word today is because it always requires action on the hearer’s part.

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Luke 5:4-5 (NLT) When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.”

5 “Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.”

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3. When one genuinely responds to God’s Word lives are blessed.

Luke 5:6-7 (NLT) And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! 7 A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking.

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4. When we come to the realization that Jesus is “The Christ” it is because we’ve come face to face with our true identity.

Luke 5:8 (NKJV) When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!"

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5. The evidence that a change has taken place within us is a willingness to live a sacrificial life!

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Luke 5:10-11 (NLT) His partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were also amazed. Jesus replied to Simon, “Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!” 11 And as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.