Everyday care - Microsoft

NICU FAMILY SUPPORT This resource includes some medical terms you may hear in the NICU. You can find out what they mean in the Words to know section at the end of this resouce. Everyday care Your home is a new place for your baby. The sounds, smells and schedule are different from what she was used to in the NICU. It may take her some time to adjust. Be patient with your baby as she settles into her new home. Crying and fussiness All babies cry. They cry when they’re hungry, bored, uncomfortable or scared. They cry when they need a diaper changed, hear a loud noise, meet a new person or for no clear reason. And some babies cry more than others. You’re not a bad parent because your baby cries. Crying is the main way your baby communicates with you. But it can be upsetting and frustrating if your baby keeps crying and you can’t figure out why. If your baby starts crying, first try: Feeding her Burping her Changing her diaper If none of these work, check for signs of illness, like fever or swollen gums. If she’s not ill, then: Sing or talk to her Rock her Swaddle her in a blanket Put her in a stroller and go for a walk, or put her in her car seat and take a ride in the car Dim the lights in the room Turn on some quiet music Use the vacuum or turn on the shower Hold her close to your body and breathe slowly Call a friend, family member or neighbor to help so you can take a break As you get to know your baby, you learn how much crying is normal for her and what you can do to soothe her. If your baby cries longer than usual and nothing seems to be working, call your baby’s provider.

Transcript of Everyday care - Microsoft

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This resource includes some medical terms you may hear in the NICU. You can find out what they mean in the Words to know section at the end of this resouce.

Everyday careYour home is a new place for your baby. The sounds, smells and schedule are different from what she was used to in the NICU. It may take her some time to adjust. Be patient with your baby as she settles into her new home.

Crying and fussinessAll babies cry. They cry when they’re hungry, bored, uncomfortable or scared. They cry when they need a diaper changed, hear a loud noise, meet a new person or for no clear reason. And some babies cry more than others. You’re not a bad parent because your baby cries.

Crying is the main way your baby communicates with you. But it can be upsetting and frustrating if your baby keeps crying and you can’t figure out why.

If your baby starts crying, first try:

• Feeding her

• Burping her

• Changing her diaper

If none of these work, check for signs of illness, like fever or swollen gums.

If she’s not ill, then:

• Sing or talk to her

• Rock her

• Swaddle her in a blanket

• Put her in a stroller and go for a walk, or put her in her car seat and take a ride in the car

• Dim the lights in the room

• Turn on some quiet music

• Use the vacuum or turn on the shower

• Hold her close to your body and breathe slowly

• Call a friend, family member or neighbor to help so you can take a break

As you get to know your baby, you learn how much crying is normal for her and what you can do to soothe her. If your baby cries longer than usual and nothing seems to be working, call your baby’s provider.

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Safe sleepEven if your baby slept on his tummy in the NICU, at home he needs to sleep on his back. Just remember “back to sleep.” Sleeping on his back lowers your baby’s chances of dying from sudden infant death syndrome (also called SIDS). Let your baby spend time on his belly when he’s awake and you can watch him closely. This “tummy time” is important for the baby’s muscle development.

Always use a firm, tight-fitting mattress and a fitted sheet in your baby’s crib or bassinet. Don’t put pillows, blankets, stuffed animals or crib bumpers in your baby’s bed. The baby may not be able to breathe if he’s face down on one of these items.

Never let anyone shake your babyTaking care of a fussy, crying baby can be stressful. Sometimes parents or caregivers get so frustrated and angry that they shake the baby to try and make her stop crying.

Never shake a baby. Her tiny, fragile brain may be damaged. It only takes a few seconds of shaking to cause brain damage that may never go away.

Call 911 if you feel like you’re losing control and are worried that you or someone else might hurt your baby.

If it’s cool, dress your baby in a sleeper to keep him warm. Don’t use a blanket. Keep the temperature in your baby’s room at about 67 F. If it’s warm, don’t overdress your baby. A good rule of thumb is to put one more layer of clothing on your baby than what you’d be comfortable wearing.

Share your bedroom with your baby but not your bed. You may like the idea of cuddling with your baby at bedtime and having him sleep in your bed. But this isn’t a good idea. Your baby has a greater chance of dying and other dangers, such as not being able to breathe, if he sleeps with you in your bed. Instead, put your baby in his own crib or bassinet. Keep it close to your bed so your baby is nearby during the night.

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Hand washingEveryone, including you and your family members, should wash their hands before touching your baby. Scrub your hands for at least 30 seconds (about the time it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song twice from beginning to end). Also, wash your hands after changing the baby’s diaper, using the bathroom, wiping another child’s nose or blowing your nose.

When you wash your hands, you reduce the chance of passing germs to the baby. If you can’t wash your hands with soap and water and you can’t see any dirt on your hands, it’s OK to use hand sanitizer.

Having visitorsBabies who have stayed in the NICU have a greater chance of getting infections than other babies. So you want to take extra steps to keep your baby healthy while she’s building up her immune system. This is important during cold and flu season. Here’s what you can do:

• Limit the number of people who come to your home.

• Ask visitors to wash their hands before touching your baby.

• Don’t let visitors smoke in your home or near your baby.

• Don’t let adults or children who are sick, have a fever or who may have been exposed to an illness near your baby.

• Ask adults who may have contact with your baby to get a Tdap vaccination (also called a whooping cough or pertussis vaccination).

• Try not to take your baby to crowded places, like the shopping mall and grocery stores.

Taking these steps does not mean that you can’t invite people to your home, or that you have to stay in your house for the first months after your baby comes home. It’s fine to take your baby for walks outside in nice weather and visit friends or family members. Just make sure your baby is going to a smoke-free and illness-free place.


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Child careHeading home from the NICU may mean heading back to work for some families. Some parents may decide that the plan they had before their baby was born isn’t going to work now. Deciding who will care for your baby when you go back to work can be stressful. You may be worried about your baby’s health and if she will get the care and attention she needs.

There are many child care options, and some may be better for your family than others. Some child care providers are unable to care for a baby with medical needs. To help you decide about child care, ask your baby’s provider what kinds of care are best for your baby. You may want to:

• Ask NICU staff for suggestions for child care providers.

• Search the internet for day care centers that take children who have special medical needs.

• Find out if your health insurance covers the cost of in-home nursing care for your baby when you’re at work.

What to look for in a child care providerBecause NICU babies are more likely to get sick when near other babies, children or adults, you want to choose a child care provider that has the following rules:

• Caregivers must wash their hands before touching the babies or children.

• Caregivers must wash their hands after changing diapers, touching used tissues and going to the bathroom.

• Sick babies and children are not allowed to attend child care.

Caring for a baby born prematurely or with a medical condition may be a new experience for some caregivers. If the person is coming to your home, let her spend a few days with you and your baby before you go back to work. This gives her time to learn how to best take care of your baby and for your baby to adjust to her new caregiver.

Make sure your baby is up-to-date on vaccinations before she starts child care. Call your baby’s health care provider to find out.


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March of Dimes materials are for information purposes only and are not to be used as medical advice. Always seek medical advice from your health care provider. Our materials reflect current scientific recommendations at the time of publication. Check marchofdimes.org for updated information.

© 2019 March of Dimes 12/19

Words to knowhand sanitizer — A liquid used on hands to kill germs without using water.

health care provider — Also called provider. The person who gives medical care.

immune system — Protects your body from infection.

infection — An illness caused by some viruses, bacteria or other germs.

in-home nursing care — When a nurse comes to a family’s home and provides medical care to the baby.

NICU — Also called the neonatal or newborn intensive care unit. The place in the hospital where newborns go for special care.

pertussis (pur-TUSS-iss) — See whooping cough.

provider — See health care provider.

SIDS — See sudden infant death syndrome.

sudden infant death syndrome — Also called SIDS. The unexplained death of a baby while sleeping.

swaddle — A safe way to wrap the baby in a blanket. This is when the baby is wrapped in a thin blanket so that it covers most of her body below the neck.

Tdap vaccine — A vaccine which offers protection from three serious diseases including pertussis (also called whooping cough).

tummy time — When a baby is placed on his tummy to help his muscle development.

vaccination (vak-suh-NAY-shuhn) — A shot that contains a vaccine that helps protect against certain diseases.

whooping cough — Also called pertussis. An infection that spreads easily and is very harmful to a baby. Babies and adults can get a vaccine to protect them from pertussis and prevent spreading it to others.