ENT BCQs (The Ear)

ENT BCQS 1 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur ENT BCQS (EAR) A Gift of 100 BCQs Dedicated to: My Parents, my uncle, my cousin and my teachers

Transcript of ENT BCQs (The Ear)

Page 1: ENT BCQs (The Ear)

ENT BCQS 1 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur


A Gift of 100 BCQs

Dedicated to:

My Parents, my uncle, my cousin and my teachers

Page 2: ENT BCQs (The Ear)

ENT BCQS 2 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

1. The blood supply of pinna commes from:

a) external carotid artery b) internal carotid artery

c) both a & b d) maxillary artery

e) facial artery

2. A 60 years old man complaining of decreased hearing was found to have Rinne’s test

positive in both the ears while webber’s lateralized to right ear. He is most likely suffering


a) conductive deafness in the right ear

b) sensorineural deafness in the right ear

c) conductive deafness in the left ear

d) sensorineural deafness in the left ear

e) sensorineural deafness in both the ears

3. The disease in which patient hears well in the noisy place?

a) Meniere’s disease b) acoustic neuroma

c) presbyacusis d) glomus tumour

e) otosclerosis

4. A 45 years old man initially developed irritation in the right ear followed by decrease in

hearing. He was found to have wet news paper or blotting paper like mass in the external

auditory canal. The most frequent causative agent is:

a) otomycosis b) staph. Aureus

c) exostosis d) aspergillus

e) pseudomona

5. While performing Caloric test the temperature of water should be:

a) 370C b) 33-340C

c) 30-440C d) 35-420C

e) 30-400C

1 A 4 D

2 D 5 C

3 E

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ENT BCQS 3 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

6. Cart wheal appearance is seen in case of:

a) serous otitis media b) ASOM

c) CSOM attico antral type d) CSOM tubotympanic

e) aero otitis

7. Find the incorrect statement:

a) auriculotemporal nerve is the branch of trigeminal nerve

b) the medial surface in lower one third is innervated by lesser occipital nerve

c) the lateral surface in lower one third is innervated by greater auricular nerve

d) keloid in pinna is usually formed after ear piercing

e) N.O.T

8. A 17 years old boy presents with itching and fullness in the ear with the history of swimming

last day. He is found to have wax in the. The most common site for the impaction is:

a) isthmus b) inferior meatal reces

c) cartilaginous part d) bony part

e) junction of cartilaginous and bony part

9. A 22 years young male patient presents with the itching in the ear. His scalp was found to be

full of dandruff. He is most likely suffering from:

a) Bullous myringitis b) diffuse otitis externa

c) malignant otitis externa d) seborrhoec otitis externa

e) eczematous otitis externa

10. It is not the part of middle ear left:

a) Eustachian tube b) aditus ad antrum

c) mastoid antrum d) mastoid air cells

e) N.O.T

6 B 9 D

7 B 10 E

8 B

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ENT BCQS 4 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

11. Regarding Eustachian tube all are true except:

a) it is 36cm long

b) the bony part forms upper one third

c) the tube is closed at rest

d) veins drain into pteregoid plexus

e) N.O.T

12. Pulsatile tinnitus is present in:

a) meniere’s disease b) acoustic neuroma

c) presbyacusis d) otosclerosis

e) glomus tumor

13. The lymphatic drainage of pinna does not go to:

a) parotid lymph nodes b) jugulo digastrics lymph nodes

c) infra auricular lymph nodes d) mastoid lymph nodes

e) superficial cervical along ex. Jugular vein

14. A 45 years old man with the history of diabetes mellitus complains of severe pain in ear

which is aggravated on moving the pinna and tragus. He is most likely suffering from:

a) perichondritis b) otomycosis

c) boil d) malignant otitis externa

e) eczematous otitis externa

15. The nerve innervations of Eustachian tube comes from:

a) auriculotemporal nerve b) auricular branch of vagus nerve

c) tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve d) tubal branch of vagus nerve

e) nervous intermedius

11 A 14 C

12 E 15 E

13 B

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ENT BCQS 5 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

16. The feature not present in the medial wall of middle ear cavity:

a) secondary T.M b) promontory

c) round window d) oval window

e) N.O.T

17. The opening for Eustachian tube lies in ______ wall of middle ear cavity.

a) medial b) lateral

c) inferior d) anterior

e) posterior

18. It is also known as otitis externa hemorrhagica:

a) bullous maryngitis b) diffuse otitis externa

c) seborroeic otitis externa d) malignant otitis externa

e) trauma to external ear

19. The tympanic branch of glossophyrngeal nerve enters middle ear cavity through:

a) anterior wall b) posterior wall

c) medial wall d) lateral wall

e) floor

20. The lenticular process is present in:

a) malleus b) incus

c) stapes d) pyramid

e) tegmen tympani

16 E 19 E

17 D 20 B

18 A

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ENT BCQS 6 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

21. Find the incorrect statement:

a) the composition of endolymph is similar to intravascular fluid

b) peri lymph has high sodium concentration

c) normally cochlea has 2.5 turns

d) scala media forms the cochlear duct

e) the opening of scala vestibuli is called oval window

22. A 40 Years old man complains of discharging ear. He is found to have serous dischare. The

most likely cause is:

a) serous otitis media b) CSOM attico antral type

c) CSOM tubo tympanic type d) perilymph fistula

e) ruptured boil

23. The clinical feature not related to ASOM

a) deep seated pain b) fever, malaise and headache

c) bulging ear drum d) tinnitus

e) cart wheal appearance

24. The roof of scala media is formed by:

a) stria vascularis b) reisner’s membrane

c) organ of corti d) basilar membrane

e) tectorial membrane

25. The auditory pathway does not include

a) cochlear nuclei in pons b) olivary nuclei

c) lateral leminiscus d)lateral geniculate body

e) inferior colliculus

21 A 24 B

22 E 25 D

23 D

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ENT BCQS 7 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

26. The conducting apparatus of ear does not include:

a) pinna b) T.M

c) ossicles d) Eustachian tube

e) N.O.T

27. The normal hearing frequency range for human ear is:

a) 20-2000Hz b) 10-2000Hz

c) 20-20000Hz d) 20-200000Hz

e) 10-200000Hz

28. The blood supply of Eustachian tube comes from all of the following arteries except:

a) middle meningeal arteries b) ascending pharyngeal artery

c) artery of the pterigoid canal d) deep auricular artery

e) N.O.T

29. Regarding semicircular canal:

a) four in number

b) responds to linear acceleration

c) horizontal pair responds to rotation about vertical axis

d) utricle responds to angular acceleration

e) vestibule maintains positive pressure in the Tympanic cavity

30. Regarding profound/stone deafness

a) 26-40dB b) 41-55dB

c) 56-70dB d) 71-91dB

e) >91Db

26 E 29 C

27 C 30 E

28 D

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ENT BCQS 8 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

31. The nature of secretions of parotid gland is:

a) mucous b) serous

c) mixed d) high content of minerals

e) N.O.T

32. A 30 years old man complaining of decreased hearing. He is found to have Rinne’s negative.

All may be the causes except:

a) ototoxicity b) otitis media

c) Eustachian tube dysfunction d) initial stages of otosclerosis

e) otomycosis

33. A 50 years old man complaining of decreased hearing in the right ear. He is found to have

rinne’s negative in the right ear and webber’s lateralized to right ear. He is most likely

suffering from:

a) sensorineural deafness in the right ear

b) conductive deafness in the right ear

c) sensorineural deafness in the left ear

d) conductive deafness in the left ear

e) sensorineural deafness in both the ears

34. The major cause of pain in the inner ear is:

a) labyrinthitis b) Meniere’s disease

c) peri lymph fistula d) trauma

e) N.O.T

35. Corti lymph is present in:

a) scala vestibule b) scala tympani

c) scala media d) tunnel of corti

e) cochlea

31 B 34 E

32 A 35 D

33 B

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ENT BCQS 9 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

36. All are the causes of tinnitus without deafness except:

a) hypertension b) hypotension

c) hypoglycemia d) epilepsy

e) presbyacusis

37. Find the incorrect statement:

a) functionally T.M is considered as part of the middle ear

b) Attico antral type CSOM presents with perforation in the shrapnel’s membrane

c) the normal T.M is purely transparent

d) Notch of rivinus is found in superior part of pars flaccida

e) the central part of T.M is called umbo

38. The test performed to compare the bone conduction of the patient with that of the examiner

while blocking Ex. Auditory canal is called:

a) ABC test b) schwabach’s test

c) both a&b d) bing test

e) Gelle’s test

39. A 55 years old man complaining of decreased hearing along with the distortion of sound. He

is found to have decrease in both the air and bone conduction. The most probable cause is:

a) boil b) osteoma

c) serous otitis media d) acoustic neuroma

e) dislocation of ossicles

40. The principle of caloric test is to stimulate :

a) anterior semicircular canal b) lateral semicircular canal

c) posterior semicircular canal d) vestibule

e) utricle

36 E 39 D

37 C 40 B

38 A

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ENT BCQS 10 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

41. It involves saccule and cochlea

a) Scheibe dysplasia b) mondini dysplasia

c) Bing siebenman dysplasia d) michael dysplasia

e) Teachers Collin syndrome

42. Middle ear has:

a) four walls b) five walls

c) six walls d) seven walls

e) eight walls

43. Cauliflower ear is related to:

a) frost bite b) boxer’s ear

c) hypersensitivity to cauliflower d) cuts & lacerations in the ear

e) A.O.T

44. In which type of F.B post aural incision is needed?

a) animate b) hygroscopic

c) non hygroscopic d) both b & c

e) N.O.T

45. Chloroform or spirit is needed before ear syringing in case of:

a) animate F.B b) hygroscopic F.B

c) Non hygroscopic F.B d) wax

e) both b & c

41 A 44 B

42 C 45 A

43 B

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ENT BCQS 11 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

46. Foreign body in the ear may produce all of the following except:

a) pain b) tinnitus

c) reflex cough d) bleeding

e) S.N deafness

47. Regarding transverse fracture all are true except:

a) the most common type b) facial nerve paralysis

c) can involve labyrinth d) S.N deafness

e) the fracture line is at right angle to long axis of petrous bone

48. A 7 years old child with the history influenza infection presents with pain and discharging

ear. He is most likely suffering from:

a) Bullous myringitis b) diffuse otitis externa

c) malignant otitis externa d) seborrhoec otitis externa

e) eczematous otitis externa

49. Pseudomonas is the causative agent for:

a) Bullous myringitis b) diffuse otitis externa

c) malignant otitis externa d) seborrhoeic otitis externa

e) eczematous otitis externa

50. A 23 years old lady after wearing jewelry now complains of itching redness and edema of

pinna and external auditory canal. She is most likely suffering from:

a) Bullous myringitis b) diffuse otitis externa

c) malignant otitis externa d) seborrhoec otitis externa

e) eczematous otitis externa

46 E 49 C

47 A 50 E

48 A

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ENT BCQS 12 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

51. A 58 years old man complains of severe pain and discharging ear. He was found to have

granulation tissue in the external auditory canal. The discharge was found to be sero purulent

foul smelling and blood stained. The underlying disease is:

a) CSOM attico antral b) CSOM tubotympanic type

c) malignant otitis externa d) otitis externa hemorrhagica

e) ruptured boil

52. Normally the volatile substance in the wax is:

a) 0.5% b) 5%

c) 15% d) 20%

e) 50%

53. Find the incorrect statement:

a) outer one third of ex. Auditory canal is formed by cartilage

b) the bony part of ex. Auditory canal does not contain any glands

c) the junction of cartilaginous and bony part is the narrowest part of the canal

d) auricular branch of vagus nerve innervates the posterior half of the canal

e) N.O.T

54. All are the stages of ASOM except:

a) stage of tubotympanitis

b) stage of catarhhal inflammation

c) satge of suppuration

d) stage of granulation tissue

e) stage of resolution

55. The differential diagnosis of ASOM does not include:

a) diffuse otitis externa b) conditions causing reffered otalgia

c) herpes zoaster oticus d) post auricular adenitis

e) exostosis

51 C 54 D

52 C 55 E

53 C

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ENT BCQS 13 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

56. The treatment of ASOM includes

a) tympanotomy b) maryngotomy

c) tympanoplasty d) maryngoplasty

e) 10% ecthamol in glycerine

57. Regarding malignant otitis externa all are true except:

a) severe pain b) diabetic and elderly patients

c) caused by pseudomonas aerugenosa d) can cause gradenigo syndrome

e) N.O.T

58. It is not the character of discharge in CSOM tubo tympanic type

a) thin b) profuse

c) blood stained d) foul smelling

e) both c & d

59. All are true about tubo tympanic type except:

a) central type of perforation

b) mild to moderate deafness

c) it is less common than attico antral type

d) audiometery shows conductive deafness

e) the discharge is mucopurulent

60. A nine years old boy complains of discharging ear. The discharge is thin profuse,

mucopurulent which is neither blood stained nor foul smelling with the central type of

perforation. The underlying disease is:

a) glue ear b) CSOM attico antral type

c) CSOM tubotympanic type d) malignant otitis externa


56 B 59 C

57 E 60 C

58 E

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ENT BCQS 14 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

61. A 19 years old young patient presents with foul smelling blood stained mucopurulent

discharge with the presence of granulation tissue. He is most likely suffering from:

a) malignant otitis externa b) CSOM tubo tympanic type

c) CSOM attico antral type d) both a & c

e) glue ear

62. Radical mastoidectomy is usually directed towards:

a) malignant otitis externa b) CSOM tubo tympanic type

c) CSOM attico antral type d) both a & c

e) glue ear

63. Which type of tympanoplasty is called maryngoplasty:

a) type 1 b) type 2

c) type 3 d) type 4

e) type 5

64. The commonest graft material used for maryngoplasty is:

a) fat from lobule b) temporalis fascia

c) tragal perichondrium d) dura matter

e) cadaveric T.M

65. Facial nerve is:

a) motor nerve b) sensory nerve

c) secretomotor nerve d) mixed nerve

e) 7th spinal nerve

61 C 64 B

62 C 65 D

63 A

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ENT BCQS 15 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

66. Myringotomy and grommet insertion is usually the treatment of:

a) ASOM b) CSOM tubo tympanic

c) CSOM attico antral d) serous otitis media

e) aero otitis

67. A 40 years old man after traveling through aeroplane complains of discomfort and pain in the

ear which is followed by deafness and tinnitus. What’s your probable diagnosis.

a) ASOM b) serous otitis media

c) aero otitis d) otosclerosis

e) bullous maryngitis

68. It is not intracranial complication of CSOM attico antral type:

a) thrombosis of internal jugular vein b) thrombosis of sigmoid sinus

c) meningitis d) otic hydrocephalus

e) sub dural abscess

69. The commonest intra cranial complication of CSOM attico antral type is:

a) meningitis b) brain abscess

c) sub dural abscess d) extra dural abscess

e) encephalitis

70. Citelli’s abscess is present in:

a) sternocleidomastoid muscle b) post. Belly of diagastric muscle

c) petrous apex d) zygomatic bone

e) mastoid

66 D 69 B

67 C 70 B

68 A

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ENT BCQS 16 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

71. A 35 years old man presents with severe persistent pain in the ear. He is found to have

vesicles on pinna, external auditory canal, T.M. The vesicles do not cross the middline of the

body. The underlying disease is:

a) malignant otitis externa b) diffuse otitis externa

c) herpes zoster oticus d) myringitis granulose

e) eczematous otitis externa

72. All of the following features are related to cerebellar abscess except:

a) headache b) papiloedema

c) high grade fever with rigors d) slow pulse rate

e) nominal aphasia

73. The most common clinical presentation in acoustic neuroma is:

a) S.N deafness b) vertigo

c) diplopia d) headache

e) tinnitus

74. Pure tone audiogram shows carhart’s notch in:

a) meneire’s disease b) acoustic neuroma

c) glomus tumous d) presbyacusis

e) otosclerosis

75. Schwartz’s sign is present in 10% of cases of:

a) meniere’s disease b) otosclerosis

c) glomus tumour d) presbyacusis

e) acoustic nuroma

71 C 74 E

72 E 75 B

73 A

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ENT BCQS 17 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

76. The operation to treat otosclerosis is:

a) radial mastoidectomy b) modified radical mastoidectomy

c) cortical mastoidectomy d) atticotomy

e) N.O.T

77. The commonest site for the development of otosclerosis is:

a) anterior to oval window b) anterior to round window

c) posterior to oval window d) posterior to oval window

e) N.O.T

78. All of the following factors affect otosclerosis except:

a) age b) gender

c) pregnancy d) lactation

e) race

79. It is not the cause of peripheral vertigo:

a) meneire’s disease b) labyrinthitis

c) acoustic neuroma d) multiple sclerosis

e) vestibulotoxic drugs

80. Meniere’s disease is the disorder of:

a) scala vestibule b) scala tympani

c) scala media d) semicircular canal

e) saccule

76 E 79 D

77 A 80 C

78 D

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ENT BCQS 18 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

81. Which structure is likely to be ruptured in meniere’s disease?

a) tectorial membrane b) Reissner’s membrane

c) basilar membrane d) stria vascularis

e) tunnel of corti

82. Axontomesis means:

a) axon sheath is intact b) axon is intact

c) axon sheath is divided d) whole nerve is dissected

e) distal degeneration occurs

83. A 45 years old men presents with episodic vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss and tinnitus. He is

suffering from:

a) meniere’s disease b) acoustic neuroma

c) presbyacusis d) otosclerosis

e) glomus tumor

84. Brown sign is present in

a) meniere’s disease b) acoustic neuroma

c) presbyacusis d) otosclerosis

e) glomus tumor

85. Carhart’s notch is present at the frequency:

a) 1000Hz b) 1500Hz

c) 2000Hz d) 2500Hz

e) 4000Hz

81 B 84 E

82 A 85 C

83 A

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ENT BCQS 19 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

86. The disease which is treated by the restriction of salt and water:

a) meniere’s disease b) acoustic neuroma

c) presbyacusis d) otosclerosis

e) glomus tumor

87. At the end of which disease the destruction of labyrinth is carried out as the treatment:

a) meniere’s disease b) acoustic neuroma

c) presbyacusis d) otosclerosis

e) glomus tumor

88. All are the ototoxic drugs except:

a) gentamycin b) chloroquine

c) furosemide d) ethosuxemide

e) cephalosporins & sulphonamides

89. The safe level of hearing is:

a) 85dB b) 90

c) 95 d) 100


90. Schrimmer’s test is performed to check the ______ fibers of facial nerve

a) motor b) sensory

c) secretomotor d) both a & b

e) both a & c

86 A 89 A

87 A 90 B

88 E

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ENT BCQS 20 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

91. Commonest cause of facial nerve paralysis is:

a) otitis media b) trauma

c) bell’s palsy d) brainstem tumour

e) parotid tumours

92. The surgery for the recovery of facial nerve paralysis is:

a) radical mastoidectomy b) modified radical mastoidectomy

c) tympanotomy d) mastoidectomy

e) surgical decompression

93. All are intracranial causes of facial nerve paralysis except:

a) Bell’s palsy b) poliomyelitis

c) multiple sclerosis d) primary cholesteatoma

e) acoustic neuroma

94. The principle feature present in otitis media with effusion is:

a) conductive type of deafness b) tinnitus

c) dull and retracted T.M d) blocked Eustachian tube

e) presence of fluid in the middle ear

95. Paralysis of upper half of face occurs in:

a) supra nuclear paralysis

b) nuclear paralysis

c) infra nuclear paralysis

d) both b & c

e) N.O.T

91 C 94 A

92 E 95 E

93 A

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ENT BCQS 21 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

96. Rising sun appearance is present in:

a) meniere’s disease b) acoustic neuroma

c) glomus tumour d) osteoma

e) otosclerosis

97. It is also known as rodent ulcer

a) peptic ulcer b) apthous ulcer

c) squamous cell carcinoma d) basal cell carcinoma

e) N.O.T

98. Which of the following perforation is more dangerous:

a) central b) irregular

c) marginal d) multiple

e) kidney shaped

99. Bezold’s abscess is present in the sheath of:

a) sternocleidomastoid muscle b) post. Belly of diagastric muscle

c) petrous apex d) zygomatic bone

e) mastoid

100. A 55 years old man diagnosed to have pleomorphic adenoma. he is most likely to suffer the

paralysis of:

a) glossophyrangeal nerve b) facial nerve

c) vagus nerve d) hypoglossal nerve

e) trigeminal nerve

96 C 99 A

97 D 100 B

98 C