EOC Review Book 2 Answer Key -...

EOC Review Book 2 Goals Percent on EOC Goal 7 The Progressive Movement in the United States (1890-1914) - The learner will analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive Period. 8% Goal 8 – The Great War and Its Aftermath (1914-1930) – The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War I and the war’s influence on international affairs during the 1920’s. 5% Goal 9 Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939) - The learner will appraise the economic, social, and political changes of the decades of "The Twenties" and "The Thirties." 10% Goal 10 World War II and the Beginning of the Cold War (1930s-1963) - The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War II and the war's influence on international affairs in following decades. 11% Goal 11 Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) - The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period. 11% Goal 12 The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) - The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period. 8% I made a FOUR on the EOC! No more guided readings or terms!

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EOC Review Book 2

Goals Percent

on EOC Goal 7 The Progressive Movement in the United States (1890-1914) - The learner will analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive Period.


Goal 8 – The Great War and Its Aftermath (1914-1930) – The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War I and the war’s influence on international affairs during the 1920’s.


Goal 9 Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939) - The learner will appraise the economic, social, and political changes of the decades of "The Twenties" and "The Thirties."


Goal 10 World War II and the Beginning of the Cold War (1930s-1963) - The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War II and the war's influence on international affairs in following decades.


Goal 11 Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) - The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.


Goal 12 The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) - The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period.


I made a FOUR on the EOC! No more guided readings or terms!

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Goal 7 Direction: Write the letter in the blank space provided. A. muckrakers

B. Social Gospel

C. literacy tests, poll taxes

D. Plessy v. Ferguson

E. Upton Sinclair F. Jane Addams G. Ida Tarbell H. Jim Crow laws I. Clayton Anti-trust

J. Anthracite Coal Mine Strike

K. Jacob Riis L. Henry Ford

1. F. Jane Addams opened the Hull House which served as a center for poor immigrants could get help

2. G. Ida Tarbell revealed the abuses of the Standard Oil company

3. I. Clayton Anti-trust made strikes, peaceful picketing and boycotts legal 4. I. Clayton Anti-trust government stated certain monopolies could not be broken up 5. E. Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle, exposed the conditions of the meatpacking industry

6. A. muckrakers journalists that exposed corrupt side of business and social life in the early 1900s 7. C. literacy tests, poll taxes used to keep African Americans from voting

8. D. Plessy v. Ferguson separate but equal 9. J. Anthracite Coal Mine Strike Roosevelt threatened to call in troops, seen as having sided with strikers

rather than management

10. B. Social Gospel belief that Christian faith required them to take an active role in social issues of the day 11. K. Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Live, exposed harsh living conditions of immigrants

12. K. Jacob Riis used assembly lines to spend up production, which reduced the cost of owning an automobile Directions: Identify the Progressive Amendment by using the picture and description.

1. Women vote

_19___ Amendment

2. Senators elected by the people

_17____ Amendment

3. prohibition

__18___ Amendment

4. power to collect taxes

__16___ Amendment

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Goal 7 - Total Recall Time of reform and change in the late 1800s and early 1900s.


Name the three Progressive Presidents. TR, Taft, Wilson

What amendment provided a direct election of senators?


What amendment prohibited the distribution, consumption, and production of alcohol?


What amendment allowed the federal government to collect a graduated income tax?


What amendment granted women the right to vote? 19 (remember tsaw to help with the Progressive Amendments)

President Woodrow Wilson created this, which created federal banks to regulate currency and banking system.

Federal Reserve Act

This law was passed under President Woodrow Wilson which broke up trusts and allowed unions to operate.

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Upton Sinclair wrote this book. The Jungle This prompted the creation of the Pure Food and Drug Administration.

The Jungle

Ida Tarbell wrote this book. The History of Standard Oil Company These people wrote about corporate practices, slums, and government corruption during the Progressive Era.


He was known as the trust-buster. TR In this election, Woodrow Wilson-Democrat, Theodore Roosevelt – Progressive/Bull Moose, William H. Taft – Republican, and Eugene Debs – Socialists all ran to be president.

Election of 1912

Due to this political party, Wilson won the Election of 1912.

Bull Moose split Republican vote

Used the assembly line and paid his workers $5 a day. Henry Ford Supreme Court case ruling “separate, but equal.” Plessy v. Ferguson Said that African-Americans should get a vocational education and then white people would see them as equals.

Booker T. Washington

Said that African-Americans should get the best college education and demand immediate rights.

WEB DuBois

Term for when you cannot vote. Disenfranchised Ran Tammany Hall, but was arrested because people called for political reform.

Boss Tweed

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Goal 8 – World War I Directions: Circle the item that does not belong in the group. Name the chart. Name of Chart: Central Powers Name of Chart: Allies



United States

Why does that item not belong? Why does that item not belong? US was not in alliance with Central Powers Germany was in the Central Powers alliance Name of Chart: MANIA Name of Chart: Treaty of Versailles



Nationalism Neutrality



Fourteen Points Germany Victorious President Woodrow Wilson League of Nations Reparations War Guilt

Why does that item not belong? Why does that item not belong? Neutrality was not a cause of WWI Germany lost WWI, which is why it had to

accept the Treaty of Versailles terms


Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire

United States

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Goal 8 – Total Recall Building up a country’s military. Militarism

Creating pacts with other countries in case of attack. Alliances

Belief that your nation is superior to others. Nationalism

Building up an empire by taking over foreign nations. Imperialism

What happened to the heir to the Austro-Hungary Empire?


What are the main causes of World War I? MANIA

Germany sent this to get Mexico to get the US busy with a war so the US would not join WWI.

Zimmerman Note/Telegram

This was the German belief that all boats in the Atlantic Ocean must be fired upon.

Unrestricted u-boat activity

These are the two causes for the US entry into WWI. Unrestricted u-boat activity

Zimmerman Note/Telegram

When Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, it caused this to happen in Europe.

Spark of WWI

This is the spark that started WWI in Europe. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

This was President Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace after WWI.

14 Points

This was the treaty that ended WWI. Treaty of Versailles

US did not sign this because it included the League of Nations.

Treaty of Versailles

After WWI, the US returned to this foreign policy. Isolationism / Neutrality

Because of the Bolshevik Revolution, this started in the US.

1st Red Scare

This was a period of fear about the spreading of communism and socialism.

1st Red Scare

He led raids on suspected communists during the 1st Red Scare.

A. Mitchell Palmer

These guys were executed during the 1st Red Scare due to nativism and fear of communism.

Sacco and Vanzetti

This ruled that the federal government can restrict personal liberties if it “poses a clear and present danger to national security.”

Schenck v. US

These countries make up the “Big Four.” Britain, US, Italy, and France

This guy led the fight against the US signing the Treaty of Versailles.

Henry Cabot Lodge

US returned to this foreign policy after WWI. Isolationism / neutrality

What did “arsenal of defense” mean during WWI? US would provide weapons for Allies

How did the US mobilize for WWI? Draft, Committee on Public Information, and Food


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What was the Selective Service Act? Draft

Goal 9 – Presidential Review

President Warren G. Harding Famous quote – “return to _normalcy_”

• This means that the US should return to an isolationist foreign policy

and __laissez-faire___ economic policy

Famous scandal - ___Teapot Dome Scandal _

• Albert Fall, Secretary of Interior, took money from oil companies

Died in office, Vice President _Coolidge___ becomes the next President

President Calvin Coolidge Campaign slogan “__Keep Cool with Cal_____”

Opponents liked to say “____Do Nothing Cal_____”

Used the economic policy of ___Laissez-faire

President Herbert Hoover Campaign slogan “_Two cars in every garage”

Famous event – October 29, 1929 Stock Market Crash___

Believed in _____indirect relief_______ means help yourself out of the


Passed the ______Hawley-Smoot Tariff______, which caused a worldwide


Election of 1932 – lost it because of the mismanagement of the

_____Bonus Army____

President Franklin D. Roosevelt Used ___deficit___ spending to get the economy back

Promoted his __New Deal _______, which used deficit spending

Declared a ____Bank ____________ holiday to stop people from withdrawing

money so that the Stock Market would bounce back

The three R’s of the New Deal are ________________Relief_,

____________Reform_______, and ____________Recovery__

Use the _________Brain Trust_______ to help make decisions

Served more than two terms by running for a third term in the Election of

____1940___. Broke the two term tradition set by __Washington__

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Goal 9 – Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939) – TLW appraise the economic, social, and political changes of the decades of “The Twenties” and “The Thirties”

Directions: Match the terms with the statements below. A. Assembly Line B. A. Mitchell Palmer C. Harlem Renaissance D. Automobile Industry E. Isolationism F. New Deal G. 18th Amendment H. Sacco and Vanzetti Case I. Decline in Industry J. Stock Market Crash/Black Tuesday

K. Relief, Recovery, and Reform L. Henry Cabot Lodge

M. 19th Amendment N. Results of the New Deal O. Fundamentalism P. Five Power Naval Treaty Q. Rebirth of the KKK R. Laissez-Faire S. Bonus Army T. Emergency Quota Act and

National Origins Act U. Great Depression

1. This industry led to many other industries, which helped the economy. Examples on industries created are the tire and rubber, steel, gas/petroleum, and refining gas/petroleum industries. Tourism also increased and new roads were built to meet this need. Motels and gas stations sprang up along side the roads. D. Automobile Industry 2. Term used to describe when government was friendly towards big business by not regulating them, which encouraged these businesses to make new investments. Eventually, this will lead to a stock market crash. R. Laissez-Faire 3. Despite the prosperity, some industries did not flourish. These industries included coal, textile, and agriculture. There failure to thrive gave signs that the economy was not as healthy as people thought. What was this called? I. Decline in Industry 4. This event occurred on October 29, 1929. It led to the Great Depression. Industries shut down and people lost their entire savings. J. Stock Market Crash/Black Tuesday 5. During this event in American history many people lost jobs, soup kitchens, and breadlines came into existence. U. Great Depression 6. In July 1932, 20,000 veterans of WWI marched to Washington demanding the pay they had been promised. Hoover sent the military to disperse the protest, which was a mistake. The military used excessive force, which led to a decline in Hoover’s public image. Hoover lost the Election of 1932 thanks to this incident. S. Bonus Army 7. FDR’s plan to end the depression, by giving direct aid to the people. What was called? F. New Deal 8. The three steps of the New Deal plan are? K. Relief, Recovery, and Reform 9. As problems grew in Europe, people in America remained this not wanting to be dragged into another European conflict. E. Isolationism

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10. This expanded the power of the president and federal government. The federal government became involved in the lives of American citizens. It was the first time the federal government acted with a responsibility towards the people. N. Results of the New Deal 11. This man led the fight to reject the Treaty of Versailles because he felt that it was an alliance system. Americans did not want to take a chance of becoming involved in another European conflict. America did not sign the Treaty of Versailles, which causes the League of Nations to be weak. The failure of America not joining the League led to WWII. L. Henry Cabot Lodge 12. This amendment gave women the right to vote. President Wilson passed this as a thank you for women’s efforts in WWI. M. 19th Amendment 13. This treaty created a 10-year holiday on the construction of battleships. This reduction in armaments was suppose to stop countries from building up a massive army. P. Five Power Naval Treaty 14. Created by Wilson’s Attorney General because he was convinced there was a communist plot to overthrow the government. He ordered raids, conducted searches without warrants, and charged people without evidence. His policies will be repeated after WWII by Joseph McCarthy. B. A. Mitchell Palmer 15. Movement that created hostility towards all non-white people, especially African-Americans, Catholics, and Jewish people. Q. Rebirth of the KKK 16. This act restricted the number of immigrants allowed in the U.S. It was a nativist policy. T. Emergency Quota Act and National Origins Act 17. Event in which two Italian immigrants were executed for murder event though the evidence was not strong, but it did not matter because they were immigrants. This occurred during a period known as the Red Scare, in which Americans experienced a heighten sense of fear of communism. H. Sacco and Vanzetti Case 18. This amendment prohibited the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol. The Volstead Act enforced the amendment. G. 18th Amendment 19. Protestant religious movement that believed that the literal interpretation of the Bible was the only interpretation allowed. It led to the Scopes Trial where this thinking clashed with science. O. Fundamentalism 20. Event in which leading African-Americans talked of pride and self-confidence. These writers, artists, and musicians began to create work that celebrated the African-American culture. C. Harlem Renaissance 21. Invention used by Henry Ford which he used effectively for massive production of his Ford motorcars. This allowed industries to produce more goods, which allowed the price to be reduced so people could buy more products. This helped the economy and industries become strong and wealthy. A. Assembly Line

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Goal 9 - Total Recall This was the economic policy during the 1920s. Laissez faire

October 29, 1929 this occurred. Stock Market Crash

Presidents Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover believed

this was the best economic policy.

Laissez faire

Farmers were ________________ their farm goods. Overproducing

Buying stock on credit in hopes of making a quick


Buying on margin

Because of this, people brought all the new

technologies like radios and cars.

Easy credit

Causes for this was the speculation in the stock market

and buying on margin.

Stock Market Crash

This is the only president that broke the two-term



During the 1920s, businesses grew dramatically

because of this economic policy.

Laissez faire

This increased tariffs, which made the world increase

its tariffs causing a worldwide depression.

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave these to

encourage the nation to support the New Deal.

Fireside Chats

This scandal involved the leasing of government land

to oil companies.

Teapot Dome Scandal

This was the first crisis of President FDR’s term. Banking

This was created to watch the stock market and

prevent insider trading.

Securities and Exchange Commission

This was created to insure people’s bank accounts and

restore confidence in the banking system.

Federal Depositor’s Insurance Corporation

This was created to give a pension to retired people,

elderly, handicapped, widows, and orphans.

Social Security Act

This is the most lasting of the New Deal programs. Social Security Act

These women took advantage of voting, smoked, and

drank alcohol publicly.


This was an environmental disaster in the Midwest Dust Bowl

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caused by drought.

Americans built these during the Great Depression

because they hated President Hoover.


This caused crime to increase. 18th Amendment/Prohibition

Al Capone was also known as ? during


Gangster Bootlegger

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff was a ________ economic

theory, like Reaganomics in the 1980s.


The three R’s of the New Deal. Relief, reform, recovery

Period of arts and literature that celebrated African-

American culture.

Harlem Renaissance

Conflict between religion and science led to the

conviction of John Scopes.


Ruled unconstitutional because it paid farmers to

destroy their crops to stabilize/stop inflation of food


Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

Longest and most impactful New Deal program by

providing relief to the elderly, widowed, and orphans

with a government pension plan.

Social Security Act

Planted trees in the Dust Bowl area. Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)

Provided electricity to the Appalachian Mountains. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

FDR talked to the American people about the New

Deal through his _______________.

Fireside Chats

Belief in the literary interpretation of the Bible. Fundamentalism

Advocate for birth control. Margaret Sanger

Hoover helped businesses, which were suppose to hire

more people back to work, then the economy would


Indirect relief

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Goal 10 Draw a line from Column A to Column B

Column A Column B WWII

● Decisive US Naval victory over Japan ● Hitler’s lightening war ● Turning point of the European war, Soviets defeat Germans ● Ultimate weapon; causes Japanese surrender ● Creation of the United Nations ● Japanese bombed this US Naval base-Dec. 7th, 1941

● Yalta Conference ● Stalingrad ● atomic bomb ● Pearl Harbor ● Midway ● Blitzkrieg


● WWII vets return home ● Growth of suburbs ● Population shift to the Sunbelt ● Increased dependence on imported oil ● Medical advancements ● Increase in world trade

● inner-cities decline; growth of shopping centers, drive-in movies and support for federal highway funding ● search for new energy sources; Three Mile-island nuclear power plant accident ● GI Bill assists veterans with education, housing and small business loans; baby boom ● US manufacturing and manufacturing jobs decline ● Decrease in blue-collar workers; increased demand on sector jobs; higher education levels needed by workers ● Life expectancy increases; increased demand on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan

● The Truman Doctrine was ● The Marshall Plan was devised to ● Truman thought financial support to war torn Europe was essential ● US government sent $13 billion to Western Europe

● the US president’s response to the spread of communism ● “all free peoples” resisting “attempted subjugation” ● to help countries recover ● help them rebuild their economies and (not turn to Communism)

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Goal 10 – World War II (1930-1948) – TLW analyze the United States involvement in World War II and the war’s influence on international affairs in the following decades.

Goal 11 – Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) – TLW trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Directions: Write the letter of the correct term below the statement. A. Brinkmanship B. China C. Cold War D. Containment E. Détente F. Eisenhower Doctrine G. HUAC H. Iron Curtain I. McCarthyism J. Satellite nations K. United Nations 1. Indirect conflict between the US and the Soviet Union, which shaped US foreign policy in the 1950s and 1960s. C. Cold War 2. In a 1946 speech, Winston Churchill claimed that this had descended between communist and non-communist nations of Europe. H. Iron Curtain 3. In 1949, the Nationalist government of this country fled to Taiwan as the Communists, led by Mao Zedong, took over. B. China 4. This states that the US would defend nations in the Middle East against attack by any Communist country. F. Eisenhower Doctrine 5. This policy, proposed by Eisenhower’s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, was an attempt to keep peace by threatening any aggressor nation with massive retaliation. A. Brinkmanship 6. An international peacekeeping organization to which most nations in the world belong, founded in 1945 to promote world peace, security, and economic development. K. United Nations 7. This is the congressional committee that investigated Communist influence inside and outside the US government in the years following WWII. G. HUAC 8. Term that refers to the making of public accusations of disloyalty without sufficient evidence. This term comes from the actions of a Wisconsin senator in the early years of the Cold War. I. McCarthyism 9. A policy of negotiations to ease tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, adopted by President Richard Nixon. E. Détente 10. The blocking of another nation’s attempts to spread its influence, especially the efforts of the US to block the spread of Soviet influence during the late 1940s and early 1950s. D. Containment 11. A country that is dominated politically and economically by another nation. J. Satellite nations

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Goal 10 World War II – Total Recall What kind of government did Hitler and Mussolini

believe in?


Who was the leader of Germany from 1933 to 1945? Hitler

Who was the fascist leader of Italy during World War



Term – to sacrifice morals for peace Appeasement

An example of this was the Munich Peace Conference

in 1938.


Why did the US not enter WWII in 1939? Not directly threatened – neutral/isolated

When did WWII start for Europe? 1939

What was the purpose of the Lend-Lease Act? US give supplies to allies to stop Axis

What happened on December 7, 1941? Attack on Pearl Harbor

What effect did Pearl Harbor have on the US? US entered WWII

How did the US win in the Pacific? Island hopping

What was the turning point of WWII in Europe? Battle of Stalingrad

What was the turning point of WWII in the Pacific? Battle of Midway (remember midway to victory)

Name the countries that made up the Axis Powers. Japan, Italy, and Germany (dancing a jig for world


Name the countries that made up the Allies. US, Britain, France, and Soviet Union

Who were the Big Three? US led by FDR, Britain led by Winston Churchill, and

Soviet Union led by Stalin

What did the Manhattan Project create? Atomic bomb

What was the result of the Manhattan Project? Used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan

What symbol represented the female worker in the war


Rosie the Riveter

How did WWII end? Atomic bomb dropped on Japan

What happened to Japanese-Americans during WWII? Internment camps

What was the Supreme Court decision in Korematsu v.


Internment camps are legal; government can restrict

civil liberties in times of war to ensure national


Because African-American men fought in WWII,

President Truman decided to

Desegregate the military

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Cold War – 11% What was the US policy on stopping the expansion of



What were the two main countries during the Cold


US and Soviet Union

When did the Cold War start? 1945

When did the Cold War end? 1989

Why did the Cold War end? Collapse of the Soviet Union

The Truman and Eisenhower Doctrines and the

Marshall Plan were examples of this


What two countries did the Truman Doctrine apply to? Greece and Turkey (remember Truman likes Greece and Turkey but Eisenhower prefers the Middle East)

What region did the Eisenhower Doctrine apply to? Middle East

What region did the Marshall Plan apply to? Western Europe

What was the domino theory? If one country fell to communism then the next country would too

Who believed in the domino theory? Eisenhower

What country was the domino theory applied to? Vietnam

What was NATO? Collective security agency signed by democratic nations

An example of collective security is NATO

This was formed because of NATO Warsaw Pact – a communist collective security agency

How did the Korean War begin? North Korea (communist) invaded South Korea (democracy)

What did President Truman do with the military? Desegregate it

This was created to help the returning soldiers from

WWII adjust to life as a civilian by giving them

unemployment and educational benefits.

GI Bill

This refers to the generation born post-WWII. Baby Boom

Why did the US join the Vietnam War? To contain communism

What ended US involvement in the Vietnam War? Paris Peace Accords

What were the names of the major student protest against the Vietnam War?

Kent State

What were the names of the major student protest against the Vietnam War?

Kent State

What did the Pentagon Paper discuss? Discussed that the Presidency and the US government had lied to the American people about the events in Vietnam

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What country was Fidel Castro associated with? Cuba

Why did Americans dislike Castro? He was communist and close to the US

What happened at the Bay of Pigs invasion? US tried to overthrow Castro but failed

What happened at the Cuban Missile Crisis? Soviet Union gave nuclear weapons to Cuba. President Kennedy blockaded Cuba from receiving them. It was a standoff. Soviet Union backed down.

What was SEATO? Southeast Asia Treaty Organization – against communism

What was OAS? Organization of American States – against communism (Latin America)

What was the Alliance for Progress? Program by Kennedy that stressed the economic cooperation between North and South America to stop the influence of communism.

What was the purpose of President John F. Kennedy’s

Peace Corp?

To promote democracy in less developed nations.

This was an easing of tensions between the Soviet

Union and the US.


The Soviet Blockade of Berlin resulted in this Berlin Airlift

Winston Churchill said that a _______ ______ has

descended upon Europe.

Iron Curtain

What does iron curtain refer to? Soviet blockade of Eastern Europe – dividing line between democracies (Western Europe) and communists nations (Eastern Europe)

Who controlled the Soviet Union after Stalin? Khrushchev

Because the Soviet Union launched this, the Space Race began.


President Kennedy said that America must reach the ________ before the Soviets.


What was the Tet Offensive? An offensive launched by the Viet Cong army; showed US it could not win in Vietnam

What did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions give to President Lyndon B. Johnson?

Gave him unlimited power in Vietnam, a blank check

What was revoked in the War Powers Act? The Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions

Who did the US fight in the Vietnam War? North Vietnam/Viet Cong/Ho Chi Minh

Who was the leader of the 2nd Red Scare in the US? Joseph McCarthy

Who were the Hollywood Ten? Producers and directors accused of communist activities in the US

What happened to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? Accused of passing atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets; found guilty and executed

What was the purpose of the House on Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)?

To find communists in the US

SALT I and II are examples of . . . Détente

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Goal 11- Civil Rights Movement

Year Event Effect 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Overturned 1896 decision in Plessy v. Ferguson by declaring

the “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal”

1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott After an almost year-long boycott, the Supreme Court outlaws

bus segregation

1957 Little Rock Nine With protection from the army, nine black students ended

desegregation at Central HS. Using African-American

churches as a base, non-violent crusades were undertaken to

promote civil rights

1960 Greensboro Sit-in Following the lead of the first sit-in by black students as a

Woolworth lunch counter in Greensboro, NC, students in

several states used this non-violent tactic to promote

desegregation in public facilities.

1961 Freedom Rides Both blacks and whites rode buses from Maryland to

Mississippi to encourage desegregation in bus stations. After

several attacks, federal marshals were placed on the buses to

protect riders.

1963 March on Washington Over 200,000 people converged on the nation’s capital to

show support for proposed Civil Rights legislation.

1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 This act banned discrimination in all public accommodations

and prohibited discriminatory hiring on the basis of race, sex,

religion, and natural origin.

1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965 This act eliminated the literacy test and stated that federal

examiners could enroll voters who were denied suffrage by

local officials.

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Goal 11- Civil Rights Movement

DDiirreeccttiioonnss:: UUssee tthhee wwoorrdd bbaannkk ttoo iiddeennttii ffyy tthhee ffooll lloowwiinngg ssttaatteemmeennttss..

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

Little Rock, AR Voting Rights Act Civil Rights Act March on Washington

Sit-in Campaign SCLC Montgomery Bus boycott

Freedom Rides Alan Bakke

Dwight D. Eisenhower Huey Newton John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson

Malcolm X

Martin Luther King Jr.

Rosa Parks Stokley Carmichael

Thurgood Marshall


Stokley Carmichael When this person tool over leadership of SNCC (Student Nonviolent

Coordinating Committee) it developed a more radical tone by

promoting “Black Power”

Dwight D. Eisenhower This president placed federal marshals on the Freedom Ride buses and

initiated civil rights legislation

Thurgood Marshall This future Supreme Court justice was the NAACP attorney in the

Brown v. the Board of Education case

Malcolm X Muslim leader who preached black superiority and separation from

whites and advocated armed self-defense

Dwight D. Eisenhower This president sent troops from the 101st Airborne Division to protect

the Little Rock Nine

Huey Newton This person helped form the Black Panther political party which

encouraged blacks to take control of their own communities and adopt

the slogan that “Power flows out of the barrel of a gun.”

Rosa Parks This person’s refusal to give up their seat prompted the beginning of

the Civil Rights movement with the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Lyndon B. Johnson This person encouraged congress to pass the civil rights legislation

initiated by his predecessor.

Alan Bakke This person challenged the concept of affirmative action by bringing a

law suit against the University of California. This action prompted

other “reverse discrimination” cases.

Martin Luther King Jr. This person organized the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership

Conference) to promote civil rights using passive resistance.

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Goal 11/12 - Which President?

Directions: Write the initials of the President associated with the items below on the corresponding line. Each President listed below may be used more than once. John F. Kennedy (JFK) Gerald Ford (GF) Ronald Reagan (RR) Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) Jimmy Carter (JC) George H. Bush (GHB) Richard Nixon (RN) 1. Ronald Reagan (RR) He nominated Sandra Day O’Connor as the first female Supreme Court justice. 2. John F. Kennedy (JFK) He started the Peace Corps which provides volunteer assistance to developing

nations in Asia, Africa & Latin America. 3. John F. Kennedy (JFK) His presidential election campaign was strengthened by his favorable performance

in the first televised debates. 4. Gerald Ford (GF) His pardon of Richard Nixon angered many voters and contributed to his unsuccessful bid

for reelection. 5. Ronald Reagan (RR) This president supported the New Right, which was an alliance of conservative special

interest groups concerned with cultural, social, and moral issues. 6. John F. Kennedy (JFK) He challenged America to land a man on the moon before the end of the decade,

but was not alive to see it happen in 1969. 7. Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) His Great Society program aimed at reducing poverty & racial injustice and to

promote a better quality of life in the United States. 8. John F. Kennedy (JFK) His New Frontier program included proposals to provide medical care for the

elderly, to rebuild blighted urban areas, to aid education, to bolster the national defense, to increase international aid, and to expand the space program. Most were not supported by Congress.

9. Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) He started the Medicare program, which provides hospital insurance and low-

cost medical insurance to Americans 65 and over. 10. Jimmy Carter (JC) He was president when 52 Americans were taken hostage during the Iran Hostage

Crisis. The Iranians were angry the US would not turn over the exiled shah of Iran; who was allowed to come to the US for medical treatment.

11. Richard Nixon (RN) This president signed SALT I treaty with Soviet leader Brezhnev which was a five

year agreement to limit the number of ICBM’s. 12. Ronald Reagan (RR) This president authorized sharp increase in military spending, including a proposed

defense system (Strategic Defense Initiative) which was nicknamed “Star Wars”. 13. John F. Kennedy (JFK) Part of his program included the Alliance for Progress which was foreign aid

program that provided economic and technical assistance to Latin American countries. 14. Jimmy Carter (JC) The arranged for the leaders of Egypt and Israel to meet in the US, which led to the

Camp David Accords; which helped ease the conflict in the Middle East.

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15. Jimmy Carter (JC) He was president when the nation faced an energy crisis due to the oil embargo by OPEC in retaliation for US support of Israel in its war with Egypt and Syria.

16. George H. Bush (GHB) A weak economy and broken promise of “no new taxes” contributed to this

president’s unsuccessful bid for reelection. 17. Richard Nixon (RN) The Watergate scandal arose from this president’s attempt to cover up his

administration’s involvement in the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters. Evidence from tape recorded Oval Office conversations led to his resignations.

18. Ronald Reagan (RR) This president’s belief in supply-side economics led to a large tax cut in the hopes

that business investment would increase & lead to the creation of more jobs. 19. Jimmy Carter (JC) He withdrew the SALTII agreement when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. 20. Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) During his presidency, the Immigration Act of 1965 ended the quota system and

made it easier for non-European immigrants to settle in the US. 21. Richard Nixon (RN) This president opened relations between the US and China. 22. Jimmy Carter (JC) This president signed an agreement to give control of the Panama Canal Zone to

Panama in the year 2000. 23. Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) He convinced Congress to pass civil rights and tax cut bills proposed by his

predecessor. 24. Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) Division in the country over Vietnam, and decision within the Democratic Party

led this president to announce that he would not run for reelection. 25. George H. Bush (GHB) The success of Operation Desert Storm in liberating Kuwait gave this president a

high public approval rate. 26. Jimmy Carter (JC) His presidency focused on a commitment to human rights.

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Social Changes – Total Recall

Who refused to give up her seat on a bus? Rosa Parks

What did the Montgomery Bus Boycott accomplish? United African-Americans together for Civil Rights

Who was Dr. King? Leader of the SCLC

Why was Thurgood Marshall important? 1st African-American on Supreme Court

Why is Sandra Day O’Connor important? 1st Female on Supreme Court

What was the decision in Brown v. Board of

Education Topeka, Kansas?

Separate is not equal – desegregate schools now

Which president was responsible for the Civil Rights

Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1955?


What was the decision in Roe v. Wade? Abortion is legal

Who was Cesar Chavez? Leader of the United Farm Workers

What was the decision in Texas v. Johnson? You can burn a flag in the US, protected under 1st Amendment

What was the decision in Nixon v. US? Nixon had to turn over the tapes to the Senate committee

What was the Great Society? Domestic social program by LBJ – included Medicare, Medicaid, Housing on Urban Development (HUD)

Which president was responsible for the creation of

Medicare and Medicaid?


What is the purpose of the HUD? Fair, equal, and affordable housing

Rachel Carson wrote this book Silent Spring

What led to President Nixon’s downfall? Watergate Scandal

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Goal 12 US Since Vietnam – Total Recall 8% What was a result of the Oil Embargo in 1973? Creation of the Department of Energy What is stagflation? Increased unemployment and increased cost of goods Which presidents suffered under stagflation? Nixon, Ford, and Carter What was the crowing achievement of President Jimmy Carter’s administration?

Camp David Accords

The US embassy in Tehran was taken captive and these people were held for 444 days. President Carter was blamed for the failure to rescue the captives.

Iranian Hostage Crisis

This was President Ford’s plan in dealing with stagflation.

WIN – Whip Inflation Now

This President pardoned Nixon for the Watergate Scandal.


What happened in the Iran-Contra Affair? US sold weapons to Iran and gave the money to the Contras, an anti-communist rebel group, in Nicaragua.

Which president is responsible for the Iran-Contra Affair?


What are the Helsinki Accords? Said that the current borders in Europe would remain the same

Which president was responsible for the Helsinki Accords?


What is Title IX (9)? Equal access to sports for males and females What did NAFTA do? North American Free Trade Agreement – no tariffs

between the US, Canada, and Mexico Which president is responsible for NAFTA? Clinton What is Reaganomics? Trickle down economics – Reagan gave tax cuts to

businesses to help the economy Why was the Department of Energy created? Oil crisis made US realize it needed to develop

alternative energies What was the decision in the Regents of UC v. Bakke? Reverse discrimination is illegal What was the purpose of No Child Left Behind? Educational reform Which president signed No Child Left Behind? George H.W. Bush What was the Persian Gulf War? Iraq invaded Kuwait; US responded by pushing Iraq

out of Kuwait Who did the US fight in the Persian Gulf War? Iraq What is Star Wars or Strategic Defense Initiative? Military defense system using lasers Who was responsible for Star Wars? Reagan What caused the creation of the Department of Homeland Security?


What was the decision in Swann v. Charlotte? Bussing is legal to desegregate schools

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Supreme Court Cases to Know Directions: Connect the lines to the appropriate Supreme Court case. Marbury v. Madison, 1803 Ruled that slaves are property therefore, the

Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional because a slave owner cannot be denied their right to property

McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819 Ruled that during wartime, civil liberties can be restricted if it poses “a clear and present danger to national security”

Worchester v. Georgia, 1832 Ruled that forced busing was necessary to make the schools desegregate

Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857 Ruled that reverse discrimination did not occur and that affirmative action will be used to help minorities

United States v. EC Knight & Co. 1895

Was broken up because it was a holding company and not really engaged in interstate commerce

Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 Established the principle of judicial review Northern Securities v. United States, 1904

Ruled that it was an illegal monopoly and was broken up

American Tobacco v. United States, 1911

Ruled that the 2nd Bank of the United States was constitutional and that states could not tax a federal institution

Schenck v. United States, 1919 Ruled the “separate, but equal” doctrine Korematsu v. United States, 1944 Ruled that abortion is legal Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas, 1954

Ruled that because the company operated within a state, it could not be broken up by the Federal government; hurt the Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, 1970

Ruled that internment camps were legal

New York Times v. United States 1971

Ruled that this tribe was entitled to federal protection and could not be removed from their land

Roe v. Wade, 1973 Ruled that the president did not have executive privilege and that he must release the Watergate audiotapes to Congress

United States v. Nixon 1974 Overturned the Plessy decision by mandating integration ruling that “separate was unequal”

Regents of UC v Bakke, 1978 Ruled that the New York Times had the right to publish the Pentagon Papers under the 1st Amendment and that the Executive Branch had violated the Constitution by lying to the American people about Vietnam

Texas v. Johnson, 1989 Ruled that your right to burn an American flag when protesting is protected under the 1st Amendment

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Amendments to Know Directions: Connect the line to the appropriate amendment.

Bill of Rights Abolished slavery

10th Amendment Graduated income tax

13th Amendment Abolished Poll Taxes

14th Amendment Granted citizenship to all people born in the United States

15th Amendment Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18

16th Amendment Direct election of Senators

17th Amendment First 10 amendments to the Constitution ratified under President George Washington

18th Amendment Repealed Prohibition

19th Amendment Women’s suffrage

21st Amendment Gave voting rights to all citizens of the United States

24th Amendment State’s rights

26th Amendment Prohibition

Name the Reconstruction Amendments. 13-Abolish slavery Remember- Free 14-Citizenship Citizens 15-Voting Rights Vote Name the Progressive Amendments. 16-graduated income tax Remember – TSAW 17-direct election of senators 18-prohibition 19-women’s suffrage

T – tax S-senators A-alcohol

W-women’s rights

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Presidential Scandals Directions: Using the word bank, fill in the blank lines with the appropriate scandal name. Whiskey Ring Credit Mobiler Teapot Dome Court-Packing Scheme Watergate Monicagate 1. During the Watergate Scandal , President Richard M. Nixon refused to give his audiotapes to Congress, which would have convicted him. However, the Supreme Court ruled in the United States v. Nixon that he must release the tapes. President Nixon decided to resign to avoid impeachment. 2. During the Monicagate , President William (Bill) Clinton was under investigation for a property deal and lying under oath about an extramarital affair. This led to the impeachment of President Clinton. 3. Tax collectors were using graft to gain extra money on their job during the Whiskey Ring . President Ulysses S. Grant was embarrassed, but was not involved in the scandal. 4. President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to add justices to the Supreme Court during the Court Packing Scheme because the Court was overturning his New Deal programs. This meant that some of his programs were being declared unconstitutional. 5. The Credit Mobiler was another scandal during President Ulysses S. Grant’s administration. This scandal dealt with the construction of the railroads in the West. 6. The Teapot Dome Scandal occurred during President Warren G. Harding’s administration. Secretary of Interior, Albert Fall, leased land to oil companies in exchange for gifts and cash payments. 7. The Whiskey Ring and Credit Mobiler Scandal caused the American people to call for government reform during the Progressive Movement. 8. Despite the Court Packing Scheme , President Franklin D. Roosevelt was able to appoint justices to the Supreme Court without having to officially change the court from 9 to 15 justices. 9. Because of the Watergate Scandal , the first unelected man, Gerald Ford, became president. Ford was the Speaker of the House when Vice President Agnew resigned. Ford was then appointed the Vice President, which made him the president when Nixon resigned. 10. Both the Whiskey Ring and Credit Mobiler Scandal occurred during President Ulysses S. Grant’s administration.