English Vocabulary - SCSI Media · English Vocabulary Abase (v) To humiliate or deprive of self...

1 | Page English Vocabulary Abase (v) To humiliate or deprive of self worth. Abduct (v) To take a person away secretly and illegally; often by use of force; to kidnap Abominate (v) To loathe or hate; to view with extreme hostility Absolution The condition of having been forgiven or freed of guilt Abstain (v) To refrain from; to refuse to partake in; to go without voluntarily Acclimated Having adapted or become accustomed to Accost To greet or approach, usually in a confrontational way Acronym A word formed by combining the first letters of several other words. Acuity Keen as in the mind or the senses; deft. Adhere To hold fast to, usually with a senses of honor or allegiance Adjunct An unessential addition; an appendage or complement Adverse Unfavorable; acting in opposition to Affable Gentle; approachable; friendly Affect To influence; to stir the emotions of; to produce an effect in something

Transcript of English Vocabulary - SCSI Media · English Vocabulary Abase (v) To humiliate or deprive of self...

Page 1: English Vocabulary - SCSI Media · English Vocabulary Abase (v) To humiliate or deprive of self worth. Abduct (v) To take a person away secretly and illegally; often by use of force;

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English Vocabulary Abase (v) To humiliate or deprive of self worth. Abduct (v) To take a person away secretly and illegally; often by use of force; to kidnap Abominate (v) To loathe or hate; to view with extreme hostility Absolution The condition of having been forgiven or freed of guilt Abstain (v) To refrain from; to refuse to partake in; to go without voluntarily Acclimated Having adapted or become accustomed to Accost To greet or approach, usually in a confrontational way Acronym A word formed by combining the first letters of several other words. Acuity Keen as in the mind or the senses; deft. Adhere To hold fast to, usually with a senses of honor or allegiance Adjunct An unessential addition; an appendage or complement Adverse Unfavorable; acting in opposition to Affable Gentle; approachable; friendly Affect To influence; to stir the emotions of; to produce an effect in something

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Aide An assistant Alibi A story or circumstance that proves one is innocent of a crime or misdeed; a credible excuse or explanation of innocence. Allegiance Loyalty, particularly to a government. Alluring Tempting; possessing the power to entice. Aloof Indifferent or uninterested; unsociable Ambiguous Unclear in meaning; open to more than one interpretation Ambivalent Uncertain or undecided Amend To modify or update Apex The highest point Aphasia The inability, brought on by brain damage to understand words and/or ideas Appease To placate; to soothe or satisfy Appraise to estimate an item’s value. Apprise To notify; to cause to be aware of. Archaic Relating to or resembling something from the past; antiquated Ascertain To find out something by experimenting or by making inquiries

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Assent To agree that an opinion, view or proposal is correct; to concur, corroborate, or acquiesce. Astute Skilled; quick to learn or grasp; shrewd; sharp-witted Asunder Into pieces or parts; separated Attenuate To spread thin; to cause a decrease in amount, value, power, severity Augur To foretell future events, as though by super natural knowledge or power. Au revoir Goodbye; until we meet again Autonomous Being in charge of one’s own life; independent of other influences; self-governing Averse Holding a disinclination. Aversion Extreme dislike; loathing Avid Earnest; eager, passionate and committed Bacchanalian Drunken and carousing Baleful Signaling evil to come, ominous Ballistics The study of projectiles and impacts. Balk To hesitate and refuse to go forward; to prevent from accomplishing an aim. Banal Trite; unoriginal

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Bedlam A state of agitation, furor, or confusion Benchmark A standard by which to measure; the exemplary performance or criterion. Besiege to submit a person or body to insistent demands from all sides; to crowd around; to harass Betrothed Engaged to be married or the person to whom one is engaged. Biased Predisposed to a particular view or direction; prejudiced. Biennial Happening every second year Biopsy An instance of taking samples of tissue, cells, or fluids from a living body and analyzing these samples. Bisque A thick and creamy soup made from meat, fish or shellfish. Bizarre Strange, incomprehensible; deviating from what is expected or in the rational order of things. Blacklist To place on a list of disapproved or rejected persons and organizations. Bogus Fake; counterfeit Bovine Of or resembling a cow or ox; dull. Bravura An amazing or daring display of style, technique. Brazen Bold or shameless in display; unconcerned with the reactions of others.

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Breadth The side-to-side extent of something; width; expanse. Broach To bring up or put forth as a topic for discussion. Brouhaha An event that involves or invokes excitement, turmoil or conflict Bucolic Rural or rustic in nature; pastoral. Burnout A condition of fatigue, low morale or frustration resulting from excessive stress or overwork. Cachet A mark of distinction or originality. Cacophony A sound that is harsh and unpleasant to the ears. Cadence The rhythm or flow of a series of words or sounds; often, the harmonious rhythm or flow of the spoken word. Cajole To coax; to persuade by using flattery. Callous Unfeeling; insensitive; hardened Callus A hardened patch of skin Calumny A slanderous statement made with the intent of hurting another’s reputation; a malicious rumor. Canapé An appetizer made by spreading meat, fish, or cheese on a small piece of toasted bread. Cantankerous Ill-tempered; grumpy.

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Capital A city designated as a seat of government. Capitol The building in which a legislature meets. Carafe A wide-mouthed bottle for holding liquid Careen To lurch while moving; to swerve Castigate To criticize or rebuke severely Catharsis To purify and rejuvenate the body and spirit by purging them of whatever is causing problems. Catheter A slim, flexible tube inserted in a bodily channel to maintain an opening to another internal opening. Cavort To caper about; to prance. Censor One who reviews for offensive or objectionable material. Cerebral Appealing to or involving the human mind; characteristic of intellectual pursuits. Chafe To rub or irritate. Chaff Worthless stuff; material to be cast away. Chalet A small country house Chasm A deep gorge in the earth’s surface. Chateau A large country house; a French manor or castle.

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Chide To scold or lecture; to reprove Chintzy Considered cheap, tacky or of low quality. Circa An estimated historical time period. Circumflex An accent mark placed over a letter to indicate a certain pronunciation. Circumlocution An instance of using more words than necessary to express a thought; skirting an issue. Cite To quote or refer to. Climatic Pertaining to climate Cloistered Secluded; isolated; removed or hidden Coagulate To change from a liquid to a solid-like mass. Cogitate To think about or ponder seriously Cognizant Aware of well informed. Coiffure A hairdo; the style of one’s hair. Collate To arrange in proper, logical order. Collateral Something pledged as security or insurance Combustible Susceptible to catching fire; able to be burned.

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Comity Courtesy; mutual civility. Commodious Spacious, roomy. Compile To gather or put together in one place or form. Complacent Satisfied with oneself; smug; content. Complement To accompany in a pleasing or harmonious style. Compliant Submissive; yielding. Complicity To be involved in or be associated with, or to participate in or have previous knowledge of, an instance of wrongdoing. Compliment To praise or flatter. Complimentary Expressing praise or admiration; also, extended without charge. Concave Curving inward, as the inside of a sphere. Concede To admit or acknowledge the truth or validity of. Conclave A secret meeting; also the room in which this meeting is held. Concoct To combine in the process of preparation. Concur To agree; to share the same opinion.

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Confiscate To deprive of one’s property especially as part of an official or governmental body. Conform To go along with what is popular Connote To imply, suggest, or hint at another meaning in addition to a primary one. Conspicuous Strikingly noticeable; obvious Construe To interpret or guess the meaning of Contiguous Joining physically; touching Contravention An instance of contradiction or opposition. Contrite Inclined to express penitence or apology. Controvert To oppose with logical reasoning. Convex Curving outward, as the outside of a sphere. Corpulent Obese; fat; bulky Correlate To relate logically or systematically Council An assembly gathered together for deliberation or consultation. Counsel A discussion or ideas or opinions. Also, an attorney. Countervail To use equal force against; to compensate

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Coup de grace A decisive act or event that brings a situation to a close; the finishing blow. Crestfallen In low spirits; extremely depressed. Criterion standards; qualities or pre-conditions that must be met. Plural: criteria Croissant A crescent-shaped roll or pastry. Cryptic Secret; coded; concealed from open understanding. Culinary Relating to cooking or the preparation of food. Cull To assemble or collect bit by bit. Cursory Performed with haste and without care Curtail To abridge or truncate; to lessen, usually by taking or cutting away from. Daub To smear with a sticky substance. Dauntless Unable to be intimidated or put down; brave; fearless. Deadlock An impasse resulting from two opposing and resistant forces. Decanter A fancy glass bottle sued for serving wine, brandy, etc. Decree An official order or announcement. Deem To judge, to regard or assess.

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De facto In fact; actual Defile To pollute; to corrupt or make unclean. Defunct No longer in existence; obsolete; not living. Deluge A great flood or heavy rain; an overwhelming inundation of anything. Demur To take exception; to object, particularly as a result of deeply held principles. Denigrate To defame or speak ill of; literally, to blacken (a reputation) Denizen An inhabitant or resident Depose To oust or remove from office or a position of power and authority; also to take testimony from someone under oath. Deride To ridicule with cruelty; to laugh at and make fun of. Derogatory Tending to lessen or impair someone or something; disparaging and negative. Detrimental Damaging or harmful in effect Devoid Lacking utterly; without Dexterity Adroitness, the quality of being skilled in using one’s hands and body. Digress To wander off the point of a discourse or conversation. Diminish To cause to be smaller, to decrease.

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Disburse To pay out; to expend. Discerning Insightful; sound in evaluation or judgment Disconsolate Beyond consolation; unable to be comforted; deep in grief or sorrow. Discordant Conflicting; lacking in harmony Discreet Displaying or possessing tact and restraint in behavior and speech Discretion The ability to or right to make decisions independently; also the ability to be tactful and act with decorum. Discursive Rambling; not to the point. Dishevel To put (hair or clothing) into disarray. Dispel To disperse; to drive away Divulge To make known; to reveal or disclose, particularly something that had been secret Doldrums A spell of low feeling; an instance of sadness or stagnation. Domain An area over which one rules; a field within which one has power. Dour Grim, stern, or sullen Douse To cover with a liquid thoroughly; to drench or soak

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Dregs The sediment contents of the bottom of a nearly empty container of wine, coffee, or the like; also something or someone perceived as worthless or as the last and least appealing in a series of choices. Dupe To fool, trick or deceive. A person so deceived. Duplicity Trickery; two-facedness; purposeful deceptiveness. Duress Compulsion resulting from the threat of force; coercion. Also physical restraint or imprisonment. Edifice A building, particularly one that is large and imposing. Efface To rub away Effect A thing taking place as the result of a cause. Effervescent Bubbly, sparkling; lively Egress Exit Elegy A poem of mourning; a poem reflecting on and praising the deceased. Emaciated Dangerously thin. Emasculate To castrate; also to deprive of strength or essential elements. Embezzle To appropriate funds for oneself that were placed in one’s care for another party. Emigrant One who leaves a country or region for the purpose of settling in another.

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Encore Sustained applause, cheers and the like. Endeavor To strive for or attempt; to try to reach. Engender to cause to exist Ensemble A group of individuals performing together as for example, a cast of actors or musicians. Ensue To come afterward; to follow; to happen as a result. Entice To tempt in a pleasing fashion; to attract or lure. Entourage A group of associates; people who commonly surround, protect and attend to someone of importance. Ephemeral Lasting only a short while Epic Of major proportions; extraordinary. Epigraph An inscription written on a stone, monument or building Epithet A word, description or expression (often disparaging) meant to characterize a person. Epitome The highest or supreme example. Equitable Free from bias; just to all involved. Erstwhile Former; pertaining to a long-past time.

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Eschew To shun; to stay away from, especially as a result of moral or ethical concerns. Et al And others Ethereal Airy; light; more heavenly than earthly Ethnocentricity The belief that cultures different from one’s own are inherently inferior. Euphemism A word or expression used as a substitute for one that may be considered offensive or distasteful. Euphonious Pleasing to the ear. Excelsior Wood shavings used as a packing agent. Excerpt To quote or reproduce a portion of a book, play, poem, etc. Exert To expend effort Exhilarated To make lively; to excite or energize Exhort To urge or entreat; to plead with Exonerate To clear or free from blame or guilt; to restore one’s reputation. Expunge To obliterate, remove or mark for deletion Extant Existing or in existence. Extol To praise highly

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Extraneous Coming from the outside; not innate; foreign Extricate To remove from an entanglement Extrinsic Not part of the true nature of something. Exult To celebrate or rejoice heartily Façade The ornamental front of a building; a false or misleading appearance meant to deceive. Facetious Meant to evoke laughter or enjoyment; not intended seriously. Facsimile An exact copy, imitation , or reproduction. Fallacy A misconception; an erroneous perception; a deceit Fauna The animal population of a particular region or time period. Faux Fake or counterfeit in nature. Faze To bother; to disturb or annoy. Feign To fake or counterfeit; to pretend Felicitous Appropriate to the moment or occasion; also, giving great pleasure. Felonious Criminal; villainous; reminiscent of or relating to a felony crime. Ferret To drive or force out; to discover by forcing out.

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Fetters Literally, shackles or handcuffs; a restraint. Also, a verb: to restrain or restrict. Filial That which is due from or befitting a son or daughter; pertaining to a son or daughter. Filibuster a legislative tactic by which a member prevents or delays the passage of a law. Finagle To wangle; to use clever, often underhanded methods to achieve one’s desires. Finesse Using subtle charm and style to resolve a problem; smooth, skillful maneuvering. Fjord A thin strip of sea flowing between cliffs or hills. Flaccid Lacking firmness, stiffness, vigor. Flagellate To whip Flimsy Lightweight; cheap; un-sturdy; or poor quality. Flippant Disrespectful or harsh in tone; shallow or frivolous. Flotsam The debris from a shipwreck that floats on water or is washed ashore. Flounder To struggle clumsily. Also, a fish. Fluency Ready and unhindered expression. Foliage A group of leaves, branches, and flowers. Foolhardy Rash; hasty; unthinking.

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Forage To search or hunt for food and provisions. Forebear An ancestor; forefather Foreclosure The act of repossessing a mortgaged property due to a default on payments, resulting in the mortgagee losing all rights to the property. Forsake To abandon Founder To sink, to fail in an undertaking. Foyer Hall; vestibule; entryway; a lobby Fracas A commotion; a noisy disagreement Fraught Loaded or filled with; accompanied by; involving. Frenzy A state of wild excitement; extreme emotional or mental agitation. Fulsome Excessive and overdone, especially in way inconsistent with good taste. Also, insincerely earnest in expression. Furlough A leave of absence, especially for a member of the armed forces; the act of granting this leave. Furor Widespread excitement or anger Galore In abundance; plentiful Galvanize To stimulate into action; to motivate

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Gambit Any maneuver or plan calculated to gain advantage. Gamesome Merry, frolicsome. Gaunt Extremely thin, haggard, as by deprivation or worry. Genre A particular style that characterizes a type of music, art, literature, film etc. Germane Pertinent; relevant; related to the matter at hand. Gerontology The field of medicine concerned with illnesses, diseases, and problems specific to old age. Gibber To speak nervously and incomprehensibly; to speak in a fast, jumbled, inarticulate manner. Gist The main point; the essential meaning, the core of heart of a message Glib Articulate, yet superficial. Gnash To grind or strike together. Grapple To struggle with; to attempt to pin down or throw to the ground. Gratuity A tip; extra money given for service beyond the amount required by the bill. Grievous Grave; severe; causing or likely to cause grief. Grisly Gruesome Guffaw An instance of full, unrestrained laughter

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Guild A group of people dedicated to common interests or goals; an association of like-minded individuals. Guise Semblance; outer appearance; manner of dress Gullible Easily cheated, tricked, or deceived. Guru An inspiring spiritual or intellectual leader; a revered teacher. Gyrate To spin; to wind or coil Haggle To bargain with; to dicker or negotiate on price and terms Harangue Lecture; berate; also an instance of such berating Harbinger Someone or something that announces the approach of another Harried Frazzled or troubled Harrowing Extremely distressing Haughty Snobbishly proud Hedonist One whose life is devoted solely or primarily to the pursuit of pleasure and gratification. Heed To pay attention to; to take into consideration Heirloom A possession of commercial or sentimental value handed down from generation to generation

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Hemophilia A blood defect in which the blood fails to clot normally, often leading to uncontrolled hemorrhaging. Hereditary Passed through the genes from parents to their children. Heresy An instance of espousing religious beliefs contrary to a church doctrine. Highbrow Intelligent and cultured; also, one who is pretentious or snobby about intelligence and culture. Hinterlands An area far away from the coastline; also an area far removed from the city Hirsute Hairy Hologram A three-dimensional image created electronically and without a lense, Homeopathy A means of treating a disease by administering small doses of medicine that, in large doses, would bring about effects similar to the disease being treated. Homily A religious talk or speech. Homogeneous The same throughout; made up of like parts; not heterogeneous Hookah A large multi-stemmed smoking apparatus that cools smoke by passing it through water. Horde A large crowd; a swarm of people Hovel A modest, humble home or hut; a rude or dirty dwelling-place. Hubbub A commotion; an outburst.

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Hybrid The result of a mixture or combination of two dissimilar things. Hypocrite A person pretending to be something he or she is not. Hypodermic Related to parts under the skin. Hypothesis An educated guess; a proposition’ an untested theory put forth to explain something. Ibid Abbreviation for ibidem, in the place mentioned before. Iconoclast A person who supports the destruction of holy images, or someone who challenges the status quo. Idiosyncrasy A behavioral quirk or eccentricity. Idle Lacking in substance; not put to use; inactive. Idolatry The worship of a physical object as though it were a god or idol. Idyllic Pleasing; peaceful; ideal i.e. id est, meaning: that is. Imbecility Foolishness; simplemindedness Imminent Likely to happen at any time; impending Impale To pierce with a sharp object; to pin or hold down Impecunious Lacking in money; having little or nothing in the way of funds.

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Imperiled Endangered. Importune To request repeatedly so as to be a bother. Impresario A person who organizes or sponsors entertainment or cultural events (such as concerts and plays). Impromptu Spontaneous; not planned or rehearsed; conceived on the spur of the moment. Inadvertent Unintentional; not on purpose, accidentally. Inalienable Incapable of being taken away Inanimate Reminiscent of an object that is not alive or animated; lacking in movement Inauspicious Accompanied by or predictive of ill luck; not favorable in portent Incandescent Very bright and hot; brilliant as light or fire. Incapacitate To disable; to deprive of strength, ability or skill. Incendiary Flammable. Also, speech or action that is meant to inflame or arouse. Incipient Early in development; at a beginning stage. Incongruous Not consistent; incompatible. Incredulous Skeptical; refusing or reluctant to believe Indigent Lacking the essentials of life; impoverished

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Indict To charge formally with a crime or offense Indoctrinate To teach; to impart with the knowledge or views of particular group, philosophy, or theory. Inert Inactive; unmoving, extremely slow in moving or reacting. Ingénue An unworldly, innocent, uncultured young girl. Ingot A piece of cast metal, usually in the form of a bar. Innuendo A sublte intimation; and indirect insinuation Inordinate Excessive; too much Insidious Designed to entrap; happening or spreading harmfully but subtly, stealthily and seductively. Insouciant Calm and carefree; indifferent Insurrection A rebellion against a government or ruling power Intangible Incapable of being touched, felt, or calculated. Intercede To offer aid or action on another’s behalf Interlope To intrude; to interfere, meddle or infringe. Intersperse To scatter here and there.

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Intractable Unwilling to be led; stubborn Inveigle To tempt or persuade by using deception, artful talk, or flattery Invidious Likely to damage a reputation Jaded Worn out; dulled or satiated due to overindulgence Jargon The specialized language or vocabulary of a particular profession, trade or hobby. Jeopardize To put in danger of being harmed or adversely affected Jitney A small car of bus charging a low fare. Jovial Possessing a joyous, happy nature; good-hearted Juggernaut An object or force so powerful that if flattens or destroys anything in its path. Juncture A point in time, especially an important one. Junket A recreational trip, outing, or excursion; often a pleasure trip taken by public officials. Kin One’s relatives Kiosk A small vending booth Kow-tow To show respect, deference, or servility Lacerated Cut, torn, ripped, or mangled

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Lackadaisical Lacking spirit or energy; languid Lackluster Dull; not shiny or brilliant Laity Members of the lay community Lassitude A condition of listlessness, exhaustion, or weakness; a feeling of indifference Latent Existing and having the power to become visible or manifest Laudable Worthy or deserving praise Leery Wary; cautious; suspicious Lessor A person or group granting a lease Lexicography The compiling, writing, and editing of dictionaries Libel A written, printed, or pictorial statement or assertion that is unjustly negative, defaming, or hurtful to one’s character and reputation. Libertine One who lives lie unconcerned and unrestrained by popular convention or morality; a promiscuous person. Licentious Having little or no moral restraint, especially with regard to sex. Lieu Place; stead Lineage Ancestry; line of descent

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Lionize To praise excessively; to idolize. Lithe Graceful; supple Loath Unwilling; reluctant Loathe To hate or detest Lowbrow Uncultured, unsophisticated Lummox A dim-witted and awkward person; an oaf Machiavellian Cunning and deceitful in the pursuit of power Malaise A vague feeling of illness, uneasiness or sadness Malapropism The ridiculous misuse of similar-sounding words. Malfeasance Breaking the law or engaging in wrongdoing Malign To defame; to besmirch Malleable Shapeable; capable of being molded, changed or, influenced. Mar To spoil, damage or, tarnish Matrix A place, situation, or object that acts as the point of origin or development for something else; a mold. Maudlin Gushingly or tearfully sentimental.

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Maunder To speak or act in an aimless incoherent fashion. Medley A group of varying elements’ a mixture; in music, a series of songs or melodies connected as one. Memento A souvenir Menagerie Any exotic grouping of people or animals. Mendicant A beggar Mercurial Quickly changing; unpredictable Meritocracy A system in which those perceived as talented or intelligent are granted positions of preeminence. Meritorious Worthy of praise; laudable Meretricious Attracting attention by vulgar, trashy means; false or insincere Mete To distribute in proportion; to measure out Midriff On the human body, the middle area of the torso; the diaphragm Mien Demeanor; appearance, overall impression Mince To chop into small pieces; to use evasive or indirect language, also to walk, taking short steps. Mire Any corrupt or unpleasing environment

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Misanthrope One who hates mankind or people; a person who expects only the worst in his dealings with others. Misconstrue to get the wrong idea; to misunderstand or misinterpret. Misnomer An incorrect or inappropriate name. Monarchy Government by a single ruler claiming a hereditary right to sovereignty. Moniker Name; nickname Morass A difficult or bewildering situation; a quagmire. Mordant Bitingly sarcastic; cynical Nadir The lowest point Nebulous Cloudy; vague Nefarious Openly evil; wicked Negate To deny Neologism A newly coined term or word. Nepotism The practice of favoring relatives Niggling Petty; annoying Nihilism The belief that life is meaningless

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Nimbus A halo-like source of light above the head of a saint or spiritual figure. Noisome Ill-smelling and offensive; also harmful. Nolo contendere In law, a plea that admits no guilt, but subjects the defendant to penalty Nonpartisan Not a member of a party or association; unbiased. Notoriety Fame; wide publicity for sensational reasons, also having an unfavorable reputation. Obsolete No longer useful or in use; unnecessary Obstreperous Uncontrollably aggressive; defiant, boisterous. Ochlophobia An illogical fear or dread of crowds. Oenophile A wine connoisseur Off-color Questionable in taste or propriety; distasteful. Off-the-record Not intended for publication Ogle To watch intently; to gaze at lasciviously. Olfactory Relating to the sense of smell Oligarchy Government by an elite few. Omnibus Something that covers many areas or subjects; also a bus

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Oncology The study of tumors Opiate An addictive narcotic, especially one with numbing or sleep-inducing qualities. Ornery Stubborn or unyielding; inclined toward obstinate behavior. Ornithology The study of birds Orotund Possessing a full, big sound; sonorous; overbearing or pretentious. Oxymoron A phrase in which contradictory or incongruous terms are used together. Palisade A line of steep cliffs along a river; a defensive barrier Palindrome A word or sentence that reads the same forward and backward. Paltry Trivial; insignificant; worthless. Panacea A cure-all; something with the ability to cure any illness or remedy any disorder. Panache A distinctive flair or style. Parable A brief allegory or story meant to highlight an essential truth. Paramount Supreme; superior; excellent. Paraphernalia One’s possessions; accessory items relating to a particular profession, hobby, or activity. Paraphrase To restate in different words.

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Pariah An outcast; one who is shunned, avoided, or despised. Parody A satirically humorous imitation or mocking interpretation of a well known work, person, or institution. Partake To participate and share in. Partisan Showing a marked inclination or bias. Pate A spread or paste made of liver. Patriarchy A group ruled by a patriarch Patsy Someone who is set up to take the blame of a crime or wrongdoing; one who is framed. Pedant A person who displays learning inappropriately or excessively; also someone who focuses to narrowly on rules and minor details. Peerless Without peer; Penchant A liking or inclination Penury Extreme poverty. Pernicious Harmful or destructive in nature. Perquisite An incidental privilege, other than payment that accompanies a position of responsibility Pestle A tool used to grind substances into a powder in a mortar

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Petrified Scared to the point of losing the ability to move; turned to stone Phantasmagoria A dreamlike, constantly changing series of visions. Phlegmatic Having a calm, unexcitable temperament. Pilfer To take without authorization or permission; to steal Pious Devout; dedicated to God and the practice of one’s faith or religion. Pithy Something very brief but meaningful and concise. Pittance A very small amount. Placard A notice or sign set out on stiff paper or board. Plaintive Expressing sorrow or sadness; mournful Plebeian Everyday, common; reminiscent of or pertaining to persons not part of an elite. Pliable Able to be changed in shape, form, or inclination; capable of being directed or influenced. Plod To trudge along slowly, as if weighed down. Plucky Brave, courage3ous. Poise Stability of outlook or emotional state, especially when facing trying circumstances. Polygamy The societal practice of having more than one spouse.

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Polygraph A machine used in lie detection. Pompous Pretentious; overblown; self-important. Porcine Reminiscent of or pertaining to a pig; resembling a pig. Postern A back or rear door or gate. Prattle Meaningless babble; idle chatter. Precipitous Very steep, as a precipice; rushing away headlong Precept A rule, order, or principle that sets up a standard guide for conduct. Precocious Pertaining to or reminiscent of one who acts in a manner generally expected of an older person. Preeminent Superior to others Preen To perfect one’s appearance Premise The idea or statement that stands as the base of a theory or argument. Prenatal Occurring before childbirth. Preposterous So outlandish as to be unbelievable; incredible Prevalent Occurring often; common.

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Principal First in importance; also the head of an elementary school; also the main performer in a dramatic production. Principle A common truth or law; a standard of behavior. Prodigal Extravagant or wasteful; imprudent Prodigious Impressive in size, impact or stature; amazing Proffer To offer, to tender or volunteer Prosthesis An artificially constructed member meant to replace a damaged or missing part of the human body. Protean Versatile; changing form easily. Proxy One given authority to act on behalf of another. Pundit An educated or authoritative person whose opinion is generally respected. Pungent Powerful or sharp typically with regard to odors or taste. Puny Very little; being small in stature or strength. Purge To free of all that is perceived as bad; to purify or cleanse. Purvey To supply Pusillanimous Cowardly; profoundly lacking in noble qualities of courage and mettle. Pyromaniac One who compulsively sets fires.

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Quaff To drink heavily Quandary A dilemma; a difficult or uncertain situation. Quaver To tremble, shake, or quiver. Quell To subdue; to crush or extinguish; to overcome Quid pro quo A thing given in return for something else; something for something Quirk An idiosyncrasy; an odd behavioral or personality characteristic. Quizzical Puzzled Rabble A mob; a rowdy crowd or disorderly group. Rambunctious Difficult to manage or control; extremely boisterous. Rampage An instance reminiscent of frenzied violence; a destructive period of self-indulgent behavior. Rampant Widespread; unrestrained Rancor Intense ill-will; bitter resentment Rapport A trusting and peaceful mutual relationship Raucous Rowdy; boisterous; disorderly and wild. Also, harsh or grating to the ear. Recidivism Repeated relapse into a past condition or behavior.

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Redoubtable Inspiring wonder or awe; worthy of respect. Redundant Unnecessarily repetitious. Refulgent Radiant Regale To entertain; to delight to provide pleasure Regurgitate To vomit; to cast back again. Reiterate To re-state or say again; to repeat. Relegate To assign or place in a position, often one of low prestige or power; to set out of sight; banish. Relish To enjoy heartily; also a sweet pickle Remand To send back Reminisce To recall the past; to remember Remiss Negligent; unreliable or careless in one’s duties Remonstrate To protest, object or offer disapproval; to offer objection Remuneration Something provided in exchange for goods or services ; payment Rendezvous A meeting; especially, a secret meeting between lovers Renowned Famous or well-known

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Repercussion An echo; reverberation; also, the result of an action, often negative Repose An instance of resting after exercise or strain; also tranquil rest reminiscent of eternal or heavenly ease. Resilient Having the ability to survive; likely to rebound, particularly from hardship Respite A reprieve; an instance of temporary relief. Retort To reply in a shar, sometimes retaliatory fashion; (noun) a biting reply Retraction A formal renunciation of statements considered or determined to be false or injurious to reputation. Revelry Uninhibited celebration Rife Widespread; commonly occurring Riposte A retaliatory remark or retort. Rote Routine or mechanical in fashion; repetitive. Sacrilegious Profane; blasphemous toward something considered holy or sacred. Sagacious Perceptive; showing sound judgment Salient Striking; obvious Sallow Colorless; sickly looking

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Salubrious Healthful; promoting or contributing to good health Sanctimonious Hypocritical; two-faced, especially with regard to matters of morals or religion. Sanguinary Marked by bloodshed Satire A humorous work employing sarcasm or irony in order to ridicule, expose, or make light of a person, institution or place. Scanty Insufficient; noticeably lacking. Schism A division; a break or rupture of relations Schizophrenia A mental condition that often causes sufferers to hallucinate, to be disoriented, and often to withdraw from society Scintilla The smallest imaginable portion. i.e. a scintilla of evidence. Scion A person directly descended from a given line. Scurrilous Offensive to civilized discourse; verbally abusive Secede To withdraw officially and formally from an organization or union; to renounce one’s membership. Seclude To hide or keep apart; to keep in isolation. Secular Not religious in form or content Sedulous Done or crafted with skill, diligence, and care.

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Semantic Related to or having to do with the diverse levels of meaning accompanying words and symbols. Serf A member of the lower feudal class bound to the land in medieval Europe; a slave. Servile Overly eager to serve; slavish. Severance A division; a breaking away, as of a relationship Sheer Absolute; utter. Also: transparent. Shun To keep away from or avoid. Shunt To change the direction of; to divert. Sinuous Curvy, winding; having many turns. Slander An untrue and malicious statement intended to damage the reputation of another. Sluggish Lacking vitality or alertness Snafu An egregious but common mistake . Sociopath A person who, because of mental illness, lacks restraint or moral responsibility toward fellow members of society. Somber Depressing; joyless. Somnolent Tired, sleepy.

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Sonorous Deep or rich in sound; also, overblown or conceited in language. Soporific Anything likely to induce sleep. Spate A sudden outpouring; a flood or deluge Specious Something that appears to be good or right, but upon closer examination is not. Spectral Reminiscent of ghosts or spirits’ gruesome and other worldly. Spiel A long, extravagant argument or speech designed to persuade. Spur To reject with disdain. Squalor The state or quality of being filthy. Staid Serious and dignified Stalemate Any situation in which progress, movement, or negotiation has become impossible. Stanch To stop a liquid’s flow. Stationary Unmoved; fixed in place. Stationery Writing paper. Status quo The existing state of affairs or condition. Staunch Firm in resolution or belief

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Stigmatize To mark as wicked or infamous. Stilted Stiff and forma; rigid and un-spontaneous in nature. Stipend A periodic payment, such as a scholarship or other allowance Stolid Unemotional; impassive. Stopgap A temporary expedient. Stringent Imposing strict standards; rigid Stupefy To make number with amazement; to stun into helplessness Stymie Thwart; to prevent from achieving a goal Subliminal Operating below the level of conscious perception. Subsistence The means required to support one’s existence. Substantiate To provide proof or evidence; to give validity to Subterfuge A misleading ruse or cunning evasion; a strategic avoidance employing deceit. Succinct Brief; pithy; concise. Suffrage The right to vote. Sultry Very hot and mist; characterized by heat. Also, likely to arouse passion or romance.

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Surly Sullen; gruff; morose. Surmise To guess; to come to a conclusion Sustenance Means of supporting life Swelter To suffer from extreme heat Sybarite A person enamored of luxury and pleasure Sycophant One who tries to gain favor by flattering excessively. Sylph A slim, graceful girl or woman. Symposium A meeting; a gathering of experts before an audience where members can ask questions. Taboo Anything deemed absolutely unacceptable or immoral by a social order. Also, forbidden or off limits. Tacit Implied; understood without being openly explained or expressed. Talisman A lucky charm; an engraved object believed to possess occult powers. Tangential Divergent or digressive; only slightly connected to. Taut Tight; firm. Tawdry Cheap and tasteless. Also ostentatious and gaudy. Telegenic Likely to make a good appearance on television.

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Tempera A paint medium popularized during the Renaissance, generally composed of egg, oil, water, and pigment. Temperance Self-restraint; moderation; specifically the act of abstaining from consuming alcohol or other intoxicating substances. Tempestuous Stormy, violent Temporal Pertaining to or limited by time; characteristic of worldly endeavors. Tepid Lukewarm in temperature; also unenthusiastic Terse Pithy; brief; concise Threshold An entranceway; also, the beginning or initiation of anything. Throng A large crowd Tiered Constructed or arranged in layers or levels. Torpid Sluggish; inactive; reminiscent of hibernation Torque Twisting or rotation in a body. Tortuous Winding; full of twists and turns Totalitarian A system of government in which political power is highly centralized in which authorities tolerate no dissent; a government system that controls or dictates many aspects of life. Totter To walk or move with unsteady steps; to sway at ground level.

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Tousle To muss up or dishevel Traduce To slander or defame; to speak falsely of or with malice toward a person. Transcend To rise above common levels. Transgress To violate a principle or moral law. Transient Existing only temporarily; brief; fleeting Triage The procedure of prioritizing victims to determine which will receive medical care first. Trigamy Being married to 3 husbands or 3 wives simultaneously. Tripartite Consisting of three elements; involving three participants. Troubadour A traveling medieval poet and singer; also any wandering singer. Truculent Inclined toward conflict; eager to fight. Truckle To yield lamely or obsequiously. Trumpery Worthless stuff, a thing or things without value; nonsense Truncate To shorten by cutting Tumescent Swollen or beginning to swell. Turncoat One who reverses sides in a conflict or changes principles easily

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Tyranny The abusive and unrestrained exercise of power. Ubiquity The quality of being everywhere Ulterior Being beyond what is obvious or put forth; lying beyond a recognized boundary. Unassuming Modest; humble Unbecoming Unseemly; likely to detract from one’s reputation or character. Unblinking Not displayinig emotion or response. Also: unwavering in devotion. Uncalled-for Improper or unjustified; also, superfluous Uncanny Strange; mysterious or otherwordly. Unceremonious Rude or abrupt; tactlessly hasty; inappropriate Unconscionable Lacking in principles or conscience; beyond any reasonable boundary. Uncouth Crude, without manners, unrefined. Unctuous Oily; falsely and exaggeratedly earnest; unpleasantly smooth. Underdog A person or entity expected to fail or to fare poorly. Underhanded Devious or deceitful in nature; not open, but crafty. Undermine To defeat or destroy, as by sabotage.

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Underwrite To support a by subsidy. Also to support in full as though undertaking oneself. Unequivocal Unmatched; without serious competition Unfaltering Unwavering; steadfast Ungainly Graceless Ungrammatical In violation of grammatical rules. Unimpeachable Exemplary; beyond reproach or suspicion. Unkempt Disheveled or messy; lacking care in aspect or look. Unmitigated Complete and without exception. Unremitting Persistent; relentless. Unsavory Likely to give social or moral offense. Also: unpleasant or distasteful. Unseemly Inappropriate; unbecoming Untenable Impossible; unsupportable. Unwarranted Groundless; lacking factual basis Unwieldy Hard to handle or manage. Unwitting Unaware; unintentional Upheaval

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A sudden, violent change. Uprear To lift or raise up. Upshot A result or outcome Upside The positive aspect of a situation/ Urbane Suave; sophisticated; debonair Usurious Charging excessive interest on money loaned. Uxoricide The crime of murdering one’s wife. Uxorious Submissive or doting towards one’s wife Vacuity Empty; without content Valedictory Saying farewell; of or pertaining to departing. Vanquish To defeat as in combat. Vapid Insipid; flat, dull or lifeless. Vegan A person who eats only vegetables, fruits, and grains and no animal products whatsoever. Venal Susceptible to bribes; corruptible or escessively devoted to selfish interests. Vendetta A bitter feud or grudge.

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Veneer A thin surface layer; a coating; a superficial surface or deceptive appearance. Venial Forgivable; excusable. Veracious Honest; truthful. Vermillion Scarlett red; bright red. Verve A spirited and enthusiastic manner; particularly when embodied in an artistic performance; an air of vitality Vex To irritate or bother Viable Capable of being performed or occurring. Vicissitude A fateful obstacle or turn of events. Vilify To defame; to slander Virtually Existing in effect, although not in actual fact or form. Virtuoso A supremely skilled artist Viscosity The thickness of a liquid. Vociferous Crying out loudly; noisy, especially in anger Volition The mental faculty associated with free will and unhindered, uncoerced choice. Voluble Talkative; gregarious

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Wan Without color; pallid; pale. Wanderlust A strong, innate desire to travel Wane To decrease in size, power, or intensity; to diminish; to decline. Wangle To get one’s own way by using manipulation or clever means. Wary On guard; watchful of danger; leery; suspicious. Waver To move back and forth on an issue before making a final decision; to sway; to quiver or flutter. Whelp The offspring of a female dog or of certain other animals. Whet To stimulate; also to sharpen a knife or a similar object by honing on a stone. Whimsical Fanciful; given to acting on sudden notions or ideas. Wile A clever trick meant to attain a goal. Winsome Pleasant; charming. Withered Shriveled; wrinkled and dried up. Witticism A witty saying or remark. Wont A habit or custom Wrest To take away, to pull away forcefully.

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Xenophobe One who fears anything foreign or different; one who regards people, places, or customs that differ from one’s own as inherently dangerous. Yammer To complain loudly; to whine. Yearling An animal that has entered its second year; also a horse that is one year old. Yore Former days; an era long past. Zest Gusto; vigor; spice; enjoyment.

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