European history 1970 1979

European History 1970- 1979 By: Lucas ( Berengari



Transcript of European history 1970 1979

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1970 – 1979

The Community grows - first extensionOn January 1st 1973 Denmark, Ireland and the UK become part of the European Union, bringing the number of member states to nine. The Arab-Israeli war of October 1973, brief but brutal, results in an energy crisis and economic problems in Europe. With the overthrow of the Salazar regime in Portugal in 1974 and the death of General Franco in Spain in 1975 disappear the last dictatorship 'right' of Europe. The EU regional policy starts to transfer huge sums to create jobs and infrastructure in poorer areas. The European Parliament increases its influence in EU affairs and, in 1979, first elected by popular vote.

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April 24, 1972

The first plan of the EEC to the creation of a single currency dates from 1970. In order to ensure monetary stability, Member States decide to limit the margin of fluctuation between their currencies. This mechanism applied to exchange rates (MTC), which dates back to 1972, is the first step towards the introduction of the euro, thirty years later.

The pollution is intensified in the seventies. The EU adopts laws to protect the environment, and introduces for the first time the concept of "polluter pays". Pressure groups are created as Greenpeace.

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January 1, 1973

Six Nine officially become the accession of Denmark, Ireland and the UK.

Member States: Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

New Member States: Denmark, Ireland and the UK.

Following the Arab-Israeli conflict in October 1973, the oil producing countries of the Middle East big price increases and restrict sales to certain European countries, which creates economic problems throughout the Community.

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December 10, 1974

As a sign of solidarity, the leaders of the EEC created the European Regional Development Fund, which guarantees the transfer of financial resources from the richest to the poorest to improve roads and communications, attract investment and create jobs . This policy account for one third of the European budget.

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7 a June 10, 1979

First direct elections to the European Parliament. His deputies, delegates were once national parliaments constitute European political groups (socialists, conservatives, liberals, greens, etc..). The European Parliament's influence is growing steadily.

The fall of the Salazar regime in Portugal in 1974 and the death of General Franco in Spain in 1975 end the last right-wing dictatorships in Europe. Both countries are committed to democratic government, which is an important step on the road to accession to the Community.Deshacer cambiosAlpha

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El asesinato del antiguo Primer Ministro italiano Aldo Moro en 1978 es sólo uno de los numerosos actos terroristas cometidos por grupos extremistas en los años setenta. Entre las víctimas de estos atentados figuran abogados, hombres de negocios y hombres políticos de gran relevancia, así como once atletas israelíes que participaban en los Juegos Olímpicos de Múnich (1972).

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The Founding Fathers of the EU

Visionary leaders following inspired the creation of the European Union in which we live today. Without their energy and motivation not live in the area of peace and stability that we take for granted. Since the resistance fighters to lawyers, the founding fathers were a diverse group of people who had the same ideals: a peaceful Europe, united and prosperante. In addition to the founding fathers described below, many more have worked tirelessly for the European project and what inspired them. This section on the founding fathers, then, is a work in process of realization.Deshacer cambiosAlpha

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May 9, Europe Day

The ideas underlying the European Union first raised the May 9, 1950 in a speech by the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman. This date is commemorated today as a key moment in the creation of the EU.

On 9 May, Europe Day marks the anniversary of the "Schuman declaration". In a speech in 1950 in Paris, Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, proposed a new form of political cooperation for Europe that would make war unthinkable among the constituent countries.

His vision was to create a European supranational institution that will manage the joint production of coal and steel. The Treaty creating that entity was signed less than a year later and became effective in July 1952.

Schuman's proposal is considered the beginning of what we now know as the European Union.

In an EU summit held in Milan in 1985 it was decided that 9 May is observed as the "Europe Day".

Europe Day is marked by various activities and festivities aimed at European institutions closer to the people and strengthen the ties between the peoples of the EU.