Evaluation part 6 (1)

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? by Wojciech

Transcript of Evaluation part 6 (1)

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

by Wojciech


Video cameraWe used a video camera to film everything throughout this project because it was the best option with the best results because it is much more professional equipment and its results are much better than using something like a phone camera to film. This was a very valuable piece of equipment because its properties, such as its video quality, helped us record with ease and quality. Also, i have gained a lot of experience using a video camera because i have learned many more types of camera angles, shots and movements, which is always useful to increase variety and create effects with the camera.

TripodWe used a tripod throughout the whole filming section of our project because it was the most useful object to make the video professional and reliable to use as it kept everything steady, in one place and was very helpful when performing camera movements such as a pan. Whereas without a tripod even a steady hand is still unreliable and unprofessional because the recording is highly like to be all over the place with the movement of the camera. Finally, a tripod offer many useful functions such as adjusting angles and height of everything, making the process of filming very easy.

Mac and ChromebookWe mainly used the Macs and Chromebooks for completing the tasks, such as the research because they are all professional pieces of equipment to use as they offer many functions and abilities, but most crucially we could write up tasks and use online tools such as Google to research. Additionally, we used the iMac to edit a quick rough draft of our film opening to get an idea what the final product would be like and we tested which programme was more effective to use for editing but we chose to use Premiere Pro.


Premiere Pro

We used Premiere Pro to edit our film opening because it is a very indepth and limitless piece of software, which allowed us to explore more functions than other softwares such as iMovie. Additionally, this programme helped us make the film opening look more professional because we were able to do much more than on iMovie.


We used Photoshop to create our production logo because it was the easiest and most reliable programme to use to create a logo, which helped us create the image we wanted. I used Photoshop before so i found it very easy produce a production logo and i managed to learn some more advanced skills within Photoshop.

After effects

We used After effects to animate our production logo for our film opening so it looks more professional and more unique compared to other production logos in the industry, however it is a difficult programme to operate and i still have some trouble using it as it is confusing at times, but in the end the final product is very effective and good.

Online tools

Google and Bing

We used Google and Bing for researching any vital information needed to complete the tasks set in this project. We were forced to use Bing because we had technical issues with Google, which didn't allow us to use all of Google’s abilities. However, using Bing we were still able to find helpful information for research and when we had issues with the programmes we were using.

Slideshare and PreziWe used these two online tools to create professional power points for the tasks we were set and then we used the embedded links from these online tools to post these presentations on our blogs. However, for Slideshare we had to create a casual powerpoint before putting it on slideshare, whereas with Prezi we could create professional looking powerpoint presentations on the spot, which in the end looked very professional and eye catching. I learned a lot from these online tools because i now know how to create a really professional powerpoint.

Art of the titleWe used Art of the Title to explore different types of film opening. The main reason why we used this website was because it offered a great variety of popular film openings we could use for some of the tasks we were set for the research. Also, this website helped us find film openings which really helped us with ideas for our own film opening because we were able to find film openings with the same genre as the genre we wanted to do as a group.