Engl 1221 Putt 2011

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Transcript of Engl 1221 Putt 2011

  • 1. Annotated Bibliography Research Strategies
    ENGL 1221
    Traci Welch Moritz
    Public Services Librarian/Assistant Professor
    Heterick Memorial Library

2. What today is all about
To get
you started
Aid in constructing research strategy for finding resources for annotated bibliography
Find resources in library catalog and databases available
3. How am I going to remember all this stuff she is talking about?
4. Research Guide
5. Annotated Bibliography
Allows you to see what is out there
Helps you narrow your topic and discard any irrelevant materials
Aids in developing the thesis
Makes you a better scholar
6. Research Strategy

  • Start big doing background reading

7. Narrow your topic for a more focused product 8. Research narrowed topic using subject specificdatabases 9. Keep track of bibliographic citations to avoid trouble down the road.Ask a question
10. What do I do first?

  • Take a look at your topic and identify key search terms,Ask a question.

11. Most databases now use an implied boolean logic search scheme so a keyword search will get you started. 12. Boolean logic is the use of AND, NOT, OR to narrow or expand your search 13. See Research Guide for Writing 2WHO CARES?
14. Internet Tools
Arent evil
Can prove valuable
Cant be used as a source
Turn to the databases for source materials
From the University of Wisconsin Library, worksheet for evaluating web sites
15. Internet Tools
Google Scholar
Note: See Google Scholar tab at Research Guide for off campus information
ONU buys
Google asks
to link to
Google to
link to full-text
Run Google Scholar
ONU user sees
licensed full-text
16. What do I do next
17. What do I do next ?
Keyword search for
18. Databases
A.Academic Search Premier
Proquest Nursing
Opposing Viewpoints
19. General Database
Academic Search Complete
Scholarly journals, peer reviewed articles
20. General Database
Lexis Nexis Academic
21. Subject Specific Database
22. Subject Specific Database
ProQuest Nursing
23. Subject Specific Database
Opposing viewpoints
24. Bibliographic Citation Software
Tab at Research Guide for instructions on how to get your free lifetime account.
25. Managing Information - RefWorks
Licensed state-wide, access free to Ohio students up to 6 months after leaving ONU
See: http://0-www.refworks.com.polar.onu.edu/
Write n Cite interfaces with MS Word
Excellent Tutorials
Help available at Heterick
See p: drive for info on exporting from ISI to RefWorks
26. Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Use when you need a book or article that is not available online, not owned by ONU or available via OhioLINK
No charge/ limit on requests
Most requests take 5-7 days to fill
Use ILL form on library web pages.