Enabling Customer Centric Capabilities in the Front Lines



Presentation originally delivered at the 2013 Allegiance VOC Fusion conference illustrates how impactful front line customer care agents are on business performance, and what steps can be taken to maximizing business performance through agent VoC, coaching, development, and performance management.

Transcript of Enabling Customer Centric Capabilities in the Front Lines

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Key Objectives

• Demonstrate the impact of CX on your business

• Show the influence of agent interaction quality on CX

• Teach you steps for maximizing business performance through agent VoC

• Provide instruction beyond coaching and performance management

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Our Experience Shapes Our View

• Operational focus vs. customer experience or relationship focus

• Lack of investment in technology, process, training and resources

• Introduction of non-standard processes to capture additional revenue

• Transfer support requirements to the customer under the guise of “Self Service”

Have you heard this one…

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Customer ExperienceSpiral

© 2013 Customer Centered Strategies, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

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Customer ExperienceDrives Revenue

of consumers are willing to pay more money for better customer service.(Amex, 2012 Global Customer Service Barometer)

of consumers claim that they have spent more money for better customer service.(Amex, 2012 Global CustomerService Barometer)

Companies that rate higher than the peers as measured by the American Customer Satisfaction Index have market caps up to double their industry peers (Contact Babel, US Contact Center Decision Makers Guide 2013)



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How Bad Customer ExperienceCan Destroy Your Business

of people who intended to conduct a business transaction or make a purchase but decided not to based on a poor customer service experience (AmEx, 2012 Global Customer Service Barometer)

of customers stop doing business with an organization after a single bad experience (Right Now and Harris Interactive Customer Experience Impact Report 2011)

Poor customer service costs American businesses $83 billion dollars a year in lost profits (Genesys & Datamonitor/Ovum, The Cost of Poor Customer Service: The Economic Impact of the Customer Experience in the U.S., 2009)




© 2013 Customer Centered Strategies, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

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So…How Are We Responding?

of companies believe they deliver a superior customer service, but only 8% of their customers agree (Bain & Company, Closing the Delivery Gap, 2005)


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Front Line Agents Significantly Influence Customer Experience

leave because of rude customer service people (AmEx, 2012 Global Customer Service Barometer)33%

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The Difference for Customers

Customer Situation Re-Purchase Probability

Product with problems and an ineffective Customer Care Center


Product with problems and an effective Customer Care Center


Product with NO problems

Source: Benchmark Portal Inc. / Purdue University


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Big C vs. Little CWhat's the Difference?

• CSAT is the sentiment a customer develops with your company as a result of the end to end experience they have with you

• cSAT is the sentiment a customer develops with your front line agents

© 2013 Customer Centered Strategies, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

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Creating VoCfor the Front Lines

Leverage transactional surveys with specific agent quality questions

Survey launch by the CRM, not the agent

Track VoC to individual transaction and agent

Holistic program for customer response

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Using Agent VoCfor Performance Management

Define customer facing metrics that matterEstablish metric baseline for agents

Create target objectives / metrics for agents

Employ balancing metrics

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Using Agent VoC for Coaching

Leverage agent VoC as a motivator

Employ public recognition

Establish critical thresholds that when breached required immediate coaching or corrective feedback

Conduct periodic performance reviews that include agent feedback

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Agent Training

Implement Training Programs That Create Stellar CX

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Anything Else Getting in the Way?

Customer think, Customer Experience Research Results and Actionable Take-aways, 2013

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Additional Steps to Improved Agent Interaction CX

Understand root causes of agent performance and behavior

Provide agents with necessary tools and automation required to meet customer and business expectations

Obliterate inconsistent structures, departmental goals and incentive systems

Leverage change management to create a customer centric culture at all levels

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Customer Experience Transformation

Winning through customer experience

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