TOE SATURDAY OCTOBER 29 1904 d 11 i I I 13 T F 4 t 1 TWj W 97q7L I w7F r SUN D L ft W JUMPS 28 POINTS is MAY ne DISTRIBUTED TO STOCKHOLDERS Iti Stock Artvmcw on of 8001- fiharwciilcftco Great WMterc Il on llenetved numori of Id Pureli- ny Other noMlfKxctiMiKe Ad now The tock of the Delaware Lackawnnw and Veutern Railroad on the Stock Ex chango repeated Ita sensatlona rise of aoveral week ago on an oven larger cnlc advancing to 320 a now high record nrvl a figure 25 above the price which It told Transactions in the stock amounted to about 3000 shares tlm par valuo of the being so- Vhllu thore no offlclal explanation was given for the remarkable rise In tho 04 wai true In It previous flight upward Wall Street understands that the stock IM very closely held which facilitates such jump In and that sooner or later the surplus accumulated by the road wll probably be distributed to the stockholders In one or another There U no in timstion that such a distribution will corns before the annual meeting on the Tuesday before the last Friday In February Tho various stock of the Chicago Great Western Railway also scored further advances In tho market on a repetition o previous rumors of the purchase of the control this property Union Faclfio Interest denied aUolutelj a story that they wore to buy the Great Veitorn whoso purchase also was credited to the Missouri Pacific Erie and Pen Marquette Another report In connection with the artlvity In Onat Wcsttrn snares was that tho English holdings of its stock which an known to b extensive had passed to thu control of the Canadian Northern Hallway which runs from Winnipeg to am Arthur on There no physical conntctlon botwiin the Chicago and thu Canadian Nonhirn but those who believed this pointed out that onu could bo made by the of a line from St Paul to Duluth or by the purchase of some onu of the lines between those two Cities There wvni no further o at the Olioe and hit of supplying the motal whtro 8000000 In was rvlca the Bank of England for shipment Berlin ThiH movrmont was on tho Stock Exchange as an Indication that a Mttkment of Sea incident satisfactory to England would bo n ached and were therefore In fluenoed by it The rate of exchange ad vanccd some 15 points to St869- 0ITEIXZE DENIES LAWSON STORY bays He Haint Sold Out to the mated S2BOOO to HELENA Mon Oct 28 F Augustus Heinze has issued a statement denying Thomas W Ijiwsons assertion that Heinze has sold out to the Amalgamate Copper Company Heinzo says I am too busy n man to be celled upon to answer such wild statements an thOM emanating from Mr Thomon W Lawson of Boston men of hU class but I an stilt ready to my to the people of Montana do HO 1 am ready noro the source from which statements Ksue and In to Mr Lawaons assertion that I havo lost control of my mining prop in Hutte I hereby otter the following proposition to Mr I post i forfeit of 25000 in any repu table In Butte to build and In State Montinii a home for end disabled union men if 1 do not produce composed of one ftirh the Miners Union the Mill Union the Stationary necrs Union the American of Labor and the Labor fnlon the rontrol of the stock of the United Copper company providing Mr Thomas V or Hoton a in the same place binding himself to forfeit the saute to be for same purpose If I do not produce the stock hereinbefore referred to F Aro HEINXB TO CLOSE ILLINOIS MINES Operators Plan Shutdown tr Engineer Rcfnie to Accept Ware Cut CHICAGO Oct 28 Members of the Illinois Coal Operators Association are making arrangements to close all the mines In Illinois on Tuesday morning next unless the engineers agree to accept the proposed reduction of SW per cent In wages or sub- mit the case to arbitration No response has been received from the engineers and both sides are standing pat The plan of operators If to close the mines for a week or ten then them with such of the union engineers as desire to return to work or non union men if necessary Fifty thousand- men will be affected UARINU INTELLIGENCE ItnrUTCTlK ALMAMAO THIS OAT pIn rUes V24Sunsets 602iMooarlsestll irma WATER THIB DAT- Ein lrHookl022Gov Id10S4Hell Gate1247- ArrlTB F lOAT Dot- S L Savole rtavre Oct 23 Si Liverpool Oct 22- M Rotterdam tinki Antwerp Oct IS- S Havana Vera Ss Santiago It- Si luiton Oct 27 Si Cauava New Orleans Oct 2 Si Kl Old New Orleans Oct 2J- S4 tl Alba Gftlveuon Oct 2J Si Unnrue Norfolk Oct 27 f lallaha si svannab Oct Ki OOfld IhIUidflpWa Oct 27 Si Cbixanr Vr iHlllmorc O t J8 Bark Iltrbcrt Kullcr Brunswick Oct 12 ARRITED OUT Ki Luranla tram New York at Si Hluecher New York al Plymout- hs Hjndam from New York at Boulornt rnoM ronnoir roim- Si Iaurrmlan from Glasgow for New York Mluneapolli Irom I iniloa tar New York oiToorxo nrxiUSBirs- trabrli Liverpool M Southampton Antwerp Irnniylvuila Harnbure London HrtttiB Kin g Antwerp IMAM M 8 80 A It U 10 on A U 12SOPU Orleans Charleston Monroe Norfolk Son Manday Oct 31 Anne Norfolk New York Charleston Sail Tuetdnv 1 vonltTrleMe giOAM AMfheCharlnlnn- MorroCuile Havana ixmyba Matanus Vetttlt Salt 80 A U 10 SO A IMAM JO CO AH UWM- 1900M 100 IM- 100PM OOPMJOOP- a OOPM 100PM- 100PM 100PM- 100PM Due Today Gibraltar Sicttln Gibraltar Southampton Copenhagen i oibrallar- i Oalveston Jacksonville Dvi Tomorrow London Hamburg lininswldi nut Uonttv Oa SI Antwer- pfP o Gslveston New Orleans Out Tutitay Kn I lMiSY 11 f Chrltllaasan- dLVasyrk Out Wttntttav I notterrtara pint at day a Is c6torda thu to London to abut brnin Ama Ire he pre 1 or eforo a a- ppoint Cruz 4 IUD Nol A U PAul lOA U Y b A 22 A ba c A tf le stvestoa New o lOP Y No tmUluNorfulk lOP Oct I lo OI 1 Ol lurkY 1 lon Ol 1 A Ola- cte I O 22 lmo 2 Ol Oct Oct 20 Ocl 3S lbelm Orl rerl b Oct 21 er Ot WIab Oct 10 Alt d No I shares nat construc- tion voId n Continent with shifted further and flutte fir 25- i from 5 e SaU roday 5 00 10 II It io S 30 Pile U- Ilccoimc risatrL lie IuIauIPtL 25 MInth5b 20 JacconviU 7etsad 22 Oibraltar Oct 11 Ccl 15 23 oct tspte Oct27- C > ¬ ¬ ¬ > GOSSIP OF WALL 9THEET Speculative conndence In the tock market was largely restored yesterday Perhaps the strongest evidence on this point was the disposition to refer to the break at an occidental blcuslns In that it bad to e Imlnate from the market the moats While considering ruefully the ruins of his own speculative pyramid erected la- boriously and wrecked In an hour a trader admit that It was bud for tho market for so many others to have as ho did where- upon he proceeds cheerfully to begin tho foundation of another such erection more critical of weak and reckless corfljianron the long side of a market than traders who are constantly trying to swing stocks than they can protect Com mission business naturally was somewhat reduced In volume yesterday but brokers a very response to the In general market conditions Outside sentiment seemed strongly Inclined to be optimistic The break come Just a little too late to save some of the less resourceful bucket shop combinations There Is now In the market a crowd which will sell stocks on every good bulce for a while and take them back on further TIde is a kind of professional which ought not to be unwel come to those who would continue opera- tions on the bull side of the market For- a fortnight or more preceding this weeks reaction the absence of a normal opposition- to advancing prices had been a striking feature of speculation The professional element had learned by experience that whether one believed In the market or not It was more profitable to go with It than to resist It The enthusiasm finally reached- a stage at which the average trader was afraid to sell stocks short Speculative operations for the advance were resumed yesterday on a considerable scale in several stocks and In others notably Erie and Union Pacific buying of the same general character as that on which the highest prices of this movement were rccentl reached was again In evidence Buying of the character lust described caused sev- eral prominent brokers who became bearish toward the close of last week because they saw that stocks were being well supplied to turn on the market yesterday saying that the buying was again of the right kind Stocks think have got Into stronger hands as a result of the sharp setback thnt has taken place this week in speculative values In Erie for Instance large buy- Ing orders were executed yesterday appar for tho same Interests that accumu- lated It so heavily before the advance started and then sold a lot of stock above 40 when they found that they had too enthusiastic a following Similar significance ww attached- to yesterdays buying In Union Pacific and several other stock Brokers reported yes- terday that they had seen some rather good buying In the Steel stock It Isnt reasonable to suppose a broker who has been prominent on the bull side of the market for several months that the big peoplo hero who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars In attorneys fees working out their schemes are going to let every little trader In Wall Street tail Into the band wagon at the last minute shouting Hero we are were with you and weve pot the goods Some of these people I doubt not found that they wore picking up too much of this small company The war scare was but an Incident A shaking out would have come anyway that we have had It I feel more bullish on the market especially as I see that the right people are again buy- Ing stocks As to the feasibility of a much moro ex- tensive distribution of stocks to commission houses than has yet been accomplished Inquiry among the principal brokerago ofJlws In tho Street confIrms the assertion that the resources of commission houses hove not been heavily taxed notwithstanding the extent to which the public already par- ticipated and the sustained activity oL the market The head of a house that has been doing a lug business for several months said yesterday carrying stocks to the amount of t3000OOJ or 0000000 more we are The head of another house an active speculative clientele said The accumulation of stocks here has not been so largo but that we could carry s000000 to tSnooCOO moro without taxing ourselves That Is in fact tho general answer of who are approached on this line of They say almost without exception that they would like to bn carrying anywhere from ttOOflooo to tsoooooo more stocks than they now have on their books Since brokers were refusing business In the hull market of 190102 for want of facilities and capital for handling more there has an enormous both In the facilities and capital of coin mission houses anti tho possibilities of a bull market some think are correspondingly greater than ever before The surprising statement was made yesterday by the head of ono large speculative house that It Is carrying stocks to tho value of only about Jiooowo more than in Starch of this year The busi ness of this establishment however Is of a highly speculative character When the Oregon Short Line bonds were brought out great stress was laid upon the participating feature The retirement feat- ure appears to have been the more Impor- tant although It was not so considered at the time The violent advance In Sugar yesterday started on scattered buying the origin of which at first was of no particular iuUrcst to anybody When the price first touched 140 a lot of stock was forthcoming which the market to ease off When It up again the stock offered at 140 was readily taken and a further advance of SH points was accomplished There has been a large short interest In Sugar and covering bad a good deal to do with the violence of yesterdays advance On this rise moro short stock was put out up to 140 a good deal of It at that price and some of this probably- was covered 2 points higher before the Sugar 1s a stock In which there Is large bucket shop Interest If the clients are of it the bucket shops of course stand of It Sugar Is one of the in which 8 point margins have solicited by a certain class of houses and since this solicitation began It has advanced about 7 points There WM no news on Sugar yesterday that would account satisfactorily for its abrupt advance of more than i points Co were buyers below 140 Recent In Union Paclflo have been so skilfully managed that large trans- actions either have lost their meaning entirely and brokers have largely ceased- to report thnt the buying looks good or that It doesnt look so good or to speculate as to where the stock Is going to and whenoa It Is being supplied One feature of the trading- Is the quiet manner In which large blocks of the stock are bought and sold by brokers executing the orders In It ment on the stock Is extremely bullish no doubt because the tape seems to fore- shadow further developments of an Impor nature One rumor which found believers Stock Exchange yesterday was that an extra dividend of 4 per cent would bn declared out of the proceeds of the Oregon Line transaction The one Impression that everybody whowatches the transactions In Union to get Is that the buying Is good The objection might bo made that opinion on this point Is too nearly unanimous Hsllgftrten A Co were prominent buyers of Mexican Central again yesterday After the close of the market It was reported that 20000 shares of pool stock hnd been taken over by somebody at 20 The London buying here yesterday wns thought to represent largely covcrlhg of short arbitrage and other made on day It was rumored In arbitrage circlet that one reason for the demoralization of American stocks In London on Thursday was that a house heavily long of American stocks had found It necessary to Btslstnnce I Th rewry In the Steel I general sere one mote report factory ear advance even said c his MWO tan broker cause cOB ion tock Gate Sent tnt Indo seems contract bullied has could be been increase k seek se ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FINANCIAL u FINANCIAL OF 1901 Notice of Certificates Drawn for Payment Novembsr 1st 1904 Notice U hereby given that pursuant to the terms of the agreement dated November between the Pennsylvania Company The Pennsylvania Railroad Company and Olrard Trust Company Trustee one thousand three hundred and thirtyfour certificates were this day drawn for kedemptlon at par on November I 1804 In accordance with Article IV of said agreement The certificates drawn and numbered aa below should be prevented for payment at the office of Glrrd Trust Company Trustee Broad and Chestnut streets Philadelphia Pa on or after November I 1604 with ill unmatured coupons attached Interest will coast on the above certificates November 1 1 04 11 1DM 13 1313 IS 1310 21 1341 23 1384 M 14M- e 1448- CO 1490- U 1838 2 lSSfl- M 1840 4 1843 112 1149 ill 18A5 11 1 7- 1IH 1MS 187 IM2- 1M 1004 201 1C1- Su ioto 213 1920 28 1C21- JM lMI 272 1C4S 273 IMO 278 I Ml- co 1093- JfS 1W2- M 1700 200 1712 tOO 1718- P2 172S 828 1720 US 1740 lf4 1820 tt4 1R27- 4CO IfM 402 18M 408 lfC9 419 1871 441 16S3 443 1893 ItS 1 O- Ius iooa- en i MO 1M4- CM 2001 wo jcos- 7JI 2000 710 5021- 7tfl 2040 768 2045 774 2072 778 081 780 2034 HVi 2103 f 2150 873 2154 613 2203 I4 2217 sic 2 5- Gil 2301 S2J 2S17- tS3 2S42 034 2 43- tS 2344 40 2340 C52 2SCO- CW 2370 CM 2373 1000 3KH 1003 2409 IOU 2431 1041 2432 Ion 2434 1043 240I- OM 2453 1079 2407 1084 24RS 114 2478 117 24831- SS 75M 174 7509 109 2SI4 201 JS33- 1M8 2545 1278 25SO JMi SMM J04I 2033 8H B050 2045 J8JO 5OM 2041 J870 tOM 2650 1831 8003 2001 l89 8004 2003 8t2t 80U 2707 3830 8078 2735 1949 8OM 2743 3178 8100 2721 8S37 8108 2771 4001 8118 2808 4013 8118 2840 4033 8128 2848 4048 8137 2802 4053 8140 2880 4084 8158 2893 4098 8192 2007 4104 8227 2028 4120 8232 2041 4130 8240 2844 4142 5248 2058 41M 8285 2907 41M 8284 2888 4171 8918 3015 4170 8917 3050 4189 5332 3055 4J09 5334 3070 4207 8374 3073 4250 8378 3083 4202 8418 3110 4274 8437 3118 42S3 8438 3124 4291 8454 3131 4298 851T 8147 4305 8544- 31C3 4310 8548 1173 4821 8884 3174 4300 8501 3178 4402 6870 3183 4435 8023- 818S 4440 5023 8233 4441 8038 3253 MOl 8054 3255 4405 6C58 3111 44M seeo 3319 4484 60M 3333 44M 6718 3341 4493 6723 3350 4409 6727 8305 4609 67S5 3381 4627 6W7 3383 4630 8810 8394 4834 6813 3419 4552 6S1S 3440 4654 6824 3448 4585 5870 3452 4688 5880 8408 4689 68S2 3472 4690 6889 3477 4597 8807 3479 4019 89T2 3484 4020 6800 3482 4C34 6897 3502 4030 0012 8510 4640 8025 3630 4603 0030 3532 4 07 8053 3550 4696 C05 3563 4700 0068 8601 4744 0098 8015 4787 0107 3048 4803 61 IT 8078 4814 128 8M2 4845 l43- SB83 4S8S C158 1691 4WSO 6174 3f93 4053 6176 3684 4970 MAl 3705 4878 6187 8709 4880 61M 8711 4893 6183 8728 4833 6205 3733 4895 6223 3738 4897 6224 8740 488S 0236- 37M 010 6200 3797 6013 6202 3601 6043 eISKI 6298 7721 MOl 7748 6311 7768 6841 7774 6884 7781 6368 7788- 88M 77M 6408 7797 6417 7788 6441 7800 8458 7822 6460 7821 6463 7845 6468 7851 6491 7861 6531 7800 6534 T916 6630 7831 6621 7845 6638 7884 6034 7967 0041 7884 6607 8001 6671 8006 6678 8034 6688 8080 0701 8067 6718 l10t 6719 8187 6720 8141 0727 8142 6731 6183 6733 8167 6743 81C8 6784 8184 6786 8188 6811 82M 6827 821T 6841 8231 6857 8238 6862 8284 6869 8310 6803 8821 6800 8363 817 8404 6922 8464 6832 8472 8888 8655 7004 6659 7031 57a- 70J8 8503 7W8 8tOS 7063 6607 7053 8621 7072 8661 7091 671 7088 86 2 7116 8684 7104 8683- 71W 8709 7179 8719 7206 8721 7224 8741 7230 8772 7240 8818- 72C3 8843 7260 PS3 7291 8803 7800 8871 7384 8888 7804 8823 7406 8994 7414 8828 7420 8827 7423 8828 7431 8021 7448 6940 7606 8867 7504 870 7512 88M 7634 9000 7639 9019 7646 8047- 7C80 908- 7C83 9093- 7WO 7707 7713 910 GIRARD TRUST COMPANY Trustee blladelpbli PA September 15th 1904 C J RIIOADS Treasurer I 1301 1062 101 ta2 UW Olt 176 10571 10 IIUO UU IUO 1801 115 1810 024 106 1211 1a0 U10 1010 171 18t 024 10O 110 1M5 U710 IMI pm Ioe IUM U1 1t8 I7I 189 U2 UN2 oa 1072 lot 18003 1m 1881 12 lun 102 10752 1818 10760 13 16 IU87 1028 1W 03 10770 Uo 188 107P3 1m 17t 102 1a 040 106 uoS 18m lUO 176 15345 lun 1081 11 10 1801 P6 111 lUGS 166 16 18O 00 10a nw lun IMO 1011 nu 1808 15 180 lUlU 100 170 OA 100 100 18U 1010 1016 16 1771 101 067 10938 1111 IC136 18 16 178 101 Oe 1000 126 111 le61 10IG 073 IM10 1111 IW 10 IMM 19170 174 11IS 1t6 082 10 102 160 178 IIO 7 10tO 1021 MG 110 106 laO 111 10 081 10 10255 112 12843 nm let0 M07 51876 130 IS0 1021 00 IIC 1270 n21 16583 IMtP 117 1803 103 MI 123 U00 12I 608 1920 123 19374 Sit 0920 U0 1070 1810 lom 03 181 131 19413 187t 18U7 13415 OOAI 1186 10 1531 1817 1013 oo UI0 107n IS 1801 16S7 15788 1810 106 3537 107R 100 10 UII 164 ISI 1670 IMO ID6 10o7 1t11 16S 1o IU4S 1000 IUO ItS 186 Iun U23 1t0 10G7 JOO 111 118 11114149 111 12 166 1070 126 1017 IISI7 1010 1130 U1 15m 18319 10617 1370 1611 IMIS IUH 1016 15 IU4 1002 IU5 10M2 16M 191152 1018 IU7 117 t0 1012 12 16670 l8o ICS UI 1IO 107 122 J62 1t 190 16 U11 170 IIU8 171 176 1m IM67 1672 1IZ 103 16 1078 1676 171 101 181 12 110 18611 1673 191428 1871 162 111 1661 108 111 lUl 180 54541 1870 10A7 10m 111 110 104I U67 III 30592 10 1aN 161 IMOI 106 16 1S IMI8 59071 IM 18t IIon Uf1 lon 1010 UOIO IM71 126 lM5 1000 DOS 101 112 1601 10 Ut 1873 100Sg 105 UUO 10 170 773 010 IP UC um nW Penusylvallia Co 3k GOld Loan 0115 17315 18531 13534 15002 18522 3225 14701 7449 18753 12133 9302 13229 9026 13563 14522 17545 9881 14941 17528 0410 14922 35846 30540 12424 14379 13847 17688 3803 10910 11000 12519 17741 9528 10645 0877 30030 12524 18891 171414 11018 9713 13019 ltC93 101141 16211 33385 12530 17953 252 11124 2340 15535 13993 13274 15782 21177 15588 114533 1020 12055 152143 11206 11524 14078 hess 14352 51392 58202 19524 13045 11441 151452 18232 14220 15453 13065 1e005 10153 11528 10620 10202 18G4 18407 10233 10097 1020 53254 15677 08500 14474 11270 55207 54480 19sfl 57100 50333 19350 191453 101454 17156 14570 55542 05633 59970 17231 59938 a very favorable Impression upon sentiment Some of the buying was to bo of a very strong character A sanguine tone prevailed In steel trade advices received In etreet An operator who was asked If he thought the Steel stocks could be no soon after the disappointing report Mid I think we are going to have u market tiers In which you can huB nnrthlnjr told anyway that there has been some rather good buying of the Steel stocks today There Is a great del of curiosity to seo whether a weeks end demonstration on the bull side will be attempted today with a view to Influencing outside sentiment WATER FLOWS INTO BVIVK Merchants NatlonsJ Closes Ita Doon Until It Is Turned Oil Through the carelessness of scrubwomon working in the building at 42 Wall street yesterday a small flood theatened to put- a stop to business In tho Merchants Na tional the bank opened Its doors for business a small stream of water on the door sill hesitated for a and then wandered in President Sherman started out to investigate He was joined by tho force of at work In the corridors One of tho women had turned on a faucet on the floor above and could not shut it on neither could President nor hits followers the water continued- to flow into Mr Sherman had the hank doors closed and called for more strenuous efforts but to no avail Tho janitor solved the puzzle by taking the faucet out and plugging hole with waste Then the business UAFFEN PLEADS FOR HURRY Objects to Waiting for Sewer Bonds Gets 100000 Worth President Haffen of The Bronx asked the Board of Estimate yesterday for an issue of 1DO000 worth of bonds for sewer in hU district Mr Grout was absent and his deputy Mr Stevenson sid that the matter would have to be held up until the Comptroller could bo present- Mr Mayor said President Haffen I insist on the enforcement of the Charter which provides for prompt action I would suggest the Mayor that the board tho to interpret what the Charter prompt I it that It months or retorted Mr Comptroller Grout came in before the was over and the matter was com- promised by allowing 100000 for sewers Standard Rope end Twine Chance IntcrretH connected with tho Standard Rope and Twinu Company are understood- to hove a plan for tho Improvement of the company be ac cumulating tho 8 cent bonds of tho through private Ono of move- ment In to secure thu annulment of the contract the company and the Union Selling Comnnny sid bull lam Dan pat Ion Mete mea tao mca x all and negotia- tions ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE LEniOH VALLEY COAL COMPANY ItEDBUPTlOV OF KIVBTBN YEASt COAL PLEDGE UONDS Notice In Coat Company will redeem and pay on December lot offlce of the Trust Com- pany In the City of Philadelphia Pa all Its floods standing Amounting lo 17000000 under Agree- ment dated November lIst between The company Trustee Interest on said bonds will to December 1st 1904 and will cease on that date In accordance with the terms of MM bonds and the agreement securing the same a premium ot two and per cent will be on redemption V C Treasurer The Wall Street Journal has a larger circulation than other financial publication In America COPAHTNERSIHP NOTICES NEW YORK I OFFICE OK STATE THIS CERTIFICATE Issued In duplicate hereby certlnea that tie Enclncen Realty Company corporation once on of October 1804 for the of such corporation under section 67 of the Stock It therefrom that such corporation has compiled with Mid section In order to oe WITNESS my bead and the seal of ofnce of the Secretary of State at the of this sixth of October one thousand nine hundred and four Seat J B H MOVniN Deputy Secretary of State DID NOT ROD HOTEL BELMONT Charge Made by Nrrro Proprietress WM Only to Dreak Contract Smith Says Smith who was manager for Belmont in West Fortyfifth street for a month last summer was ac- quitted by a Jury In Judgo Cowings court in General Sessions yesterday of the charge- of stealing a lot of silverware and table linen from the hotel Tho complainant against him was Mrs a negress who is tho wifo of the horseman Smith s was that ho had a con tract for a year with her and that when she wanted to rid of him she accused Business Trouble Joseph Moakowltz formerly of Herman A Moiknwitz real estate dealers of 303 Gaml street has filed a petition In bankruptcy with llabllltlM IIM6SS contracted by the firm and 1000 Individual debts and no assets The last building operation of the firm was the erection of a six story apartment house nt northwest corner of nvenue and Twelfth street Onyx Court It last were unable to meet their bins A of the creditors of Klat7cn t- Mlakend manufacturers of ut 11 street wns yesterday afternoon at Astor unties to report of a committee which tins been In vc affair The commute re- ported accepting the r nf the compromise at M cents on the dollar and report wits adopted The liabilities are I89II awcts The com- mittee reported thnt August the Hrrn fJ to relatives to and to themwlve er pad lLYY CAL an u STAT u a t lot c len owner hotel t or cal Ilk has NOTICE given that The Lehich a11ey November 213 1902 and now out LehIgh Valley Coal Company and the tmrii mist ruE LEHIGh COMPANY a part in the him stealing the silverware and linen was since debtors ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ FINANCIAL TO Thin HOLDERS OF THE STOCKS OF American Tobacco Company Continental Tobacco Company AMU Consolidated Tobacco Company American Tobacco Company taaJcea the tel lowing announcement and Invitation to the holders of The American Tobacco Company tlnental Tobacco Company and Consolidated To baoco Company to dopoilt their cenifleatea o stock Dy an aggreeroent of merger sad consolidation dated September 8 1804 and flied In the once o the Secretary of State of the State of Now October 18th 1804 The American Tobacco Com- pany Continental Tobacco Compels and ConsiSt dated Tobacco Company hive been merged ani- cooiolldated Into one corporation known M American Tobacco Company Said merger acr ascot provided for the conversion of stocks o tbe merging corporations Into the stocks or oblige said merged corporation to wit The Amtr Company as follows The stock ot each of the KId parties shall be converted Into the common stock stock or the obligations of aali merged corporation and the common pre shall be apportioned the stock- holders of the hereto delivered to them of tnel- certlilcatea of stock u follows There shall be apportioned to of the ot the eight per cent stock The American Tobacco party hereto for each share of said preferred stock par value of held him tlon or bond of the corporation of one onethird cents I1S3S3 coin of United of the present standard of weigh and sitS on tbe first October 1844 at the office or agency of the corporation In the City New York Interest thereon October 1 1804 at the rate of six 8 per centum annum said Interest t be payable to the holder of such bond or or of a coupon representing ueb In- terest at saId office or agency coin In such denominations as the merged corporation shall see nt and they shall the provided for In the next paragraph hereof con a Ira charge upon toe and of the merged corporation There shill else b- raid to of said preferred stock of sail The Amcrcan Tobacco hereto In lieu of dividend amount In to two dollars for each share of SLId preferred stock held by him i shall be apportioned to each of the holder of cent preferred hereto for each share of said stock o the value of 1100 held him the obligation or bond of sold merrrd corporation for one hun dred and sixteen dollars and twotblr cents IU6M 23 In raid coin of the Untied States of the standard of weight and fineness due on the Oral of October 1844 at the office or of tbe said merged cor poratlon In the City of New York Interest centum annum said Interest to be payable o holder of such bond or obligation or to holder of a representing Interest at said offlce coin each SaId bonds shall be Issued In such denominations as the merged corporation shall see nt and they shall along for In the next paragraph con fltute A ant the Income and property- of the merred corporation The saId preferred stock Continental Tobaoco party hereto shall also be entitled to receive the dividend of one and three quarter tn per centum already declared on said preferred stock October S loot be apportioned to each ot the of the common stork of said The American Tobacco Company partS hereto for each two shares of common stock of the par value of MO each held by him one share of the common stock of said merited corporation There be to of the hold- ers of the common stork of said Continental To Company nurty hereto for each share of by him one share of the common stock of said corporation Titers to each holder of the stork of said Consolidated Tobacco Company party bereto for curb share of said par value of linr held by him one share of the common stork of corporation nv the net of merger of all the corn pirtle held of the com- panies parties horde shall stand and be cancelled The honda mentioned In said merger agree- ment are Issued according to the terms of an In- denture executed by The American Tobacco Com- pany to MORTON TRUST COMPANY M Trus- tee on October 29 1804 and the form of said In- denture find of said bond Is now on file with the Trust Company and Is open to Inspection Depositors of the storks of the merging corpo rations must deposit with the MORTON TItUST COMPANY New York City their certificates of stork duly endorsed In blank for cancellation and acrrpt In lieu thereof the Trust re- ceipts nsfrable by delivery upon the surrender of which the stocks or bonds will be delivered so soon as they Are engraved and ready for delivery Depositors of The American Tobacco Company preferred stock will receive from the Trust Company at the time of the deposit In lieu of divi- dend for the quarter ending Ocober ILl 1804 an amount equal thereto to wit 2 Coupon bonds will be Issued In denominations of 11000 and UO and registered bonds will be Issued In denominations of 10 noo IWO JlOO- OWOH 110000 ISOOOO and llOOoni Shares of lock are of the denomination of HO Fractions of bonds pr of shares of stork will not be Issued but a depositor at the lime of such deposit may either buy from or sell to the Trust Company an aiiount necessary to eliminate such fraction TUB AilKHICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Uy J I Duke President Dated New York October 20 KW4 TO TUB HOLDBR3 OF THE 4 GOLD BONDS OF THE Consolidated Tobacco Company The American Tobacco Company hereby offers to the holders of the outstanding 4 Gold fonda of Consolidated Tobacco Company maturing Au- gust lit 18SI to acquire their holdings of such bonds In exchange at par for the 454 Gold fond of TIle American Tobacco Company maturing Au- gust 1 1831 and carrying Interest from August 1 1804 Said bonds are issued according to the terms of the Indenture executed by The American Tobacco Company to the Morton Trust Company Trustee the form of which Indenture and of said bonds Is now on tile with said Trust Company and Is open to Inspection This offer will remain open until the close of business on January Slat 1805 and thereafter no bonds will received for ex- change except In the discretion of The American Tobacco Company and on such terms u II may prescribe Depositors o t said Consolidated Tobacco Company 1 bonds who make their deposits before the clos- 3f business on December 10th 1804 may at their option take In exchange for their aald 4jl Gold honda ot Consolidated Tobacco Company bonds of The American Tobacco Company as above de scribed or partly In such bonds and partly but not to exceed fifty per cent of their deposit of Con lolldalcd Tobacco Company 4 bonds In the 8 cu mulative preferred atock of The American Tobaoco Company at par Dividends on such preferred stock will be computed from October 1st 1 H Depositors making such deposIts before the clean of business on I eceml er10th 1004 and taking In ex- change for any part of their bonds such preferred stock will receive from the Trust Company at time of deposit In lieu of Interest for August and September 1894 an amount In cult equal thereto to wit twothirds of one per cent on the Consolidated Tobacco Company bonds ex changed for The American Tobacco Company Oft cumulative preferred stock To accept the offer hereby made bondholder must deposit with MORTON TRUST COMPANY New York City within the time hereinbefore axed their bonds and as to registered bonds duly en Jorsd In blank for transfer and accept In lieu thereof the Trust Company receipts transferable delivery upon surrender ot which bonds and preferred stork will be delivered so soon as they ire engraved and ready for delivery Coupon bonds will be Issued In denominations of LOW and K xn and registered bonds will be Issued In denominations of WO lion MOO 11000 UOW lioooo uocxw and liwooo shares of alack are of the denomination ot 1100 Fractions if bonds or ot shares ot stock will notbe tstued a depositor at the time of such deposit may either buy from or sell to the Trust Company aa- unount necessary to eliminate such fraction TUB AMERICAN TODACCO COMPANY Dy J D DUKE President Dated New York October 20 1804 NOTICE TO HOLDEIM OP St Louis Transit Company COLLATERAL TRfSl NOTES For the convenience ot the sinners of St Louis ranill Company Collateral Truit notes ire have rranged ulth the Trust Corruy of America New York to pay principal end Interest of sold I on presentation at the odcc of Ibe Trust ompiny of America Droadwry A Liberty f trul York ClIp on or after November 1st IttM Mercantile Trntt Co rf St LouIs TiE all Jersey on the ton bert stock of pie to the shares held of be lab bolder ItO dolan the SlAte lid mor ed 0 ou the of April and oc In each tar Said pry An Thee stock of TobACCO preset da I coup k hold- ers c tb m nrtlond said e said Com ns 8 be the 4 by but note New The The said mergee cor according stockholder Mid corporation and ibalI hundred and thirirthree sad Oral toter bonds Issued asId Continental Compass pafl9 October 1004 at the rate ofala 8 per semi- annually on the Scat of and pro- vided shall hero itid common cInch of the pir value of SIB held rrtJsle ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ OCEAN STEAMER BY SEA AND RAIL ST LOUIS EXPOSITION ONE OF TIlE DELIGHTFUl ST LOUIS IS VIA The Old Dominion Line AND TUG Norfolk Western Ry from Norfolk ove Point Comfort Norfolk Petersburg and summer resorts on o the Norfolk true to VirginIa Natural Bridge to return from at For further information apply A W Offloe IM Bway N T or to 0 D 88 Co 8185 Bob St N Y Old Point Comfort Norfolk Point and connecting for Petersburg Richmond Wa h D 0 entire Freight steamers sail from PIer PLTMOUTH OHERDOURO SOUTHAMPTON Saturdays 9 J A U Pin 16 N St Paul Oct 20 I OCT 29 10 A U- illNSEHAHA NOV 8 ISO P U UENOWINEE I RED STAR LINE NEW at Dover for London and Parts SaIling Saturdays at to A U 14 N R- Kroonland Oct 2 I Finland Soy I- Z eland Vadcrland Nov 1 WHITE STAR LINE NEW Sailing Wednesdays and M N R Doltlo Nov 2 Nov No to II AU- OceanicNov 7 WO AM 7VE MEDITERRANEAN JSta Naples Gene Alexandria FROM NEW YORK CRRTIO S Dec 12 Feb 4 Mar II REPUBLIC Deo t Jan 14 Feb moss BOSTON ROMANIO Oct 2 Dee 10 Jan 21 Mar CANOP10 Nov Jan 1 Feb 1 Passenger offices Droadway Freight Offlpes mar flattery Place ftamburgShnerica- nSral lwl cr w Serrte- PennsvlaOetJ IOAM tMoltkeNov 6 8 PM 19 urtllroom and n board 1WU1 call at Dover London and Parts Mediterranean Service New York Nple 41 no New Twin Screw Steamrs- UAMBltllUAMCKIOAK LINE Offices 85 and 87 Droadway Piers Hoboken N J NORTH GERMAN LLOYD S S CO FAST EXPRESS SERVICE KWroIINov 8JOPMI KaIser Jan 8 1 AU Kalier Nov 2210 KronprtnzJan 17 noon KWmlIDec 18 10 AUl 1 10 AM CUNARD LINET- o LlT rp ol From Piers 6162 NOrth River Umbria Oct 29 9 AUILueanla Nov 19 6 noon Umbria Nov 24 IM A Etrurta Nov 129 AUCampanlaDec 1 Saloon rates from New York IM second elan t upward according to steamer and accomodatlon- iMediterraneanAdriatic Service 6 Apply 2 Broadway New York u General Agent MEDITERRANEAN UacnlBcmtly appointed of the PENINSULAR 8 N CO will leave Uanetlles at frequent Intervals tIckets arranged from any point International HlMpInc Car Oo 28 FIfths Avenue corner Seth Sti- KTHAMBOATO Hudson River by Daylight Palatial steamers NEW YORE and ALBANY of tie Hudson SlIver Line fastest and Cnnt river boats In the world Leave Brooklyn Fulton St by Pier 40AU West 22d St Pier 8OOAM- Wut 12Uth St 920AU- Landtnf Yonkers West Point keepale Kingston CauklU Hudson and except Sunday Easy connections to all points Nonb Throurh tickets checked at offices Transfer Co stoat delIghtful oneday outings to Ncwburth or return on down boat Restaurant open at 7A U ALL N V C 4 W R TICKETS BETWEEN N Y A ALBANY ACCEPTED Lt Itoind Trip Oct Down Oct 31 AND POINTS IN NEW ENGLAND FALL RIVER LINE x1a Newport sad Fall River Leave Pier 19 N R St- PRISC1LLA and PURITAN Orchestra on each NORWICH LINE via New London Leave Pier 40 N R foot ot Clarluon St only at P U Steamers CITY OF CHESTER W CHAPIN NEW RAVEN LINE tar New Raven Hartford Sprtnf Reid and the North Leave Pier 20 NEW TOIUC ALBANY New O W Mor and Adirondack ALTERNATING DAILY SUNDAYS EXCEPTED SPLENDID ACCOMMODATIONS STEAM HEATED Leave Pier tt N R foot ot Canal 6 P M Direct rail connection at Albaay with trains to all nolnu Send too for W Morse Souvenir EXCURSION saM BOSTON f250 DIRECT axEAUERa- jROVIOENCE 158 r JOY LINE Jllnc tram Pier si East River foot Cathartic St SARAT4X1A or CITY OF TROV leaves West IOU St 6 P M Saturday Direct till connection at Troy north and Sunday steamers touch at Albany PROPOSALS FORT HANCOCK N October 1904 proposals for one tubular ell here received until 11 U November t 11104 Information furnished ea s reserves rIght to anr or all should be marked Proposal for Deep addressed AIlS S U RAILROADS NEWYORKI NEW HAVEN ft HARTFORD R I Trains depart from Grand Central Station 4ld and ave as follow rot 3V via WUllmantlct1 A T2 P IL ITCH RURO via Putnam Worctster MOO P A SEVILLE As NORFOLKt1BlS A U P It Ticket offices at Grind Central Station and Bll6ta- t also at clll c26l 1186 cttM rl Place CIS Union Square cm Fifth 146 Columbus At 6 9 Madison Ave eltt West lllh St 161 East 126th St In Brooltlyn C4 Court H8 Lackawanna Railroad New York toot Barclay and rbrlMophmts- t oo AM For and IOOJ AU For Pulfalo CMrafo anrt St Louis l o PUFor and 14BO PU For Scranton and ChIcago i46 PU For fliflalo Svrseusr 200 AUFor Ctlr oSIf pers open t 9 P U Tickets 149 428 UM 144 N Y 139- iiltnn si Ilrooklyn Dstlj TBarpt itinda TO ROUTES- TO u t liD k WOItern yon Louis bJ any line OLD DOMINION LINE rene DUeS 26 Beach at di all P W- II D WAJKER Tra lo Manager AMERICAN Nov Nn York Nov Coiling at Dover for LonDon snd AT ftTJ9Rl WTRE Jd PIer Irtela PIer ill O Ie WN LIVERPOOL 17 G t 21 II Ton 111 10 AM for 6 CO S Broadway N Y noon noon Slavonla Nov I NovI noon NovI lao noon UVE TI8 ORE AL u A lJa AIInU 100 AIL St M log Music Sill BOSTON Tr foot of Peck SUP weekdya 4 P U Steamer ItICHAH pe- csPE SI LI PIer I except 1 > Sealed 2 U Well un Rb also Usoh and it trunk So- N Virginia and every week 5 I 19 srtL MINNEAPOLIS NOV12VAM l 10 Nov S vEnp000 23 lOAM Doc Novembe NEW TOnE AlliS BOSTON DiRECT 9 CklERBOUflG HAMIJURO Hamburg Nov noon 30 noonlCsepathia k to weekdaya and Sunday at Ioo p M Steamers only at Every wk at 600 P U road east Is bOSTON VIa New London ssd Provldseestseo 151002 MDOS2 A U U5- I1 p 22 W0QA tI 1eoa llooPM t525 GREAT HAflRINOTON LENOX WATERUtJRY and taco nsa 1009 tllOO2 110 Waterbury A N IjinS 813 to P Park Fultoa St 850 Daliy Sunday Isundays only Sat only at csi Umnltd tHu DinIng Car cAgencie eil1u Parlor Car tlcketa ci Cen Pus Au 0 22 SHEPARD Ccc Supt Leases I 61 PM Per OluCalo and > nAILHOAUS RAILROAD THE ONLY rntmTIIACK LINE LEADING OUT OF NEW TOrtK STATIONS rOOT OP WEST TWENTYTHinD STREET AND DBSBBOSSBH AND STREETS for Twentythird street Station FOB TUB WEST frtl A K CHICAGO SPECIAL DlStA M ST LOUIl LIMITED 2 hOurs to Outage CHICAOO LIMITED 7 At P M PACIFIC EXPRESS Mm P M AND CINCINNATI EX tiss p M pnrsBURo WASHINGTON AND THE MOUTR- Wf Wf tM 11 l If94k 121 sfonal LImIted r25 4J 4iK 34 p m 1210 night S2t Limited 2s 45iMJfHp m 1210 aUy ATLANTIC COAST LINB034 B m and 3 pm AIR UNRU34 p m and IMO Jfl AND WESTERN RAILWAY MS praC- ILBSAPKAKE OHIO RAILWAY 7 m 4U p m dally 78j a m weekdays p m dally ATLANTIC a m and p ra dr Sundays TU a m p m weekdariL- ONO BRANCH PARK North Asbuhr Park Sundayi and point Pleasant 8U a m list JS 431 Long Branch and ial p m weekdays Sundays M a ra and 4- Vm Polo PHILADELPHIA ttt 131 1M S3S CM t U tlOW- WM liu m uaj UH lM IMO I3LLU iM MlM for Phil delptiU only iJ SM 74J83S 3 fMtor- eu w 758834 2S 8ii North I p m 1210 nIght train IU Fulb Avenue below 23d 203 Filth Avenue corner Mth St t Alter House arid statIons named above Brooklyn 4 Court SH t KB Fulton StresS SW Bro d rar and Annex Station The New York Transfer Company will rail for and check baggage from reel dencea through to Telephone M3 CbcUea for Pennsylvania Railroad W W ATTEHDORY J R WOOD itnerol Manager Par Trarao Msnaier CEO W BOYD General passenger Ace- ntAmcrleis Greatost Railroad x HUDSON RIVER R R THE SIXTflACK TRUNK LINE Direct Route from New York A Boston to Niagara rails from Grand Central Station 42d New York u below North inS west bound trains except those leaving urn to receive ten mInutes alter leaving Grand Central Station 13110 W 1M1DNK1HT BOO A MtKilPinE STATB EXIHESS- 8MS A M FAST UAIL24 hours to ChIcago A M EXPOS 1TIOV LIUITED- liltO P U BUFFALO LIMITED 0P SOUTHWFJiTERN LIMITED into P M CHICAGO LIUITED SAO P U AND TROY 4tOO P M DETROIT and SPECIAL 1SO P M LAKE SHOHE LIMITED 23M fur train 10 Chicago All Pullman car to Cincinnati H to St Louis WESTKHN EXPRESS MONTREAL 0P i MONTREAL EXP H 0 P M BUFFALO ft TORONTO SPECIAL ao P SOUTHWESTFRN SPECIAL fliao P U PACIFIC EXPRESS II ao P U CHICAGO t ST IXJUIS EXPRESS Dally lExoept Sunday SKicept Monday HARLEM DIVISION t A U sad I3i P M dally Sund to Pltufleld and North Adams at 933 A Pullminctrs on all through traIns Ticket omen at 144201 4IS and 1210 Broadway 28 Union W 2TS West Telephone WO sth Street for New York Central B rtsre checked from hotel or Oenl Manager Ocnl Pus r Agent WEST SHORE R R New York Central Hudson River R R Lesseii Trains leave Franklin t MatloT New York follows and 16 minutes later foot West 42d at N It- 1SWPU Chlosto IUDrea1- 13S PU 43on Urn for Detroit Chi St Lout SW PU For Rocb Buffalo Cleveld Chtcsro 844 PM For Syra Rooh NU Falls Dot Chi except Suady checked from hotel or residence by Weslcott F nre A H SMITH C E LAMBERT OenT Uanarer fienl PMHT Agent READING SYSTEM NEW JERSEY CENTRAL R R Liberty Street and South Ferry time Iron South Kern five minutes earlier than shown brlouru EASTON BETHLEHEM ALLENTOWN AND 110 a m 130 440 Ml S 5 Raslon only p Hi 810 a m 5W p m H2j m p w TOMS AND DABNEOATS4UO 8 0 m mttl- Sunday a m NTIC s mt 40 p m VINELAND AND a m RANCR Axnvnr PARK OCEAN CROVE POINT PLEASANT AND SEA SnORK POIITraMoo 4JO 11 0 a m xt20- IM 448 8JOt Sao UM p in Sunday except ATLANTIC HLDS SEAnuICillT MON MOUrn DCH EAST IXING BRANCn 400 30 liao a m ljo jti 420 p m Sun day io a m 4W p m READIXa TRRU1NAU- 42S troo t tiow tll a m tl2 licit lisa urn nxo 400 isso t oo tao Wax ItOSO m I25 mdt- J4TH AND CHESTNUT STnEr7TS 4rv t3K- 10SO MS09 a m 4W IM TM t 2i m mdt BALTIMORE AND VAAHINGTON800 IOXO t2l- DiNO rtARBWhURfl LLIAJ SPORTMS 2S I T iO IOW- lino a ro Rwdlnr only l t2M p m Readlnr Potuvule Harrisburg only fsOOp m- aProm Lfb Street Dally tDaly Sunday only curs KVla Tamaqua xSaturdaya aExcept Sat OlSen Liberty St South Ferry Astor Boos SSI 4M 1SOO ISM Broadway l 2 Av- t Union West its St 27S Went Kth SV Columbus Av New York 4 Court it 44 MO Pultnn St Brooklyn SSO Dronlway- nlllamsburc New York Transfer Co calls for checks to destInatIon W O BESLEIl C M HURT IcePres and Qra Mrr flea Passr Agent ALTIMOREQHIORMLROAD ROYAL BLUE TRAINS EVERY OTHER HOUR ON THE EVEN HOUR O BALTIMORE and WASHINGTON South Perry minutes earlier v liberty street 800 am fluiTet 1000 am Diner 1200 noon Diner 230 pm Daily finer K rat 400 pm All Pullman pm Dally Diner 700 nuitet 1216 night Dally Sleepers SPLENDID TRACN TTDtOUon TRAINS TO TilE WEST v New York City South Fern Liberty St Dally hltaar 1210nt I2l8nt Sleeper Cotimbu lS 2fOpm iUpm 4 0pm Ijmd 7 nm lIonel 121Snt Sleeper nclautLntLoils BMam lOooam Diner aetBBatiHtL pm Diner Omces leT Ml 4S4 lino Broadway 0 Astor rand SL N Y MS Fulton street Urookljn South and Liberty Street LEHIGH VALLEY Cortlandlai 4I t r Me4BtsB t Kxe t Bnedar caongesi 74V BJ x 4J- JaaehVliank Local n Di tjwix- u Piiauji nrwst iu o- UaebCbuak udUaUetonLocsJ MfMrsH aili p Kiprtu IlS- wton Local Ills m- ullm aceumnooiuoiii tt 111- I UroUvtr till Ave 25 Calon Ba 5- s j PENNSYLVANIA Th leavIng time front Deabroases and Cots SHeet Ave mIsule later than that given below 10i2I I1TUE PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED liii F 11 CI6IOAOO AND NP EXPBES- S401P itPMST LOUIN EXIltIOt 3 MwErrnN rxpnasa 1 755 51 a in CongressIonal 428 p to 1210 aM daily a daIly 6liy S a Week days FOR and NOItPOLI all wear J gas 953 ie a 253 Ins 45 orth t North onlri p In 1210 night week Sundays ens 133 0 25 025 1145 955- l026 1054 a 335 354 121 7453 for lIOrtb llitIsdelpbl only 422 fur hta DinIng Car Eztra fare I omcea Nos 453 1364 113 and 211 SIt I INKWYORK- NTRAL 15 s- Trains stress it S13A 54 245350 llD2 Pi wtltatop at I2tii I 2141 F Tbe 20th CENTIJfl LIMITED 90bour rain to Chicago via Lake Shore 600 3100 w Sundays o TraIns Iflsaminated with Ilntseb light t S I2Lh- at Grand Central and 125th 51 stations New york and 720 Putton at and 106 rrsldenoe by Feprest Company I r- A H dM1111 a i 940 AMSt LouL Express A A te P22fech Detroit S St Louis Baggage COIVNIC24t40 171 Haston onlI Sundays zl21 a rn 0202 in AND SCRANTON ztee > D sIlt tn a 340 ano Lakewood and only baa is 5 940 C 940 51113 0 iTt LONG t Ocean a in 590 p rn 538 iZ15 POYIHYILLE AND except cr0173 S East and barrage 6 Except Sun pushed t rttsibr Limited pm Mouse St 25 UnIon square w sit Ferry Daily a7 S- tNYA iNT10 1740At P Cl pa CbeseSS kep ales rs 1144O Pit 7111 vrvALo vials 755 rw 150IO ret- jtilhieeti od Stlss sad Ill leNt 045 tYolembus Ave S Li 135 5 St Cocci Fulton St 1roetipn- NY 14stifetCo illtiiil fogieS cbeck tgags > < < > < <

Transcript of Chronicling SATURDAY OCTOBER...


    d 11

    i II


    T F 4 t 1 TWj W 97q7LI w7F r


    D L ft W JUMPS 28 POINTS


    Iti Stock Artvmcw on of 8001-fiharwciilcftco Great WMterc Ilon llenetved numori of Id Pureli-ny Other noMlfKxctiMiKe Ad now

    The tock of the Delaware Lackawnnwand Veutern Railroad on the Stock Exchango repeated Ita sensatlonarise of aoveral week ago on an oven largercnlc advancing to 320 a now high recordnrvl a figure 25 above the pricewhich It told Transactionsin the stock amounted to about 3000 sharestlm par valuo of the being so-

    Vhllu thore no offlclal explanation wasgiven for the remarkable rise In tho04 wai true In It previous flight upward

    Wall Street understands that the stockIM very closely held which facilitates such

    jump In and that sooner or laterthe surplus accumulated by the road wllprobably be distributed to the stockholdersIn one or another There U no intimstion that such a distribution will cornsbefore the annual meeting on the Tuesdaybefore the last Friday In February

    Tho various stock of the Chicago GreatWestern Railway also scored furtheradvances In tho market on a repetition oprevious rumors of the purchase of thecontrol this propertyUnion Faclfio Interest denied aUolutelja story that they wore to buy the GreatVeitorn whoso purchase also was creditedto the Missouri Pacific Erie and PenMarquette

    Another report In connection with theartlvity In Onat Wcsttrn snares was thattho English holdings of its stock which anknown to b extensive had passed to thucontrol of the Canadian Northern Hallwaywhich runs from Winnipeg to am

    Arthur on Thereno physical conntctlon botwiin the Chicago

    and thu Canadian Nonhirnbut those who believed this pointedout that onu could bo made by the

    of a line from St Paul to Duluth or bythe purchase of some onu of thelines between those two Cities

    There wvni no further oat the Olioe and hit

    of supplyingthe motalwhtro 8000000 In was rvlca

    the Bank of England for shipmentBerlin ThiH movrmont wason tho Stock Exchange as an Indicationthat a Mttkment of Sea incidentsatisfactory to England would bo n achedand were therefore Influenoed by it The rate of exchange advanccd some 15 points to St869-


    bays He Haint Sold Out to themated S2BOOO to

    HELENA Mon Oct 28 F AugustusHeinze has issued a statement denyingThomas W Ijiwsons assertion thatHeinze has sold out to the Amalgamate

    Copper Company Heinzo saysI am too busy n man to be celled upon

    to answer such wild statements an thOMemanating from Mr Thomon W Lawsonof Boston men of hU class but I anstilt ready to my to the peopleof Montana do HO 1 am readynoro the source from which statementsKsue and In to Mr Lawaons assertionthat I havo lost control of my mining prop

    in Hutte I hereby otter the followingproposition to Mr

    I post i forfeit of 25000 in any reputable In Butte to build andIn State Montinii a home forend disabled union men if 1 do not produce

    composed of one ftirhthe Miners Union the Mill

    Union the Stationarynecrs Union the American ofLabor and the Labor fnlon therontrol of the stock of the United Coppercompany providing Mr Thomas Vor Hoton a in the same placebinding himself to forfeit the saute to befor same purpose If I do not producethe stock hereinbefore referred to

    F Aro HEINXB


    Operators Plan Shutdown tr EngineerRcfnie to Accept Ware Cut

    CHICAGO Oct 28 Members of the IllinoisCoal Operators Association are makingarrangements to close all the mines InIllinois on Tuesday morning next unlessthe engineers agree to accept the proposedreduction of SW per cent In wages or sub-mit the case to arbitration No responsehas been received from the engineers andboth sides are standing pat

    The plan of operators If to close themines for a week or ten thenthem with such of the union engineersas desire to return to work or nonunion men if necessary Fifty thousand-men will be affected


    pIn rUes V24Sunsets 602iMooarlsestllirma WATER THIB DAT-

    Ein lrHookl022Gov Id10S4Hell Gate1247-ArrlTB F lOAT Dot-

    S L Savole rtavre Oct 23Si Liverpool Oct 22-M Rotterdam tinki Antwerp Oct IS-S Havana VeraSs Santiago It-Si luiton Oct 27Si Cauava New Orleans Oct 2Si Kl Old New Orleans Oct 2J-S4 tl Alba Gftlveuon Oct 2JSi Unnrue Norfolk Oct 27f lallaha si svannab OctKi OOfld IhIUidflpWa Oct 27Si Cbixanr Vr iHlllmorc O t J8Bark Iltrbcrt Kullcr Brunswick Oct 12

    ARRITED OUTKi Luranla tram New York atSi Hluecher New York al Plymout-hs Hjndam from New York at Boulornt

    rnoM ronnoir roim-Si Iaurrmlan from Glasgow for New York

    Mluneapolli Irom I iniloa tar New York

    oiToorxo nrxiUSBirs-

    trabrli LiverpoolM Southampton


    Irnniylvuila HarnbureLondon

    HrtttiB Kin g Antwerp


    8 80 A ItU

    10 on A U12SOPU


    Monroe NorfolkSon Manday Oct 31

    Anne NorfolkNew York Charleston

    Sail Tuetdnv 1vonltTrleMe


    MorroCuile Havanaixmyba Matanus


    80 A U10 SO A


    100 IM-100PMOOPMJOOP-

    a OOPM100PM-



    Due TodayGibraltarSicttlnGibraltarSouthamptonCopenhagen


    i OalvestonJacksonville

    Dvi TomorrowLondonHamburg


    nut Uonttv Oa SIAntwer-

    pfP o GslvestonNew Orleans

    Out Tutitay Kn IlMiSY 11 f


    dLVasyrkOut Wttntttav I


    pint atday




    to London






    1or eforo a





    NolA U

    PAul lOA U Yb A 22 A


    c A

    tf le stvestoaNewo

    lOP YNo

    tmUluNorfulk lOP

    Oct Ilo OI 1OllurkY 1lon Ol 1A Ola-cte


    O 22lmo 2OlOctOct 20

    Ocl 3S

    lbelm Orl

    rerl bOct 21

    er OtWIab Oct 10Alt d






    voIdn Continent with









    e SaU roday

    5 00

    10 II It

    ioS 30



    Ilccoimc risatrLlie



    MInth5b 20


    7etsad 22

    Oibraltar Oct 11Ccl 15


    octtspte Oct27-







    GOSSIP OF WALL 9THEETSpeculative conndence In the tock market

    was largely restored yesterday Perhapsthe strongest evidence on this point was the

    disposition to refer to the break atan occidental blcuslns In that it badto e Imlnate from the market themoats While considering ruefully the ruinsof his own speculative pyramid erected la-boriously and wrecked In an hour a traderadmit that It was bud for tho market for somany others to have as ho did where-upon he proceeds cheerfully to begin tho

    foundation of another such erectionmore critical of weak and reckless

    corfljianron the long side of a market thantraders who are constantly trying to swing

    stocks than they can protect Commission business naturally was somewhatreduced In volume yesterday but brokers

    a very response to theIn general market conditions

    Outside sentiment seemed strongly Inclinedto be optimistic

    The break come Just a little too late to savesome of the less resourceful bucket shopcombinations

    There Is now In the market a crowdwhich will sell stocks on every good bulcefor a while and take them back on further

    TIde is a kind of professionalwhich ought not to be unwel

    come to those who would continue opera-tions on the bull side of the market For-a fortnight or more preceding this weeksreaction the absence of a normal opposition-to advancing prices had been a strikingfeature of speculation The professionalelement had learned by experience thatwhether one believed In the market or notIt was more profitable to go with It than toresist It The enthusiasm finally reached-a stage at which the average trader wasafraid to sell stocks short

    Speculative operations for the advancewere resumed yesterday on a considerablescale in several stocks and In others notablyErie and Union Pacific buying of thesame general character as that on which thehighest prices of this movement were rccentlreached was again In evidence Buyingof the character lust described caused sev-eral prominent brokers who became bearishtoward the close of last week because theysaw that stocks were being well suppliedto turn on the market yesterday sayingthat the buying was again of the right kindStocks think have got Into strongerhands as a result of the sharp setback thnthas taken place this week in speculativevalues In Erie for Instance large buy-Ing orders were executed yesterday appar

    for tho same Interests that accumu-lated It so heavily before the advance startedand then sold a lot of stock above 40 whenthey found that they had too enthusiastic afollowing Similar significance ww attached-to yesterdays buying In Union Pacific andseveral other stock Brokers reported yes-terday that they had seen some rather goodbuying In the Steel stock

    It Isnt reasonable to suppose abroker who has been prominent on the bullside of the market for several months thatthe big peoplo hero who spend hundreds ofthousands of dollars In attorneys feesworking out their schemes are going to letevery little trader In Wall Street tail Intothe band wagon at the last minute shoutingHero we are were with you and weve pot

    the goods Some of these people I doubtnot found that they wore picking up too muchof this small company The war scare wasbut an Incident A shaking out wouldhave come anyway that we have hadIt I feel more bullish on the market especiallyas I see that the right people are again buy-Ing stocks

    As to the feasibility of a much moro ex-tensive distribution of stocks to commissionhouses than has yet been accomplishedInquiry among the principal brokeragoofJlws In tho Street confIrms the assertionthat the resources of commission houses hovenot been heavily taxed notwithstanding theextent to which the public already par-ticipated and the sustained activity oL themarket The head of a house that has beendoing a lug business for several monthssaid yesterday carrying stocksto the amount of t3000OOJ or 0000000 more

    we are The head of another housean active speculative clientele said

    The accumulation of stocks here has not beenso largo but that we could carry s000000to tSnooCOO moro without taxing ourselvesThat Is in fact tho general answer ofwho are approached on this line ofThey say almost without exception that theywould like to bn carrying anywhere fromttOOflooo to tsoooooo more stocks than theynow have on their books Since brokers wererefusing business In the hull market of 190102for want of facilities and capital for handlingmore there has an enormousboth In the facilities and capital of coinmission houses anti tho possibilities of a bullmarket some think are correspondinglygreater than ever before The surprisingstatement was made yesterday by the head ofono large speculative house that It Is carryingstocks to tho value of only about Jiooowomore than in Starch of this year The business of this establishment however Is of ahighly speculative character

    When the Oregon Short Line bonds werebrought out great stress was laid upon theparticipating feature The retirement feat-ure appears to have been the more Impor-tant although It was not so considered atthe time

    The violent advance In Sugar yesterdaystarted on scattered buying the origin ofwhich at first was of no particular iuUrcstto anybody When the price first touched140 a lot of stock was forthcoming which

    the market to ease off When Itup again the stock offered at 140 was

    readily taken and a further advance of SHpoints was accomplished There has been alarge short interest In Sugar and coveringbad a good deal to do with the violence ofyesterdays advance On this rise moroshort stock was put out up to 140 a good dealof It at that price and some of this probably-was covered 2 points higher before theSugar 1s a stock In which there Islarge bucket shop Interest If the clients are

    of it the bucket shops of course standof It Sugar Is one of the in

    which 8 point margins havesolicited by a certain class of houses andsince this solicitation began It has advancedabout 7 points There WM no news on Sugaryesterday that would account satisfactorilyfor its abrupt advance of more than i points

    Co were buyers below 140

    Recent In Union Paclflo havebeen so skilfully managed that large trans-actions either have lost their meaningentirely and brokers have largely ceased-to report thnt the buying looks good or thatIt doesnt look so good or to speculate as towhere the stock Is going to and whenoa It Isbeing supplied One feature of the trading-Is the quiet manner In which large blocksof the stock are bought and sold by brokersexecuting the orders In Itment on the stock Is extremely bullishno doubt because the tape seems to fore-shadow further developments of an Impor

    nature One rumor which found believersStock Exchange yesterday was that

    an extra dividend of 4 per cent would bndeclared out of the proceeds of the Oregon

    Line transaction The one Impression

    that everybody whowatches the transactionsIn Union to get Is that the buyingIs good The objection mightbo made that opinion on this point Is toonearly unanimous

    Hsllgftrten A Co were prominent buyersof Mexican Central again yesterday Afterthe close of the market It was reported that20000 shares of pool stock hnd been takenover by somebody at 20

    The London buying here yesterday wnsthought to represent largely covcrlhg of

    short arbitrage and other madeon day It was rumored Inarbitrage circlet that one reason for thedemoralization of American stocks In Londonon Thursday was that a house heavily longof American stocks had found It necessary

    to Btslstnnce I

    Th rewry In the Steel I





    report factory












    ion tock




    Indo seems




    could be

    been increase


















    OF 1901Notice of Certificates Drawn for Payment Novembsr 1st 1904

    Notice U hereby given that pursuant to the terms of the agreement dated Novemberbetween the Pennsylvania Company The Pennsylvania Railroad Company and Olrard

    Trust Company Trustee one thousand three hundred and thirtyfour certificates were thisday drawn for kedemptlon at par on November I 1804 In accordance with Article IV of saidagreement

    The certificates drawn and numbered aa below should be prevented for payment atthe office of Glrrd Trust Company Trustee Broad and Chestnut streets PhiladelphiaPa on or after November I 1604 with ill unmatured coupons attached Interest will coaston the above certificates November 1 1 04

    11 1DM13 1313IS 131021 134123 1384M 14M-e 1448-

    CO 1490-

    U 18382 lSSfl-

    M 18404 1843

    112 1149

    ill 18A511 1 7-1IH 1MS187 IM2-1M 1004201 1C1-

    Su ioto213 192028 1C21-

    JM lMI272 1C4S

    273 IMO278 I Ml-

    co 1093-JfS 1W2-M 1700

    200 1712tOO 1718-

    P2 172S828 1720US 1740lf4 1820tt4 1R27-4CO IfM402 18M408 lfC9419 1871441 16S3443 1893ItS 1 O-Ius iooa-

    en iMO 1M4-

    CM 2001wo jcos-7JI 2000710 5021-

    7tfl 2040768 2045774 2072778 081

    780 2034HVi 2103f 2150873 2154613 2203

    I4 2217sic 2 5-Gil 2301S2J 2S17-tS3 2S42034 2 43-

    tS 234440 2340

    C52 2SCO-

    CW 2370CM 2373

    1000 3KH1003 2409IOU 24311041 2432Ion 24341043 240I-OM 24531079 24071084 24RS

    114 2478117 24831-

    SS 75M174 7509109 2SI4201 JS33-

    1M8 25451278 25SO

    JMi SMM J04I2033 8H B0502045 J8JO 5OM2041 J870 tOM2650 1831 80032001 l89 80042003 8t2t 80U2707 3830 80782735 1949 8OM2743 3178 81002721 8S37 81082771 4001 81182808 4013 81182840 4033 81282848 4048 81372802 4053 81402880 4084 81582893 4098 81922007 4104 82272028 4120 82322041 4130 82402844 4142 52482058 41M 82852907 41M 82842888 4171 89183015 4170 89173050 4189 53323055 4J09 53343070 4207 83743073 4250 83783083 4202 84183110 4274 84373118 42S3 84383124 4291 84543131 4298 851T8147 4305 8544-31C3 4310 85481173 4821 88843174 4300 85013178 4402 68703183 4435 8023-818S 4440 50238233 4441 80383253 MOl 80543255 4405 6C583111 44M seeo3319 4484 60M3333 44M 67183341 4493 67233350 4409 67278305 4609 67S53381 4627 6W73383 4630 88108394 4834 68133419 4552 6S1S3440 4654 68243448 4585 58703452 4688 58808408 4689 68S23472 4690 68893477 4597 88073479 4019 89T23484 4020 68003482 4C34 68973502 4030 00128510 4640 80253630 4603 00303532 4 07 80533550 4696 C053563 4700 00688601 4744 00988015 4787 01073048 4803 61 IT8078 4814 1288M2 4845 l43-SB83 4S8S C1581691 4WSO 61743f93 4053 61763684 4970 MAl3705 4878 61878709 4880 61M8711 4893 61838728 4833 62053733 4895 62233738 4897 62248740 488S 0236-37M 010 62003797 6013 62023601 6043 eISKI

    6298 7721MOl 77486311 77686841 77746884 77816368 7788-88M 77M6408 77976417 77886441 78008458 78226460 78216463 78456468 78516491 78616531 78006534 T9166630 78316621 78456638 78846034 79670041 78846607 80016671 80066678 80346688 80800701 80676718 l10t6719 81876720 81410727 81426731 61836733 81676743 81C86784 81846786 81886811 82M6827 821T6841 82316857 82386862 82846869 83106803 88216800 8363

    817 84046922 84646832 84728888 86557004 66597031 57a-70J8 85037W8 8tOS7063 66077053 86217072 86617091 6717088 86 27116 86847104 8683-71W 87097179 87197206 87217224 87417230 87727240 8818-72C3 88437260 PS37291 88037800 88717384 88887804 88237406 89947414 88287420 88277423 88287431 80217448 69407606 88677504 8707512 88M7634 90007639 90197646 8047-7C80 908-7C83 9093-7WO77077713 910

    GIRARD TRUST COMPANY Trusteeblladelpbli PA September 15th 1904 C J RIIOADS Treasurer

    I 1301

    1062 101 ta2 UWOlt 17610571 10 IIUO UUIUO 1801 115 1810

    024 106 12111a0 U10 1010 171 18t

    024 10O 110 1M5 U710 IMIpm Ioe IUM U1 1t8 I7I 189U2 UN2oa 1072 lot 18003 1m 188112 lun 10210752 1818

    10760 13 16 IU87 1028 1W03 10770 Uo 188107P3 1m 17t 102 1a040 106 uoS 18mlUO 176 15345 lun1081 11 10 1801P6 111 lUGS 166 16 18O00 10a nw lun IMO 1011nu 1808

    15 180 lUlU 100 170OA 100 10018U 1010 101616 1771 101067 10938 1111 IC13618 16 178 101Oe 1000 126 111 le61 10IG

    073 IM10 1111 IW10 IMM 19170174 11IS 1t6082 10 102 160178 IIO 7 10tO 1021MG 110 106laO 111 10081 10 10255112 12843 nm let0M07 51876 130 IS0 102100 IIC 1270 n21 16583IMtP 117 1803 103MI 123 U00 12I

    608 1920 123 19374Sit 0920 U0 1070 1810 lom03 181 131 19413187t 18U7 13415

    OOAI 1186 10 1531 1817 1013oo UI0 107nIS 1801 16S7 15788 1810 1063537 107R100 10 UII 164ISI 1670 IMO ID610o7 1t11 16S1o IU4S1000 IUO ItS 186 IunU23 1t0 10G7JOO 111 118 11114149 11112 166 1070126 1017 IISI71010 1130 U1 15m 18319 10617

    1370 1611 IMIS IUH1016 15 IU4 1002 IU5 10M216M 1911521018 IU7 117 t0 101212 16670 l8oICS UI 1IO 107122 J62 1t 19016 U11 170 IIU8 171

    176 1m IM67 1672 1IZ103 16 10781676 171101 181 12 110 186111673 191428

    1871 162 111 1661108 111 lUl

    180 54541 1870 10A710m 111 110104I U67 III 3059210 1aN 161 IMOI106 16 1S IMI8 59071IM 18t IIon Uf1lon 1010 UOIO IM71 126 lM5 1000

    DOS 101 112 160110 Ut 1873 100Sg105 UUO 10 170

    773 010 IP UC um nW

    Penusylvallia Co 3k GOld Loan

    0115 17315 1853113534

    15002 18522


    7449 1875312133

    9302 13229

    9026 13563 14522 175459881

    14941 17528

    0410 14922 35846

    30540 12424 14379

    13847 176883803 10910

    1100012519 17741

    9528 106450877

    30030 12524

    18891 17141411018

    9713 13019 ltC93 10114116211

    3338512530 17953 252

    11124 2340 1553513993 13274


    2117715588 114533

    1020 12055 1521431120611524 14078


    1435251392 58202 19524

    1304511441 151452 18232

    14220 1545313065

    1e00510153 11528


    1020218G4 18407

    10233 10097

    102053254 15677


    11270 55207 5448019sfl

    5710050333 19350 191453


    1715614570 55542

    05633 5997017231


    a very favorable Impression upon sentimentSome of the buying was to bo of a verystrong character A sanguine toneprevailed In steel trade advices receivedIn etreet An operator who was askedIf he thought the Steel stocks could beno soon after the disappointingreport Mid I think we are going to have umarket tiers In which you can huB nnrthlnjr

    told anyway that there has been somerather good buying of the Steel stocks today

    There Is a great del of curiosity to seowhether a weeks end demonstration on thebull side will be attempted today with a viewto Influencing outside sentiment


    Merchants NatlonsJ Closes Ita DoonUntil It Is Turned Oil

    Through the carelessness of scrubwomonworking in the building at 42 Wall streetyesterday a small flood theatened to put-a stop to business In tho Merchants National

    the bank opened Its doorsfor business a small stream of wateron the door sill hesitated for aand then wandered in President Shermanstarted out to investigate He wasjoined by tho force of

    at work In the corridorsOne of tho women had turned on a faucet

    on the floor above and could not shut it onneither could President nor hitsfollowers the water continued-to flow into

    Mr Sherman had the hank doors closedand called for more strenuous efforts butto no avail Tho janitor solved the puzzleby taking the faucet out and plugginghole with waste Then thebusiness


    Objects to Waiting for Sewer BondsGets 100000 Worth

    President Haffen of The Bronx askedthe Board of Estimate yesterday for anissue of 1DO000 worth of bonds for sewerin hU district Mr Grout was absent andhis deputy Mr Stevenson sid that thematter would have to be held up until theComptroller could bo present-

    Mr Mayor said President Haffen Iinsist on the enforcement of the Charterwhich provides for prompt action

    I would suggest the Mayorthat the board tho to interpretwhat the Charter prompt

    I it that It monthsor retorted Mr

    Comptroller Grout came in before thewas over and the matter was com-

    promised by allowing 100000 for sewers

    Standard Rope end Twine ChanceIntcrretH connected with tho Standard

    Rope and Twinu Company are understood-to hove a plan for tho Improvement of thecompany be accumulating tho 8 cent bondsof tho through private

    Ono of move-ment In to secure thu annulment of thecontract the company and theUnion Selling Comnnny







    meatao mca x










    Coat Company will redeem and pay on Decemberlot offlce of the Trust Com-pany In the City of Philadelphia Pa all Its floods

    standing Amounting lo 17000000 under Agree-ment dated November lIst between Thecompany Trustee Interest on said bonds will

    to December 1st 1904 and will cease onthat date In accordance with the terms of MMbonds and the agreement securing the same apremium ot two and per cent will beon redemption

    V C Treasurer

    The Wall Street Journalhas a larger circulationthan other financialpublication In America



    THIS CERTIFICATE Issued In duplicate herebycertlnea that tie Enclncen Realty Company

    corporation onceon of October 1804 for the

    of such corporation undersection 67 of the StockIt therefrom that such corporation hascompiled with Mid section In order to oe

    WITNESS my bead and the seal of ofnce of theSecretary of State at the of thissixth of October one thousand nine hundredand four

    Seat J B H MOVniNDeputy Secretary of State


    Charge Made by Nrrro Proprietress WMOnly to Dreak Contract Smith Says

    Smith who was manager forBelmont in West Fortyfifth

    street for a month last summer was ac-quitted by a Jury In Judgo Cowings courtin General Sessions yesterday of the charge-of stealing a lot of silverware and tablelinen from the hotel Tho complainantagainst him was Mrs anegress who is tho wifo of the horseman

    Smith s was that ho had a contract for a year with her and that whenshe wanted to rid of him she accused

    Business TroubleJoseph Moakowltz formerly of Herman

    A Moiknwitz real estate dealers of 303 Gamlstreet has filed a petition In bankruptcywith llabllltlM IIM6SS contracted by thefirm and 1000 Individual debts and no assetsThe last building operation of the firm wasthe erection of a six story apartment house nt

    northwest corner of nvenue andTwelfth street Onyx Court It

    last were unable tomeet their bins

    A of the creditors of Klat7cn t-Mlakend manufacturers of ut11 street wns yesterdayafternoon at Astor unties toreport of a committee which tins been Invc affair The commute re-ported accepting the r nf the

    compromise at M cents on the dollarand report wits adopted The liabilitiesare I89II awcts The com-mittee reported thnt August the Hrrn

    fJ to relatives toand to themwlve



    lLYY CAL


    uSTAT u

    at lot c


    owner hotel






    given that The Lehich a11ey

    November 213 1902 and now out

    LehIgh Valley Coal Company and the tmrii mist


    a part in the

    him stealing the silverware and linen













    American Tobacco CompanyContinental Tobacco Company


    Consolidated Tobacco CompanyAmerican Tobacco Company taaJcea the tel

    lowing announcement and Invitation to theholders of The American Tobacco Companytlnental Tobacco Company and Consolidated Tobaoco Company to dopoilt their cenifleatea ostock

    Dy an aggreeroent of merger sad consolidationdated September 8 1804 and flied In the once othe Secretary of State of the State of Now

    October 18th 1804 The American Tobacco Com-pany Continental Tobacco Compels and ConsiStdated Tobacco Company hive been merged ani-cooiolldated Into one corporation known MAmerican Tobacco Company Said merger acrascot provided for the conversion of stocks otbe merging corporations Into the stocks or oblige

    said merged corporation to wit The AmtrCompany as follows

    The stock ot each of the KIdparties shall be converted Into the commonstock stock or the obligations of aalimerged corporation and the common pre

    shall be apportioned the stock-holders of the hereto

    delivered to them of tnel-certlilcatea of stock u follows

    There shall be apportioned to of theot the eight per centstock The American Tobaccoparty hereto for each share of said preferred stock

    par value of held himtlon or bond of the corporation of one

    onethird cents I1S3S3 coin ofUnited of the present standard of weighand sitS on tbe firstOctober 1844 at the office or agency of the

    corporation In the City New YorkInterest thereon October 1 1804 at the rateof six 8 per centum annum said Interest tbe payable to the holder of such bond oror of a coupon representing ueb In-terest at saId office or agency coin

    In such denominations as the merged corporationshall see nt and they shall theprovided for In the next paragraph hereof con

    a Ira charge upon toe andof the merged corporation There shill else b-raid to of said preferred stock of sailThe Amcrcan Tobacco heretoIn lieu of dividend amount In to twodollars for each share of SLId preferred stock heldby him

    i shall be apportioned to each of the holderof cent preferred

    hereto for each share of said stock othe value of 1100 held him the obligationor bond of sold merrrd corporation for one hundred and sixteen dollars and twotblrcents IU6M 23 In raid coin of the Untied Statesof the standard of weight and finenessdue on the Oral of October 1844at the office or of tbe said merged corporatlon In the City of New York Interest

    centum annum said Interest to be payableo holder of such bond or obligation or to

    holder of a representing Interestat said offlce coin

    each SaId bonds shall be Issued In suchdenominations as the merged corporation shallsee nt and they shall along

    for In the next paragraph confltute A ant the Income and property-of the merred corporation ThesaId preferred stock Continental Tobaoco

    party hereto shall also be entitled toreceive the dividend of one and threequarter tn per centum already declared onsaid preferred stock October S loot

    be apportioned to each ot theof the common stork of said The American

    Tobacco Company partS hereto for each twoshares of common stock of the par value ofMO each held by him one share of the commonstock of said merited corporation

    There be to of the hold-ers of the common stork of said Continental To

    Company nurty hereto for each share of

    by him one share of the common stock of saidcorporation

    Titers to each holder of thestork of said Consolidated Tobacco Company partybereto for curb share of said parvalue of linr held by him one share of the commonstork of corporation

    nv the net of merger of all the cornpirtle held of the com-

    panies parties horde shall stand and be cancelledThe honda mentioned In said merger agree-

    ment are Issued according to the terms of an In-denture executed by The American Tobacco Com-pany to MORTON TRUST COMPANY M Trus-tee on October 29 1804 and the form of said In-denture find of said bond Is now on file with theTrust Company and Is open to Inspection

    Depositors of the storks of the merging corporations must deposit with the MORTON TItUSTCOMPANY New York City their certificates ofstork duly endorsed In blank for cancellation andacrrpt In lieu thereof the Trust re-ceipts nsfrable by delivery upon the surrenderof which the stocks or bonds will be delivered sosoon as they Are engraved and ready for delivery

    Depositors of The American Tobacco Companypreferred stock will receive from the Trust

    Company at the time of the deposit In lieu of divi-dend for the quarter ending Ocober ILl 1804 anamount equal thereto to wit 2

    Coupon bonds will be Issued In denominations of11000 and UO and registered bonds will beIssued In denominations of 10 noo IWO JlOO-OWOH 110000 ISOOOO and llOOoni Shares oflock are of the denomination of HO Fractionsof bonds pr of shares of stork will not be Issuedbut a depositor at the lime of such deposit mayeither buy from or sell to the Trust Company anaiiount necessary to eliminate such fraction


    Dated New York October 20 KW4



    Consolidated Tobacco Company

    The American Tobacco Company hereby offersto the holders of the outstanding 4 Gold fondaof Consolidated Tobacco Company maturing Au-gust lit 18SI to acquire their holdings of suchbonds In exchange at par for the 454 Gold fondof TIle American Tobacco Company maturing Au-gust 1 1831 and carrying Interest from August 11804

    Said bonds are issued according to the terms ofthe Indenture executed by The American TobaccoCompany to the Morton Trust Company Trusteethe form of which Indenture and of said bondsIs now on tile with said Trust Company and Isopen to Inspection This offer will remain openuntil the close of business on January Slat 1805and thereafter no bonds will received for ex-change except In the discretion of The AmericanTobacco Company and on such terms u II mayprescribe

    Depositors o t said Consolidated Tobacco Company1 bonds who make their deposits before the clos-3f business on December 10th 1804 may at theiroption take In exchange for their aald 4jl Goldhonda ot Consolidated Tobacco Company bonds ofThe American Tobacco Company as above described or partly In such bonds and partly but notto exceed fifty per cent of their deposit of Conlolldalcd Tobacco Company 4 bonds In the 8 cumulative preferred atock of The American TobaocoCompany at par Dividends on such preferredstock will be computed from October 1st 1 HDepositors making such deposIts before the clean ofbusiness on I eceml er10th 1004 and taking In ex-change for any part of their bonds such preferredstock will receive from the Trust Company at

    time of deposit In lieu of Interest for Augustand September 1894 an amount In cult equalthereto to wit twothirds of one per cent on theConsolidated Tobacco Company bonds exchanged for The American Tobacco Company Oftcumulative preferred stock

    To accept the offer hereby made bondholdermust deposit with MORTON TRUST COMPANYNew York City within the time hereinbefore axedtheir bonds and as to registered bonds duly enJorsd In blank for transfer and accept In lieuthereof the Trust Company receipts transferable

    delivery upon surrender ot which bonds andpreferred stork will be delivered so soon as theyire engraved and ready for delivery

    Coupon bonds will be Issued In denominations ofLOW and K xn and registered bonds will be

    Issued In denominations of WO lion MOO 11000UOW lioooo uocxw and liwooo shares ofalack are of the denomination ot 1100 Fractionsif bonds or ot shares ot stock will notbe tstued

    a depositor at the time of such deposit mayeither buy from or sell to the Trust Company aa-unount necessary to eliminate such fraction


    Dated New York October 20 1804


    St Louis Transit CompanyCOLLATERAL TRfSl NOTES

    For the convenience ot the sinners of St Louisranill Company Collateral Truit notes ire haverranged ulth the Trust Corruy of AmericaNew York to pay principal end Interest of sold I

    on presentation at the odcc of Ibe Trustompiny of America Droadwry A Liberty f trul

    York ClIp on or after November 1st IttMMercantile Trntt Co rf St LouIs






    bertstock of

    pieto the shares heldof be

    lab bolder

    ItOdolan the

    SlAtelidmor ed


    ou the of April and ocIn each tar Said


    Theestock of TobACCO





    c tb





    Com ns











    said mergee cor

    accordingstockholder Mid corporation and ibalI

    hundred and thirirthree sad

    Oraltoter bonds Issued

    asId Continental Compass pafl9

    October 1004 at the rate ofala 8per

    semi-annually on the Scat of and



    heroitid common cInch of the pir value of SIB held







    > ¬





    The Old Dominion LineAND TUG

    Norfolk Western Ryfrom Norfolk ove

    Point Comfort Norfolk Petersburgand summer resorts on othe Norfolk

    true to VirginIaNatural Bridge

    to return from at

    For further information applyA W Offloe IM Bway N T or to0 D 8 8 Co 8185 Bob St N Y

    Old Point Comfort NorfolkPoint and connecting

    for Petersburg Richmond Wa hD 0 entire

    Freight steamers sail from PIer


    St Paul Oct 20 I

    OCT 29 10 A U-illNSEHAHA NOV 8 ISO P U


    NEWat Dover for London and Parts

    SaIling Saturdays at to A U 14 N R-Kroonland Oct 2 I Finland Soy I-Z eland Vadcrland Nov 1

    WHITE STAR LINENEWSailing Wednesdays and M N R

    Doltlo Nov 2 NovNo to II AU-

    OceanicNov 7 WO AM

    7VE MEDITERRANEAN JStaNaples Gene Alexandria

    FROM NEW YORKCRRTIO S Dec 12 Feb 4 Mar IIREPUBLIC Deo t Jan 14 Febmoss BOSTONROMANIO Oct 2 Dee 10 Jan 21 MarCANOP10 Nov Jan 1 Feb 1

    Passenger offices DroadwayFreight Offlpes mar flattery Place

    ftamburgShnerica-nSral lwl cr w Serrte-

    PennsvlaOetJ IOAM tMoltkeNov6 8 PM 19

    urtllroom and n board1WU1 call at Dover London and Parts

    Mediterranean ServiceNew York Nple 41 no

    New Twin Screw Steamrs-UAMBltllUAMCKIOAK LINE

    Offices 85 and 87 Droadway Piers Hoboken N J


    KWroIINov 8JOPMI KaIser Jan 8 1 AUKalier Nov 2210 KronprtnzJan 17 noonKWmlIDec 18 10 AUl 1 10 AM

    CUNARD LINET-o LlT rp olFrom Piers 6162 NOrth River

    Umbria Oct 29 9 AUILueanla Nov 196 noon Umbria Nov 24 IM A

    Etrurta Nov 129 AUCampanlaDec 1Saloon rates from New York IM second elan t

    upward according to steamer and accomodatlon-iMediterraneanAdriatic Service

    6Apply 2 Broadway New Yorku General Agent

    MEDITERRANEANUacnlBcmtly appointed

    of the PENINSULAR 8 N COwill leave Uanetlles at frequent Intervals

    tIckets arranged from any pointInternational HlMpInc Car Oo

    28 FIfths Avenue corner Seth Sti-


    Hudson River by DaylightPalatial steamers NEW YORE and ALBANY

    of tie Hudson SlIver Line fastest and Cnntriver boats In the worldLeave Brooklyn Fulton St by

    Pier 40AUWest 22d St Pier 8OOAM-Wut 12Uth St 920AU-

    Landtnf Yonkers West Pointkeepale Kingston CauklU Hudson and

    except Sunday Easy connectionsto all points Nonb Throurhtickets checked at officesTransfer Co stoat delIghtful oneday outingsto Ncwburth or return

    on down boatRestaurant open at 7 A U



    FALL RIVER LINE x1a Newport sad FallRiver Leave Pier 19 N R St-

    PRISC1LLA and PURITAN Orchestra on eachNORWICH LINE via New London Leave Pier40 N R foot ot Clarluon St only at

    P U Steamers CITY OFCHESTER W CHAPINNEW RAVEN LINE tar New Raven HartfordSprtnf Reid and the North Leave Pier 20

    NEW TOIUC ALBANYNew O W Mor and Adirondack


    HEATED Leave Pier tt N R foot ot Canal6 P M Direct rail connection at Albaay with

    trains to all nolnu Send too for WMorse Souvenir EXCURSION saM


    JOY LINEJllnc tram Pier si East River foot Cathartic St

    SARAT4X1A or CITY OFTROV leaves West IOU St

    6 P M Saturday Direct tillconnection at Troy north andSunday steamers touch at Albany


    FORT HANCOCK N October 1904proposals for one tubular

    ell here received until 11 U Novembert 11104 Information furnished ea

    s reserves rIght to anr or allshould be marked Proposal for Deep

    addressed AIlS S U


    NEWYORKI NEW HAVEN ft HARTFORD R ITrains depart from Grand Central Station 4ldand ave as follow rot

    3V via WUllmantlct1 A T2 P IL

    ITCH RURO via Putnam Worctster MOO PA SEVILLE As NORFOLKt1BlS A U P It

    Ticket offices at Grind Central Station and Bll6ta-t also at clll c26l 1186 cttM rlPlace CIS Union Square cm Fifth

    146 Columbus At 6 9 Madison Ave eltt Westlllh St 161 East 126th St In Brooltlyn C4 CourtH8

    Lackawanna RailroadNew York toot Barclay and rbrlMophmts-

    t oo AM For andIOOJ AU For Pulfalo CMrafo anrt St Louisl o PUFor and

    14BO PU For Scranton andChIcago

    i46 PU For fliflalo Svrseusr200 AUFor Ctlr oSIf pers open t 9 P UTickets 149 428 UM 144 N Y 139-iiltnn si Ilrooklyn Dstlj TBarpt itinda



    ut liD

    k WOIternyonLouis bJ

    any line



    26 Beach at di all P W-II D WAJKER Tra lo Manager


    Nov Nn York NovCoiling at Dover for LonDon sndAT ftTJ9Rl WTRE



    Irtela PIer



    G t



    Ton111 10 AM


    6 CO S Broadway N Y



    Slavonla Nov I NovI noonNovI lao noon


    u A


    AIInU 100 AILSt






    foot of Peck SUP weekdya 4 P USteamer ItICHAH pe-



    LIPIer I except

    1 >Sealed





    alsoUsoh and





    andevery week

    5 I 19srtL


    Nov S

    vEnp00023 lOAM





    Hamburg Nov noon




    weekdaya and Sunday at Ioo p M Steamers

    only at

    Every wkat 600 P U


    IsbOSTON VIa New London ssd Provldseestseo

    151002 MDOS2 A U U5-I1

    p 22W0QA tI 1eoallooPM


    WATERUtJRY and taco nsa1009 tllOO2 110 Waterbury A N IjinS 813

    to P


    Fultoa St 850Daliy Sunday Isundays only Satonly at csiUmnltd tHu DinIng Car cAgencie eil1u

    Parlor Car tlcketaci Cen Pus Au0 22 SHEPARD Ccc Supt


    61 PM Per OluCalo and






    for Twentythird street StationFOB TUB WEST


    2 hOurs to OutageCHICAOO LIMITED



    121 sfonal LImIted r25 4J 4iK34 p m 1210 night S2t

    Limited2s 45iMJfHp m 1210

    aUyATLANTIC COAST LINB034 B m and 3 pm



    78j a m weekdays p m dallyATLANTIC a m and p radr Sundays TU a mp m weekdariL-

    ONO BRANCH PARK North AsbuhrPark Sundayi and point Pleasant 8U a mlist JS 431 Long Branch and ialp m weekdays Sundays M a ra and 4-Vm Polo PHILADELPHIA

    ttt 131 1M S3S CM t U tlOW-WM liu m uaj UH lM IMOI3LLU iM MlM for Phil

    delptiU only iJ SM 74J83S 3 fMtor-

    eu w 758834 2S 8ii North Ip m 1210 nIghttrain

    IU Fulb Avenue below 23d 203 Filth Avenuecorner Mth St t Alter House arid statIons

    named above Brooklyn 4 Court SH t KB FultonStresS SW Bro d rar and AnnexStation The New York Transfer Company willrail for and check baggage from reeldencea through to

    Telephone M3 CbcUea for Pennsylvania Railroad

    W W ATTEHDORY J R WOODitnerol Manager Par Trarao MsnaierCEO W BOYD

    General passenger Ace-

    ntAmcrleis Greatost Railroad


    Direct Route fromNew York A Boston to Niagara rails

    from Grand Central Station 42dNew York u below

    North inS west bound trains except those leaving

    urn to receive ten mInutes alterleaving Grand Central Station13110 W 1M1DNK1HT

    BOO A MtKilPinE STATB EXIHESS-8MS A M FAST UAIL24 hours to ChIcago





    furtrain 10 Chicago All Pullman car

    to Cincinnati H to St LouisWESTKHN EXPRESSMONTREAL



    t A U sad I3i P M dally Sundto Pltufleld and North Adams at 933 A

    Pullminctrs on all through traIns

    Ticket omen at 144201 4IS and 1210 Broadway28 Union W 2TS West

    Telephone WO sth Street for New York CentralB rtsre checked from hotel or

    Oenl Manager Ocnl Pus r Agent

    WEST SHORE R RNew York Central Hudson River R R LesseiiTrains leave Franklin t MatloT New York

    follows and 16 minutes later foot West 42d at N It-

    1SWPU Chlosto IUDrea1-13S PU 43on Urn for Detroit Chi St LoutSW PU For Rocb Buffalo Cleveld Chtcsro

    844 PM For Syra Rooh NU Falls Dot Chiexcept Suady checked

    from hotel or residence by Weslcott F nreA H SMITH C E LAMBERT

    OenT Uanarer fienl PMHT Agent

    READING SYSTEMNEW JERSEY CENTRAL R RLiberty Street and South Ferry time Iron South

    Kern five minutes earlier than shown brlouruEASTON BETHLEHEM ALLENTOWN AND

    110 a m 130 440 Ml S 5 Raslon only p Hi

    810 a m 5W p m H2j m p wTOMS

    AND DABNEOATS4UO 8 0 m mttl-

    Sunday a mNTIC s mt 40 p m


    RANCR Axnvnr PARK OCEANCROVE POINT PLEASANT AND SEASnORK POIITraMoo 4JO 11 0 a m xt20-IM 448 8JOt Sao UM p in Sunday except


    30 liao a m ljo jti 420 p m Sunday io a m 4W p mREADIXa TRRU1NAU-42S troo t tiow tll a m tl2licit lisa urn nxo 400 isso t oo tao

    Wax ItOSO m I25 mdt-J4TH AND CHESTNUT STnEr7TS 4rv t3K-

    10SO MS09 a m 4W IM TM t 2im mdt



    lino a ro Rwdlnr only l t2M p mReadlnr Potuvule Harrisburg onlyfsOOp m-aProm Lfb Street Dally tDaly

    Sunday only cursKVla Tamaqua xSaturdaya aExcept Sat

    OlSen Liberty St South Ferry AstorBoos SSI 4M 1SOO ISM Broadway l 2 Av-t Union West its St 27S Went

    Kth SV Columbus Av New York 4 Courtit 44 MO Pultnn St Brooklyn SSO Dronlway-nlllamsburc New York Transfer Co calls for

    checks to destInatIonW O BESLEIl C M HURT

    IcePres and Qra Mrr flea Passr Agent



    O BALTIMORE and WASHINGTONSouth Perry minutes earlier

    v liberty street 800 am fluiTet1000 am Diner1200 noon Diner230 pm Daily finer

    K rat 400 pm All Pullmanpm Dally Diner700 nuitet

    1216 night Dally SleepersSPLENDID TRACN

    TTDtOUon TRAINS TO TilE WESTv New York City South Fern Liberty St Dally

    hltaar 1210nt I2l8nt SleeperCotimbu lS 2fOpmiUpm 4 0pm Ijmd7 nm lIonel121Snt Sleeper

    nclautLntLoils BMam lOooam DineraetBBatiHtL pm DinerOmces leT Ml 4S4 lino Broadway 0 Astor

    rand SL N Y MS Fulton street Urookljn Southand Liberty Street

    LEHIGH VALLEYCortlandlai 4I t r Me4BtsB

    t Kxe t Bnedar caongesi74V BJ x 4J-

    JaaehVliank Local n Di tjwix-u Piiauji nrwst iu o-UaebCbuak udUaUetonLocsJ MfMrsH aili p

    Kiprtu IlS-wton Local Ills m-

    ullm aceumnooiuoiii tt 111-I UroUvtr till Ave 25 Calon Ba

    5-s j


    Th leavIng time front Deabroases and CotsSHeet Ave mIsule later than that given




    755 51

    a in CongressIonal

    428 p to 1210 aM



    6liyS a

    Week daysFOR and NOItPOLI

    all wear


    gas 953 iea 253Ins 45 orth t

    North onlri p In 1210 night weekSundays ens 133 0 25 025 1145 955-

    l026 1054 a 335 354121 7453 for lIOrtb llitIsdelpbl only 422

    furhtaDinIng Car Eztra fare I

    omcea Nos 453 1364 113 and 211SIt






    it S13A 54 245350 llD2 Pi wtltatop at I2tii


    2141 F Tbe 20th CENTIJfl LIMITED90bour rain to Chicago via Lake Shore




    TraIns Iflsaminated with Ilntseb light t

    S I2Lh-at Grand Central and 125th 51 stations New york

    and 720 Putton at and 106

    rrsldenoe by Feprest Company I r-A H dM1111


    940 AMSt LouL ExpressA

    Ate P22fech Detroit S St Louis


    COIVNIC24t40 171 Haston onlISundays zl21 a rn 0202 in

    AND SCRANTON ztee>

    D sIlt tna

    340 ano Lakewood and only baais 5 940

    C 940

    51113 0 iTtLONG

    tOcean a in 590 p rn







    and barrage

    6Except Sun



    rttsibr Limited pm

    Mouse St 25 UnIon square w sit


    Daily a7S-

    tNYA iNT101740At

    P ClpaCbeseSS kep ales rs 1144O Pit7111 vrvALo vials 755 rw 150IO ret-jtilhieeti odStlss sad IllleNt 045 tYolembus Ave S Li 135 5 StCocci Fulton St 1roetipn-

    NY 14stifetCo illtiiil fogieS cbeck tgags



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