Environmenatl Pollution

: G.Members Hashmatullah Han if Said

Transcript of Environmenatl Pollution



Han if Said

Pollution is the introduction of a contaminant into the environment. It is created mostly by human actions, but can also be a result of natural disasters. Pollution has a detrimental effect on any living organism in an environment, making it virtually impossible to sustain life.

Every year in the U.S. factories release over 3 million tons of toxic chemicals into the land, air and water. This hazardous waste causes us to lose over 15 million acres of land every year, it leads to respiratory complications and other health problems and it makes our rivers and lakes too polluted for us to swim in and drink.But factories are only part of the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused by industrial and commercial waste, agriculture practices, everyday human activities and most notably, modes of transportation. No matter where you go and what you do, there are remnants of pollution.

A study conducted in 2007 revealed that 40 percent of deaths in the world are directly or indirectly related to air, water and land pollution.

What is pollution

Environmental pollution is definitely a serious threat for the entire world in this age of development and industrialization. The pollution in developed cities is rising at an alarming pace. Environmental protection is the need of the hour and countries across the world are working on developing technologies, and imposing certain restrictions to reduce or control environmental pollution.

Air pollution occurs when the air contains gases, dust, fumes or odour in harmful amounts. That is, amounts which could be harmful to the health or comfort of humans and animals or which could cause damage to plants and materials.

Water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water that has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives (in) it. When humans drink polluted water it often has serious effects on their health. Water pollution can also make water unsuited for the desired use.

Water Pollution

Different Types of Environmental Pollution

Air Pollution

Noise pollution is also one of the major types. Any kind of undesirable and loud noise which can be disturbing for human beings and cause health hazards is known as noise pollution. Controlling noise pollution is totally in the hands of human beings because it is totally because of activities such as noise of airplanes, automobiles, machinery, construction activities, crowds, etc. Noise pollution can be especially dangerous for patients in critical conditions. Declaring silence zones at appropriate places and implementation of the set rules can help to lower the adverse effects of noise pollution greatly.

Noise Pollution

Land Pollution

. Land Pollution Land pollution is the degradation of Earth's land surfaces often caused by human activities and their misuse of land resources.

Ways to Reduce Environmental Pollution

If you are looking for some easy yet important ways to reduce environmental pollution, this article will tell you all about them. These ways to curb pollution

will help you in contributing your bit in the prevention of this pollution

Cigarette Smoke

Barbecue Smoke

Though we are going to look at a lot of ways in which we can reduce air pollution, let's start from the basic ones. Do not smoke in congested areas and in closed rooms, specially in the house

The next are fires. Fires, used to dispose wastes, are one of the most dangerous pollutants. In many countries, even today, waste is collected on roads and burnt, right where it is found. Do not use fires for your barbecues as well. Start them with an electric probe instead, or use a natural and/or propane gas barbecue

Car Exhaust

Your cars are the next, when it comes to air pollution. If you still don't have a car, make sure you buy a low polluting model, whenever you plan to buy one. You can get information on these directly from the respective sales departments. Combine as many tasks as you can, so as to make only one trip. Resort to carpooling or use public transport. Don't hesitate to park at a distance. Your tires should be appropriately maintained

Air pollution does not only include the gases that are let out by our cars and cigarettes, it also includes the emission of highly poisonous gases. The best example to state here, would be the 1984 incident that occurred in India - The Bhopal Gas Tragedy. It killed 25,000 human beings. These figures help show us some gravity. Also, in 1272, burning of sea-coal was banned in England by King Edward I, after reports of problems related to smoke.


Ways To Reducing Water Pollution


Sewage water pollution is one of the major problems in cities. Improper handling of waste water is the main reason behind the pollution of water. The careless disposal of sewage water leads to a chain of problems, such as spreading of diseases, eutrophication, increase in Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), etc. Following are important causes of Sewage water pollution

. Running taps still continue to be one of the largest sources of water pollution. One has to understand that the first step towards cure, is prevention. Prevent water pollution, and you will be helping in a huge way. You have to first reduce your usage of resources.

Running Tap

Pet Waste

Did you know that cleaning your pet waste with water is another huge contributor towards environmental pollution? Pet waste doesn't only contain harmful bacteria, it also leads to the eutrophication of lakes. Make it a habit to pick up pet waste and dispose it

It is believed that approximately 14,000 people die everyday, due to water pollution. At the same time, in India, a thousand children are said to die of diarrhoeal causes daily. 90% cities in China are victims of water pollution, in one degree or another. During the Iraq war in the 90's, 900,000,000 barrels of oil from the ships was leaked in ocean waters. Once, in Minnesota, approximately 250,000 or more black crappie disappeared. We all remember finding 240,000 fish dead along the Tennessee River, Alabama.


Reducing Land Pollution

Plastic BagsWe know how much plastic we use. The first thing you need to do, is replace all your plastic bags. Buy a few cloth bags in advance, a quantity that will last you for at least a month. Every city and/or neighbourhoods has a structured disposal system. Read through yours, and dispose wastes as requested. Recycle everything that is


DO NOT dispose it. Items like cell phones can be recycled. Do not litter, it will eventually rot the earth and then water. One more amongst all the ways to reduce environmental pollution, is to reuse storage bottles/jars at home.


In 1993, in Scotland, waste as much as 14 million tons was created. During the same time, 90% of controlled waste went to landfill sites. This, in turn, produced methane gas, the quantity of 2 million. Though everything started off from the era of Industrial Revolution, households are one of the highest polluters of land. In China, 50 million mi land, is polluted. Some more gets damaged when it is cultivated with polluted and contaminated water.

Environmental Issues in Present Times

Global warming is one of the major issues that we are being faced with today. The term signifies an

increase in the atmospheric temperature near the earth's surface, which is caused due to various

reasons. Scientists are of the opinion that a rise in the carbon dioxide levels will further aggravate the



Pollution is something that we face on an everyday basis. It is probably a problem that we may have become immune to, given our fast-paced lives and the fact that it is being treated as a hackneyed issue, where a lot is spoken about but nothing concrete is ever done.

The greenhouse effect causes the earth's heat to be trapped in the atmosphere, which results in the increase in temperatures. Global warming has thus caused a change in the climate of the earth, causing temperatures to rise. This, in turn, has an effect on various species dependent on the basic laws of nature. A change in the same makes survival a difficult issue. A warmer earth also causes changes in the rainfall patterns and thus affects humans, plants and animals as well

Global Warming

With the alarming rate of increase in population, the loss of natural resources has become one of the major concerns. Issues like deforestation, animal extinction, shortage of water, lack of space and food are only some

of the concerns brought on by the lack of resources. There are many reasons that lead to the loss of natural resources (increasing demands

brought on by population explosion, disregard for nature, human greed). This, in turn, affects the varied ecosystems.

Activities such as over fishing and hunting have even led many species of fish and animals respectively to the brink of extinction. Forests are being cleared to meet the rising demands for the need of paper, wood and land.

Mining and burning of fossil fuels have led to further depletion of resources. Then again, this is merely scratching the surface.

Loss of Natural Resources

Nuclear energy is generated from the splitting of uranium atoms. This energy is used to create steam, which in turn is used to produce electricity.

While there are definite advantages of generating nuclear power, what stands equally true is the fact that the process of producing the same

harms the environment in many ways. The process of converting uranium into usable energy produces radioactive waste (2000 metric tons of radioactive waste is generated in a year in the USA alone) which is

extremely harmful for human, animal and plant health at many levels.

Along with that, the storage of nuclear power at a plant, as well as the fact that most other equipment in the plant will also convert into radioactive material over time and remain radioactive for several years is a major threat. While decaying, radioactive material releases certain particles

which leads to damaging effects on health, like cancer..

Nuclear Problems

Wastes can be of several kinds (industrial, nuclear, chemical, domestic), and each can lead to environmental degradation. From excessive plastic used at home to the radioactive waste produced by nuclear plants, the impact can be disastrous.

Not only are these wastes harmful on their own, but the techniques (or the lack) of waste management and disposal adds to this problem manifold. Emissions from industries as well as toxic by-products like mercury, crude oil, plastic and lead are not properly disposed off. They are dumped into the oceans and soil, thus leading to disastrous impacts on all life forms.

Improper Waste Management

Industrial waste is process waste associated with manufacturing.

This waste usually is not classified as either municipal waste or hazardous waste by federal or state laws. Regulatory programs for managing industrial waste vary widely among state, tribal, and some local governments.

Each year, industrial facilities generate and manage 7.6 billion tons of nonhazardous industrial waste in land application units.

Industrial Waste


1. What is Environmental Pollution

2. Different Types of Environmental Pollution

3. Air Pollution

4. (Causes OF Air Pollution )

5. Water Pollution

6. (Causes OF Water Pollution )

7. Noise Pollution

8. (Causes OF Noise Pollution)

9. Land Pollution

10. (Causes OF Land Pollution )

11. Ways to Reduce Environmental Pollution

12. Barbecue Smoke

13. Cigarette Smoke

14. Car Exhaust

15. Ways To Reducing Water Pollution

16. Sewage

17. Running Tap

18. Pet Waste

19. Reducing Land Pollution

20. Plastic Bags

21. Litter

22. Environmental Issues in Present Times

23. Global Warming

24. Pollution

25. Loss of Natural Resources

26. Nuclear Problems

27. Improper Waste Management [

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