Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-03-01 [p...

v THE I r- t < I WORLD TUESDAY EVENING MARCH 1 7904 J t MANY RESCUED IN HARLEM fIRE Blaze in Greycourt Apartment House Frightened Tenants So- t Some Took to Roofs and I Women Ran Screaming SOME WENT ONE WAY SOME WENT ANOTHER Frightened Persons Escorted to Safety After the House Was J Choking with SmokeBuild ix ing Damaged About 10000 Exclllnpr Incidents nercplentiful dur- ing ¬ a tire today In tha bis Grejcourt- npaitmcnthousi at No sit Sexouth t avenue With excited tenants running tbrough smokefilled lialK hjsterlcnl women shrieking from trout windows and others on the roof giving street spectators cold chills by hovering at the edge engines clanging through the etreet iiud fiiemen nail policemen I shouting through the amoko anti trying to reacuo one another under tho Im ¬ pression that they were tenants the i flro was one of tha IU files t that Har ¬ lem has hid for some time a Tho Ore court la one of three big npartineiltB which stolid at tho south I east corner of Seventh avenue and On Hundred and Tn cutseventh street 1 On ono side ot It Is the Oahhurt on the other the 1arkhurst Ueoigc W Mercer occupies the third hour apart- ment ¬ In the Ore court Aftot break- fast ¬ Mr llciccr and his two daughters Urnce and Virginia went Into the front parlor In ono coiner oC which Is a TurMlh seat with a canopy of Him draperies Jlr Mercer struck a match L to light a clear A fragment of the V sulphur Hew across thu room Into the- orapertes 1 and m ten bvcuitUd thw loom was In names i Tire Uurneil Ilniilillj Mr fiercer tried to pull the draper m down and imp out tno lire out it rained on htm su rapidly thai no could I DO nothing That roou tilled witn smoh and the IWO gain iniew upon ttie I rum 1 window and jIlted Jrlro Fire as 1 laud as they could John J Ion a city ln pector of i lights and James Muono a KIS Indpac tor who wer punsinK ran into the t house and notified the hill boy KrninuelUanhclser tint tho house WIS 1 on tire and that hed better notify tile tenants While Danhelser started out to do this Lyons and Mooney made their way up to the floor by the rear stairs and got Into Mercers apartment They found Mr Mercer In a dazed rendition but still struggling with tho Ore The two girls were atlU leaning out of the wIndow but wets I too weik to shout being almost unon scloui from the smoke Each mnn grubbed a girl and hustled her out Into the hallway Then they nelt ed them downstairs and Into the > street Meanwhile Danhelstr hnd car V ln truollon mt only too well r Theta wasnt anybody In the building and wry few outside within n radius of a block that didnt hear his stentorian yells of Fire The effect on the tenants was to bring them from theIr apartments In n condition bordering on hysteria Some ran one was some another An alarm had been sent In and by this time policemen nnd Hitmen began to maKe their way through tha hnIK looking for some one to nscie Their l appearance only added to the excite- ment A mnnbor of women ran bncK Into their npnrtmont threw open their front windows nnd eemeil to net some insolation out nf shrieking for help Although all tho help tliev needed TUI out In the hall looking for something to do i Some rtnti to he floor Othersran to the root And yelled for w help from there FinMIy the policemen gottha halls clear and mnrholli tlio e- on the toot Into sonic kind of order They were marched across to the Oals burst and from there downstairs to th- street Meanwhile the tenants of the Gakhurst and the ParkhurM had be ¬ I come Jnfected with the preailing ex- eltement I And did n little yelling and a runjilnic around on their own account It was with the greatest difficulty that I thev were reassured many of them taking to the street and refusing to go back for hour j All this time the fire In the Mercer Oat had been burning It went through the celling to fio fourthfloor apartmen- tI I Henry TMVIS Mr IoI his wife Had two children had juit flnlihed their I breakfast wnen tile flames burst In on them Mr Ixivls was one of those who weOt to the roof with his family On j tho nrth noor the apartment of J rl- lolllngnell was damaged b > the flames t while nlnrot every npartmeiit In the hiotise wns badly damaged by the tre mendou volume or water that tho tire men roufd In Aftol tho fire was practically out tho halls still thick with smoke Fire- men and policemen groped their way thrJuch them to see IC any one had i been overcome and sonic curious things happened One fireman groping along the floor on hands antI knees Will picked a policeman Intent on rescuo and carried twenty feet before the policeman p discovered that hfl was saving a fire- man Hlmllar mistakes were made by other wouldbe rescuers The damage caused by the fire Is esti ¬ mated at 110000 The damage to the feelings of the tenants nnd the damage to nerves of the block cannot bo estimated In mere dollars The build I Innr ii owned by O O Munn tho pub B Usher MARCH LION IN 1 NEXT THE LAMB I 0 Forecaster Emery However I Cautiously Decines to Com- mit Himself as to the Accur- acy i of the Old Proverb I I GOVERNMENT EXPERTS- TOO BUSY TO GUESS But Mr Emery Looks Into His Dream Book and Learns that the Weather Is Going to Be Cloudy and Unsettl- edI a window Ill the twentieth floor- of the AmrrlPin Surety Building at No 1 IV Hioailua Official Forecaster Hm cry coclod hit weather eye toward the I heavens today and remarked that It was at health bad lay He looked Ho- bokcnwnm nml towards Brooklyn but I he could not see more than a few feet- A gras mantle of fog hung over all the land and obscured even the neighboring tHscraper- Tho old March lion Is roaring said Korecastcr Kmerj and ho doent seem Inclined to null At least It looks that way from tlm weath Indicators In th- om Tuna ho brought out the dajs forecast which read Cloudy with occasional rain tonight > dnp dn clcud nnd unsettled fresh eosterly winds shifting to thi West Whit about tilt tarch lionlimb- bu lne Mr Ktnerv he was iskd- Vll ynui know it is an old weath pm erb Mrch earner in like n lion and goes out like a lamb and vice versa But as to its origin nnd Its truthful- ness ¬ I am not pr pnred to sax Wo Art too busy keeping our own weather eye open to pax much attention to the sayings of sages IIcdHm on Iroirrli Isnt It a fact though that this particular proverb genrially halls good 7 Cant say Ncxcr kept any rrpcrd answered Mr Kmciy guadrdly Tho weather Is a funny thine The forecaster was probablv thinking- of the many times It has rained when the forecast called for sunshine or how suddenly cold snaps have como right on the he s of an optimistic prediction of WArmer tonight and fair tomorrow An > hOw he wouldnt discuss the lion proverb from a professional standpoint But hero Is It hook that might tell you something ho said lending the way to his prlxato office He marohcd through his library and from a num- ber ¬ of oftlclal weather report cx tractfd a small blue xolume which told much of weather lore From page IS there was a host of In ¬ formation about the supposed effect of the sun spots the moon animal and numerous other things on the weather And burled deep down the page was a small line which said Of French Origin March comes In like a lion and goes out like n lamb rrench from which It In gathered thnt the proverb Is of French origin Hut what ceer gave it to the world and at what particular time was not mentioned Tho Gov- ernment ¬ experts are probably too Jeal- ous ¬ of their mechanical contrivances to give much Information about proverbs that sometimes make their own predic- tion ¬ look awry Nnw todax came In Just the reverse of the printed proverb but U Is not stretching It too far to turn Is around nn1 make It March comes In like n moth and goes out like a lion There were other proxcrbu about the changeable March weather For In- stance ¬ March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers Ist on St Mary March 21 rlght and clear Fertile Is said to be thin year In an Introduction to these proverbs the experts have written that they are iiouentlx contradictory and not to bo relied nut exery bodv In hoping that this Isnt so Thcv are anxious to hoar the bleating of tho lamb = HIS TRUNK A BIG TIN CAN Mnnlac Farmer found unit Taken tn Dellcvar Henry C Trlpp a farmer from Hound Brook Saratoga County N Y was I taken from a boardinghouse at Nt4 00 Wott Flftjseventh Street today to Bcilcxuo Hospital lIe was violently Insane and It iwk the strength of 1ollcomPii Hmlth Kelly and Hall of the West Fortxsexcrlli street Million la tie him Irtpp threatened to Kill thtt bOI Ira and threw Iollceman Smith out or the house before Kelly and Hall ctnin In a patrol wagon to help him Tripp came to the city last Saturday a trunk he had a large tin can two feN deep and eighteen inches In diame- ter ¬ Ho nlII carried this In his wall through the streets A bank book showed that on Feb 5 ho deposited WM3 In tho Alban City flank JUSTICE AMEND HAS PLEURISY Justice Edward B Amend of the Su- preme Court Is Ill with pleurisy at his home No 324 East nightyneventh street Ho had a severe chill while sit- ting ¬ In Chambers last Friday and was obliged to go home MALARIA Germ Infected Air Malaria not confined exclusively to the swamps ibid marshy regions of the country but wherever there is bad air this insidious foe to health is found Poisonous vapors and gases sewers and the musty air of damp cellars are laden with the germs of this miserable disease I vliich are breathed into the lungs and taken up by the I Wood and transmitted to every part of the body Then you begin to feel out of sorts without ever suspecting the cause No energy or appetite dull headaches sleepy and I tired and completely fagged out from the slightest exer- tion ¬ are some of the deplorable effects of this enfeebling malady As the disease progresses and the blood becomes more deeply poisoned boils and abscesses and dark or yellow spots appear upon the skin When the poison is Uft to ferment and the microbes and germs to multiply in the blood Liver and Kidney troubles and other serious complications- often arise As Malaria begins and develops in the blood the treat- meuttobeetIectivemustbejrlutheretoo ¬ d 888 destroys germs pOisons the 9 polluted blood and under tonic effect the de- l ¬ constitution rapidly and the system is eoon clear of all signs of this depressing Disease So S S isa guaranteed purely vegetable remedy mild pleas at and harmless Write us if you want med advice1 or any special ttfraMtittiafcotttyour case This will cosounoth1ng- ciJhfl IT mtcNic cQ ATLANTA 1- 4r L it fl Ii w tjl fifi < J 1 iF ritN Wi < 1 AIEAKHEART- What a Fearfully Dan gcrous Thing It Is And Yet How Few People Heed Its Terrible Warnings- What Doe That Palpitation and Short- ness of Breath Mean to You Ierioni with weak heart get out n breath costly and have palpitation on the least exortlon As It gnlH worse they 1m o dizziness swIm filIng of the eyesight hctdnchc faint sinking feelings attendrd by strange sensations llioro Is generally moro or less nervousness and sltoplera ness It Is fearfully common and neglect is fatal You can got well by taking tho i lull medicine norc Mrs Fannie I Taylor Qulnnpoxet Moss SJJB I want to gle my testImony In I with tho hundreds of other In ri garth to tho value of Dr Greenes Nerxiiri blood and nerve remedy About eleven years ago after suf- fering ¬ many years with a nervous heitrt triMtllo and heart weakness- and having been treated by several eminent puyslcians IOIIIP of whom told mo T could never be any better I finally heard that Dr Greene the famous blood and ncrrc specialist would bn at the Bny State HOUEP Worcester on a rertnln day BO I re- solved ¬ to see him if possible- At that time thr least excttion 11 would cause me to almost lose my breath In fact I could scarcely breathe unless lying nrnxn and was on the verge of hysterics all tho time from nervousness T think It took me fully ten minutes to go np one flight of stairs to the doctors room Ho said my heart was in a bad con ¬ dition but on his return to Boston prepared me a special medicine of which I took several courses I tried Nervnra Instead and seemed to feel better after each dose as soon as taken You may Judge of my sur- prise ¬ after taking so much medicine as well as being treated by a Boston hospital to find myself getting bet- ter ¬ In every way In less than one year I was able to do all my work with my heart seemingly as strong as ever For the last ten years I have taken no medicine and have had no trouble with my heart I im sixty three years old and have ever since then been physically well 1 uavn recommended it to friends with the same results a complete cure You arc at liberty to use this tes- timonial ¬ as you think best and I hope it will reach the eye of some- one who needs it as much as I did- I feel that I canuot say enough In praise of Dr Greenes Norvnra If you have weak heart weak nerves or bad blood taKo Dr Greenes Ncrvura blood and nerve remedy It ct ref Dr Greene Its discoverer Is our most nucccasful specialist In curing nervous and chronic diseases He can be consult ed free personally or by letter at his office 101 Fifth Avenue Now York City Recommended and for sale by mil drtlggISl9 = For Sale ROY l FDRITURE CO itoOMs 98 I D FURNiSHED AT 49 CASH OR CREDIT f4 ifCHJMs PUBNI5HBD AT 75ooJ WK1 Tlj Foil LIST OP GO- uT4koom >> Iecblly 9998f Two Special Apartments Completely rutnlihol At 150 and 200 Each Bronx and Oretttr NswYorkpurc- hasers will find It dvantcgeoui to dell with ui 218821902192 THIRD AV Bet 119I2- OStsImiRM1i1UI Charts accounts owned at any or our I retail toni which it e hate idn d it I our oldMtabllihcd nholeita jewelry bu I Inevi o employers rrqulr I All t n striCtly OfllfldfltIal I Cail or write for hhiutrt1 rl4lolnl I L W SWEET CO I CASH OR CIIEDIT JSWELLEnS Stein Store 37f MAIDEN LANE sea nth Ax I 4rt7 Fulton St D klyn- S97S 3rd Ae I iTR Newark Axe J- CREDIT p FOR EVERYBODY Anjthlnir > ou snt clothier Clock JeWelrj Kurnlturt Dry Oo llSholl buJhuM irlctlv C lnr- ldotlrJAAar G nowflrvr VUltetNAI Oon Evnins d DRESS MELLPAT- TUM Ml haute jrnur elothlnir WI m art S to OII I BXOHAAOB rUUAJllnU car J o ECdWRbOt 4 Uvatort ttb IMS- tj I < VT < J < h L j a lladnesda- y9arct i 2- Jtttonttonf A demonstra- tion ¬ t of Sensa- tional i t Value Giving in The- 1 Mens Store of the SiegelS- Cooper Co 5 Choice Your 5 64 JMcns Blade Sack Suits bed single and double breasted sizes from 34 to 10 Pnce J5 135 Mens Suits ol Fancy nix tures single and double brcaued rrp resenting Cheviots Cauimeres and Worttcdi Price 5 All stzet in the assortment 78 Hens Suits in neat patterns and dark colorings sizes 39 to 46 breist marked at the same price J5 a Lasl Cal TOMORROW 0vcrcoats 80 LONG BELL COATS in olive and gray heavy coatings broken lots 110 MANHAT ¬ I TAN BOX OVE- RCOATS i including i t w blacks blues browns i and Oxfords all sizes even extra large broken lots 5 Your- Choice 5 THE PLAIN STATEMENTS OF THE SIEGEL COOPER STORE have attracted widespread attention among the men who pay heed to thoughifulness and naturally an unparalleled volume of trade has resulted The word Guarantee has an cut ¬ explanation in many sterts ABSO ¬ LUTE SATISFACTION TO THE PURCHASER AT ALL HAZARDS IS THE MEANING OF THE WORD here easz Call 7cns sample Jeals Tj1OOI- EACH 380 Simple Hats of excel- lent ¬ quality Fine Black and- VI brown DERBYS in all dimen J sons ALPINES in all colors Every hat bears a Label that guarantees best workmanship Double S H Green Trad- Ing I Stamps mornings this week I from 830 lo tnero I after single Stamps until clos- ing ¬ I hour I- WTU2 rt For Sale EASY F1ymWf S mtrlcan Diamond and Watch C Will > nd uprnlII If dlr- tisarurEiArAlrlIWArOi Wiiltham A rltln Watc- ln rRillillJ II Dlainoiuli Jl low Jl e Ki on ul lyr- uIrM Write 1honn ores OIOHB Oltt < Pir WATCH CO Ui Nanrau- AM EKLY PAVMI5NTS diamond iatihe- rmill amount own confKltntUI MA HATTAN DIAMOND CO 22 Mulden Ian Lawyers GEO ROBINSON Lawyer CO XCJu lUDiy 1370 Dfia ST it Era s- DANKRUlTOr Surrcwratd aol other T n incited iHre j LhOAL SlEClALISl lIsa 2ft WorM m Railroa- dsNewYork Centra Trait IOrrlo at and 1ixrt from UrLII Cfnlinl Hutlon 424 Street >w York 112111 AM Mldntcht Eiprcn 3 SO AJ stal AM8yrBCU local 1 23 IV- inMA 1880 AMEmplr Stat Kxpreft tltIJfI r SHAM Fait Mall tIOO AstDay riptte too 1130 stLoeaI Kxprou- l2 t7iiul- g rM BtUfnlo iimliM > on I lotipM southwn iimittd- I 500 I IIlChlCo Limited IM IV J43IS1 TscPrtfrtIi Century Ltd sc 1JUrM Alban Troy Flj r til 10 AJ 3 10 IM Albany Kxpr ni I iu 100PM PMifllt I Chic FtwMItnno A- Jtnpt rh Uik Shore Linhitd kM Ii 510 IM Clnk st i > ui rte aaa I eoo ratWestern Express 4 iI TOOPM tonlr1 Uxprtu i12 AS T so PS Artlrondark A Stan Kx H v A > 800PM Buffalo Fp cl- UMPM AS B W Spectl 7M A5 030 rMPacific IXII U 1131 Pll 7 y Expra fJ Daily nxept sunlay Ux t Moida- A 1I1Ir nlviazn BOO Mnnit J M I Sat ex Hunl r I PltUrlrM Xu Main Cunrlax si D w A M Ceis on phi through Trains lIIuIIIIIII1 Ticket offices lit OTllVnifIln5h i2J- Irodal M > I j CoUiDiL- ure 2TR Wt Ith at ei 1111 it Stg ton N tY iorHls and a ruitga otnc- U BroadWay TelephOne OitI Wtb Street for hw Tor- ithtrei > errire rhCekCl fro lotrl or ivtldrnc hr Wntmttnxprrr I 1 OEOPOr H TMN1HIS Gee o MaPltr Ole PalL Agent 45 d l J t Pianos and Organs Pianos and Organs 1 I a 1q7 1 Pianos 1 Week- In A this Great Piano Sale we offer Pianos within any I bodys means 35OW1tersPhnos- or 195 Including Stool and Co- verat5DownlaWeeK Already the demand is so great that wi advise you to make your selection at one so that there may be np delay about receiving your piano imme- diately ¬ This Is the Greatest Piano Value in the World 1 The Walters Piano is offered In this sil- eI At 2 Its Value for pianos which cant begin lo equal it In artistic construc- tion ¬ quality of tone and excellence orworkmanship are be- ing ¬ offered dally by dealers at from f350 to s 400 A Walters Piano Will Be Delivered to Your Home on payment ol 5 In our thirtytwo years of retailing experience weve never handled any article which lass Klvjti our customers snore satisfaction or which lus reflected more credit upon our es- tablishment ¬ than the Walters Ill no Walters Pianos are in the homes of thousands of Creator New Yorks representative families as well as In the homes Shad studios of some of the most prominent professional and musical people In the United States Walters Pianos are I Built to Last a Lifetime I by the Walters Piano Company of New York who ire skilled experienced piano builders A Ten Years Guaranteecov- ering every rut of the Walters Piano Is inserted in gilt letters on the inside of the top lid of every piano Exchange J our old piano for a beautiful new Walters and pay any balance due at Si a week Illustrated piano catalogue for the asking Railr- oadsPennsylvania I RMUROAD STATIONS of Writ Twentythird Street end D< toot s cf and Conlandt ltret JtVThf ailni Urn from tftbraeS ami- Cortlandt Street la fle minutes later than that given blow fur Twntitiuir1 Street Htatlon except where others Ua noted T 54 A M Faat Mall Parlor bK nine end fin a Car For Chicano Indlanotwlli and Loulillle 0W A MSt LOUIS I1MITHD rulrran- Sleeplnr Bmoklnc and Obtrnatlon Cur Cincinnati IndiaranolM bt Louts Dining S loSVA IfXXSlLVtA LIMITED Vullinan Slreulnir Ulnlna Smoklin aol Ob fnation CornISrtfllsllt Cats For l hi raze Cleveland Toledo stud n trol- tisj p rnicxco ANt 181rlnJi 1 iYlJii1vmeIndiuuiMlli OilcMO- t Ft Louts IIICAOO LIMITED iuiimn 1 r CarS lilopln SCICktflC an Obrntl and Ctvelsnl Ella 0 yO ChicagO Toledo I csr rxrrESS for- 1IIUburir I 51 t- i Cln inntI indlaflftbOflC IMUI- whhir Plaice or r 11am- Itt LOU Valley nOftotl shpniaa W Vt vie 0 tXiitli4- i lOrlM M ST 5 iT P eecpt For voledo ittlfltfle Car FXFIHJSS Knr Puts I T I lnd 1lcat ° looxIIII burg TOh She1lmfl10 Vuiley flouts Cii- inctS daIly ift ° U II HAI rd I for ClSc1- AT CYE hlAI AI i s I > r PuncturZ CitV5- latid lit I tncinn5tl Indlanorolls I 5pECTATDli- iyI I PtTTRtJn I I ftc 1IIIbll1lrmn m C TIlE IOtTIJ I 92 I 10 lfl sad Cort irs I t Ftitl 10 V rSomMM- pebrdde n7 i I 3 F I ta 5 Cii 3 U jrirtr n tilnins Cnttlandt M In- T1w I I 2 tn ntchl ltUflIlftY 131 Cnui 2S- Sd I tiSS PHnRM nil rirlor and Ulnlnr- r ft 4 rt D5hIOSPSI u4- 5IS I I ndtSlrttit lESS I Ii I J- QRAITWAYExnrt IIht 1255- t i lnlll h- t di 12 40 1 11 wkdM ern rOAfiT YIXF rnre34 P55 A I ATIAh IsU p fork and t 1 iX an- a etal 1 5 wek4y5S- ISAU rlelia Ant Lna I 7 t hal nIght otlllly 1 lS5 P II I 7boltd F rt a Lmlcd 11 WESTER- N7oflI 1tJA1 temohti b end New Orderat 3 sp Sd- II It lflr 5 OHl PIlWAYT5hI- t I CI I f pEAEE n 504 411S I I dittY i COMFORT tad xon 1 LD yOINT SOd 523 t rrl > t acekdayl daily crrv oaa A St and 1 i AiATl waeklRls uundrs 7S Sd- d fluffed Parier TiSIIIS Thr IIIh iltandarl Coh ill rSsdaiS sad t Carl Inl ur lsrt Carp TLiiii I rarlOf f tandar4 COSCIICS On 8ia1s t 5 lA12M P Sd wePKtlas r I Dtrtnt tSr- a Sdos 411 1334 113 and 25- 1aiwaYl Ticket 152 lifth avenue tltow tS4 I 1I11G3 Fifth IIOnr framer nlh itt I I liouse sad Sttteni nsmed I rt limoS Y 4 COUrt trrt sea tltol I 00 flrQlIITN md Penratvaraua AtlleX titian The SV York Trsnter rnntany ini call for SnIl cheCk baeuee mm hotels a sad rae 4 < nc Jhnnifh ittitliwU- I Telephone 513 taeteca for tenasyivaria RIIIO fat iIInIre W w J n WOOD I ArjEnnunT ratVr Traffle Manner I G1O flOYD Oenrsl rasnrr Asset- I I S < SUNDAY WORUD WANTS WORK MONDAY VONDER8 A c 11 iJ r > Dentistry n Why Suffer Pain I I I I Theres no pain at all when our New Botanical Discovery is applied to Ihe gums When teeth arc extracted In the morning well have the new set ready at night All Work Gimrniitcrit 10 Venn Pull Sr of Teeth 500 Cold Cron itf it karat 500 Gout JlJltnily ft up SJvrl Fillings O II Waterbury Dental Parlors BROOKLYN NEW YORK 414416 Pulton St 54V23dStf- M leer uett Aha Op Eden Muses ham Btru1l- Iuurll S to UI Sundays J to 4 German French and Swedish spoken ASK ANY ONE I wearing natural looking artificial teeth who made them Nine out of- ten will tell you HANKS We can make you a set as natural and comfort- able ¬ 5 up- I onnl LriMtiiN uuu- Uiilil lJrl ea1 1 llllnui froth I tltj lolil Ml > Fitil rigs 1 SI tier rillliiK IJxtrmtlnR T lt1i meal no HANKSDE- rrAL As SN 205 SIXTH AVE I s ir cojixin uiii r NHVfiR CLOSliD 5 > I r = SUNDAY WORLD WANTS WORK MONDAY WONDERS > tQ Iiti < j Ie- reev1ftONelII CO Third On Wednesday morning March 2 f Third Hoot 1 we will open a Department for V floor p i V Juvenile Athletic and Sporting Goods of L very Description i Baseball Outfits Lawn Tennis Goods Miniature 4 Yachts and Canoes Wagons Bicycles Velocipedes r j Tricycles Hammocks Baby Carriages GoC ttsnd Doll Carriages Ample space for the display of these goods has ben st aside on the third floor rear > and the prices through- out ¬ will br found extremely moderate i Special for Opening y Wednesday and Thursday tMafcli 2 andK- ECLINING 1 IJABY CAR CO j KIACE like cull CART like cut lull sizctinch roll fool reel cordr J with parasol and ryttpIioiscry1U lace S rub 11g7 lorrobilc jcar chi over iu handles pirisol I I I I her tir rjular and rod rejuhr price HOOJrpe 1300 < iccal for r 1r cUl foi 2 days 2 days 4 1000 I 700- A complete assortment will be kept of Parasols Lace Covers Rods and Holders good makes represented House Eurnishings p A few for Wednesday and Thursday in our busy baSLhIlcntcvcry article offered warranted as repre ¬ TEA a UNI- VERSAL ¬ 6 KCTFLL- Slaxy I TEA OR nlcXot HUN late on cop ¬ vi COlftE UTE II per 3 sites POTS bREAD ktllw ti5r ole Si09 t2 MIXERS Ynnr Chptri 7t3i h I f PUniShed S 225 QtrAtc c = mr TIn gee TREAD demon i4 LOXES- l J 4 5 SiP itrjilonB- RCAD F VririeayJ- npannad t ca JYC 3 RAIZEK- SDoutle 7C33c3Scar p coated tin UcpuMr B7r SI03 SI4H COLANDESS lleav rio I2nre ln r 75r69cTj25LO- VhKED i PAIIS- Madn of e ttithC V- Ytn J qUdrl i 14qt situ I 01 stzn Rejular 3Be- Speclfl nojulir 7C- cipecal gE 1H 43C- 20C GOc DISH PANS 5u p 5AUCEIANS With Covers Doutte coated heavy tin I Etra Tin tik UNIER5 Heavy 000 I I CIOItER b m reslrlcted lrlcfI r I 8 7 LJ fc5 75c 98c t lu 14Q- Ur > J RMntfr zfc Z7r J IS ircgul3r 25r 4c 1- SI c 500 ComenstrJilcn1 Special 18C 230 t 30C t Special 22c JOG I Candle Lamps I CutleryPor- celain tube with nickel Specials for Wednesday I triramins smuch In demand Odd KNIVtS and FORKS steel for banquets 6c bladesold regularly at 5130 per set I ot six up special at 50c At 15c each 250 KITCHEN KNIVES steel blade sold regularly at 10i each special RuUr pure 29c- Cindlci al 5C a I 500 POCKET KNIVES 2and4 for the ahoy iSo blade ttaJ and ebony handle reju pr dozen larly 39c to49c each special at 25c- Basement Baiemrnt J Blankets and White Bed Spreads- A Clean Up of Odd Lots at Cut Prices- Pure wool white Blankets value 600 and 750 choice at 425 and 490 per pair 1 Mixed wool and cotton Blankets special to closeout 250 325 398 per pair 1 lot 6Jnpound weight strictly pure wool Blankets good value at 900 per pair special to close oul 425 per pair White Crochet Bed Spreads full sizes hemmed ready for use at 95c 135 158 each good value at 125 175 and S225 i Many Superfine Satin and Marseilles Quilts odd patterns- of J our own importation in this sale at considerable reduc- tions ¬ from regular prices fust floor Rear Silverware I Jewelry j ONcillCoSilvcr ¬ In department we are- showing s all latest Spring ware our own makeguu ¬ styles and designs in anteed A 1 quality and all ed and domestic novelties stamped H ONeill Ci Co Shell Neck Combs 4 c98c22JS- J69 neat patterns Shell Side Combs6c 225 44 J Teaspoons set of six 94c 675 s Collcc Spoons set of six 169 Amber Neck Combs 49c up Dessert Spoons tel of six 169 Amber Sd tomb 69c 225 J Table Spoons set of six 188 473 Soup Spoons round bowl set of White Neck Combs 98c up six 166- Dinner White Side Combs 98c up folks set of six 186 AH are set with Jeiutls soms Dessert forks set of six 169 with pearls and briHians and tht Oyster set of six 12 I Derry Forks set of six 125 new Peacock stones c Tans In colors and white es Individual Butter Spreaders set of I Opera with chains 2ie each > six 149- Butler Knives each J9c- Sucar I Peacock Opera Tans 49c each S Spoons cach25r Special Spangled ran 98c each Dinner Knives of six 488- Dcscrt Choice line 01 FearliNecfc Chains 4t Knives jet of six 469 extra long 7JC 98c 149 298 Gravy Ladles each 59c Turquos Neck Chains 2ic 49e Ladles each 51H to 2 98 Soup Cold Meat Forks each 49c Gun Metal Neck Chains with pearl and rhinestone 98c 139 17J- Fearl Special sale of Fancy odd I Blouse Sets 49c and 59c r Trays for euchre favors > in i Military Topblouse Kt 45c Blouse SetRoman dcsijns withjtMne gilt and ficnch gray finish setting 3 189 and L98 from 25c to 150 each j neltrjnsandsct496cand9a Basement First floor t- Demorest S Sewing Machines u 100 Club Membership Fcc sends one to your home Investigate Our ClubPlan iBasemenD- No U Machine like Illustration is in automatic J Diop Head swell front old Enjlish oak highly 3 polished ball bearing stand guaranteed tepiD years ° i lull set of attachments rood as other 5000 ma- chines Our price 2500 I ii 14L Other models 1500 lo 54800 ILaacaenL 1 Sixth Avenue 20th to 21st Street a r w i ftt I

Transcript of Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-03-01 [p...

Page 1: Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-03-01 [p 9].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1904-03-01/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · ix ing Damaged About 10000 Exclllnpr Incidents nercplentiful









Blaze in Greycourt Apartment

House Frightened Tenants So-

t Some Took to Roofs andI Women Ran Screaming



Frightened Persons Escorted to

Safety After the House WasJ

Choking with SmokeBuild

ix ing Damaged About 10000

Exclllnpr Incidents nercplentiful dur-ing


a tire today In tha bis Grejcourt-npaitmcnthousi at No sit Sexouth

t avenue With excited tenants runningtbrough smokefilled lialK hjsterlcnlwomen shrieking from trout windowsand others on the roof giving streetspectators cold chills by hovering atthe edge engines clanging through theetreet iiud fiiemen nail policemenI shouting through the amoko anti tryingto reacuo one another under tho Im ¬

pression that they were tenants thei flro was one of tha IU files t that Har ¬

lem has hid for some timea Tho Ore court la one of three bignpartineiltB which stolid at tho south

I east corner of Seventh avenue and OnHundred and Tn cutseventh street1 On ono side ot It Is the Oahhurt on

the other the 1arkhurst Ueoigc WMercer occupies the third hour apart-ment


In the Ore court Aftot break-fast


Mr llciccr and his two daughtersUrnce and Virginia went Into the frontparlor In ono coiner oC which Is aTurMlh seat with a canopy of Himdraperies Jlr Mercer struck a matchL to light a clear A fragment of the

V sulphur Hew across thu room Into the-orapertes1 and m ten bvcuitUd thw loomwas In names

i Tire Uurneil IlniililljMr fiercer tried to pull the draper

m down and imp out tno lire out itrained on htm su rapidly thai no couldI DO nothing That roou tilled witn smohand the IWO gain iniew upon ttie I rum

1 window and jIlted Jrlro Fire as1 laud as they could

John J Ion a city ln pector ofi lights and James Muono a KIS Indpac

tor who wer punsinK ran into thet house and notified the hill boyKrninuelUanhclser tint tho house WIS

1 on tire and that hed better notify tiletenants While Danhelser started outto do this Lyons and Mooney madetheir way up to the floor by therear stairs and got Into Mercersapartment They found Mr Mercer In adazed rendition but still strugglingwith tho Ore The two girls were atlUleaning out of the wIndow but wets

I too weik to shout being almost unonscloui from the smokeEach mnn grubbed a girl and hustledher out Into the hallway Then they

nelt ed them downstairs and Into the> street Meanwhile Danhelstr hnd car

V ln truollon mt only too wellr Theta wasnt anybody In the buildingand wry few outside within n radiusof a block that didnt hear hisstentorian yells of Fire The effecton the tenants was to bring themfrom theIr apartments In n conditionbordering on hysteria Some ran onewas some another

An alarm had been sent In and bythis time policemen nnd Hitmen beganto maKe their way through tha hnIKlooking for some one to nscie Their

l appearance only added to the excite-ment A mnnbor of women ran bncKInto their npnrtmont threw open theirfront windows nnd eemeil to net someinsolation out nf shrieking for helpAlthough all tho help tliev needed TUIout In the hall looking for somethingto do i

Some rtnti to he floorOthersran to the root And yelled forw help from there FinMIy the policemengottha halls clear and mnrholli tlio e-

on the toot Into sonic kind of orderThey were marched across to the Oalsburst and from there downstairs to th-street Meanwhile the tenants of theGakhurst and the ParkhurM had be ¬

I come Jnfected with the preailing ex-eltementI And did n little yelling and

a runjilnic around on their own accountIt was with the greatest difficulty that

I thev were reassured many of themtaking to the street and refusing to goback for hour

j All this time the fire In the MercerOat had been burning It went throughthe celling to fio fourthfloor apartmen-tII Henry TMVIS Mr IoI his wifeHad two children had juit flnlihed their

I breakfast wnen tile flames burst In onthem Mr Ixivls was one of those whoweOt to the roof with his family On

j tho nrth noor the apartment of J rl-

lolllngnell was damaged b > the flamest while nlnrot every npartmeiit In the

hiotise wns badly damaged by the tremendou volume or water that tho tiremen roufd In

Aftol tho fire was practically out thohalls still thick with smoke Fire-men and policemen groped their waythrJuch them to see IC any one had

i been overcome and sonic curious thingshappened One fireman groping alongthe floor on hands antI knees Will picked

a policeman Intent on rescuo andcarried twenty feet before the policeman

p discovered that hfl was saving a fire-man Hlmllar mistakes were made byother wouldbe rescuers

The damage caused by the fire Is esti ¬

mated at 110000 The damage to thefeelings of the tenants nnd the damageto nerves of the block cannot boestimated In mere dollars The build

I Innr ii owned by O O Munn tho pubB Usher



I 0

Forecaster Emery HoweverI Cautiously Decines to Com-

mit Himself as to the Accur-

acyi of the Old ProverbI




But Mr Emery Looks Into His

Dream Book and Learns thatthe Weather Is Going to Be

Cloudy and Unsettl-

edI a window Ill the twentieth floor-

of the AmrrlPin Surety Building at No1 IV Hioailua Official Forecaster Hmcry coclod hit weather eye toward the


heavens today and remarked that Itwas at health bad lay He looked Ho-

bokcnwnm nml towards Brooklyn butI he could not see more than a few feet-

A gras mantle of fog hung over all theland and obscured even the neighboringtHscraper-

Tho old March lion Is roaring saidKorecastcr Kmerj and ho doent seemInclined to null At least It looks thatway from tlm weath Indicators In th-om Tuna ho brought out the dajsforecast which read

Cloudy with occasional rain tonight>dnp dn clcud nnd unsettled fresh

eosterly winds shifting to thi WestWhit about tilt tarch lionlimb-

bu lne Mr Ktnerv he was iskd-Vll ynui know it is an old weath

pm erb Mrch earner in like n lionand goes out like a lamb and vice versaBut as to its origin nnd Its truthful-ness


I am not pr pnred to sax Wo Arttoo busy keeping our own weather eyeopen to pax much attention to thesayings of sages

IIcdHm on IroirrliIsnt It a fact though that this

particular proverb genrially hallsgood 7

Cant say Ncxcr kept any rrpcrdanswered Mr Kmciy guadrdly Thoweather Is a funny thine

The forecaster was probablv thinking-of the many times It has rained whenthe forecast called for sunshine or howsuddenly cold snaps have como right onthe he s of an optimistic prediction of

WArmer tonight and fair tomorrowAn > hOw he wouldnt discuss the lionproverb from a professional standpoint

But hero Is It hook that might tellyou something ho said lending theway to his prlxato office He marohcdthrough his library and from a num-ber


of oftlclal weather report cxtractfd a small blue xolume whichtold much of weather lore

From page IS there was a host of In ¬

formation about the supposed effect ofthe sun spots the moon animal andnumerous other things on the weatherAnd burled deep down the page was asmall line which said

Of French OriginMarch comes In like a lion and goes

out like n lamb rrench from which ItIn gathered thnt the proverb Is ofFrench origin Hut what ceer gave itto the world and at what particulartime was not mentioned Tho Gov-ernment


experts are probably too Jeal-ous


of their mechanical contrivances togive much Information about proverbsthat sometimes make their own predic-tion


look awryNnw todax came In Just the reverse

of the printed proverb but U Is notstretching It too far to turn Is aroundnn1 make It March comes In like nmoth and goes out like a lion

There were other proxcrbu about thechangeable March weather For In-


March winds and April showersbring forth May flowers

Ist on St Mary March 21 rlghtand clear

Fertile Is said to be thin yearIn an Introduction to these proverbs

the experts have written that they areiiouentlx contradictory and not to borelied nut exery bodv In hopingthat this Isnt so Thcv are anxiousto hoar the bleating of tho lamb


Mnnlac Farmer found unit Takentn Dellcvar

Henry C Trlpp a farmer from HoundBrook Saratoga County N Y was


taken from a boardinghouse at Nt4 00

Wott Flftjseventh Street today toBcilcxuo Hospital lIe was violentlyInsane and It iwk the strength of1ollcomPii Hmlth Kelly and Hall of theWest Fortxsexcrlli street Million latie him Irtpp threatened to Kill thttbOI Ira and threw Iollceman Smithout or the house before Kelly and Hallctnin In a patrol wagon to help him

Tripp came to the city last Saturdaya trunk he had a large tin can two

feN deep and eighteen inches In diame-ter


Ho nlII carried this In hiswall through the streets A bank bookshowed that on Feb 5 ho depositedWM3 In tho Alban City flank

JUSTICE AMEND HAS PLEURISYJustice Edward B Amend of the Su-

preme Court Is Ill with pleurisy at hishome No 324 East nightyneventhstreet Ho had a severe chill while sit-ting


In Chambers last Friday and wasobliged to go home

MALARIAGerm Infected Air

Malaria not confined exclusively to the swampsibid marshy regions of the country but wherever there isbad air this insidious foe to health is found Poisonousvapors and gases sewers and the musty air of dampcellars are laden with the germs of this miserable disease


vliich are breathed into the lungs and taken up by theI Wood and transmitted to every part of the body Then

you begin to feel out of sorts without ever suspecting thecause No energy or appetite dull headaches sleepy and I

tired and completely fagged out from the slightest exer-tion


are some of the deplorable effects of this enfeeblingmalady As the disease progresses and the blood becomesmore deeply poisoned boils and abscesses and dark oryellow spots appear upon the skin When the poison isUft to ferment and the microbes and germs to multiply inthe blood Liver and Kidney troubles and other serious complications-often arise As Malaria begins and develops in the blood the treat-


d 888destroys germs pOisons the

9 polluted blood and under tonic effect the de-



constitution rapidly and thesystem is eoon clear of all signs of this depressing

Disease So S S isa guaranteed purely vegetable remedy mild pleasat and harmless Write us if you want med advice1 or any special

ttfraMtittiafcotttyour case This will cosounoth1ng-ciJhfl ITmtcNic cQ ATLANTA 1-

4rL itfl Ii

wtjl fifi <

J 1

iF ritN Wi<



What a Fearfully Dangcrous Thing It Is

And Yet How Few People HeedIts Terrible Warnings-

What Doe That Palpitation and Short-

ness of Breath Mean to You

Ierioni with weak heart get out nbreath costly and have palpitationon the least exortlon As It gnlHworse they 1m o dizziness swImfilIng of the eyesight hctdnchc faintsinking feelings attendrd by strangesensations llioro Is generally moroor less nervousness and sltopleraness

It Is fearfully common and neglectis fatal You can got well by takingtho i lull medicine norc Mrs FannieI Taylor Qulnnpoxet Moss SJJB

I want to gle my testImony In I

with tho hundreds of other In rigarth to tho value of Dr GreenesNerxiiri blood and nerve remedy

About eleven years ago after suf-fering


many years with a nervousheitrt triMtllo and heart weakness-and having been treated by severaleminent puyslcians IOIIIP of whomtold mo T could never be any betterI finally heard that Dr Greene thefamous blood and ncrrc specialistwould bn at the Bny State HOUEP

Worcester on a rertnln day BO I re-


to see him if possible-At that time thr least excttion


would cause me to almost lose mybreath In fact I could scarcelybreathe unless lying nrnxn and wason the verge of hysterics all tho timefrom nervousness T think It tookme fully ten minutes to go np oneflight of stairs to the doctors roomHo said my heart was in a bad con ¬

dition but on his return to Bostonprepared me a special medicine ofwhich I took several courses I triedNervnra Instead and seemed to feelbetter after each dose as soon astaken You may Judge of my sur-prise


after taking so much medicineas well as being treated by a Bostonhospital to find myself getting bet-ter


In every way In less than oneyear I was able to do all my workwith my heart seemingly as strongas ever

For the last ten years I havetaken no medicine and have had notrouble with my heart I im sixtythree years old and have ever sincethen been physically well

1 uavn recommended it to friendswith the same results a

complete cureYou arc at liberty to use this tes-


as you think best and Ihope it will reach the eye of some-one who needs it as much as I did-I feel that I canuot say enough Inpraise of Dr Greenes Norvnra

If you have weak heart weaknerves or bad blood taKo DrGreenes Ncrvura blood and nerveremedy It ct ref Dr Greene Itsdiscoverer Is our most nucccasfulspecialist In curing nervous andchronic diseases He can be consulted free personally or by letter at hisoffice 101 Fifth Avenue Now YorkCity

Recommended and for sale by mildrtlggISl9=

For Sale


itoOMs 98I D FURNiSHED AT 49



WK1 Tlj Foil LIST OP GO-uT4koom


Iecblly 9998fTwo Special Apartments

Completely rutnliholAt 150 and 200 Each

Bronx and Oretttr NswYorkpurc-hasers will find It dvantcgeoui todell with ui

218821902192THIRD AV Bet 119I2-

OStsImiRM1i1UICharts accounts owned at any or our

I retail toni which it e hate idn d itI our oldMtabllihcd nholeita jewelry buI Inevi o employers rrqulrI All t n striCtly OfllfldfltIalI Cail or write for hhiutrt1 rl4lolnlI L W SWEET COI CASH OR CIIEDIT JSWELLEnS

Stein Store 37f MAIDEN LANEsea nth Ax I 4rt7 Fulton St D klyn-S97S 3rd Ae I iTR Newark Axe J-




Anjthlnir > ou sntclothier Clock JeWelrj Kurnlturt DryOo llSholl buJhuM irlctlv C lnr-ldotlrJAAar

G nowflrvr VUltetNAI Oon Evninsd

DRESS MELLPAT-TUMMl haute jrnur elothlnir WIm art S to OII I

BXOHAAOB rUUAJllnU car Jo ECdWRbOt 4 Uvatort ttb IMS-

tj I < VT < J< h Lj

a lladnesda-y9arcti 2-

JtttonttonfA demonstra-


t of Sensa-

tionali t ValueGiving in The-

1 Mens Store ofthe SiegelS-

Cooper Co

5 ChoiceYour 5

64 JMcns Blade Sack Suitsbed single and double breasted sizes from34 to 10 Pnce J5

135 Mens Suits ol Fancy nixtures single and double brcaued rrpresenting Cheviots Cauimeres andWorttcdi Price 5 All stzet in theassortment

78 Hens Suits in neat patternsand dark colorings sizes 39 to 46 breistmarked at the same price J5

a LaslCal


0vcrcoats80 LONG BELL

COATS in olive andgray heavy coatingsbroken lots

110 MANHAT ¬


i t w blacks blues brownsi and Oxfords all sizes

even extra largebroken lots



THE SIEGEL COOPER STORE haveattracted widespread attention among themen who pay heed to thoughifulness andnaturally an unparalleled volume of tradehas resulted

The word Guarantee has an cut¬

explanation in many sterts ABSO ¬



7cnssample Jeals


380 Simple Hats of excel-



quality Fine Black and-

VI brown DERBYS in all dimen

J sons ALPINES in all colors

Every hat bears a Label that

guarantees best workmanship

Double S H Green Trad-Ing


Stamps mornings this week I

from 830 lo tnero I

after single Stamps until clos-ing

¬ I

hour I-

WTU2 rt

For Sale


mtrlcan Diamond and Watch C

Will > nd uprnlII If dlr-tisarurEiArAlrlIWArOiWiiltham A rltln Watc-

lnrRillillJ II Dlainoiuli Jl lowJl e Ki on ul lyr-

uIrM Write 1honn oresOIOHB Oltt < Pir WATCH CO Ui Nanrau-

AM EKLY PAVMI5NTS diamond iatihe-rmill amount own confKltntUI MA



GEO ROBINSON LawyerCO XCJu lUDiy 1370 Dfia ST it Era s-

DANKRUlTOr Surrcwratd aol other T nincited iHre j LhOAL SlEClALISl

lIsa 2ft WorMm


dsNewYork CentraTrait IOrrlo at and 1ixrt from UrLII

Cfnlinl Hutlon 424 Street >w York112111 AM Mldntcht Eiprcn 3 SO AJstal AM8yrBCU local 1 23 IV-

inMA1880 AMEmplr Stat Kxpreft tltIJfI rSHAM Fait Mall

tIOO AstDay riptte too1130 stLoeaI Kxprou-l2

t7iiul-grM BtUfnlo iimliM > on I

lotipM southwn iimittd-I

500 IIIlChlCo Limited IM IVJ43IS1 TscPrtfrtIi Century Ltd sc

1JUrM Alban Troy Flj r til 10 AJ3 10 IM Albany Kxpr ni I iu100PM PMifllt I Chic FtwMItnno A-Jtnpt rh Uik Shore Linhitd kM Ii510 IM Clnk st i > ui rte aaa Ieoo ratWestern Express 4 iITOOPM tonlr1 Uxprtu i12 AST so PS Artlrondark A Stan Kx H v A >800PM Buffalo Fp cl-

UMPMASB W Spectl 7M A5030 rMPacific IXII U1131 Pll 7 y Expra fJDaily nxept sunlay Ux t Moida-

A 1I1Ir nlviaznBOO Mnnit J M I Sat ex Hunl r I

PltUrlrM Xu Main Cunrlax si D w A MCeis on phi throughTrains lIIuIIIIIII1

Ticket offices lit OTllVnifIln5h i2J-Irodal M > I j CoUiDiL-

ure 2TR Wt Ith at ei 1111 it Stgton N tY iorHls and a ruitga otnc-U BroadWay

TelephOne OitI Wtb Street for hw Tor-ithtrei > errire rhCekCl fro

lotrl or ivtldrnc hr WntmttnxprrrI 1 OEOPOr H TMN1HIS

Gee o MaPltr Ole PalL Agent45 d l J t

Pianos and Organs Pianos and Organs1



Pianos 1 Week-



this Great Piano Sale weoffer Pianos within any

I bodys means

35OW1tersPhnos-or 195

Including Stool and Co-verat5DownlaWeeK

Already the demand is so great that wi adviseyou to make your selection at one so that theremay be np delay about receiving your piano imme-diately


This Is the Greatest Piano Value in the World 1

The Walters Piano is offered In this sil-eIAt 2 Its Value

for pianos which cant begin lo equal it In artistic construc-tion


quality of tone and excellence orworkmanship are be-


offered dally by dealers at from f350 to s400

A Walters Piano Will Be Delivered to YourHome on payment ol 5

In our thirtytwo years of retailing experience weve neverhandled any article which lass Klvjti our customers snoresatisfaction or which lus reflected more credit upon our es-


than the Walters Ill noWalters Pianos are in the homes of thousands of Creator

New Yorks representative families as well as In the homesShad studios of some of the most prominent professional andmusical people In the United States

Walters Pianos areI Built to Last a Lifetime I

by the Walters Piano Company of New York who ireskilled experienced piano builders

A Ten Years Guaranteecov-ering every rut of the Walters Piano Is inserted ingilt letters on the inside of the top lid of every piano

Exchange J our old piano for a beautiful new Waltersand pay any balance due at Si a week

Illustrated piano catalogue for the asking



RMUROADSTATIONS of Writ Twentythird Street

end D < toot scf and Conlandt ltretJtVThf ailni Urn from tftbraeS ami-

Cortlandt Street la fle minutes later thanthat given blow fur Twntitiuir1 StreetHtatlon except where others Ua notedT 54 A M Faat Mall Parlor bK nine end

fin a Car For Chicano Indlanotwlliand Loulillle

0 W A MSt LOUIS I1MITHD rulrran-Sleeplnr Bmoklnc and Obtrnatlon CurCincinnati IndiaranolM bt Louts Dining

S loSVA IfXXSlLVtA LIMITEDVullinan Slreulnir Ulnlna Smoklin aolOb fnation CornISrtfllsllt Cats For l hiraze Cleveland Toledo stud n trol-

tisj p rnicxco ANt 181rlnJi1

iYlJii1vmeIndiuuiMlli OilcMO-


FtLouts IIICAOO LIMITED iuiimn1 r CarSlilopln SCICktflC an Obrntland Ctvelsnl Ella0 yO ChicagO Toledo

I csr rxrrESS for-1IIUburir

I 51t-


Cln inntI indlaflftbOflC IMUI-

whhir Plaice or r 11am-Itt LOU Valley nOftotlshpniaaW Vt vie 0tXiitli4-i lOrlMM ST5 iT P eecptFor voledo

ittlfltfle Car FXFIHJSS Knr PutsI T I lnd 1lcat ° looxIIII

burg TOhShe1lmfl10 Vuiley flouts Cii-

inctSdaIly ift ° U II HAI rd

I for ClSc1-


i s I> r PuncturZ CitV5-


I tncinn5tl IndlanorollsI 5pECTATDli-iyII PtTTRtJnI

I ftc 1IIIbll1lrmn mC

TIlE IOtTIJI 92 I 10 lfl sad Cortirs I t Ftitl 10 V rSomMM-pebrdde n7 i I

3F I ta 5 Cii 3U jrirtr n tilninsCnttlandt M In-

T1wI I 2 tn ntchl ltUflIlftY131 Cnui


SdI tiSS PHnRM nil rirlor and Ulnlnr-

rft 4 rt D5hIOSPSI u4-5ISI

I ndtSlrttit lESS I Ii I J-

QRAITWAYExnrtIIht 1255-t

i lnlll h-

t di 12 40 1 11 wkdMern rOAfiT YIXF rnre34 P55 AI ATIAh IsU p fork andt 1 iXan-

aetal 1 5 wek4y5S-

ISAUrlelia Ant Lna I

7 t hal nIght otlllly1 lS5 P

III 7boltd F rt a Lmlcd

11 WESTER-N7oflI 1tJA1


end New Orderat 3 s p Sd-

IIIt lflr


n 504 411S I I dittYi COMFORT tad xon1 LD yOINT SOd 523t rrl > t acekdayldailycrrv oaa A St and 1

i AiATlwaeklRls uundrs 7S Sd-

dfluffed ParierTiSIIISThr IIIh iltandarl Coh ill rSsdaiSsadt Carl Inl ur lsrt Carp TLiiii

I rarlOf f tandar4 COSCIICS On 8ia1st5 lA12M P Sd wePKtlasr I

Dtrtnt tSr-a

Sdos 411 1334 113 and 25-1aiwaYl

Ticket 152 lifth avenue tltow tS4I 1I11G3 Fifth IIOnr framer nlh itt

I I liouse sad Sttteni nsmed I rtlimoSY 4 COUrt trrt sea tltol

I 00 flrQlIITN md Penratvaraua AtlleXtitian The SV York Trsnter rnntanyini call for SnIl cheCk baeuee mm hotels

a sad rae 4<nc Jhnnifh ittitliwU-I Telephone 513 taeteca for tenasyivaria

RIIIO fat iIInIreW w J n WOOD

I ArjEnnunT ratVr Traffle MannerI G1O flOYD

Oenrsl rasnrr Asset-I I




c11 iJ r



Why Suffer Pain




Theres no pain at all when ourNew Botanical Discovery

is applied to Ihe gums When teetharc extracted In the morning wellhave the new set ready at nightAll Work Gimrniitcrit 10 VennPull Sr of Teeth 500Cold Cron itf it karat 500Gout JlJltnily ft upSJvrl Fillings O II

Waterbury Dental ParlorsBROOKLYN NEW YORK

414416 Pulton St 54V23dStf-M leer uett Aha Op Eden Muses

ham Btru1l-Iuurll S to UI Sundays J to 4

German French and Swedish spoken


wearing natural lookingartificial teeth whomade them Nine out of-

ten will tell you HANKSWe can make you a setas natural and comfort-able


5 up-

Ionnl LriMtiiN uuu-Uiilil lJrl ea1

1 llllnui froth I tltjlolil Ml > Fitil rigs 1

SI tier rillliiKIJxtrmtlnR T lt1i meal no



s ir cojixin uiii rNHVfiR CLOSliD

5 > I

r =



j Ie-

reev1ftONelII COThird On Wednesday morning March 2 f ThirdHoot 1 we will open a Department for V floor p i V

Juvenile Athletic and SportingGoods of Lvery Description iBaseball Outfits Lawn Tennis Goods Miniature 4

Yachts and Canoes Wagons Bicycles Velocipedes r j

Tricycles Hammocks Baby Carriages GoC ttsndDoll Carriages

Ample space for the display of these goods has benst aside on the third floor rear > and the prices through-out


will br found extremely moderate iSpecial for Opening y

Wednesday and Thursday tMafcli 2 andK-



KIACE like cull CART like cutlull sizctinch rollfool reel cordr J with parasol andryttpIioiscry1U

lace S rub11g7 lorrobilc jcar chi overiu handles pirisol I I I

I her tir rjularand rod rejuhr price HOOJrpe

1300 < iccal for r 1r cUl foi 2 days2 days

4 1000 I 700-A complete assortment will be kept of Parasols Lace

Covers Rods and Holders good makes represented

House Eurnishings pA few for Wednesday and Thursday in our

busy baSLhIlcntcvcry article offered warranted as repre ¬



6 KCTFLL-Slaxy


nlcXot HUNlate on cop ¬ vi COlftE UTE

II per 3 sites POTS bREADktllw ti5r ole Si09 t2 MIXERS

Ynnr Chptri 7t3ih I f PUniShed S 225QtrAtc c =mr TIn geeTREAD demon

i4 LOXES-l

J 4 5 SiPitrjilonB-

RCADF VririeayJ-

npannadt ca JYC 3

RAIZEK-SDoutle7C33c3Scarp coated tin

UcpuMr B7r SI03 SI4H COLANDESSlleav rio I2nre

ln r 75r69cTj25LO-VhKED


Madn of ettithC V-Ytn J qUdrl i 14qt situ I

01stzn Rejular 3Be-


nojulir 7C-cipecalgE 1H 43C-



DISH PANS5up 5AUCEIANS With CoversDoutte coated heavy tinI Etra Tintik UNIER5 Heavy

000 II CIOItER bm

reslrlctedlrlcfI r

I 87 LJfc5 75c 98c t lu 14Q-Ur > J

RMntfr zfc Z7rJ IS ircgul3r 25r 4c 1-



500 ComenstrJilcn1 Special 18C 230t

30C t Special 22c JOG I

Candle Lamps ICutleryPor-

celain tube with nickel Specials for Wednesday I

triramins smuch In demand Odd KNIVtS and FORKS steelfor banquets 6c bladesold regularly at 5130 per set

I ot six up special at 50cAt 15c each 250 KITCHEN KNIVES steel blade

sold regularly at 10i each specialRuUr pure 29c-


al 5Ca

I 500 POCKET KNIVES 2and4for the ahoy iSo blade ttaJ and ebony handle rejupr dozen larly 39c to49c each special at 25c-

BasementBaiemrnt J

Blankets and White Bed Spreads-A Clean Up of Odd Lots at Cut Prices-

Pure wool white Blankets value 600 and 750choice at 425 and 490 per pair 1

Mixed wool and cotton Blankets special to closeout250 325 398 per pair

1 lot 6Jnpound weight strictly pure wool Blanketsgood value at 900 per pair special to close oul

425 per pairWhite Crochet Bed Spreads full sizes hemmedready for use at 95c 135 158 each

good value at 125 175 and S225 i

Many Superfine Satin and Marseilles Quilts odd patterns-of

Jour own importation in this sale at considerable reduc-


from regular pricesfust floor Rear

Silverware I Jewelry j

ONcillCoSilvcr ¬ In department we are-showing


all latest Springware our own makeguu ¬

styles and designs inanteed A 1 quality and all ed and domestic noveltiesstamped H ONeill Ci Co Shell Neck Combs 4 c98c22JS-

J69neat patterns Shell Side Combs6c 225 44 JTeaspoons set of six 94c 675 s

Collcc Spoons set of six 169 Amber Neck Combs 49c upDessert Spoons tel of six 169 Amber Sd tomb 69c 225 JTable Spoons set of six 188 473Soup Spoons round bowl set of White Neck Combs 98c upsix 166-Dinner

White Side Combs 98c upfolks set of six 186 AH are set with Jeiutls soms

Dessert forks set of six 169 with pearls and briHians and thtOyster set of six 12 I

Derry Forks set of six 125 new Peacock stones cTans In colors and white es

Individual Butter Spreaders set of I Operawith chains 2ie each >six 149-

Butler Knives each J9c-


I Peacock Opera Tans 49c eachS

Spoons cach25r Special Spangled ran 98c each

Dinner Knives of six 488-

DcscrtChoice line 01 FearliNecfc Chains 4t

Knives jet of six 469 extra long 7JC 98c 149 298

Gravy Ladles each 59c Turquos Neck Chains 2ic 49e

Ladles each 51H to 2 98SoupCold Meat Forks each 49c Gun Metal Neck Chains with pearl

and rhinestone 98c 139 17J-FearlSpecial sale of Fancy odd I

Blouse Sets 49c and 59c rTrays for euchre favors > in i Military Topblouse Kt 45c

Blouse SetRoman dcsijns withjtMnegilt and ficnch gray finish setting 3 189 and L98from 25c to 150 each j neltrjnsandsct496cand9a

Basement First floor t-


Sewing Machines u100 Club Membership Fcc sends one to your home

Investigate Our ClubPlan iBasemenD-

No U Machine like Illustration is in automatic JDiop Head swell front old Enjlish oak highly 3

polished ball bearing stand guaranteed tepiD years°

i lull set of attachments rood as other 5000 ma-


Our price 2500I

ii 14L Other models 1500 lo 54800ILaacaenL 1

Sixth Avenue 20th to 21st Streeta r w

i fttI