Evaluation question 1 part 2

Evaluation question 1 : in what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Transcript of Evaluation question 1 part 2

Page 1: Evaluation question 1 part 2

Evaluation question 1 : in what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms

and conventions of real media products?

Page 2: Evaluation question 1 part 2


I liked the open feel of deadmau5s website with lots of space and so I chose to use this site as my main inspiration. As you can see I also used a very open minimalist design without too many buttons and features to overcrowd the user. I also used the huge single video on the home page as deadmau5 and also the prodigy has done to make it very easy for users to see a video and bring it forward. However I also subverted with a more independent style banner in the repeated image of the album cover across the top along with a more quirky style colour code subverting the genre. Overall I used wix to the best of my ability to try and create a suitable genre fitting website with seemingly not a lot of information but in fact contains many different buttons such as a youtube,blogger,facebook,twitter and many other application links on the site.

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I used elements of becks FrontPage also, as he has a very blog feel to his home page with a mish-mash of information across the screen I did this by using my header repeatedly and having several images on the gallery page. I also conformed by having a store page on my website to sell band merchandise a common feature seen on most artists webpage of my genre.

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One way I conformed was having a news page. A common feature it displays decent reviews of the band and information about upcoming projects and releases. I also conformed to deadmau5s website by having a social media bar although I refined mine including only the largest social media sites, I also subverted by having a different background to every page this is rarely seen.

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Another way I conformed and used deadmau5s website was in having a gallery section showing the artists most recent pictures and performances. However I subverted this by having a wider spectrum of pictures that not only concerned the artistic featuring more artistic shots.

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I conformed to genre by having a contact page that shows how you can get in contact with the band. This is common feature of EDM(alternative) genre and most music genres as it shows the audience how to reach out and communicate with the artist they want to communicate with.

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A different feature I didn’t find on any of the artists websites I looked at was a blog feature. This feature subverts the genre as not many artists use blogs. I edited the blogger on my website to fit in with its colour scheme and look more appropriate as the blogger features don’t fit well with a website.