ETs in Brazil

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Transcript of ETs in Brazil

  • ETs in


    Compiled by

    Antonio Faleiro


  • We thanked to all Brazilian researchers, because without them, we could not never collect all contacts of third kind and, also, Albert Rosales-USA, where in his collection we found many Brazilian Close Encounters of Third Kind .

    O autorA




    THIRD KIND in BRAZILYears: 2007-11-2007 July-Porto Seguro, Bahia A 15-year old American girl supposedly took the above photo of an unknown creature. She was on tour with a group from Michigan. The story behind it is that this little girl was attacked by the creature. How it happened is unclear. Supposedly the creature grabbed her and attempted to hold her and put mud in her face and hair. She said she couldnt get away from it by pulling so she got a firm hold and tackled it causing it to lose its balance thus allowing her escape. Supposedly there are other witnesses

    ( 1-Passa Tempo-MG - J.C.S. - At night, in a factory of the city of Passa Tempo-MG, J.C.S. went to see a machine and when turning, he saw a tall being, white dress, of the head for the feet, however with the face covered by a veil. The being looked at the employee and he walked and he crossed a wire fence, as if his body was immaterial and he disappeared in the middle of a swamp. The observer ran and he told to his friends, but nothing else they saw.

    (A Faleiro)

    2005 - 4 1-January-2005 - 23:00 h - Agricolndia - PI

    The witness was riding his bicycle home from his job and as he approached his residence he noticed a strange creature lying on the road just ahead of him. Aware of the rumours of bizarre creatures, he became afraid and slowed down and then stopped. He noticed that the creature stood up and jumped over a nearby fence using great agility and strength. Because of


  • the luminosity emanated by a nearby light post he was able to make out some details on the creature. It appeared to be dark and hairy, with short thick legs, and about average height, he was not able to see any facial details. The witness quickly pedalled away from the area. The next day he visited the site and did not find any trace. (UPUPI) 2 - Vila Bilibio, Rio Grande do Sul March-30.2005 - 21:30 h - kidnapped Tradesman Vanderlei Rodrigues dos Santos, 42, was driving on highway BR-158 when in need of gasoline, he stopped at a service station. When he left his car, Vanderlei was seized by aliens. He said that he first noticed a strange kind of ship hovering above the BR-158. It then drew closer and landed in an adjacent field. At this moment I thought I was going to die Rodrigues dos Santos said, I thought of my wife, my sons and my family. Vanderlei is not certain how long he was held aboard the ship. He said he completely lost track of time. He said he was taken to a laboratory aboard the ship, where three aliens extracted skin, hair and blood samples from him. They were three little humanoids, he said, All had big heads and small, spindly torsos. I wanted nothing to do with them, but they brought me along into the ship. When I clearly saw the eyes of one alien they were as dark and as blank as they eyes of a newborn. Vanderlei said that it was about 0600A on Thursday March 31 2005 when the extraterrestrials put him off the ship. He found himself back on Earth but at a service station on the Avenida Presidente Vargas in Santa Maria dozens of kilometres from the location where he had left his car. He used the service stations telephone to call the police and report the abduction. (SOCEX-Eustquio A. Patounas) 3-Recife - March - 2005-night - Dwarfish 23-year old Diogenes (involved in other encounters) was lying on his bed when the door of his bedroom opened and a short humanoid, about 80cm in height, with huge black eyes and extremely pale white skin entered the bedroom. Once he saw the humanoid the witness attempted to rise from his bed but was


  • unable to move a muscle. He then attempted to scream but could not utter a sound. As the humanoid approached closer to the witness it suddenly disappeared. The witness later woke up in a very tired state. (Ufo Gnesis) 4-So Paulo, SP. - 04. September .2005-night - Gigantic The 11-year old witness woke after hearing a loud noise coming from his backyard patio. Looking out a window he was stunned to see a gigantic figure about 3.50m in height that apparently attempted to communicate with the witness with hand signals. The witness looked up and saw an object ringed with bright lights hovering above the backyard. He briefly had looked away from the humanoid and when he looked back at him, he had vanished. The object then left.

    (Ufo Gnesis)

    2004-6 1-Near Joo Pessoa-Paraba-January -01- 2004 - night - Paralyzed. 23 year old, Alan Flavio was visiting the farm of his girlfriend's cousin and late one evening he and the cousin were rounding up some stray cattle in the outer areas of the farm. Soon they had stopped to rest when Flavio noticed that the horses were a little restless he looked around and saw movement in the nearby brush. He caught a quick glimpse of a figure, he described as "graphite" in colour with long thin but strong legs. It quickly scurried behind some trees and disappeared from sight. Later that night sometime after midnight as he slept in the farmhouse he suddenly woke up feeling a strong hand pushing on his chest. He was paralyzed and could not move or speak. He then noticed a dark figure, human in shape standing over him. It seemed to emit a strong influence over the witness, which totally controlled him. The whole time his girlfriend and cousin slept in the next room and were not in any way disturbed. Soon the dark human-shaped figure vanished and he was able to move again.

    ( UFO Genesis)2-Piau--February -2004-night A woman accompanied by another family member was washing clothing at the edge of a river


  • when they noticed movement amongst the thick foliage across from their location. They were then stunned to see two strange hairy humanoids about 1.50m in height come out of the woods. The humanoids had long dangling arms and were covered from head to two by thick black hair. Both had red glowing eyes. Terrified both witnesses fled the area.

    (Ufo Gnesis) 3-Araraquara-SP-March-2004 - night - red eyes On a very cold night, the witness, Marina was in her room reading a book when she heard loud scratching noises on her window. Startled she looked at the window and saw a bizarre entity with a very large head and strange red eyes. The entity stared at Marina and mumbled some words, which Marina thought it meant for her to come and open the window because he wanted to talk to her. In a trance-like state she opened the window and the entity then spoke the following words, "Humans less and less value their planet, and each day that goes by they destroy the planet a little more, humans do not realize that they are destroying themselves also." Moments later the entity vanished. (www. .4-Agricolndia - Piau-July-2004-night A local hog farmer named "Belizardo" was searching the maize fields for several of his pigs when he perceived a strange "star-like" light moving an inclined angle towards the earth. After several minutes of observing the descending light he noticed several beams of light emerged from the light, which seemed to scan the surrounding fields and ridges. He was now sure that it was some kind of "apparatus" (name given by the locals to any unidentified aircraft and also in the nearby state of Maranhao). Concerned he watched the lighted "craft" had now descended parallel to his position. Apparently the occupants of the craft had by now spotted him and Belizardo immediately ran and hid behind some small trees. He armed himself with a rifle and waited tensely. He scanned the dimly lit surroundings and soon spotted a figure that seemed to move in strange "mechanical" movements. According to Belizardo when the figure lifted an arm it lowered the other one in some bizarre rhythm. The lighted craft remained static at a certain distance at


  • times lighting up and then dimming. The beams of light still scanned the area. Suddenly a bright beam of light shone at the feet of the witness. Terrified he immediately ran from his hiding place. He then hid in an area of thick foliage where he felt more secure and from there watched the lighted object until it left. He did not see the strange figure again. There were possibly other witnesses

    (UPUPI-Piau) 5-GuarulhosSo Paulo-23-August-2004-19:00 h Phillip Gomes and 6 other friends watched a luminous oval-shaped object flying low over a road. They followed the craft as it briefly touched down in a wooded park. They saw what appeared to be a "woman" walk inside the landed craft, which then took off and disappeared from sight. (Ufo Gnesis) 2003-2 1-Limeira-So Paulo-June-12. 2003 - 06:20 h. pale skin A man named Zilmerman had left for work taken the usual route on the Limeira-Piracicaba toll road. There was a weak fog that morning and as he drove out of the toll area he noticed a figure that appeared to be hitchhiking on the side of the road. Inexplicably and knowing that it could be a dangerous move the witness slowed and then stopped the car. As he did, the "person" came walking over to where he had stopped. Obeying an inner impulse the witness lower the driver's window and remained sitting in his car seemingly unable to move. When the person came over to the window, the witness realized that this "person" was not an ordinary human. He had human-like characteristics, but he had large "cat-like" eyes and seemed to exude a powerful "odour". The stranger pointed to the direction of Piracicaba and entered the car. As he entered the backseat of the car the smell became almost unbearable to witness who could not compare it to anything known to him. The being was about 1.60m in height, with pale features, wearing a pointed hood and a tight-fitting outfit, resembling a jogging suit. He wore strange shoes with very thick soles that seemed to scratch the surface of the car. The witness could see a small nose but did not notice any


  • hair. Fearful, the witness asked the stranger where he wanted to go and again this one pointed in the direction of Piracicaba. The witness then asked the stranger his name and in turn the stranger looked at him and as he did his pupils suddenly became totally black. Sweating with fear and after driving for about 500me witness began to hear loud croaking sounds, which he thought was the creature's speech. He looked and noticed that it had six fingered hands with pointy black nails; his skin appeared to be sweating some type of oily substance from which the disagreeable odour emanated. Each time that the witness would ask it something, the humanoid would look at him intently again his pupils becoming totally black. The witness then produced a piece of paper and a pencil and gave it to the stranger. This one scribbled some meaningless diagrams on it and gave it back to the witness. Close to the Santa Rosa quarter near Piracicaba the witness felt that he had to stop the car. The humanoid exited the car smiled at him and then cross the street quickly disappearing into some bushes. The witness experienced a severe headache soon after the encounter. ( Ufo Gnesis) 2-Near Diamantina, Minas Geraisl-August-2003 - night Andre Villa and his girlfriend had camped out on a hill overlooking a valley and had started a small bonfire when they noticed a bright bluish light descend over the area, within the light they could see a large disc-shaped craft. The illuminated craft approached their position at very high speed and landed on a nearby field. Terrified both witnesses ran and hid behind some bushes, the whole time keeping their eyes on the object. They could see that the craft was really hovering at about 3 meters from the ground, illuminating its surroundings like daytime. The craft did not have windows, doors or openings; it was completely smooth and was encased in a bright bluish glow. Despite his girlfriend's loud objections Andres approached to within 200 meters of the craft and hid behind a pile of rocks near the bonfire in order to obtain a better look at the strange craft. After about 20 minutes an opening became visible on the craft that still floated close to the ground, from the opening a small ladder-like protrusion dropped to the ground. Two


  • short humanoid creatures then climbed down to the ground from inside the object, these had child-like bodies, very pale features, huge heads, but the witnesses could not see their facial features due to the glaring blue light around the craft. The two humanoids looked around and seemed to talk among themselves, soon 3 more similar creatures emerged from the craft. The group walked around the area near the object as if looking for something. Moments later the witness watched another bright light descending from the sky. The light hovered briefly changing colours from red to orange tones. Suddenly the short humanoids that had been milling around the bluish disc-shaped craft appeared to become agitated and began running towards their craft, while the other craft, a sphere shaped object dotted with bright beams of light quickly descended over the scene. The sphere descended to within 50 meters of the disc and landed. The witnesses then heard a loud roaring noise and a bright flash from the sphere temporarily blinded and seemed to incapacitate several of the short humanoids, since a couple dropped to the ground. The glare now gone the witnesses saw three figures come out of the sphere. These were described as taller, human-like, wearing transparent glass-like helmets, and very tight-fitting black jumpsuits. These aliens ran in the direction of the shorter humanoids, which were still stunned and appeared confused. Three of the short humanoids managed to enter their craft, but two were unable to and remained behind to confront the other three apparently threatening aliens. The stunned witnesses watched as a brief but violent struggle ensued. To their horror they watched as the two short humanoids were apparently struck down by the taller aliens, while their bluish disc-shaped craft pulled up the ladder, closed the opening and shot away at incredible speed, living behind their two fallen comrades. The three tall aliens then proceeded to pick up the limp bodies of the short humanoids and dragged them inside their sphere-shaped craft. The witnesses could not tell if the humanoids were dead or still alive. The aliens quickly entered the sphere, which then rose up into the sky and vanished in plain sight. Terrified the two witnesses left the area, promising never to return to the area.


  • (www. supernatural. org) 2002 - 3 1-Corguinho, Mato Grosso do Sul-05 - February - 2002 During a localized ufo flap several witnesses reported seeing a strange creature described as about 1.3 meters in height, having two legs, with a physique like a human but who moved with a strange fluctuating motion. The creature was seen five times by twenty people in the rural zone around Corguinho. In Rochedo, 6 miles south of Corguinho five Zebu cattle were found dead with a single incision on the side of the throat. The bodies had been drained of blood..

    (UFO Roundup) 2-Ilha de Colares, Amazonas- August-15- 2002 - night - red eyes Two men were reportedly attacked in a wooded area by a short powerfully built creature covered with black hair and with glowing red eyes. It had three sharp "talons" that injured both men, one of them critically. (Daniel Rebisso Giese) 3-Curitiba-september-30-2002 -0 3:30 h The witness suddenly awoke at about 0330A and heard her twelve dogs barking and was surprised to hear birds singing at that time of the morning. She stayed in bed until her husband woke up and opened the window and they noticed despite the heavily clouded weather that it was light as if it was a full moon. After watching the backyard for about 30 minutes it suddenly turned dark again and the birds and dogs went quiet. Her husband reported seeing one of the dogs barking at the backyard wall, he looked in the direction of the wall and saw the figure of a "person" standing still on the top of the wall. The man like figure was as tall as the wall or at least 8 ft in height. Astonished all he could do was stare. He felt that the "person" may have noticed being observed and walked very swiftly to the corner of the wall and did not jump, it just walked off the wall as if walking off the stairs of a house. Right after that, it went dark again like someone had turned off the light. The next day the witnesses learned that several locals including military police had reported the unusual brightness in the sky from different points of the city.


  • (NUFOR)

    2001-29 Jaboato-2001-night The witness, Tarcisio Bantas Cancado was at home conducting some chores when he suddenly went into a dream like state. He remembered floating through a long dark tunnel and entering a luminous compartment, which had an oval shaped table in the centre that appeared to be the source of the light. In front of the front of the table stood four human like figures whose bodies seemed to emit a white light, fluorescent in appearance. The witness could not see any facial details only a protuberance resembling a nose; he could not see eyes or mouths, ears or hair. He began to feel that the beings did not represent any danger to him. He was then encouraged to ask what they wanted of him. He was told that they were from a place, which he understood it to be called "Shiraqueanos" They were apparently in some kind of mission and was told that he was not unable to return to his home, however if he did not agree on this conditions he would be let go and another person would be found. Moments later everything became dark and he woke up scared back in his home.

    Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 2-Lagarto-Sergipe December-01-2001 - 22:00 h - red eyes

    Two friends, Tadeu da Silva and Walter Oliveira were fishing at a local lagoon when a huge yellow sphere of light approached their boat and illuminated them with a bright beam of light. The light dimmed and they were able to see several small windows and moving shadows inside the craft. Seconds later the bright beam of yellow light came back on and the craft disappeared into the sky . (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 3-Brasilndia-Braslia-January-02-2001-2:000 The witness, Carlos Airton Machado was returning home from a party from a nearby area when he saw a strange light ahead of him. Thinking it was a car he approached it and noticed that it was an oval shaped object about 4 meters in diameter. He attempted to get closer but the heat emitted from the object preventing him in doing so. At this point he noticed 3 short figures


  • standing next to the object. Thinking they were children he yelled at them. The figures suddenly entered the object through an opening and it rose up at high speed emitting a loud whistling sound. The witness suffered from headaches and irritated eyes for the next four days. (Thiago Luiz Tichetti-EBE-ET) 4-Vitria da Conquista, Bahia January-25-2001 - night After dinner, the witness, Mauro Diniz Brumana went to his backyard to pick up some fruit from his grove. While climbing on a mango tree he noticed a very strong red light. Thinking it was a car or a fire he descended the tree and walked over to investigate the source of the light. Climbing over the neighbor's backyard wall he noticed a huge disc shaped object, around 10 meters in diameter, with bright red lights around the edge and a cupola on top that appeared to have landed on the neighbours field. Near the object stood two humanoid about 1.20 meters in height wearing tight-fitting metallic outfits. Unable to move, he stood watching the scene for 10 minutes. After that, the humanoids boarded the object, which took off at high speed. The next day he called the police and they found scorched ground areas on the ground, where the object had landed. (Thiago Luiz Tichetti-EBE-ET)5-Camaari-Bahia-January-27-2001-Day An angler casting his nets into the river pulled ashore a strange looking artifact. The artefact was described as resembling a small "android" about 6 inches in length. The unusual "doll" was translucent and changed color from blue to red as the holder touched it with his hand. The color changes happened repeatedly as the object was held in different positions. They detected on the skin a liquid like transpiration. The local military police reportedly took custody of the android, and is reported being currently studied by specialists. (Alberto Romero) 6-Bragana Paulette- So Paulo, February-22-2001-afternoon . During a heavy hailstorm shower, several locals, including Osnar Ferreira Neto, reported seeing a round object about 10 meters in diameter flying slowly over the region. It approached the ground several times,


  • and then rose up at high speed. Several of the witnesses reported seeing forms or figures moving inside the object (Thiago Luiz Tichetti-EBE-ET) 7-Estancia, Sergipe-March-01-2001 - Yolanda Loureno saw an object as a volkswagen, yellow color and it seemed transparent, beside he was a being moving. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 8-Palmas,Tocantins-March-22-2001-18:00h Vinicius da Silva and Marta Rosenthal were returning home from a day of fishing in the River Tocantis when they felt a bump in one of the tires. Thinking he had a flat Vinicius stopped the vehicle and went to check. He could not find anything wrong with the tire but suddenly heard Marta screaming and saw her pointing to the right side of the road. There, only a few meters away, hovering over the water was a metallic object with small windows along its edge. Standing outside the object on a ledge was a humanoid figure of about 1.30 meters in height. The figure was holding something resembling a hose and was apparently sucking water from the river and into the craft. After about two minutes the humanoid pulled up the hose from the river and re-entered the object. The craft then became very fright and shot away horizontally into the sky.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET). 9- Viosa, Minas Gerais- April-10 -2001 Julia Da Silva was standing by a window of her house that gave her a view of a nearby wooded area when she noticed a strange light in the sky. The light suddenly descended about 500 meters into the forest. Using a pair of binoculars, Julia was able to see a very bright object apparently on the ground in a clearing of the forest. She was able to see several short shadowy figures running to and fro around the object. After about 3 minutes the object lifted up from the ground, circled around the forest and shot away towards Belo Horizonte, there independent witnesses saw a luminous object cavorting overhead (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 10-Near Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul-April-2001-night A strange creature described as about 5-feet tall and 9 inches tall, resembling a hairy gorilla, with


  • anthropoid features and coarse black fur, killed 2 sheep and 25 chickens at a ranch near this location. Locals called the beast a Mapinguary.

    (UFO Roundup) 11-Formosa do Oeste-Paran-May-04-.2001-night Edson Machado de Souza reported to police encountering a landed metallic round object encircled in blue, green, and yellow lights. Next to the object stood an undescribed humanoid. He could also see three other humanoids inside the object that appeared to be looking out some round windows. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 12-Volta Redonda- Rio de Janeiro June-30-2001-5.30 h - Et dwarf

    Adailton Rodrigues was taking a morning walk along Oswaldo Campos street with his dog "Pimpo." As he walked by one of the tall buildings of one of the city's factories he noticed a very bright light next to building on the ground. The dog began barking non-stop. Rodrigues did not pay much attention to the light and walked away. Later upon returning to his house he walked by the same location and saw the same light next to the building. This time he decided to approach the area and found an enormous silvery disc shaped object emitting luminous yellow, blue, white, and oranges lights around its edge. Terrified the witness felt his body becoming numb. At this point he was able to see two humanoids about 1.20 meters in height wearing tight-fitting silvery coveralls and helmets. The humanoids appeared to be collecting dirt from the ground. After about 5 minutes the humanoids entered the object through an open door-like opening and the craft then shot up at fantastic speed. The numbness on his body lasted about 3 minutes and then he was able to move again. He suffered from severe headaches the next three days

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 13-Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro-RJ-July-01-2001 - night Odete Fortini was standing in the verandah of her house when she observed a sphere of light approach and land about 200 meters from her location. As the light dimmed she could see that it was a round object with a cupola on top and several small windows around its edge. On the center of the object a


  • door opened and two humanoids about 1 meter in height stepped out. They seemed to be interested on the vegetation around the object. After a few minutes of investigating the area they re-entered the object, which became bright again and left at high speed. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 14-Guaraj-Mirim, Par-July-01-2001-night 8-year old Zeca Borba reported encountering and communicating with a short humanoid with a large head and eyes and bluish skin. The humanoid carried a cane-like object and wore a silvery helmet. After 30 minutes the humanoid boarded a triangular shaped object, which quickly disappeared.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 15-Canatuma, Amazonas-July-02--2001-night-Ets dwarfs Jose da Silva saw a large disc shaped object with several windows and a small door-like opening in which two 2-meter tall humanoids were seen to enter. Immediately the object began to spin very rapidly and rose slowly. It suddenly emitted a bright flash of light from the top section and disappeared in front of the witness.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 16-Quedas do Iguau, Paran July-29-2001 - 3:00 h An object larger than 10 meters in diameter was seen on the grounds of a local football field. The two witnesses including Rubem Bastos de Brito reported seeing several short bizarre creatures moving around the object. After about 20 minutes the object shot away into the sky.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 17-Fortaleza-Cear-August-01-2001-02:00 h Five students camping in a deserted beach, including Luis Carlos Prima reported seeing a large disc shaped object about 10 meters in diameter land on the beach. The five geography students had been sleeping when a very strong wind suddenly woke them up. The wind was so strong that it began to unearth the tent from the sandy ground. Thinking it was a storm they ran out and confronted a huge disc shaped object with numerous bright lights on its top and windows on the center. Suddenly a small door opened and two short humanoids came out. The object and the humanoids


  • were about 200 meters away from the witnesses. The little men seemed to be collecting ground samples when they became aware of the witnesses presence. They ignored the witnesses and after several minutes reboarded the object, which took off at high speed. Deep ground traces were found at the landing site. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 18-Estncia Esprito Santo-August-10-2001-night Telepathy Lourdes do Nascimento reported establishing telepathic contact with a short humanoid with dark skin and large black eyes that exited a small disc-shaped object with small window-like apertures that briefly landed in her farm. No other information.. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 19 -. So Joo do Piau-August-11-2001 - 3:00 h - Darf ets Marcos Csar and Simone Alves Moreira traveled and they saw a light and stopped the car. Then, They saw a square object,, brilliant. Small Ets they left the ufo. They pretended to put some thing in the ground and after 20 minutes they enter in the ufo, that disappeared in a fast flight. The witness had headache.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET) 20-Coari-AM-August-10-2001

    Oderbal Zaccharias was returning home from a party when his car was chased by a bright red light along a road. He accelerated but the light continued to chase him. At one point the light flew over the car and landed 50 meters from the witness. He could now see that the light was a round object with side windows. From inside the craft two humanoids came out, these wore blue coveralls and silvery helmets. When the humanoids approached the witness's vehicle he ran out and hid among the bushes. The humanoids looked briefly around the car and then returned to the object, which took off and disappeared

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET) 21-Trs Pontas, Minas Gerais- September -01-2001-night Several witnesses including Jussar Vandri watched a disc shaped object land on a nearby field. It was about 5 meters in diameter and emitted


  • multicoloured lights. It landed on a small tripod landing gear. Several of the witnesses reported seeing small humanoids inside the object through transparent windows. After a few minutes the craft left. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET) - 22-Natal, Rio Grande do Norte September-27-2001- 4:00 h

    More than a thousand witnesses reported seeing a cylinder shaped object with windows cruising slowly above the city. Around the same time several other witnesses including Bernardo Vilela watched a similar object land on a beach and saw several humanoids exit the craft.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET) 23-Acoitara, Ceara-October-04-2001-02:00 h Walking on a street late at night Genivaldo Ariel was approached by a very tall, 1.80 meters, being. He described the humanoid as blond haired, very handsome and with a peaceful air. The humanoid spoke to Ariel in a strange language that he could not understand. The humanoid then waved at the witness and disappeared behind a nearby wall. Minutes later a large disc shaped object climbed up from a field behind the wall and disappeared into the sky. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET) 24-So Loureno, Minas Gerais October-22-2001 - 3:25 h Several anglers in the area reported encountering a short humanoid creature completely covered in brown hair and with large three fingered hands. It is reported that it swims under water and knocks over the canoes with the terrified anglers inside. Groups of 4 to 5 similar beings have been reported together by independent witnesses. It is called "the water baby" in the region.

    (UFO) 25-Osasco, So Paulo-November-07-2001-night Several motorists including Marcelo Alfonso Silva watched a round object hovering over the SP-109 Road. The craft emitted a very strong yellow light from several windows around its edge. Some of the witnesses reported seeing two helmeted figures that appeared to be moving levers inside the object.


  • (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET) 26-Sumar, So Paulo, November-13-2001 - Night - Levitation dwarfs Flavia Bezerra and her son Jose Max Bezerra were returning home after an anniversary party when they noticed a strange light approaching their vehicle from behind. As the light rapidly approached they thought it could have been a truck but then it suddenly flew over them and stopped about 100 yards ahead. They could now see that within the light there was a round object about 7 meters in diameter, with several bright lights on the bottom and an antenna like protrusion on top. From inside the object 3 humanoids exited. These were described as about 1.30 meters in height, wearing tight fitting green-metallic body suits and with small staring eyes. As the humanoids approached, the vehicle engine suddenly stalled. In a panic both witnesses began to scream. This apparently startled the humanoids, which turned around levitated back to the object. The object then took off and vanished. Three minutes later they were able to re-start the engine and left the scene.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET) 27-Itapetinga, Bahia-November-20 - 2001 - 4:05 h Flying ets Marcelina Soares was washing the dishes after eating when she noticed a bright green light coming from her backyard. Opening the curtain she saw 5 to 6 silvery figures flying above some nearby trees. Behind the tree was a huge glowing sphere. The sphere emitted a bright yellow light and seemed to rotate within itself. Paralyzed she watched the figures "jump" over the tree and then enter the glowing sphere. The sphere then climbed out of sight and disappeared.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET) 28-Near Cupira-Pernambuco-December-2001 Some men, of a ranch saw a landed ufo. There were small beings near it. They picked fruits.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti EBE-ET) 29-So Joo do Piaui, August 11 2001- 03:00A Two young people, Marcos Cesar and Simone Alves Moreira were traveling in their vehicle when they observed on the right side of the road a very


  • bright light. Thinking it was a forest fire they stopped the car. Terrified they watched a large round object, bright golden in color hovering close to the ground. From the object numerous small creatures were coming in and out, right through the sides of the craft, as if the object was of an intangible nature. The little creatures glided over the ground towards some nearby trees and seemed to deposit something and returned back to the object. This incredible spectacle went on for about 20 minutes when suddenly the craft simply disappeared in plain sight. Both witnesses suffered from headaches and malaise for the next two weeks (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET)2000-2 1-So Paulo-SP-20:00 - night The witness was lying on his bed when he suddenly felt his body stiffened and he was unable to move and unable to speak. Soon a medium sized figure appeared in the room. It had small shiny eyes, and a "viscous" skin. The witness heard a voice in his head that told him not be afraid that he had come from the planet "Saturn"; at the same time that was said the humanoid emitted an "ironic" laugh. The creature then touched the witness hand and he felt extreme fear at that point. He was finally able to move and ran to the wall to turn the light switch on, but the creature had vanished. The next day he found a small burn on his hand. (Revista Brasileira de Ufologia) 2-Iturama-MG-December-13-2000 - Kidnapping Joo Joaquim da Silva, Valdeir Martins, Magui A. Martins, a child and a girl were traveling by car on their way back to town when they spotted red and yellow lights on what appeared to be a square-shaped object flying over the road. A small round light appeared to detach itself from the object and fly away. Joao decided to pull off to the side of the road to see what was going on. Suddenly they saw the object descending behind some nearby trees, it had rotating red and yellow lights. Joao then heard a loud cracking sound and felt a loud buzzing in his head, immediately he felt paralyzed as a buzzing sound permeated the area. The little girl began screaming saying that she could see several figures approaching the car. One of the women saw a


  • white face figure, lacking a nose and with large black oval shaped eyes. At the same time Joao experienced a terrible headache and felt himself being levitated and feeling as if he was somehow "shrinking" in size. Soon he floated back to the car. Then all saw what they described as a beautiful hovering oval shaped craft, apparently metallic and only about 12 meters away. A strong heat wave enveloped the group. The witnesses then left the area. Later on the different family members remember seeing several short humanoids onboard the object. The little girl remembered the little humanoids doing something to her feet. In a strange twist the witnesses also recalled seeing a strange symbol on the object and on the heads of several of the humanoids that when described it seemed to resemble the famous (or infamous) UMMO logo (!). (Paulo Nogueira-Eduardo Coutinho Maia-Osni Nielsen, UFO Genesis) 1999 - 27 1-Vale do Jatob, Minas Gerais March-22-1999 - night Grasiele Guedes was taking a short cut through a valley when she came upon a short creature with large yellow eyes emitting a blue beam of light. She tried to approach the creature to obtain a better look, but the figure suddenly approached her. Afraid she ran home, later the witness returned to the area with her mother but the creature was nowhere to be seen. (Revista Brasileira de Ufologia) 2-Votuporanga, So Paulo-SP-1999 - 00:12 h - Materialization Ana Carolina de Machado reported being chased by three hairy humanoids with large round eyes as she took a walk along the city park. According to the witness, the humanoids suddenly materialized in front of her and chased her. She ran to a nearby security detachment and managed to elude the creatures. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 3-Maranho-1999-night - Paralyzed Two elderly women were returning home one night when they were approached by several short humanoids wearing shiny silvery suits. They suddenly felt paralyzed and the little men proceeded in extracting


  • blood from their ankles using a large syringe like object.(Pablo Vilarrubia Mauso)

    4-Fortaleza-CE- 1999 - medical examinations - Telepathy A TV began to creak and a bluish light

    entered for the opening of the window and she felt a smell of sulfur. In that moment, the resident of the house was paralyzed and she was involved by light. And telepathically she heard be not afraid. You are a privileged one. We are of peace and we needed you... We are using TV for contact." On that moment the woman felt that they their ankles and they touched their feet. They caressed their thighs, vagina, armpits and breasts. She felt that it was lying, suspended of the ground. They remove her panties and they penetrated some thing lukewarm, metallic and vibratory in her vagina. And, later, they introduced an object in her anus. Minutes later she returned to the normal, but it was dizzy and her eyes burned. And she heard the message: It "finished. You are free, but we will seek you one day again... " The woman asked telepathically who they were, they answered to came very far. She asked to see them and inside of a greenish smoke 3 beings appeared: a woman of 1,50 m, beautiful it dressed a tight gray clothes; two beings masculine, manly, of two meters of height, strong, brunet, clothes greenish, with wide belts, gloves and yellowish boots, maybe carrying weapons. The vision disappeared and she heard telepathically: "Good-bye, we will return! Now you are our contact." (Reginaldo Athayde-CPU) 5-Passa Tempo-MG-January-01-1999 - Et dwarf

    A young girl, Jaquelaine Aparecida Silva was coming home after a party and as she approached the front porch she saw a short figure wearing luminous clothing standing in a corridor. He seemed to be wearing a stripe shirt. Terrified she began screaming waking up her neighbours who searched the area but found nothing. (A Faleiro) 6-Passa Tempo-MG-Zezinho-April-16-1999 - Dwarf et Jos Joaquim dos Santos was parked on the side of the road resting in his car when he looked up and saw a short figure with a very large head looking inside the vehicle through one of the rear passenger


  • windows. Scared, the witness exited the car and saw the short figure disappear into the distance on the roadway. ( A Faleiro) 7-Cabo Frio-Rio de Janeiro-February-04-1999-20:30 h Jorge Alfonso was walking his dog when he noticed a bright light some distance away. Thinking that it was a car that had broken down he approached it. A he neared the light he was stunned to see an object about 3 meters in diameter. Through an opening he could see a (undescribed) humanoid operating some type of control. He approached to within 30 meters of the object. Two minutes later the craft rose slowly up and disappeared into the sky. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 8-Campinas, So Paulo-February-17-1999 Gley Freitas observed a large oval shaped object on the ground. Next to the object stood two tall humanoids wearing tight-fitting outfits and helmets. Afraid, the witness did not get any closer.. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti-EBE-ET -) 9-Almirante Tamandare, Paran-March-10-1999 - 15:00 h.- dwarf ets Pedro da Rosa was working in his vegetable garden when he heard a loud buzzing sound. Turning around, he saw at about 500 meters away a strange silvery metallic oval-shaped object. At first he saw it was a neighbours brand new tractor. Five minutes later he noticed two short humanoids walking around and under the object. The short figures re-entered the object, which emitted a loud whistling sound and shot up towards the sky at high speed. (Tiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 10-Altonia, Paran,Mar-15-1999 - 23:15 h. 18-year old Rodrigo Friedrich was returning to his home from a party when he noticed what appeared to be numerous shiny stars in the sky. Suddenly one of the stars began to descend at high speed. He thought it was a shooting star and completely ignored it. 40 minutes later as he was arriving home a bright glow attracted his attention about 1km away from his location. Curious he approached the light and encountered a huge 30-meter sized disc shaped object completely illuminated. Near the object where six short


  • humanoids running back and forth as if looking for something. At this point Rodrigo, began to get a headache, and attempted to yell out to obtain additional witnesses. As he walked away he looked back and saw the object climbing up into the sky at high speed. Several days after the encounter Rodrigo began experiencing nightmares in which he saw short gray colored humanoids. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 11-Santana de Ipanema, AlagoasApril-01-1999-04:00 h. Two men, Jose Trajano & Milton Leite were preparing their boat in order to go fishing and were exiting the boat storage garage area when they spotted a huge cylinder-shaped object, hovering just above them. The object was 15 meters in length and was reddish in color. The craft then shone a beam of white light towards the ground and a short figure suddenly appeared within the light on the ground. The witnesses watched from about 600 meters away as the short figure moved back & forth within the lighted area then float back up into the object and disappear. At this point the object became brighter and rose up quickly disappear ring from sight.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 12-Bodoquena- May,1999-afternoon - dwarf ets A motorist named Luis Araujo reported seeing a strange creature standing on the side of the road as he drove students to their homes. The figure was short, about 1.10 meters in height, and was wearing all white. It walked swiftly away as the vehicle approached. (Revista Brasileira de Ufologia) 13-Juiz de Fora, Minas Gera is-01-1999 - late - Dwarf ets A couple, Alexandre and Martha Santos were picnicking in farm overlooking a cliff when they looked down and noticed a strange metallic object resting on the ground. Two humanoid figures briefly exited the object and then returned back inside. The object then rose slowly emitting a loud buzzing sound, and moving like a pendulum, disappeared towards the south at high speed. ( Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 14-General Carneiro-SC-May-1999

    A loud humming sound coming from outside awakened the witness, Ernesto Eleoterio Maciel.


  • Upon opening a window, he noticed the area was illuminated like daytime. Thinking that it was a fire he woke up his two daughters and went out to investigate. He then noticed a low flying object maneuvering over some nearby power lines. After 15 seconds, they noticed a disc shaped object on the ground. Three tall figures about 1.80 m in height stood next to the object. The figures wore white clothing and black boots. Soon the object took off turning on two bright lights and emitting white smoke.

    (Revista brasileira de Ufologia) 15-Near Varginha May-02-1999 - midnight

    A bright light coming from outside awakened Geraldo Galdino, a resident near the local exposition park, his wife also woke up. They both saw a large object on the ground on a nearby field. Three short humanoids exited the object and walked around the area for a while apparently collecting items from the ground. (Revista Brasileira de Ufologia) 16-Vitria, ES- June 1999 - 21:00 h. Valdir Espinosa was fishing in a beach near Vitoria when looking up to the sky he noticed a star descend down to the beach shore about 100 meters away. From the star-like object five short figures emerged and approached the witness who panicked and ran away from the area, not looking back. Two hours later he returned to the area with two friends and the object and humanoids were gone, so was his catch of two fish that he had left behind. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 17-Valencia, RJ-July-01-1999 -dwarfs ets 15-year old David Moura encountered two short 1-meter tall humanoids in a wooded area. The beings spoke to him in a strange language, which he could not understand and left the area. The next day there were newspaper reports of lights seen over the same area the night before.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 18-Ararangua, Santa Catarina July-20-1999-afternoon Maria Joana da Silva was driving along a road on her way to Florianopolis when she noticed on the right side of the road a very bright light. Next to the light stood four humanoids about 1.30 meters in height


  • wearing silvery tight-fitting clothing. The car began to stall, but Maria was able to step on the gas and quickly accelerate away from the area (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 19-Cagepa, Paraba- July-26-1999-1:30 h - Dwarf ets 42-year old Antonio Gadelha was parked in his vehicle in the outskirts of the city when a brilliant light suddenly surrounded it. Soon several short shiny silvery humanoid figures approached the vehicle, completely surrounding it. At the same time he heard the humanoids apparently communicating with each other, in loud beep like sounds. After about 10 minutes a strong beam of light originating from a hovering oval shaped craft illuminated the group and the humanoids rose up one by one quickly disappearing from sight. The object then departed.

    (Centro Paraibano de Ufologia) 20-Osasco, So Paulo-August-30-1999-night Valdineia Oliveira had gone to check her chicken coop as the animals seemed to be in an extremely agitated state. She looked inside the coop and saw nothing amiss then walked outside and was stunned to see a short figure, perched on top of a wall, that was observing her. The humanoid was apparently also startled and ran away. Minutes later a bright ball of light rose from the ground and then disappeared in plain sight.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 21-Bento Gonalves, RS - November-01-1999- Two men, Jose Freira, and Cid Moreira were fishing in a river when they observed a strange object approaching their location. The object hovered at about 3 meters above the water on the other side of the river. The object was round with small windows around its circumference. Behind the windows they could see two figures wearing helmets with antennas on the right side of the helmet. The craft hovered over the river for four minutes and then disappeared from sight.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 22-Cachoeira do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, November-13-1999 Andre Marquetti and Jair Picerni were jogging in the local park on a very sunny day. As they ran near a clearing they saw a classic disc shaped object with a


  • transparent dome on top. Stunned they stood and watched and attempted to run away but could not move. They then noticed a figure exit the craft, which completely ignored them and walked around the object. Five minutes later the humanoid re-entered the object which then rose up slowly and disappeared from sight. Soon the two men were able to move again. Both suffered from headaches and nausea for a week after the incident (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 23-Coari, Amazonas, November 25 - 1999 - 16:23 h - flying et - dwarfish Maria de Jesus was outside washing some clothing in her yard when she felt something moving near her, to one side. Turning around she was confronted by a short creature about 1.20 meters in height, with large black eyes, wearing metallic clothing, and holding a cane-like instrument in his left hand. The humanoid gesticulated towards the witness, who screamed in fear. This startled the humanoid that then seemed to levitate and disappeared behind a nearby stonewall. Seconds later from behind the stone wall, a large ball of fire appeared and shot up into the sky at very high speed. The encounter lasted for about 3 minutes (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 24-Pato Branco, Paran- December 05 -1999 - 22:00 h

    Maria Alice Medina was sitting at her verandah drinking some coffee when she observed a short 1.20 meter tall humanoid approach her. The humanoid wore a silvery coverall, and blue boots. His head was bald and he had large black eyes. The humanoid attempted to communicate emitting strange sounds, which Maria was not able to understand. The humanoid then turned around and walked into some nearby woods. Soon she saw a bright light rise from the woods and shot up into the space

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 25-Passo Fundo, RS-December-17-1999 - late - dwarfs ets Roberto Gomes Misson reported to the local police that he had encountered 2 short 1-meter tall humanoids on a road next to his house standing next to a


  • huge hovering disc shaped object. The object was about 15 meters in width and emitted red, blue, and orange lights. The police reportedly found ground traces. (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 26-Sobral, Ceara, December-19- 1999 - late Paulo Cesar was riding his horse through his farm when he noticed that the animal began acting strange, as if scared of something. Looking towards a nearby lake he saw a large round object on the ground next to the water. Close to the object stood four humanoid figures about 1.50 meters in height. One of the figures appeared to be the leader since it was pointing and apparently telling the other 3 what to do. Cesar yelled at the figures that seemed startled and entered through an opening that suddenly appeared on the object. The object began spinning rapidly and shot up into the air quickly disappearing from sight.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 27-Rio Rio Branco-Near Acre-December-20-1999 - night 12-year old Joselino Moraes was fishing on the shores of the Amazon River when a bright light suddenly blinded him. After it dimmed he was able to see a huge circular object hovering over the river. Behind some small windows, he was able to see several moving shapes or figures. Moments later the object rose and disappeared from sight. The witness was in a stupor for the next several days.

    (Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET) 1998-14 1-Boracia - January 1998 - 1:00 h - giant et After seeing a strange illuminated object hovering over a field, two of the witnesses armed with a flashlight and a gun went to the field to investigate. On their way there two pet dogs joined them. The dogs began barking towards the direction of the water and the witness shone the flashlight in that direction. The light illuminated a strange creature about 2 meters tall. The creatures head was oval shaped. Its arms were curved and reached all the way down to the knees; it had long legs and had a small nose. The witnesses heard a sort of murmur-type sound coming from the creature. Around


  • the tall creature there were several smaller similar looking ones that emitted incomprehensible sounds. At this point the tall creature began moving in the direction of the witness, who terrified fired a shot at the creature that suddenly vanished in plain sight, apparently along with the other smaller creatures.

    (Osmar de Freitas,GEONI} 2-Barreiras de Jacuruna, Bahia - January 1998 - night - Paralyzed The witness was lying in his bed fully awake, when he suddenly became totally unable to open his eyes or to move, and felt the presence of somebody in the room. And then he felt a sensation of something touching his head, and he felt what seemed to be a needle entering the rear part of his cranium, just behind one ear. Then slowly he felt the instruments following a precise trajectory inside his head and descending until it reached the dental arch. He never felt any pain. Shortly afterwards he felt the needle being withdrawn. Soon he was able to open his eyes and move his body again. Two nights later, glancing out of a window, the witness saw a gray figure which was walking away past the house and which was watching him as it went. The following night another witness was sitting on her bed attending to her 2-month-old baby, when she too felt the presence of someone behind her. At first she thought it was her husband but to her horror, she perceived two long whitish hands extended towards the infant. Terrified she shouted at her husband, who came at once. And then both of them saw something like a faint, indistinct, light colored stain moving away towards the door.

    (Alberto Romero) 3-Sorocaba-SP - February,1998-night - giant et Celio Lima Batista was on his way home late one night and was walking along a desolate field, when he noticed some lights and figures behind him. Thinking he was going to be robbed he turned around to face his followers and was confronted by a huge, 2-meter tall figure, with large fiery eyes, a huge head, and pincer like hands. He lunged at the creature and took several swings at it, but they all seemed to miss. Tired he stepped back stunned. Suddenly the huge creature lunged at him, beating him senseless. He was later found


  • unconscious and was taken to a nearby hospital where several large bruises were found on his back and was treated for a wound on one of his fingers. (Marco Antonio Reynoso, F.COSMOS) 4Aurora- Ceara April-27-1998-20:00 h The main witness, Ursulina and her husband were in bed sleeping when they heard a noise resembling that of someone attempting to open the door in the rear of the house. The cat was also acting very agitated. Her husband, Francisco, went to investigate while Ursulina remained behind in bed praying. Soon she heard a sound resembling a radio being tuned and then a bright blue light invaded the room. Looking towards the door of the bedroom she saw a strange creature standing there. She described the entity as being about 1.50 meters in height, with a huge head not in proportion to the rest of the body, wide shoulders, and very thin waist, long dangling arms. It had huge black eyes, a small lipless mouth; it was also hairless and had little bumps where the nose should have been. She described the clothing as a brown tight-fitting coverall, with belts and boots. The entity stared intently at Ursulina. Despite her terror she managed to ask the entity what it wanted. She heard an unintelligible reply and then screamed for her husband. At that same instant the creature ran out the door and disappeared down the corridor. Her husband apparently was able to see the figure run from the bedroom. (Painel OVNI)5-Juruaia, July-,1998 -22:45 h Local rancher, J. S. C. had been noticing that some of his hogs were turning up missing. One night as he stood watch he heard sounds coming from behind the bush and a bright yellow light came shining through. Thinking that it was a tractor he went to investigate. There a disc shaped object on the ground confronted him. Next to the craft he saw a small humanoid that appeared to be collecting vegetation from the ground and putting it inside a luminous blue sphere. The witness hid behind a tree and observed the scene. The small humanoid had a huge head in comparison to the rest of its body, a dark thin body, and long thin arms with three fingered hands. The craft was disc shaped and emitted a


  • strong heat wave. Suddenly a bright beam of blue light shone on the witness temporarily blinding him. After about six minutes he was able to see again but the figure and the object were now gone. (Revista Brasileira de Ufologia) 6-Near Massape, Cear-August-12-,1998- robots Five local youths reported seeing a huge object land near the Mondubim lagoon. Three humanoids resembling robots exited the object and proceeded to collect shrubs and rocks. The youths fled the area and notified some nearby military units, however they failed to locate anything. Later one, one of the witnesses Joao Lira decided to return to the scene and saw the same object on the ground. As he approached it, he suddenly felt dizzy and passed out. He was found 3 hours later next to the lagoon, shirtless, sweating and with partial amnesia.

    (Revista Brasileira de Ufologia) 7-Praia do Francs- Alagoas, CE-September -1998 Several locals observed a strange creature that was coming in from the sea. As the witnesses approached, the creature ran towards a nearby wood, 400 meters away, taking tremendous strides. Soon after, from the same wood a beam of light was directed to the sky then disappeared (Revista Brasileira de Ufologia) 8-Baldim, October-1998 Leandro of Silva and two friends were at a cave and, all of a sudden, they saw an ugly creature, of a man's size. The creature ran and it pretended to have antennas.

    (CAUS) 9-Paraba, December-1998 - 3:00 h. - dwarfs ets An employee at a local water plant was sleeping in his car apparently waiting for the plant to open when he suddenly woke up to see 10 to 12 short gray colored figures congregating around the car. The figures were between 1.0 to 1.2 m in height and were conversing among themselves in a strange sibilant language that the witness was unable to understand. Suddenly out of nowhere an oval shaped object descended over the figures and emitted a beam of light,


  • which lifted all the figures up into the craft. The craft then disappeared at high speed. (CPBUFO)10- Gamboa da Bica, Bahia- April -20 -1998 1930h At least 20 witnesses watched a UFO on the ground less than 50 meters from the River Jacuruna. At first it was nothing but a weak light, it began to grow in size and then when about 60cm in diameter it began shooting out colored beams of light in different directions. A few minutes later a second light appeared, much larger and fluorescent than the first one, there appeared to be small colored images floating around its vicinity. Seconds later some of the witnesses noticed a humanoid figure about 1.80m in height standing close to the lights and at the riverside. One of the witnesses attempted to approach the location and ran away terrified as additional figures now appeared next to the first one by the rivers edge. The figures approached the witness followed by the hovering colored balls of light. The lights then flew to the other side of the river and shone circular beams of light on the surface of the river as if searching for something. Moments later the larger light dimmed taking the form of a luminous tube, it then disappeared, and the other light also disappeared at this point. (Alberto Romero-Portal UFO-Genesis)11-Near Ponta Grossa, Parana, July-1998-afternoon Two explorers reported entering a tunnel in an isolated area and spending five days in a subterranean city of more or less 50 inhabitants. During the tour the men were provided with fruits grown hydroponically underground. The men also claimed to have entered another tunnel in Rincano and discovered a staircase underground leading to four different levels. In another case a mountain guide in nearby Joinville said that many times luminous flying discs have been seen around the opening of the tunnel and that he had heard a chorus of men and women singing underground near the tunnel entrance. Then he encountered a group of subterraneans who were standing near the tunnel. They were white with red beards and long hair, very muscular. As he approached them they fled. Another explorer claims he encountered a beautiful young woman in a tunnel who did not appeared more than 20-years old.


  • She spoke to him Portuguese and said she was more than 2,500 years old. Another man encountered a similar tunnel in the Serra do Mar mountains, and sampled a mysterious fruit from an orchid. He also saw several subterraneans talking to each other in high-pitched voices in an unknown language.2-Brasilia,-September 1998-evening- The main witness was flying in a plane with his wife and mother in law to a place called Alto Paraiso. As the plane was gathering speed to take off, he noticed a small flying saucer off the left wing, it was very light blue in color and about two meters in diameter. The witness claims that he did not see this through the window, but via his inner clairvoyant vision. It held steady, glued a few meters off the wing. The witness promptly let it out of his attention. He spotted it again ten minutes later, but this time it was in the aisle of the plane about three meters in front of him. He nudged his wife and mother in law and started to point vaguely at the craft, but before he could say anything they both acknowledge the presence of the craft. Three little beings about a half-meter tall came out of the craft and wandered around the plane and then about 20 minutes later the mother ship came in and the whole plane was embedded inside of it, perfectly locked on. The plane then became awash with the little beings, doing different things with different people. One stood on the witness lap and placed a very high technology energy jacket around his upper body and then made adjustments to it. During the last 20 minutes of the flight the witness head dropped and he went into a very deep inner space, conscious but totally in the void. He came out of this as the plane started to land. Later the witness learned that in an area around Alto Paraiso there was an alien base composed of three small domed buildings, one for living, one for working and one for storage. (Soul Healer, Et and Star Being encounters in the Highlands of Brazil)13-Serra do Espinhao, Baldim, Minas Gerais - October 01 1998- 07:00A Spelunker Leandro da Silva and two friends from the city of Sete Lagoas were exploring a cavern and had penetrated deep within the chasm when


  • one of the men, Marcelo Uchoa spotted a strange ugly creature the size of a man, frightened, Marcelo screamed, Leandro looked and also saw the creature and also screamed. The screams apparently frightened the creature that ran even deeper within the cavern disappearing in a crevice on the wall. At that moment Leandro was able to take two photographs with his digital flash-less camera. According to Ufologist Lydia Ribeiro, the creature was similar to the Chupacabra which was widely reported in Brazil during that that year in the sate of Sao Paolo. On October 13 another Ufologist Vittorio Paccacini and visited the cave accompanied by the witnesses and two other men. 110 meters within the cave the men began to hear strange sounds coming from somewhere below them which they could not identify, it sounded like something dragging itself on the ground. By now thoroughly spooked Leandro screamed and dropped the lantern screaming that something was coming towards them. The panicked men ran out the cave, Paccacini armed with a gun covered their exit. The men cancelled a third expedition when none of them felt comfortablegoingintothecave. . de Janeiro, November 1998- night The witness was laying down alone in his bed (he was staying with his parents in their villa), he always kept the light on, since he did not sleep in the dark. There was then a light in the bathroom and the door was open. But he did not remember leaving the door open. He looked towards the bathroom and thought My God, what happened? The door is opened. I did not leave it open. Strange. And then he blinked his eyes. After he blinked he opened his eyes again, he was standing beside his bed. The room seemed much larger, as if it stretched. He then looked around and saw two beings beside him. They were tall, much taller than he was. They were dressed in a strange glowing jumpsuit. They were two men with red hair, they then hold his hands and he freezes. He then hears a message inside his head, Dont worry. We are going to do something and you will relax. This is for your good. Then he started to move, leaning forward, but floating. He was now floating with his face towards the floor. He could see their


  • legs, and then they said, We are going to put something in you, then we are going to make you sleep now because it is going to hurt a little bit. And then he blacked out and woke up the next day with a little pain in his back. He could not sleep for the next month. (

    1997-22 1-Bragana Paulista-SP-1997-night In a forest some children saw something different from a human being with dark hair. 2-Brotas, SP, 1997 - night While investigating a peculiar mutilation of a sheep, which was found with some holes in the skull and completely drained of blood, local military police heard some peculiar noises coming from a field near the farmer's house. While conducting a search of the area one officer reported seeing a tall dark humanoid shape in a sugar cane field. He called for assistance. Later while searching the area the officers found a strange greenish liquid on the ground among the stalks. Strange unmarked helicopters were also seen in the same area the next morning. (At the site of a goat mutilation in Miami, in 1996, which I went to, a greenish ooze came out of the round holes around the dead animal's neck, there was no blood present, AR).

    (Joo Pereira Torres) 3-Trevo do Atuva - April 1997-1:30 h. Carlos Freitas was driving his tow truck near this city when he spotted a strange humanoid that appeared to be eating the carcass of a dog on the side of the road. He described the creature as about 1.20meters in height, covered in black hair, a large head, and large reddish eyes. It had long dangling arms ending in three claws. When the creature noticed the vehicle's headlights in ran into the thick brush and vanished. (Carlos Alberto Machado-CIPEX) 4-Praia do Leste, Paran - April,1997 - night - Fainting - green skin The main witness was in a field with some family members playing cards when an object shaped like a bus appeared overhead. The craft was silent and well lit. Soon the witness and her family heard


  • a very strong buzzing sound from an indirect source. The main witness felt compelled to follow the object to an unknown empty field nearby. The object then landed in front of her. Three strange beings exited the craft. These were described as having large red deep-set eyes, heads disproportionately large for their bodies. Their skin appeared to be wrinkled and greenish in color. One of the humanoids communicated telepathically with her telling her: "You are not happy here, leave this place. We will take you with us!" In a panic she attempted to fight off the humanoids and lost consciousness. The next morning she was found wandering the fields, disoriented and confused. Five strange bruises were found next to her right eye (Jackson Camargo, GEPUC) 5-Itupeva, April-26-1997-night - dwarfs ets A bright disc shaped craft was seen landing on a field. Four short humanoid figures exited the craft and walked around the craft briefly, then re-entered the craft, which took off at high speed. A round circular burned area was found on the ground. (Jackson Camargo,GEPUC) 6-So Paulo, SP- April-27-1997 - 23.50 h Manicurist Maria Vega was returning home from her sister's house. As she crossed an empty field to reach her house, she ran into a "horrible monster" described as an enormous, swift moving ape that went on all fours and had large red eyes. Despite of its simian appearance, Maria likened it to a colossal dog that reeked of carrion. It towered over the woman when it stood before her on two legs. Apparent confirmation to Maria's sighting came from Irene Rodrigues do Mata, who would also describe the entity as a giant dog. A local night watchman, Luis Carlos, claimed having seen the aberration five times during the same night. He claimed that the creature had killed two cows. Dead dogs had also been found in the area.

    (Carlos Alberto Machado, CIPEX) 7-Olhos Dgua May-1997-15:00 h - red eyes A local inhabitant was collecting fruit at the plantation when he spotted a short strange hairy creature with large red eyes running among some small trees, it moved in quick bounding motions not unlike


  • those of a kangaroo. The witness ran in its direction but it was already gone by the time he reached the area. . (Carlos Alberto Machado-CIPEX) 8-Campinas, SP- May 1997 - night During a spate of bizarre animal mutilations in the area a woman in a rural area reported seeing a six-foot six-inch tall creature, very thin, with small forearms and long claws and of a dark gray color.. . (UFO Roundup Vol.2) 9-Mairinque, So Roque, May,1997, night A lone witness reported seeing a strange creature described as covered with dark hair, the size of a normal human being, similar to a kangaroo but heavier. Its forearms were short as compared to the longer and thicker legs in which it walked. It had five clawed digits on each leg. Several long fang-like teeth protruded from its mouth. The creature made a five to six meter long jump and disappeared into the rain forest.

    (Ramn Navia, "La Verdad Hides") 10-Campina Grande do Sul, May 04, 1997 - late It was reported that police, military personnel, and American scientists had captured a strange creature using fishing net. The creature was placed in a metal cage, but attempted to escape by moving rapidly back & forth inside of it. It was shot at with several tranquilizer bullets without any apparent effect. A police sniper then shot the creature dead. The scientists present placed the creature in a special box, which was sealed hermetically; it was later placed in a refrigerated truck, which then drove on the nearby city of Londrina. The creature was described. bipedal, about 1.70 meters in height, large protruding reddish eyes. It had pointed ears, which slanted upwards, a flat nose, a small mouth with two protruding canines or fangs. It had what appeared to be "scales" on its sides and a greenish crest that started on the head and ended in the tailbone area. It had three sharp claw pointed forwards in the feet area, and one small one pointed backwards. In the hands it had three very sharp claws. (Carlos Alberto Machado-CIPEX) 11-So Paulo-SP- May-17-1997-night A man named Anisio Cacheta encountered a huge simian-canine combination like


  • creature that was apparently followed by a horde of normal appearing dogs (!). It had more of a simian appearance and had spine-like formations running down the length of its body (Carlos Alberto Machado, CIPEX) 12-Bairro Alvorada, May-20-1997 - 18.30 h. Jerry Vislau was rounding up some cattle when one of the animals got loose and ran to the fields. He chased the animal, which abruptly stopped next to a tree. As he approached the cow a large hairy animal suddenly jumped in front of him from a nearby tree. At first he thought it could have been a monkey, but on closer scrutiny he noticed that the creature was about 2 meters in height and completely covered with dark hair. He could not see its facial features to clearly but did notice two large white fangs and black slanted eyes. It appeared to be very strong and it had long black sharp nails on its hands. The witness became a little bit concerned as he noticed that the creature was moving its hands (claws) and making a strange "trac trac" noise. He ran back home and along with his wife decided to go into town and report what he had seen. They soon heard a soon similar to a loud bark and looking behind them noticed that the creature was quickly approaching them. The creature stopped and left as the witnesses approached a lighted area near the town. (Carlos Alberto Machado-CIPEX) 13-Cubato, June-1997 - 21:00 h. During a dance at a local club, security guard Rogerio Lascoski noticed a figure that suddenly appeared in the dance floor (no one saw the stranger come in). The figure moved in bizarre synchronized movements in the middle of the dance floor. It was described as very a very thin humanoid and appeared to be dragging its feet when it moved. As Rogerio approached the figure he noticed that it wore a beige colored outfit that seemed to wrap around its body. It resembled a very dark woman, about 1.5 meters in height, large dark eyes, with no whites and a small nose. Thinking that it was some type of vagrant Rogerio threatened to call the police but the stranger ignored him. The visitor then walked out followed by the witness that heard a phrase in his mind to the effect of "I come from


  • God." The figure then walked to a nearby curve at the end of the street and was joined by two more similar figures. They stood one on each side of the first one then walked into the darkness again using strange synchronized movements. At the club, a lot of those present expressed their concern and disbelief as to the strange visitor. Incredibly some of those present did not see the figure at all.

    (Revista Brasileira de Ufologia) 14-Irati, July-04-1997-night-red eyes Jaime Flores & Lauri Alves both employees for a local communications company were repairing a micro ditch on the side of the road when they noticed a strange bipedal creature staring at them from some nearby woods. The creature had large reddish eyes, and long arms that ended in sharp claws. As both men stared back at the creature they felt strangely attracted to it. And if not because they also felt scared they would have gone over to where the creature was.

    (Carlos Alberto Machado-CIPEX) 15-Bocaiva do Sul August-03-1997-night - red eyes Edsom da Silva heard some shots coming from a nearby wooded area and ran over to investigate. Hiding behind a tree and carrying a bright lantern he pointed the light at a nearby "form" on the ground. He saw it was a strange creature with two huge reddish eyes, and a bizarre crest on its back. Frightened he ran from the area and did not see the creature depart. (Carlos Alberto Machado-CIPEX) 16 Monte Alto, August-07-1997 - 3:00 h. - giant et Upon hearing his dog barking the witness looked out the kitchen window from where he observed a 2-meter tall creature completely covered in black hair. The creature stood about 3 meters from the window. It was struggling with the dogs and was trying to push them away. A few minutes later it turned around and headed to some nearby trees. The witness noticed that as it moved it seemed to do so in a slow "wobbly" fashion almost as if intoxicated. The witness found strange prints on the ground. (Carlos Alberto Machado-CIPEX) 17-Serra do Mar-August-17-1997-night


  • Night watchman, Miguel Goncalves was looking after construction equipment at a work site, when he was startled by the sudden appearance of a ghostly female figure with long dark hair and skin standing about 10 meters away. The figure was about 1.65m in height, with a small round face, long black hair and wearing a loose fitting brown outfit that was tight-fitting around her waist. The guard challenged her and then asked where she came from; the woman simply pointed at the full moon and slowly faded away. (Scott Corrales) 18-Rancho Alegre, Minas Gerais, September-22-1997 - 15:00 h On September 20 caretaker of the ranch, Jose Rodrigues Correa found that there were 17 missing chickens from the henhouse and also found the body of one of the chickens with a small hole in its throat. The next evening he heard noises coming from the henhouse. Armed with a revolver he went to investigate and caught a glimpse of an obscure shape that seemed to be on two legs, and about 1.3 meters in height. When about 10 ft from it he fired at shot at it. It fell heavily to the ground and he heard it rolling away over the dead leaves.

    (CICOANI-Hulvio Brant Aleixo) 19-So Jos dos Pinhais, October-02-.1997-night The observer saw a stranger creature of one meter of stature, dark hair and jumping as kangaroo.

    (Carlos Alberto Machado-CIPEX) 20-Cludio, Minas Gerais-November 15-1997-2:00 h After finding several of his farm fowl dead under bizarre circumstances, apparently killed by an unknown predator, sometimes completely drained of blood, farmer Romeu Takeda, 54, was standing guard near the henhouse when he spotted a strange hairy figure approximately 1.50 meters in height, that suddenly rose from the ground about three meters away. It had his hairy arms outstretched. Frightened Takeda shot at it with a 28-caliber gun apparently striking it on the stomach area. The entity did not fall or cry out but it staggered to a nearby river about 70 meters away, without running but walking slowly. He described the creature as being covered with short dark brown hair with large round


  • yellow eyes. He did not find. any trace of blood or hair on the ground.

    (Revista Brasileira de Ufologia) 21-Riacho de Jacuipe-BA -December-16-1997 - night A witness saw on a nearby field a bright light that suddenly increased in size as it approached. Using a pair of binoculars the witness saw a humanoid silhouette within the light. Without any features, it was silvery metallic in appearance and emitted an orange beam of light. Everything suddenly disappeared. (Alberto Romero) 22-Jardim Brazil-July-4-1997-night- Rogerio Roche Grance, a 22 year old forester was attacked by a large, foul smelling creature, "with big hairs scattered all over its body," while walking along an unlit stretch of road. Grance was treated at a hospital for wounds to his left arm caused by the creature's claws. Reportedly the Brazilian Army asked that anybody who had been attacked should first present themselves at army barracks before giving any interviews to the media. (Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure) 1996 - 27 1-Praia de Caraguatatuba- Near Flexeiras-June-31.1996 - 00:15 h - Paralyzed Csar Miglioranza and his wife saw a light to land at the beach. He was paralyzed by beings dressing silver clothes, helmets and with great arms, 1,20 meters of stature. After the two beings that picked something of the ground talk amongst themselves, they entered in the ufo and they left. (Victor Loureno)2-Tijucas-1996-19:00 h Driving late at night on Route BR-101 near a local bridge, Maria Marlene Carvalho, 27, saw a light in the distance and felt the car suddenly being pulled towards it. The vehicle began to shake, and she lost total control of it as the car slowed to a crawl. Marlene suddenly found herself in a wooded hill surrounded by trees. A tall dark skinned humanoid figure suddenly appeared in front of her. In a deep grave voice the creature introduced itself as "Dakon." The tall humanoid


  • had large green glowing eyes. She seemed to black out and her next recollection was of walking into a police station near the capital. Police later searched the area but were unable to find anything. (Dirio Catarinense) 3-Americana, SP-December 1996 - night Investigators Alexandre Tomaz and Jefferson Gazano and others were checking a sugarcane field when they encountered a creature about 1.70m in height, heavy set and completely covered with hair. The creature stood very close to the witnesses, less than 10 meters. Terrified the men fled to their car and left the area. (Ramn Navia, "La Verdad Hides) 4 -Gota Dgua - Paraba-1996

    A contacted saw an ufo and an et. (UFO Roundup Vol. 1) 5-Varginha-MG-January-20-.1996 nude et and 3 pits in the head, captured.

    On January 20, 1996, the city of Varginha, in the South of Minas Gerais, passed to be known in international extent. Dr. Ubirajara Rodrigues, renowned ufo researcher, started to investigate a contact of third degree that it happened there. Three girls, Liliane, Ktia and Valquria saw an et in the place, called Andere Garden. He was a bald being, with exposed veins in the arms, chest and face, of brown skin, covered with an oiliness, three pits in the head as if they were horns, of big and red eyes and it seemed to be nude. Et was stooping, leaned to a wall, as that panicky with the girls' presence. They escaped from the place and they counted their family that they saw. Later, they appeared news that et had been captured by the fire brigade and taken to a hospital of Varginha. Therefore other researchers appeared, that joined to Ubirajara in the researches. It is soon, it was formed a commission researching the contact, that it was published thoroughly by the press, spoken writing and televised of Brazil and in the exterior. And several information appeared, as the that the army would already have taken captured et.. And that another et would have been diffuse on that day, in another place of the city. The investigations still continue


  • and new news can appear in the future, regarding that incredible contact..

    (Dr.Ubirajara Franco.Rodrigues)6-Jardim Andere, Varginha, -January-20-1996, 8:00 h Hildo Lcio Galindo opened his bathroom and he saw a creature with skin dark. He had big hands and long fingers and he ran, when the observer saw him. He didn't have hair and it was cogitated that he was captured by the police.

    (Dr.Ubirajara Franco. Rodrigues) 7-Alfenas-MG-January-23-1996 - In the rural area of the municipal district of Alfenas-MG, Antonio Cndido de Moraes, saw a hairy et, big eyes, without mouth and nose.

    (Dr.Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues) A similar et was seen in Venezuela-Caracas, in 28.11.1954, of 1,0 meter of height, brilliant eyes and with claws in the hands. Another contact happened in Leward-France-1954. It is also spoken in Sasquatch, Big Foot, the Werewolf and other hairy beings created by the folklore of many countries, that has narrows connection with ets covered with for the. 8-So Roque da Fartura-SP march-04-1996 The youths Charlene and Juliana saw an et like a human, high stature, dressing red clothes, type tunic. His skin was of red color, big and black eyes and he had dark hair, mysteriously the being disappeared. Later, Mr. Antonio appeared there and, again, it appeared being strange, accompanied of more seven, similar to him. In that instant, it ignited a very strong light in the place, that it gave them the impression that they appeared of it. All of them floated to 0,50 centimeters of the ground and they were the about eight meters of those contacted. They were seen by five seconds, but the light they absorbed them and they disappeared.. (CEPEX) 9-Terezinha Gallo Clepf - Varginha - MG-April-21-1996 9:00 pm-red eyes D. Therezinha Gallo Clepf, sighted a stranger creature in the restaurant Paiquer, in the Forest Botanical Zoo of Varginha. She saw a being that used a gold helmet, of oily skin, of dark and brilliant brown color, round face, red eyes, without cheeks, beard,


  • mustaches or nose and there was just a cut in the place of the lips.Some days later of that contact some dead animals were found at the zoo, without explanations for such deaths. (Dr..Ubirajara F.Rodrigues-Edson Boaventura) 10-Belm-April-17-1996-1:00 h - Kidnapping Alfredo of Oliveira Mendes saw an ufo land close to a church. On hypnosis he counted that he was abducted for eight beings, silver dresses, and great eyes. They had an emblem as a pyramid in the clothes. A burned circle was found in the gram.

    (UFO) 11-Passos, Minas Gerais, May -1996 - 23:00 h Luciano dos Reis went back home and he saw among them hoist a horrible creature, coming in his direction. It seemed a man/wolf, with long arms and short legs and him ran of there.

    (Newspaper of Varginha) 12-Mata do Buraquinho, Minas Gerais - May.06-1996 Marcelo Barbosa and his wife Vaudeline were in the window of their house and saw blue and yellow lights. He decided to investigate and he saw a luminous ufo, of 8,0 meters of width, with a light in the high. The object had brilliant windows and he saw some beings moving inside of him. The object landed and everything was dark. L