European Federation for Transport & Environment Environmental Objectives in Transport Planning...

European Federation for Transport & Environment Environmental Objectives Environmental Objectives in Transport Planning in Transport Planning by Karsten Krause 14 October 2004
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Page 1: European Federation for Transport & Environment Environmental Objectives in Transport Planning Environmental Objectives in Transport Planning by Karsten.

European Federation for Transport & Environment

Environmental Objectives Environmental Objectives

in Transport Planning in Transport Planning

by Karsten Krause

14 October 2004

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Environmental-sound Transport Systems Sustainable Transport Indicators,Benchmarks & Objectives

Driving Forces of the Transport Market 3 Market Model Driving Forces

Environmental Objectives in Transport Plans From TERM Indicators to Transport Targets Example: Objectives for Air Pollution


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About T&E

Members in: Austria Belgium Czech &

Slovak Rep Denmark Estonia France Germany Greece Hungary Italy

Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK

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About T&E

Spanish Members:

Asociatión para a Defensa Ecolóxica de Galiza (ADEGA) 

Ecologistas en accion 

P.T.P. - Associao per la

promocio del transport public 

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T&E Priorities

‘True’ Prices Climate Change and Energy Use Aviation Shipping Health and Quality of Life European Investment

in Transport

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Key Messages...

1.) Traffic Prevention1.) Traffic Prevention

2.) Modal Shift2.) Modal Shift

3.) 3.) OptimisationOptimisation

Getting the Prices RightGetting the Prices Right

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Environmental-sound Transport Systems Sustainable Transport Indicators, Benchmarks & Objectives

Driving Forces of the Transport Market 3 Market Model Driving Forces

Environmental Objectives in Transport Plans From TERM Indicators to Transport Targets Example: Objectives for Air Pollution


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Transport Problems

Economic Problems Congestion Fuel Supply

Environmental Problems Atmospheric Pollution Land Fragmentation

Social Problems Safety Risks Health Impact

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A Sustainable Transport System...

...allows basic access and development needs of individuals, companies and societies to be met safely and in a manner consistent with human and ecosystem health, and promises equity within and between successive generations affordable, operates fairly and efficiently, offers choice of transport mode, and supports a competitive economy, as well as balanced regional development

...limits emissions and waste within the planet’s ability to absorb them, uses renewable resources at or below their rates of generation, and, uses non-renewable resources at or below the rates of development of renewable substitutes while minimising the impact on land and the generation of noise

(Council of the EU 2001.)

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Environmental Indicators & Objectives

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Environmental Indicators & Objectives


Def.: A numerical measure of quality, representing data that have been collected.

Best known indicator: Human Body Temperature Direct Environmental Indicators:

CO2 Emission / GDP UnitBiodiversity / Square Kilometre

Indirect Environmental Indicators:Cars / Inhabitants Population Density

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Environmental Indicators & Objectives


Def.: A measurement or standard that serves as a point of reference by which process performance is measured.

Best known benchmark: 37 °C Benchmarks:

Per Capita Comparison Historic Comparison

EURO Emission Standards€ Convergence Criteria

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Environmental Indicators & Objectives


Def.: A goal intended to be attained and which is believed to be attainable. Could be qualitative or quantitative.

Best known objectives: reduce fever / stay healthy Environmental Objectives:

EU Air Quality Standards UNFCCC / Kyoto Commitments

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TERM Indicators

TERM Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism European Environment Agency / European

Commission Indicator-based reporting Initiated in early 1998. Output:

reports through which the effectiveness of transport and environment integration strategies are monitored.

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TERM Indicators

Groups Environmental consequences of transport Transport demand and intensity Spatial planning and accessibility Supply of transport infrastructure and services Transport costs and prices Technology and utilisation efficiency Management integration

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How is the EU doing?

ZERO indicators show sufficient improvement

European Environment Agency: 27 indicators on sustainable development:

6 indicators lack sufficient data

13 indicators have become worse !

8 indicators have not shown progress

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Environmental-sound Transport Systems Sustainable Transport Indicators,Benchmarks & Objectives

Driving Forces of the Transport Market 3 Market Model Driving Forces

Environmental Objectives in Transport Plans From TERM Indicators to Transport Targets Example: Atmospheric Pollutants from Road Transport


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Transport Market

Movement MarketMovement Market Activities in the Society Spatial Structure

Transport MarketTransport Market Movement Patterns Transport Means & Services

Traffic MarketTraffic Market Transport Streams Infrastructure

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Transport Market Outcomes

Economic Economic OutcomesOutcomes


Social Social OutcomesOutcomes

AccessibilityTransport operation costProductivity /EfficiencyCosts toeconomyBenefits toEconomy

Ressource useDirect Ecological intrusionEmissions to airEmissions to soil and waterNoiseWaste

Accessibility and affordabilitySafety and securityFitness & healthLiveabilityEquityWorking conditions in transport sector

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Environmental-sound Transport Systems Sustainable Transport Indicators,Benchmarks & Objectives

Driving Forces of the Transport Market 3 Market Model Driving Forces

Environmental Objectives in Transport Plans From TERM Indicators to Transport Targets Example: Objectives for Air Pollution


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Environmental Objectives

Planning Process Cost-/Benefit Analysis Strategic Environmental Assessemt (SEA)

Environmental Minimum Standards Respecting Existing Environmental Legislation Positive Contribution to Policy

EU / National Commitments

Environmental Objectives Reducing Transport Demand Modal Shift Reducing Environmental Impact

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TERM Indicators

Groups Environmental consequences of transport Transport demand and intensity Spatial planning and accessibility Supply of transport infrastructure and services Transport costs and prices Technology and utilisation efficiency Management integration

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TERM01: Environmental consequences of transport

T01 Transport final energy consumption by mode T02 Transport emissions of greenhouse gases by mode T03 Transport emissions of air pollutants by mode T04 Exceedance of air quality objectives (due to traffic) T05 Exposure to and annoyance by traffic noise T06 Fragmentation of ecosystems and habitats T07 Proximity of infrastructure to designated areas T08 Land take by transport infrastructure T09 Number of transport accidents, fatalities and injured T10 Accidental oil spills, illegal discharges from marine shipping T11 Generation of waste

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TERM02: Transport demand and intensity

T12 Passenger transport demand by mode and purpose

T13 Freight transport demand by mode and group of goods

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TERM03: Spatial planning and accessibility

T14 Access to basic services (average passenger journey time and length per


T15 Regional accessibility of markets and cohesion

T16 Access to transport services

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TERM04: Supply of transport infrastructure and services

T18 Capacity of transport infrastructure networks

T19 Investments in transport infrastructure (per capita and by mode)

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TERM05: Transport costs and prices

T20 Transport prices (real change in passenger and freight transport price by mode)

T21 Fuel prices and taxes T22 Transport taxes and charges T23 Subsidies T24 Expenditure on personal mobility by income group T25 External costs of transport T26 Internalisation of external costs

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TERM06: Technology and utilisation efficiency

T27 Overall energy efficiency and specific CO2 emissions (per passenger-km and per tonne-km and by mode)

T28 Emissions per passenger-km and per tonne-km (NOx ,NMVOCs,PM 10 ,SOx by mode)

T29 Occupancy rates of passenger vehicles T30 Load factors for freight transport T31 Uptake of cleaner and alternative fuels T32 Size and composition of the vehicle fleet T33 Average age of the vehicle fleet T34 Proportion of vehicle fleet meeting certain emission

standards (by mode)

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TERM07: Management Integration

T35 Number of Member States that implement an integrated strategy

T36 Institutional cooperation in transport and environment T37 Number of Member States with a national transport and

environment monitoring system T38 Uptake of strategic environmental assessment in the

transport sector T40 Public awareness and behaviour

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Strategic Environment Assessment

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Strategic Environment Assessment (1/2)

SEA, a holistic approach that considers the projected environmental impacts over time of multiple actions within a region or ecosystem.

SEA provides decision-makers with information, strategies and actual and projected information on environmental effects.

SEA enable policy makers to anticipate effects on species, habitats and ecological processes that site-specific studies do not capture.

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Strategic Environment Assessment (2/2)

SEA assessment elements:

Habitat mappingRisk analysisSensitivity mappingCost- /Benefit Ratios

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Air Quality in London

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Air Quality in London

Road Transport

Road Transport

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Air Quality and Road Transport

Options to achieve better air quality

Restrict access to sensitive areas

Price incentives

Stricter emission standards

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Environmental-sound Transport Systems Sustainable Transport Indicators,Benchmarks & Objectives

Driving Forces of the Transport Market 3 Market Model Driving Forces

Environmental Objectives in Transport Plans From TERM Indicators to Transport Targets Example: Objectives for Air Pollution


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Sustainability Perspective on the Transport Plan

Integration of Stakeholders

True Prices for all Transport Users

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European Federation for Transport & Environment

Thank youThank you

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Further Information

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European Federation for Transport & Environment

T&E is Europe’s primary NGO campaigning on a Europe wide level for an environmentally

responsible approach to transport. [email protected]

Boulevard de Waterloo, 34 | 1000 BrusselsTel.: +32(0)2-502 99 09 | Fax: +32(0)2-502 99 08 |