English Project Character Card

CHARACTER CARD Name: Jonas Twelve-Nineteen Nickname: Jonas/ Jonas Bonus Age: A Twelve Assignment: New Receiver of Memory Description: Has Pale eyes, perceptive, determined, responsible, sensitive and intelligent Strengths: He enjoys learning and connecting with other people. Weaknesses: Frustration, confusion and discomfort due to his pale eyes. Quotable Quote: “The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain, it’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.”


character card

Transcript of English Project Character Card

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Name: Jonas Twelve-Nineteen

Nickname: Jonas/ Jonas Bonus

Age: A Twelve

Assignment: New Receiver of Memory

Description: Has Pale eyes, perceptive, determined, responsible, sensitive and intelligent

Strengths: He enjoys learning and connecting with other people.

Weaknesses: Frustration, confusion and discomfort due to his pale eyes.

Quotable Quote: “The worst part of holding the

memories is not the pain, it’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.”

Fun Fact: Jonas has stirrings for Fiona, his friend.

Jonas doesn’t realize that having pale eyes is a

genetic connection that allows him the Capacity to

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See Beyond until he experiences an Apple changing its color.

Name: Not stated (The Giver)Nickname: Giver

Age: Undetermined, appears to be old on physical appearances

Assignment: The Giver of Memory

Description: He is an excellent mentor or teacher. Restraint, patient, has wisdom and stoic acceptance.

Strengths: He is able to hold the Memories where the whole Community depends on.

Weaknesses: Lonely, weary and haunted by painful Memories.

Quotable Quote: The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.”

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Fun Fact: Among the members of the Community, the Giver alone is capable of love, an emotion he experiences with Rosemary, the first child who was selected to be the Receiver, the Giver’s daughter.

Name: Asher Twelve-Four

Nickname: Asher/Ash

Age: A Twelve

Assignment: Assistant Director of Recreation

Description: Asher is fun-loving, humorous, cheerful and a good-natured person.

Strengths: He learns things fast. And he is energetic and sociable.

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Weaknesses: He tends to be clumsy, silly and has poor precision of language and communication.

Famous Line: “ I want to get my smack! “

Fun Fact:

When Asher explains something, he mixes up the words he is saying that it took too long until the person he is talking to gets the point.

Name: Fiona Twelve-Eighteen

Nickname: Fiona

Age: A Twelve

Assignment: Caretaker of the Old

Description: Fiona is always concerned for those people who need care especially the Old.

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Strengths: Fiona is cheerful and very helpful

Weaknesses: Talks too much at times

Quotable Quote: “Oh, there’s lots to learn. There’s administrative work, and the dietary rules, and punishment for disobedience –did you know they use a discipline wand on the Old, the same as for small children?”

Fun Fact: Fiona has red hair, which looked odd to Jonas when he first began to see colors.

Name: Not stated (Lily)Nickname: Lily

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Age: A Seven, the turns into an Eight as Jonas becomes a Twelve at the Ceremony of Twelves

Assignment: No Assignment yet

(Assignments start as a Twelve) Description: Lily speaks her mind and values justice and hardwork. She is bubbly, chirpy and loud.

Strengths: Very straightforward, confident, and courageous when she speaks about her feelings.

Weaknesses: Lily is still young at age

Famous Line: “When I grow up, I want to be a Birthmother!”

Fun Fact: Lily has her comfort object named after her, “Lilly Billy”

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Name: Not stated (Jonas’ Mother)

Nickname: Undetermined

Age: Not stated

Assignment: Works in the Department of Law and Justice

Description: Affectionate and caring mother

Strengths: Smart and gives advices to the whole Family unit

Weaknesses: Overpowering someone and being overpowered

Quotable Quote: “Your father means that you used a very generalized word, so meaningless that it has become almost obsolete”

Fun Fact: Way way smarter than Father, just in an untranquil disposition

Name: Not stated (Jonas’ Father)

Nickname: Not stated (Father)

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Age: Not stated

Assignment: Nurturer

Description: Jonas’ Father has an occasionally independent streak . A shy, quiet yet responsible Father.

Strengths: Considerate, caring, responsible, patient and very diligent

Weaknesses: Has an emotional limit when it comes to release, as they were raised not to view Release as a tragedy, but as a sad occurrence. Sometimes even forgetful.

Famous Line: “Who wants to be the first tonight? For feelings?”

Fun Fact: He agrees with Mother that “Love” is a meaningless and obscure word. The feelings he display towards his children is very much like love, but not “Love”.

Name: Not stated (Chief Elder)

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Nickname: Not stated

Age: Not stated (But may be close to the Giver’s age)

Assignment: The Chief Elder of the Community

Description: Just, tough and obedient when it comes to the rules

Strengths: She is always in control of the Community

Weaknesses: Doesn’t value the importance of freewill

Famous Line: “Thank you for your childhood.”

Fun Fact: She is a woman.