Ethical Bionics

Is the Study of Bionics and Biomimetics Ethical Some people would ask is the study of bionics and biomimetics ethical. This is a question that is being asked as bionics becomes a part of our daily ives. The advancement in technology has led to greater opportunities to study biomimetics. The free dictionary gives the definition of bionics as “the use of a system or design found in nature, such as the ability of plants to store solar energy or the aerodynamic design of bird wings, as a model for designing machines and other artificial systems”. The website also states that biomimetics is “the study of the structure and function of biological systems as models for the design and engineering of materials and machines”. Without these two sciences many technologies that we have now would not be present. Therefore, I believe that the study of bionics and biomimetics is an ethical practice. A main reason that I would say that it is an ethical study is because bionics has and will continue to help us.

Transcript of Ethical Bionics

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Is the Study of Bionics and Biomimet-

ics Ethical

Some people would ask is the study of bionics and biomimetics ethical. This is a

question that is being asked as bionics becomes a part of our daily ives. The advancement in

technology has led to greater opportunities to study biomimetics. The free dictionary gives

the definition of bionics as “the use of a system or design found in nature, such as the ability

of plants to store solar energy or the aerodynamic design of bird wings, as a model for de-

signing machines and other artificial systems”. The website also states that biomimetics is

“the study of the structure and function of biological systems as models for the design and

engineering of materials and machines”. Without these two sciences many technologies

that we have now would not be present. Therefore, I believe that the study of bionics and

biomimetics is an ethical practice.

A main reason that I would say that it is an ethical study is because bionics has and

will continue to help us. There are innumerable cases where people would not be able to

function without the knowledge gained from bionics. An example of this is the invention of

prosthetics. People who use prosthetics would not be able to go about their normal lives

without such technological advances. Prosthetics can mimic the human arm, leg, eye and

others essential body parts. Scientists have invented arms that when connected to certain

muscles, will respond to commands given by the user. Soon, engineers hope to create pros-

thetics that will connect to the brain of a patient so when said patient thinks to move his or

her arm, the prosthetic arm moves as well. Advances like this support my opinion that the

study of bionics and biomimetics is ethical. Their usage is positive; to help make the lives

of the disabled more normal. Companies are coming out with organs that replace ones that

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have been damaged, and these artificial organs are what will allow those people survive.

Many people have died due to a lack of transplant organs available. These countless lives

could have been saved if the useless organs were replaced by bionic ones. Some might say

that those with failing organs should die because of natural selection; getting rid of the weak

to make room for the strong, but I think that every person should have the chance to live their

lives if given the opportunity.

Another major example of how the study of bionics and biomimetics has helped im-

prove our world is by looking at how we travel. Without contemplating about nature, soci-

ety would have never been able to think about human aviation, much less make it possible.

Man has always wanted to fly like the birds, and by watching and studying them we have.

Just take a look at the multiple types of airplanes that we have nowadays. Helicopters are

also taken from nature, based off maple seeds that spin so they can move away from the

source. By watching these seeds fall to the ground, early inventors saw how they would be

able to integrate the design into an aircraft with a vertical liftoff.

Taking the chance to learn from this world is what living is all about. This is another

reason why bionics and biomimetics is ethical. Most of the products that we use everyday

were modeled from nature. One of the most interesting is the way architects take the design

of termite mounds and integrate it into buildings. Doing this keeps these buildings at a more

constant temperature, resulting in less use of fossil fuels and electricity to heat or cool down

the inside. Solar panels that are shaped like trees are a great example of the application of

biomimetics. Not only are these more aesthetically pleasing than normal solar panels, in

theory they work better. Trees, which have been around for thousands of years, have al-

ready evolved so that they can maximize the sunlight that they collect and by mimicking

them we can also maximize the collection of energy. In doing this we would in fact be max-

imizing the way that we use the resources given to us.

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The military would not be the same without bionics and biomimetics. As we learned

in class, companies are designing suits for the military that allow foot soldiers to be able to

carry larger loads for longer distances. Animal defense mechanisms have also been an un-

derlying framework for modern military armor. Interlocking plates that overlap and are

flexible like an animals’ scales can be the most effective apparatus for stopping a bullet or

shrapnel. An example of this would be Dragon Skin armor made by Pinnacle Armor which

has been designed with disks that overlap on another. The primary use of Dragon Skin is for

the military and law enforcement.

Some people might say that the study of bionics and biomimetics is unethical to inte-

grate into humans. I would ask them to, for a moment, take a trip in somebody’s shoes who

has either lost a limb or is in need of a heart. If their only option for survival was to have an

artificial organ, would the choose this or death. Would you rather die than get an artificial

lung? Would you want to be stuck in a wheelchair when you have the option to walk again?

With bionics and biomimetics you would not need to live without full function of your body.

Bionics and biomimetics have improved our world in many ways. Without these we

would not have half of the technological advances that we have at this point in time. So, I

would have to side with the opinion that bionics and biomimetics is ethical and should be

continued in the future to create, study, and further the improvements of our lives.