English Dictionary




Transcript of English Dictionary

Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles Highschool

English Dictionary


Jaime Herrera

Manuel Caballero

Juan Sanchezo

Gustavo Goff

Pedro Quintero

Héctor Murgas



Abroad (adjective): to or in a foreign country or countries

Example: We going abroad next month

Accomplish (Verb): to manage to do; achieve

Example: It wants to accomplish his objectives

Anxious (Adjective): worried and tense because of possible misfortune, danger, etc; uneasy

Example: I´m anxious getting my diploma

Appearance(adjective): the act or an instance of appearing, as to the eye, before the public, etc

Example: the appearance of people is descriptive

Assumption (Noun): The taking up of the Virgin Mary (body and soul) into heaven when her earthly life was ended

Example: The christians celebrate the assumption of the virgin Mary

Attempted (Noun): to make an effort (to do something) or to achieve (something).

Example: The attempted is to help

Board(noun): a long wide flat relatively thin piece of sawn timber

Example: I buy a new skateboard for the competition

Borrow(verb): to putt the ball uphill of the direct path to the hole

Example: I borrow your pencil

Branch (Noun): a secondary woody stem arising from the trunk or bough of a tree or the main

stem of a shrub

Example: I want to study a mathematical branch

Break(verb): to crack or become cracked without separating

Example: my friends and I have a break

Clothing (Noun): Something that covers or clothes

Example: I don't have clothing for tomorrow.

Charity(noun): the giving of help, money, food, etc, to those in need

Example: nuns aren’t profess charity

Cross(nouns): structure or symbol consisting essentially of two intersecting lines or pieces at right

angles to one another

Example: would be hard to cross a river

Dear(adjective): beloved; precious

Example: the teacher is very dear

Distress (transitive): to cause mental pain to; upset badly.

Example: I ´m distress because my mom is in the hospital

Drug(adjective): a chemical substance, esp a narcotic, taken for the pleasant effects it produces

Example: would the drug is bad

Dump(verb): to drop, fall, or let fall heavily or in a mass

Example: the people are very dump

Engaged (adjective): pledged to be married; betrothed

Example: I´m engaged with my girlfriend

Entire(adjective): whole; complete: the entire project is going well.

Example: the juice of orange is entire.

Famine (Noun): a severe shortage of food, as through crop failure or overpopulation

Example: In the morning it gets up with a lot of famine

Farmland(noun): land used or suitable for forming.

Example: my grandpa has a farmland there he cultivates rice, corn and other products.

Fix(verb): to attach or place permanently

Example: fix the mirror to the wall

Flame (Noun): A hot usually luminous body of burning gas often containing small incandescent

particles, typically emanating in flickering streams from burning material or produced by a jet of

ignited gas

Example: The flames destroy the forest

Foreign(adjective): of, involving, located in, or coming from another country, area, people, etc: a

foreign resident.

Example: once 90 years ago my grandpa arrived this country, when he arrived he was foreigh and

he had to accustom.

Flight(verb): the act, skill, or manner of flying

Example: I flight to new York

Foreign (adjective): something located at, in, or towards the front

Example: A foreign resident

Gather (Verb): To join something with other one

Example: They gather to make homework

Greet(Verb transitive): to meet or receive with expressions of gladness or welcome.

Example: I greet the principal yesterday.

Getting(verb): to come into possession of; receive or earn.

Example: I´m getting my diploma.

Hire (Verb) : To acquire the temporary use of (a thing) or the services of (a person) in exchange for


Example: I going to hire a gardener.

Homeless (Adjective): Person who does not take place where to sleep

Example: These children are homeless

Homesick (Adjective): depressed or melancholy at being away from home and family

Example: He feels homesick when not this one near the family.

Huge(ADJ): extremely large in size, amount, or scope

Example: the new hospital is huge.

Hurl (Verb): To throw or propel with great force.

Example: He hurls the ball to the net.

Ignoring (Verb): to fail or refuse to notice; disregard

Example: when people try to upset me I ignoring those

Imposing(adjective): grand or impressive: an imposing building

Example: the people are imposing building

Lawn(adjective): a flat and usually level area of mown and cultivated grass

Example: the lawn is very good

Lend(verb): to permit the use of (something) with the expectation of return of the same or an


Example: my mother is lending stories book for my sister for boring to school.

Length(adjective): for a long time; interminably

Example: the book was 600 pages in length

Luggage(noun): suitcases, trunks, etc, containing personal belongings for a journey; baggage.

Example: my luggage lust in the aiport.

Masked(adjective): disguised or covered by or as if by a mask

Example: Halloween masked out in all

Midnight(adjective): the middle of the night; 12 o'clock at night.

Example: I hate when anybody go to home at midnight and it awake me.

Naïve(adjective): having or expressing innocence and credulity; ingenuous

Example: men have been very naïve

Newscaster(noun): a radio or television broadcast of the news

Example: the newscaster states that there will be a storm

Nodded(noun): to lower and raise (the head) briefly, as to indicate agreement, invitation, etc.

Example: my the nodded is the vebuity of the ship.

Orphanage(adjective): an institution for orphans and abandoned children

Example: I don’t have a orphanage

Overspend (Verb): to spend in excess of (one's desires or what one can afford or is allocated)

Example: My sister overspends money in a month.

Passage (Noun): a channel, opening, etc, through or by which a person or thing may pass.

Example: My room has a secret passage.

Peel(verb): to remove (the skin, rind, outer covering, etc) of (a fruit, egg, etc).

Example: he has cancer of peel.

Plenty (Noun): a great number, amount, or quantity

Example: We have plenty of money

Phrases(verb): a group of words forming an immediate syntactic constituent of a clause

Example: I love it when you tell me beautiful phrases

Poor(adjective): lacking financial or other means of subsistence; needy

Example: the people are very poor in these times

Portrait(noun): a verbal description or picture, esp of a person's character

Example: a portrait gallery is necessary

Prove (Verb): to establish or demonstrate the truth or validity of; verify, by using an established

sequence of procedures or statements

Example: I prove the things I say

Proud (adjetive): Feeling honoured or gratified by or as if by some distinction.

Example: I'm proud of the things I did yesterday

Purpose (Noun): The reason for which anything is done, created, or exists

Example: I don't have any purpose for the year

Quaint(ADJ): attractively unusual, esp in an old-fashioned style.

Example: the New York city is quaint.

Rank (noun): a position, esp an official one, within a social organization, esp the armed forces: the

rank of captain.

Example: the captain has more rank on the ship

Rare(ADJ): not widely known; not frequently used or experienced; uncommon or unusual: a rare


Example: that dolphin is rare.

Rebellious(adjective): showing a tendency towards rebellion

Example: the child is very rebellious

Remains(noun): the body of a dead person; corpse

Example: only in the accident were the remains

Research(verb): systematic investigation to establish facts or principles or to collect information on

a subject.

Example: I research my homework on o encyclopedia or on internet.

Rites (noun): A formal act or procedure prescribed or customary in religious ceremonies

Example: Many years ago people do a lot of rites for the gods.

Sad(adjective): feeling sorrow; unhappy

Example: people are sad because don’t have money

Sanctuary(noun): a holy place, a consecrated building or shrine.

Example: the Egypt had their sanctuary, for their ceremony.

Scattered (Verb): To separate and move or cause to separate and move in various directions;


Example: The factory scattered a lot of smoke

Scenery(noun): the natural features of a landscape.

Example: China has a scenery most beautiful of the world.

Scribble(verb): to write or draw in a hasty or illegible manner

Example: my child write scribbles

Script (Noun): the letters, characters, or figures used in writing by hand

Example: We try to understand the scripts in the sarcophagus

Seems(verb): to appear to the mind or eye; look: this seems nice, the car seems to be running well.

Example: I´ll seems do bring the PC for do my homework in my bedroom.

Shake(VB): to move or cause to move up and down or back and forth with short quick

movements; vibrate.

Example: he is shaking the soda.

Shipwreck (Noun): the partial or total destruction of a ship at sea

Example: The shipwreck goes two years ago

Soon(noun): in or after a short time; in a little while; before long.

Example: I will soon back for my house eat I´ll eat my dinner and after I´m going to slop.

Spilled (verbo): when intr, usually followed by from, out of, etc: to fall or cause to fall from or as

from a container, esp unintentionally.

Example: he spill the juice.

Stages (transitive): a distinct step or period of development, growth, or progress.

Example: The stage Balboa is very beautiful.

Stick (noun): a small thin branch of a tree

Example: he is sticking the picture.

Still(adjective): undisturbed or tranquil; silent and calm.

Example: my dad still, he doesn´t do anything.

Stress(noun): special emphasis or significance attached to something

Example: the stress is not good

Sunshine(noun): the light received directly from the sun

Example: the sunshine is very good

Taught(verb): the past tense and past participle of teach.

Example: my father taught my sister how to use the computer.

Treat(noun): a celebration, entertainment, gift, or feast given for or to someone and paid for by


Example: I’m treating solve a problem that I have with my teacher.

Uncomfortable (ADJ): not comfortable.

Example: talk with the mother of my girlfriend is uncomfortable.

Vanisher(verb): to disappear, esp suddenly or mysteriously

Example: the teacher is vanisher

Vase(noun): a vessel used as an ornament or for holding cut flowers

Example: the vase is beautiful.

Walls(noun): a vertical construction made of stone, brick, wood, etc, with a length and height

much greater than its thickness, used to enclose, divide, or support.

Example: the wall is color red. Wandering (Verb): Walk without where about or course

Example: they walk with a constant wandering

Whole(adjective): containing all the component parts necessary to form a total; complete: a

whole apple.

Example: I ate the whole sandwich.