Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-06-29 [p...

r ij J I 4 f 0 Tj tI1IV TT- o ifHE WORLD WE1i EsllAY VENmG ruNE 2lt tM fOUGHT SNAKE t TO GH POISON J Clyde W Powers Struggled J with an Arizona Rattler and Put Poison In Bottle for Sol t entlfio Purposes UNIVERSITY CHEMISTS WILL MAKE AN ANALYSIS 1 The Reptile Selected Was One I of the Largest In ths Bostock l Animal Show at Dreamland J Coney Island The Interact which edervtlflo men hat always hid In the myMerlous and deadly potion of the rattlesnake hu hed added stimulus < lno Brandu the Hlndoo snake charmer at Boitock i arena In I Dreamland war recently blttm by an Artrona rattler whit gtrtnir a publlo performance After hoverhiK for days between life anl death Brandu li now pronounoed to be out of dangir by the doctor at the Reception Hoipltal but his accident hu hud the effect of bring- Ing a large number of medloal men and chemist to Mr Boetock with requests that he furnish them with rattlesnake twlton tor purposes of analys- ts s get rattlesnake poison from the living reptile li not an say took Even when In the bands of an xpert the 0 work li highly dangerous but Mr lies took has always been willing to help the scientists who aN making a study- of the potion being highly Interested himself In the discovery of aome drug which will make the bite of the rattler less deadly Asked tor the Falcon Last Friday one of the best known Instructors In chemistry In this country a man associated with the faculty of a- very h large unherslty In the East called- it the Doetock arena and asked Mr Boitock to procure him tome poison from one of his Arliona rattlers It li I doubtful If the scientific man knew at the time the difficulties In the way of getting the poison but ho knows now and he will not soon forget scent which he witnessed y He was turned over to Clyde Vf Pow ers perhaps the most fearless handler of venomous uukea In the world Lat year Powers was bitten by an Arizona rattler while extractingposson from hli fangs and for rive lay between lire and death He Is one of the taw who has had the experience and jived to tell of It Ueiplte II however as willing now ai he ever wa to tackle a cage full of rattles and his pave is is good ai It was before he WM bitten When Powers was told to get the chemltt some poison he calmly walked- to the glass cage of the rattlers and proceeded to stir them up with a stick more he stirred and annoyed tile nakes the angrier they got Se licUng one ot the largest of the snakes e poked at him until In his anger the a itruck again and again at tM ilde of the cage At the proper moment he pinioned the rattler with a pronged grabbed him ikohteh firmly t head Dropped Potion In Ilottl In the man powerful grip the make was powerleu to do aunt but rattle and hiss run his fangs- In and out like llgbtnlng Power cu fled the snake out of doors took a bottle In his free hand relaxed bps grip the least bit and out came a tans gram which a few drops ot potion fill Into the bottle the anfreJahIPu8f tosmake clintly him produce more poison This war kept up for about n of which time about a tablespoonful of the poison had been procured Ai this was the iclenllhc man anted the make was put back In the cage The man for whom this work was tone was amazed at the ooJra work of Towers couldnt understand how a moor who had once been bitten bitten and had lUffircd the tortures that ewer did could be 1 to risk htmielf Ir such apparently recklew tuition I tupposi Ill get It again some time laid Powers afterward Still Ive always handled snakes and Its liars for me to fear them I am will to get the poison for a medical man any time for I would like to zoo a cure for ratUeinake bite I dont want anr one sloe to cutter what 1 luftered Dr Drnih K mrl- ti the popular drink this rammer And yet Kumjsi b not a new article- by any means It to over thirty year line Dr Brush experimenting with milk and It fermentation hit upon the process by which Kumysi Is ¬ pared PO that It will keep In all climate- laW success Is vouched for by the that It Is recognized by all the medical schools end It ts a favorite rmcrlntlon with nhvslcUns when their tltnt need delicate care In the con- valescent period and In various die chic Ther toot uslmllatlon to n- oreceman to the prolongation of life 4e EXTRACTING POISON FROM ONE OF BOSTOCKS RATTLESNAKES t ydp W Powers Jexerocftng PofQr1 frorrf J fJ CANT COLLECT ON MONKS DEATH I Bostock Paid 7500 in Pre- miums ¬ on Consul to a Bogus Insurance Agent Represent- ing ¬ an 80000 Risk Detective are seekinc an Insurance swindler who collected r7WO In premi- um from Frank lioatock the animal trainer tor a dozen policies represent ln > on their face Insurance to tho amount of 5SOWO on the Ufa of the famous educated chimpanzee Consul Consul died In Berlin a few months RIO and the efforts of Mr liustock and hll attorney to collect tho Insurance have been fruitless Toe companies named In the pollcle aro mythical Lloyds and the pro- moter ot most ot them have been recently arrested In Chicago In the wholesale vide made In that city by the federal authorities on a band or notorious swindler The paper in the case have been turned over to Assistant DlstrlctAt torner Oarvan by Oecrre J Carr at torney for Boatoclc Robert H Hunter Deputy State Sup erintendent of Inur nc cold that tho swindler In the coos had already served a year In State Prison and that the de partrrent heel been trying to drive him out of buslneju for several years I think we knee him time on several counts nail Mr Hunter In dls goosing the Doitock ease CAT FOUND IN MAIL BAG rrlve at Paseale from PhlUdal- pliln In a Weal Condition Stall Clerk Samuel BallcT it the post office In pale N J on aptntyg a stall bar from Philadelphia was as tonished to see a cat wttlj the torn remnants of a tag about Its neck walk outThe pieces of the tar were picked and put together and rom them Dalley learned thnt the cit lied regular egMgJ 1hllndclphli After on breed and milk thij A Sale of Homespun Outing Suits for Your Vacation r 750 4 1A sl If you want a homespun with more l character and distinctiveness than the it 1 i ordinary sort one that has style and snap end go these will gratify your I wishes Theyre Just the proper suit 1 for vacation wear cool comfortable and e Lr Inexpensive Single and double breasted i suit coats and trousers in gray olive II and brown homeipuni Cn sale at J7JO Sale of Serge Suits I 15 liens a sale ol blue and black serge S suite that means a saving of at least II jf t live dollars to man who buys one They gracefully modelled In the new long roll breated and single breasted sack styles with thou shapely shoulders end snugfittlng collars of serge that are absolutely fast color and that will their shape On special site at tIS Every othr vacation nerdAAts Halt Shirtii none Underwear Negligee Dathlnj Joq QL > HatCa Quit Shoes Straw to alt rkdlr it vary modeet4tM Qb Ca 0 wAbt b1i iLi cat which appeared exhausted when let out of tho hOI ricked up and be- non to lake n die rfil tort In the out offico and Its employees AWHELD ON BIGAMY CHARGE Lavaum V E ones Claimed as Husband by Two Young and Pretty Women Is Now in the Tombs BOTH WIVES MEMBERS- OF PROMINENT FAMILIES- One Said to Be a Relative of Gen Daniel E Sickles Case Kept Quiet by Distriot Attor- neys ¬ Office Lawyer V H Inner ihlrt eight years old a lawyer and the ton of a wealthy widow who liven at No 2 IUvaview Trace wan arraigned before Judge Newburger In Part L of General Ses- sions today charged with bigamy He wa arrreted last night at till home ot hie mother by Detective Sergt Hob Atc aucnt on a bents warrant Is upon an Indictment flied June t The complainant In the uxse Is Mn Caroline Green Innes of No Ut Midi ton avenue who wa married to the Lawyer on Oat 22 1900 She declared that after her marriage the tupported her husband and enabled hint to study law and become a member of the bar Another oomplilnant In the case Is Mrs Clarice V Inne who say the was married to the lawyer on Oct 14 1WA She formerly war a Mia BlcVks and Is Bald to be related to Gen Daniel r Blckle Both these young women who appeared before the Grand Jury ml told the stories of the courtships and marrtogei are unusually pretty end members 0 ffamlllM prominent In society lh DlitrlotUtorne ofTlce has kept tho ease unusually quiet and refused today to give any Information concern ing the tad so far present When lanes woo arraigned before Judge Newburger today neither of hli two wive was In court He was hand- somely drehsed and woro cunsMerablo Jewelr lie would make no statement end was committed to the Tombs In de- fault of 11000 ball n S ftcletsmAL- tY DELtGffJ- FULouqud bt rtmt b e- l11ii11jQii 2 o n diott- unb Qde C1jhibi g nm- Var1iculnrl esinWlt innertt- Dfabe bI t Q nndttfs of- f1ters pepsin Lulu Ifieir 1 5t 1t t mm tivulion r Five Little Pennies- will buy an ounce of delightful EblclCtfl tho dainty mintcovered confection that Old people young peopleall people talk about 4 At all the better kind of stores Retail Slorekeeptts supplied byfernCWhofoule Dnrgg410- ew JOBBERS SUPPLIED BY FKAHKII PLEEIt kCO Inc PhllldIpS Or L Jlowentbtl Distributor 516 Wen Jh Strut New York + L c J Charmingly Coot An Outdoor Breakfast or Luncheon- on the Loggia of MACYS RESTAURANT tight stories above the noise and stir of flruadwav Table d tote Bmktatt 29c and J9c Loula Lunch a la lute I R AUcy s Attractions Are Their Low 1 J J Bway 6th Ave C4r I Oriental Announcement Rugs and Carpets- A MIDSUMMER SALE 11 We ate now receiving advance shipments ot CHerital Tloorwear selected in the Rugweaving Countries of the Far East by a mem ber of the firm who recently returned from abroad The unexpected early arrival of these weavesabout five hundred in allenables us to complete preparations for the sale to start TUESDAY JULY 5TH- a full two months earlier than remarkable Oriental Floor wear sale of 19oi Rug connoisseurs rho attend this ale Mrly will find some truly phenomenal alues Details will be announced in Sundays papers Black and White Japanese Silks n While the Japs are closing in on Port Arthur we are closing out some of the prettiest products of Jap looms from 10 per cent to 25 per cent lower than equal grades will cost elsewherethis In face of the fact that a war has curtailed the supply and it will be many a day before these same looms are again operation- The Black Silk perspiration and water proofa cool serviceable Silk Ideal for summer wear width 27 inches The prices 59c 69c 79c 99c 114 and 124 a yard White Japanese Silks high class carefully selected most excellent for summer waists 27inch a yard 39c to 99c 36inch a yard 47c to 99c After such selling as the White Goods sec lOut Go The lion has seen this season little wonder that Coods there ar great of lemnants for the Rpmnnnt m volume of business such a department does = fe to be determined by its accumulations of short lengths Always the most wanted goods too Persian Lawns India Linons Batistes Organdies French Lawns Swiss Mull and of White Goods in shirtwaist lengths The pricesdesigned to make the clearance quick and complete for those who want more than shirtwaist lengths this special Sheer French Lawn 45 indies wide sold by others at 25c a yard price iSc Sale of Womens Beltsyet n Crush Leather Belts made Crush Leather Bells 4 in of fine soft glove kidskin wide made of selected 2W inches In blacA kidskin In red blue white red blue tan brown white black brown green gray buckles of gilt and tan neat oval buckles nickel and black enamel i in gilt nickel and blacken sola by others at 34c amel j sold by oth SOc each ers at 75c each 44cS- ilk Crush Belts black and Sold by white 2 to 5 inches wide with tile others at neat buckles and back pieces 6Sc others with plain or 49C shirred backs ChinaThe Best Display We Have Ever Madetyuemeet The superlative applied to my item In these vast China stocks in the basement gives it deep significance when say that we are now showing the most complete lines of Decorated Dinner Sets we have ever shown It means stocks without parallel Here are the latest Theo Haviland Carlsbad LImores English and do- mestic patterns in complete sets and scores of Open Stock pat terns from you may select a complete a single piece as you choo No other store has equal facilities for owning China and Glass- ware Our low prices are Intrenched behind unequalled manufac turing facilities o our own and a strjctly cash system that demands less nn a transaction than any credit system in the world English and Domestic Decorated r 87 5 Dinner Sets e to 1989 Carlsbad Decorated China 5 87 Dinner Sets 14e to Mo4 Limoges Decorated China s Ise 97 s 87 Dinner Sets to 394 Toilet Sets Toiet Sets full size 7 pieces neatly decorated open jar 237 Toilet Sets full sloe 9 pieces vio let dtcoritloni HSctnnw- ith r Toilet Sets full sire 9 pieces nice- ly decorated Si 951 with covered Jir 3 2 97 Toilet Seta 9 pieces fancy ship decorations 223 i with covered Jar 4 337- IceCream Sets China IceCream Sets oblong dish for brick of 12 plates violets and golf edge 237 IceCreim Sets decorated with rosebuds and giltj i fancy tdttf Ice Cream Sets with art nouveau borders and gold each 3 269 IceCream Sets with maroon bor- ders rich grit centres each 433 Bohemian Vases floral de- signs assorted tainted to In high u l 47 3 989 English Vases Pomona green tulip the tallest Glass Vases ev- erme45 to Inches high 1346 to 1996 Trench Vases crystal and anther green 16 to 41 inches high J74Jto 3 1X4J Bohemian Vases costal or green cut edges 16 to 17 Inches high 97e to 297 Iliad Vases Violet Holders and Rose fowls n endless rarlety at pried correspondingly low Prices Hlh to jth bi our fancy our glove fancy So we set profit and and Lobster Sets China Lobster Sets natural shape for serving lobsters a Newburg 12 servers 1188 Salad Dishes lobster ban dlesi for six portions each 97c Same for 12 portions each pl47 Salad Sets consisting of 12 plates and bowl each 293 Lobster Tray and 12 plates hand painted Limoges china set j S9O7- Radish Sets Radish betf trays with c salt cup on ea hlaltt s I 87 Radish Bowls on I f97c white and told each Pierced Bowlt on yule c shape of cabbage ea 149 Tomato Sets TIthe rIdes and bowl hand painted tomatoes age on Llmojcs ehilia843 I Flower Vases and Jardinieres 38 66 H Is or or to at la Minton Vallaurls Faience Austrian Majolica and Royal Bonn PMs and Pedestals In art designs from 59 87 each up to 9981 each the later 6J Inches high being the largest made Pots and colors stip- pled tIs1dn with Inches high J347 1A In high fH7- Jl Inches high 747 PedMettes pot and stand In one fleet a lichen high U491 14 It e s high 44n 29 inches high 747 Majolica Pots ud Pedestals 39 Inches high Aft Commencing and continuing throughout August be Sat- urday accordance Dainty Foodstuffs From Our Delicatessen StoreO- ur Modern Delicatessen Department on the is pre furnish estimates fcr icnic luncheons pack luncheon- baskets order to furnish order all kinds of sandwiches The ccoked delicaciesoflereil this department are prepared in our own kitchen by an accinplishod iinch chef The quality oj everything ottered is best procurable and our prices are from onethird to 01titf s charge Sugar Cured Ham or Corned Beef sliced to any thickness desired the Hol Slicing Machine pound 3IC Reef Tongue pound 49c Pickled Mixed Nests pound lie French Head Cheese poun- dt flaked Macaroni with and tomatoes dish Rlletter chicken ham and tongue pound 26c Old Fashioned Rice Puddln dish 7c Leon lbr 7 l It July the I July and the store will at noon ¬ In with custom t 1 I fifth floor to to to and to in f the Dolled land Bolted cheese Chicken round 47cj Crab fresh picked cub > I meat pound 34c Salad with maycmnita i pound toe Choice Domestic Cmelat pound Puree Pole Gus can I5tj r 169- Gtnulne Russian Carlar cant i t 1114 Imported Swiss Cheese pound Fancy Lily White lie Brand flutter pound prints r t Grocery Specialsglen Vienna Brand Coffee y Rich full flavored and fragrant A splendid Breakfast Coffee bean- or granulated pound cartons i regular price 19c special for this sale 15c Macys Best Coffee i Genuine Old Mandheling Jaw and Arabian Mocha No matter how much you are uillmr to pay for Coffee you can get nothing better sold by us regularly at 4rc special for this threeday sale 39c Curio Chop Tea Ceylon Mixed Young Hyson Japcn formosa Oolong and Eng gush Breakfast 1lb carton regular price 34c for this sale the price Is 38c Slb caddy regular price S159 for Us sale 128 to Ib caddy regular price 02 for this sale 252 Armours Famous Helmet Brand Boneless Bacon espec- ially smoked and cnnvased for this sale weight 3 to 5 pounds at pound 12c Armours English Cured White Label Bacon at pound Hu Swifts Premium Brand Smoked Beef Tongues closely j i trimmed freshly smoked weighing from 4 to 0 pounds for this sale 15cl Rolled Oats Quaker and Lily While Brand 2lb carton 8ci aN dozen 94C Flags for the Fourth n Cotton Bunting Flags sold elsewhere are vastly inferior to the r Standard Bunting Flags resell and they frequently advertised In competition with Standard Wool Colors We always have sold and always will sell Standard Flags cheaper i than any other house and this assertion will be upheld at the ex- pense ¬ of as many price reductions may be necessary The glory of even matching Macs low prices will always be short ¬ i Specials In Wine DepartmentFif- th When You Buy by the Gallon We Furnish Jug Free MOUNT VERNON WHISKEY 5 years old regular price 294 r gallon 74c bottle special for this sale at 234 gallon bottle 49c FINCHS GOLDEN WEDDING WHISKEY 7 years old regular price 374 gallon 84c bottle special for this sale 304 gallon bottle 60- kYoungs Keystone Rye Youngs Keystone Rye Others ask 00 gal Others ask 100 hot Our price 324 gal Our price 78c bottlt Youngs Blue Grass Youngs Blue Grass 1jjq Others ask J500 gal Others ask 125 bot r Our prlcs 419 gal Our price 99c bottle RED STAR COCKTAILS made of the purest and best 1 liquors specially matured and ripened for this The nl Is done according to our own private formulae Note mg better be had at price regularly 89c a bottle special for three days a bottle 69c Special one dozen bottles 814 We sole importers of the famous Old Glenfiddlch Scotch Whiskey Its excellent qualities best determined by compari- sons ¬ Choose any popular brand on the market and make your own test j gallon 4IS bottle 86c S Pemartin Brut Sherry a remarkably fine rich nutty flavored dry wine our own direct from the growers regu- lar price 214 gallon special for this sale gallon 189 bot52c 6 Tarragona Port a rich soft fullbodied strengthgiving tonic our I own importation regular price gallon 219 j bottle 49c spedal for this sale gallon 164 bottle 44c Clarets eau Clc Bordeaux Quarts Pints- St Sullen 308 408 pontet Canet 408 GOB Margau 808 60B Urote 608 708 Burgundy Wines Leon Mtrceou A Cle Bordeaux Case Case QUirts Plnt Beaune 90 H iF 24 Pommard 724 824 Nulls 840 049 Chambertln 040 1040 Clot de Vaunt 1040 1140 Cue 0 Claret Gar 234 7mfam1el 74 244 Riesling port 84c 2H Sherry 84o 44 Angelica 84r 82 44- Plesllnj 110 8340 Sweet rjlaftbi 080 280 Red Star Brand 1 dozen 93c 2d J closed our longestablished I Salad Salad Potato per 19c dot 14c Extra our S3 are our as floor g4 can are are our till urn 7K Hock Winestl- elnrichflartheiaSohn Maier Quarts Pints v tlochhelmer 440 9340 Rudeshelmer 040 848- Llebiraumllch j 640 740 Marcobrunner 740 B49 SauternesL- eon iMirceau Cle Bordeaux t- Cue Case t Quarts Pints Cotes Je Graves 478 578 t Sauternes 878 678 Haul Sauternes 078 770- Litour Blanche 778 878 Chit uuem 878 078 I California WinesRed Star Brand I I H 15244 2 Cut c 6 Gal Quarts Claret BOo 288 lmfutdel 110 9348 Uusatel 84c 8241 f Hurgundy 144 9 418- Port 140 9499 = s Sherry 9140 8400 i ingellu 9140 9400 Toka 284 9778 Ginger Ale Red Star Brand equal to any of the Imported brands f a I ollered at double our prices doen 93c II Sarsaparilla I r de 4 Club Soda Red Star Brand I dozen 112 1 S t tr 1 t<

Transcript of Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-06-29 [p...

r ij J I 4 f 0 Tj tI1IV TT-

o ifHE WORLD WE1i EsllAY VENmG ruNE 2lt tM



JClyde W Powers Struggled

J with an Arizona Rattler andPut Poison In Bottle for Sol

t entlfio Purposes



1 The Reptile Selected Was OneI

of the Largest In ths Bostockl

Animal Show at DreamlandJ

Coney Island

The Interact which edervtlflo men hatalways hid In the myMerlous and deadlypotion of the rattlesnake hu hed addedstimulus < lno Brandu the Hlndoosnake charmer at Boitock i arena In

IDreamland war recently blttm by anArtrona rattler whit gtrtnir a publloperformance After hoverhiK for daysbetween life anl death Brandu li nowpronounoed to be out of dangir by thedoctor at the Reception Hoipltal buthis accident hu hud the effect of bring-Ing a large number of medloal men andchemist to Mr Boetock with requeststhat he furnish them with rattlesnaketwlton tor purposes of analys-tss get rattlesnake poison from the

living reptile li not an say took Evenwhen In the bands of an xpert the

0 work li highly dangerous but Mr liestook has always been willing to helpthe scientists who aN making a study-of the potion being highly Interestedhimself In the discovery of aome drugwhich will make the bite of the rattlerless deadly

Asked tor the FalconLast Friday one of the best known

Instructors In chemistry In this countrya man associated with the faculty of a-

veryh large unherslty In the East called-

it the Doetock arena and asked MrBoitock to procure him tome poisonfrom one of his Arliona rattlers It li

I doubtful If the scientific man knew atthe time the difficulties In the way ofgetting the poison but ho knows nowand he will not soon forget scentwhich he witnessed

y He was turned over to Clyde Vf Powers perhaps the most fearless handlerof venomous uukea In the world Latyear Powers was bitten by an Arizonarattler while extractingposson from hlifangs and for rive lay betweenlire and death He Is one of the taw

who has had the experience andjived to tell of It Ueiplte II however

as willing now ai he ever wa totackle a cage full of rattles and hispave is is good ai It was before heWM bitten

When Powers was told to get thechemltt some poison he calmly walked-to the glass cage of the rattlers andproceeded to stir them up with a stick

more he stirred and annoyedtile nakes the angrier they got SelicUng one ot the largest of the snakes

e poked at him until In his angerthe a itruck again and again attM ilde of the cage At the propermoment he pinioned the rattler witha pronged grabbed himikohtehfirmly t head

Dropped Potion In IlottlIn the man powerful grip the

make was powerleu to do aunt butrattle and hiss run his fangs-In and out like llgbtnlng Power cufled the snake out of doors took abottle In his free hand relaxed bpsgrip the least bit and out came atans gram which a few drops ot potionfill Into the bottlethe anfreJahIPu8ftosmakeclintly him produce morepoison This war kept up for about

n of which timeabout a tablespoonful of the poisonhad been procured Ai this wasthe iclenllhc man anted the make wasput back In the cage

The man for whom this work wastone was amazed at the ooJra work ofTowers couldnt understand how amoor who had once been bitten bittenand had lUffircd the tortures thatewer did could be 1 to riskhtmielf Ir such apparently recklewtuition

I tupposi Ill get It again sometime laid Powers afterward StillIve always handled snakes and Itsliars for me to fear them I am will

to get the poison for a medicalman any time for I would like to zooa cure for ratUeinake bite I dontwant anr one sloe to cutter what 1luftered

Dr Drnih K mrl-ti the popular drink this rammerAnd yet Kumjsi b not a new article-by any means It to over thirty yearline Dr Brush experimenting withmilk and It fermentation hit uponthe process by which Kumysi Is ¬

pared PO that It will keep In all climate-laW success Is vouched for by the

that It Is recognized by all themedical schools end It ts a favoritermcrlntlon with nhvslcUns when their

tltnt need delicate care In the con-valescent period and In various diechic Ther toot uslmllatlon to n-oreceman to the prolongation of life 4e


t ydp W Powers Jexerocftng PofQr1 frorrfJ





Bostock Paid 7500 in Pre-



on Consul to a Bogus

Insurance Agent Represent-



an 80000 Risk

Detective are seekinc an Insuranceswindler who collected r7WO In premi-um from Frank lioatock the animaltrainer tor a dozen policies representln > on their face Insurance to thoamount of 5SOWO on the Ufa of thefamous educated chimpanzee Consul

Consul died In Berlin a few monthsRIO and the efforts of Mr liustock andhll attorney to collect tho Insurancehave been fruitless

Toe companies named In the pollclearo mythical Lloyds and the pro-moter ot most ot them have beenrecently arrested In Chicago In thewholesale vide made In that city bythe federal authorities on a band ornotorious swindler

The paper in the case have beenturned over to Assistant DlstrlctAttorner Oarvan by Oecrre J Carr attorney for Boatoclc

Robert H Hunter Deputy State Superintendent of Inur nc cold that thoswindler In the coos had already serveda year In State Prison and that the departrrent heel been trying to drive himout of buslneju for several years

I think we knee him time onseveral counts nail Mr Hunter In dlsgoosing the Doitock ease


rrlve at Paseale from PhlUdal-pliln In a Weal Condition

Stall Clerk Samuel BallcT it the postoffice In pale N J on aptntyg astall bar from Philadelphia was astonished to see a cat wttlj the tornremnants of a tag about Its neck walkoutThe pieces of the tar were pickedand put together and rom them Dalleylearned thnt the cit lied regular

egMgJ1hllndclphliAfter on breed and milk thij

A Sale of Homespun OutingSuits for Your Vacation


7504 1A sl If you want a homespun with more

l character and distinctiveness than theit 1 i ordinary sort one that has style and

snap end go these will gratify yourI wishes Theyre Just the proper suit

1 for vacation wear cool comfortable ande

Lr Inexpensive Single and double breastedi suit coats and trousers in gray olive II

and brown homeipuni Cn sale at J7JO

Sale of Serge Suits

I 15liens a sale ol blue and black serge

S suite that means a saving of at least IIjf t live dollars to man who buys oneThey gracefully modelled In the new

long roll breated and singlebreasted sack styles with thou shapelyshoulders end snugfittlng collars ofserge that are absolutely fast colorand that will their shape Onspecial site at tIS

Every othr vacationnerdAAts




Dathlnj JoqQL >HatCaQuit Shoes Straw toalt

rkdlrit vary modeet4tM Qb Ca 0wAbt

b1i iLi

cat which appeared exhausted whenlet out of tho hOI ricked up and be-

non to lake n die rfil tort In theout offico and Its employees



Lavaum V E onesClaimed as

Husband by Two Young andPretty Women Is Now in the




One Said to Be a Relative of

Gen Daniel E Sickles Case

Kept Quiet by Distriot Attor-




Lawyer V H Inner ihlrt eight years

old a lawyer and the ton of a wealthy

widow who liven at No 2 IUvaview

Trace wan arraigned before Judge

Newburger In Part L of General Ses-

sions today charged with bigamy He

wa arrreted last night at till homeot hie mother by Detective Sergt HobAtc aucnt on a bents warrant Isupon an Indictment flied June t

The complainant In the uxse Is MnCaroline Green Innes of No Ut Miditon avenue who wa married to theLawyer on Oat 22 1900 She declaredthat after her marriage the tupportedher husband and enabled hint to studylaw and become a member of the bar

Another oomplilnant In the case IsMrs Clarice V Inne who say thewas married to the lawyer on Oct 14

1WA She formerly war a Mia BlcVksand Is Bald to be related to Gen Danielr Blckle Both these young womenwho appeared before the Grand Jury

ml told the stories of the courtshipsand marrtogei are unusually prettyend members 0 ffamlllM prominent Insociety

lh DlitrlotUtorne ofTlce has kepttho ease unusually quiet and refusedtoday to give any Information concerning the tad so far present

When lanes woo arraigned beforeJudge Newburger today neither of hlitwo wive was In court He was hand-somely drehsed and woro cunsMerabloJewelr lie would make no statementend was committed to the Tombs In de-

fault of 11000 ball


S ftcletsmAL-tY DELtGffJ-

FULouqud bt rtmt b e-l11ii11jQii

2 on diott-

unb Qde C1jhibig nm-

Var1iculnrl esinWlt


Dfabe bI t Q nndttfs of-

f1ters pepsin LuluIfieir1 5t1t t mm tivulion

r Five Little Pennies-

will buy an ounce of delightful EblclCtfl tho daintymintcovered confection that Old people youngpeopleall people talk about


At all the better kind of stores

Retail Slorekeeptts supplied byfernCWhofoule Dnrgg410-ew

JOBBERS SUPPLIED BY FKAHKII PLEEIt kCO Inc PhllldIpSOr L Jlowentbtl Distributor 516 Wen Jh Strut New York+

L c J

Charmingly CootAn Outdoor

Breakfast or Luncheon-on the Loggia of

MACYS RESTAURANTtight stories above the noiseand stir of flruadwav

Table d tote Bmktatt 29c andJ9c Loula Lunch a la lute


R AUcy s Attractions Are Their Low

1J J Bway 6th Ave C4r

I OrientalAnnouncementRugs and Carpets-


We ate now receiving advance shipments ot CHerital Tloorwearselected in the Rugweaving Countries of the Far East by a member of the firm who recently returned from abroadThe unexpected early arrival of these weavesabout five hundredin allenables us to complete preparations for the sale to start

TUESDAY JULY 5TH-a full two months earlier than remarkable Oriental Floor

wear sale of 19oiRug connoisseurs rho attend this ale Mrly will find some trulyphenomenal alues

Details will be announced in Sundays papers

Black and WhiteJapanese Silks n

While the Japs are closing in on Port Arthur we are closing out someof the prettiest products of Jap looms from 10 per cent to 25 percent lower than equal grades will cost elsewherethis In face of thefact that a war has curtailed the supply and it will be many a daybefore these same looms are again operation-

The Black Silk perspiration and water proofa cool serviceableSilk Ideal for summer wear width 27 inches The prices 59c 69c79c 99c 114 and 124 a yard

White Japanese Silks high class carefully selected most excellentfor summer waists

27inch a yard 39c to 99c 36inch a yard 47c to 99cAfter such selling as the White Goods sec

lOut Go The lion has seen this season little wonder thatCoods there ar great of lemnants for the

Rpmnnnt mvolume of business such a department does

= fe to be determined by its accumulations ofshort lengths Always the most wanted

goods too Persian Lawns India Linons Batistes Organdies FrenchLawns Swiss Mull and of White Goods in shirtwaistlengths The pricesdesigned to make the clearance quick andcomplete

for those who want more than shirtwaist lengths this specialSheer French Lawn 45 indies wide sold by others at 25c a yard

price iSc

Sale of Womens Beltsyet nCrush Leather Belts made Crush Leather Bells 4 inof fine soft glove kidskin wide made of selected2W inches In blacA kidskin In red bluewhite red blue tan brown white black brown green

gray buckles of gilt and tan neat oval bucklesnickel and black enamel i in gilt nickel and blackensola by others at 34c amel j sold by othSOc each ers at 75c each 44cS-

ilk Crush Belts black andSold by white 2 to 5 inches wide with tile

others at neat buckles and back pieces6Sc others with plain or 49C

shirred backs

ChinaThe Best Display WeHave Ever Madetyuemeet

The superlative applied to my item In these vast China stocks inthe basement gives it deep significance when say that weare now showing the most complete lines of Decorated DinnerSets we have ever shown It means stocks without parallel Hereare the latest Theo Haviland Carlsbad LImores English and do-

mestic patterns in complete sets and scores of Open Stock patterns from you may select a complete a single pieceas you chooNo other store has equal facilities for owning China and Glass-ware Our low prices are Intrenched behind unequalled manufacturing facilities o our own and a strjctly cash system that demandsless nn a transaction than any credit system in the world

English and Domestic Decorated r 87 5Dinner Sets e to 1989Carlsbad Decorated China 5 87Dinner Sets 14e to Mo4Limoges Decorated China s Ise 97 s 87Dinner Sets to 394

Toilet SetsToiet Sets full size 7 pieces

neatly decorated open jar

237Toilet Sets full sloe 9 pieces violet dtcoritloni HSctnnw-ith rToilet Sets full sire 9 pieces nice-

ly decorated Si 951 withcovered Jir 3 2 97Toilet Seta 9 pieces fancy ship

decorations 223 iwith covered Jar 4 337-

IceCream SetsChina IceCream Sets oblongdish for brick of12 plates violets and golfedge 237IceCreim Sets decorated withrosebuds and giltj i

fancy tdttfIce Cream Sets with art nouveauborders and goldeach 3 269IceCream Sets with maroon bor-ders rich grit centreseach 433

Bohemian Vases floral de-

signs assortedtainted

to In high u l 47 3 989English Vases Pomona green tulip

the tallest Glass Vases ev-erme45 to Incheshigh 1346 to 1996Trench Vases crystal and anthergreen 16 to 41 incheshigh J74Jto 3 1X4JBohemian Vases costal or greencut edges 16 to 17 Incheshigh 97e to 297Iliad Vases Violet Holders and Rose

fowls n endless rarlety at priedcorrespondingly low


Hlh to jth bi






So we





Lobster SetsChina Lobster Sets naturalshape for serving lobsters aNewburg 12 servers 1188Salad Dishes lobster bandlesi for six portions each 97cSame for 12 portionseach pl47Salad Sets consisting of12 plates and bowl each 293Lobster Tray and 12 plates handpainted Limoges chinaset j S9O7-

Radish SetsRadish betf trays with csalt cup on ea hlaltt s I 87Radish Bowls on I f97cwhite and told eachPierced Bowlt on yule cshape of cabbage ea 149

Tomato SetsTIthe rIdes and bowl handpainted tomatoesage on Llmojcs ehilia843

I Flower Vases and Jardinieres










Minton Vallaurls Faience AustrianMajolica and Royal Bonn PMs andPedestals In art designs from 59 87

each up to 9981 each the later 6JInches high being the largest madePots and colors stip-

pledtIs1dnwith Inches high

J347 1A In high fH7-Jl Inches high 747PedMettes pot and stand In one

fleet a lichen high U491 14It e s high 44n 29

inches high 747Majolica Pots ud Pedestals 39

Inches high Aft

Commencingand continuing throughout

Augustbe Sat-

urday accordance

Dainty Foodstuffs From

Our Delicatessen StoreO-

ur Modern Delicatessen Department on the is prefurnish estimates fcr icnic luncheons pack luncheon-

baskets order to furnish order all kinds of sandwichesThe ccoked delicaciesoflereil this department are prepared inour own kitchen by an accinplishod iinch chef

The quality oj everything ottered is best procurableand our prices are from onethird to

01titf s chargeSugar Cured Ham orCorned Beef sliced to anythickness desired the Hol

Slicing Machine pound3IC

Reef Tongue pound49cPickled Mixed Nests poundlieFrench Head Cheese poun-dtflaked Macaroni withand tomatoes dishRlletter chicken ham andtongue pound 26cOld Fashioned Rice Puddlndish 7c

Leon lbr



July theI

July and the storewill at noon ¬

In withcustom t

1 I

fifth floorto to

to and toin







Chicken round 47cj

Crab fresh picked cub >I

meat pound 34cSalad with maycmnita i

pound toeChoice Domestic CmelatpoundPuree Pole Gus can I5tj r


Gtnulne Russian Carlar cant it1114

Imported Swiss Cheese pound

Fancy Lily White

lieBrand flutter pound prints r


Grocery SpecialsglenVienna Brand Coffee y

Rich full flavored and fragrant A splendid Breakfast Coffee bean-

or granulated pound cartons i regular price 19c special forthis sale 15c

Macys Best Coffeei

Genuine Old Mandheling Jaw and Arabian Mocha No matter howmuch you are uillmr to pay for Coffee you can get nothing better

sold by us regularly at 4rc special for this threeday sale 39cCurio Chop Tea

Ceylon Mixed Young Hyson Japcn formosa Oolong and Enggush Breakfast1lb carton regular price 34c for this sale the price Is 38cSlb caddy regular price S159 for Us sale 128to Ib caddy regular price 02 for this sale 252

Armours Famous Helmet Brand Boneless Bacon espec-ially smoked and cnnvased for this sale weight 3 to5 pounds at pound 12c

Armours English Cured White Label Bacon atpound HuSwifts Premium Brand Smoked Beef Tongues closely j itrimmed freshly smoked weighing from 4 to 0pounds for this sale 15cl

Rolled Oats Quaker and Lily While Brand 2lb carton 8ci aN

dozen 94C

Flags for the Fourth nCotton Bunting Flags sold elsewhere are vastly inferior to the rStandard Bunting Flags resell and they frequentlyadvertised In competition with Standard Wool Colors Wealways have sold and always will sell Standard Flags cheaper i

than any other house and this assertion will be upheld at the ex-


of as many price reductions may be necessary Theglory of even matching Macs low prices will always be short ¬


Specials In Wine DepartmentFif-th

When You Buy by the Gallon We Furnish Jug FreeMOUNT VERNON WHISKEY 5 years old regular price 294 rgallon 74c bottle special for this sale at 234 gallon bottle 49cFINCHS GOLDEN WEDDING WHISKEY 7 years old regularprice 374 gallon 84c bottle special for this sale 304 gallonbottle 60-

kYoungs Keystone Rye Youngs Keystone Rye

Others ask 00 gal Others ask 100 hotOur price 324 gal Our price 78c bottlt

Youngs Blue Grass Youngs Blue Grass1jjq

Others ask J500 gal Others ask 125 bot r

Our prlcs 419 gal Our price 99c bottle

RED STAR COCKTAILS made of the purest and best 1

liquors specially matured and ripened for this Thenl Is done according to our own private formulae Notemg better be had at price regularly 89ca bottle special for three days a bottle 69cSpecial one dozen bottles 814

We sole importers of the famous Old Glenfiddlch ScotchWhiskey Its excellent qualities best determined by compari-sons


Choose any popular brand on the market and make yourown test j gallon 4IS bottle 86cS Pemartin Brut Sherry a remarkably fine rich nutty flavoreddry wine our own direct from the growers regu-

lar price 214 gallon special for this sale gallon 189 bot52c 6

Tarragona Port a rich soft fullbodied strengthgiving tonic our Iown importation regular price gallon 219 j bottle 49c spedalfor this sale gallon 164 bottle 44c

Claretseau Clc Bordeaux

Quarts Pints-

St Sullen 308 408pontet Canet 408 GOBMargau 808 60BUrote 608 708Burgundy Wines

Leon Mtrceou A Cle BordeauxCase Case

QUirts PlntBeaune 90 H iF 24Pommard 724 824Nulls 840 049Chambertln 040 1040Clot de Vaunt 1040 1140


Claret Gar 2347mfam1el 74 244Rieslingport 84c 2HSherry 84o 44Angelica 84r 82 44-

Plesllnj 110 8340Sweet rjlaftbi 080 280

Red Star Brand1 dozen 93c

2d J


our longestablished
















till urn


Hock Winestl-elnrichflartheiaSohn Maier

Quarts Pints vtlochhelmer 440 9340Rudeshelmer 040 848-Llebiraumllch


640 740Marcobrunner 740 B49

SauternesL-eon iMirceau Cle Bordeaux t-

Cue Case tQuarts Pints

Cotes Je Graves 478 578 tSauternes 878 678Haul Sauternes 078 770-Litour Blanche 778 878Chit uuem 878 078

I California WinesRed Star Brand I I H



Cut c 6Gal Quarts

Claret BOo 288lmfutdel 110 9348Uusatel 84c 8241 f

Hurgundy 144 9 418-Port 140 9499 = s

Sherry 9140 8400 iingellu 9140 9400Toka 284 9778

Ginger Ale Red Star Brand equal to any of the Imported brands f aI ollered at double our prices doen 93c II


I r



Club Soda Red Star Brand

I dozen 112 1S t tr

1 t <