Employment Record

Santiago Zabalgoitia Villalobos Av. Toltecas #166, A1216 Mexico D.F. 01180 Cellphone: +52-55-4346-6303 Email: [email protected] Curriculum Vitæ 10th semester student of Mechatronics Engineering at the Instituto Technológico y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) Mexico City campus (Graduating December 2016). Relevant experience: Internship at watch service and repair center. One year internship at Holzer y Cia. S.A. de C.V. A company specialised in importing and distributing watches like Omega and Patek Philippe amongst others. They also repair and service these and all other mechanical watches. I’ve learnt how they operate, the technical and mechanical limitations of these machines, how to fix them and to ensure proper functioning that abides by their standards. Most importantly, I learnt to dedicate my full knowledge, skills and learning abilities to produce work on par with haute horlogerie quality. Team development of sun guided machine. Along with a team of three other engineering students we have developed a sun following machine which requieres no electrical components (microcontrollers or motors). It works by focusing a point towards the sun relative to the horizon using only mechanical components and potential gravitational energy (weights). The practical application of this machine is to allow a solar panel or a parabola with a heat driven engine (stirling engine) to follow solar light without requiring electricity from other sources. Thus, all of the energy gained by the solar panel can be applied to its original purposes. This device can be effectively deployed in developing countries or in places where energy is very expensive or unavailable. Team leader in the development of machine for working out and solving mathematics for visually impaired. Along with a few classmates (and independently from our university) we are currently working on developing a machine that functions as a tool to substitute pen and paper focused on math solving for the visually impaired. With the objetive of helping everyone and anyone be able to carry out, solve and do maths regardless of their physical abilities. This project began because there is no standard nomenclature for maths in braille. Informal watch purchase and selling business. During and after my internship I employed the skills and knowledge acquired to buy, fixed and sell watches from brands like Baume et Mercier, Jaeger LeCoultre, Girard-Perregaux for a profit. With this, I developed business skills and independence and I relied only on myself to sell and repair them. I also developed an understanding of financial responsibility.

Transcript of Employment Record

Page 1: Employment Record

Santiago Zabalgoitia Villalobos Av. Toltecas #166, A1216 Mexico D.F. 01180 Cellphone: +52-55-4346-6303 Email: [email protected]

Curriculum Vitæ

10th semester student of Mechatronics Engineering at the Instituto Technológico y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) Mexico City campus (Graduating December 2016).

Relevant experience: • Internship at watch service and repair center.

One year internship at Holzer y Cia. S.A. de C.V. A company specialised in importing and distributing watches like Omega and Patek Philippe amongst others. They also repair and service these and all other mechanical watches. I’ve learnt how they operate, the technical and mechanical limitations of these machines, how to fix them and to ensure proper functioning that abides by their standards. Most importantly, I learnt to dedicate my full knowledge, skills and learning abilities to produce work on par with haute horlogerie quality.

• Team development of sun guided machine. Along with a team of three other engineering students we have developed a sun following machine which requieres no electrical components (microcontrollers or motors). It works by focusing a point towards the sun relative to the horizon using only mechanical components and potential gravitational energy (weights). The practical application of this machine is to allow a solar panel or a parabola with a heat driven engine (stirling engine) to follow solar light without requiring electricity from other sources. Thus, all of the energy gained by the solar panel can be applied to its original purposes. This device can be effectively deployed in developing countries or in places where energy is very expensive or unavailable.

• Team leader in the development of machine for working out and solving mathematics for visually impaired. Along with a few classmates (and independently from our university) we are currently working on developing a machine that functions as a tool to substitute pen and paper focused on math solving for the visually impaired. With the objetive of helping everyone and anyone be able to carry out, solve and do maths regardless of their physical abilities. This project began because there is no standard nomenclature for maths in braille.

• Informal watch purchase and selling business. During and after my internship I employed the skills and knowledge acquired to buy, fixed and sell watches from brands like Baume et Mercier, Jaeger LeCoultre, Girard-Perregaux for a profit. With this, I developed business skills and independence and I relied only on myself to sell and repair them. I also developed an understanding of financial responsibility.

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• Destination Imagination Rio de Janeiro 2006 1st Place. Along with a team of 6 other students and a teacher, when I was 13 years old, we contested and won the first prize in Inside DImension at the Rio de Janeiro Destination Imagination 2006 contest.

Previous Education: • International Baccalaureate at The Edron Academy (higher level Physics, higher level

math, higher level Business and Management and standard level chemistry).

• Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate for Secondary Education) at The Edron Academy.

• Middle school at the American Cooperative School, La Paz Bolivia.

• Horace Mann Elementary School in Washington D.C.

Advanced Skills: • Programming language skills for Python and Matlab.

• Understanding and use of Siemens NX, Siemens Step7 and NI LabView.

• Numeric methods.

• Mechanics, electronics, automatisation, digital and analog control, programming.

• Sensor implementation and control with Arduino, Siemens PLCs and Atmel microcontrollers.

• Outstanding english and spanish reading, speaking and writing skills.

• Excellent visual-spatial abilities.

• Great mathematical-analytical skills.

Life Experiences: • World culture. I have lived in Madrid, Spain; Washington DC, USA; Mexico City and La Paz,

Bolivia. I have also traveled most of the american continent and most states in my country, not as a tourist but as a traveler.

• Every four years or so I have had to move to a new country and make new friends. I have learnt from a young age to adapt to new cultures and lifestyles. To always acknowledge that my social and cultural standards are not to be considered dogmas. I am not afraid to explore.

• I have lived independently for more than two years and can take care of myself.

Interests: • Haute Horlogerie. I consider this to be my greatest passion. • Rock climbing. A good outdoor activity for stress relief. • Paintball. An activity that relies heavily on teamwork and leadership for success. • Puzzle and sandbox video games. (Portal, Minecraft and SimplePlanes).

Referrals: Provided upon request.

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