Entity Skeletons for Visual Storytelling · Storytelling in the age of artificial intelligence is...

Entity Skeletons for Visual Storytelling Khyathi Raghavi Chandu * Ruo-Ping Dong * Alan W Black Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University {kchandu, awb}@cs.cmu.edu, [email protected] Abstract We are enveloped by stories of visual interpre- tations in our everyday lives. The way we nar- rate a story often comprises two stages, which are: forming a central mind map of entities and then weaving a story around them. A con- tributing factor to coherence is not just basing the story on these entities but also, referring to them using appropriate terms to avoid rep- etition. In this paper, we address these two stages of introducing the right entities at seem- ingly reasonable junctures and also referring them coherently in the context of visual sto- rytelling. The building blocks of the central mind map, also known as an entity skeleton are entity chains including nominal and coref- erence expressions. This entity skeleton is also represented in different levels of abstrac- tions to compose a generalized frame to weave the story. We establish a strong baseline for skeleton informed generation and then extend this to have the capability of multitasking by predicting the skeleton in addition to gener- ating the story. Finally, we build upon this model and propose a glocal hierarchical at- tention model that attends to the skeleton both at the sentence (local) and the story (global) levels. We observe that our proposed models outperform the baseline in terms of an auto- matic evaluation metric, METEOR. We also perform various analysis targeted to evaluate the performance of our task of enforcing the entity skeleton such as the number and diver- sity of the entities generated. We also con- duct human evaluation from which it is con- cluded that the visual stories generated by our model are preferred 82% of the times. In ad- dition, we show that our glocal hierarchical at- tention model improves coherence by introduc- ing more pronouns as required by the presence of nouns. 1 Introduction “You’re never going to kill storytelling because it’s built in the human plan. We come with it.” - Margaret Atwood Storytelling in the age of artificial intelligence is not supposed to be a built-in capability of hu- mans alone. With the advancements in interacting with virtual agents, we are moving towards shar- ing the ability of narrating creative and coherent stories with machines as well. The evolution of sto- rytelling spans from primordial ways of cave paint- ings and scriptures to contemporary ways of books and movies. In addition, stories are ubiquitously pervasive all around us in digital media. This en- compasses multiple modalities, such as visual, au- dio and textual narratives. In this work, we address narrating a story from visual input, also known as visual story telling (Huang et al., 2016). Gen- erating textual stories from a sequence of images has gained traction very recently (Gonzalez-Rico and Fuentes-Pineda, 2018; Hsu et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2018; Lukin et al., 2018; Peng et al., 2018; Chandu et al., 2019). Stories can be perceived as revolving around characters (Martin et al., 2018), events/actions (Rishes et al., 2013; Mostafazadeh et al., 2016; Peng et al., 2018), or theme (Gerv ´ as et al., 2004). Emulating a naturally generated story requires equipping machines to learn where to in- troduce entities, and more importantly, how to refer to them henceforth. The main task addressed in this paper is to intro- duce entities similar to how humans do and more importantly, referring them appropriately in subse- quent usage. We perform this in two phases: (1) Entity Skeleton Extraction, and (2) Skeleton In- formed Generation. Here, a skeleton is defined as a simple template comprising of the entities and their referring expressions extracted using off-the- shelf NLP tools. These skeletons are extracted in three levels of abstraction, comprising of (1) sur- face form, the skeleton terms in the raw form, (2) nominalized form, that is the presence of entities in the noun or pronoun form, and (3) abstract form, that is using different notations for based on cat- egories of words from language ontologies. This is delved in more detail in Section 4. We apply

Transcript of Entity Skeletons for Visual Storytelling · Storytelling in the age of artificial intelligence is...

Page 1: Entity Skeletons for Visual Storytelling · Storytelling in the age of artificial intelligence is not supposed to be a built-in capability of hu-mans alone. With the advancements

Entity Skeletons for Visual Storytelling

Khyathi Raghavi Chandu∗ Ruo-Ping Dong∗ Alan W Black

Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University{kchandu, awb}@cs.cmu.edu, [email protected]


We are enveloped by stories of visual interpre-tations in our everyday lives. The way we nar-rate a story often comprises two stages, whichare: forming a central mind map of entitiesand then weaving a story around them. A con-tributing factor to coherence is not just basingthe story on these entities but also, referringto them using appropriate terms to avoid rep-etition. In this paper, we address these twostages of introducing the right entities at seem-ingly reasonable junctures and also referringthem coherently in the context of visual sto-rytelling. The building blocks of the centralmind map, also known as an entity skeletonare entity chains including nominal and coref-erence expressions. This entity skeleton isalso represented in different levels of abstrac-tions to compose a generalized frame to weavethe story. We establish a strong baseline forskeleton informed generation and then extendthis to have the capability of multitasking bypredicting the skeleton in addition to gener-ating the story. Finally, we build upon thismodel and propose a glocal hierarchical at-tention model that attends to the skeleton bothat the sentence (local) and the story (global)levels. We observe that our proposed modelsoutperform the baseline in terms of an auto-matic evaluation metric, METEOR. We alsoperform various analysis targeted to evaluatethe performance of our task of enforcing theentity skeleton such as the number and diver-sity of the entities generated. We also con-duct human evaluation from which it is con-cluded that the visual stories generated by ourmodel are preferred 82% of the times. In ad-dition, we show that our glocal hierarchical at-tention model improves coherence by introduc-ing more pronouns as required by the presenceof nouns.

1 Introduction“You’re never going to kill storytelling becauseit’s built in the human plan. We come with it.” -Margaret Atwood

Storytelling in the age of artificial intelligenceis not supposed to be a built-in capability of hu-mans alone. With the advancements in interactingwith virtual agents, we are moving towards shar-ing the ability of narrating creative and coherentstories with machines as well. The evolution of sto-rytelling spans from primordial ways of cave paint-ings and scriptures to contemporary ways of booksand movies. In addition, stories are ubiquitouslypervasive all around us in digital media. This en-compasses multiple modalities, such as visual, au-dio and textual narratives. In this work, we addressnarrating a story from visual input, also knownas visual story telling (Huang et al., 2016). Gen-erating textual stories from a sequence of imageshas gained traction very recently (Gonzalez-Ricoand Fuentes-Pineda, 2018; Hsu et al., 2018; Kimet al., 2018; Lukin et al., 2018; Peng et al., 2018;Chandu et al., 2019). Stories can be perceived asrevolving around characters (Martin et al., 2018),events/actions (Rishes et al., 2013; Mostafazadehet al., 2016; Peng et al., 2018), or theme (Gervaset al., 2004). Emulating a naturally generated storyrequires equipping machines to learn where to in-troduce entities, and more importantly, how to referto them henceforth.

The main task addressed in this paper is to intro-duce entities similar to how humans do and moreimportantly, referring them appropriately in subse-quent usage. We perform this in two phases: (1)Entity Skeleton Extraction, and (2) Skeleton In-formed Generation. Here, a skeleton is defined asa simple template comprising of the entities andtheir referring expressions extracted using off-the-shelf NLP tools. These skeletons are extracted inthree levels of abstraction, comprising of (1) sur-face form, the skeleton terms in the raw form, (2)nominalized form, that is the presence of entitiesin the noun or pronoun form, and (3) abstract form,that is using different notations for based on cat-egories of words from language ontologies. Thisis delved in more detail in Section 4. We apply

Page 2: Entity Skeletons for Visual Storytelling · Storytelling in the age of artificial intelligence is not supposed to be a built-in capability of hu-mans alone. With the advancements

Sentences from SIS Surface Nominalized Abstract Surface Nominalized AbstractThe cake was amazing for this event! None [0, 0] None event [1, 0] otherThe bride and groom were so happy. The bride and groom [1, 0] person None [0, 0] NoneThey kissed with such passion and force. They [1, 1] person None [0, 0] NoneWhen their son arrived, he was already sleeping. their [1, 1] person None [0, 0] NoneAfter the event, I took pictures of the guests. None [0, 0] None event [1, 0] other

Table 1: Examples of three forms of Entity-Coreference Schema Representation

this for the task of visual storytelling which hasboth image captions and story sentences in a se-quence. Leveraging the captions, the models alsoinherently learn the association of skeleton to theimage captions thereby learning where to talk aboutwhich entities in a sequence of images. Once thisextraction is performed, we move on to the secondphase of incorporating these coreference chains asskeletons to generate a story. The first approach isan incremental improvement over the baseline thatperforms multitasking with an auxiliary goal of pre-dicting the entity skeletons to move the sequencesgenerated from the primary task of story generationcloser towards the extracted entities. The secondapproach is hierarchically attending to the entityskeletons at a local (corresponding to words withina sentence) and global (corresponding to the sen-tences making up the entire story) levels.

2 Related Work

Visual Storytelling: Huang et al. (2016) proposedthe first sequential vision-to-language dataset, com-prising of sequences of story-like images with cor-responding textual descriptions in isolation and sto-ries in sequences. Kim et al. (2018) proposed aseq2seq framework and Smilevski et al. (2018) pro-posed late fusion techniques to address this task.We derive motivation from these techniques to in-troduce entities and references as skeletons. Parkand Kim (2015); Liu et al. (2017) explored the taskof generating a sequence of sentences for an imagestream. Agrawal et al. (2016) introduced the task ofsorting a temporally jumbled set of image-captionpairs from a story such that the output sequenceforms a coherent story. Liu et al. (2017) proposeda joint embedding of photos with correspondingcontextual sentences that leverages the semanticcoherence in a photo sequence with a bidirectionalattention-based recurrent model to generate storiesfrom images.Schema based generation: Grosz et al. (1995)was one of the initial works delving into how en-tities and their referring expressions are used ina discourse context. Several research efforts fornarrative generation tasks have spawned from intro-ducing a schema or a skeleton. Martin et al. (2018);Clark et al. (2018) explored the usage of event rep-

resentations and predicting successive event formsto generate the entire story. Fan et al. (2018) pro-posed hierarchical frameworks for story generationconditioned on a premise or a topic. This work wasalso extended by decomposing different parts ofthe model by generating a surface realization formof the predicate-argument structure by abstractingover entities and actions (Fan et al., 2019). Xuet al. (2018) used reinforcement learning to firstgenerate skeleton (the most critical phrases) andthen expand the skeleton to a complete sentence.Yao et al. (2018) proposed a hierarchical genera-tion framework in which given a topic, the modelfirst plans a storyline, and then generates a storybased on the storyline. Recently, Zhai et al. (2019)proposed a model to generate globally coherent sto-ries from a fairly small corpus by using a symbolictext planning module to produce text plans, andthen generating fluent text conditioned on the textplan by a neural surface realization module. Am-manabrolu et al. (2019) showed that event-basedgeneration often generated grammatically correctbut semantically unrelated sentences and presentensemble methods for event based plot generationas a solution.

Our work falls along the lines of generating astory from visual input based on schema. However,to the best of our knowledge, this work is the firstto combine the spaces of both generating a visualstory from a skeleton schema of entities and howthey are referred henceforth.

3 Data Description

A dataset that has recently gained traction in thedomain of visual story telling is proposed byHuang et al. (2016). This problem of groundedsequential generation is introduced as a sharedtask1. Formally, the dataset comprises of vi-sual stories S = {S1, . . . ,Sn}. Each story inthe dataset consists of a sequence of five story-like images, along with descriptions-in-isolation(DII) and stories-in-sequences (SIS). The de-scriptions in isolation are similar to image cap-tions. Each story can be formally represented asSi = {(I(1)

i ,x(1)i ,y

(1)i ), . . . , (I

(5)i ,x

(5)i ,y

(5)i )},


Page 3: Entity Skeletons for Visual Storytelling · Storytelling in the age of artificial intelligence is not supposed to be a built-in capability of hu-mans alone. With the advancements

where I(j)i , x(j)

i and y(j)i are each image, single

sentence in DII and single sentence in SIS respec-tively, and i refers to the ith example story. SISand DII are supposed to be associated with eachimage. However there are around 25% of the im-ages for which DII are absent in the dataset. Thecorresponding statistics of the dataset are presentedin Table 2.

Train Val Test# Stories 40,155 4,990 5,055# Images 200,775 24,950 25,275# with no DII 40,876 4,973 5,195

Table 2: Details of the Dataset

In our modeling approaches as described in thenext section, we also need the descriptions in isola-tion.Hence for the images for which the DII are ab-sent, we use a pre-trained image captioning modelto make the dataset complete for our use case.

4 Model Description

Our approach of using entity skeletons to generatea coherent visual story is divided into two phases:(1) Entity Skeleton Extraction, and (2) SkeletonInformed Generation. In this section, we first de-scribe 3 kinds of schema extraction for coreferencechains and then proceed towards describing twobaselines and two proposed story generation mod-els. We will be releasing the entire streamlinedcodebase.

4.1 Entity Skeleton Extraction

The task is to introduce the characters in right timesand refer to them appropriately henceforth. Thismeans that we not only target the head mentionof an entity but also cater to the corresponding ap-propriate coreference expressions. We define theskeleton as a linear chain of entities and their cor-responding referring expressions. There could bemultiple coreference chains in a long narrative. Weassociate a story with the entity skeleton that hasmaximum representation in the five sentences. Thismeans that the elements of the skeleton need to bepresent in the majority of the sentences, thus mak-ing it the central theme for basing the story on. Forsimplicity, in case of a tie with respect to the abovecriterion of the number of mentions, we select theskeleton to be the most frequently occurring coref-erence chain from among all the chains that arepresent in it. In our future work, we plan to extendthis capability to cater to multiple skeletons simul-taneously. We use off-the-shelf tools to representthese skeletons in three different ways.

For each of the following skeleton representa-tions, we first extract the coreference chains fromthe textual stories that are made up of SIS in thetraining data. This is done by using version 3.7.0 ofStanford CoreNLP toolkit (Manning et al., 2014).These three ways of representing skeletons are de-scribed in detail next.

1. Surface form Coreference Chains: The re-sulting coreference chains now comprise of surfaceword forms of entities and their corresponding ref-erence expressions. In specific, the skeleton foreach story is represented as {c1, . . . , c5}, where cjis the coreference word in jth sentence. An exam-ple of this can be seen in Table 1. From the storysentences on the left, there are two entity chainsthat are extracted corresponding to ‘the bride andthe groom’ and ‘event’. The skeleton word is Nonewhen there is no word corresponding to that coref-erence chain in that sentence. The surface formentity skeletons for each sentence are shown in thefollowing two columns. Note that there could bemultiple such chains extracted for each story owingto the number of different entities that are presentin the story. Our goal is to pivot the story on acentral mind map, so we select the chain that hasminimum number of Nones in the five sentences.Hence in this example, we go ahead with the firstskeleton with ‘the bride and groom’ to weave thestory since the skeleton with ‘event’ has highernumber of Nones.

2. Nominalized Coreference Chains: The sur-face form entity skeletons extracted as describedbefore do not comprise the information of whetherit is the head mention of the entity or whether itis referred later. In crude terms, it does not caterto abstracting the properties of the skeleton wordsfrom the surface form word itself. The remainingtwo forms of skeleton representations address thisissue of abstracting the lexicon from the propertiesof the word. In order to encode this informationexplicitly, we disintegrate the bits that correspondto the properties of presence and absence of theentity words and whether the word is present inthe noun or the pronoun form. The skeleton foreach story is represented as {[h, p]1, . . . , [h, p]5}.Here, h ∈ {0,1}, is a binary variable indicating ifthere is a coreference mention, i.e 1 if there is amention in the skeleton chain and 0 if it is None.Similarly, p ∈ {0,1} is a binary variable indicatingthat the word is head mention i.e, the word is in thenoun form if it is 0 and pronoun form if it is 1. Forinstance, in Table 1, in sentence 2, the skeleton isrepresented as [1,0] which means that this sentence

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Figure 1: Architecture of Glocal Hierarchical Attention on Entity skeleton coreference chains to perform Visual Storytelling

has a mention of the skeleton under considerationand it is in the noun form. Note that we do not usethe surface representation of the word itself whilewe represent the skeleton in this format.

3. Abstract Coreference Chains: As observedfrom Table 1, the skeleton chains belong to differ-ent categories of entities. Instead of decomposingthe properties into noun and pronoun, another formis to represent them into the abstract categories thatthey belong to. These categories can be person,object, location etc., This differentiates the orderof introduction and references of objects or peoplein the timeline among the five sentences. We useWordnet (Miller, 1995) to derive these properties.As depicted in Table 1, the entity skeleton corre-sponding to a coreference chain can be representedwith a sequence of ‘person’, ‘other’ and ‘None’.

4.2 Schema Informed GenerationIn this section, we describe the baseline modelused to generate textual stories from visual input.In order to establish a fair comparison, we alter thisbaseline slightly to establish a second baseline thataccesses the skeleton information. We then moveonto discussing two models that incorporate theentity skeletons that are described in the previoussection.

4.2.1 Baseline Model:Our baseline model has an encoder-decoder frame-work that is based on the best performing modelin the Visual Story Telling challenge in 2018 (Kimet al., 2018) that attained better scores on humanevaluation metrics. The model essentially trans-lates a sequence of images to a story. All of the

images are first resized to 224 X 224 and imagefeatures are extracted from the penultimate layerof ResNet-152 (He et al., 2016). These image fea-tures act as local features for decoding the sentencecorresponding to that image. This sequence ofimage features are passed through two layers ofBi-LSTMs in order to obtain the overall context ofthe story. This contributes to global theme of thestory. The local context for each sentence in thestory is incorporated with a skip connection of thelocal features for that particular image. The globaland local features are concatenated and passed toeach time step in the LSTM decoder to generatethe story word by word.

For simplicity in formal representation, we usethe following notations. Subscript t and superscriptτ indicates the tth step or sentence in a story andτ th word within the sentence respectively. It, xt,yt, represent image, DII, SIS for a particular timestep. kt is the skeleton coreference element for thatparticular sentence. Here k can take any of the threeforms of coreference chains discussed previously,which is word itself (surface form) or a pair ofbinary digits (nominalization) or noun properties(abstract). Note that k is not used in this baselinemodel.

The encoder part of the model is representedas the following which comprises of two steps ofderiving the local context features lt and the hiddenstate of the tth timestep of the BiLSTM that givesthe global context.lt = ResNet(It)gt = Bi-LSTM([l1, l2...l5]t)

The latent representation obtained from this en-coder is the glocal representation [lt, gt], where [..]

Page 5: Entity Skeletons for Visual Storytelling · Storytelling in the age of artificial intelligence is not supposed to be a built-in capability of hu-mans alone. With the advancements

Models Entity Skeleton Form METEOR Distance Avg # distinct entitiesBaseline None 27.93 1.02 0.4971Baseline with Entity Skeletons Surface 27.66 1.02 0.5014MTG (α(0.5)) Surface 27.44 1.02 0.9554MTG (α(0.4)) Surface 27.59 1.02 1.1013MTG (α(0.2)) Surface 27.54 1.01 0.9989MTG (α(0.5)) Nominalization 30.52 1.12 0.5545MTG (α(0.5)) Abstract 27.67 1.01 0.5115Glocal Attention Surface 28.93 1.01 0.8963

Table 3: Automatic Evaluation of Story Generation Models

represents augmentation of the features. This glo-cal vector is used to decode the sentence word byword. The generated words in a sentence from thedecoder wt is obtained from each of the words wτ

that are the outputs that are also conditioned on thegenerated words so far w<τt with τ th word in thesentence being generated at the current step.

wt ∼∏τ

Pr(wτt |w<τ

t , lt, gt) (1)

The baseline model is depicted in the right por-tion of the Figure 1.

Skeleton Informed Baseline Model: We needto make a note here that though the above baselineis the best performing model in the task, it doesnot take into account for the explicit mentions ofthe entities as a skeleton to weave the story on.Similarly, it does not make use of the DII for theimages. We explore on how to make better useof these DII to extract the entity skeletons. Henceto establish a fair comparison with our proposedapproaches we condition the decoder on not onlythe glocal features and the words generated so far,but also the surface form of the words.

wt ∼∏τ

Pr(wτt |w<τ

t , lt, gt,kt) (2)

In specific the features that are given to the de-coder now have [lt, gt,kt]. The skeleton informa-tion is provided to every time step in the decoder.

Multitask Story Generation Model (MTG):Incorporating the entity skeleton information di-rectly in the decoder might affect the languagemodel of the decoder. Hence we take an alter-nate approach that incrementally improves uponthe first baseline model to enable it to perform twotasks. Instead of augmenting the model with skele-ton information, we enable the model to predictthe skeleton and penalize it accordingly. The maintask here is the generation of the story itself and theauxiliary task is the prediction of the entity skele-ton word per time step. Each of these tasks areoptimized using cross entropy loss. The loss for

generation of the story is L1 and the loss to predictthe skeleton of the model is L2. However, we donot want to penalize the model equally for both theparticipating tasks and weigh them by a factor αas much as to affect the language model of the de-coder. We experimented with different weightingfactors for α which are presented in Table 3.∑


αL1(It, yt) + (1− α)L2(It, yt, kt)

Note that we do not use k as a part of the encodereven in this model but only use them to penalize themodel when the decoded sentence does not containskeleton similar to k.

Glocal Hierarchical Attention: Enabling themodel to predict the entity skeleton equips it tomodel the sentences around the entities, therebyweaving the stories around the skeleton. However,this multitasking model does not explicitly capturethe relationship or focus on the words within a sen-tence or across the five sentences with respect tothe skeleton in consideration. Hence, we went onestep further to identify the correlation between thecoreference skeleton with different levels includingwithin a sentence (i.e, at word level) and acrosssentences (i.e, at sentence level). We use attentionmechanism to represent these correlations.

We propose two stages of attention to capturethis information:

1. Local Attention: attending to the words in cap-tions (wτt from xt) with respect to the entityskeletons kt.

2. Global Attention: attending to the sentencesin the story derived from the local attentionfor each sentence.

Figure 1 depicts the entire glocal hierarchical at-tention model with the encoder decoder frameworkon the right and the two stages of attention on theleft. The attention is performed on textual modalitycorresponding to DII (xt) and hence can be per-ceived as translating DII to SIS. As observed in

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Table 2, DIIs are absent for about 25% of the data.We use an image captioning model pretrained onImageNet data (Russakovsky et al., 2015). Theseimage captions are substituted in the place of miss-ing DII.Local Attention: The first level of attention i.e,the local attention measures the correlation be-tween words in each sentence to the coreferenceskeleton words. There are 5 sentences in each storycorresponding to five images. Since we use theskeleton words as they appear to attend to the wordsin DII, we use the surface form notation in thismodel. As we have seen, the surface form skeletonis represented as C = {c1, c2.., c5}. The vocabu-lary of these surface form skeleton words is limitedto 50 words in the implementation. The surfaceskeleton form C is passed through a Bi-LSTM re-sulting in hidden state Hk which is of 1024 dimen-sions. This hidden state is used to perform attentionon the input words of DII for each image. Note herethat the skeleton words for coreference chains areextracted from SIS (i.e, from {y1, y2.., y5}), fromwhich the hidden state is extracted, which is usedto perform attention on the individual captions (DIIi.e, {x1, x2.., x5} ).

The skeleton remains the same for all the sen-tences. The skeleton form is passed through a Bi-LSTM resulting in Hk ∈ Rk×2h, where hidden di-mension of the Bi-LSTM is h. Each x in the story(with n words in a batch) is passed through a Bi-LSTM with a hidden dimension of h, resulting inHw ∈ R5×n×2h. This then undergoes a non-lineartransformation.

Attention map for the word level is obtainedby performing a batch matrix multiplication (rep-resented by ⊗) between the hidden states of thewords in a sentence and the hidden states of theentity skeleton. In order to scale the numbers inprobability terms, we apply a softmax across thewords of the sentence. Essentially, this indicates thecontribution of each word in the sentence towardsthe entity skeleton that is present as a query in at-tention. This is the local attention Aw ∈ R5×n×k

pertaining to a sentence in the story. Mathemati-cally, equation 3 depicts the calculation of localattention.

Aw = softmax(Hw ⊗Hk)

Glocal Attention: We then perform global atten-tion, which is at the entire story level. In otherwords, this attention evaluates the contribution ofdifferent sentences in the story towards respondingto the entity skeleton that is extracted. Instead ofconsidering the sentence representation as the out-

put of passing the words as is through a Bi-LSTM,we leverage the already attended local attention(which is at sentence level) to perform the globalattention. Hence it is the combination of globaland local attention, and thereby we perform glocalhierarchical attention.

For this, the locally attended representation ofeach sentence is then augmented with the outputof the Bi-LSTM that takes in DII. The attendedrepresentation for each of the k words are concate-nated and projected through a linear layer into 256dimensions (Pw). This goes in as sentence repre-sentation for each of the sij (where i is the indexof the sentence in the story and j corresponds tothe story example) as shown in Figure 1. The wordrepresentations at each time step are obtained byaugmenting the corresponding vectors from Hw

and Pw. These form our new sentence embed-dings. These sentence embeddings are again passedthrough a Bi-LSTM to get a sentence level repre-sentation. This process is done for each sentencein the story (which are the replications as shown inthe left portion of Figure 1). This results in a latentrepresentation of the story Hs ∈ R5×2h. Alongthe same lines of local attention, we now computestory level hierarchical global attention to result inAs ∈ R5×k. This is shown in Equation 3 where [, ]indicates augmentation of corresponding vectors.

As = softmax([Hw, Pw]⊗Hk)

The attended vectors from Aw and As of sizenk and k respectively are concatenated in each sen-tence step in the decoder from the baseline model.This is shown in the top right corner of Figure 1 (al-though the Figure depicts concatenation for singletime step).Hyperparameter setup: Learning rate of 0.001is used with a batch size of 64. The word embed-ding dimension is 256 and the image features con-tributing towards the local representation is 1024.The hidden size of the Bi-LSTM is 1024 which isthe dimension of the global vectors. The attentionmap features are of dimension size of 256. Weselected the 50 most frequently occurring coref-erence words to set the vocabulary of k for theseexperiments i.e, size(k) = 50.

5 Experiments and Results

This section presents the quantitative and the quali-tative results for the four models discussed in theprevious section. We first discuss the automaticevaluation and some qualitative analysis of ourmodels.

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Models Phenomena

SISwe went to the stadium early to eat and sight see before the game .

the view was incredible . you could see the entire city .

we got to our seats , and could n't believe how close to the field they were .

we could see all the action .

once the national anthem was sung , and the first pitch was thrown , the excitement began . it was a great game !


the city was a great place to visit .

i had a great time . there were many people there .

we got to see a lot of cool things .

it was a lot of fun . - Characters in the story are mentioned as “many people” instead of “we” (sentence 3).

Glocal Hierarchical

Attention Model

we saw the building was packed .

i was excited to see my favorite team .

we were all excited to see the game .

we all got together to watch .

it was a great game . + characters (‘we’ and ‘it’) were introduced at the right time

+ Important entities were mentioned (building, game)

Figure 2: Qualitative Analysis: Example of generated stories

Figure 3: Visualization of the Glo-cally Attended representation of theskeleton for story in Figure 2

We perform automatic evaluation with ME-TEOR score for generation. The results are shownin Table 3. However, our main target is to verifywhether the story adheres to the entity skeletonform that is provided. Hence we attempt to per-form a different scoring mechanism. We extractentity skeletons from the generated stories in thesame procedure as performed on the training sto-ries. With respect to the ground truth stories, abinary vector of length 5 is constructed based onwhether the entity skeleton word is present or notin that sentence. Euclidean distance between thesebinary vectors skeletons of the original and thegenerated stories is used to validate this aspect ofgeneration. Table 3 presents the results of our mod-els. As we can see, the Euclidean Distance is notvery different in each of the cases. However, we ob-serve that the multitasking approach (MTG) is per-forming better with nominalization form of entityskeletons as compared to the baselines and otherforms of entity skeleton representations as well.The glocal model described performs attention onthe surface words only and hence the experimentincludes only this configuration. We observe thatglocal attention model outperforms the baselinemodel. However, there is a scope for improve-ment when the attention mechanism is performedon nominalized skeleton representation, which we

leave for the future work.

These automatic metrics do not sufficiently cap-ture the number or the diversity of the entitiesthat are introduced in the generated stories. Foranalyzing the number of entities, we calculatedthe percentages of the nouns and pronouns in theground truth and the generated stories for the testdata. Figure 4 presents these percentages for theground truth stories, generated stories from base-line, MTG with nominalized skeleton representa-tion and the Glocal attention model. As we can seeon the nouns section, the baseline model seemed tohave over-generated nouns in comparison to bothof our proposed models. While our MTG modelalso has over-generated the nouns, our glocal atten-tion model has generated fewer nouns compared tothe ground truth. However, this is still the closestto the number of nouns in the ground truth sto-ries. Generating high number of nouns does notensure coherence as much as generating appropri-ate number of relevant pronouns. This is observedin the second section in the graph. While the MTGmodel generated higher number of pronouns incomparison to the baseline, the glocal attentionmodel seemed to have generated even higher per-centage of pronouns. Despite this over-generation,glocal attention model is the closest to the num-ber of pronouns in the ground truth stories. Aninteresting observation is that the MTG and glocalattention models seem to have opposite trends inthe generation of nouns and pronouns. We plan oninvestigating this further in our future work. Com-ing to the diversity of the entities generated by thestories, we calculate the average number of distinctentities present per story for each of the models.These numbers are shown in the last column of Ta-ble 3. This number for the ground truth test storiesis 0.7944. As we can see, the average number ofdistinct entities is comparatively high for the MTGmodel. However this number is closer to that of

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Figure 4: Percentage of Entities in the form of Nouns andPronouns in the generated stories

the ground truth for the glocal attention model as-suring that there is sufficient diversity in the entitychains that are generated by this model.We wouldlike to make a note here that though MTG modelwith nominalized representation is performing bet-ter in terms of METEOR score, our analysis showspromisingly better performance of the Glocal at-tention model with respect to both the number anddiversity of the entities generated.Qualitative Analysis: Figure 2 presents an imagesequence for a story along with the correspond-ing ground truth (SIS) and the generated stories.The positive and the negative phenomena observedare presented in the last column. The Glocal Hi-erarchical Attention Model is able to capture theskeleton words right in comparison to the baselinemodel. For instance, the words ‘we’ and ‘it’ aregenerated in sentences 1, 3, 4 and 5 with the glo-cal attention model whereas these entity skeletonwords are generated only in sentences 4 and 5 inthe baseline model. Since there are multiple oc-currences of entities that are connected, the storymight present stronger coherence in the case of glo-cal attention model. In addition, the entity skeletoncould be boosting the model to also generate otherrelevant words based on images such as ‘building’and ‘game’. The visualization of the correspondinghierarchical glocal attention map that is fed into thedecoder is presented in Figure 3. Darker color in-dicates higher attention on those words. The rowsin the visualization depict the sentence indices andthe columns indicate a few of the frequently oc-curring entity skeleton chains. The scores are notnormalized as probability distributions since thefigure does not present all 50 of the entity skeletons(instead of only the top 10 frequently occurringones). As we can see, there is higher weight inthe grids pertaining to ‘we’ for the first, third andfourth sentences.Human Evaluation: We conduct human evalua-tion in the form of preference testing. 20 stories

were randomly sampled and we asked five subjectsthe following preference questions ‘preference ofthe story narrative from the images’. Our glocalhierarchical attention model is preferred 82% ofthe times compared to the baseline model and 64%of the times in comparison to the MTG model withnominalized representation. We also asked them afollow up question of what their opinion is on theusage of pronouns since that is the task we werefocusing on. From the answers, we conclude thatour hypothesis of the usage of pronouns instead ofthird party nouns narrates a more involved story.Therefore, this provides an opportunity margin forimproving story generation.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

Automatic storytelling has been a dream since theemergence of AI, with one of the main hurdles be-ing naturalness. Our work is inspired from the intu-ition that humans form a central mindmap of a storybefore narrating it. In this work, this mindmap isassociated with the entities (such as people, loca-tion etc.,) involved in the story. We present ourwork on introducing entity and reference skeletonsin the generation of a grounded story from visualinput. In the first phase, we represent the entityskeletons in three forms: surface, nominalized andabstract. In the second phase, we present a storygeneration model that takes in the entity skeletonsand the images. We extended a strong baseline tosetup another competitive and comparable baselinethat is informed of the entity skeletons to performa fair comparison. We then proposed two models:(1) multitasking with the prediction of the skeleton,and (2) glocal hierarchical attention model that at-tends to the skeleton words at the word level andthe sentence level hierarchically. We observe thatour MTG and glocal hierarchical attention modelsare able to adhere to the skeleton thereby producingschema based stories with seemingly on-par andsometimes better results.

We plan on investigating the incorporation ofnominalized skeleton form in the glocal attentionmodel to reap the benefits of both the models. Sec-ondly, we plan on exploring metrics to evaluateintermediate tasks such as skeleton representationto streamline the end goal. Finally, we plan on ap-plying our methods to other forms of conditions togenerate storytelling such as semantic representa-tions, graphs and prompts. This investigation pavesway towards the generalizability of our approaches.

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